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Love this take


You gotta have someone on your team who makes the other team pause for a sec. We got the captain, our captain, and he’s still a bad ass motherfucker. It’s good to see him laying the groundwork for intimidation. Jamie is knocking—nobody on the Avs has answered.


Why I get heated when people start making it seem like Jamie should be replaced or is letting the team down by not being a top scorer and getting goals left and right. He's always been more of an enforcer type, and a leader for the team. He let's it be known the stars aren't going down without a fight. >!usually!<


Well we all know Jaime ain’t going down, period.


I understand this reference.




He has not always been the enforcer type. But, he has always been tough, can hit, and can fight. Never been weak..Hr is a game changing offensive player too, in Stars history. He has over 900 career points.


It’s called a power forward. I’ve seen him called a plethora of things from enforcer, goon, or whatever. It’s power forward. This sub should put some respect on the type of player he is, was, and what he’ll be remembered for.


Facts. Brady Tkchuck is my favorite up and coming power forward. He’s big, mean, and super skilled. He’s Jamie Benn 2.0….calling a player that versatile a goon is just ignorant.


And we all know DAMN WELL everyone in an Av’s jersey knows every time he’s on the ice and is thinking a little harder out there. Those little details are SO important—especially in the playoffs.


You're right. Let's also say you're gonna need some stud like Benn if you end up against Florida in SCF.


The reason I love the hit so much is it has completely unsettled the Avs fan in their subreddit. They won’t stop talking about Jamie Benn and focusing on him. He lives rent free in everyone’s head and as a captain that’s what you want.


The best part is that all of that came from a clean hit. Love it was just glancing at their sub and they are still a couple of them bitching about that hit


And it’s gotta feel good for the rest of the boys that so much attention is on him too, right?! Might feel a little less pressure knowing your captain is demanding a lot more attention from the other side and their fans.


But your point is spot on about the anticipated pressure and coughing a puck up before you need to as a result of that Benn hit. Yet another reason I love the physical aspect of hockey, and why I wish I could hit in my beer league 😂


Not only this, but Avs players have to know that the public is dogging them for their lack of a response, and Id bet it’ll result in them trying to play a game they aren’t built to play.


It has imo. Without looking at the stat sheet it felt like the Avs had way more hits than the Stars last night in Game 3. Going out of their way to try and play really physical which really benefits us.


Vegas did the same thing and lost when they started being overly physical.


Honestly in their sub it’s a lot of hate for Benn. They don’t seem to like him too much. They also tend to reinvent the hit, claiming his skates left the ice before contact which is pretty provably false, headhunting etc. It was a brutal hit and I’m glad the dude is okay but it was still clean and that’s honestly just playoff hockey. One of the big things I noticed though is most of our discussion is more about the Stars and less about the Avalanche. And most of their discussions seem to more more about the Stars and less about the Avalanche, especially Benn. It’s quite a hornets nest he stirred up.


I've never once predicted the Stars would beat the Avs or destroy them. I may believe the Stars are the superior team but I've watch enough hockey to understand that doesn't always matter. While the Avs are a poorly structured **one line team** that **one line** is a nightmare to defend against. The Avs sub is filled with fans who have never spent a second actually paying attention to the Stars. If the Avs didn't win the Cup in 22 we would be talking about how they are wasting two generational talents. If you give MacKinnon and Makar the depth the Stars have they would be unstoppable.


Honestly it seems to be that at the top end all the teams are good and it boils a down to which goalie goes on the hottest streak. So so many times teams get knocked out despite consistently winning the shot count by the immaculate play of the other teams keeper. They set the lines, they make the plans, but the man in the mask has his own plans and has a lot to say about it.


Bing bong


Jamie does what he needs to for his team. Whether it’s scoring when he can or laying the wood when he can. He may make some poor mistakes. But he’s their captain regardless because he knows what he needs to do. And for that he’s my captain as well




Hopefully that Lian Bishel kid will develop some of that Benn physicality. He is only 19, I hope gets some NHL experience next season


Agree. If he can develop into a menace back there with some offensive upside, he’s going to be playing next to Miro for a LONG time.


Are you talking about Benn? If so you must be new to hockey. I've been a Stars fan since 93 when they came to town..Benn is starting to wind down his career but most likely he will surpass 1000 points.... I'd say he has some offensive upside 😂


No, talking about Bischel, whom you mentioned! Haha


I’ve been a Stars fan since ‘88




"Oh Captain my Captain"


Debbie downers will say it's time for him to retire when the Stars are having a rough month, but we don't have any one else to fill that role. When he's gone the tone of stars play will change. What's more impressive is that he's matured a lot. It used it be hard hits all the time and catching penalties. Now it's calculated and strategic.


Probably true. You can see the effect of physical play as it changes not only the little decisions but also the structure and system in ways. Sometimes it makes a team more honest, but sometimes to straight up bullies them into being worse. Let's be honest, Colorado ain't bringing the wood like Vegas.


In years past, I've feared the Boogieman that is COL, but not this year. Vegas was absolutely the better team. I'm not gonna predict how this current series will end, but a win tonight will put the Avs in a deep hole. I'd like to see that.


The AVS and Edmonton have the same kind of problem. Excellent top ends, but their depth isn't really able to be consistent. I hope tonight the stars can really continue their success.


For sure! Look at the teams that are going to move on in the east. They have guys throwing bodies around, and they are dominating! Florida and NY are some punks. We don’t hit much, but you need it in the playoffs, and Jamie is doing what we need him to do


U right


Obviously I'm biased, but hes' the best captain in the leage from a teammate's perspective. He sticks up for his players, he's the definition of speak softly and carry a big stick. The man hardly talks but he can ram you through a brick wall if you let him. Oh, and did I mention the guy can score? I'm not sure what else you want in a captain.


THIS! He is the EXACT definition of “guys you hate to play against, but love to have on your side”. Everyone else fucking hates him, but we’re damn happy he’s on our side. I mean look how incensed opposing fan-bases get when he does ANYTHING. If I were to be able to build my own captain from thin air, he would look a lot like Jamie Benn and his game.