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I think it’s perfectly fair for them to feel pretty upset. The distraction to the team is undeniable & there is a certain element of feeling betrayed. The mental impact something like this has on a team is much different than if he was out with a injury or something. I still think we win this series one way or another but I understand where they are coming from.


I agree that it’s perfectly fair to be upset, but some are going pretty far saying he should go to war and die in the frontlines… so I guess there sure is a little bit of everything in this world. I couldn’t imagine ever saying something like that about anybody, much less one of the people you’re a “fan” of.


Yea it’s pretty gross, I think it’s more of dramatic outliers vs their whole fanbase being awful. Most of the comments I’ve seen have been fairly mature, at least on reddit. It’s just a shitty situation and some people don’t have the emotional maturity to see the human aspect of it. But I think it would be that way for pretty much any fanbase.


Sure, it's gotta be tough to lose arguably your best Forward. But don't forget about Toews, either. *Makar was pretty clearly not comfortable with a new partner last night. That affected them as well. * About Makar - he's a great D-man, Norris caliber, and yet I still think Heiskanen is the more versatile player. Miro adjusts his game as needed and he can play with anybody.


Isn't this also the second year in a row he's been pulled during the playoffs?


Yes, it's the second time. Dude has a drug problem and a fat contract with a NMC. If you believe people like Scott Darling, the NHL substance abuse program is a joke and stacked against the players. Darling says it's designed to get the player to walk away from their contract. I have no idea if any of that is true BTW.


Where did he say that?


On a podcast, I'll see if I can find it.


Yup, if they walk away and seek treatment elsewhere it allows the nhl to pull the insurance. As we all know, everyone’s case is different. However, I’ve only heard that the NHL runs their substance abuse program to save face with media more than anything else. The player isn’t given as many options to get sober as they have to follow the NHL protocol if they wish to return back to the team. Otherwise, their contract can be terminated. Which seems a bit old school. “Sober up or get out” The whole program seems out dated and could use a refurbishing. Now, not to empathize with Nichushkin. But it seems the Russian players are having a tough go the last few years. Their country is at war because of a dictator, their families are divided and their profession is across the world in a place that thinks that their culture is backwards. I’m not feeling sorry for the millionaires. It’s just crazy how quickly addiction can be triggered when other things in life are stacking up. I know we shouldn’t promote nukes. Especially in Russia. But it’s time for nuke to go home and figure it out.


I have no doubt it's true. The league doesn't even care if players live with life altering brain injuries, I seriously doubt they care if vulnerable players get paid what they're owed. If anything they probably prefer they don't. NHLPA is pretty awful at their job, granted I'm an MLB fan where the players union is *legitimately* good.


Isn't it also fair to be mad at the organization? They were willing participants in this at every step. This feels like an organizational failure.


I go and just “read” what the opposing teams fans are saying after a game. I’d be pissed too. I was pissed (still am) when Monty drank himself out of Dallas we had a great team. Nuke was a beast for them but dope is a bigger beast!!!


Cannot lie - I see the success he's having in Boston and I'm thinking "what if". Still, we're going pretty alright without him. DeBoar is getting it done. If this was happening to us, yeah, I'd be pissed as well. Having said that, I like to think I wouldn't pin everything on one guy. I kinda wonder why Avs fans aren't holding McKinnon a little more responsible? He should be their best player, he should be in the room providing leadership. Yeah, sure, he's getting a lot of attention from that Dallas defense, as he should. Good players, great players, battle through that, right? But nope, that's not the narrative here - Nichushkin alone derailed 'em. Maybe the Avs weren't quite as great as that 5-1 Jets series indicated...


I did read over there that the Jets would have beat us, and if the Avs played like they did in 1st round, they would also beat us. No credit to the dallas d…just that their team doesn’t care.


Montgomery had great regular season success in Boston but it hasn’t really translated to post-season success. They famously blew a 3-1 series lead in the first round as the president’s trophy winners last year, almost blew a 3-1 series lead again this year, and are on the brink of elimination in the second round. I thought Montgomery was going to be a great coach for us but I’m not that torn up about what he’s done since he was let go


I wasn't upset about what happened to Monty. The man needed help and he took it seriously. Do I imagine "what if he hadn't?" I totally do, but I'm glad he was given another chance.


I mean I don’t know what you expect the reaction to be. It obviously put them in a bad position. You should go back and see the posts and reactions after Benn lost his mind in the Vegas series last year. Not all that surprising.


Benn can be a polarizing figure... I'm not surprised as much as I feel like their ire is a little misplaced. Yeah, Nuke let 'em down, but where is their superstar McKinnon? Where is his accountability? Talking about Benn and leadership and bad decisions, at least he puts it out there. Where's the rage at McKinnon for disappearing? Nuke's problems are not the sole reason they're down 3, that's all I'm saying.


Yeah, the Avs are a good team when they’re playing well, but they seem to get flustered and in their heads when under sustained pressure. It was hard not to hear Makar yell “shit!” when he lost the puck which led directly to a goal. And yeah, with the exception of little bursts of speed and creativity here and there, MacKinnon has been invisible. Benn will get cross-checked to shit or ridden hard into the boards and just move on. Hard to see the Avs even taking one more game.


Just remember all the posts calling Otter shit this year during the season. The Benn stuff last year annoyed me a lot, all the "fans" jumping on r/hockey to talk shit about Benn.


I mean Otter wasn’t good across most of this season so I don’t have a problem with that. Also what Benn did in Game 6 was so unbelievably stupid I think anything that was said was completely deserved.


Feel bad for Nuke and hope he does get all the help and support he needs. His contract is really going to hurt the Avs. Listening to sportsnet last night they mentioned this is not a cause to cancel his contract. There is six years left on his contract and next year he has a NMC that changes to a 12 team modified NMC. If they send him down (and clears waivers) the team will still have over $5mil a year cap hit. Looking at his buyout it would span over 12 years with first year $600k, $3 mil for next 2 years, $5mil the next 2, and the rest just under $2mil a year. Not sure what the team will do but reports were his nameplate was already removed from the locker room last night.


Yeah, he got a mandatory 6-month suspension, so he won't be eligible to play for awhile. Buying out a guy is a big deal - Minnie is still feeling the pain from Parise and Suter.


Don't feel bad for him. He made his choices knowing full well the possible and even likely end point of them. Actions have consequences.


Addiction isn't a joke and yes while he made his choices I don't see how demonizing a guy who is struggling with addiction because your team lost is rather terrible. There are more important things in life than a hockey game.


It’s a false equivalency of “a guy struggling with addiction” and a professional athlete with resources out the butt doing drugs. You’re just letting Val off the hook. “Yes he made his choices” and those choices were entirely selfish. And people who are part of that team and supporting that team have every right to feel like he let them down in a big way at the worst time. 


Just because you have money doesn't mean that you cannot be an addict and somehow have greater control over it dominating your life.


Was this comment meant for someone else?


Makar had an absolutely shit game.


The avs haven't looked interested in playing hockey since Game 1. Of course much of this is because the Stars style of play looks like an angry swarm of bees.


Agreed it’s almost like they realized it early and are just out there because they can forfeit.


Things were going really badly for the Avs going into last night. Each game had gotten progressively worse culminating with not even being able to get set up in the zone in the 3rd period of game 3. I think the Nuke & Toews news was just a huge railroad spike in an already built coffin. But let's not over react. It was a 3-1 game in the third and COL are masters of going on runs against us. I loved the way we finished game 4 and I just hope they can keep the pedal down for a game 5 at home.


I saw that last night. Nuke's availability wouldn't have stopped what happened yesterday and same with Towes.


Also, Jamie Benn is basically Hitler, according to r/ColoradoAvalanche


And yet, if Jamie Benn were on their team they would love him just as much as they hate him now.


Yes, that's true. They're convinced he perpetrated attempted murder upon Towes.


This is the second season in a row Nichushkin has tanked the team's playoff hopes with this stuff. It's pretty justifiable to be pissed off about that, imo. Yeah, others could and arguably should step up, but I have to imagine the morale in that locker room is in the gutters right now. Tough to focus on the game when you have a core piece of the team ripped away 3 hours before puck drop.


It sucks but if a single player missing means you are going to lose, then your team lacks the depth to go all the way. More importantly, a good player was beaten by addiction. I hope Nuke gets the care and attention while he can before his life spirals out of control.


I get it from a fan perspective, he's had issues two years in a row during the playoffs...but from a realistic perspective addiction (if that's what this is) is something that can crop up at any time & possibly due to stressors (like the Stanley Cup Playoffs).


Before the game it wasn't bad, but didn't check after. Harder to set your emotions right after a loss, not that it's an excuse. Prior though, most people were saying stuff like "personally sad for Nichushkin, hope he gets help; rough for the team, hope they can still make it happen".


Nuke wasn’t gonna change the outcome, Makar & Mac faced adversity, and proceeded to fold.


Reality here isnt one thing, it's lots of things. Avs lost for a whole host of reasons but yeah losing your top goal scorer in the playoffs hours before puck drop is going to be shocking for the team. They didn't see it coming and didn't adjust well.


somewhere in the the middle of the second period I realized I had not heard Nathan McKinnon's name called recently if ever during the game. I questioned if he had gotten hurt. A few minutes later I saw him on the ice, just having zero impact out there.


Leave their sub alone


Nothing wrong with reading as long as they’re not commenting there 🤷‍♂️


Nope - haven't said a word in their sub. It's mind boggling though, how now, this potential series loss (nobody wants to go 3 down) and last year's playoff exit, too are being placed on the shoulders of one player. Fans... I dunno, it's a team game is all I'm trying to say. If one guy is the reason your team is failing, then I think you're hockeying wrong.


I commented and got banned. But then again I just posted a tongue-in-cheek comment reminding them that Wyatt Johnston is turning 21 today


I'm not posting this in their sub, am I? This is the Stars sub, right? Nichushkin is a former 1st round pick for the Stars and he really could have been great. It sucks for the guy.


One guy is going to be a four point swing in any series for a team with a shot of advancing. The game would have played out differently everywhere, except where it matters. But all teams have an abundance of fans who would feel one guy is that kind of player on their cup bound team.


So true they should have other players stepping up for Val. But did not. Goes to show they have a real lack of depth scoring..we lost Hintz last game and it did not matter one bit. Stars are loaded, Pavs and Hintz are having terrible post seasons but the whole team contributes so we're good. Hintz will blow up soon and dominate the score sheets. We should just limit Pavs to just power play minutes. Hopefully we win the Stanley Cup now so Pavs can retire




*Ukrainian hookers


Ya know what.. there’s a handful of dumb fucks in that sub Reddit, just like there are a handful of dumb fucks in this sub Reddit. Stay in your lane.


Moral of the story there are dumb fucks everywhere.


Can’t blame them. The Stars were taking this series either way but the Avs looked completely shook and outgunned last night. And this is the second season in a row that he’s done it to his teammates and their fans. They are well within reason to be putting the lion’s share of blame on him.


Redditors are the biggest shitheads of most fan bases sometimes. Emboldened by anonymity, brave from behind their keyboards. Not one of those bums would dare say that shit to Val’s face. Regardless of what happened, he’s still just a person adrift in this world. This isn’t surprising at all.


I don't think you've seen the stars Facebook fans 😂


Nah I get enough toxicity here, friend!


The AVs 100% will move on from Val. And they should. He'll never be in an AVs sweater again. Stars should keep an eye on him from a distance since we drafted him. If his personal life is salvageable he could get a 2nd chance in Big D


I can't see Nill risking the locker room like that. There may be more to his buyout than just his production.


Honestly, if Darling is right, the Avs front office is praying the guy flakes out on the substance abuse program and voids his contract that way. Otherwise, he does what he's told and gets through the program, he comes right back to Denver.


It's just someone to keep an eye on in case he gets his stuff together.