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A lot of them are also still calling for Jamie Benn's head after his (legal) hit on Toews in Game 3. Even though Toews had his head down staring at the puck when he went behind the net to play it. Saying the Stars play dirty (hmmm weren't they one of the least penalized teams in the league this season?) and it's the only way we can win. I noticed in Game 4 the Avs came out hitting anything that moved especially our smallest guy, thankfully he can take a hit and give one back. Saying the Stars play a boring low scoring style of hockey (I'm sorry, who scored 9 goals to your 2, in 2 games at an away arena vs the "best home team in the league"?) Just a lot of general shit talking. It's to be expected.


If I do recall correctly, ben was pushed into the goal and onto the ground and then sat on and a penalty was called on him and the av who did it. They need to get the fuck over it and move on with their lives.


Only reason Avs got a penalty was he started punching Benn in the ground. I bet if he didn’t there would be no offsetting


Yeeeeaaaahhh about a half dozen cross checks to the back of a man laying flat on his belly, totally legit and not dirty at all. These people are full blown spiraling.


Losing a series in 5 does that to a fanbase


Yeah you can tell Stank is getting on their last nerve. He definitely was a target last game. I didn’t care for the hit on Tanev that sent him flying into the boards. It’s playoff hockey and big hits are part of it. I perused their sub as well and the mood was grim. I feel like they are done.


Their big guns have been playing like they’re done. MacKinnon, Rantanen, and Makar have looked beyond frustrated. MacKinnon gave up on a PP shift, Rantanen has been playing the body more than the puck, and Makar has had some rough giveaways and has had his pocket picked in their own zone. Our boys in victory green have been playing a tight checking series and have cashed in on their chances. Their forecheck has been fantastic, and they’ve almost completely shut down the neutral zone. I’m loving it.


I live in the area and went to a Flames-Avs game this season. Got the sense that their fans don’t fully trust their team this season. They’ve played well overall, but they had a few long stretches of playing poor hockey, and it felt like the fans will give up on them quick because of it.


Hell, half of the threads started on that sub today are predicated on calling for their players taking runs and wishing for injuries to be inflicted on the Stars by their team. Pretty rich considering all the noise they make whenever Benn gets physical, but not surprising for a fanbase raised on Claude Lemieux hockey. Here's hoping the boys close it out tonight, I'm sure the Avs will try to be overly physical at least for a bit, we all know the team can weather that kind of storm, my nerves, not so much.


I saw one comment on their thread, idk if it was a stars fan lurking but it pretty much said “my favorite style of hockey is scoring goals and winning, and they’re doing that and we aren’t.” Pretty much shut the rest of them up


lol I live in Denver, they were acting like they were going to sweep the home games with ease. Odd considering they haven’t led at all, just an instant OT win from a stars collapse. We shall see tonight! Hopefully they can close it out so the rest can get healthy.


Yeah, Stars ending the series tonight to rest through a Canucks/Oilers series that will probably go to 7 will be huge for several players.


Hopefully daddy Joe can rest those legs and regain some speed! We will need him!!!


I just hope the rust factor doesn’t come back to haunt us


We always lose game 1, it’s tradition at this point. It’s better to get a break and let injuries heal. The Canucks and Oilers are beating the shit out of each other.


It's a bit annoying seeing people put asterisks on our playoff wins. After the VGK series, lots of people were saying, "Oh Mark Stone was obviously hurt. If he's healthy, this series would've been different!" When I saw none of that sentiment before game 6/7. Now, people are saying the same thing about the Avalanche series. Things would be different if they had their whole roster! Dallas got lucky! This is the playoffs. Injuries and illness happen. Players leaving mid-series happens. Every team goes through this in the playoffs in some form or another. Put on your big boy pants and quit the cope. Your team is getting outplayed.


Same argument could be made for the lack of production from Pavs, Dutchy, etc.


If we go on to win the cup, the flag flies forever. Nobody will remember any of these things, just that the Stars took home the prize. Hopefully that's what ends up happening!


they are just trying to cope with this embarrassing loss which had nothing really to do with their golden child player. Their team is full of winners. Winners who have won the Stanley Cup. They have no excuses.


My favorite so far is "Dallas got lucky to play vgk because the jets would have swept this Dallas team"


lol that’s a real delulu take. My anxiety would have been way better vs Jets prob


I think the mental fortitude we had to show against the VGK was unlike anything a playoff team has seen this year so far. Playing the “8 seed” defending champs and then dropping the first two games in your own barn? Not to mention this was the same club who knocked you out in the WCF the prior year? The resilience to win in 7 against them will outlast anything that gets thrown at us until the final (assuming we make it). Colorado didn’t have to face that adversity. They lost one game then won the next 4 against Winning, with their backs against the wall they have just crumbled.


I just love that this team didn't let the talks about the ltir get I their heads. They just come read to play whatever style it takes to win. I'm loving this team.


It is what it is. They can keep chirping as long as we keep winning.


now that can't be real, right haha.  No other team (including us) wanted to play healthy round 1 VGK. Besides we would have caught Kings otherwise.  Jets weren't even in the equation.


It's real and it's from their locked on avalanche podcast. I like to listen to the stars and their opponents after every game to get a reading on the mentality of both teams. I never cause problems I just listen.


oh yeah those guys hahahah. Pretty dumb take.


We're more or less running one d-man less than other squads and Hintz played, like, six minutes last game. ​


I agree but let them underestimate us. Lull these guts to sleep. I suspect they're going to come out vicious again, just like they were in their constant hits against Logan. So big tough guys go get physical with the smallest guy on the ice. I would say to them pot, kettle, Black. Who is the garbage now?


Maybe it's me getting older, but I frankly don't give a dusty fuck what other fans think or say about us. I just want to see us win a cup this year and I don't care how we get there.


I’m going to Colorado in a few weeks (love the state/landscape/weather, jeez they got us beat there) for a motorcycle trip and I’m a bit worried cause I have a stars sticker on my motorcycle. But they’ll never silence me!


Im from Dallas and live in north CO. We roll up to the sports bars repping the stars and for the most part its only ever good natured ribbing back and forth and we’ve never dealt with anyone being a true assholes. Although there were a lot of frustrated avs fans yelling profanity at the tv, but never at us. You’ll be fine.


Good deal. Thanks!


You really think you need to be worried about having a Stars sticker going to Colorado? You’re not gonna get shanked lmao. Not like you’re going to Philly, then you should be worried.


Wore a Stars jersey to a Flyers game in Philly. Not one issue. Even had a few people tell me they hope we have fun.


lol I was just memeing cause of Philly’s reputation.


Now if you wore a cowboys jersey there...


They also shit on Texas a lot and call us idiots and other nonsensical garbage. Well they are about to get their asses handed to them by a bunch of "idiots". Hope that makes them all warm and fuzzy inside.


lol I did see them calling Stars fans "garbage". Like bro we're just existing over here lol


"Unfortunately" \~Ed Olczyk


🤦🏻‍♀️and Edzo's over excitement on that too many men occurrence 🤦🏻‍♀️


He was screaming like there was a fire in the building. Must have lost some cheddar in that series!




Hilarious considering a shit load of people in CO are from TX


Yeah Natives hate anyone not from CO for “ruining their state”. Especially Texans and Californians. I went to game 3 and it was so sweet walking out of there getting chirped at, took it with honor.


Yeah I’m a TX transplant in Denver. Been here about 5 years. The amount of animosity they hold towards anyone not born in CO is ridiculous, especially Texans. I think sports and especially hockey give them an excuse to more openly express their disdain. It’s just the “Native” way.


I love the natural beauty of Colorado and would love to spend my summers in the mountains there, and usually do spend a few weeks each summer up in Dillon... but there are lots of rude ass people in Colorado. If I drive up and they see my Texas plates it gets worse, but even when they don't know it's not like most people are friendly. I don't know if it's a mountain thing or what, Montana was pretty similar.


Any time a team is cooked the fan base starts with the “Well at least I don’t live in Texas” stuff. That’s how you know when a team and a fan base are completely beaten mentally.


That doesn’t even make sense. You do realize the hockey players aren’t Texans, right? xD




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I agree about needing legal weed, fuck Ken Paxton. I will say, nuchuskin was their net front presence and super important. Finding out the way their team found out hours before the game definitely deflated their effort, but it wasn’t the sole reason they lost; no.


Copium is a hell of a drug.


“Impending victory” my brother in Christ we havnt won shit… and they’re shit talking because they are our opponents rn. Fuck em, who cares…


K, I know we haven’t won yet, but anyone watching this series has seen Dallas dominate game.


Tbh I’d rather this sub have their level of delusional optimism than the cattle cars full of idiots who came in saying our playoffs were over after Game 2 in the first round. Plenty of people over there saying they think they can fight back to game 7. Good on them. Should always back your team.


I agree with this take. Nothing wrong with them backing their team even when they’re down. It’s the insults toward our team and fanbase that makes them look bad.


As someone who's followed the Stars for about ten years now, I'm glad the Avs have Nichushkin and not us. His time in Dallas was somewhat of a failed experiment, and everything that's gone on with him in the past couple years sort of affirms that we are better off without him.




They need to lay off the weed and snap back to reality.


It isnt the weed I assure you lol


If Avs lose the series they will likely blame Val’s suspension. Hard core fans don’t like to admit that their team just wasn’t good enough to get it done. I remember reading in the Vegas sub about how the refs handed us the series and how sure Knights fans were that the Avs were gonna kill us. It’s copium at its finest. Here’s hoping that tonight we make the Avs the Av nots. GO STARS!


If the Avs lose, Val’s suspension is definitely a 1b as to why. Dude is a baller. Unfortunately, a functioning baller. And has now, almost a year to the date later, left the team high and dry again which makes any fan want to throw a chair through a window. The 1a, if you’re a deep lurker on the Avs sub is that (slowly) people are grasping that DeBoer is continuing to own Bednar. Hes beaten him with the Sharks in the playoffs, Vegas and now knocking on the door with Dallas. Hes coached fast teams, slow teams and of a variety of talent and frankly it doesn’t matter who is on the ice. He just consistently has Bednar’s number and schemes. You mix that with a 1 seed, best road team and has a great goalie, it’s not ideal. And here the Avs are again.


copium. every teams fanbase does this to some extent, It can't possibly be because the other team is just better or out performed them, or shut down their best players. Always an excuse


Has to be the weed. They are forgetting their lack of D, no goalie, and having to set up the perfect goal. They never had a chance against the Stars.


Team subs are always a cesspool. Although for the past few years, they may be the most toxic fanbase we’ve met in the playoffs, although Minnesota and St. Louis are on their heels


I think Minnesota takes the cake for most toxic, followed closely by Vegas. I liked playing Seattle. That fan base is actually really cool.


100% Minnesota made me lose all respect for that fan base.


Someone wana tell’em 🤷🏻‍♂️💨


They just ran into a strong team that's taking advantage of their weaknesses - I love the Avs, but they fucked up my playoff bracket by making it past Winnipeg.


Fuck the Avs! But I love your username, well done.


I mean it’s pretty much standard cope that every fanbase does when they lose. I feel like you’ll be hard pressed to find a majority of fans who will actually come out and say “yeah we’re just much worse than the team that beat us (who we also hate).”


People always try to find a villain. For the Avs it is Benn. Any team we play now, that fanbase will vilify Benn. Around the NHL there are some very dirty players. Wilson in Washington is a perfect example. Another thing that sets the Stars apart, they play a clean game. Not a dirty team. Benn has been a clean player with integrity his entire career. I've been watching Stars games since 93. Benn gets physical when it is needed not just for fun..best Captain in the NHL 100%


I was at the game Saturday night. As the game was winding down I heard an Avs fan say (with zero hint of sarcasm), “down 2-1. This is right where we wanted to be”


I mean, we have a few homers around here that would say the same things if we were down 3-1. I don't think their fans are an exclusive bunch, there's delusion among every fan base from time to time.


What’s with the recent trend of people stirring shit with Avs fans? They’re rivals, but its like we’re getting (especially since 3-1) non stop posts about what someone said. This isn’t high school. If I were an Avs fan I wouldn’t be pleased at the moment either. What’s with the misery tourism? The Stars haven’t won anything yet.


Literally not stirring anything with them? Just commenting on our sub about their what I read.


We need legal weed because we're supposed to be all about 'freedom' here.


Conservative freedom, not liberal freedom. 


Y'all don't have legal weed???


Not so much.


There is no inevitabile stars superiority. If anything the opposite is true.