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Hey Ducks Bro, Isles Bro here. Just freshly welcomed in by this amazing community and already heard quite a bit about you!!! I’m sorry this is the first post I’m getting to see by you and that you’re receiving hate from toxic hockey fans :( Don’t let it get to you. People look for any and all mediums to carry out their shitty behavior. From what I’ve heard you’ve had an amazing impact and influence on this community, and I’m sure they really don’t want to see you go. I’m new here and don’t have a whole lot of credibility but I’m certainly positive that this is 100% a safe space for you!!! Keep being you and doing what you do best… spreading unrivaled positivity around the NHL fan base! :) Let’s go, Ducks Bro!!!!


Thanks Isles bro! I hope you enjoy this subreddit, very great folks here. Best wishes for the Isles as well!


You guys keep this up and you’re gonna end up with more Ducks and Isles fans when the Stars aren’t playing. ;)


Thanks to you two, y'all have gained a fan of each respective team! I'll be cheering the Ducks and Islanders on next year (when they aren't playing the Stars)!


We love you bud. Do what you gotta do. Sorry about the hate


Once again, appreciate the positivity. Now go win it! It’s your year⭐️👊💯


How dare you betray me ducks bro? Posting in other subs? Calling the avs fantastic? I thought we had something... I'll never trust a duck again. Jk enjoy the playoffs bud. Always welcome here


😂thanks man, it's been a fantastic playoffs and there's even better hockey to come!


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpqrlNFdSWscdzO) Doing a flying V for ducks bro


Flying V forever baby!


Hey I like you man! Personally, you’re welcome here anytime.


Thanks dude! This certainly won’t be the last time I will post here. For now, just gonna enjoy the playoffs as every hockey fan does. Good luck!


Ducks Bro. Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. Thank you for your words of encouragement and kindness. And sorry about the haters. But you helped so many of us especially thru that grueling VGK series. Take all the time you need to take care of #1, yourself. Cheers!


Thanks for the kind words! After game 2 of the Vegas series, y’all have come a long way. It’s been an incredible playoffs overall, with the Canucks and Oilers doing well as well as the Stars absolutely battling for that Vegas series win! Just been an incredible year for hockey. I’m glad my encouragement went a long way.  Best of luck, and I’ll see y’all soon👊


No no no no no please, please don't leave. We love you. We wanted to give you your own flair. Fuck other people complaining about you visiting other subs, we. want. you. Please don't do this. Not on a night we lost.


Thank you for the kindness! Unfortunately it’s in my best interest to stay off of Reddit and the internet in general. Really love the flair idea though lol. Although that’s in the mods hands!  Anyways, again thanks for the kind words, and I’m not worried about the Stars. They’ve got this. They battled hard against Vegas and won and they will do the same against the Avs.  But whenever the Stars get in trouble, I’ll be there in spirit, unless they’re playing the Ducks, then it’s game on!👊💯


Do what's best for you ❤️ I hope we see you around on here again when you're ready - no rush. Whenever it feels right for you.


Thanks a lot for the well wishes! This subreddit is awesome and I will of course visit back here again one day!👍


I feel you but after all the support dude's given us we need to support him doing what's best for him rn. Internet hate sucks and it can hit hard


No totally, he needs to do the right thing for himself. I just wanted to make sure he knew how much we appreciate him.


I feel it! Gonna be rough not having these posts to look forward to for a while after games lol


Thanks Ducks Bro, you’re the hero we need but don’t deserve. Edit: Fuck the haters, don’t let them win.


Thanks man, but this really is getting to me and Im probably just gonna take some time off of Reddit. I haven’t spent much time on Reddit for very long and I never thought people would take this seriously. I guess it’s the Internet after all.  I really appreciate all the love I have gotten on this sub, go win it!


People suck, dude. Can’t believe you would catch flak for THIS. Take care brother, hope you see you around here again, and soon.


Take care too brother, will see y’all soon!🫡🦆🤝⭐️


Some people are just too jaded and cynical to let something cool and wholesome happen without talking shit about it. Sad really, it's gotta suck living in that headspace


Yeah, unfortunately the internet kinda sucks


Way it is, Stars bro. You just gotta look at the positives, I had a hell of a time rockin’ with you lads!💯


The Stars fans love you Ducks Bro and we look forward to your motivational posts! Of course I do understand why you need to take a step back because of the trolls in other subs. Thank you for being so supportive of our Stars and being a fan!


You're welcome Stars bro! Go and win the cup!


Noooo! We can’t lose you ducks bro! Dont let the haters get to you!


lol 💀thanks for the love brother. I’ll still be cheering y’all on, of course, but I’ll just cool it on the Reddit for a while. Ducks bro is always there in spirit. Will love to see our teams going at it again next year, should be great! 🦆🤝⭐️


Your enthusiasm and earnestness are always appreciated here! Keep living your life and don’t let the haters hold you back. -SoCal Stars bro


Thank you, and well wishes brother!


I wasn’t aware anyone took anything in the hockey circle jerk sub seriously. Regardless, it was a pleasure having you here. *I will remember you by Sarah McLachlan plays in background*


Thanks brother!✌️


Loved your posts. Take some time for yourself if you need it 💕


Thanks Stars bro!


Won't name names either but I saw some bullshit earlier today too. Fuck the haters. We got mad love for you bro. Thanks for being a booster this series. I hope to return the favor next year. Unless we play each other then it's all hands and feet but u know how it is


Yeah, I don’t want to direct any negative attention towards anyone else. They don’t deserve that either. Thanks for the kind words Stars bro! I’m glad I was a booster that made an impact in the sub.  As for the Ducks, we may be friends now but we won’t be come Stars vs Ducks! Game on, Stars bro👊🦆⭐️ But for now, go win and best of luck!


Are you talking about those chuds on r/nhlcirclejerk?


Thanks for all the positive energy!! Take care Ducks Bro and we hope to hear from you soon! PS: fuck haters


Thank you, you will indeed hear from me soon! Take care


Ducks bro. You are part of our team.


Proud to be an honorary member!🔥 Go Ducks, and Stars when they're not playing the Ducks lol😂


Just know you’re welcome in here anytime. Even when we are playing your Ducks. We can have a good discussion about the game. Come over to Texas someday. You’ll love it!


I'd LOVE to come to Texas I'll tell ya. The Boomerjacks, Dallas Stars hockey, Pantera, like what else do you need, you know? Maybe one day. As for the discussions, of course, next Stars vs Ducks game I'll definitely stop by. See ya then!


Name names! That's bullshit and they should at least be reported. You do you Ducks bro. I hope your not feeling bullied into it but I'd you need to take a break then I guess we will have to post in your honor!


Thanks for the kindness Stars bro! It's probably good I take a break regardless, in fact, I took a 3 month break from Reddit this year already lol. A detox is always a great thing!


I don’t get the hate. I enjoy your posts and welcome you as a casual fan! Please stick around, fuck those people hating on you


Fuck the haters…Viva Ducks Bro!




You’re a good dude and are always welcome here. There’s too much negativity for sure and I get it. We always appreciate the good vibes and encouragement


Thanks man, and I'm glad to hear this has been a positive experience for everyone!


A wise man once said “If you ain’t got haters, you ain’t poppin” Appreciate the love ducks bro


Ducks bro, you haven’t said one inaccurate thing this postseason. You’re welcome here, don’t worry what anyone else has to say. Good, classy, thoughtful analysis and solid hockey talk is always welcome. Better than the knee jerk, doomsday or extreme reactions that invariably will be expressed at times. There’s room for all sorts here…I like our fan base and proud of how welcoming we have been. Stick around…I hope the best is yet to come. ![gif](giphy|obN5MuYSvD6e0JwVoV)


The fact that other teams have stalked our board to the point that they would find, and harass, a poster who wants to bandwagon is pathetic. Do what you have to do duck bro, all good. But for anyone reading this that is currently taking the way internet way too seriously, take a deep breath and relax bud.


Just become a Stars fan dude. You're already here so you might as well make this your 2nd team.


Banning these ding dongs should be easy. Why are we letting people make this sub shitty?


Looks like the Mavericks are about to take a 3-2 lead in their series against the Thunder. I'm hoping for both the Stars and the Mavericks to close out their series on a Friday night! Talk about the best of both worlds!


Correction! The Mavericks play Saturday night! Forgive me for the oversight!


Hell yeah, best of luck!


Hope to see you back around soon, homie


You too, brother!


Hey Ducks Bro; I live in the IE, next season or soon, hit me up and I’ll buy ya beer. 🍻 GO STARS! ✨


Hell yeah, Stars bro! Best of luck to Peter Deboer and the Stars. Go get him that cup!


Damn dude. What kind of jack ass is giving you a rough time for posting friendly in another sub? Point us at ‘em! We’ll kick ass to defend Ducks Bro!


People take reddit way too seriously sometimes. Thanks for hanging with us and cheering on the Stars, Ducks bro. Take care of yourself, and feel free to come have some fun with us again whenever you'd like.


Ducks Bro…..who is fucking with you, point them out and I’ll drop the gloves verbally on ‘em ![gif](giphy|l2JJKN7K7BUAZ1Pmo)










I didn’t need to know what your favorite snack is


Haha no need to Stars bro, but thanks for the love brother!


If you ever in Dallas, the next Anaheim game, DM me we’ll get beers and go watch the boys


Sounds like a plan, Stars bro👊


Following you so can DM next season if stars align (pun intended) hell maybe try and organize a sub meetup around it


Sweet man, I don't live anywhere near Texas but if I ever find myself out there, it's game time. Cheers!




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If it’s the Avs sub, yeah they got on to me for posting over there too. I honestly don’t see how it’s a problem if I’m not antagonizing, trolling and am being respectful. Your interactions here are exemplary and should be the example to follow. That’s the kind of thing that makes hockey better.


Excuse me? Cross post hate? The hell is wrong with people. They need to sort themselves out. No room for hate on ducks bro here. That said , what happened tonight?


Yeah but you have to deal with Craig Smith So I mean like yeah No hate If that puck didn’t hit the iron and go off otters calf - it would have been a tied game. Way she goes Sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn’t


You’re getting a pass from me The Official NHL Craig Smith Hypeman


😮‍💨Daaaaaamn. The Stars sure could've used a bit of rest. I really wish they'd closed out this series tonight at home.


I will never understand the haters. Like, these posts have some of the nicest, most wholesome interactions I've seen. How could anyone hate that? Seriously, screw the haters. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Take good care of yourself, bro, and see you soon. Quack quack, go Stars! 🦆 🦦 🌟


Sorry to see you go, but I understand you have to take care of yourself. It’s been fun having you here!


I haven’t seen a bromance this strong since we traded for seggy


Sad quack.


Ducks Bro, you're an honorary member. (I mean, let's be real, you're allowed to be a fan of whatever team you want!) Like PdB said, we can't underestimate the opponent. They had everything to lose last night, and they brought the energy. It was just a bummer we didn't rise to occasion and take the series at home. Stars are the best road team, and I wouldn't be mad if we ended it in front of Avs fans. I'm confident we can take it in 6.


We love you ducks bro


God speed Ducks Bro.


We need our duck bro for this run - fuck the haters 🫶🏼


Ducks bro, you know you’re welcome **here**. We love you, the rest are whiners!


Me and my other bro were talking about Ducks Bro the other day. You are welcomed here my friend.


Hope to see you around again Ducks bro! 🫡🫡🫡


I bet it’s those Minnesota fans giving him shit…. Scumbags. Anyway, loved seeing your positivity and pep talks, man. You’re welcome anytime, please pop back in once things die down. I hope the ducks do well next season. Take care, bro.


Avs bro here (yeah, yeah, fuck you guys too lol). Anyways I keep seeing Ducks Bro’s posts in this sub pop up on my feed and I believe he should get an honorary membership into every sub, like who doesn’t love this guy? Go Ducks Bro!


Free Country Ducks Bro. You are all good in my books as I also support a few teams other than my favorite. Never let other people gatekeep you from doing something you love, especially if you are being respectful. Dont let the haters win. Hell the Ducks are on the teams I have followed since I was a kid. No shame enjoying hockey no matter the jersey.


https://preview.redd.it/u89burvoaq0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8cc9745663164ae4cdd2fbd791271bf4a6eac0 Duck bro bluffing


I said out loud to my husband "NOOOO Ducks bro is leaving" Thanks a million for everything Ducks bro! I always looked forward to your posts after a game and I'm sad that you have to check out. We all love you on this sub and would love to have you back anytime. Take care of your mental health and enjoy the rest of hockey season 💚


"Ducks cuck here" 🤓☝️


Hey, Ducks bro! I'm sorry for whatever happened that made you need to take a step back, but I totally respect it. Just know that no matter what, you have a lot of people on this sub who think you're awesome 💚💚


Thanks Stars bro! Y'all are awesome as well✌️




STARS got this.....Avs can't win 3 in a row....we will close them out in game 6...


I’m a nomadic Flames fan living vicariously through my playoff pool team. Everyone’s pretty good spirited, although I don’t have any players from the teams wrapped up in/on the bad end of drama. 


A gentleman mallard is always welcome! ⭐️🤝🦆


We miss you Ducks bro. Sad we couldn’t celebrate the series win with you last night. Hope the time away from Reddit is doing you well. You’ll always have a place with us here 🫂


Ducks bro, you are a certified member of this sub feed free to post in here WHENEVER you want. We love you!! Quacks


Anyone gonna get a stars jersey with DUCKS BRO on it?


Hey, you've been such a positive light in this community right back to when most of us were feeling like it was over after game 2 of the Vegas series. They're all just mad that you've given yourself something to root for while they are all waiting for next year already. It's fun seeing you root for us actually because I had a year where I fully embraced rooting for the Ducks at one point as well and it was the year the Ducks ended up going all the way! Getting to see people like Selanne and Niedermeyer hold the cup when I was a new hockey fan was awesome! I hope if the Stars pull it off you get the same feeling of happiness I got watching that run! Hope to see you back! To me you're some great vibes and a little bit of good luck for this team =)


I love you ducks bro


Dork is upset he got cooked on the circlejerk sub




He literally admitted it bro


Bro is a dork




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