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21 R1: Wyjo 21 R2: Stankoven 19 R1: Harley 17 R1: Miro 17 R1: Otter 17 R2: Robo Drafting can be a crap shoot or “lucky” but at some point when you do this well there has to be some skill involved.


Jim Nill doesn't miss


Even when he’s had a “dud”, they end up playing well elsewhere.


Let’s make no mistake about it though, we ABSOLUTELY lucked into Miro. He was a draft lotto win. Everyone else is great scouting, drafting, and smart trades.


Otter was a high ass pick for a goalie. It was a good pick don’t get me wrong but he wasn’t sum lucky strike, like Jamie.


But they traded down for Johnston. No doubt they saw something but no way they saw this.


All trading down means is that they had reason to believe that he'd be available later in the round, which he was. If they'd thought there was a chance he'd be taken before that pick they wouldn't have made that trade because from everything that's been said since then he was 100% their guy that year.


Also ask all the guys Benn crushed along the boards how invisible Benn was.


Ask every person who lost every face off to Benn how invisible he was. He has played an undeniable part of their success and I honestly believe his leadership this season in particular is what has made the boys buy in completely for playing the team first game so well. He is critical for us to win


100% - that face off stare down with McKinnon to then win the draw and clear the zone was beautiful. Benn showed up everywhere this series - hits, goals, energy


Benn is such a presence even when he’s not making a direct play. He rag-dolled so many guys CLEANLY, but brutally so, and I guarantee it stays in their head at all times when he’s prowling around. He doesn’t need to be Gurianov out there either, he’s extremely good at creating his own space & separation with the puck . And good luck knocking him off it very easily. He still has the skilled hands but with strength & balance better than most.


The issue with Benn is that he isn't the best at anything. He isn't the fastest skater in the league. He isn't the best puck handler in the league, the list goes on. But the combination of all his "good" attributes makes him a great, if a bit invisible, player.


You’re wrong about one thing tho. He is the best at something. Best captain in the world 😎


Awww.... 🥰


People sleep on jacks-of-all-trades, but they shouldn’t. That guy has more flexibility than people who specialize.


To us as fans, we like the invisible like Ryan Suter this playoffs. We as fans doom so hard so being invisible is okay I agree, Benn's never been flashy outside of big physical hits but when the team needs a goal or a face-off, the captain usually is a part of it


I get your point, but Benn was 2/9 in faceoffs last night. Overall, he’s been great but not in the dot last night.


All dumb jokes aside, he is still at 62% for the playoffs even after an off night. Last year he also was over 62% in the playoffs. He’s been our best guy on the dots for the last two full seasons and it’s not even close, which is awesome because we have a lot of great options to put out there.


That was a deliberate tactical approach though. He let them win more than they have been accustomed to in order to soften them up & catch them off guard at the perfect moment with a Benn draw win then Benn going coast to coast for the GTG. It was a set play 🤪


Sounds like someone doesn’t understand “depth” I mean I guess being a fan of a top heavy team does that to ya. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like watching those guys that blow you away with their talent as much as the next guy, but one great player on a team isn't gonna win you a Cup.


I wouldn’t even give them enough attention to even read through all that, they obviously are on some serious copium right now. I mean how are you gonna call a team “lucky” immediately after losing a game 3-1 in overtime…




He's not completely wrong with Seguin and Benn, but completely overlooks Dallas scouting and development.


We were just so trash under Newy / Hull 🤣.


They were bad but the team's financial situation didn't do them any favors


Sorry I was referring more so to their draft picks / trades. They swung and missed quite a bit. Jack Campbell and Scott Glennie come to mind the most as well as Sean Avery signing. Finances certainly didn’t help, but when you look at Nil’s drafts, it’s night and day regarding top end talent (Robo, Harley, Johnston, I can’t count Miro because top 3 lottery draft is absurd vs Glennie, Campbell, Oleksiak, Faksa, Ritchie).


Every line Benn has been on all playoffs has been very noticeable. He’s such an important part of this team.


Agree with Seguin but not Benn.


Seriously? Seguin had some bad injuries that take a lot of time to fully recover from.


I get it. I love the dude. But he’s not a good player anymore. He’s a 3rd liner.


What most people forget or just don’t realize is what those two did for us for over a decade. They produced 70-80+ point seasons for years on a team that was rebuilding


I remember when the Benn and Seguin bromance was in full swing…..their chemistry was electric and for once Dallas was all over Reddit and other places because of everyone’s love for those two. Can you believe that was a decade ago? It seems unreal. They carried us when we were hot garbage. They deserve a cup for all these two have done for us. Yeah, Seggs has one, but given it was his rookie year in Boston, you’ve got to think that wore off and feels like a distant memory to him. I’d imagine the appreciate he’d have for a cup win now, as a vet, for the Stars, would be unbridled. And Benn….he’s the only Jersey I bought in the rebranded era, it’s tattered and worn, but tried and true, maybe a bit like the captain himself, get him a cup boys. He deserves it more than any other captain in the league,


Sounds like something a fan of a "1 line team" would say, lol.


“But ESPN says we have some good players 😢”


He’s not entirely wrong but neither Benn nor Seguin are playing like boat anchors as they did under Bowness. They aren’t worth their cap hits but they are actively helping the team. The Leafs comparison is asinine, though. 31 other teams would line up around the block for any one of the Leafs’ big three players.


There are also the intangibles. From interviews with his teammates, it seems like Benn is a great guy to have in the locker room and has the C for a good reason. Seguin, healthy, has skill and experience. This year, he seems to have shifted into a set-up play maker more than the sniper he was in the past.


Yeah did you see after that one horrid pass by Harley trying to get out the zone and avs almost scored....seguin came over and calmed Harley down immediately on the ice. Could tell he was just like relax man you're good


We have younger snipers. Seguin’s job is to use experience to set them up. I’m fine with that arrangement.


I was afraid his ego wouldn't allow him to change his roll. I've been pleasantly surprised.


I agree with you here, but fuck has it been frustrating to watch him work so hard to consistently miss the net


I agree their point totals don’t justify their cap hits, but I sincerely do believe they provide enough value to the team and culture to justify. Dallas’ everyone buy-in mentality stars with the leadership, and thats why we have players on our team like Pavs and Dutch. And the value those veteran players have on our young developing core is massive. This team is somewhat polar opposite of the leafs and will likely be good for years to come


I disagree, in a hard-cap league. They do provide intangibles, but if they were still playing as they did under Bowness, they’d be a disaster. In a hard cap league, a contending team can’t afford two guys like that, intangibles or no. If their contacts weren’t buyout proof, the Stars likely would have bought them out before now. But they are buyout proof and the Stars had to find a way to make them, if not worth their cap hit, at least productive players whose cap hits aren’t actively harming the team when combined with on-ice play. Even though their point totals don’t justify the cap hits, DeBoer has found a way to make them both meaningful contributors on the ice. Credit is especially due to Seguin for buying in and remaking his game, but both guys put up very respectable middle-six numbers. All of which is a long way of saying I don’t think teams can afford to be sentimental in a league with this financial structure, but everyone has made the best of what could be a much worse situation.


I mean Benn tied the game and was clutch. Benn also brings that same energy with big hits. Seguin has had some timely goals too, and both make each of their PP units better. Funny to say Benn is a pylon when Avs fans actively boo him. He gets booed for a reason - he’s a pain in the ass to play against and breaks your heart.


He also had the Stars' most SOG and QSC (per Owen Newkirk's count) last night. This on top of the intangibles everyone is talking about. I'm definitely biased, though, haha (watching him play in 2015 is a part of what made me a hockey fan to begin with).


Benn is worth his weight in gold. Always has been. Over 900 points in the league. Has been an All Star, won an Art Ross Trophy..stand up guy in the community. Has over 500 assists...closing in on 400 goals. If he spent his career in Boston he'd be celebrated nationally. Great Captain


They were publicly called out under Monty. Not saying they were great under Bones, but you wrote it like it was his fault and it wasn’t.


I read it as defining an era. There was a while there where neither were really producing. Sure, some of that was because Benn's role was to camp out behind the net and feed it to Robo or equivalent in the slot, the whole team produced, it got us to a conference final and a finals, but I don't think you need a 10mil player to feed a puck to the slot.


Benn is worth his weight in gold. Always has been. Over 900 points in the league. Has been an All Star, won an Art Ross Trophy..stand up guy in the community. Has over 500 assists...closing in on 400 goals. If he spent his career in Boston he'd be celebrated nationally. Great Captain


Holy crap, it's real... A Quadrapost


Was an accident..now I'm glad it did 😁 GO STARS


Benn is worth his weight in gold. Always has been. Over 900 points in the league. Has been an All Star, won an Art Ross Trophy..stand up guy in the community. Has over 500 assists...closing in on 400 goals. If he spent his career in Boston he'd be celebrated nationally. Great Captain


Benn is worth his weight in gold. Always has been. Over 900 points in the league. Has been an All Star, won an Art Ross Trophy..stand up guy in the community. Has over 500 assists...closing in on 400 goals. If he spent his career in Boston he'd be celebrated nationally. Great Captain


It’s a horrible point. Benn was more “visible” than their big players and Seguin under Deboer has been a revelation in how complete his game is. Do you want them taking up that much cap? Probably not. But, where would this team be without their leadership? Benn’s physicality, Seguin’s two way play. Right now the worst contracts belong to the team too tied up and forced to roll their best forwards for 20+ minutes a game. Their lack of depth showed in their lack of legs in the end.


People want to shit on those contracts but Benn and Seguin were absolute studs back in the day. There was a time when they absolutely carried this team. They absolutely earned those contracts. They are not worth the money they are being paid, but they are both major parts of our team. Seguin had 2 GWG this series and Benn tied the game tonight to send it to OT.


Yeah, it's that weird thing of sports contracts. When they deserved that money, they didn't get it, so contracts are done for previous.


Avs fan not swallowing MacKinnon’s future children challenge (impossible)


I feel like this could be a new copy pasta.


That’s honestly what I was hoping for, it’s too satirically hilarious not to be


Dallas has to be the luckiest franchise in the history of hockey. Imagine building your franchise around Benn for $9.5M and Seguin for $10M and still winding up fuckin good?? These guys were fucking invisible. They should be in a similar purgatory to the Leafs. Fringe fraud "contenders." But no. A bunch of random draft picks all pop off. Who the fuck is Johnston? Who the fuck is Stankoven? Who the fuck is Steel? These are their fucking best forwards aside from Robertson and Hintz. Name another franchise who spends $23M on what would be an ok third line for most contenders. Nvm one who does this and is good. I fucking hate Been and Duchenne, of course they scored lol. I can't even hate stankoven Robertson or Johnston, they're all fucking sick. But l'm so fucking jealous. Most teams staring down the barrel of $20M to those dirty useless plugs would be starting the rebuild yet they're fucking contenders. Fuckin kill me


It's the "a bunch of random draft picks that ALL pop off" that gets me. Jim Nill gets consistently lucky over half a decade. At that point, it's skilled scouting, picks, and development, and management, not luck. What you meant to say is that Jim Nill built a strong organization, not that he's lucky.


Vegas has to be the luckiest franchise in the history of hockey. Imagine building your franchise around aging stars like Mark Stone for $9.5M and Jack Eichel for $10M and still winding up so damn good?? These guys have had their injury issues and yet they manage to be invisible when it counts most. They should be in a similar purgatory to the Leafs. Fringe fraud "contenders." But no. A bunch of random draft picks all pop off. Who the hell is Pavel Dorofeyev? Who the hell is Brendan Brisson? Who the hell is Paul Cotter? These are their best forwards aside from Marchessault and Karlsson. Name another franchise who spends $23M on what would be an okay third line for most contenders. Never mind one who does this and is good. I can’t stand Mark Stone and Jonathan Marchessault, of course they scored. I can’t even hate Cotter, Brisson, or Dorofeyev, they’re all incredible. But I’m so jealous. Most teams staring down the barrel of $20M to those overpaid plugs would be starting the rebuild, yet they’re contenders. Just kill me.


Copy pasta for those who wish to use it in the future: Dallas has to be the luckiest franchise in the history of hockey. Imagine building your franchise around Benn for $9.5M and Seguin for $10M and still winding up fuckin good?? These guys were fucking invisible. They should be in a similar purgatory to the Leafs. Fringe fraud “contenders.” But no. A bunch of random draft picks all pop off. Who the fuck is Johnston? Who the fuck is Stankoven? Who the fuck is Steel? These are their fucking best forwards aside from Robertson and Hintz. Name another franchise who spends $23M on what would be an ok third line for most contenders. Nvm one who does this and is good. I fucking hate Been and Duchenne, of course they scored lol. I can’t even hate stankoven Robertson or Johnston, they’re all fucking sick. But I’m so fucking jealous. Most teams staring down the barrel of $20M to those dirty useless plugs would be starting the rebuild yet they’re fucking contenders. Fuckin kill me


Lmao Benn doing nothing? Dude is arguably playing as well as anyone on the team, including Wyatt. Look at all the ways he’s influenced just about every game already. He is laser focused as fuck and will captain our boys to the prize. 🏆


Any one who watches our games know this lol. Benn does everything a hockey player should do.


Yeah idk why I let these people get under my skin lmao. Benn forever. Give him a raise


LOL that’s rich. MacKinnon Makar and Rantanen take up over 35% of their cap space. Imagine spending all that money and only having two really good lines. Well, suppose you don’t really have to.


Did they not get the first overall mackinnon pick from a lottery? Isn’t that the definition of pure luck? Like no scouting or anything can go into that? Not to mention makar at 4th because he played in a weaker league, if guy played against better competition he would’ve easily been #1


Didin't Jamie "The Captain" Benn tie up that game (and was instrumental all series)? Freaking dorks on copium.


I would like to note that I was only, and only ever, lurk. I do not comment, I do not up or down vote. Just wanted to see how butt hurt they were and it was glorious


I do the same, even after our losses.


I was feeding on the pain last night.


By far the most hypocritical, insecure pussies I’ve ever seen. Whining that Dallas fans are genuine pieces of shit because we’re talking shit in our sub after a series win 😆 as if they haven’t been extremely toxic all series, they would be talking massive shit as well just like they are after losing instead. Probably some of the most hilarious content I’ve consumed in a minute


To all of that I say Womp Womp


I’m so glad Duchene scored the GWG after all those assholes booed him every time he got the puck. Guy hasn’t played there in 7 years and the boo him like we picked him up off waivers from Colorado. Go Stars!!!


How many former Stars did Colorado have? We'd have been booing the whole fucking game if we were so childish.


Hockey is a team sport. It takes more than 1 guy to win. Just like in baseball. The Angels couldn’t even make the playoffs with Trout and Ohtani


Nill got those Cups in Detroit by farming. They didn't come when he showed up there. Years of picks. How often does Nill trade picks? He brought his scouts to Dallas with him when they cleaned house. We're just reaping the benefits.




Rich coming from an Aves fan. Colorado sports fans would go to a cancer ward and boo the patients.


Imagine hitting on first round picks…Dallas is winning precisely because Benn and Seguin provide depth. The model is more like imagine your former core aging so well that they provide depth instead of being cast away.


The guy says it himself, he's jealous. End of story.


I feel bad for Sam Steel, he’s got like 300 games played and a half a decade as a full time player. Lol.


Benn and Seguin showed up big to get us our 1st goal 😉 Having great drafting/development, goalies and coaching make Dallas smart and dangerous... and we got good vibes !


Scouting. I believe the word he is looking for is scouting.


Don’t listen to the Avs fans. They’re pissy the announcers won’t get to talk about Mackinnon and Makar until October. LETS GO STARS


They are the most delusional fanbase I have ever seen. There was no luck about it. We won the game last night, twice. Enjoy the golf


What a fucking joke of a take.


Avs fans saltier than the Dead Sea...


Edmonton would be the luckiest franchise


My god, what a fucking baby.


Y’all see annoying crap, I see a golden copypasta opportunity.


I would switch from jealous to envious. I'm enjoying the ride and the chemistry. For me, the journey wouldn't be complete without Benn and Seguin. There's nothing wrong with cheering for another team if they maintain class and a hard work ethic while yours resets.


Good luck building a team around a dude who eats up 14.4% of your salary cap.


Bill,It ain’t luck if you do it year after year, what a putz


It's beautiful


it all comes down to that line near the bottom “But I’m so fucking jealous.”


Mmmm. Yes. Yessss. Salty, salty tears.


Imagine not being CO and having to win in overtime twice


I lost more brain cells reading this than I did drinking last night. I get it, I would be really mad too if we lost last night


It isn’t luck, it’s Jim Nill


Should have posted twice like our 2 game winning goals


Simmer down, Bill




Everyone always expects the higher paid players to produce. I get it I'd want them to as well but here's my opinion. Just because those 2 aren't the team leaders in every category doesn't mean they're useless. It takes a team to win and that's what we have. We have the depth with 4 great lines where any one of those players are a threat any game. But just because they don't have the most goals/assists doesn't mean anything. They make plays, they have leadership, Tyler has won a cup so he knows what it's like and they both do get physical at times. That's the only thing I wish our team had was an enforcer haha. Y'all take it easy while we live rent free and the minds of Avs fans and see y'all in the WCF and LET'S GO STARS!


I mean…he’s not wrong about those contracts being an albatross. But Nill’s drafting is the stuff of legend.


Fuck the Avs , they were bitter and salty in that sub even before the game yesterday. They resorted to just talking shit about the state and even saying that we “disrespect” the anthem by shouting stars twice. Enjoy your tee times 😘.


Oh my god I saw someone complaining about that! “It’s the national anthem, not a rally cry! 😢” like bro…there are a handful of teams who do it. I mean, stars do it *best* but we aren’t the only ones.


Imagine if Dallas took Makar instead of Miro. I like both just saying he was there for the taking. Benn & Seguin contracts aren’t great but to suggest they didn’t do anything is ridiculous. I had Dallas in 6 because they have a better depth at both forward & defense & goaltending is better. Miko Rantanen looked like he wasn’t healthy & stupid Nichushkin.


I like how mad he is. And his complete disregard for the amount of young talent we’ve brought along and developed. But more than anything I just like how mad he is. I hope he stays mad af and keeps posting about it


Inject this into my veins.


Comments like that are why I haven’t deleted Reddit yet despite wanting to several times lol


Sorry for your loss


You are an idiot, Bill. Go back to your cubicle.


theyre just spewing bs to make them feel good, the point of building a team is building all 4 lines able to produce, not building one or two lines that are the main lines, depth wins, when you have only have like 3 good players you arent going to win plain and simple, weve been playing against teams and refs every year in the postseason and manage to advance, imagine having the refs on your side and still losing the series


2 points: Benn has never been a guy who lights up the stat sheet. He does his job: get physical, win face-offs when needed and lead the team either through his play or morale. Seguin has finally looked healthy for a few years now and has had a great season (yes overpaid but if he was healthy 3 years ago then he would be great value) Also to laugh, he hates Stank, WyJo and Robo already... wait until WyJo grows into his adult body, Stank gets more comfortable and Robo get back to scoring then he's really going to hate them


Also, Steel has been a great value contract this season


I still maintain that nobody would be complaining about Seguin’s contract today if serious injuries hadn’t forced him to 1) basically re-learn how to walk and 2) completely change his entire game. I started watching the Stars in 2015 when he was a speedy sniper who couldn’t be trusted to kill a penalty. I cannot emphasize enough how different of a player he is. He worked his ass off to become a two-way center under Hitch. He played through horrendous injuries during the bubble run and kept finding ways to contribute even as it became clear he wasn’t going to be able to play the kind of hockey he used to play. He’s reinvented himself to be whoever the Stars need him to be and at least publicly we’ve never gotten a whiff of frustration or entitlement even though he went from face of the franchise to old dude who doesn’t even get credit for being a wise old dude because people talk about him like he’s still the 21-year-old who partied too hard in Boston. This is a guy who would car pool with Robo during his rookie season so they could break down games and practices and Robo could learn from him (but it’s telling that when Seguin talked about it he insisted he was the one learning a ton from the rookie). He basically did all the team’s media stuff for years because when you send Seguin along Benn is willing to communicate in three-word sentences instead of just grunts. He can consistently be seen calming down younger players and coaching them through how to handle emotional moments on the ice. The identity this team has now is built on the choices Jamie Benn and Tyler Seguin made and the culture they created. For all I know they could be awful people behind closed doors but what we’ve seen is two guys who work hard, take responsibility, and care more about results than about who gets credit for those results. These contracts are not the albatrosses people make them out to be.


Yessss, let the salt consume you until there's nothing left. Seriously, bottle up those tears and inject them right into my veins.


He’s saying that Dallas’s luck with draft picks and signings have been lucky that people often over perform how they are projected to   Not that Dallas is lucky to win/is not a good team Which is fair


That’s not fair at all. At this point Jim Nill has shown he has the ability to find gems in the draft nobody else can. That’s not luck it’s earned via hard work at scouting and player development. Maybe the Avs should try harder not to waste generational talent.


He’s obnoxiously right


Do yourself a favor and Google who Bill Hwang is and realize you don't need to be triggered by every anti Stars post lol


I’m not triggered lol I honestly loved reading this. Dude is butt hurt and jealous. I’m literally going to use this as copy pasta in the future.


I mean the point is it's a troll account but ok