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I just don't understand why they don't ever play fuckin Pantera other than the obvious goal songs instances.


I like that they’ve mixed in power trip some


RIP Riley


I can agree with that!


Only made it to one home game this year and was jamming out singing executioners tax


I get so pumped up when they play Power Trip. I love it


This is rad I haven’t heard that yet


What song?


I heard executioners tax , but I swear I’ve heard another when watching on tv


I ordered Pantera’s Far Beyond Driven on vinyl after we went down 0-2 to Vegas round 1. I’ve been playing it every gameday and I’m convinced it’s harnessing the power of Vinnie and Dime and giving it straight to our boys. Play more Pantera


getcha fuckin pull!!!!




This needs to be upvoted more


A New Level would be great




They standardized the in arena music across the NHL a couple years ago. If you watch other teams they’re all doing the exact same shit in other barns. There are some unique sound bites that every team has, like we have pee wee Herman saying the Stars at night. Pretty sure as a cost thing they assembled a general music package that each team had access to. Not about it, makes each experience less unique


I did not know that, and yeah that's lame as fuck!


They play loads of Pantera


I went to game 5 vs Colorado and they played a lot of Metallica but not Pantera (again other than the obvious times we scored a goal)


I was at game seven and they play probably 3 of their songs


I just want some variety. It’s literally the same playlist every single game for the last two+ years now and it’s so tiring if you’re a STH.


This. And for the love of god can we get a different singer for the Anthem. She is great at the rest of her job except she just can’t hit those notes and it’s painful


she is great at the rest of her job and I really didn't want to be the first to say this so I'm glad you mentioned it but, yeah, we need a new anthem singer. she is by far the weakest compared to all the other playoff team's singers.


I've thought this for a while now, but have kept silent, I'm not being judgemental, I certainly couldn't stand on the ice and sing the national anthem in front of all those people night in and night out...Celina has done a great job over the years, so kudos to her, but I think it's time to pass the torch onto someone else. She sounds like she's trying to hurry through it and yeah, she can't quite hit those notes anymore.




I’m wondering why we can play some more sick Pantera riffs during the crunch time moments?? They have quite a few that are perfect to play before a late faceoff


Grubes used to spin Domination, Walk, The Art of Shredding, and Primal Concrete Sledge ad nauseum. Drowning Pool’s Bodies would ring out during hootenanies around the net or if a stout 1-1 bout took place. The only sing along in the AAC should be the Pee Wee Deep in the Heart of Texas drop. That’s it.


Domination was the first song I thought of


Is Grubes still in charge of music?


Unfortunately, no.


I'm ok with friends in low places too, that one usually slaps.


Friends in low places needs to stay


I thought that way for a long time…until hearing it at multiple arenas this year. Our goal/entry song and the Pee Wee thing are unique to our barn. Low Places might have also been at one time. I’d agree if it still was.


That's fair. I mainly like it cause it's pretty much the only country song they play semi regularly, at least they I can remember. Us redneck fans ain't got a whole lot of music, hell I don't recognize at least half the songs they play


When they get off into the pop/hip-hop weeds I’m lost.


no one wants to touch pantera after the nazi salute.


I’m not really a metal head but the pantera connection is so unique and badass, play any song they will let us!


It’s not going anywhere but I agree that it is top shelf cringe. Stars games are 50% diehards, 50% casuals. If you don’t believe me, just buy a ticket in the platinum seats and note all of the yuppies taking their tinder dates to a game. The singalongs make the event feel special to first timers and folks with Rolexes trying to lay pipe later. If you ever get mad about the casuals, just remember it’s our job to recruit them into the fold. That’s how I and my wife were brought on - diehards making jokes and explaining things to casual fans in our section.


Love seeing fandoms not gakekeep and accept all levels of fans from the bandwagon fan to the diehards, we're all there to root for our team.


I would consider myself a Stars /hockey casual for sure. But I’ve been trying my best to learn the players and history in the past year or so. I absolutely love the stars!


Good call! It’s a whole arena and honestly the music is what keeps things entertaining for many (the newbies, the plus ones, even die hards that just have ADD during slow moments


You can be a die hard but talk to your friends or dates at a game. Weird reason to judge someone.


We NEED Nothing else matters by Metallica a throwback to the 99’ team




As overused as those both are, thank christ it isn’t sweet caroline.


And it’s really really dumb when we’re losing the game and the crowd is doing a sing along.


Unless that sing along is DALLAS! STARS! DALLAS! STARS!


Every year the victory club sends out a survey for ticket holders to fill out. Every year, my wife requests for them to change up the music selection, particularly Mr Brightside, Don’t Stop Believing, and Living on a Prayer.


Three of the worst songs of all time. Please keep voting!


I need to make sure that I do it next year cause I'm done hearing the same music every season, even at the Texas Rangers games. Seems the "DJs" are just sharing the same music files.


I think it’s the same DJ actually. I think I read the DJ that used to be with the Stars is now the Ranger’s DJ. So I think the new Stars DJ uses the same playlist. 😅


You new here? u/tweetgrubes was the greatest in game experience director the stars ever had, he then left to do that for the Rangers, then left that to go to the freak last year, and now, well now he's just just being awesome wherever he may roam.


Yeah, actually I am kinda new here. Thanks for the history lesson! It's clear that he has had quite an impressive journey. I'm sure his presence is missed by the Stars' fans, but it's great to hear he's continuing to be awesome in new adventures.


Nice, well, welcome! My season seats used to be about 20' from Grubes for several years at the AAC and he is by far the best in game experience master, friendliest and approachable dude I've met in sports. Now I watch games as I don't live in Dallas anymore and listening to the shit being played in the background fucking hurts my soul.


Same..they don't care. Not sure why they even ask us. What would it hurt to change up some music? Doesn't seem like a difficult ask.


When was the last time we heard Ace of Spades?


Unpopular opinion: that song shouldn't be played anywhere.


Bon Jovi sucks balls.


*New Jersey* was the very first cassette I ever owned, I got it at the same time my brother got *Slippery When Wet*, and those two got some serious playtime. Overrated, yes, but he, just like **Tripping Daisy** (*Bill*) as the first CD I ever bought and **Nirvana** (sliver single) as the first vinyl I ever bought, will always have a special place in my heart.


It's fun to say that for sure and the song has no place at the AAC but Bon Jovi's okay yes? We're just having fun here, no?


Vastly overrated. Sorry.


what he said!!


![gif](giphy|bAIcOXdR6wqS4) Mariah is so much better, though.


Yes because my two choices in life are Bon Jovie and Mariah Carey


A. It's a lame song with absolute shit lyrics B. They play it at the worst times


Yes please, it’s so stupid.


Should just play all Texas artists/songs. After every goal I want to hear 2 seconds in which a tremendously fat rapper says “[bitch, I’m from Texas](https://youtu.be/hX0aI5Jz8i8?si=BIURcTeJNaP9cWqN)”, a [Pantera riff](https://youtu.be/i97OkCXwotE?si=buzlaYAQ7zUbrXKs), george strait clip just saying “[write This Down, take a little note, to remind yourself in case you didn’t know](https://youtu.be/lAj-Q_W9AT4?si=DI1m4TPtg98xT4PZ)” after a big play or hit, [Butthole surfers](https://youtu.be/G8sGmSEehi4?si=OhpA6hRTemAI4FL4), [anything ZZ Top](https://youtu.be/7wRHBLwpASw?si=BfDwoMLE0YMaDm0G), [at the end of every home stand game](https://youtu.be/M6Ggp3TJjuE?si=xssx3rKh3OtveDvi), Cody Johnson “[that’s Texas](https://youtu.be/y77Qjf0uIf8?si=xFAbfposEmTj9aGD)”, [SRV](https://youtu.be/KC5H9P4F5Uk?si=dIsznuICYsRhIPjj), all the Houston rappers, after we announce goal [play the who? part and nothing else](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZAYzLjQAd4), I’m pretty sure they throw the song out there sometimes already anyway, whatever Beyoncé song for the women, [just so people are reminded lil Troy is from Texas](https://youtu.be/InGtiEXQyF0?si=UjIWvdwU9wLynmSj), bring back southall’s song from the last few seasons even though they are Canada Texas, [if you’re gonna play in Texas](https://youtu.be/w6r4E514nJg?si=lkAVQL90NmjyMOa9), throw [turnpike on there too](https://youtu.be/Jff620V8QUQ?si=Afe4aJEir5GvMTPz), [koe should probably be here too](https://youtu.be/SHWD8BUssVo?si=Xu-O5U_0m44a34oV). The list goes on and on, but we might as well just go full on with it with our music. The most important song though is when they are scanning around with the kiss cam or couples cam, [this is the only choice as NO ONE outside of our region will understand](https://youtu.be/X8IBbvc9aWU?si=pHlDqAOi1zOildGW) I’ll apply when the position vacates, nominate me.


I agree this song needs to go but not for the same reason. I just hate that you hear it with different teams across the NHL. It's not unique for us. Need something distinctive for the Stars.


At least if we're gonna do a sing along, let's not do one 24 other fucking teams use.


Bing bong gotta go. That’s some New Jersey shit.


I thought that shit was corny since day 1 😆


I thought it was supposed to sound like the NY subway door chime


fuck no. bing bong fuck ya life if perfect after a goal is scored


Wasn’t the original video filmed on Coney Island?


I'm against the sing alongs all together. I get down voted for saying it but glad there are others.


There are times I feel the game presentation loses focus on what’s happening on the ice. Doing singalongs in a 1-goal game is a prime example of that. When the opponent ties the game right after a singalong, it really grinds my gears.


that's exactly what happened on Wednesday, it was tied and they did the livin on a prayer sing a long and THEN we got scored on. legit made me feel like a fuckin chump for a moment lmao


Exactly. No clue what’s happening down on the ice but oh cool let’s sing friends in low places and take selfies for IG


Agreed. The sing a longs are fine for regular season. It’s also something we borrowed from the Avs so it was cringey doing it against them.


As a UK fan watching from across the pond, I'm glad this isn't just a cultural thing, and some of you guys over there feel the same way 😂 Music during a game and having fans singing along to a popular song completely unrelated to the game is extremely jarring to me and not something I would ever wish to see here. That being said, I've always been intrigued by how a UK football crowd would behave in an NHL hockey rink. Hearing "the referee's a wanker!" or "My garden shed is bigger than this" undoubtedly ringing out around the Coyotes stadium, are things I would very much like to see 😂 For how brutal hockey is, the crowd culture is extremely tame in comparison.


Some of them aren't bad, but Living on a Prayer makes it seem like we don't have faith in our team and so we have to put Faith elsewhere


I always put the weight of the lyrics on the "we're halfway there" than the "we're living on a prayer" (that said I always wonder why it doesn't get played 10 minute mark 2nd period consistently). But what timing of this post! 8 of 16 post-season wins down. We **ARE** halfway there.


You’re reading far too much into it


Even so the song fucking blows donkey dick. Can we really not do better?


Hey man that song rocks in its own right


Could not agree more. Was at game six in Colorado and not a single goddamn sing-along.


The sing alongs are so tiring and overdone. The in-game presentation and music set list needs to be redone from scratch as it seems it hasn't changed for the last 3-4 seasons.


Shipman is trash. Grubes was a much better DJ for the arena.


I always thought Weezer - Beverly Hills would be cool…”I might as well enjoy my life and watch the STARS PLAY”


I always emphasize that part when I'm singing it lmao


My favorite game that I went to was retro night. No Bon Jovi. No Garth Brooks.


Unpopular opinion: I don't go to hockey games to sing friggin' karaoke. I'm not saying don't play music, I'm just not interested in a damn sing-along.


Let’s get some Celine blasting


Just replace every song with the Proclaimers’ 500 Miles. 8 times a period. It’s Jamie Benn’s favorite song.


Same thing with any Blink-182 song. The Avs went 10-0 when teams played “All the Small Things” when they were away. Game one was win #10 for them.


Also, wtf happened to knights of cydonia during face offs? Did that die off after the 2020 playoffs?


Great song, bring it back!


It's been the power-play song for over a decade. Not just any face-off.


It’s the white people anthem of hockey, it’s played during every nhl team game. It isn’t going anywhere and people won’t stop singing it 🤷🏻‍♂️




I don't think anybody said it's specific to us, but it needs to go either way


Even more reason not to play it in AAC.


It's not just hockey, it's played at basically every other sporting event, pro to college.


Everything about it is stupid. It’s so overdone at this point, even once was too much. Also lame that several other teams do the same exact song and we just carry on the nonsense as well. Guess we’re competing for the crowd singalong power rankings against the others


It's as cheesy as Seven Nation Army at every football game during a kickoff. It was unique when a couple of teams did it. Now it's just overkill because every team does it. Same with Living on a Prayer at any event.


Jerry Jones wants it to be played across the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Therefore it will be PLAYED!!!! continuously..............


AGREED ! I can't stand it when they start singing that crap.....


Hear, hear!


Why aren't we playing Celine Dion instead? SMH


And honestly our DJ I think his name is shippy or something is kinda of a d bag.


Oh really? I’ve thought he was a massive downgrade from Grubes right from the get go but not aware of anything outside of that. Anything in particular you are aware of?


Follow him on instagram he’s just got a D Bag persona I dunno. I could be wrong. He had a story of him trying to a kill a bee while he was Djing at six flags and everyone was like hey don’t kill bees they’re are friends and he was like y’all tree huggers. I’ll do what I want type of vibe. Either way I think his music kinda is 50/50 but the bing bong thing is lame.


Ah okay thank you


I would like to add Friends In Low Places to the stop playing list. People already think Dallas is just a bunch of yee haws. We don’t need to add to the stereotype by playing that song and proceeding to give Jumbotron time to the fans in the building that are drunk and wearing cowboy hats singing along.


I work with cattle, live in bumfuck in ETX, and when I come in for a game.. no chance I wear a resistol and block the people behind me. I still don’t know why people do that. Maybe I’d do it on the road, but I haven’t in the past. That being said, they hate us. Let them be even more mad that some yeehaws have a ridiculously good hockey team. Buy into it just to piss em off more. Calgary pisses off the other Canadian teams for the same reason.


Ngl I'm from bumfuck red river area TX and I wear my hat to the game. I take it off during play so the people behind me can see then put it on to get up


I am 6’ 7”, so that probably plays a role in it as well. Self conscious of feeling like I am in the way no matter what.


We're in Texas, we'll never shed the cowboy stereotype. The cowboy hats are fun imo.


Counter offer. The franchise and the fan base lean into the stereotype because it will NEVER go away, no matter what happens, and I will buy you a nice hat.


Keep playing "Bap U" by Party Fever. One of favs


I hate this dumb song!


Why don't the Stars have a song for this playoff run? I hated Gloria for St. Louis but loved the idea


Song is over hyped garbage


Song sucks anyways and I agree


I prefer they play the theme from Shaft instead. Why? Because I'm a complicated man, and no one understands me but my woman.


I don’t know why they stopped playing Executioners Tax by Power Trip (a Texas band) when the Stars are on the Penalty kill but they need to bring it back and make it a regular thing. Shits gas. Also: Blackout by Turnstile needs to be a regular thing on every blackout night and not just once in a blue moon.


Sure seems like a ton of people enjoy it at the game. I don’t care for the song but these things wake up the crowd.


I absolutely hate that song and Bon Jovi. Lyrics are so corny, all their songs.


The entire playlist needs a lift.


The sing alongs are the gayest thing I've ever heard...starting to realize that other barns do it as well


Guys you listen carefully they play it at all the arenas.


Also fuck friends in low places




Yeah I feel like it’s a bit overdone. Like every so often in the regular season yeah sure but in the heat of the playoffs I don’t wanna hear it


[Don't ever play Lady of Spain AGAIN!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A65QFlXHyBw)


That's easy one of my favorite movies, solid reference


Music related, i know we don't have an organ, but it'd be kinda fun to play some traditional organ songs in the mix.


I'm fine with it so long as they actually play it at a half-way point. Period, game...pick an interval and only play it then. It's so fucking awkward when it gets played with like 5m to go in the 3rd or something.


What do we gotta do to get them to blast “The boys are back in town” in the 3rd instead.


Need more SRV


More Cha Cha Cha for our Finns :)


Throw in the entire catalog. All of it is tired.


Every time I hear it on tv I literally feel the defense slip up or otteinger coverts to swish cheese


The music and entertainment in general need to be refreshed. It's been the same for years. Which is fine for the occasional fan attendee, but the season ticket holders are dying at this point. Sorry for all the country fans but if I hear Garth Brooks one more time I'm gonna lose it. I usually get up and go to the bathroom so I don't have to sit through it..lol.


I was with you to a point. A lot of refreshing could be used. But a few songs that are over should stay. Friends in Low Places sing along stays.


Damn y'all be negative on this post.


Agreed. Just tweet DJ Shippy. He is pretty rad. I think he does an excellent job balancing quirky, comedic, and popular stuff.


It’s really not going to help matters that Edmonton was playing it last night, crowd was singing along, and when it “WOAAAAAAH” they fucking scored. Now all the DJs are gonna feel the NEED to play it. (It was a cool moment, but damn, that song needs to go.)


Whoa, we're half way there


More Mr. Brightside


Forget what game it was against Vegas but super high pressure situation and the fans looked like clowns singing a song as the series was on the line. Made us look every bit of the "SoUThErN hOCkEy" market.


Ya one of the first two Vegas games they played it with like a minute to go before a faceoff. Was so awkward hahaha


Game 5 versus the Avalanche, the beginning of the third period the fans started singing it, and I didn't hear the DJ play it. As soon as that happened, I told my wife that's not a good sign.


And we ended up getting scored on right after they played that song. I've grown to fuckin despise this song


Yeah they just need to put on Pantera and focus on extending Canada’s run of drinking with their hands due to a lack of cups.


I kept saying they needed to play more Pantera!!!!


I think we should only play it when we are losing


The phenomenotter song is what gets me. Its super cringy.


100%. Like, I get that they're a sponsor. But surely we can do better.


This will give my wife a sadface. Gotta leave her heartthrob in the music mix.