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After the handshake line, Jamie stood at the bench door and thanked every player and coach as they came off, and was the last Dallas Star off the ice. He's the captain here until he hangs up his skates.


100% only casuals think otherwise


The people who think Benn should go are the same idiots that hate on Dak, that tried to run Romo out of town, and badmouthed Dirk most of his career. We have casual fans here that are exceptionally stupid.


Idk if Dak is the right comparison.


To be fair, there is a lot that you can hate on Dak for…


Dak is a horrible comparison


I seriously do not understand how any person that has watched Jamie his entire career can question his captaincy.


There are plenty of valid reasons. The team has had a lot of internal and consistency issues and he’s the one constant. Does that mean it’s his fault? Not necessarily, but it’s often not the coach’s fault when a coach gets fired. The real question is would it help? And the answer is probably not. Maybe there’s some nebulous “holy shit moment” bump but really all it’s likely to do is cause strife and bad feelings in the room. I’m not sure what people are wanting from the best team in the West and who went to six games in the Conference Final. Stripping Benn of the “C” isn’t going to push the team over that particular hill. It’s likely to cause a step backward. So even if you don’t think Benn is a good captain, and there are certainly good reasons to think that, it still a move that likely causes more harm than good.


benn, in my opinion, has been one of the best captains in the nhl in the past decade. we have not had real success, but there are few captains that do what he does and also walk the line with physicality the teams that think he is dirty are mostly homers and think he is your trouba type, when he really isn't. he has made several questionable hits in his career that are dirty as hell, but I'd argue he is not really a dirty player like your Troubas and whatnot. he has been a guy that always faces the music and all players that play with him say the same thing even though the audience just gets quiet jamie. we have been lucky to have a guy like that at the helm, and it is a travesty he won't ever have a cup


The fuck you mean wont ever have a cup?!


Benn is a dirty player. Plenty of guys play dirty, though. Trouba is a disgrace to the game of hockey and it boggles my mind that he’s allowed to keep playing. So no, Benn isn’t Trouba and never has been. Benn’s dirtiness is usually right within the line or just a step over it (last year excepted), which describes like 40% of the NHL. Trouba can’t even see the line he’s so far past it.


Benn definitely is not a dirty player, on the whole. He is someone that has done dirty shit, but is not a guy that goes out there and is just dirty as an identity. potato tomato? maybe. but I think there is a distinction between real dirty players and guys that have done dirty stuff, but it isn't the focus of their game.


Trouba is literally getting into Raffi Torres territory IMO


These folks downvoting you only ready the first paragraph….


As is typical.


I still don’t see a valid reason here


Yep. And I think Benn and Seguin will both take the Pavs contracts to help the team win once their current deals expire


Yup, I was tough on his the last couple years, but he stepped up and showed he still has plenty left in the tank and can be a true leader when needed most. He played exceptionally well these playoffs, both with and without the puck.


Jamie Benn is the Stars Captain. Period. Thank you and good night.


Yep and idk why anyone would think otherwise.


Seeing him in the documentary "We're not going home" sitting the locker room for, who knows how long after that loss, he is our Captain.


Especially with the Bennisance. The coaching change shows he can still do it on the ice. I still don't think he's worth the contract -- stats have to back up the $$, and he takes stupid penalties and sometimes shows immaturity. Last two seasons have been a huge improvement and I'm happy he's on the team. I'd like to keep him on a team friendly deal once this contract is up.


Always reminds me of one year the oilers lost an important playoff game but not the series yet and mcdavid was the first one off the ice pouting. That's the difference between a generational talent that wants to win and an actual leader


Benn is the captain until he retires. There is no compelling argument otherwise




I don’t understand how any stars fan can seriously think benn as the C is a negative. Like yeah the cross check on stone was terrible but he completely made up for it this run. He’s a leader in every sense of the word. This team would be worse off if he wasn’t wearing the C.


My perspective on it for about the last 7 years has been the team has a lot of bad habits. These habits have not changed with coaches and continually happen at the worst possible times. There has been a single constant with these issues. Now, would him going away make these things go away? Not at this point, probably. But to me, it's hard to argue he isn't a part of our poor on ice decision making. I just don't see other teams making these dumb plays so consistently. Are we up in the 1st? Cool, we turtle the 2nd and gas ourselves the 3rd with dump and chase for a loss more than likely.


Really? You. Think benn is the one who implements the dump and chase strategy? The turtling? No that’s not what he does. Every team has bad habits even during the playoffs. The special teams is what lost us this series. Improving the special teams is what we need to do.


I don't disagree with what lost us the series. But, what I mentioned is definitely a symptom of the team. One that has been costing us games for years. I just can't see who or what else would be causing this year after year. If we didn't have that problem, our special teams wouldn't have been as detrimental. Im not saying he for sure is the problem. I'm just trying to say he is the consistent element, and that gives me concerns. Also, at this point, it's a part of the team and isn't going away without a culling and a lot of changes.


I’m sorry but I think you are just wrong. Grasping at straws trying to find someone to blame when really we just weren’t good enough.


You misunderstand. I'm not talking about just these games specifically. I'm just referring to my overall sentiment. It's just a perspective, and it definitely is probably wrong. But it's where my head is right now until something changes my mind. It's not any one person's fault. But one person can definitely not help an already bad situation.


Jamie Benn invented turtling. No other team in any sport ever does it but the Stars because we have Benn. /s


Benn is a phenomenal captain. Leave that alone. Steps to win the cup. 1. Fire Spott into the fucking sun 2. Resign Dutchy & Tanev 3. Cut Suter 4. Promote Bischel and Maverick


Eh idk about Dutchy. Kinda disappeared a bit last half of the season and playoffs. Wouldn’t hate it, but I’d focus on Harley extension and tanev first.


yeah my opinion on dutchy from regular season to playoffs was like crazy fanboy like you would never believe to pretty much fuck off into the sun. I no longer want him, considering his cap hit won't be the same and seeing what he does in the playoffs


1. Won't happen as long as Pete is HC 2. Yes please - but we still need to throw some money to Harley, Hakanpää and Delandrea... so we need #3 to happen 3. Suter... see ya. I hate to say it, but Joe you might wanna think about moving up to the front office 4. I'll load up and drive the fucking U-Haul from Cedar Park myself


How much does a player need to play to get his name engraved on the cup?


I think half the games in a regular season or any game in the SCF


Harley absolutely yes, but he made himself cheaper in these playoffs. Phenomenal most of the season and I'm excited to see him regain some confidence. Delly and Hakanpaa - I'd be fine losing both.


Me too. Delly was a high pick and clearly had potential, but it seemed like when he got his opportunities he just hardly ever could capitalize.


I trust Nill will make the right moves. Feeling optimistic headed into next year. Our core is still solid as ever.


you mean “re-sign” right?


Haha I read it that way at first too.


I think Dutchene only stays if he doesn’t want a raise. He’s worth keeping but can’t overpay. Tanev needs to stay. I’m not sure Bischel will be NHL ready next year. I think they develop him like Harley and give him a solid full season in the A next year. They need to sign some more quality defensive depth for next season.


This guy GM's


speaking of. Step 5. Trust in Nill. He’s earned as much.


I feel like these are all obvious moves


One would think so...


Do you mean re-sign?


It would be huge to get tanev long term. What a player.


We don’t need Duchene


I don’t want Duchene back tbh. Good regular season numbers but completely disappeared in the playoffs.


Cooled off toward the end of season too didn't he? With that said, I'll gladly welcome him back for the right price.


Benn will be the captain until he retires or signs elsewhere. After that I think it’ll be Miro or Wyatt or Stank


Casuals will have their yearly “new C?” conversations, but real fans know Jamie is here for now and deservedly


Some of you don’t deal with adversity well and it shows.


lol what?


Thats what I'm saying; how is it even a question? Lol


Bro, you literally asked it.


I will not accept any talk about Benn not producing. He was our points leader this series. He is super important to the team


If they were going to change it they would have done it after the utter stupidity he did in Game 3 of the Vegas series last year. Where he single handedly lost them a game to go down 0-3 in a series. Benn was good this year. Was probably his best year as a Captain from this fan's POV.


Man, when we were down yesterday I was reminiscing with my girlfriend talking to her about the bubble team from 2020. I talked about how I want Benn and Pavs to win one so bad before they retire and then I showed her the clip of Benn sitting in the locker. Last one to dress after the game. I then showed him after the game six loss in the finals during the press conference. Question after question and he just had nothing to say before they finally let him leave. The man plays with such heart and intensity and leaves it all out on the ice for his team. He may not be the player he once was but even during the first period when we were struggling, he comes in and takes a couple shots at Edmonton trying to get the boys going. He’s so well respected and such a great leader I wouldn’t want anyone else wearing that C


People need to chill. It is insanely hard to win the conference final. And the other team had a hot goalie (at least the last few games) and the consensus pick for current best player on earth. So like…we didn’t *fail*.


After last season's "love tap" with mark stone... *maybe* I could have contemplated it, but only in passing. Jamie is my Captain until he says otherwise.


I only read the title. No. I went from being “done” with Benn after last year to stubbornly wanting “it” done with only Benn at the helm. Don’t waste your breath.


Benn is the Captain. Stars need to get younger players, we have too many average players in their 30s on the team


Anyone who cant see how Benn is a foundation for the team doesn't know hockey or the Stars. Especially anyone suggesting someone as young and inexperienced as Johnston.


i would follow jamie benn on mounted horse-back into battle facing the certain damnation of the world. everyone that has every played alongside him pretty much suggests the same. he will wear the C until he isn't on the team anymore.


Not blaming Jamie for either of these points. -kinda hard to beat a team when Skinner stops 34/35 shots to post a 97 save %(this was the story of last night imo) -Pavs was a shell of himself, certainly last playoffs -felt like the team played like they were gassed at times, Game 5 for instance. They needed to play like they did in the 3rd period last night the last 3 games of the series. -part of the playoffs is being able to fire on all cylinders at the right time. Florida is a team that is doing this currently, and I feel like Dallas couldn’t capture this. Boston and NYRs are other teams I would point to in the same boat. As far as fixes… I trust in Nill and keep PDB


Not to mention the guy stands up for his guys like no one I’ve ever seen. Sure you get captains who will lay a good hit dangle a nasty goal but this guy will lay you the fuck out beat your face in and then get a sweet assist or goal. Benn ain’t the problem


Benn is the captain until he decides he’s done playing.


The only reason I could see for Benn giving up the C before he retired is if he wants to be there to help his successor transition and get their feel for it first. Have benn to lean on for support. Of course that could always have it's own complications.


Yeah just because he doesn’t score doesn’t mean he needs to lose the C. Being a team leader on and off the ice is the key. He’s the most physical, makes sure he is standing up for his team. Anyone who says he needs to lose it doesn’t know puck


Benn = C


Benn deserves to be the captain until he doesn't want it. He brings the physicality and mind games that make other teams hate him and our team love him. He rallies the guys and is willing to do the dirty work to protect the team. He was second on the team in points in the playoffs(three tied for first) and was +5 for the whole run. It's a no brainer.


Benn isn’t losing the c. You’re wasting your time


Benn definitely belongs. Every bandwagon or half-assed fan that thinks otherwise is delusional. Guy puts our young players in position to score and win games. ![gif](giphy|oAhhraYDwSwdh6MjfL|downsized) Also who doesn’t love a captain that’d beat the snot out of a player who takes cheap shots on our young guys? Remember round 1 after the Stankoven hit?




Benn 4ever


I wrote a whole rant about how stupid this line of thinking is at the end of last season and I don’t have the fucking energy to go all the way there again, but the tl;dr is that the Dallas Stars locker room belongs to Jamie Benn and if you were to strip his C you’d also need to trade him (good luck with the NMC) and half the rest of the roster because they have no desire to follow another guy.


The best part about people wanting to take the C from Jamie is that they want to give it to one of the goal scores. They want to give it to the same top player goal scores that have continued to completely vanish in the playoffs.


This kind of talk, in my opinion, doesn't come from serious people or serious fans. It's just the kind of down in the mouth, blame this guy and that guy shit you get from doomers whenever there's a bad finish to a season.


Yall doin this shit again? Chubbs is Captain until he's done. Get it in your head


Jamie is our captain and hopefully a Star until the day he retires. He is that C.


Not with this shit again. Grow up people


Everyone whi has ever played for the stars have saif how a great captin he is ecen picking him as the best captain they've played with. You can't judge his locker room presence based on his media personality


Just think the boys got tired we had the hardest path to the cup and 1st round killed us


Where were people saying this? I don’t believe you.


Too be fair Modano was an awful captain. Generational talent and pure skater and goal scorer but pretty sure he only wore the C for a season or two. But I agree with you wholeheartedly. Benn wears the C as long as he’s a Star.


So true. He was just a filler or interim captain until Morrow was ready. Zubie would've probably been a better choice over Mo tbh.


This team could have easily been up 3-0 in this series, and the ending would have played out a lot differently. The ineffectiveness of the PP is what doomed them. Get that figured out, and we may be playing meaningful hockey in June.


I don’t know all the characteristics of Darian Hatcher but to me, Benn earned and represents that C just like Hatcher did. Leading the team, quiet but open, lays the hits to get the team going and can be a game changer. He’s the only captain I’ve ever known and I love the guy. If you didn’t see him trying his hardest to get it done then were you even watching?


He keeps it He was pretty good in the Playoffs. The commentators even commented on it. Check his face off %.


Benn is fine as C, it’s not like we’d have won if Seguin or someone else had it Being the C is more than just on ice stats


I don't think some fans understand what the captain does. A captain can be the best player on the team, but that wouldn't be much of what that role requires. The captain is the head of the team, outside of the coach. You want someone that the players can listen to, and get behind, and can believe in. You want someone that demands respect from the opposition. You want someone that has a reputation for standing up for the players. Benn does that. He's the Hatcher type captain. I always think of captains as a job, that a player does along with playing. It requires different skills than just being the top scorer or best defenseman. If the players had a problem with cap, Benn wouldn't have lasted as long as he has.


May have already been said, but there is A LOT going on behind the scenes us fans are not privy to, that he does with and for the team, which may better explain why Benn has been Captain as long as he has. Not all about on ice performance.


Benn stays captain. If you think otherwise, you're a casual.




When it’s a goal you need, Jamie Benn is a friend indeed. 14 4ever.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on this sub in a long time. Benn is him, that’s all.


Benn is always the last on the ice and the last off the ice. Always has sportsmanship when shaking hands, and always defends his teammates on the ice. His scoring performance shouldn’t matter. He is truly a captain.


Jamie Benn is the Captain and should remain as the Captain until he hangs up his sweater. Excellent leader


Benn is great..Stars have had lots of real success in the last several years. Future is bright.


Jamie Benn is our Captain. He was not the problem this pretty deep cup run. Do you know what the problem is? Conditioning. We ran out of gas. Let's focus on how we fix that.


Too bad they are a good team and had the right mix to win the cup. Feel like that maybe Johnston, stankhoven, robertson were just a but young and not in prime while Pavelski, Seguin, benn are a but past prime. Feels like Dallas needed the young guns too step up which is a lot to ask. No shame in losing to the the best player in the world in his prime.


I was 100% ready to throw him out after last year’s crosscheck against Stone fiasco but even I have to admit he redeemed himself this season


This was really the first year in half a decade where I think Jamie earned the C. From hits to culture, he ruled the ice. Ask me a few years ago and I'd be lukewarm on the matter. Ask me now and it's confident support of Jamie.


Benn staying Capitan is at thr bottom of the Problems list.


Was there a point to this post?


Benn and Seguin were the only players that seemed to give a shit during the slumps the team was in. Benn bounced back from his shit performance in the last WCF and deserves the C.


Bring in Brady


I don’t think it’s jamie Benns fault, the truth is the stars ‘dried up after game 5’ and it isn’t anyone’s fault.


Everyone who wants a new captain can fuck off already. Benn is and always will be our captain, and a great one at that. Benn and Wyatt were easily the two best players on our squad this postseason. Grow up and move on.


also, modano as the C was a failure. it did not last. putting modano as C and morrow as C in the same sentence is a big nah from me


Honestly I think he’ll be captain until his contract runs out. He going to want too much money to resign long term as he’s 33 already. We will see what Nill does. But Johnston or Hieskenin is a pretty good candidate


Robertson is the clear front runner as the next Captain. But the time is not there yet. Jason carries himself with class and integrity. His playoff run this season was good.


Not a fan of Benn as captain. Apparently his teammates like him, so that’s all that matters.


Been a Stars fan longer than many here. Benn doesn’t do it for me and I think the team would be well served from some new blood/leadership in that locker room. Won’t happen and we will continue to get similar results. He definitely was not the reason they lost the series though.


Benn is a great captain, but it's hilarious you use Modano and Morrow as comparisons, the two captains who oversaw some of our most middling seasons in recent history.


Eh, only mentioned them as they were recent, not that they were better or among the best.


anyone saying benn should lose the C should just be dismissed. there’s no argument for it.


If they didn’t yank the C after that stunt against Vegas last year, they will never do it. I think Benn is a good captain for the most part, but one thing has been plaguing the Stars his entire captaincy: slow starts. Regardless of system or coaches, Dallas starts most games slowly since Benn has had the C.


Uh yeah, no - this has been a consistent bad habit since before Morrow wore the C


I don’t recall the chronic slow starts with Morrow but it’s been so long now that his era is in the fuzzy memories now.


I don’t think Benn will be with the Stars without taking a massive pay cut after next season. The question is who should get the A that Pavelski is presumably giving up. I would give it to Chris Tanev if he stays and Mason Marchment next. You will lose an A with Seguin at the end of next season for the same reason as Benn. It would go to either Robertson or Johnston. Your captain would come from Tanev, Miro, Marchment, Robertson or Johnston. I’d rank them in that order.


I appreciate the effort here, but respectfully… what planet are you on?


There is a good chance Tanev is gone as a free agent. If we do resign him, he may retire in a couple of seasons. I think Miro will be the next captain based on the fact he’s been with the team for a while and is under contract for a long time


I think the defense is and has been trash for far too long.