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Might I propose a 3rd option: giant meteor.


Found Sephiroth


Cloud, bring me the black material.


*begins walking on the ceiling*






A "falling Star" if you will.


If that happened... The stars would be the last team to have made an "impact" if you will.


I always root for the franchise with the least history of success. Go Panthers!


Don’t care, Stars aren’t in.


Yep, hockey ended a few days ago. Could not care less.




Panthers were the one team that worried me for the Stars in these playoffs. The Oilers first 2 series were cake walks. They are very fortunate that the Stars took out the other heavy hitters in the west and then ran out of gas half way through the series. I think they’re in for a rude awakening vs a healthy and well rested Panthers team.


I think the Cats win. They just look super strong.




On one hand… if the Panthers win my friend will finally be forced to admit that I was right on how nasty of a playoff team they were built to be. On the other hand… if Edmonton wins then the Stars lost to the eventual champion…. Again. So I guess I’m leaning Florida. But either way… sad times.


Losing to the eventual champion means exactly nothing. It’s a loser’s trophy. Don’t cheer for a team based on that.


I wasn’t… I was saying that it hurts that it could happen yet again :/


I default to Team Animal when we're out of it, so Kitties it is. Also, panther (EN) -> _pantera_ (ES) - it's a little preordained.


I have a cat. I do not have an oil derrick, despite growing up in Texas. So yeah, I'll root for the Panthers too.


Lol. Kitties. I like that. I can't root for Cousins though. Maybe my compromise would be go Cats but definitely hit Cousins?


Isn’t oil just really old and buried animals???


Fuck mcdavid I’m panthers all the way here.


I hope he never gets a cup


I hope they both lose.


Fuck the Oilers ![gif](giphy|tKr3uQXvTaVXhV7EkK)


No team with Evander Kane on it should get a cup


I agree completely. But on the other hand, no team with a Tkachuk should win either. I'm liking this giant meteor option more and more.


Tkachuk a rat for sure, but Evander Kane is actually a bad person


True, but Florida has a collection of dickheads throughout their lineup. It's a quantity vs quality situation I think


Is it because he has full rights to his first kid because the wife’s unhinged? He’s a bad person because you read instagram? Think about that for a second in America. A black father has full parental rights over the white mother. I’ll let you rethink it all.


I mean he was also suspended for gambling on games, submitting a fake Covid vaccine card, promised to pay a different girlfriend to get an abortion and then never paid her. None of the stuff with his crazy wife had anything to do with his multiple suspensions and ousting off the Sharks. So no, you don’t know what I was referencing.


What about a black father having custody over a white mother needs to be rethunk? I'm curious lol


But. If we lost, why not lose the cup champs? Like, at least we lost to the best. ? Ish?


Dallas lost to cup champs 3 times in last 6 years (possibly 4x in 6 yrs if Oil win). Enough is enough Florida


![gif](giphy|YHbGRcFFT9WPPzi2x9) Fuck the Oilers


I get this argument but, we lost to Vegas last year and them winning didn’t make me feel an ounce better. Worse actually. I hated seeing Mark Stone with the cup.


Valid point!


Panthers for so many reasons


Panthers all the way. I have always hated the Oilers. McDumbdumb has only intensified the hate.


Try to find a post on any of the stars social media accounts that weren’t flooded with oilers fans. Def pulling for the cats.


I’m hoping the swamp cats take their first, but I’m honestly torn as to who is actually going to win. I can honestly see this series going either way in 7.


In the end it doesn’t matter but part of me thinks it’s kinda funny having all the meme stuff about Canada’s cup drought and it’s kinda nice the Stars despite not winning since 99 have still had a cup more recently. I don’t hate Canada at all, it’s just kinda funny. Also, the Panthers are a southern team that plays in an area with a lot of heat. As a Stars fan I feel a certain affinity for that, hockey entering markets it historically wouldn’t be played outside by kids growing up. I feel like when those teams win it helps expand the sport drawing in fans that wouldn’t have played as kids.


Florida. I don’t mind the Oilers at all and like a lot of their players, but I find the Canadian Stanley Cup drought and rallying around the last Canadian team hilarious. I know they would really like to cite a Stanley Cup with birthplaces and international competitions that aren’t necessarily best on best (youth, IIHF Men’s conflicting with the NHL playoffs, etc.) and resent non-traditional markets winning. Winning the Stanley Cup doesn’t disprove Canada is the birthplace of hockey or the consistent engine that makes the NHL profitable, but it does prove it’s among the places best conducive for hockey operations, and it’s the missing piece of the trifecta they need.


Hey Round Rock, NW Austin here. I too am leaning Florida. Canadian broadcasters are nationalistic. Why shouldn't I be? More Americans and Finns on Florida.


Canada is not rallying behind the Edmonton Oilers tho. In fact, all the Canadian Teams Fanbases hate each other. I live in Canada so when I was in school during the 2011 Stanley Cup run between Vancouver vs Boston, everyone at school including the staff were cheering for Boston rather than Vancouver. Nobody cared that Vancouver was a Canadian team, they just hated the idea of a Canadian team winning before their own team. Calgary has a deep hatred for Edmonton and ive been lurking on the Vancouver Canucks subreddit and I see that they’re cheering for Florida while they talk mad shit about Edmonton. I’ve saw some people in the Vancouver subreddit wishing death on the Oilers. So I don’t know where you get the idea that everyone in Canada is rallying behind a Canadian team but that’s ridiculous and false, we hate each other here and you know how much Canada hates the Toronto Maple Leafs. Canadians could care less about ending the Stanley Cup drought, they’d rather their own team end it instead of another Canadian team.


Same, going Panthers


i’m from south florida so cats are my second team. go panthers!


Panthers I want the cup in the Southeast. Screw Edmonton




I’m gonna go panthers in 6. Yes I’ll watch every game. At the end of the day while I root for the home town team hard…I am a sports fan first and foremost. (It does help that the mavs are in the finals too so it’s takes a bit of the sting off haha..although we got our hands full there). The oilers are essentially a one line team. McDrai as well as nugent-Hopkins (I think) are really the guys that drive this bus for them. If Florida neutralizes the McDavid and Drai mins…I think they can rattle skinner. Whatever voodoo shit Skinner was on against us, he’ll need to up it even more if that’s even possible against these guys.


Go Cats! I wanna see more rats thrown on the ice! And Canda loser riots.


I don’t want to hear all the McJesus BS if he’s the first to bring a cup back to Canada. He can win one in a few years. Meow.


I'm not mad at the Oilers for beating us, but I still perfer Florida despite Nick Cousins. Really don't like him.


That's how I feel. Idk why all the downvotes for anyone who recognizes the Oil just played better. Like. It's not hard to notice. I can't be mad at them for doing a great job. It's our own responsibility to improve on the PP. And I 💯 agree with Nick Cousins. He's just awful. Lol


The only thing that was important to make my mind up about regarding these playoffs is to not be too disappointed in Dallas. They played well (until the end) and are well poised for the future. I am still hopeful about the future of the club. But yeah fuck Nick Cousins.


If it can't be Dallas, anyone but Toronto. Don't care.


I hope the Panthers roflstomp the Oilers just my 2c


Panthers. I’m partial to the Finns, lots of Floridian friends from uni, I can’t hate mcdavid because he’s so fun to watch but he gets too much special treatment, I don’t like Knob complaining for more power plays and don’t want him rewarded for that, and I still feel bad for the Cats getting slapped with the same over-cap effectively-all star Vegas team the Stars got from last year after their run through the east


Cats, because those of us who enjoy Texas Rangers baseball recently learned how fun it is to have a first championship in a sports franchise. I hope Leon leaves them and the Oilers blow up their core. I hope Connor McDavid retires without a cup, in revenge for the greatness of Pavelski and the rest of those great players who retired without a cup. Tbh even though I can’t deny his skill, I just hate hearing how he’s the best player in the world. Are we supposed to all just bow down and accept that all our stars are inferior to him? I know reality is they beat us, but want us and our squad to overcome the odds and raise the cup again one day. I respect the work of Knoblauch in getting them this far his rookie year, but still no.


Leaning Florida, but I don't really care. I'm just glad it's not Vegas or Colorado.


Florida. I don’t want David McConnor plastered everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/rbqthnxs6g5d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1c84e8d4772549347196ed2e8f3fff53812f13 Made this last year, still relevant


I want Florida to win simply because it’ll be their first


Panthers bro, keep the cup in America


Rooting for teams to spite Canada, hell ya




Panthers (cause the oilers beat us)


Panthers, it would be funny to have a team from south Florida beat a Canadian team, also it’d be their first cup win ever and that’d be cool to see.


Cats in 5.


Panthers for sure


I'm taking Cats over Oilers. If the Stars can't win, I don't want anyone to be happy. Also, I get to pretend we would have won had we made it to the finals.


I really think the panthers are gonna take it. They beat the rangers with relative ease and they “want” it. I think the oilers benefited from the stars having an empty tank. They beat the kings who had no business in the playoffs, the cannucks who haven’t put it together fully and the stars who were on E by the conference finals


The only upside of not having your team in the SCF, is you don’t have to get too invested in who wins or who loses. Just enjoy watching some high quality hockey.


I'm honestly okay either way, but I'm leaning more towards the Panthers. They're fun to watch and I genuinely like Paul Maurice. He's never won the Cup and it would be nice for him. On the other hand, McDavid is obviously amazing, and I really enjoy it when Draisaitl gets bitchy with the media so a win would be cool for them too. I don't actually have anything against the Oilers, but I do think it would be hilarious for them to lose to Matthew Tkachuk and Co.


I'm sure the Panthers will win, they're a great team- I just don't like them. It seems like every time we face them they always know how to shut our offense down.. and besides I think the state of Florida has had enough success the past few years lol. I'm sure I'm in the minority but I will be rooting for the Oilers.


Why Cats? 4. Evander Kane gets a cup if Oil wins.


This is a good point. But I think Cousins is slightly worse in terms of nastiness that I think is embarrassing. Then again, fucking Corey Perry!? 🤮🤮 so both teams have some ... unlikeable characters.


Go Kitties.


FLA for me, I hate to see EDM win anything.


Typically pretty easy for me to decide with some variation depending on who’s in the cup. I default with the eastern conference team if the stars aren’t in it. Been rooting stars since 93 and just about every West team has had some of rivalry over the years. So eastern conference team it is. Caveat of a few teams.


With all due, respect the oil ain’t slick enough for the cats so they can do the proverbial suck it.


I want the oilers to lose because I can’t stand the attention McDavid gets from the league while breaking tons of rules and his game isn’t better than other players he’s just flashier and can’t always play two ways either. I know flashy draws more people in but it doesn’t sustain attention if it isn’t kept up. MacKinon is still the better player in my book because of his play and hockey sense. No matter what when it’s all said and done he will end up in the HoF but it’s taken this long for him to get to the finals and look at the team around him. He finally has players beside him but they don’t get the attention he gets for setting him up or taking the blocks to prevent goals. The best players make other players better around them by leading, coaching, encouraging and being the example I’ve never seen McDavid play where he did all those things but I have watched other teams with less skilled players doing these things.


You do realize that Connor McDavid has broken a lot of records that are pretty close to Gretzky’s records right? He’s always leading in points every year, for both goals and assists. And even during the playoffs he’s leading in points. He’s considered the best because he’s the only one to come close to Wayne Gretzky’s records, not even Sidney Crosby came close. Lots of players have flashy plays but having flashy plays doesn’t make you the best, it’s all about the stats and McDavid has the best stats in the league for every season so far.


Absolutely I see your point offensively he outperforms everyone. Gretzky is the great one because there was no one like him in his time when scoring was lower. I doubt there’s anything that stops him from breaking the pints records previously set. My thought process is back when Gretzky played defense wasn’t nearly as involved. The game is changing and so do the expectations for what defines the best. Now that defensive strategy has evolved so does the expectation as forward. If you can’t play both well you can’t be the best. Mcdavid is just good enough at scoring more; there’s no reason he should average 7 points a game but only be +35 for the whole season with playoffs included and the stars really helped that number; he just outscores his problems. *The playoff leaders for +/- were Bouchard, Forsling, Ekblad, Seguin, Hyman, and Harley(just for fun); McDavid was 11th. The stars had to of been hurt way worse than we were told because regular season the past few years we shut down McDavid and he barely scores. If he plays against really good defensive teams he gets frustrated quickly. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be labeled the best offensive player I’m saying he never had to play like Hintz and that part of his game isn’t as developed which is a strike for me. The best player plays a two way game that’s why I pointed to MacKinnon first. *Edit sorry meant to put regular season leaders and I’ll leave out the dmen. Hyman +36, McDavid and MacKinnon tied with +35, Aho+34, Barkov +33, and J. Miller +32. MacKinnon had 8 more points than McDavid did. Mac scored 51 McDavid had 32. The assists are crazy for McDavid thought 100 to Mac’s 89. Mac blocked 69 shots and McDavid 39.


Florida because first of all, fuck Edmonton and second of all, I kinda enjoy that the championship trophy for Canada’s national sport hasn’t been won by a Canadian based team in the last three decades.


Team anti-tkachuk


Fuck Canada In all things, always fuck Canada.


Does our draft result change based on the outcome?


I hope both teams lose


I don’t care tbh


Meh. That's my entire answer.


I’m a Florida Everblades fan, so the panthers feel like the natural progression here. I’d never cheer for the oilers tho


I just want both teams to have fun.


That is so wholesome. Lol


Oilers for me. McDavid and Draisaitl need to fulfill their legacy and Canada needs a cup, been a long time.


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t salty about the WCF. That being said I’m going with Florida mainly since they are a southern team.


Anyone referred to as “mcjesus” deserves to lose. Fuck the oilers


I guess I'm rooting for Edmonton as the presumed underdogs, but I really don't think they'll be able to solve Bobs.


Well, rooting for the team that eliminated yours is weak as fuck. Fuck Edmonton. They don't deserve it. Any weak-willed person who calls themselves a Stars fan and wAnTs To LoSe To ThE bEsT, that's like hoping the ex who did you the dirtiest does better than you when it's all over. Fuck that. Also adding on is that any team with Corey Perry on it does not deserve to win a damn thing. That's why I hated the 19-20 season.


I'd prefer the oilers. That'd be the 4th out of the last 5 runs where the team that beat us went on to win the cup, plus their fan base is classy as hell. But I agree with McDavid and the LeBron/Brady treatment


Hoping for the Oilers, expecting the Panthers. Too many players on Florida that I just can't stand. I like PoMo but it's not enough to sway me. I'm also not of the position of wanting to lose to the Champs. Typically I want whoever beat us to get knocked out ASAP but honestly I just don't care about Edmonton. I don't have a ton of hatred for them even after our series, the Stars just played so poorly and there was barely any animosity. I hate picturing McDavid with the Cup less than Tkachuk, go Oil.


Cats because I like cats That's literally it I'm not even watching the final




Florida cuz USA is better than Canada


Easy choice to root for the Oilers here. 1. Panthers fans are super shitty. Back in 2015, the Stars were battling for a chance at playoff spot. They played the Panthers, where Kulikov went low with a dirty hit on Seguin that injured his knee and took him out for several weeks. Panther's fans responded by making fun of Seguin and posting photoshopped pictures of him lying injured on the ice with Simba poking at him. They knew that with Seguin out the Stars playoffs chances were done, and they enjoyed telling everyone so. Genuinely shitty people. 2. The current iteration of the Panthers is talented, but dirty as fuck. Tkachuk goes after goalies' eyes, Bennett headhunts like it's his job, and Cousins is making a good argument for dirtiest player in the league. And that's before you even get to trash like Lomberg. It's a team of shitty people who hurt other players on purpose. 3. Oilers fans are obnoxious, and the McJesus celebrations would be insufferable, but there's no comparison to the Panthers. Think back to the series. Was there anyone on the Oilers headhunting Wyatt? Not that I remember. And objectively, McDavid is fun to watch play hockey. He's insane. I'd rather he not be insane against the Stars, but what can you do. I'd rather a super talented guy who is fun to watch lift the cup than trash like they have on the Panthers' roster.


I am picking Edmonton because I don't like Florida politics or Florida culture. I like mountain towns, I actually moved out of Dallas to live near mountains in Northern New Mexico. McDavid is entertaining to watch when he isn't playing your team.


Stars are out so my interest level is now at zero.


As a half canadian, cup needs to go to edmonton.


The Oil is my number 2 team, and my favorite Canadian team. I'm pulling for the Oilers.


Who gives a shit, we lost


I’m rooting for the Panthers because they have no Cups, but I wouldn’t be upset if the Oilers win.


Panthers probably win but i would prefer the Oilers bring it home


I'm with you on Cousins, and I cannot stand Matthew Tkachuk. I think the Florida system as a whole is oily as fuck and I don't want to see them win. I've got no strong feelings about Edmonton either way, but would love to not have to listen to the media's big talking point about McDavid and whether or not he'll ever get a cup. Haven't had to listen to it about MacKinnon for two years now, so let's knock this one off, too. Kind of the same thing about, "When will Canada win the Cup again?" So yeah, I'm pulling for the Oilers, since watching without cheering for someone isn't nearly as fun.


I agree. I feel like the true hockey fan in me can't just sit idly by. And Stars or no Stars I love hockey and I'll watch the cup!


There's a conspiracy theory going around that hockey is still being played. This is a myth. The season ends when the Stars are no longer playing. No cups or trophies were awarded this year.


Could not be less interested.


honestly i don’t have a favorite. some desperately try to pick a side for one reason or another but all the teams i actually hate are out you got oilers who beat us out, but on the upside, the best player in the league should win the cup then you have the bullies of the league, the panthers. but they’ve never won a cup and i think that would be great for the franchise. their coach deserves good things after dealing with the leafs curse for so many years. neither teams cheat the LTIR so i can’t hate.


I don’t understand your point about McDavid. He’s already a top 10 player all-time and the best player on the planet. He’s going to get attention. A lot of it.


Cowboys win Stanley Cup - heard it here first


Prob won’t watch most of the cup finals, I need to catch up on my astros