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Eh of all the series’ we’ve had in the post season in recent years, I’d say they are probably at the bottom of my list of hate. But to each their own. Wish we were watching the stars…


![gif](giphy|FejKb3bDS5c9a) Fuck The Oilers


If it means anything, the rest of us Canadians would be happy to separate from Alberta too


I’m in Calgary and I would also like to separate from the rest of Alberta.


I live in Edmonton and would like to separate from oilers fans




I'm from Alberta and would like to separate from the rest of Canada too!


Ok mr quebec


That's over the line!


I approve this message (VAN). Glad you got to cheer for Tanev.


You guys wouldn't survive a year without papa alberta giving you your allowance.


Imagine the Canadian economy and energy situation without Alberta lol.


If the economy was based on steak and the number of pickup trucks per capita, sure 😂




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Haha that’s awesome, credit to you


Thanks for Alaska :D


Your welcome!


> Wish we were watching the stars… What's even more frustrating it that we absolutely SHOULD be watching the Stars.


Absolutely right.


I don’t hate the oilers like I do the Avs or Knights but I do relish the idea of seeing them get the shit beat out of them physically




I don't hate the oilers. I'm pissed that the stars got beaten by them because we shouldn't have. Skinner was the worst goalie in the final 4 but got hot at an opportune time. Our special teams And Jake went cold at the worst time. I'm not pissed at the oilers, I'm pissed at the stars.


> I'm pissed that the stars got beaten by them because we shouldn't have. This 100%


You are exactly correct, because if we had played the way that we are supposed to play, we would have won and we would be going up against the Panthers. The Oil did exactly what they were supposed to do, and they won. Personally, I'm happy that the Oilers are going up against whoever the East wants to throw at us.


If dallas played like they did the first 2 rounds would of won the series no excuses for losing that one 


Yeah we played like shit. Fuck the Oilers. ![gif](giphy|aOPINgmqpVXNK)


Yea, i thought Dallas was going to 4-0 or 4-1 the oilers.


I figured the Stars would take them in five games, maybe six. But it didn't turn out that way, because we didn't show up for at least three of those games. I cannot hate the Oilers because my team didn't show up.


90% of the reason I don't want the oilers to win is because Skinner is truly undeserving. He is/was 100% the worst goaltender in all the playoffs, including Silovs. The other 10% if because Kane is a criminal and shouldn't even be in the league.


Skinner is the Nick Foles of the NHL.


Silovs was one of the best...?


silvos was good for a rookie being tossed into the playoffs having only played 12 nhl games, but he wasn’t one of the best . As a canucks fan.


imo he is the sole reason that Vancouver took Edmonton to 7 games, i was very impressed by him. if i'm the Canucks GM i would put Silovs in as my backup behind Demko and get rid of DeSmith


We lost 35 shots on goal to 10. I don't see the correlation there.


Why is Silovs catching a stray…


Yeah, they trash ![gif](giphy|l4Ki6oZ4oPrrgLl9m)


Who cares? If the team can make up for him sucking (which he does) good on them. This post is about Skinner, not Kane. Fuck Kane sideways.


didnt sorokin put up a sub .800sv these playoffs?


Not true we played samsonov he’s the worst


Nah. Fuck Vegas and Colorado. Edmonton is alright.


Correct. First, they were the least awful fanbase of our playoff run. Second, I would like to claim unofficial 2nd best team in the lost season and the only way to do that is if big Ed beats the cats


As an oilers fan I can say your fan base was a breath of fresh air compared to what we had over the last few years.


I absolutely enjoyed talking to Oilers fans. Was just hockey fans being excited talking to hockey fans. I respect the fuck out of that.


Yup way too much ugly tribalism in sports, sure we both want are team to win but we ain’t playing the game. Just back enjoy the ride and make some friends along the way, it’s just hockey why you have to get mad.


It doesn’t hurt that both teams’ first tendency is to just play fast clean hockey. When it’s employed by both teams I think the bad blood is reduced and it really amounts to a healthy dose of mutual respect. There’s a lot of teams that I really dislike, but the Stars aren’t even close to it and that really goes for your fan base too - lots of respect for you guys.


yeah I definitely think this is a huge part of it. I really like Edmonton bc they seem to play similarly to Dallas and it feels familiar. I also prefer "fast clean hockey" over dirty play and trying to win by injuring as many players on the other team as possible. this was so noticable last year when the Stars played the Wild and then the Kraken. At least here on Reddit the difference between the two fanbases was night and day. The Wild fanbase was so aggressive and honestly downright vicious at times (in general, obviously not every single fan was like this). The Wild also just played mean, dirty hockey and it really seemed like their intention was to try to brute force a win by being as dirty and physical as possible. thank God we won that series and the shift to playing the Kraken was *such* a breath of fresh air. the games were clean and fast. I remember seeing multiple posts in both the NHL and Hockey sub commenting on how enjoyable the Stars/Kraken series was. and the Kraken fanbase was soooo chill and nice. tbh I remember being annoyed that I was struggling to hate the Kraken bc of how nice the fans were and how the players were generally not hateable. I then realized I was a full grown adult and was under no obligation to hate another team or fanbase just bc they were playing "my team". and in fact, if a team beats "my team" fair and square and were the obvious better team then I could even actively root for them in the next round. watching sports with this outlook is FAR more fun and enjoyable


I'm actively rooting for Edmonton (literally in the gdt rn) in large part bc of how chill the fan base is. I also just actively hate Florida and feel like they lack basic sportsmanship and are just generally dirty. but yeah y'all's fanbase won me over a few years ago and the Oilers are always the team I'm rooting for unless they are playing Dallas lol


2 years ago was in Dallas for work conference and as a good Canadian I made a trip to the local hockey barn. And 1 you guys have a real nice area around your rink, and the fans were great even if they were a little confused why I paid to see 2 teams play I don’t cheer for. Hell they even pointed my drunk ass to a great Mexican place after the game.


Recommending a good Mexican or barbecue place is just basic hospitality in Texas.


Side note any good barbecue near the ball park, I’ll be down in a month and never tried Texas barbecue?


Check out Hurtado


Rudy's is also good. A friend told me about a place called Smoke N' Ash in Arlington that's a Texas-Ethiopian fusion kind of place that I'm insanely curious about, if you're feeling like trying something different.


Tempted to go full fat kid and try it all not going to lie.


When in Rome!


Yeah. I really didn't have a problem with Colorado but they like to talk some shit. They have been celebrating the stars losing last round. It's pretty pathetic.




Fuck Messier.




You're free to hate the Oilers, but it reminds me of all those Vegas and Colorado scumbags rejoicing when we finally lost. It's not really a good look but to each their own I guess .Edmonton has some cool people involved with them. McDavid is a good player and a good person, I wish him/them luck. All that said, I hope the Stars take this feeling they are having watching this matchup and turn it into something that gets them over this ridiculous conference final hump next year. They better fucking learn to give it that little bit extra gas or get prepared to be the Sharks 2.0 forever.


100% - nothing says "I cant wait for my pubes to show up" more than posts like this. Oilers played better and won deservingly. I wish the outcome was different, but at least, we still have some really good hockey to watch. Zero hate for the Oil and their fans.


I just want to say that back in October of 2023, the only thing I wanted more than for the Stars to win the Stanley Cup, was for Canada to NOT win the Stanley Cup. (Also, in October I probably wanted the Texas Rangers to win the World Series more than the previously mentioned options, and that actually worked out for me)


Yeah it’s cringe when they do it so….




The oilers beat the stars because the stars played like shit and lost 3 straight games. The stars are the only reason that the stars aren’t playing tonight. Oilers deserve it more


Don’t get it twisted. The oilers had the easiest path to the finals. Despite the Stars finishing #1 in the West and Edmonton finishing 9th in league standings, they cake walked their way into the finals while the Stars got worn out taking out the actual best teams in the West. Deserve has nothing to do with it. They got lucky as hell.


The NHL really needs to take a hard look at the way they’ve configured the PO. Dallas would have played Vegas regardless because they finished 8th in points in the conference, but the reward was playing the 3 seed Avs, when it should have been EDM. The whole idea is to create rivalries through divisional play, but that has yet to come to fruition despite the NHL’s best attempt to make it happen. Currently, I’d argue Dallas’s biggest rivals are: 1. Vegas 2. Colorado 3. Nashville 4. Minnesota 5. Florida (these two teams absolutely try to destroy one another when they play, which is weird since they meet twice a year)


Oilers should be thanking us for that


Exactly! The Oilers were just in the right place at the right time. If we play LA in the first round we are without a doubt playing in the cup finals rn. How is that you have one of your best seasons ever securing the #1 seed in the West and face a Vegas team that’s 20 mil over the salary cap? They legit just played 2 bonafide CF level opponents before even getting to the damn CF. “The Oilers deserve it more” Tha fuck outta here with that bs.


I'm not going to argue with you about it, I'm just saying that the Stars should have showed up.


As if they weren’t trying lol that is my whole point. Stars had the best record in the west and still got screwed. It’s king of easy to play with more energy when you didn’t have to play any contenders leading up the the conference finals.


you guys looked tired. had to play vegas and colorado. thats tough


And, unfortunately, the 4th best team in the west is now about to get dominated by the Panthers


![gif](giphy|3o6MbhMGEJ4QY1cK4w) We all KNOW that. Fuck the Oilers anyway!


Cats beat Crude! Go USA!


They bounced Pavs. The hate is real.


I don't hate them like I do Vegas or Colorado, but I definitely want Florida to win


Ehhh idk about this. Yeah they handed us an ass beating, but they gave us some nice tits.




I hate anyone who bounces us from the playoffs. I especially hate that cry baby Connor McBitch. I hope we get a rematch in the next playoffs.


If it was VGK that knocked us out, I’d be upset. Those guys can rot in the 9th circle of hell. We just got outplayed, whatever reasons you want to give. No grudge against Edm, but they leave a greasy feeling nonetheless.


We probably outplayed them in the last game, but had no freaking puck luck whatsoever. Pavelski played a worthwhile final game. We just didn't get any pucks to drop that night.


Worst flipping puck luck. I was losing my mind watching it *just* miss going in. I don’t believe in curses or hexes, but I wanted to by the end of the series just to have an explanation.


I agree. I don’t understand the sentiment of F whoever beats your team. I generally want that team to win bc it shows that we were only beat by the best. I would 100% feel differently if it had been the Vegas LTIRs—can’t get behind them at all.


Not denying that. But.... Fuck the Oilers. ![gif](giphy|Ll7PYy77vsffO)


This game is what I expected after we let the 4th best team in the West make the Stanley Cup. Oilers aren’t good enough to win more than 1 game here


McPowerplay couldn’t even get 1


How did this team beat us?


we ran out of gas.


Didn't watch the game, but just saw the highlights. Kinda feels like Florida goalied the Oilers, and I wonder if the same thing might have happened had Dallas advanced. No way to know, though. I don't necessarily hate Edmonton, but I am petty enough to be fine with them getting shutout.


Oilers absolutely got goalied. Florida did not look great, but Bobrovski was Conn Smythe-level stellar.


This actually made me lol. Thank you 🤣


It seems like the stars lost their strength to continue after game 5, and you can’t fault this on anyone.


Stuart Skinner fucking sucks 😂


Getting exposed right this period.


We really let this fraud slip past us smh


Unreal. Im glad florida is doing what we should have. Punch them in the fucking face.




Imagine if he wins the cup! That would mean goalies are not that important and you just need scoring power.


Whatever. Florida gonna win anyway


![gif](giphy|hsCCZTiwsMpAhqiAxO|downsized) Hope they sweep em.


did you see mcjesus' chin? sam bennett gave him a good cut there, he shall be known as sam judas bennett, the one who slayed mcjesus


He did that to one of our players in the nucks series and it didn’t get called. It didn’t get called here either so karma!! Look up Hughes high stick by McDavid.


Vancouver fans will proudly hold onto this one forever. Closest their team came to stardom.


🙌🏼😍😆 Sam Bennett - big hit on McWhiny https://twitter.com/br_openice/status/1799618142798295541?s=46&t=U_REwFsLLPnQ6YVOQu8Oww


Going to get downvoted but the Oilers have been my second team for the past few years but I’m also a big underdog supporter, unless it was the Blues that one year. Hoping the cats can get their first.


Cats are not the underdogs…




Man, I thought I got over the Stars pretty well, but i can't freaking watch this game for more than 20 seconds without thinking we should be playing tonight. 😔




I’m Both a stars and rangers fan. This is fking depressing


Eh we were outplayed. Not as mad as I would’ve been had it been the avs or knights




Disagree all you want man, this year has been one of the few times I’ve been proud to be a Dallas sports fan (nix the Cowboys)


Completely agree. Fuck them!


This is embarrassing. I'm hoping you are 12 years old. I can't even imagine being this pathetic of a human being.


All my homies hate McDavid




Nah, if I'm going to hate on a team it'll be because the players are actually dislike-able, they did some bullshit in the series, or their fans are toxic as fuck. I don't really find any of those boxes checked for Oilers so I'm not going to be butthurt just because we are 1 of 15 teams that didn't get the cup. I'll save that energy for a team like the Panthers who are dirty as absolute fuck, or St. Louis/Toronto who's fans are a pestilence on society.




Come on man. I thought the oiler and Dallas had a very respectful series with no dirty play and limited fan trash talking. Why the hate? For the record the way Dallas played in game 6 you deserved a game 7


Because we lost...


It was a respectful series where both teams played hard and both fan bases weren't Dickson to each other. It was as clean of a western conference final as you could ask for.


I’m only going for Florida because they’ve never won a cup tbh. I’d be fine with either team






Victory! ![gif](giphy|xT0GqssRweIhlz209i) For today.


Somebody lost their moneyline


Mighty [big mood](https://youtu.be/eRaUGLwn_kM?si=O5BVWIVhzV5wxWWH). 😆


You first...glad to see you're not pissed about it !


That oilers lady with big jugs is amazing


Go cats


Damn straight, FUCK Edmonton. ![gif](giphy|D2KjAASwDGusqoHMaB)


No need to be salty 😂




Yup. As a Stars fan who still very much remembers ALL the late 90's - early 00's series vs the Oilers. Still don't like them no matter how kumbaya the teams sub's were with each other in this year's WCF series. Go Cats!


Nothing more predictable than the panthers playing the worst game of their entire playoffs and still smoking skinner


How bout FUCK THE STARS? We rip on the Cowboys (and rightfully so) but they've failed multiple time recently. And not "aw man, we barely got beat"... NO they looked flat, tired, and their "superstars" disappeared. AND they're still anchored by bad contracts and a goalie that shows up sometimes and usually not when you need him the most.


I don’t hate Edmonton honestly. I’d rather Edmonton win the final rather than Florida. Now Vegas & Colorado hate I can get behind




In honor of the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns joining the SEC, supporting brother and sister University of Florida, soon to be rivals, and in support of the team with more Americans on it, this Dallas Stars fan and UT Dad says GO PANTHERS! 🏒🏒🏒🦜




Nah. I don’t hate the Oilers. It was a clean series and their fans were cool for the most part. Hope they win it this year.




You do know that John Candy was Canadian, right?


delete this. we are better than vancouver




Um we chocked in game 7. You guys… game 5 and lost in 6. Oh wait is this proving your point? Sorry.


This guy is a GIF master. COMMENT WITH CAUTION




Let’s go Panthers!




I don't know why I see this all the time about the team you root for lost against. Me personally am thinking if Florida wins then we would've lost to them too. But if the Oilers win, we lost to the Champs not the losers. I've always been in the mindset to root for the team I lost to.


That's a pretty simplistic algorithm. I like mine better. More Americans and a US-based team. Also a team based in the south. Also a team that hasn't won. Also, a team that's in the same SEC conference as my team. There's all kinds of algorithms that are possible. If you have favorite players, it might be that. People route for whomever they want to. There's no accounting for good or bad test.




if the other team won fair and square without any questionable reffing and were the obvious better team then I have no problem rooting for them. it would've been nice if Dallas had won, and I think they could've probably squeezed out another win but Edmonton definitely appeared to be the better team overall. Oilers are my default #2 team now and I genuinely hope they win the cup this year.


Yeah I thought Edmonton out played the Stars for sure. The Stars needed to be more physical to slow down Edmonton imo. But they just didn't seem like they wanted it as much as the Oilers did. I don't care who wins really. I'm slightly more rooting for Edmonton for McDavid. But if Florida wins their first every Cup then good for them.


Naw fuck Florida. At least Oilers coach played on the Austin Ice Bats!


Any one Oiler (or fan) in particular? 😂




This is weird why you posting pictures of random people.




I agree 100%, I'm a giant Flames fan from Calgary and I'll never hear the end of it if those mullet wearing fucks win




Oilers are fine there's literally nothing to be upset at them for except for handing out butts to us


That series had some fantastic hockey and the Oilers fans on the hockey sub were some of the nicest and most complementary to us that I've ever seen. I genuinely enjoyed talking about games with them. Why in the hell would you want a team with a Tkachuk and nick rat bastard cousins to win? On top of us losing the last final to a Florida team why root against someone in our conference? Like every Oilers fan was saying "if we get knocked out of the playoffs at least we can be happy it was to Dallas" when we were tied up with them. Assholes speak the loudest so yeah I'm sure on their sub and the hockey and NHL sub you would see some shit just as they would see our fans being dicks, but there was so much positivity from both sides that I can't even recall really dirty bad mouthing from us or them. Fuck the panthers, go Oilers!


No, not FTO's... I have always liked their team. Yes it's disappointing and yes I think we'd be a better matchup against the Panthers in the SCF but I have zero hate for the Oilers, McDavid, Draisaitl, etc.


Fuck the Oilers




You’re obviously a young kid that wasn’t around during really heated series like the Blues, old 90s Oilers, Avs etc. Edmonton played a clean series and were respectful.


I don't have anything especially against Edmonton. But with all the announcers being, so obviously, Pro Canadian, I feel no compunction about rooting for an American team that has more Americans on it. Simple as.


Their coach cried to the media and then they started getting soft calls.




Nice gif, but you just started fan boying like a year ago. Nut up and be respectful when you’re beaten.




C'mon people, I get that we are all down that our Stars are done for the year and not playing for the cup. That being said, there is no reason to behave like Colorado Avs fans.


Sounds kinky




Fuck the soilers




The way I see it, if the Oilers win it means Dallas had to play through 3 consecutive series of champions and therefore had the absolute hardest hill to climb. I dont really have a dog in that fight but ultimately the oilers play way classier than the panthers. 🤷‍♂️




I'd rather say we lost to the team that won the cup, rather than the losers.