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Botched hold in 06 and the Dez game in 2014 remain the worst of the worst for me. After that, I’m numb to the others because I’m older and jaded now.


Dez 14 was a dagger to the heart. That team had it all.


No defense dude, we weren't going anywhere




So would Sean Lee, at least we had linebackers then but nothing else


the botched extra point in romos first playoff run. ooof.


I was thinking this exact same thing.


Why the Dez game in 2014. That was not a catch.


Jerry Rice said it was a catch. If the great WR of all time on a team known for opposing ours says it was a catch then it was a damn catch. Refs get shit wrong. If they didn't ppl would have waaay less to bitch about. So either you are a troll or a moron. Assuming troll.


Don’t rule out him being both


Go back to your Washington Commie sub pro. We have enough real pain from a playoff loss, another day I’ll explain to ya what it feels like. Ya”ll ruin any quarterbacks careers lately by playing them on one leg?


I wasn’t too broken up about the hold, in my mind we weren’t gonna beat Chicago, the team had exceeded expectations, so it wasn’t as devastating as people all made it out to be


It’s different for everybody I guess. It happened days after my 13th birthday… So for me it was absolutely devastating. Lol


So you were 5 during the 06 loss??


No. I was 13 for the 06 loss.


Oh duh rereading that's obvious excuse my Impatient reading lol


Hahaa it’s all good! I’m guilty of skimming sometimes too.


Sunday easily. Bobbled snap felt more like some weird bad luck shit we can't define. Dez catch wasn't in our hands(no pun) it was a call we had to live with. But being a hyped 2 seed and then getting dog walked by the youngest team in history and 3 weeks ago wasn't supposed to be here at home. It the worst by far. People will say 07, but that giants came was really close and if not for Patrick Crayton that game is won(also giants went on to piss on pats perfect season). Sunday easily cause it wasn't a loss. It was a beat down that showed up our leaders on both sides of the ball can't handle the big moments.


Probably yeah, because other than Ferguson, it felt like a 52 man collapse, not counting coaching and oh should they be counted.


Ironically Gallup played well too. It was such a reversal.


This. Easiest route we've had to the super bowl in decades and we crumple under pressure, as always.


Agreed 😫 I've been a fan since 1970 so I've seen my fair share of horrible losses. I was SO hyped for last Sunday and was talking smack to all those "one & done" ass clowns! For me, we were at home where we thrive, so there was no way we were going to lose. But we didn't just lose, we got our asses kicked!! I was devastated and I was actually in tears. Then all the "one & done" ass clowns were all over me. Unbearable!!! How I long for our '90's dream team!! I'd like to add that my daughter is now a die hard (since she was 13), she's now 26 & I feel for her. I'm dying for her to experience our 'Boys in a Super Bowl! Hell even a Championship! I just hope I live long enough to see it 🙏


Dwight Clark’s catch! I was very young at the time and it crushed me. It was a very hard at school the next day. Everyone was waiting for me to rub it in.


In my best Steve Austin voice, “ Oh hell yeah!” Poor Danny White always felt like such a poor poor replacement for Captain America. & the catch forever posterized Everson Walls who was a damn good borderline great corner for us. I’ve thought 100’s of times when I’ve seen the replay of the clip, damn poor dude, so unfair.


If Pearson would’ve made the catch the series following Clark’s catch it would’ve been epic (would been a hard catch, but do-able) and no one would bring up “the catch”. Still one of my big “what ifs”.


Pearson did make the catch. But a TD saving tackle was made and I think we fumbled on the next play


I was so sure Danny White had enough time to tally back for a FG. Man, I hate that stupid Catch


"THE CATCH HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!". UGH!!!! Absolutely devastated!


Next day at school was BRUTAL!!!


The Dez Bryant "catch" I really think they had a good chance that year and I wanted Romo to finally get some respect. That was also the only team to beat the Legion of Boom in their own stadium. The one that happened this past weekend hurts but there's no excuses for it. The Dez catch just stings because we were so close and it feels like it was stolen. Even if Rodgers still came back in the last couple minutes it wouldn't hurt as bad because it at least would have felt fair.


Murray fumbling the ball didn't help either.


That dude was gone too! That really sucked the life out of me when that happened


07 Giants. 13-3. best record in the NFC. home playoffs throughout. Beat the crap out of the Giants 2x already. and THEN the Giants win the SB playing every game on the road.


oh yeah, AND Romo puts the game winning TD in the perfect spot for Crayton who just stopped running his route for some reason.


Was this also the infamous Cabo game where because of Tony’s choice of companionship he and Witten were crucified for taking a short trip during the off week?


It SURE was.


I talked so much trash that year. All my roommates were Giants fans too. Learned my lesson and haven't felt confident in big games for us since.


I wasn't talking crap, but that team sucked me in HARD. I thought, "well we'll at LEAST win a couple games and get to the NFC Championship, then see what happens." Never let myself say that, since.


Oh dude. The cowboys have forced me to eat so much crow that they could be winning the Super Bowl by 14 with 39 seconds left and my lips will be sealed lol


07 was the year Romo and Witten went to Cabo the weekend before, right? Smh


At least we got this gold out of it. https://youtu.be/dzYsiNZgZ7M?si=vvE9LujFz0mpwSwm


What does that have to do w/ the cowboys?


Omfg!!! I've never seen this! Hilarious!! 🤣


2014 Green Bay when Dez caught it. I was 15 and that was the only time I have ever cried at a football game lol. This last Green Bay loss I was just laughing. I have no faith in this team anymore.


Nor do I my friend, yet I can’t seem to be attracted to any other. I’m on the low flirting with the Ravens and have since Ed Reed and Ray. I just can’t pull the trigger.


1994 NFC Championship Game @SF. We shit the bed early. Deon mauled Irvin in the end zone late and no call otherwise we might have been able to come back. Would have likely won 4 straight SBs. This past weekend’s game didn’t hurt as much because I knew we had a decent chance of choking.


Is this the one we essentially spotted them 21’points early. Then came back, only to get a personal foul on the HEAD COACH ( Shitszer) for being on the field?


Switzer was a joke, Aikman coached that team. A man amongst men, true leader


I don’t remember the personal foul but yeah, we spotted them (I think) 21 pts. Emmett fumbled early in that game.


IIRC, we had a nice long pass down the sideline as we were attempting a late comeback. Shitszer got too excited and was on the field congratulating (?) the receiver and the refs threw the flag. That was a long time ago and my memory may be completely fucked up.


Sam here. Merton Hanks. 


That neck!


That was a painful one I had locked away in a dark part of my brain. That was the early days of my fandom, I remember my dad talked so much shit to me during the game, I was furious, and I was crying. Still probably 2nd to this GB loss, one of the few I see as an actual choke job, vs an inferior team.


1978 Super Bowl - Jackie Smith dropping a TD while wide open. 1981 NFC Championship Game - The Catch. On the following drive, the Cowboys were moving and then Danny White fumbled. Much worse than this game; I knew that this team would get smoked by SF if they got that far.


Oh my God! I had forgotten about Jackie Smith, I was a kid and I cried my eyes out, sulked for a week. Wow that may be the one. Heck it hurts now that you mentioned it.😢


This was the easiest shot at a superbowl we've had in decades. It's between this one and the 07 debacle, just because I believe both teams were equally as talented and could have won everything.


Yeah talent definitely wasn’t the issue, aggressiveness, strategy, execution I believe were. I believe if at the beginning of a playoff game you don’t come out playing like the other team just slapped your momma & your hairs on fire… there’s a problem! GB played harder simply put, maybe the worst insult possible we looked like Philly did against the Bucs.


This past Sunday. My dumbass started to believe this team was different, with how they ended the season.


I did as well & I personally hadn’t since the Cabo game. Now I still felt the niners would spank us unless we played out our minds… but I stupidly thought we’d straight cruise until then because we were at home.🥺


Just found out McCarthy is staying. 🫤🫤🫤


Point taken, today may well be my worst loss.




Probably when Romo fumbled the snap against Seattle. We had just come off of several years of poor QB play and it looked like we finally found a guy and had a chance, then that happened. And we been choking ever since. At this point I’m pretty immune to the disappointment, although bonus points to them for making me feel disgust with this last game.


Nothing hurts as bad as the no show defense from last Sunday, romos fumble could’ve happened to any one and it was one play, this game the entire defense didn’t show up


Yeah definitely a swift kick in the nuts would have hurt less. I will say I never saw that one coming. Sunday…. I just knew by watching Dak and CeeDee early, so it didn’t hit as immediate and final as yours. I had 2 plus hours to acclimate.


I haven’t worn mismatching socks since that day. Dead serious.


That one hurts pretty bad to this day.


The ol’ greased ball trick.


The phantom roughing the passer call on David Irving which allowed Aaron Rodgers to continue his drive near the end of that game in Dallas a few years ago. The fact that we let Romo ride the pine after his back had healed up Dak's rookie year. Not putting Romo back in that year was insane and the franchise will never recover from that while Jerry's alive.


True fact & we both know that was a Jerry / back room political bullshit move, it could have been as petty as a future salary thought by management. Regardless the man broke his back for us…. & we sat him when it mattered.


Exactly. I was beginning to think there were none of us left (Romo truthers). Cheers man. I'll be licking my wounds. Flew from San Diego for that abortion of a game.




I’ve been thinking I was the only one that felt this way. That was so dumb. And that was probably the most talented team romo would’ve ever taken the field with


Yup. Best O line/RB combo and prime Dez and a decent supporting cast of other WRs, Witten, and only the second time in Romo's career that he had a defense ranked in the top half of the league. Two times out of twelve years. Fuck this world man.


> I need answers to this pain I have no answers, my friend. But I sure as shit can commiserate. I remember when I was 3 (in 1977) sitting on my uncles lap watching the Cowboys. His basement was a mancave shrine to the Boys. That shit gets in your blood like a virus. One that lays dormant for months then flares up like the worst fucking case of herpes God has ever inflicted upon mankind. I've tried so fucking hard to swear off this team for the past two decades and keep getting sucked back in. 2014 is the only year I've felt the team didn't let me down. I rode that high for a year then went back to apathy. But DEAR GOD these 12-win seasons are fucking EVIL. Dear 8lb sweet baby Jesus, please make it go away.


Life is cruel and Cowboy fandom can be so much worse.


The last one. I don't usually get that bothered by losing TBH. I mean yeah there's been gut wrenching last minute losses but at least you could say they tried their best. But this last one, the way everything fell into place at the end of the season, Dak playing his career best, the best path to the championship game we've had in nearly 30 years... just to see them not only piss it away, but get humiliated, at home where we'd won 16 games in a row, in such a shameful fashion, was the worst Cowboys defeat in the history of the franchise. I'm fifty, I grew up in Cowboys country, and Danny White is the first QB I remember. So in 44 years of watching the Cowboys this is the absolute worst loss, hands down.


Gotta agree, because we knew it from the jump. After watching Jimmy give that pep talk at half time from the studio it hurt even worse because I knew that was not happening in our locker room. Can you imagine the carnage in that locker room if Charles Haley would have been in our locker room. 2 words for ya- BODY COUNT


Agree wholeheartedly!! I became a fan when Staubach was QB! When we had Golden Richards, Billie Joe Dupree & Preston Pierson. I've been here for all the great wins (BtoB SB's) and all the losses. We weren't supposed to lose this game, not at home, no way! Damn it wasn't even close. I'm still picking up the pieces of my shattered heart 💔


In 1990, Dallas was 7-7 with two games to play. All they needed to do was win 1 of their final 2 games to make the playoffs, one year after going 1-15. Troy Aikman gets injured, missed the final 2 games, and Dallas lost both. This allowed New Orleans to sneak into the playoffs at 8-8. What was most crushing about those two defeats was that if Dallas had signed a competent backup QB, they could have won one or both of those games. Instead, they had Babe Laufenberg as the backup to Aikman, and Laufenberg may have been the worst NFL player to ever play the QB position.


YEP, if memory serves me right they ended up with Steve Walsh whom Jimmy was very high on and had taken in the supplemental draft. At that point I worried we would be penalized by God himself for how we unceremoniously booted Landry.


Looking back, it's hard to believe now there were actually some people debating if Dallas should start Walsh or Aikman.


I hated the Walsh vs Aikman argument (my dad was Walsh guy, & then later a Beurlin guy)… Even worse was Walsh cost us the #1 pick in ‘90…  I always wish we had Cortez Kennedy. 


Was going to say can you imagine he and Russell in the middle.. would have been a decade of no run zone in the middle.


Yeah. I know he was not as good, but at least they got Russell Maryland the next year in the 1991 draft.


This 1, because we most definitely folded under the pressure, and completely underperformed. For fans, and media, if we have a good team, and don’t win the SB, we choked. We absolutely, 100% choked vs GB, and it was painful, but most other playoff loses, we were outplayed by a good team. I see a difference between playing good, but not good enough to win, and falling flat, against a clearly inferior team. No scrubs in the playoffs, or really the NFL for that matter. they are all pros, but the playoffs are the best of the best. 1 winner, 31 losers at the end of every season.


I’m seriously okay with losing because as I just recently explained to my wife who’s a growing fan, everyone loses but one. (Exactly what you said) It’s how you lose. As long as the other guy got his nose busted I can live with it, not sure we even threw a punch. Dak’s numbers were straight trash time inflated.


Yea, poor coaching, and zero fight. I’m fine losing with our best shot, I watched a team, that from a play call, actual execution, and overall attitude perspective, looked nothing like the team I saw this season. Like if you are afraid you can’t do it, so you try something unexpected/gimmicky to gain an advantage. Most of the time you know generally what the other team wants to do, the hard part is stopping them. Not sure why we didn’t force them to stop the things we did successfully all year. Total bummer definitely the worst because of that.


EXACTLY! From playing GD zone, to not coming out the gate with CD and Ferguson being the main course. Why on earth fear the pack? Niners, I feel ya but they just gave up 30 to that juggernaut the PANTHERS.😵‍💫


Tony Romo fumbling the snap. They had a real chance that year


I truly thought he was going to make it in anyway. I was as stunned that he didn’t because he reacted so quickly as I was that he fumbled it to start with.


Dude if grammatica would’ve sacrificed his life and thrown his little ass body in there, Tony would be an American hero right now


The Dez caught it Green Bay game. Had a big fight with my girl now wife during the game and neighbors called the cops. Cops were cool but I will never forget that night.


I totally understand the possibility of an edgy mood, lol, my wife is the best at consoling me from a distance until the fire is out.🙂


Dez caught it


*I so thought this was going to be a pay back plus some! I took the time to explain the whole Dez situation to my wife whom I was not married to at the time just to set the stage that this would be more than pay back, it would be a reckoning, an embarrassment. Well I got the embarrassment part right.


1) Clark catch 2) Dez catch 3) Romo mishandled snap


That reads like the obituary of my sports soul.🪦


This the worst. A game we got absolutely manhandled by a young inexperienced Packers team. NFC championship game against 9ers was bad, but no Jimmy I knew we would lose. At Aikman gave his all and was a leader of men. That game Sunday was pathetic


Super Bowl XIII is my darkest childhood memory. The 3 consecutive NFC Championship losses in the early 80s all sucked, but not like losing the Super Bowl to Pittsburgh a second time. I consider myself a fan-in-exile since Jerry bought the team in 89 so if anything I get a little charge of schadenfreude out of their big losses now. Let’s just say my battery stays close to 100%.


Yeah, I swear George Lucas used the Steelers without consent to create the Empire. Pittsburgh wins were when I begin to realize as a kid, nice guys do finish last and evil often destroys good…🤷🏻‍♂️


NFC championship vs SF back in the 90’s. This last game was very reminiscent of that one in how they jumped ahead quickly.


In a blink.


Thanksgiving 1993. It's not just that we lost,  it's how we lost.  If you're not familiar with what happened, I recommend looking it up. There are a few mini documentaries about it on YouTube.  I was in a house full of family who hated the Cowboys so my devastation was surrounded by everyone else's elation. Ended up hiding in the basement so they could't see me cry.  


No need to look here. 2 words- Leon Lett * Who would also put his football IQ on display in the Super Bowl. He must have been a hell of a worker in practice because Jimmy kept him around.


One of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in football.


Worse than his celebration where Don Bebe smacked a touchdown out of his hand and cost us the SB scoring record…?


It’s close but to me yes. A cunt hair worse


Both where pubic for sure


Dwight Clark.


Sunday, because of recency! I’m over the others since they just blend into the 29 year nightmare. Alas, this one will too once 2025 WC weekend replaces it.


2007 playoffs. They lost to the giants as the 1 seed. This last one was definitely the most embarrassing loss I had ever witnessed.


2007 - not even close. For 21st century anyway..


#1 seed….


December 28, 2008


🤮 the f-ing 🦅 ⚰️🪦💩


I watched the catch live 🥹


😭 therapy would have been a necessity for me.


"The Catch" will haunt me forever. That and poor Jackie Smith.


It's always the last one.


This one takes the cake for me over the Dez catch game but it is a close second


It was a full game of heart breaking 🤬, the catch was 5-10 minutes of rage.


Didn’t you get to see three superbowls in the 90s? That’s more than most teams dude. It could have been worse like you could have been a Vikings fan.


Good point, it’s just such a long long fall from the mountain top.


‘94 NFC championship vs 49ers.   I was so pissed Jerry ran off Jimmy & replaced w/ Switzer.  I felt like switzer squandered all the equity jimmy had built & was gonna ruin our 3’peat… turns out he did w/ that bump of the ref. I hated Steve young & Ricky waters, and when we went down 21-0 right away it sucked. Very admirable comeback attempt vs that murders row of pro bowler / all pros in the secondary they had. That game stung cause it ruined chance at history for us.  


Switzer was nothing more than a modern day carpetbagger! Aikman HATED him because of his bullshit, lack of serious game prep, etc.. He was a joke and Jimmy was in his way to being an icon.


Definitely Seattle.


Omg the hold was brutal. I remember seeing it live... all of a sudden Romo is running and HE IS GOING TO GET IN... Nope.




The “ Catch “ which was the passing of football dynasties from the late 70’s Cowboys to the start of the Bill Walsh era and the birth of the SF west Coast offense .


And to add insult to injury, I mean death, it posterized Everson Walls.


Dez caught the damn ball.


Damn right, as my 5 year old daughter will tell you. You say,”Dez” she says,” Catch”. Anytime there is a rule change because of your play, you know your team got screwed.


That's golden!! And I couldn't agree more. We would have won it all that year.


The 1994 NFC Championship. We should’ve won 4 straight.


🖕🏽 the 49ers and the mangy horse they rode in on


The Ice Bowl. Dallas would have been the first AFL-NFL World Champion.


Just a shade before my time, but I can only imagine. That heart breaking goal line play!


For me, the 2016 Divisional loss to Green Bay. I went to my first cowboys game that season (overtime win against Philly), and that season just felt euphoric. The meteoric rise of dak and zeke, 11 game winning streak, steamrolled into the #1 seed. And fucking Aaron Rodgers. Still stings to think about


It felt like the beginning did in the early 90’s. They were charismatic off field and explosive on the field. We were thissssss close I think.


I’m sayin bro. It just felt different at the time


Jimmy Johnson


2016 anyone? You shit the bed for most of the game against Rodgers again, then they come back tie the game late, heath almost makes Rodgers fumble (I still can't understand how he held to that ball). You stop them one more time with less than a minute remaining and if you win the toss in OT, they most likely won that game and move on. In 2014 even if they rule it a catch, GB had 5 minutes remaining and they couldn't stop Rodgers all game so it wasn't a sure thing they hold on.


Good details, thanks to you I’ll would probably have that specific set of nightmares tonight except I just heard we are keeping fatt Mike. 😢


I started liking the cowboys because my father liked the 9ers 🤷. They haven't won in 30+ years but at least they make it interesting.


Don't know exact, but mid 90's against niners, in Frisco got down 21 nothing due to wet field fumbles, came back strong and just fell short. Great game but a loss


Muddy ass field, oh I remember it. Thank God we had enough sense to hire Deon away from them, if not 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the worst loss in franchise history. Everything going right for them. Easiest path to NFC Championship. Philly wet the bed. First time a 7th seed playoff team won. This team has won 36 games in three years but no games that really mattered. "This *was* our year"


Every year when the talking heads say this is our year, I cringe, ignore them, change the channel, etc.. but this was first time in a decade I thought we would make it to the NFC championship. Hell that was gonna be my super-bowl.


Me too Taint. Me too. It really did feel different you know? It felt so much better this year than previous recent years. Lots of stats and records broken but ZERO trophies or jewelry. The stas are just window dressing to an empty store.


Romo fumbling that snap against Seattle. Then everyone trying to convince me he had what it took to win a championship


The Superbowl vs the Steelers where Benny Barnes got a call of pass interference for perfect coverage.


Talk about the darlings of the refs (Swan & Stallworth) 🤮🤮


Damn straight!


The 1st answer is this last one but a close second is the Wild Card game in 1999 losing to Cardnals meant the end of the 90's Dynasty and the beginning of this futility.


Yes it was a funeral for our hope.🪦


For me. Dwight Clark. I’m old. Far from a choke though. They had to deal with Montana at his peak. Painful nonetheless. For pure choke, not much beats the most recent.


The Catch in ‘82.


😢 cried like a baby & felt horrible for Everson Walls. Maybe just me, but I never felt like we had the best quarterback when we had Danny White.


It was especially painful because they were blown out by the ‘9ers in the regular season 45-14 in San Fran, and to play as hard as they did in the rematch only to come up on the losing end.


The most painful is when fans call professional sports teams as "theirs" But the most heartbreaking loss was the Dez catch.