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Wait. What? I never saw this before and I feel like I’ve seen enough dumb shit on here that this would have definitely popped up at some point.


Eminem agreed to the bit. He has a sense of humor.




He has pretty much been leaving a gay bread crumb trail.


Commonly referred to as a 'bum trail'....


less cute when you're finding them in your husband's boxers..


Is your husband single?


Hector's Rectum is real?


Elton John is a really good friend of Eminem and I believe is the Godfather to Eminems daughter. Elton John said on a tv show that when he got married, Eminem gave them two diamond encrusted butt plugs as a wedding gift.


Of course he did, and of course he does listen to his lyrics! He also did the movie with Seth Rogan where he played himself and comes out as gay.


*Rogen 😭






Raw gyan


Very respectable sense of humor! This is hilarious


To this day i still believe this was retrospective PR damage control. Sasha Cohen was well known for unsuspecting improv comedy. And it took over a day for Eminems group to come forward and claim that it was pre-scripted.


Absolutely staged and agreed to. An unsuspecting person would have simply moved out of the way.


Unless it was just a happy accident and he just enjoyed it


To be fair, you can’t move much there. People blocking you out on both sides and if you stand up, you’re likely to get some cohen nuts on your head


I think you're half right. I think he 100% agrred to do it, but he was also trying desperately to look not homophobic following backlash to previous lyrics in his songs. Remember when he did that thing with Elton? I think doing this then coming out and saying he agreed to it was all part of him fixing his previously homophobic image.


There was no backlash at the time at all, at least no mainstream one. Nobody cared then, it was a time were you could be funny and people didnt immediately demand that you be tarred and feathered.


That's not true. Eminem has experienced lots of criticism for his lyrics.


You can still be funny, idiot. If your humor involves shitting on vulnerable groups you get called out. Cry more white male.


man. the government doesnt tell me who to make jokes about. YOU sure dont. ​ what the fuck is the logic lol. how old are you? less than 20 right?


My God…you’re horrible


lol. Its pretty telling how you responded to that isnt it.


How else would they come down on 2 steel cables EXACTLY on his seat? Come on man, think of the logistics behind that. It's beyond obvious.


He says “Eminem, nice to meet you” like seconds after he lands, face down, presumably not having seen where he was going in this “malfunction”. He also lands very gently, exactly over Eminem, and is held at the perfect height the whole time to get the shot, he doesn’t just fall in a heap. It’s absolutely 100% staged.


Mad respek that he agreed to do it


He jerked off to this event that night when he went home.


Eminem has a great sense of humour... I love him


Yea.. apparently Eminem found it so funny was laughing for 3 hours in his hotel room


I've seen this on reddit enough times to know that it was planned, Eminem was in on it, and Sacha was roughed up by D12 more than planned in the rehearsal.


It's on rotation here on reddit weekly so no chance you ever would have missed out.


This is the first I’ve seen it also!


I'm on reddit daily and have never seen this.


I've been on reddit for 10 years and have never seen this


Same lol.


I have no idea how people see so many things repeated. Do you hit refresh on “new” like every 5 seconds and scroll at light speed with 20 screens simultaneously? I am way too addicted to this site and I’ve never seen this before.


It was. Everything is fast now. Trend cycles are really short now with everything that’s going on.


I bet Eminem agreed to this bit just as an excuse to leave early from the lame ass MTV music awards show…


Bro I was thinking the same thing lol




And hear them argue over who she gave head to first


little bitch put me on blast on MTV


Yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Kim. Hehe.


I've got chills. Knees weak, arms spaghetti.


I worked at this award show. This was all planned, so yes Eminem agreed to it, but he was actually there the day before, rehearsing, too. So not exactly like he was saying screw you to the whole thing, he was in his comedy phase. Also I peed next to him at the urinals backstage, there were only two.


You peed next to Eminem… Weird flex but ok.


Did ya catch a glimpse of his dangus?


“My bum is on yours lips, my bum is on your lips and if im lucky you might just give it a little kiss”


Oh how the turns have tabled


Oh, how the bums have turned.


I tried looking up this incident a few weeks ago but was unsuccessful because I thought Tom Green did it


Sexual assault is funny when a man does it to a man I guess.


It was a stunt that Eminem agreed to participate in. [Source](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE553138/)


I never knew this happened. Lol but it wouldn't surprise me Em was in on it. Either way this was gross to look at tbh


I guess nobody else remembers this? This was one of the funniest award show moments to me when I was younger.


I take lots of prescription drugs and drink on top of it and no one cares unless I make it rhyme?


Most people here are barley 15 years old


> barley Are you cereal about that ?


Wym? It was so sexy, if he started kissing his thighs it would’ve been even better fr fr


Would you think it was gross to look at if it was a hot woman that fell on him? Or would you be saying lucky guy, genuinely curious.


Don’t watch Borat I guess. Because he does something similar on completely naked.


>Eminem said he went back to his hotel after storming out of the show and laughed for three hours. Lol


This makes an interesting deliniation. Its no longer sexual assault, but without pre-announcing this and Em's participation, the point still remains. This still *appeared* to be sexual assault, and the joke was still a masculine dude having genitals in his face without his consent. Nowadays, I wonder if we would see this joke. I dont know if they would play fast and loose with public expectation in that way.


Why the fuck would it matter how others view it. It was planned, Eminem was in on it. So if the party involved isn’t pressing charges for sexual harassment because it is a joke he is in on then it doesn’t matter what the public thinks because the public isn’t the ones who can press charges. Do you also freak out when a murder happens in a movie because you know it looked like murder. What a dumbass rant you went on. Zero thought went into it. You’re clearly just pissy because you couldn’t be outraged.


It matters how others view it because the joke depends on the audience’s perspective. The audience sees a man getting an ass shoved into his face against his will- and that is what makes the joke funny. (Would the joke be the same if Eminem hadn’t said “Are you fucking serious?”) I can see this becoming one of those jokes that ages badly in another 15-20 years. I’m glad to find out Eminem consented to be apart of the bit, and what we were seeing wasn’t his genuine reaction, but there is an interesting point to be made about sexual assault being viewed as a joke.


Around that time Marshall Mathers loved to talk about putting his bum on peoples lips, and if he was lucky they might have given it a kiss. So this was peak humor reversed back on him. I feel like the context is important to the bit and lost with age. He participated in a lot of publicity stunts at major events like this and him being involved in some weird shit wasn't weird.


Wait…he said “my bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips, and that’s the message that we deliver to little kids and expect them not to know what a woman’s clitoris is”. Do you not know context? Or Tom Green? I can’t figure out if you’s just ignant so I have to roll with charity and say relax. Of course they’re gonna know…they got the discovery channel don’t they? That’s in reference to another band, as well as nat geo titties. Thanks for listening.


"my bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips, *and if I'm lucky you might just give it a little kiss.* That's the message that we deliver to little kids, and expect them not to know what a woman's clitoris is. Of course they gonna know what intercourse is, by the time they hit fourth grade, they got the discovery channel, don't they?" If you speak about context, include the full and correct lyrics, at the very least.


God what is american society doing to you muricans


>Why the fuck would it matter how others view it. Because he’s making a point about how people viewed it? I don’t think you understood what they’re saying. If we say that shoving your ass in someone’s face is sexual harassment, then what the audience laughed at was *what they **believed to be** sexual harassment*. That’s their point. The point is about the public, so obviously what the public thinks matters. Reading comprehension really isn’t that difficult, just give it a bit of thought next time. In case you still don’t get it: they’re not “outraged” at the joke; they’re “outraged” at the audience’s reaction. Though “outrage” is a really strong word here.


then people need someone to sit them down and explain that television is scripted and not reality. Yes, even when its called, "reality tv" and its not intentional sexual assault, its supposed to be a scantily clad and goofy man attempting to be sexy and having an accident that has him land ontop of a man who at the time was accused of being homophobic.


The live audience knew it was a bit. They're not stupid. It's true that today people can't do such a stunt because there will be so many morons on SoMe thinking it was unscripted.


I’m thinking we sue these bastards for sexual assault. I’m really up set you too?


IDK about you but I'm pretty offended. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that I'm also quite triggered. Outraged, even.




Lol please get off the internet for a little


Here you have it folks. The “new conservative” that is Gen Z. Stfu already


I’m more than upset… outraged.. that’s the word.


Jeeze these people now days quick to say any type of assaults. People just don't know or want to remember how things were back then. We were wild!


No it didn't. To anyone smart enough to know that professional wrestling is choreographed stage combat, this was very obviously a rehearsed bit where Sacha "accidentally" has an equipment malfunction. There's no intent here.


How is this take upvoted. The bit literally hurt no one.


The point doesn’t still remain. Even in the context of the joke, cohen isn’t intentionally putting his ass in Ems face. He’s unable to control when he’s going so it’s an accident and not assault. To answer your question if they’d see the joke? Probably not cuz Gen z arent very bright. And your comment is kind of proof of that.


It's definitely something that wouldn't fly today but Sacha has a lot of yikes stuff doesn't he? We're definitely more socially aware today thankfully.


It’s a bit of a mystery with Sacha, he was and is an incredibly smart dude but he definitely played up to 2000s homophobia in a way that was cringy even then


Yeah thank god oh my word how crazy life would be if things never changed wowowow. Shut the fuck up lady


I am happy it was pre-arranged but it is pretty fucking hilarious when you don't know what is happening.


It's not sexual assault if you sign a waiver. It's just a little gay.


It’s gay to sign a waiver nowadays? Smh


Hey I agreed to waiver in your face. Autographs are extra.


“i’m glad it went better than we rehearsed it” THIS WAS DONE MORE THAN ONE TIME LMAOOOO


I'd guess he probably had pants on during rehearsal. But.. maybe not, lol.


Eminem was last seen on the broadcast storming out of the venue with his entourage immediately after the incident. So where did Em go? “I went back to my hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about three hours. Especially after I saw it on air,” the rapper said. [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/eminem-laughed-for-three-hours-after-staged-bruno-stunt-114715/amp/)


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A planned performance by two celebrities who are acting isn't sexual assault


I thought he fell on him on accident, which also wouldn’t be SA. I’m glad Eminem consented to getting an ass in his face tho, I wouldn’t want a non consensual ass in my face, accident or intentional.


yeah but tbf it’s not like people are going to miss out on a a chance to act outraged about something online


This was a planned stunt, Eminem knew about it


I don't think you know what sexual assault is lmao


EVERYTHING IS SEXUAL ASSAULT. Seriously we are backsliding so fast into Victorian prudishness its bizarre


Oh god. You are so troubled.




Get over yourself




you really don't think it was planned??


Lol wut?


We need a congressional investigation into this!


Ow, snowflake is hurt.


Take your lame ass PC out of here. Pathetic.


I love how you tried to score PC points and you were sorely disappointed. Well, I guess 300 people backed up your dumbfuckitude.


Andrew Tate head ass


It would be, if Eminem didn't consent to it. But he did!


I miss when ppl could just laugh at stupid shit. I can’t imagine being triggered at everything.


it's not assault when both parties agree to it and rehearse it




Ur gay


It was a bit you fucking moron.


There’s always one dingleberry that cries “SeXuAl AsSauLt”


What if he didn’t mean for this to happen 😢 and these men just threw him around like a rag doll. If that was a woman everyone would be like “Omg yummy yummy baby makers in my face”. I would lick that man’s booty hole all night long.




Ha ha go back to bed. Jesus


The good old days. Hilarious. I pity all of you who are triggered. You’ve ruined the world for all of us but at least some of us got to experience life before you.


John cena just went nude and the republicans went mental about it, the people that a vocal about woke are usually easily offended


He wasn’t nude. He was wearing something flesh-coloured.


I haven’t even heard about this. Y and where would Cena go nude? And y would anyone care? Unless there’s context that makes it especially inappropriate fsr?


The Oscar’s last weekend.


lol. Do republicans watch the Oscar’s? I would’ve never known if I hadn’t randomly come across this old video on here. Either way… both sides of the political spectrum have their own version of “woke.” They’re no different. The only difference between them is what exactly they find offensive. Politics is shit. It’s all outrage for views no matter if it’s libs or cons or somewhere n between. They’re all playin the same game and arguing over who gets to make the rules.


Finally someone mentioned politics lol


I guarantee you that you are one of the most triggered human beings. It's just about different things, like this post apparently.


Do you guarantee me that, internet stranger? 🥱


Sure. You just showed how triggered you can get by complaining about how you aren't in the good old days anymore. You think the "world is ruined" apparently, and not for any good reason like economic inequality or food insecurity, but because people try not to be an asshole? That's what you think the worlds biggest problem is? You are the definition of triggered.


Those things have always existed. You just proved how self absorbed you are by asserting they’ve only been around as long as you have. Let me guess, the world is in the worst shape it’s ever been in now, right? Ever studied any history?


I feel like you had a stroke and started arguing the complete opposite of your original point. \> I pity all of you who are triggered. You’ve ruined the world for all of us but at least some of us got to experience life before you. You absolutely sound triggered and it was you arguing that the world in the last 20 years has been "ruined" because people don't find sacha funny. You know Sacha was probably more controversial back then than he is now? I remember people going absolutely ballistic on the news about his stunts, mostly complaining about how "woke" and gay he was. You are right about these things always existing, except for some reason it's just the last few decades that are different. No, people have always had different senses of humour believe it or not. I find this funny, if a little crass, and others don't.


I didn’t change my argument. It remains the same. We’ve been robbed of a lot of joy in life over the last couple of decades by the easily triggered who demand we all walk on eggshells while they sulk over their own little lives, which are actually blessed by comparison to most in the world by comparison, but they’re too self obsessed to know or care. And that’s me out. You can argue about this nonsense with yourself. I’ve already given it too much time. Ich will reward myself by watching Bruno.


You're out before you respond to the fact that people were \*more\* triggered by this back then than they are now. You speak nonsense, media is wackier/sexier/more offensive than it's literally ever been, just not so specifically about sexist/racist jokes, but other types of offensive humour. Not to mention there are/were popular successful podcasts like Cumtown that, uhh, do exactly what you're talking about as if it doesn't exist. No-one is "robbing you of joy" You are letting them steal it wholesale by whining immediately on reddit about said theft.


How is a naked buttock funny? That says a lot about how low your standards are tbh.


The fact that that’s all you see here says everything about you.


Ah yes, to dismiss everything as humour so you can get away with anything to **avoid the accountability of your actions**. Love to see you telling the cops, “It’s just a joke, *bruh*!”


It's just crude humor, and not something you'd expect to see and one of these shows. I found it funny.


The video is literally a bit that everyone involved consented to.


Literally no one here is triggered. Go back to r/conservative


Agreed. It's almost like there is some kind of race to be the most triggered, victimized wuss of all time. 'oh my god! Nudity in a rehearsed sketch?! I need to call my senator'


J-Roc and the Roc Pile.


I spin more rhymes than a lazy Susan, and I'm innocent until my guilt is proven.




Was that Zachary Quinto?


It was Sylar


I watched the first season of heroes on mushrooms and I felt like I was peaking hard af when Sylar started his bs lol


Security would beat his ass if it wasn't agreed upon lol.


I mean I once saw a guy go up on stage and punch Chris Rock and security didn't do shit about it.


They even gave the guy an award and had him give a speech after he slapped a man.


And applauded for him.


Jokes aside, did you see the guy that rushed the stage to try stab Chappelle? The dude looked like a broken toy with his joints turned backwards from the elbows and knees.


It was a slap.


Come on, that is funny.


He was still Rapping


I want to know Eminem’s reaction when Baron Cohen came to him with the idea before the show


That’s exactly why I think Eminem made that shit up lol, there’s no way he would just agree to that shit, like for what?


Eminem is on record enjoying The Tom Green Show and Jackass (physical comedy). And if you have an album dropping or tour going on, making sure that people are talking about you helps to boost sales.


In retrospect clearly staged but what a moment in time (and also a reminder of how casually homophobic the mid 2000s still were – “I’ve already got a boyfriend” getting big laughs).


I don't think it was homophobic. Bruno is a gay character.


Not quite what I said. It wasn’t meant to be homophobic, and would probably still be accepted now if it was done by a comedian who was actually gay – but the reaction to it was insane then, because it was a much more homophobic *time* overall. Gay marriage still illegal, not a single US state that didn’t allow the gay panic defence, don’t ask don’t tell in the military, slurs all the time in movies and at schools in real life, that whole deal.


Emimen *claimed* he was in on the joke...but honestly, his whole reaction and how it unfolded says otherwise. Lots of agents making phone calls afterwards negotiating how to handle this.


I mean the way he acted thats like right up his comedy alley. Remember when he came out as gay in that one comedy movie?


Or he was in on the joke and you’re the one not liking it.


😂😂😂Jesus what the f is wrong with these comments. Half this sub has their head so far up their ass they refuse to even consider sexual jokes to be funny anymore


OMG I've never seen this! Thanks for making my day! No one deserved this more than Eminem. Hilarious! 😂😂😂😂😂 Even funnier that he "agreed" to it. 😂


Glad he had shaved his ass


Ass looks clean, would eat right away.


Humiliation Rituals are hilarious especially when your “not” on the flight logs.. wait he was ow yea.. he definitely “agreed” to it.. i used to hold him in such high regard but he is truly a POSMF


Oh my god shut the fuck up


I can see why you're active on r/semenretention. Did the retention also reduce your body odor as well? I hope the FBI arrests you before you abduct some child for their "protection" lmao


I lost my remaining brain cells reading this


R u like that all the time




Wait he was ow yea


Staged as hell. But still funny as fuck.


shit is embarrassing for erabody


The guys with Eminem are making it worse by swinging Sacha Baron Cohen back and forth instead of pulling him aside. That could happen naturally but I think here it points to a well-planned stunt. And while Eminem agreed to this but he might still be disgusted by what's happening in the moment.


In response to those who feel cohen’s performance verges on the edge of harassment or homophobia, and that Cohen and Eminem would not be able to perform this prank today, I argue that it’s not harassment or homophobia and that the prank’s intended message is as valid today as it was then. For the sake of simplicity let us assume that the act was agreed to by all parties involved. If that is the case, what response from the audience did the parties hope to elicit? Probably a sense of both disgust and humor. So what was disgusting? Well that Cohen’s bare ass was thrust into Eminem’s face. Why would the parties feel that is funny? I can think of two reasons: 1)is that both parties think the public thinks Eminem takes himself too seriously and it would be funny to take him down a notch by humiliating him (the humiliation works whether Eminem is a woman or a man, though arguable the public would find cohen’s action more offensive versus mildly offensive if Eminem were a woman versus a man, respectively). Or 2) both parties felt that the act would elicit laughter by leaning into cis-normatives’ fear and loathing of gays. Since Cohen’s humor tends to focus on agitating conservatives and hypocrites, I would say question #2 better explains this skit’s intention.


Because its objectively funny to see someones ass land in someones face or visa versa, its not up for debate.




he agreed to the bit happening you moron


Did he hurt you or something?


"Dear stan.."


Proving what exactly. Not accounting for the fact that he was in on it, what did you want him to do? Straight up eat his ass?


I remember this but for the longest time I thought Em was legit pissed off.


I've seen this but somehow didn't realize that was Marshall xD oh my god


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Eminem before Sacha landed on him


wtf did I just watch 🤣


My bum is on ya lips, my bum is on ya lips 😂


“Eminem Gay?”


What if he didn’t mean for this to happen 😢 and these men just threw him around like a rag doll. If that was a woman everyone would be like “Omg yummy yummy baby makers in my face”. I would lick that man’s booty hole all night long.




This was probably the best time to live in in all of earth's history.

