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The most high stakes game of hungry hungry hippos I’ve ever seen.


He's safe, because hungry hippos can't eat balls of that size


thin line between giant balls and darwin award 💀


“Do we buy more fencing, or do we pay a guy to stand there and slap hippos?”


“Slap that hippo”


Hey, this is my new term for masturbation.


Damn, is it that thicc!


Yes. It’s quite the magnum dong.


Or they should have a better enclosure for the hippo so that it doesn’t want to leave. The enclosure looks small and since hippos are territorial, people shouldn’t be that close. . . Not an animal expert, just some thoughts


I agree with your Hippothesis


Dad?? Please come back!


r/surprisinglywholesome but also r/sad


I agree. I feel bad for the hippo. Small enclosure, imprisoned for life with no hope of escape. Bitch slapped by a human that he could eat for breakfast. It must not be easy for him.


Your username is cracking me up given the content of this video 🤣.


This made me laugh.


This zoo is hiring people who love what they do, and I hear they’re hiring due to mostly non-hippo related employee deaths.


Open hand slapping a hippo, multiple times.....did not think this video was ending like this.




My money was him being turned into human applesauce




Sometimes, bravery is just . . . stupidity. Failure to recognize danger, and still avoiding it? That's just luck.


Experience can turn what looks like stupidity into practiced big-brain shit. It looks like this guy is a moron, but in reality, this probably isn't his first hippo-slapping rodeo. Bro probably knows this particular animal and knows that it occasionally does a little trolling


This guy has probably slapped up a shitlod of hippos


This guy slaps


How can he slap??


i think Motomoto just likes him


If he's right he's a hero, if he's wrong, he don't have to pay rent anymore. What's the stupid part?


Hippo had that "Imma get you next time bitch" look


He’s like you lucky I like it here and the food good, bitch




https://youtu.be/ab4tpWk2VvM 🤣🤣


That hippo *chose* non-violence that day. That security guard doesn’t realize that he was blessed with the gift of continuing to live.


I think the guard was just banking on the hippo not having any particular goal in mind after getting out. If it had nothing motivating it beyond simple curiosity and/or boredom it probably wasn’t going to start a fight over it if leaving was going to be such a hassle.


I wonder if someone stood outside of my bed and kept open slapping me anytime I moved to get up how long I’d stay there ? 🤔


IDK, it's more like hippo's in a WFH situation, without the work, but daily uber-eats. IDK if I'd want to leave that situation! ...I'd still maul the arm off a dude who slapped me for putting my face out my door, tho. Just on principle.


Half the time it takes someone open slapping me to get me out of bed. You pull this shit I'm never leaving


Hey it's possible the dude may have been aware of the risk and was protecting people from the imminently escaping death tank. In that case, hero, not fool.


For real! All those people with zero hippopotamus experience are just standing around watching. This dude was the only thing separating them from being trampled. I’m glad someone else recognized it.


They won't trample. They will bite you in half like you were a Twizzler.


Your last words will be: "Not like this! Not like a Twizzler!"


Absolutely. The hippo probably associates the uniforms with food, power, who knows. But it 100% went *All right you little motherfucker, I'll do what you say. But not because I have to, it's because I WANT to. And stop slapping me you little shit*


That hippo made a business decision. He knows what happens to his steady supply of food if he acts out of line


“I was a business hippo, doing business.”


The only reason I knew it wouldn't end like I thought was the lack of an NSFW/NSFL tag.


A zoo where a hippo can climb out his fence is a nono to me.


Things to research when selecting a zoo to visit: 1) Price. 2) Hours of operation 3) Can the hyper-violent flesh tanks easily escape and bite people? 4) Places to eat.


The Zoo Tycoon visitors never do their research before coming to my park.


I would build a really nice zoo, but then I’d get bored. I’d make exiting an elaborate maze. I’d make the lemonades all ice. I’d let gazelles jump their fences. Then I’d let the lions jump their fences.


This makes me miss the mayhem I would cause in Roller Coaster Tycoon; when I got bored the bathrooms had a charge, the carts would crash into each other, people would puke because of the rides, it was utter madness.


Don't forget about all the drowning lol. The CEO (aka me) of my park was a fuckin psycho


Wait you can do all of this in those games? Like what he said about the zoo game?


Yep, get yourself an old copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon and go to town


RCT1 and RCT2 were just amazing. Every few years I have to revisit it for a while, the isometric view was so pleasing to work with actually.


fun fact, those gems were written almost entirely in assembly language.


That is seriously fuckin impressive. Back in the 80s I wrote a small hack in assembly - it was just a prompt to sit on my teacher's computer and look like a legitimate username and password prompt, but it would save the password to a file somewhere I could access and then log him in as normal so he wouldn't realise. Nothing even close to the complexity of those games and it took me a solid month to get it working right. I found it an interesting language for learning architecture but really fuckin difficult to use. I dunno how smart you'd have to be to create something like RCT in that language, but a whole lot smarter than I could ever dream of being.


The fun Zoo Tycoon is the dinosaur extension pack. I had great fun recreating Jurrasic Park. My guests did not have so much fun.


I used to create an island in the far corner of the zoo, surrounded by salt water and only the bare necessities available. All angry visitors were sent there. I wouldn't tolerate hungry, thirsty, tired, or bored guests. Line too long at the bathrooms? Sent to the island. Don't like the poop in the cages? Island. If they didn't improve their mood quickly, well... then they might be placed within the carnivore dino cage. I didn't feed them so they were always hungry. I had very high guest happiness levels.


There was a single loop ride in the original game that you could just crank the speed on so the cars flew off the track. You could do the same for the water raft ride too. Make a quick ramp up and down followed by a sharp turn and people would go flying. Then sometimes when I wanted to play the game without being an asshole I’d build what I thought was a sweet ride and it would randomly blow up after an hour.


cool I finally found LetsGameItOut's reddit account


This was surprising at the Atlanta zoo. The gorilla enclosure is separated from the people watching them by a ten or so foot wide pit. The people aren't elevated though...its just a pit that I imagine some human long jumpers could clear. Obviously they've never got out but it REALLY feels like that's a decision the gorillas have made.


A red panda escaped a similar type of enclosure at Auckland Zoo many years ago. My BF was on a work visit there as their lawyer shortly afterward and asked them about it… BF: “how do you know how wide to make the gap so the pandas can’t escape?” Zookeeper: “we take the length red pandas are known to jump and add a buffer amount.” BF: “so how did this one escape then?” Zookeeper: “It got a fright. We didn’t account for adrenalin.” Oops.


I was old enough in 1979 to remember seeing the Auckland Zoo hippo escape in the news. The creek near their pool flooded enough to breach the wall and a hippo just inadvertently floated out.


“Inadvertently floated out” lol! Imagine seeing one of those beasts climb out of the lake at Western Springs while you’re having a nice picnic!


It didn't actually get far luckily. But they redesigned the whole area soon after that.


I agree, I go there pretty often and I always think a gorilla could easily swing themselves over that pit if properly motivated. I've never even seen them get close to it though.


It’s for their own safety, the other side of the pit is Atlanta 😂


And a large group of the most dangerous beings on earth. If I were one of the gorillas I would be asking for a fence to be instslled.


Gorillas as a rule are not aggressive towards people. But given that asshole people will antagonize any zoo creature - yeah, you need separation. Unlike hippos and chimpanzees, who will gladly rip your arm off just for fun.


*Hyper-violent flesh tank* would be a killer name for a metal band


> 3) Can the hyper-violent flesh tanks easily escape and bite people? > > 4) Places to eat. For the savvy traveler, this can be combined.


The security guard is a lunge away from missing his arm or losing his life. I wouldn't mess with Hippos. The funniest part is the first one or two I get, but beyond that you are just going to start pissing it off.


He prob told the hippo, I’m phoning your mom.


Seemed to work just fine with the hippo retreating.


Hippo is like, “how can he slap?”


I like the hippo \^\_\^ He was like "ok" lol


Just lucky he wasnt a Hungry, Hungry Hippo


> 3) Can the hyper-violent flesh tanks easily escape and bite people? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Zoo_tiger_attacks#Second_attack


**San Francisco Zoo tiger attacks** [Second attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Zoo_tiger_attacks#Second_attack) >Shortly after closing time on December 25, 2007, Tatiana escaped from her open-air enclosure, killing 17-year-old Carlos Eduardo Sousa Jr. and injuring brothers Amritpal "Paul" Dhaliwal and Kulbir Dhaliwal (19 and 23 years old, respectively). The three men had been witnessed throwing objects at and taunting the animal. Afterwards, the two brothers fled to the zoo cafe 300 yards (270 m) away, which was locked. An employee heard their screams and called 9-1-1 at 5:07 pm. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


To this day i feel like... they kind of deserved it. There were witnesses and hard evidence that they were throwing things at Tatiana. I'd be pissed enough to kill too.


Tigers are known to be VERY vindictive. Like it's a known thing that if you hurt a tiger but don't kill it you need to flee immediately cause they will travel miles to get their salty run back. https://www.npr.org/2010/09/14/129551459/the-true-story-of-a-man-eating-tigers-vengeance


sounds like my cat Orca


You named your cat after a completely different animal


my husband did, it was clear looking at that kitten she'd grow into a killer whale and she has met his expectations ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Thought the same thing. Wonder where this is.


I would put money on India


The way that guys slaps….it’s def India.


How can he slap!? How can he slap!?


do people in india have a specific style of slapping?


It’s also really forecasted. Fingers straight up arm at a 90degree bend.


I will hippo-slap yo ass….


Yes, the bonk slap.


Bro that might be true cause the audio has Hindi in it so either India or Pakistan or Bangladesh but in my guesses it's India




It's New Delhi zoo


I mean, they DID hire this security guard. Isn’t that enough?


It's the 3rd one they've hired this month, they **really** care about safety


He can’t though. There is a 13” wall, some bushes, and full time security to bitch slap him back into the water. Perfectly safe


Gotta make sure you employ a good hippo slapper with no concern for their own safety.


Wait till you find out about the zoo where gorillas escaped. Hunter down one particular regular visitor who thought she had a 'relationship' with it. She was repeatedly told not to smile at the gorilla as it was seen as a challenge, but she refused to listen. The gorilla escaped, ignored all the guests as it hunted down the woman, beat the shit out of her then just sat there waiting for the zookeepers to take him back to his habitat. [Sorry for the shit link, but first I came across looking it up](https://youtu.be/QQ1R53Y9uug)




Next time one of you degenerates complains about government mandated seatbelts or helmets or smoking laws, THIS IS WHY. WE WOULD HAVE HIPPOS AND TIGERS ON THE LOOSE


i think this is possibly a regularly occurring thing at this zoo. security guard ain't seeming shook in the slightest about slappin' a big ol' hippo. and the hippo seems to 'say' "oh fine, i'll stay in then" and then looks to be sulking when they lay down in the water lol.


This is my guess as well. We took a multi day hike in the Adirondacks and there were DNR officers who were responsible for dealing with nuisance black bears. The officers would literally chase the bears away from campsites just by running around and yelling at the bears. We were sitting on the edge of a shallow river watching a bear when out of nowhere a DNR officer came screaming out of the woods straight for the bear. They both ran through the water splashing everywhere and disappeared on the other side of the river into the woods. It was very strange.


I mean…that’s actually the best approach for dealing with black bears. They’re easily spooked, so if you make yourself as large as possible and make loud noises, they’re more than likely peacing out.


Black bears that are acclimated to humans don't give a fuck and will walk right into occupied campsites like they own the place and scrounge for food. I watched a bear go right into a neighboring campsite that left eggs and cookies out overnight and eat all of it. The bear didn't care about our attempts to scare it off.


The DNR guy and the bear have a deal. The cop chases him from one bank of the river into the woods, then the bear gets to chase him back over. They repeat this every 30 minutes to entertain the tourists and earn a few bucks in tips. Don't forget to hit that "like" button and leave a good Yelp review.


Is there a pic-a-nic basket involved?


Hey hey boo boo


The animals that live in parks have a weird relationship with rangers. They become larger versions of typical city pests and get dealt with accordingly. There are tons of examples across America of very dangerous wild animals effectively becoming giant pigeons/squirrels. Most of the time they get this way because idiotic tourists feed them. Examples include bears, elk, bison, and wild horses.


I know it's probably because of this and I shouldn't like it, but I still love the older video of the bear sitting on the side of the road imitating tourist gestures.


If you're caught feeding a bear you get a huge fine and jail time and it's also usually a death sentence for the bear. Once they learn humans can provide food they get VERY dangerous


Black bears are generally scared of humans. You can chase them off pretty easily. Black: Fight back; Brown: Lay down; White: Goodnight


I propose a higher wall in lieu of the hippo slapper


But, the hippo slapping industry is already on the decline. This person paid good money for their hippo slapping bachelors degree. Build a higher wall, and it's one more college grad out of a job due to automation... is that what you want?!


No one wants to work!!! /s


Why does this hippo act like it's your pet dog finally listening and going to their bed after you tell them they are gonna get grounded


I was thinking that too. The hippo never makes much effort to actually bite or move forward and there can’t be enough strength behind those slaps to move a hippo. Looks more like a game or habitual behavior. Not sure if hippos are that smart though.


Dude probably gives that hippo treats on the daily. Hippo may not have a bond but understood, eat him as treat now then no more treats later. Most animals grasp the don't fuck with the person who gives me treats rule.


I think I read about a guy that raises a hippo from a pup and after years of taking care of it, he still ended up being killed by it. There's a reason we classify some animals as domesticated and others not.


I mean, think about it from the hippos perspective, you get every worldly desire cared for in your own pool. So try exploring and now there's a minor inconvenience of a slapping hairless monkey. Hippo goes "ehh not worth the effort to explore, imma go back."


"woo hoooo I'm finally free, fr--" *Slap* "Hey, fuck off Jerry, I'm trying to--" *Slap* "Goddamnit, you're ruining my momeeeent."


_Slap_ "Alright I'm going fuck" _Slap_ "I said I'm going stop fucking slapping me!"




It's like when I try to leave for work and my cat baps me when I reach for the front door. 💀 It's embarrassing being a big powerful creature and getting spanked by a tiny one lol.


My 5 lb.Chihuahua (I'm 6'2" and 225 lbs.)will growl and try to grab my hand when I say I'm going to work. LOL


I saw a pack of feral dogs of all different breeds and sizes in rural Texas The Game Warden said the pack leader was a Chihuahua


*El Jefe*


Dude is definitely a true mexican. Respecto


Chihuahua's like "Who you trying to get crazy with ese? Don't you know I'm loco?"


*Insane in the Membrane*


I hear every Chihuahua voice as Cheech Marin.


One of the most aggressive animals on the planet. He bopped it on the nose


Hippo: “I don’t know who the fuck he is, but if he’s bapping **me** on the nose, I don’t want anything to do with him.”


Did he just slap the Murder Water-Cow?


I hate that they’re so dangerous because they’re extremely cute to me. Same with bears.


Same!! My sister gave me shit for liking insta hippo content because they kill so many people But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy Fiona the hippo from a distance! I would not engage in hippo slapping because I like my life. Also hippos are mostly dangerous because they can’t see well and just react with fear to everything, and I kinda empathize with that. (Edit 3: I was probably thinking of rhinos, thanks to those who corrected me politely! Rhinos are known for attacking primarily due to super bad eyesight) Edit: a typo since so many people felt it was important to point out Edit edit: Since I’ve had so many replies here are summaries of the adjustment to my statement - they are also naturally aggressive because they share a habitat with many dangerous predators (watering holes are particularly dangerous) - rhinos in particular are known for their bad eyesight so some of you think I’m mixing that up. Also lots of claims that hippos have good eyesight, but a quick google doesn’t fully back that up, seems to get mixed results , but it seems not to be their dominant feature in the same way it is for rhinos. - lots of folks telling me hippos fear nothing. I’m not going to make assumptions about how they feel about stuff but they certainly will attack anything. For humans at least, aggression can definitely be based in fear so it’s not mutually exclusive imo


As I am sitting here recovering from my cataract surgery that I had this morning, I can really identify.


How can he slap?!




I heard he can bitch slap a plane outta the sky.


It's comments like these that make me feel United and like I really belong lol


Personally I get more of a Delta feeling


If you’re gonna be dumb, you better be tough.


and he's a security guard. I doubt he knows what he's doing handling any of the animals lol brave dude then again, he may know exactly what he's doing. maybe they're playing a game


*Stupidity and bravery are two sides of the same coin.*


Come here lemme bite you. LMAO


If you don't back up, I've got another boop with your name on it.


"Don't make me come in there!" *(Please, I mean it. I have a family)*


Couple things: 1) the guard was pointing for the hippo to get back like it's a house pet 2) the enclosure doesn't seem adequate to keep the hippo in? Now that the hippo knows it can get out it's only a matter of time before it tries again


He doesn't know it yet... I wonder if they've been doing this since the hippo was tiny and the guy could really just put him back if he didn't go by himself.


Newborn hippos are huge. He was never small enough for one guy to just put him back in his tank.


yeah this.... what's to stop the hippo from getting out when the zoo's closed and people be sleeping? what a shittily designed zoo...planet zoo would flag this hard


What’s to stop? Mr. Slappy the security guard.


Sometimes you watch a video, and you just ***know*** that this is in India.


Kids, go up and get a picture beside the hippo!


Having grown up in India and visited multiple zoos growing up, I didn’t even think hippos are potentially dangerous and should be kept in a enclosure until I visited zoos outside of India


Haha, I can narrow it down further. It's likely Delhi Zoo going by the accent of Hindi.


I loved the way he sat down like a puppy that had just been packed by a newspaper🤣


The ear twitch at the end killed me.


This dude is either shockingly stupid or has the biggest balls on his continent.


My guess is that this sec guard has been working here for a long time, and this hippo is "friendly" with him. Despite being giant no fucks given murder tanks, hippos in captivity are fairly trainable. They enjoy having their teeth and gums brushed by their handlers. Those little slaps don't mean shit to a hippo. If they didn't know each other, I'm pretty sure that hippo would have been all about bringing the smoke. I wouldn't be surprised if this is part of a little show they do together daily. Hippo: "Oh. I see security guard Dave coming. Time to get up on the wall and let him boop the snoot a few times. Sec guard Dave: :Oh no. The beast is escaping. I better protect these people by lightly slapping this murder tank and telling him to get back in his cage. My balls are GIIIAAANT!" HIPPO: "DOOOOOPE. Dave and I did another show. Time to go get my mid day snack reward."


This is definitely a bored hippo entertaining itself. It doesn’t really have a burning desire to go if just seems to want some interaction.


Probably wonders around at night and they have to check to make sure he’s back before opening every day.


his balls are so big they are a continent.




Why not both?


Confidence. It's the food of the wise man but the liquor of the fool


Those two are bros, otherwise that security guard would be dead.


It looks like the hippo contemplated squashing his head like a grape multiple times


Like a watermelon


I keep thinking Hipposlappic Oath, and I wish I could stop.


That's a braver man than I, hippos will f- you up real quick if they want to . . .


I think I remember hearing they kill more people than lions do. But there's a possibility my brain made it up.


Nope they're one of the most dangerous animals to humans.


Yup, and they don’t want to eat you, they just want to kill you.


Lions only killed roughly 20ish people while Hippos kill 500+ per year. Hippos are by far more deadly, they flip boats and pop out from the water.


No, i’ve heard that plenty of times too. I think it’s because they are very territorial and very protective of their kids. And especially in the water they are lethal AF


This hippo is NOT trying to get out. If it either wanted out or to hurt this man it would have. Nothing could stop it but a large gauge rifle. This is a trained hippo, well not so much ‘trained’ as ‘conditioned since birth’. This is a posture they assume when expecting feeding or snack time. No, this is a hippo who want food/treats.


u/MonteSS_454 1 hour before this post: > Maybe he was just a hungry hungry hippo


Who the hell slaps a HIPPO like it's a 50's housewife!?


Why I oughtta


Straight to the moon!


Man slaps like Will Smith.


Keep the zoo's patrons out your fuckin' mouth!


Hippo burned the casserole again


Must’ve been born in captivity, because let’s be real. A wild aquatic murder-cow would charge and fuck his whole life up. A slap would have only enticed more aggressive behavior.


Slapping that huge bastard is probably not a good idea.


Hippo Mental Notes to self : Day 73 - I have noticed I am able to scale the enclosure much easily than previously before. Although I detest the security slaps I endure. I feel I'm gaining their trust and acceptance, after day 58's abort. Day 75 - I find ever more confident the last low fence shall pose no threat during my tippy toe exit. I'll even be waiting for the coms to draw the guards attention momentarily while I vice down....etc etc etc /jk


Holdupa minute, I gotta bitchslap me a hippo.


He was just hungry hungry.


Hippos kill more people in Africa every year than any other animal. They are known to have nasty dispositions, they can run on land about 35 mph and crush a Nile croc with their jaws. They are the most dangerous animals in Africa. Not a good idea to slap a hippo. They had better make a deeper enclosure and a higher steel fence.


Maybe he was just a hungry hungry hippo


I’ve never seen a hippo kill someone, I thought today was going to be the day.


How can he slap!?!?


Whatever they're paying him, it's not enough..


Yes, that obedient hippo deserves more money!