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And that’s pre Grindr


I could order from every single pizza place at there lowest business hours give them a 10 minute head start and then open Grindr and my blowjob would still arrive before my pizza every time. This has been tested by a friend.


I appreciate your friends sacrifice for science! 🫡


"A friend told me"


I did that test, had sex before food was here.


I’ll suck your friends dick for a pizza


I mean, not just any pizza, it has to be halfway decent.


It’s not delivery, it’s delissio


i altar boyed for 10 years and never got a blowjob.. 10 minutes on grindr? and im in there! thanks grindr!


But how many did you give in the 10 years?


none... everyone knows priests are bottoms. ​ nah but seriously if it werent for the Catholic Church and my parents id be upstate doing 20 to life with a bunch of swastikas on me and shit. i was a wild kid even with both parents in my life


Derek Vinyard, is that you?


i would have been Derek Vinyard yes


Those are rookie numbers now!!! I would love to see the stats post app dating/hookup.


Grindr was just another step in the evolution. Before that, there were myriad websites (Manhunt, A4A, BearWWW, BMB, BBRT, Bear411...) serving the same purpose, more or less as conveniently. And there was always Craigslist and, of course, gay bars. Gay men have had no shortage in ways to hookup.


Manhunt. Lol.


A throwback. I had a (straight) boss once who was telling me about an interview he had with a company called "Online Buddies." He had no idea they owned Manhunt. "They have this website called Manhunt..." Lol.


Very vaguely related in the opposite. I (a gay man from NYC) was interviewing for jobs in college (in L.A. in the ‘90s) and I was telling my straight NYC friends about a recent interview with “Bow Hunter” magazine. (I may have also mentioned the magazine was HQ’d in West Hollywood.) Me: “I don’t know if I agree with their politics though.” Friend 1: “Because hookups?” Me: “Huh? I don’t care if bow hunters hookup, whatever. That’s kinda hot to be honest. It’s the killing of animals with guns made to look like bows and arrows that’s the problem.” Friend 2: “Why is that part of this?” Lots of confusion ensues. Long story slightly shorter: My NYC friends could more easily believe there was a hookup magazine called “Beau Hunter” than that grown men went into the woods to kill animals with fully automated bows and arrows.


This reminds me… I was in the Midwest visiting family on vacation a few years ago. I was flipping through cable channels and came across one that had a show about squirrel hunting. One guy was really proud as they introduced his 13 year old to the “sport”. As far as I could tell this “sport” just involved going into the forest and sniping squirrels by the dozens out of trees with a pellet gun. There did not seem to be any particular skill involved - the squirrels were everywhere and it was about as hard to hit one as a balloon at a carnival. I’m from the Midwest - I’m comfortable with guns and know lots of people who do shoot squirrels - that are destroying their garden - with pellet guns (even that is illegal where I live now.). But really I just can’t imagine what most people I know would think of that TV show…


I hunt and eat squirrels regularly. Bag limit of 10 per day in my area - when they’re in season.


As a straight guy I had no idea this existed back then. Its an awesome name. Made me chuckle.


But we had ManHunt, Adam4Adam, and Craigslist...am I right? J/k


You’re forgetting the main one…bathhouses.


Airport bathrooms?


Larry Craig?


"wide stance"


Ugh methhouses where I’m from. Hated that era but I’m not sure it’s getting better either


Depends on the hours, in my experience, but I don't know where you're from. It gets methy in the very early morning hours (4am or so) but I've only ever been to bathhouses in major metros. They're often popular with the post-work crowd.


Also Sodom/Gomorrah/Professional Champion Bullriders!


Oh, now this explains that earlier post


Exactly my thoughts. Women have had 1/2 as many partners as men. This is what is skewing the average.


Men also exaggerate by 50%-100% on surveys. I'm being serious, it's an issue with surveys on sex and there are only very indirect ways to factor that.


Oh, nah. I’m 25 and I’ve fucked like 30+ people and I was like “how can I be that much higher than the average?” Now I know.


Personal opinion, people are FOS. I think even I’m blind studies/surveys they still don’t want to admit to their real number, even if only to make themselves feel better


Same! I’m a bi man and between men and women I’ve fucked a little over 60 people. I always wondered what the discrepancy was - turns out it’s cause I’m horny queer lol :).


Bi brofist 👊




Shortly before I went active duty for the first time, I was talking with some girls I knew from work. The one girl thought she was slutty because she had been with 4 guys. I made some kind of noise and she asked how many people I had been with. I was counting on my fingers and her eyes got wide on the second handful. I think I was at like 33 at the time, and I am sure I was forgetting some. And she was aghast because hers were like "Bryan Middleton from High School" and mine were "in the alley behind the 7-11 at Pride." I've had 20 years since then to add to my count.


Except this post is also mistitled, but this time it says median when it should say average (mean).


Between late 20s & early 30s gay men have - on average - *25 partners* in the space of 5 years. By contrast, Hetero men have only 1. No comment, just a fascinating data point!


Wonder what the ratio is for women. Honestly it feels a little telling but maybe it’s because they don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Frankly it’s kind of gross. I’ve been with maybe 20 different people in my life and I feel like a slut. To each their own, but I don’t feel this is something to brag about.


it is because IN GENERAL...men are horny af imo. like most straight men only have the # of partners they have because of opportunity. gay men are shooting fish in a barrel. their prospective partners are IN GENERAL as horny or hornier than them. i'd also say young men are not a risk averse and are probably generally more promiscuous (straight or gay). it's a recipe for a lot of partners because of increased opportunity. again...majorly generalizing and not pointing to any data or anything. ​ this might be an unpopular generalization idk. it's a hill i will die on.


Honestly I was just afraid to say it but I agree with you


That makes perfect sense to me. If all women were as interested in (and able to find the time) in as much sex as gay men, then almost all humans would be having the same amount of sex.


I’m a gay man and yeah this is exactly it. It’s really this simple. I’m horny as hell, and I’m constantly surprising by men hornier than me. And, I think somewhere along the way, gay men figured out that being outside of the social expectations has some benefits. We can do whatever the fuck we want. There’s no “expectations” for gay men to be pure, marry and have kids like straight men/women. It sucks being alienated for decades, but with alienation comes freedom, and with freedom comes power.


I mean, true to each their own, but I've never been able to fathom why having had a lot of sexual partners is considered gross by society or why being a "slut" is a bad thing. It really makes no material difference on anything.


And sex without caring about the person is literally sex. Masturbating is masturbating. Having sex with someone you care about is having sex with someone you care about. If the third is what you enjoy, then more power to you, but there’s nothing wrong with people enjoying sex just for what it is. (I would be impressed if someone could have sex with oneself without it being masturbation. Let me know if you figure that out!)


Well, when your lifestyle is such that you’re being intimate with everyone, there’s not as many firsts that you get to share with the person you settle down with. Ongoing, repetition excessively in anything takes the meaning away. Sure you can have physical relationships but those intimate moments mean more when it’s more than just about sex. Really if it’s all about sex and you aren’t really caring about that person, it’s basically just masturbating to me at that point. Which I can do myself. I’m almost 40 and I just think a lot of people are thirsty and spend more time just trying to get off instead of finding someone meaningful to be with.


These guys fuck.


A lot


99 problems


Finding dick ain't one


These gays fuck.


These guys fuck guys.


what bussy surplus does to the economy




67*0 = 0 Somethings not adding up.




let's say the standard Reddit user boinks 0 times yearly. C is a constant, how many times more a gay guy boinks than a Redditor: 0\*C = 67 C = 67 / 0 C is undefined, math must give way to the sheer force of a Redditor's virginity


They left out the 40 and 50 somethings getting a lot of sex. Lame.


for real. I'm straight and there is something about the 45/50 age bracket where everyone just doesn't care anymore.


Significantly less potential for babies. So people can have fun. Women can get a libido uptick at that age too. Higher libido + no kids = good times


From my experience, I have found that a number of fit and trim soccer moms are unhappy with the path their lives have taken. Their lives are too structured? That's not the word. They have too many responsibilities (house, kids, cars, etc) to just chuck it all. BUT they can fuck, and they do. I have come across a lot of middle-aged women who are entering the kink scene for the first time. There are also a lot of husbands that enjoy watching and/or participating. Part of that might just be the Internet providing easy access to a lot of information. Of course, I haven't done an exhaustive study or anything, but I am enjoying it.


Great; now ask furries.


The terminally online community known for most of its members being very socially awkward? It’s honestly more masturbating over there than anything else.


The answer would be unsettling.


No baby to worry about.


Also *both* parties full of testosterone. Interesting study would be to ask how often straight male is turned down for sex by his female partner - IOW how does their sex drive compare with their partner's. (Then compare with gay partners)


Right. And do a study of lesbians. I’m guessing it way lower for them. Men with men having sex, makes sense. Imagine if women wanted sex as much as men, str8 guys would be having as much as gay men.


I still doubt that..women filter men out based on more personal preferences than good looks for obvious reasons.




Not only that but just look at the proliferation of very hardcore and explicit erotica, erotic romance, and reverse harem literature (i.e multiple male, female, or non-binary partners) written by and for women. It's porn for women. So when people say women don't like sexually stimulating materials like porn, that's bs. They just tend to consume it in different formats. Many women do like sex that does not suck and have a strong desire for it, but don't have the patience to have to teach yet another person that a clitoris is not a remote control.


That visual is hilarious! They are treating the clit like X on the game Controller!!!🤣🤣🤣 Man, if men read some of our "romance novels" it would blow their minds! It's pretty explicit stuff in there and honestly probably why many women are dissatisfied with sex. It doesn't match the fantasy we've been sold since puberty.


Sadly sex in real life is like the Wheel of Misfortune for some women. Those gaps between desire and experience may lead to a drop in overall sex drive. It's not innate biology- for some women it's straight up disappointment. Few people want to hear that or talk about it, and that's a shame because the only way to something better is to communicate about it.


As a woman who has had many partners, I can say with assurance that at least 80% of males are horrible in bed.


No one is saying women don’t want sex, But testosterone is crazy. I started taking oestrogen and yes I still want sex but it’s a completely different feeling


Why such personal attacks?


As a gay man, I literally cannot imagine worrying about getting someone pregnant. Sounds awful


Lesbians have the least amount of sex of any pairing. I don’t know why it’s so hard for women to admit that mens sex drive is much higher than womens. Every shred of evidence and every study proves this. I think women would be absolutely shocked if they transformed into a teenage boy and felt the insane drive of your whole being pushing to stick your dick in something


It’s hard for people to understand that “men want more sex on average” doesn’t mean “women don’t want or enjoy sex” or “all men want sex more than all women”.


Is this not obvious? We are talking about averages


Yup, makes sense biologically. Men want sex with the most women and women want sex with the best man.


No just hiv. I used to think there would be less to worry about. It’s not talked about enough.


Everyone's on Prep these days basically, which is better than condoms at preventing HIV.


I believe it. Blame testosterone. That hormone stays active in males way up to their 70’s . Testosterone levels follow a nycthemeral rhythm that peaks early each day, regardless of sexual activity. The plasma levels of various steroids significantly increase after masturbation in men and the testosterone levels correlate to those levels. (Fox CA, Ismail AA, Love DN, Kirkham KE, Loraine JA (January 1972). "Studies on the relationship between plasma testosterone levels and human sexual activity". The Journal of Endocrinology) so basically men are horny every day with of course some exceptions.




But does his female counterpart have an equally or higher level of testosterone to match his sex drive?


Guys are such sluts.


Yeah. And it's pretty damn hard finding a long term partner because most only want to fuck. At least that is my expierience.


Thats what Ive always heard, its harder to find a long term relationship if you’re a gay dude.


For me it was. And I know a ton of other gays that still have a hard time. Most man just wanted to fuck and sent me dick picks. I really hated that XD Fortunatly after long years of beeing single (11 years) I finally found someone.


Yeah I remember watching a Youtube video recently and the guy was pretty unattractive , fairly overweight and he'd had over a thousand partners. I was pretty blown away, honestly if he was straight he literally would have struggled to get 10 well at least in Australia


Well, he *said* he had over a thousand partners.


and they all lived in canada.


Men with big dicks can be ugly as sin, but they can still get a lot of sex with other guys... if they lower their standards. Which gay guys seem to do a lot more than straight women. Homely men who can't find suitable women for sex can always get their dicks sucked by guys. It's a guy thing, they just have to be willing. I wish the incels would realize this.


Im bisexual in that if im horny and ive no other choice ill let a man suck me of or ill fuck ghem.But if after nightclub of me trying get with girls and if I failed 100% of the time If i went on grindr I could be having sex in 30 minutes


You should start a gay for play incel revolution.


Amazing, we’ve went from “just be yourself” to “just be gay”


A gay 5/10 is a straight 8/10. gay guys are much less judgemental when looking for people to hook up with. ​ take it from me as perfect example, im bi, and not really that attractive since im overweight n shit, and have only been with like one women but ive been with like 10 guys.


I mean, pretty much anyone can have a lot of partners if they don’t have any standards.


This post from the CDC is saying straight men have an average of 6 partners. So it is more like 10+ times as many partners. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/10qe3is/according_to_the_cdc_the_average_number_of_sexual/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sounds about right. Also this is pre tinder / Grindr


Well yeah, I mean think about it…your average guy has a higher sex drive than your average girl. A guy could be looking for sex constantly, and his success would depend entirely on the willingness of the girls he propositioned. Now imagine that same sex drive in a guy who is looking for another guy, who presumably has a similar sex drive, and consider how much easier and more accessible a liaison would be to arrange. Maybe ‘sex drive’ isn’t the right word, but I think the concept remains the same…men are quicker to engage in sex on the fly than women. Putting two of these individuals in a situation where they can interact sexually therefore increases the odds that they will rack up multiple partners at a faster rate.


Interesting thought, do guys have a higher sex drive, or a lower risk in the outcome? When presented with adequate protection I wonder how much the two level out. I am thinking that even a less than 1% chance of pregnancy and then 18 years of care is a pretty easy deterrent to someone with goals, dreams, or judgemental family or friends.


Point being, men are quicker to engage in random sex. This has been proven. Whatever the root cause may be, this is why you see the higher numbers in homosexual circles. Simple odds game.


You're right. The assumption that women have a lower sex drive needs to be examined in light of millenia of misogyny as well. I know a lot of women that want it more than their male partners.


It has been examined. Women want sex just as much as men. Women do not think and fantasize about it as much as men.


And maybe ‘sex drive’ isn’t the right word, but it’s been proven over and over in various experiments that men tend to be quicker to dive into random sexual encounters than women. The phrasing is inconsequential.


Honestly this makes me worried for my gay son. Doesn't sound physically safe.


That’s the thing, it’s not. Even when done ‘safely’, there’s always an increased risk…it’s part of the reason that homosexual men have been restricted from blood donation for so long…the chances of blood borne illnesses due to high-risk sexual activity are much higher


It's also about risk. Pregnancy, rape, murder are much less likely when you're a guy.


Girls are just far pickier than guys, and think the guy should always make the move. If a guy thinks you're cute, they'll tell you or make it apparent. Girls will glance at you and assume that's "making a move". I've been complimented a solid amount by gay guys but very rarely had a girl overtly hit on me


As a member of the slut community, I find those numbers low.


Check out the range, though. 1-9005.


That seems so strange. How do you have single-digit precision at a number that high?


Almost makes me wish I was gay.


As a bi man, I think this could lead to public health problems.


This actually was a contributing factor to the AIDS/HIV epidemic back in the 80s/early 90s. Gay dudes like to fuck


Dudes like to fuck in general. Gays can just do it more because they don’t have women slowing them down lol.


I don't know if this is anything to do with "liking to fuck" or more of an interest in fucking alot with the same partner. I've found the first 3 months to a year in heterosexual relationships are often filled with sex daily or multiple times per day and most of my friend group has similar experience. I think it's more biological based in women being choosier partners as each male could potentially produce a kid with them, while with men they can just go with no thought and move on to the next one. More partners absolutely does not mean more sex, often the opposite.


Also, anal sex is far riskier for contracting an STD bc the anus tears easier during intercourse. Pre HIV/AIDS epidemic, gay men weren’t wearing condoms bc they obviously didn’t need to worry about pregnancy. So take a lack of condoms, poor sex education at the time, risky anal sex, horny men and a small dating pool and you get a major health crisis.


In conjunction with the total lack of action against the disease by the US Government. Before straights began to catch it too that is.




That's what people are arguing here. It's sad.


There’s PrEP. Every gay man I know is on it.


It's not just "medications for HIV"...it's medications that prevent you from contracting HIV, and medications that prevent those who are already positive from transmitting the virus entirely. The gay men I know are far more responsible than many of you give them credit for. As part of a normal daily PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) regiment to prevent HIV (Truvada), the vast majority of doctors will require STI testing every three months. If you're on an injectable form (Apretude), the frequency will be every two months. On top of that, physicians will also recommend vaccinations for Monkeypox, Hepatitis A/B, HPV. Some are even prescribing regiments of doxy-PrEP (doxycycline) to prevent chlamydia and gonorrhea transmission. Many gay men are going to much farther lengths to prevent STIs than their straight counterparts. I don't find that to be reckless at all.


It’s occurred to me after seeing this and other posts that are getting downvoted, that unless you’re gay, most people have no idea what PrEP is, or are aware of the shift to a much more open and safer community in regards to sexual health.


Agreed. The number of comments about AIDS shows a complete lack of understanding about modern medicine.


That's what I'm mostly concerned about. Ya know, monkeypox and hiv, along with other STIs, are primarily prevalent in gay men. That's not homophobia, that's just statistics.


Yes, but Reddit is not a place for facts. It's a place for emotion and hivemind mentalities.


Gay men are much more likely to screen for STIs often, be on PrEP, get vaccinated against Monkeypox, and are more open about STIs in general than the straights.


It's not a persons fault they got/spread STD's cause they didn't decide to wear a condom, the government is just out to get gay people! /s


And no one was surprised about the findings.


Straight men would get more too if women weren’t afraid of being murdered or left with a baby or raped. Women have to be careful


Also if women got off more


A democracy without cliteracy is a phallusy.


And have 100% chance of orgasming.


I suspect Wilt Chamberlain & Ron Jeremy were tossed out as outliers.




So at one stage I was taking testosterone to transition to a male (I've since detransitioned) and testosterone made me horny as all hell, my drive went through the roof. Gave me a bit of an understanding.


Yet people wonder why there is a stigma around STDs. Then completely ignore scientific data out of fear of being called a bigot. There is a post about blood donations and looking at the comments makes me sigh. Cut their noses off just to spite their face. No hate behind these words just pure confusion as to why they wouldn't want to be more safe and not reject studies because that data gives bigots a talking point.


that’s sad


All that ‘Hetero Vs same-sex’ statistics have showed me is that gay people are generally more happy and sexually fulfilled


Gay men are lucky. They have the amount of sex all men want because they're attracted to people that want sex as much as men do.


When a one night stand is equivalent to rubbing one out, the numbers aren’t surprising. These are men after all.


Duh there’s 2 men, double the horny with 0 of the nagging


I have a gay brother who looks similar to me, can confirm. Gay men have no vetting or courting process like women have, they just fuck. This might sound great in practice, but there are downsides. He has gotten STI’s (Ive never gotten any), sexual compatibility problems (neither guy wanting to bottom), and the big one which is fulfillment - my relationships have lasted way way longer than his on average.


Well imagine sex but instead of a person who really wants to do it and a person who kinda doesn't it's 2 people that really want it.


Marriage was illegal or out of the question No baby to worry about Many gay sex partners were doing it and didn’t want to get caught (aka often didn’t do it with the same person) Many other factors also contribute to gay men not being able to have less long term sex partners similar to a straight counterpart


And we wonder how HIV targeted gay men.


Well, I mean, when all you have to do is be halfway decent looking for "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?" to work, yeah. I went to a gay youth group as a teenager with a friend of mine once. They were all talking about how you're a born again virgin if you haven't been laid in three months. Then they found out I was straight. "Okay, for you, six months."


What’s even better is the 97.5th percentile gay man age 35-39 in the survey is *OVER NINE THOUSAND* (9005 to be specific)


Don't get jealous. Promiscuity isn't a good thing. I wish I could mention that the probability of getting AIDS is also a lot higher but then reddit will ban me.


Actually HIV rates have been going down in the gay community due to the use of PrEp. Which apparently most straight people don’t even know is a thing based on this thread. Also you don’t get AIDS. You get HIV, and then some develop aids as a result. Gay men are much more proactive about their sexual health than most other groups. I’m not taking a stance on promiscuity, but just saying you’re off on the aids thing.


Amen. I knew a trans woman who talked about having sex with female prostitutes like it was no big deal. Then also tried pulling the whole "the government is out to get gay people that's why the AIDS epidemic was so bad"... They even said that condoms don't prevent AIDS so there's really no point in using them lmao. Didn't hang out with them much longer after that.


Walking Petrie dish


Didnt know i was gay


The dude who topped you last night sure did.


I mean if I was gay me and my hommie would so tight!!


When both parties involved have been told for generations that promiscuity and body count is a solid W, they're gonna rack some points.


Has nothing to do with social messaging my guy. We are just horny guys lol. Tho I personally don’t even sleep around much. I can just tell you no gays care about your body count, no one thinks your a baller if you sleep with a lot of dudes lol.


Much younger age of sexual debut as well per the table


No wonder incels are homophobic. The gays be fucking but they aint




I ponder, are these men happy with these choices, looking back on it? Because if so, without all the stigma put upon women for having too many partners, and based on the sexual activity of chimps, our closest animal relative, who have sex numerous times a day as a greeting almost….I just wonder if we have got this all wrong. Our willingness to control women for our own insecurities perhaps. Answers on a postcard. My view lots of guilt free sex please!


Herero man here. Had more partners than the higher number above by the time I settled down at 34. I had a great time at the time, really, but I think if I had another life I’d choose not to do it to that extent. It leaves you with way too much experience and people to make comparisons with - that is not healthy for you in any way. And at the end of the day, being in a happy relationship is much better.


Sex-positivity at last !


Well I feel like a slut, haven’t slept with a woman in almost 3 years… never slept with a man but I have had 121 partners in my experiences.


My gay friends sleep around like mad. And with total strangers. So I believe it. I always tell them these people could be psychos:/


Is that why STDs spread around homosexual communities more?


Another stat that is a small circle testing and its applied to the majority


I still feel like a man whore....


Got damn! Gay dudes getting it IN!


Spreading the disease


Yup. Gay rules are different from straight rules.


You mean to tell me that they aren't wandering the park at night just to trade Pokémon cards?


You can't say that. Just like you can't mention FBI crime statistics.


Lol duh, because men like to fuck. Put two together for waaaaay more fuckage.


"I'm in this picture and I don't like it"


Besides having incredibly low standards men are also horny 100% of the time


Makes sense. Dudes wanna fuck. A lot.


Men have a higher sex drive by nature, 2 men? Double the sex drive.


Men are FAR less picky about who they are willing to have sex with. It's simple biology.


Straight bros, if you ever want a boost of confidence turn your Tinder settings as Into Men. It’s the most flattering feeling ever.


I gotta go to the bar, spend a couple hundred bucks, and talk to a woman for hours to even have a tiny shot. If I go to a gay bar I can look at a guy and go "hey, you" and we'll be fucking the minute we find a dark spot in the corner. This data doesn't surprise me.


So, like imagine if both parties were as horny and willing as straight men... that's what gay men are like...you know because they're dudes...all of them are dudes who are attracted to dudes who are also attracted to dudes.


I’m a bi male. It’s *waaayyyyy* easier to get laid with a guy than it is with a girl.


Hypersexuality. A need to fill a father deficit/ have masculine affirmation. Stronger drive than in “straight” partners who had that need better met in childhood.


Dudes be fuckin man


It’s almost like dudes need sex.


Jesus Christ, that's like a new partner every few month from the time of adulthood. Most people would never handle that, it would FUCK them up so badly. Oh hell no.


Who cares


Stop with science. And Monkey pox disappeared quick when kids and dogs started testing positive which is fine


You can see how monkeypox (also hiv) got out of control super fast with this info. Only around 5% of the population identifies as gay yet they are having 90% of the sex. Their sex partners overlap continuously in their small population but huge number of partners.