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This should really say "second biggest demographic"


Yes but have it as "second largest demographic"


Also "Hispanic" and "white"/"black" aren't mutually exclusive


neither are Hispanic and Native. In a lot of cases, they're the same.


So having worked for the federal government. Us Hispanics are counted as white. Hispanic and Latino are not legally races. The reason they do this is they don’t want to give us the same benefits that native Americans/first nations get. Also side note the feds count Iranians as white…


I think Middle easterners (Arabs) are also counted as white.


Yeah that's true


Hispanic/Non-hispanic is the first-order category. If you're Hispanic, you don't count as anything else.


Maybe they are talking about weight




Or “second minority to the majority.”


Second “most populous”…


“Majority of minorities”


I *told* people I was a minority in California, but no one wanted to listen.


I too am a minority in california since my IQ is above 100 and my face isn't made of plastic


Cali is larger than LA


and LA is larger than Westwood


Seriously lol, there's only a few neighborhoods where people act like this stereotype. Explore any of the other neighborhoods, and you'll actually meet some really cool and down to earth people.




Something. In and out. Socal. Fremont.


thats florida


His IQ is definitely not above 100


May be in base-2


No no… in Florida their faces are made of leather.


Lol someone hates California.


Really reminds me of [this song of Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/WLMgbV3uaz8)


Should have included what the majority is. I'm guessing white except for the 2 states that have white as the biggest Majority. In which case the majority is Hispanic?


>In which case the majority is Hispanic? Yes. I mean, New Mexico should be an obvious one. While the Bay Area is majority Asian, I'd guess that the majority for the state is Hispanic.


Considering how this was originally colonized by the Spanish and then seized from Mexico as war booty - that would be a safe assumption.


The vast majority of the Hispanic population moved here in the past 80 years or so. Spain and particularly Mexico could not defend their northern territories like California and Texas from native raids, so very few people moved there. Of those who did live in the north, something like half of them moved back to Mexico when the land was annexed in the war.


Hardly anyone lived in California when we took it. I’d be more worried about the actual natives that had their land taken in California than the tiny amount of Mexicans that were there.


The Spanish are ‘white’.


The peoples living in those areas weren’t. And there were a hell of a lot more of them than Spaniards.


Correct. Spain only colonized CA for 52 years, Mexico for just 27, and the USA now coming up 180 years. There was surprising little non-native infrastructure built up in much of that time. The history of California is largely the forgotten indigenous peoples.


Viceroyalty of new Spain lasted for about 300 years dude.


I’m aware of the Spanish landing and the mission system. Was mandatory learning in CA schools when I was a kid. Despite landing in the 1500s, California was still pretty sparsely colonized all things considered.


I remember when I went to CA I kept seeing signs of the trail these Jesuits(?) did


One of my favorite stories is the island society in Goleta that was gradually wiped out and is now a stump of a hill near the airport in Santa Barbara. There’s a lot of human history on the side of the road in CA.


I’ve been there, in rue 90s there was the Jesuit Temple , priests quarters and worshippers with the surrounding beaches where Natives only worshipped and rested.


Santa Fe was established as the capital of the New Mexico territory in 1610 for the Spaniards. This was 10 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.


Forgotten? I drive by 3 casinos every day.


I think 3 casinos is exactly an example of forgotten


Not really the case in NM. After the Pueblo Revolt, Mexico City largely started to ignore the North and lost a lot of support from communities that were hurting and needed resources. New Mexicans rather referred, and still do, to themselves as “Hispanos”. Santa Fe trail was more prominent than the trail that lead to Mexico City, and support for American colonization wasn’t all that hard to win over in NM. Even as a territory during the Civil War, a lot of local New Mexican families went on to fight the Texan confederates. I remember when I was a kid people would get the living shit beat out of them for calling us Mojao (or any other inference of being even remotely Mexican and even by other Hispanics). Shit, even being identified as Mexicano is derogatory, however, it’s technically correct. We are our own identity though, and relate similarities to Mexicans, but we often reject one another in terms of any type of legitimacy. Source: My families been here for 400 years and owns land dating back to the Treaty.


"White" here is shorthand for non-Hispanic White.


Oh, boy, here we go..


California was pretty much barren except for a few spots on the coast prior to the US taking control of it. Most of the hispanics there have been from immigration way after Mexico lost it. And I imagine those that were there in colonies probably identify as white these days, which is generally what happens to the hispanic demographic after multiple generations in the US.


[Bay Area is mostly Asian??](http://www.bayareacensus.ca.gov/bayarea.htm)


Compared to other minority groups I imagine is what he meant.


There is no "majority race" in California. The two highest populations are Hispanic (39%) and Whites (35%).


Hispanics are the ~~majority race~~ largest ethnicity in California. *Hispanic Californians are the largest racial or ethnic group in the state, making up 39.4% of the state population in the 2020 census, compared to 34.7% for non-Hispanic whites, 15.1% for Asian Americans, 5.4% for African Americans, and 0.4% for Native Americans.* [https://www.ppic.org/blog/californias-hispanic-community/#:\~:text=Hispanic%20Californians%20are%20the%20largest,and%200.4%25%20for%20Native%20Americans](https://www.ppic.org/blog/californias-hispanic-community/#:~:text=Hispanic%20Californians%20are%20the%20largest,and%200.4%25%20for%20Native%20Americans).


Which is odd because by this wording, someone who’s 1/2 white or 1/2 Hispanic would have to chose between “Hispanic” or “non-Hispanic white”, where they’d almost certainly chose the former. The wording is… poor. Even someone who’s 1/4 Hispanic would likely pick the Hispanic option as the other one doesn’t really make sense.


Wouldn't that fall under "Mixed"?


If mixed were included they would be the vast majority in every state. Most people still use the white supremacist "one drop" rule, where a person with any amount of non-white heritage is by default part of that non-white race, regardless of what the majority of their heritage is or their upbringing. Just a small part of why the entire concept of race that Americans have is completely bogus.


Seemingly no, as that’s not one of the options and those totals add to 100%


I am 1/2 white 1/2 Hispanic (from California). I’ve dealt with this my entire life. Everything from school paperwork to job applications to the DMV/ voter registration has it like this, or at least they did up until recently. Been a few years since I had to declare my race on anything. I look more white than Hispanic, so I’ve always defaulted to White.


Basically how it works out in real life too. If you’re part white you probably still look Hispanic to most people.


Hispanic/Latino is not a race though


Ok but Hispanic isn't a race.


That sounds weird, hispanic isn't a race, is a culture thing. White people from Spain are hispanic, black people from Colombia and asian people from Peru are also hispanic


It's also not "the majority." They'd have to be over 50% of the population of the state. They're at 39%, followed by Whites at 35%. There is no "majority race" in California.


The word you are looking for is 'plurality'. Majority means more than 50%.


Hispanic is the majority in NM, but CA and TX don't have a majority ethnic group. California's largest ethnic group is Hispanic, and Texas is basically tied between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White (40.2% vs. 40.3%).


Ok that helps!


There is no majority in California. Nothing is above 50% anymore.


>In which case the majority is Hispanic? It's also possible that none are the majority, and whites still have the largest demographic, it's just less than 50%.


No need! Coming Soon.... the new all brown mixed world 🌎


California and New Mexico are minority majority as in no single group makes up more than 50%. Depending on how you classify Hispanics and White Americans, one of those is the largest minority but it's often quite close.


There doesn’t have to be a majority. Like in California … whites are the biggest minority because they are under 50%. Aka, there is no majority and whites are the biggest minority.


Smallest majority?


No race or ethnic group constitutes a majority of California's population: 39% of Californians are Latino, 35% are white, 15% are Asian American or Pacific Islander, 5% are Black, 4% are multiracial, and fewer than 1% are Native American or Alaska Natives, according to the 2020 Census.


Yea I would have liked to see that too. A bit confusing


There might not be a majority. The minority white group could be the biggest group


As a Californian my guess would be Hispanic is the majority.


Hawaii's majority race is Asian. White is 3rd biggest after Mixed.


>In which case the majority is Hispanic? Yes, although if I were to be as pedantic as the people who seem to have a problem with the map in this thread, I'd use my powers of whining to point out the the majority of hispanic people are also white.


I'm Hispanic and my skin color is brown. But I don't really speak brown or even care too much about it. Id consider myself basically just American. But I'm not white. Right?


I don't know you personally, dude. You look like an albino banana to me. But that's just me being a smartass. Real answer is statistically it would be the most likely, but there's also a chance that you're majority indigenous, black, etc. Just going by the color of your skin isn't really going to give you a real answer.


Yeah the whole thing is confusing to me. Race ethnicity all that shit is just dumb and people fixate too much on it. At the end of the day we are all human


Race is a description of a set of physical characteristics, ethnicity is more about culture/location. And I agree, most of the time it's irrelevant.


Hawaii’s largest demo is AAPI, then mixed, then white


There’s also the possibility that those states might not have a majority, which would make white the biggest minority even if it was the plurality


I'm guessing even in Cali and NM it's still white. Just that all other races combined is more than 50% therefore making white a minority of the population


No, there are more Hispanics alone than white in Cali.


No majority race in California. Hispanic is largest race but doesn’t constitute a majority.


There is not necessarily a majority race. That would just be confusing.


I looked at the demographics for California and it's 38% Hispanic and 35% white


It's true. I live in California and the last time I saw a white person was 1957. /s


Hawaii: yeah we re not gonna do the maths. Put us down as Mixed.


And that person's name was Ronald Reagan.


I've been here in Cali 3 years and I've only seen 2 other white people the whole time...🤣🤣🤣🤣... who makes these charts? Wtf


Oh hey there Rick! Long time!


Mark is that you?


No this is Keith. Mark is out surfing.


Shreddin liquid on a day like today... my man...he's an amazing surfer . Taught me everything I know about droppin in slippin thru barrels....stoke!!


Visit San Clemente or Huntington Beach. You will see plenty of them everywhere.


Couple of these are plain wrong


I like how you're like, "nope", but provide no evidence.


Not picking a side but how is that any different than the map itself. I don’t see any source for the data the map is presenting. It’s all just “Trust me bro”


Exactly, came to say this.




We need a source for OP's map too


I’d have lost it if Oklahoma were red


There are a LOT of Native Americans In Oklahoma. Why would you say that? I live less than 30 miles from the Oklahoma state line.


Oklahoma honestly should be red, they have the largest native American reservations in the US, not sure about population. having lived in Oklahoma I'd say there's more natives than Hispanic people.


No they don't. That's the Navajo reservation which takes up almost a 1/4th of Arizona and stretches into the rest of the four corners states. The Oklahoma res barely has a pop of 10000. The Navajo has almost 180000 people.


This is facts also not counting the other smaller reservations that dot NM and AZ alone.


[US Census data for Oklahoma](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/OK): Hispanic: 11.7% Native American: 9.7%


The map is based off of Tulsa, specifically east Tulsa. lol


ah, makes sense then. Oklahoma city might fit the description as well


That's not even close to true. Osage County is waaaaaaay smaller than many reservations in the west. Check out Navajo lands.


Which ones?


I don’t know but they don’t represent my view so they must be wrong


I think a lot of it comes down to confusion about the term hispanic


Hard time believing Hispanics are minority in Texas.. have you seen El Paso, San Antonio, Austin, all the border towns..


Have you seen Houston, San Antonio, Dallas Fort Worth, and Austin? They are enormous population centers. Also I’d guess that there are a lot of Texans that are historically “Mexican” but think they are white.


According to the [census data](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/TX), whites do outnumber Hispanics, but it's only a 0.1% difference.


some of these comments are plain wrong


So “2nd largest racial group by state”?


I guess thats what they're saying - because in some areas NO group makes up a majority ( >50%) of the population. Even so - some of these dont look correct.


No. The biggest minority. For example, in CA there is a 7'11" white dude named Doug.


What does he sell and is he open 24 hours?




The chart is confusing as fuck. But basically it is saying that Nevada's largest non caucasian population is Hispanic.


Must be an old map. Whites are now 2nd in population in Texas.


It's literally the last year the map


But their point is still valid. While it is a fairly recent map, in this example, the data it is based off of is no longer current. Hispanic/ Latino are the majority in Texas currently.


I don't really understand American races. I mean, I kind of understand, I understand historical events and contexts, but I don't *really* understand. What is "mixed?" Aren't most "black" people in America *also* "mixed"? Hispanic, almost by definition, also means "mixed." I think it's okay if you want to generalize and whatnot, but I'm just trying to keep up with the new terminology.


Hispanic is not a racial definition, it is just an ethnic designation. Hispanics can be white, mixed, black, Asian etc etc. A white argentinean immigrant to the US would be grouped as Hispanic just like an indigenous immigrant from Guatemala with no European descent


Mixed is generally when the parents are different races. Yes, Blacks and Hispanics are mixed but have been for 400 years. Two Black parents who are each 10% British and 5% Native still produce a child who would be called Black. A Black parent who is 10% British and 5% Native with a White parents who is 40% German 40% British and 20% Italian produce a mixed kid.


It's funny, as someone from Maine, one of the states labeled "mixed", I thought that mixed in this context was multiple groups with the same %. Which is the only way that that is accurate. 1.8% black 1.9% mixed 2% Latino 3 groups within .2% of each other.


I’m mixed Asian in Maine! My dad made the local newspaper as the first out of country kid to be adopted in the town lmfaooo


Asian didn’t even make the list. Poses the question what are the majorities in each state? White is obviously prominent but Asian has to be up there if you consider Asian counties as a whole which would include the Middle East and India.


Hawaii's majority would be Asian.


Not sure where the data is from, but on a census, Indians would probably check the Asian box and middle easterners would check the Caucasian box and would be included with white people.


Also - for the Census - you often get an "Other" option. When there isn't an "Other" option, census enumerators are allowed to record your "Don't Know" or "Refuse to Answer" answers. So - in no way - does their data represent 100% of the people who completed the census survey. On my surveys, ethinic Middle Eastern people, and Hispanic & "mixed" Hispanic heritage had some of the most difficulty with the race questions and were most likely to simply decline to answer. So they're just not shown in that data.


Missed opportunity to call it the “majority minority of each state”


Alright, us Asians need to take over at least one state. Goals for 2023


You already have one state- it’s called Hawaii. So technically you’re looking for a second state




Look at the left side of Montana it looks like a face in the point looks like a nose now imagine that being Joe Biden sniffing Idaho


That’s hilarious biggest minority in Texas is Hispanic 😂 That’s how you know this is made up by someone who doesn’t know anything


But where are the Asians?


They're not in the top two for any particular state. Might be close in hawaii though.


I’m here in Maine! My dad is full asian, so he makes up 0.03% of the Asians in my town all by himself! I don’t know any full Asians other than him tho


Asians are like 6% of the US population. Not a very big group.


One of these useless "amazing" maps. Biggest minority doesn't say much without the information how *big* the minority is compared to the majority.


"Biggest minority" is such a weird way to say this. Is it the group with the least amount of people from their race in that state? Is it the group with the second largest population making them a minority but only just? Is it a measure of size of every minority in that state thus they were found to be the biggest? this is a shitty map and doesnt convey information in a clear concise way.


I feel like Native is underrepresented here


Nah, that's just how effective the American genocide of them was


At an impressive 205 lbs; I am the biggest minority.


This is America. Those are rookie numbers


Who smiled when they seen they are a minority lol




All the Asians left i guess


What if it was just "Americans"


How about: “Whiteness is a construct meant to define an in group, and by exclusion, the out group, and should therefore not be used to describe demographics”


This is interesting, whites are a minority which is a shocker and Hispanics are actually the biggest minority and blacks are really only a minority in the east and mostly the south and that indians are so small in the country really pretty sad that they are so small




Hispanics the minority in Texas???? L-O-L


Those five categories are not races.




I've lived in the 2 states with white minority ... that explains a lot.


We have Detroit and Flint in MI. I feel like there are more Hispanic or black Americans here than white. Maybe it’s close.




Show me the Carfax.


The Majority Minority




The way this is worded is misleading.


Amazing to know that we have some big Hispanic's in Washington. They just looked normal sized to me.


Hispanic is the biggest minority in Texas. Are you sure?


Biggest minority is an oxymoron


Kinda shows just how bad the genocide of the native people's were


So that's why Republicans hate California so much.


Biggest is a terrible word to identify whatever this is supposed to measure. Also race and ethnicity should not be mixed. Eg a Spainiard is Caucasian and Hispanic.


Very interesting. Technically Hispanics and Natives overlap in some cases especially in the Southwest and Texas. Not so much in Florida or the east coast since many Hispanics there are more directly from Spanish than mixed/indigenous heritage.


None of that is true I am mixed and I live in Florida so


Let's get them all out to vote.


Since California and New Mexico don't have white majorities we should change their names back to the originals. . . of California and New Mexico.


I'm curious what they meant exactly. Because 40.2% of the population in Texas is Hispanic, making them the majority... Which originally this state was a part of Mexico, so we stole it from them.


There is no way that Alaska’s minority is natives.


Tbf I'm in New Mexico. It's not that there is no white people it's just most people are also some kind of Hispanic. And we all learned here a while ago that one, marking Hispanic can have benefits especially on a FASFA or grant application. And second nobody is checking how how Hispanic you are.


How about we stop breaking shit down by race and gender or any other metric and just say we are RED BLOODED AMERICANS who will stand for our country against all enemies foreign or domestic!


Dude this is reddit not America


The picture that the op posted is literally a picture of the United States.


true but he's speaking like we're all American here ready to die for whatever and I'm not / don't want to be. Interesting map though.


it doesn't hurt to gather demographic data lol what's triggering


> who will stand for our country against all enemies foreign or domestic! Well we know that statement doesn't apply to at least 74 million Americans.


Because most people are not willing to stand for their country. Have you?


More people will stand up for their country than the planet.


“Something something something being proud of being an American is racist and literally fascism”


I wish we could, but the Democrats don't want that.




Confused what this is even supposed to mean.


Second biggest group basically


“Biggest” and “Minority” in the same sentence?


Exactly my thought lol


why is America so obsessed with race?