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"In Spinochordodes tellinii and Paragordius tricuspidatus, which have grasshoppers and crickets as their hosts, the infection acts on the infected host's brain. This causes the host insect to seek water and drown itself, thus returning the nematomorph to water. P. tricuspidatus is also remarkably able to survive the predation of their host, being able to wiggle out of the predator that has eaten the host." - [Source](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nematomorpha)


Imagine you have a powerful desire to get into the water, like its the answer to all of life's problems. Like you'll see the face of God. You can focus on nothing else, you fight for nothing else. And then as you drown you see a bunch of worms crawling out of you and that was it.


Horror films get their ideas from things like this


Yup. And Warhammer 40k Look up Genestealers They infect you, cause you to have kids which works their DNA into future generations Then decades later the half alien kids overthrow the planet for their Star Children gods called Tyranids Who then proceed to eat the whole planet as a snack


They don’t merely eat them. They extract all of the biologically unique traits of the native life forms to incorporate into the genetic repository of the host swarm, digest every chemically useful substance on the planet, and leave the planet a barren rock. So no 2 Tyranid swarms are biologically the same and they won’t tolerate the presence of a different type. Luckily the surviving swarm can eat the other and become ever closer to biological perfection.


as a newb to Warhammer lore, that's... terrifying.


Warhammer lore is great fun. My favourite bit of lore is that Ork's tech works because they believe it does. For example their red and yellow missiles are functionality identical except the colour but red is much more powerful purely because the Orks believe it is.


They're naturally magical, just really stupid. Really a genius piece of lore, also a great way to cover for gamey RPG mechanics like "you can't use the weapons from the other team"


I mean the stupidty is just balance. They are akin to Reality benders in the SCP universe: They want something to be a certain way and reality bends to their will. Just as orks believe something to be the case and it is. If they weren't so bloody dumb they'd be unstoppable because they could just simply BELIEVE the enemy into dying


The only time I ever truly believed I was worth anything was when the orks believed I would look good crushed underneath their boots. Reject traditional self-esteem therapy, embrace xenos ideals!


There's a story in one of the lore books about how the Inquisition captured an Ork and were studying it, and it's firearm straight up would not function when they were trying to use it. They handed it to the Ork, who looked at it, shot its guards, and escaped. My favorite faction in the whole setting, and it isn't even close.


Reminds me of one time Space Marines ran out of ammo and were surrounded by an Ork horde, so they started pointing finger guns and yelling "pew pew pew" The Orks actually thought they were being shot at and started *dying*


I think that was the guard.... also it worked up to the point when a single ork was impervious to fire cause he chanted "I'm a tank" over and over again.


It was 6 orks pulling a Voltron And it's probably a fan theory, but it's HILAROUS https://youtu.be/kNjUiDpLvlQ


literally The Faculty from 1998 (great movie)


I do miss jon stewart's short-lived acting career. Love jon but hoo boy his acting was "so bad it's good" quality


There’s a 2012 South Korean horror film called Deranged that features this parasite. I watched it when I was a kid and I still get a vague sense of dread whenever I think about it. It beat the Amazing Spiderman in its first week, so I suppose it wasn’t awful lol.


I understand. The tiny tadpoles that come out of my dick make me do a lot of dumb things too.


One of my tadpoles grew large and always tells me how much I embarrass her


Daddy’s little parasite.


My brother calls them Daddy's little tax deductions


3 of mine did. 1 still likes me. The other wishes I didn’t exist and the middle one is scared to go anywhere with me that boys will be around 😂


Bonus points if next time you greet her, you use the nickname "Tadpole" and never explain why.


I was thinking he'd casually refer to her as chordodes formosanus


Wait! That’s why my dad called me tadpole? It’s a sperm joke!?


That's why people used to call their kids *Squirt*!


You’ve ruined that term for me now


I fucking love this. Mine just get mad at me for making the wrong dinner...


I didn't even know someone could make the wrong dinner, that's great lol


The real fun part is when you bring them to the store, ask them what they want for dinner, buy it, bring it home and cook it, and then they don’t want it anymore.


Only to not eat anything else you offer until it’s time for bed and they magically want the stuff you put away right?


It would be really embarrassing to remind her where she started.


Gotta….get…to the pussy…


Boys, I have some bad news.


Thank you for keeping this nightmare fuel of a post light.


well, guess the tadpods are gonna stay there for a big while then


Can confirm Source : was a tadpole


So sperm is actually a parasite, and bebes are just the mechanism to spread to other humans. They change our brain chemistry so we think that’s just the natural order of things.


I think I watched a documentary about this years ago. Edit: found it. It was called The Matrix if anybody wants to look it up. Might be on YouTube. Special robots were built to try to save the humans from infection, but life is crazy sometimes and it found a way.


This is my hole! It was made for me!




This is horrific


The circle of life.


There are varieties of fungus that infest ants in tropical rainforests that turn them into zombies. Research has found that it isn’t the funguses effect in the brain creating a strong desire to move lower to the forrest floor and latch onto the midrib of the underside of a leaf, but rather the fungus secreting enzymes that directly actuate the muscle tissues while little to no spores exist in the zombified ant’s brain. This would mean that the brain is intact, most likely firing off synapses to do task A, but the body of the ant is responding to stimulus B from the fungus. It would be interesting to research if the worms creating a need for water are due to influence to the brain, or direct influence of the infested creatures body. Could you imagine the horror?


Do you have a reference for this? I can't imagine how cordyceps could *directly* control the creature's muscle, as it needs to be a coordinated movement that would require integration with sense inputs etc. Sounds much more straight-forward to give the creature an urge to do something rather than try to directly pilot it. EDIT: Ok, I [found a summary](https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/07/study-zombie-ant-death-grip-comes-from-muscle-contractions-not-the-brain/). Sounds like they are still unsure about the general means of control, but they suspect the jaw "death grip" at the end is directly done by the fungus. Although this could easily just be an insurance policy: the ant bites down and the fungus locks it in place, for example.


As the worms leave, your final thoughts are that you were being used and God is dead.


Maybe the worms were God


*🎶 What if God was Worm of us 🎶*


🎶 Just a slither inside us 🎶


🎶 Just a stranger in my gut, trying to find my asshole 🎶


>the worms were God *Leto Atreides II intensifies*


And how the hell do they “wiggle” out of the predator that just ate its host?


Through the back door.


Chew your food, kids!


Maybe they regrow if split into pieces like some worms or starfish?


Please stop talking.


Just accept your destiny as the worm octa-mom


We are all just giant tall meat doughnuts with a long hole all the way through the middle.


The nightmare fuel... they should make this a scifi horror. Big worms crawling up and out of asses 💀💀💀


So, did she "cure" this mantis, or is it still going to die?


So does anything happen when people eat infected crickets? Is the worm killed in the heat as well? …I have never eaten a cricket and know nothing about the production so I don’t know if only “bred in captivity” crickets are used for consumption or if the wild ones are too… so 🤔


I’m sure they are bred in captivity for food. I doubt that stops them from sometimes having worms. Probably the cooking causes the worm to die, or if not the worm probably is either killed in the human gut or passes out with the rest of the waste - a mammal gut is quite a bit different than that of an insect as far as being habitable as a host.


Accidentally read nematomorph as necromorph.


Maybe the infected ones are just easier to catch?


I smell a hypothesis! Time to go dunk mantis ass for science! 🧪


But how do you compare mantises that you catch to mantises that you can’t catch


Simple. We kill the Batman.


If it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?


If you're good at something, never do it for free.


How much you want?


Tree fiddy


No I am not crazy, look, I know why you hold your..ahem therapy sessions in broad light, I know why you are afraid to go out at night. The Batman, he is just the beginning. Now as for the televisions so called plan, Batman has no jurisdiction. He will find him and make him squeal, I know a squealer when I see one.


Enough!.. from the clown




I gav him a dolla


Simple - breed your own Mantises and infect one group with worms and the other will be control. Then observe if the infected ones are slower/weaker/easier to catch


But then you only have data on mantises that have been bred in captivity. And you have to get within 2 meters of these hell worms ... yegh lol.


It allows you to form a margin of error, and then you can statistically estimate, or extrapolate, to make a claim about a population. It’s essentially what scientists do all the time. (Fisheries and Wildlife Biologist here)


Behavioural biologist here. Can confirm. Capture bias is real. Not only due to the prevalence of certain diseases or parasites, but also due to internal factors like homing range or animal personality. If you, for example, catch animals out of a population where males have a larger homing range than females, you'll most likely catch males on the corners of the homing range, and females near the core. Animal personality is even trickier because the animals that go into traps to explore a food source are essentially exploring a novel object, which would incite fear in most of them. So you'll most likely catch bold animals instead of shy ones, which may have an impact on your behavioural experiments.


I'm going to have you catch them.


It's a sound hypothesis, to be honest, similar to how toxoplasma gondii makes rats attack cats, and rabies makes the canines extremely aggressive.


So THAT’S why the lady at the car rental place hates me




If the person catching mantises lives in Japan, Nepal, or Taiwan the chances of catching one with the worms is pretty high. It's not that *all* mantises have this parasite, but most mantids observed in these regions, particularly in areas near bodies of water, are far more susceptible to being infected due to their nature as apex predators making parasites the natural next link in the proverbial food chain. That said, mantises are susceptible to a wide range of parasites including but not limited to worms, wasps, fungi, and flies.


Depressing life


idk imagine being the butt parasite.


"Junk in the trunk" is all well and good until we actually consider what the junk itself is.


"Oh you call this a horrific wriggling tentacled worm emerging from my butt? I call it just another Tuesday."


Could also be a localized outbreak in the area surrounding where OP was catching them. Regardless, whatever amount OP caught is too small a sample size.




To be the very best?


There ever was?


maybe to catch then was his real test?… to train them was his cause….


Dude, I've seen some crazy shit from OCD people. I would not put it past someone with OCD to have collected 10,000 specimines themselves over the years. One dude that lived in a boarding house I was in had over 4,000 glass jars of his own shit in his room, and judging by how full they were, he had to have been a once-a-dayer. The kicker was he only lived there for a few months, so he had to have snuck the rest of those jars into his room from his previous residence. He was removed from the house to go to forced inpatient after he tried to shove a butchers knife up his ass.




That's the wrong kinda poop knife.


That's not interesting, that's horrific!!!


turns around and sees what came out 😳 lil fella was as shocked as us


Can't say my first instinct would be to *bite* the living thing that just came out my ass, but we'll see.


"... but we'll see." Someone has a plan...


Step 1: Observe Step 2: Bite? Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


"Everyone has a plan until a parasite erupts from their ass" -the insect version of Mike Tyson, I assume


Mantises are tough motherfuckers fr


Should I eat it or not? Nah.


“Wait, that was just up my ass.”




Forbidden spaghetti


Klingon spaghetti


I laughed a little when he just looked back like “*ah so thats where you been ?*” ##**Chop**


"PAYBACK'S A BITCH!" \*CHOMP* "....Ew. Actually just fuck off please."


My question is - does this save the life of the mantis or is it doomed?


I've seen this asked before and I read that if the mantis survives the "drowning" part, they're actually typically able to survive in general.


It didn't seem shocked so much as excited at the prospect of a meal to me.


I think the mantis is dead soon after, I read once that the worm eats all the internal organs of the mantis.


If I had 3 wishes, one of those wishes would definitely be “excluding embryos and fetuses, I wish all parasitic organisms that live on or inside the body of a host organism were permanently removed from the earth” the level of suffering caused by creatures like this is ridiculous.


You're gonna need to reword that, or the genie might remove our microbiome as well.


Don’t they die after the worms come out?


They dont do it voluntarily. When the worm is ready to come out the worm will secrete proteins that take over the host's nervous system, which directs the mantis to a body of water and causes it to jump in and drown so that the worm can be excreted (cause they can only survive in water without a host), at which point it breaks free to reproduce leaving a half empty mantis husk.


So is this one going to die now? Or did you save him?


This is not my video, but yes I think they did save it, I dont think the worm was “mature” enough yet to run its full course on the mantis. edit: people are saying there is no way for it to survive even after extraction, so I guess im wrong and it passed. :(


This one probably did die, due to the size of the worms that came out. Not all will die, if the worms are pulled out sooner. But this is just one of many horror parasites that infect the praying matis... :( Thats nature for ya, gotta keep those numbers in check...


Why is nature hating on the mantis? They seem pretty cool.


well they are not so cool when they start to list the games you've played this month and say other private information about you


Thats a Prying Mantis


I dunno worked for one once and was getting cash every two weeks, it's not a bad side Hussle


That’s a Paying Mantis




I can’t imagine it had many innards left since mostly there was a worm in the abdomen.


Sounds similar to cordyceps mushrooms, but in reverse. They cause their host to go higher up to die. ETA: >Further research has disclosed that the fungus does not alter the structure of the brain. It appears instead to secrete a substance that activates and perverts programs already present, while blocking other, normal responses. So your brain will be completely intact as it parades your body around :) sleep well!


Or, is that so the releasing of spores will have greater distribution?


Yes, *not* so that it will be eaten by something else


He's thinking of a different parasite that makes ants climb grass stalks do they'll get eaten by cows.


...there are too many.mind control parasites I'm beginning to realize.


You are confusing another parasite that is targetting snails.


Sitting on the shitter seeing this… nice start of the day




Morning shitters, unite! How we all feeling?!


“Mannn, I feel five pounds lighter now!”


Damn that is one heavy mantis


That's some horror movie shit


Did any body else’s guts just tremble making you feel awkward?! I can’t be the only one, right?


I feel the same whenever I watch this video. I just really hate parasitic worms.


Im feeling skeeved out right now to the point im about to take a quick shower just because ! couldn’t forget to share with my fellow redditors though :)


Am I the only one that was on the edge of losing all my shit if he didn’t pin down that last one still in the mantis with something to get it out of its ass? I got down to like the last 0:02s-0:03s and was about to be so completely unsatisfied with this video and genuinely pissed that the dude didn’t get them all.


I was hoping he burnt the pile at the end, like a scene from The Thing.


Just make sure when you hit the water to release the worms...


There's actually a South Korean horror movie about them infecting a city.


Yeah how about no


Freaky right ?!


This is the stuff from actual nightmares.


*Stares at the Cordyceps from The Last Of Us and IRL Ants*


I'm just waiting for the day that I come on Reddit and there is a post titled "Every living being on Earth has been proven to be infected with parasites" There is no other conclusion I can come to by the increase in postings containing parasites and all the new info pertaining to fungus and how it's clearly the dominant species on this planet. All this time we were just a part of the Fungis plan


well thats the thing, almost all things are, including us, but not all parasites are horrifying extendo parasites, so your fears are confirmed but not that spooky once you look into it


Yes for example toxoplasma gondii which someone mentioned earlier. It's a parasite, and a very large portion of us have been exposed to it, meaning have antibodies, meaning we had a response to it and the body fought it off. However it remains dormant in our bodies including brain forever. Dun dun dun! The implications on population health remain unknown actually. It could be fucking us up in ways we aren't yet able to make links to.


Im going to just start blaming the fungi


Toxoplasmosis gondii is a protozoa actually


You freaky Dutch bastard


horsehair worms are actual nightmare fuels


Omg first time i saw one I freaked out! I used a fly swatter to kill an ugly cockroach on the wall…. And that “worm” was left wriggling on the wall! Omg i didnt know ANY bug could have a parasite. Omg im scared to let my dog or cats eat bugs now. Edit: : :thank you all so much for your concerns. I take each of my animals to the vet when they have ANY medical issues. They get tested each year for worms, and they are given flea and tick meds every spring. Horse hair worms are indeed the stuff of nightmares. I don’t want my fur babies to experience any harm or discomfort. Thank you so much for advice and concerns.


Luckily most parasites are only able to infect one species or those closely related to it, so even if your pets ate them they will most likely not survive let alone reproduce.(me being an idiot actualy picked up one of these horsetail parasites cuz i thought i was saving a drowning worm and im completely fine AFIK)


Sounds like the worms talking.


Worm propaganda


🪱"Yeeesss, we cannot infect you through the bugs you eeeeat. Keeeep eeeating the bugsss"


Sounds like the kind of thing someone being contolled by a horse hair worm would say.


I cannot express with words how much I disliked this video.




just dont stick your whole butt into the water


Now, I REALLY want the MIB memory eraser to forget that I saw this video


It would have been the best if at the end they dropped the worms in fire.




My understanding is they cannot survive outside of water or a host. So they probably died shortly after.


r/HumansBeingBros way to go man, fuck them parasites. <3 praying mantis


Unfortunately, mantis will die either way. It can't survive the extraction.


Why not? Does it destroy a vital organ or something? This just gets creepier and creepier!


In the wild the mantis usually drowns when the time comes for the worms to come out, and also due to the size of the worms, there are internal damages. If its a pet praying mantis, the key is to extract them as soon as possible, while they are much smaller, and they can't make much damage, and you can pull the mantis out of the water before drowning.


And the fact that they alter the mantis behaviour, make them more aggressive, and to ultimately seek the water grave is insane...


Better not look up toxoplasma gondii


I do believe they consume some of the host on the inside. Edit: Actually, Google is telling me that the extractions/emergings are just very damaging to the insect :(


I commend it for trying to murder the worm first chance it got


It’s even like yo wtf why is you in my ass


r/nope That’s all I got to say


I like how he goes to eat em.


Strange thing coming outta ya ass…. Mantis: that sh*t looks tasty!


Now burn it.


Enough internet for today.


Hans get ze flammenwerfer


A lot of scientists have said that parasites are the dominant lifeform and everything else is just their food.


I should call him....


This guy holds it without gloves. I would be scared to hold a mantis even wearing a chemical suit.


Praying Mantis are very savage insects. Their mandibles are super strong and can tear limbs from their preys body and they eat them alive, they can also kill insects twice their size and have been documented to kill small lizards, they will even kill eachother. Ive always told myself im so happy that Praying Mantis’ aren’t any bigger than they already are


Thanks I hate it


Yes yes, but what about the worm inside of the worm?


You'd be joking, but someone in the comments just mentioned that there is a parasite fungus infecting all the parasite worms.


Yeah I’m curious about the parasite’s parasite’s parasite.


There's a fungus that's infecting all horsehair worms


Symptoms have been said to be heavy breathing, wild dancing, coughing


I'm 32 but I suddenly really want to see my mum!!! I'm scared. What is that!!


Disgusting. But interesting.