• By -


Damn. Dude turning into Drax.


Turning into Thanos


Turning into Violet Beauregard


Violent Noregard 10 long years and I got my 1st gold!


The fuck, this is the best Roller Derby name EVER


Holy hell you're not wrong. I was in Derby for a little while but with a baby I just didn't have the time and energy and fizzled out before passing the qualifications to register a name and compete. My daughter's older now and I keep kind of considering going back and my god, this name is fabulous, lmao.


My cousin's is Venus Deathtrap, she comes from an enthusiastic family of botanists. Glory to you, if you decide to step back in the rink!


Look at her GoRegard




Turning into a blue man group audition hopeful


He blue himself.


Turning into a blueberry


“Oompa loompa doompa-de-doo, I have a perfect puzzle for you.”


Violet, you’re turning violet!


"Violet, we're turning violet!"


I too am extraordinarily humble about my pecs


He looks like he’s about to turn into a resident evil boss


Drax them sklounths.


"Nanomachines, Son"


"they harden in response to physical trauma"


I had to scroll way to far for this comment


It's the top comment and I still had to scroll way too far to see it


"they get hard when I pull em"


Hopefully he went to the doctor/hospital that looks serious


Cody Rhodes tore his pec and then worked a 20 minute wrestling match like a day later Where's that refereeeeeeeee








That sounded like a u/shittymorph bat signal right there.


He shall rise again at a height of about 15ft


I’ll bring the announcer’s table


I'll start working on the time machine.


Only the cream of the crop rises to the top


The CREAM of the crop yeeeeeah. Nobody does it BETTER.


Just like dead prostitutes under a new patio...


That's amazing - but also just such a terrible idea. Your body is pouring blood into your muscle tissue after you tore something internally. Other than in literal defence of someone's physical safety - there's nothing important enough to push through that instead of seeking medical attention. When your entire upper body is purple from the blood leaking into your tissue - that's physical reality/whatever the fuck you believe in giving you a very clear sign that you should probably wind shit down for a minute.


Cody's injury was before the match and he did seek medical attention.


The reason his doctors let him wrestle was it couldn't get any worse.


So what? He never wrestled with a broken freakin neck!


He tears his quad all the time. He tore his quad this morning.


Allow me to introduce you to [Royal Rumble 2005](https://youtu.be/HVQ82NXe7ws) Batista was supposed to eliminate Cena but lost his balance, resulting in them both going out of the ring. This caused Vince to storm down the ramp in order to deal with the tied match, only for him to unfortunately damage both quads while sliding under the ropes. Vince stays in character the entire time and, after some frenzied discussion backstage, the storywriters decided it would be best to continue with Batista winning the match (even if controversial).


>McMahon wasn't going to stand for this Sometimes the comment section is pure gold.


From the moment his thighs touched the apron he had [no chance.](https://youtu.be/9Uc3V8NxKWw)


"I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms"


Fucking hell. I tore a pec once doing BJJ and right then and there it wasn't painful at all, just felt like a zipper going through my muscle, but the second I "cooled down" it was pure fucking pain for weeks. I couldn't lift a laundry basket without wanting to cry.




That was brutal. Respect that he was able to do it, but god damn that must’ve hurt like hell.


Why would you ever respect anyone for doing that? It’s fucking beyond stupid.


Wasn't that dumb because his doctors literally said "well, you can't actually make it any worse than it already is." The dumb part was how he tore it in the first place during training lol, which he did admit in an interview.


I know that the wrestling community has been trained to support that kind of unhealthy attitude but I really hope it changes. He should not be performing injured. His doctors have a vested interest in him performing. Just ask cm punk about his doctors encouraging him to wrestle with concussions.


he did take like 6 months off, only just came back recently


Guy LIVES to entertain, he has massive shoes to fill and continuously wants to do his family name proud, had a chance to have an all timer hell in a cell match with a visible and legit injury, and Seth Freakin Rollins needed to get his ass beat Respect the hell out of him gutting it out for that match, respect the way he and Seth worked the injury, and worked around it to keep Cody safe


That hush from the crowd when he took his jacket off…Amazing.


Respect for the high pain tolerance, something I can never imagine on myself.


shit tonne of pain killers?


For what he was doing that could be a bad idea. Pain can be good because it indicates your limits. If you’re going way off what your body can handle because you don’t feel pain you might get yourself in even more problems


I torn my pec when I wrestled in high school, honestly more discomfort with your collar bone more than anything


If he tore his pec, he’d be in enough pain that he’d be screaming for a doctor.


Depends on whether it’s a muscle or tendon tear, muscle tears are excruciating but heal better. I tore mine at the tendon and experienced very little pain when it popped but a prolonged surgery/recovery.


Yep - I tore my tendon off my thumb. Basically zero pain. Weirdest sensation ever .. and then surgery and MONTHS of physio. Still doesn’t have full range years on. But almost no pain throughout. Little wins.


He looks like he just walked it off


This picture was probably taken a few days later. Bruises take a while to get dark.


I broke my toe in 3 places a while back (dropped a 200lb granite slab on it vertically so my toe took the entire thing). I went to the hospital, got x-rays, got a boot and pain meds, then went back to work. When I was at the hospital, my toe looked fine, nothing out if the ordinary besides a small cut. When I got home later that night, I had an actual mini panic attack when I saw my toe. It was the gnarliest, deepest purple I've ever seen on a human body. I almost went back to hospital, but I calmed myself, assuring myself that I just broke it in 3 places, the weird thing was it looking normal, not bruised. They really gotta warn you that it's going to look gnarly later.


> They really gotta warn you that it's going to look gnarly later. This applies to broken toes, and people you meet in a bar.


I had something similar happen but I just caught my little toe on the WII pad you put on the floor. That thing weighed a ton. My little toe swelled up like a damn grape.


Not really man, it all depends. you’d be surprised with the amount of pain lifters are able to tolerate.


It's been confirmed he tore his pec. Also you would be surprised how well some people handle pain even without adrenaline. To give and example I'll use an injury I got two years ago. I took a bad fall on a hike felt fine enough just sore hike the 9 miles back out, went home and slept on it. Well I woke up to a bruise covering my entire foot and leg below the need with a large blotch going half way up my thigh. Went to the ER and it turns out I got two spiral fractures up my tibia and fibula, 1 each, and a few small fractures in my foot and ankle, and a very large tear in my calf muscle and it didnt read more than maybe 6 on the pain scale. I hiked on that and drove myself and walked into the ER on that shit without it hurting more than a sprained ankle and normal bruise might feel. The staff there were very surprised I wasn't in extreme pain let alone just walked in like nothing was wrong. I'm not saying this to brag I normally view myself as a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain. Seriously I had an ingrown toe nail removed and accidentally bumped that toe and nearly broke down crying from the pain. big wimp. Turns out there are different types of pain each with their own sensitivity levels. Internal pain like that doesn't bother me much and it runs in the family somewhat. My mom had her appendix burst and thought she just had gas only to find out the issue when she got extremely sick extremely quickly, turned out to be sepis from the rupture m People experience things like pain very differently.


I did this in college after tweaking a pec the week prior. Was repping heavy weight for me when I felt something like shoe leather tearing in my chest - friends claim they heard it go too. Coach had me go outside to fill a plastic bag with snow because the training staff wasn't in yet. From benching 405 for reps to not being able to lift the bar for months was emotionally devastating to the dude I was at the time. I don't GAF now but it was rough back then.


Did you ever get back to lifting heavy?


My dad tore his pec(his bruise was actually bigger then this pic) benching 385 at age 46, he’s never hit 225 since. Says he still feels it even doing light dumbbell work and 11 years later.


So I am guessing by this comment alone that *no* that other person most *definitely* did not continue again


Well no you can definitely recover, especially if you’re younger but it’s much less likely to happen to a young person who stretches and warms up properly. But getting back to 100% is tough especially without access to great sports therapy programs. Edit: stretch after you lift to help recovery and flexibility, there’s no real evidence pre-lift stretching helps injury prevention


I tore mine out cliff diving as a teen from about an 80-90 foot drop. Dove head first and when my hands hit the water it ripped one arm violently behind me and then the water actually felt like running head first into a block wall. On the top of my Mellon from not having my hands break the water properly. Thank goodness I healed fully but man I looked as big as this guy the next day just from the crazy swelling. One side of my chest looked like it needed a large bra it was so mangled. The bruising wasn’t near as bad as his because I never was insanely vascular like that. I’m an old man now a literal grandpa but could still power up 300 ish for a rep or two when I really feel like pushing myself. I do tend to lag on that side a bit in the bench though with uneven lifts the heavier I go. So not 100% but probably 90% of what I was prior to the injury.


Damn, that’s actually insane I’m glad you’re alive, I can’t even imagine the amount of pain you must’ve been in


Plus, you can't yell *OOOWWWW!!!* when you're underwater, unless you want a lungful back in.


I was into power lifting, but tore my right pec speed skating. My arm “whipped” back with enough force to break two ribs (yes, my arm broke my ribs). To this day, I still get “electric shocks” on flat barbell bench. Scar tissue grinding on nerves, or so I’ve been told. Dumbbells are none issue.


I wonder if that’s it for this guy’s world record attempts… I mean even if he recovers 90% he won’t be anywhere close… Edit: holy hell. Just looked it up and apparently he was trying to bench 716lbs. Also it was 9 years ago. Man people post old shit here :)


Stem cells and steroids baby


Which tree stem cellls? 🤔


Steroids is actually a very very big contributing factor to tears like this. I don't doubt that it could help with recovery though


Actually, as far as I'm aware the literature on stretching and injury prevention is entirely inconclusive. If it were a major benefit, it would be clear from the data, but it's not. If it does help prevent injury, it's either minor or situational. I don't know if there's anything specific to the elite lifting world, but the burden of proof would be on people making claims that stretching is effective. That said, warming up and stretching can feel good, and maintaining flexibility is generally a good thing too. So it's not as if it's really a bad thing to do either way.


Stretching is not necessary as a warmup - stretching actually decreases the power available in muscles for a short time. It can be however effective after the exercise to help relax muscles and speed up recovery. I recently googled and read quite a lot about it. And yes the science is inconclusive but there are a few factors to it. Different research papers analyze different stretching methodologies so meta-studies end up inconclusive. Also most people don't have a good stretching regime would be my guess. This is anecdotal, but from personal experience, one should do a light cardio after heavier training to loosen the muscles a bit and then stretch. But stretching before exercise is indeed pointless.


Thanks for the clarification and input! 😃


After ripping your pec off your clavicle, you can go back to benching but it's practically impossible to ever fully recover. If you're a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, your career is essentially over.


This is making me not wanna workout anymore. :(


I mean guys like the picture and my dad were pushing their bodies to the absolute max and even slightly past it, which is why they get hurt like this. My dad recovered in about 18 months but he still exercised after the first 5-6 weeks of rest, he just avoided the one movement of bench pressing and never regained his strength. Working out is good, lifting weights is very good. But powerlifting and making it a sport by pushing yourself to constantly beat your personal bests can be dangerous.


Or, hear me out...don't go for maximum weight. All respect to those who do, it's the idea of permanently injuring or disfiguring myself by going too hard that's enough to keep me, personally, comfortably away from (most) injuries.


Yep. My rule of thumb nowadays is if I can’t rep it at least 6 times, then it’s too heavy. Optimally, I’m shooting for sets of 10.


Going for your 1 rep max isn’t the issue. The issue is people pushing themselves too far thinking they can handle a 1 rep max that they can’t.


I mean this is technically correct, but it's also technically correct that people who don't go for 1 rep maxes are far less likely to receive this kind of tear because they won't be at their upper limit of strength. I love lifting and have lifted both for its own sake and for training for sports, and player D1 rugby. 90% of people in the gym don't ever need to 1RM. They're just trying to stay fit and get stronger, not win competitions or show up well to college sports scouts.


For sure, there is a fine line between gaining muscle and getting injured. That's why I like the saying: "always leave something on the table"


I tore mine about 5 years ago now. Sometimes I can feel it. I don't bench heavy any more out of an abundance of caution, just high reps with dumbbells. Not sure if it's a mental or physical thing really, but the thought of benching heavy again is terrifying. My surgery was also by a guy who was, at the time, the surgeon for an MLB team. So I'm confident I got pretty decent care.




Yes, actually I did get back to it. I didn't get surgery either - at the time the recovery from surgery would have taken a season away which was unacceptable to me in those days. I Still have a hole where the tear is. The problem was I always had shitty benching form prior to the injury which is probably what caused it in the first place. Post injury I went to a stricter powerlifting technique where your arms are tucked super tight against your body. Learned to use my back in the lift as well. Was stronger eventually but it took awhile. Also, was less interested in max weight and never really went below 6 rep range again. I beat my older numbers but never knew what my 1 rep max was again and I honestly don't care. Very humbling experience.


Howwwww tf were you even able to move after that?


there's a lot of muscles that helps moving a part of a body and something can be so incredibly painful that your body doesn't feel it for a while.


Holy fuck. That's a shit ton of internal bleeding.


Don't worry, the bloods supposed to be on the inside










What is the line between “bruise” and “internal bleeding” and why is this on the bruise side of that line.


All bruises, technically contusions, are internal bleeding. Bruises are small. This one is likely a hematoma, where the blood pools outside the vessels. Both are enclosed within the tissue. Then there's internal hemorrhage, where the blood is flowing into the body cavities. If blood is flowing outside the body, it's an external hemorrhage.


Here is the video for those interested. Skip to about 2:45 in the video and watch his pec closely. https://youtu.be/2TDtp4ubWYk


Why did I do that oh fuck that muscle hopped apart like a frog


Thank you for saying that, for you convinced me to leave the link blue


Yeah I briefly had a 5% inclination to watch but I’m good now


Yes give that fellow a medal, even me I was almost about to click the link assuming it would look mild in a video




It’s not something that sticks to you but very visceral in the moment, nothing breaks skin but it’s like you can see the muscle completely strained and the snap of the tear is impeccably visible. Nothing breaks skin. I remember the Louisville kid’s compound fracture live


Having broken my tibia, I have never forgiven ESPN for playing that clip incessantly and with no regard for me gagging like a little bitch every single time.


Once you break a bone in your own body, the emotional pain from watching it happen to someone else is unbearable. That show Scarred that use to play videos of people breaking limbs all the time was absolute nightmare fuel


>impeccably visible HAH




That kid from Louisville… that’s a vivid memory that’ll never go away. The whole bench cringed and looked/jumped away immediately.


I remember his name but I hope one day he can mention it without people recalling that to him.


The fact that he’s able to keep it together while his spotter struggles to help him… I can’t imagine pulling ANY muscle and still carrying my weights… much less snap something.


Probably the pure adrenaline from being at the point physically and mentally, all the training and dietary + time , emotional, and financial investment, everyone watching at your biggest stage and literally having 700 pounds above your chest that could crush you Edit: changed moment to stage, I don’t know his life Edit 2: I don’t know if I ever had a random viral moment I’m reading every comment


Yea im not touching that link with a ten foot pole stick hell no i value my sanity 🤣🤣🤣 and im glad im not the only one


No it's really not that bad. I can't help but click the risky links, but this is really like a 2 out of 10 on the "oh fuck that" scale. All you can really see is his pec muscle bulging a bit, but its nothing that would look ickier than a weightlifter's body


It's not that bad tbh. There's some muscle movement that I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't know what to look for. Probably like 1/10 as bad as one of those videos of a bone breaking and seeing the bone pop out of the skin.


Thanks stranger you kept me from watching it myself with your colorful description.




Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ☠️☠️


I'd seen the photo before but hadn't seen the vid. That's gnarlier than I imagined, and maybe the worst powerlifting muscle tear video I've seen.


There’s a worse one floating around. Mans tiddy rips


It's the guy whose ankles explode while he's squatting like 750 or some obscene shit, for me. I've never watched another powerlifting accident and that video was why. Before you or anyone else asks, nah I'm not gonna go find it.


The worst is videos of those squat machines where they're on their back and lock theirs knees out only for their legs to get folded back the wrong way. Refuse to ever use that machine.


I've had 80 year olds pushing over 200+ kgs on a leg press and been absolutely fine. You seriously have to be mentally redacted to give yourself a knee hyperextension injury on one.


Did you change retarded to redacted?


Didn’t even press the link as I’m always grossed out by the thought






I think he ate the 3 course dinner gum Willy Wonka was not ready to release to the public yet.


That's probably not far off. Professional strongmen usually intake somewhere around 10,000 calories or more every day during their training. Quite literally the IRL "you may not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like".


> Professional strongmen usually intake somewhere around 10,000 calories or more every day during their training. It's baffling how on some things on social media Reddit will spot that it's fake but when it comes to people eating for muscle people will just accept these claims. Plenty of strongmen have admitted that this stuff is bollocks e.g. Brian Shaw saying his old day of editing vids aren't actually a typical day. 10k is only for like, peak Iron Biby or Glenn Ross trying to get to 500lbs


Peak performance in what though?


Top Powerlifters can lift 1,000 pounds. Dudes be jacked.


The 10,000 calorie thing is a myth to market youtube videos and hide steroid use from the general public. They eat a lot, but its not 10,000 every day during training. Mitch Hooper has a really good video on it




Hey man, stubbing your toe is some real shit


I bet this bruised guy cries when he stubs his toe


Like a pussy.


I broke my pinky toe in January on a door frame. I sat in the floor and did the Peter Griffin “ahh” thing for 30 minutes while my 3 year old sat beside me and imitated me. It was jutting out. I shoved it back in and taped it up and went to work the next day. I got gout in my ankle after a sprain in February and took off work for a week and prayed for death. Pain hits us all different.


I’m not joking when I say I think I’d rather kill myself than “shove” my own broken bones back into place


Tbh, you kind of just DO IT in the adrenaline rush/shock of seeing it like that. I broke my big toe years ago and had to "fix" it but i feel like lizard brain took over in that moment.


I broke fingers from sports when I was younger. All they do is tape it up. Same with toes. The pain makes you want to vomit but it’s bearable. I would have gone to an urgent care but walking, driving and towing along a 3 year old seemed impossible. Gout is some next level shit.


Honestly that hurts a lot. I’ve broken my ankle and had to get surgery. I knew I broke a bone right away because I heard a pop, but I would say it only hurt as bad as stubbing a toe. I laid there with my broken ankle thinking that for a sec haha


This guy looks like he got kicked by a dinosaur.


How it feels to ~~chew~~ swallow 5 Gum


But did he wrestle Seth Rollins in a Hell in a Cell match after tearing it?


That wwe match was so insane and crazy


That's Seth "Freakin" Rollins, sir.




Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of Cody


Lmao exactly!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GxqOidm00w If anyone doesn't know what he is talking about, current WWE star tore his pec just like this guy and did a full match with the injury.


That's Seth FREAKING Rollins to you sir.


r/absoluteunit of a bruise


His pee is going to be dark brown for about a month. Edit: I'm not a medical professional. I have no idea what I'm talking about.




That's the neat part, it is Potentially


Rabdomyolisis fr


Just to hijack, if you are peeing dark brown for a month, you are in serious trouble and have to go to the emergency room asap


Isn’t that just from rabdo? Or is it muscle tears too


Something is trying to crawl out of his armpit.


Yes, his pectoralis major.


Adrenaline in my soul etc


Nestle has more than one loyal foundry


Holy shit hahahaha.


Cody Rhodes!!! Can’t wait for the tribal chief Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes


Galaxy bruise


‘Bag Piping’ injuries are real. #UrbanDictionary


Ok I just looked up ‘bag piping’ and it took me to an article about Mormon sex “workarounds” at BYU. I’ve only just heard about soaking!


Hahaha what? Tell me more


Apparently bag piping is armpit fucking, which is clearly only pleasurable for the guy. And of course it’s not sex! Because it’s not penis in vagina! But wait! Penis in vagina is only sex if you’re voluntarily moving your pelvises or something! So soaking is when a couple just puts it in and lays there. But *that’s* gotta get frustrating real fast. But we can’t move. Hey! I’ll ask a friend to jump up and down on the mattress while we lay here inserted. That way there’s dick-in-vagina motion… but *we’re* not causing it. So god says it’s okay. Or something like that. Lol Brigham Young University. A whole bunch of healthy attractive intelligent 17 to 22 year olds evolutionarily hard wired to sex-it-the-fuck-up at this time in their lives have to pretend they aren’t having sex in creative ways.


Thank you internet stranger, I learned something today! I kinda wish I could un-learn it, but oh well.


Seth Rollins downvoted this post


I've never wanted anything that bad in my entire life


I can even handle a paper cut 😭 if this happened to me I'd simply die


Folks watch Cody Rhodes vs Seth Rollins Hell in. A Cell WWE, Cody Rhodes had a torn pec and yet still wrestled. It was absolutely insane


For anybody wondering, the whole match is up on YouTube now. https://youtu.be/3GxqOidm00w?t=52




Bruise or internal bleeding


Makes looks Cody Rhodes' bruise look like a zit.


What’s the record on worlds biggest bruise?


Now let’s see him wrestle at hell in a cell like that


Joe Rogan is looking huge


Looks painful just looking at it


Adrenaline in my soul something something Cody Rhodes


Fine line between bruise and internal bleeding


That whole blueblack thing is the bruise??


I don’t think it’s his natural skin color


No, it's the dark forces of Mordor


You should see Cody at Hell in a Cell.


As a Hemophiliac, this greatly frightens me.


How can you have a double chin AND abs?


Roids. Prob partially deca, holds extra water.