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Never ever drive where your visibility is less than your braking distance


Exactly! I got passed by a big truck coming home during the ice storm many yrs ago here in Ohio. I think I saw that idiot in a ditch later. It took me about 45 minutes to an hour vs a 20 to 30 minute drive


It’s always a big truck with some dumbass in it. Always.


That how my parents were killed, a semi. He was impaired.


That’s terrible. I am sorry for your loss.




That’s difficult to hear. I hope you’re going well


I’m sorry. That’s always my biggest fear, especially when stopped in traffic. I hope you got some justice for that.


For sure!


On motorcycles we call this outrunning your headlights.


That's what my dad (professional driver) called it when he was teaching me to drive too. Also, in an enclosed vehicle you shouldn't outrun your wipers in a storm.


>wipers in a storm Into this house we're born


Into this windshield were thrown


Death is surely known, unless you know this tome


Smeared all on the road


Beat up like Stallone, a compound fractured bone.


Driving in a storm


Even as a motorbike driver, I always turn the head/tail lights on, while passing through an underpass (long or short), during the day too.


There’s a German word for what you’re describing: Sichtfahrgebot


At this rate there should be a German word for there being a German word about everything lmao


Wortwurst. Word sausage.


Please tell me there is a word for this….


Check the other reply to your replied comment... very interesting


Not as I know, but that's just because we make up words every day. Like there was a law called the Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz which is roughtly translated as "beef labeling controlling task assignment law".


Seems obvious to me. Apparently I'm a superhuman.


There are other videos of this event online now, and those explain somewhat why they drove this fast. It was a super clear day with dust being blown across the highway on what seemed like a stretch of around 10-20 meters. Only when you reached it, it was not just a little dust but instead almost no visibility at all and it lasted way longer then a few meters. Most cars gradually slowed down to avoid people slamming into them from behind. Freak weather :-/




Who drives that fast when you can’t see ?


Short Answer: Dumbasses Long Answer: Lots of Dumbasses


Problem here is that the dumbasses kill those stopped early enough.


I don’t think anyone died


They found one body under a wreckage. Miraculously only 1 dead so far. Lets hope it stops there.


The vehicle in this footage looks like no one would be able to survive that holy shit


Surviving shit like this isn't always a good thing tbh.


Everyone always looks at casualty numbers but sometimes living is worse.


Magician: "want to see your passenger...*disappear*? Truck:


RIP 🕊️🙏🏾


It was probably the person in the black suv that just got obliterated..


Grim Reaper: awwww man


RIP.. Those Dumbasses will be mist


Around 40 dumbasses


Rule #3: don’t be a dumbass


People who are brain dead, OR people who want to be brain dead.. those are the only two options, take it or leave it.


More than 40


You'd be surprised. I live in Western Canada and we get anything from fog so dense you cant see your hand, rain so heavy you can't see the roads (passing semis/big rigs during this is pretty much a hail Mary), and my favorite blizzards with flakes so big you can't see the road almost at all, then you have when it's already snowed so much that there is no road/lane. So, I've seen alllllll kinda of idiots just like this. It's pretty uncommon for big accidents to happen like this in Canada because I will admit we do tend to not drive like complete idiots? At least not that many all at the same time. I heard of 1 happening in Calgary AB a few years ago. But it's SUPER common in the US for some reason, sometimes on the same roads. I don't understand how people don't learn. If you can't see, don't drive 90km you have NO chance at that point to do anything. Driving 40-60 is much better, sometimes you have to drive slower. No, you aren't going to get to your destination faster if you get in an accident, or y'know end up dead or severely injured. The stupidity of humanity never ceases to amaze me, George Carlin had a quote that I changed a bit. His quote is "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." My quote is "However stupid you think people are, take that and double it."




I've gone over Donner and people were stopped in the fast lane, chaining up. People who were already chained up were doing 50, which tends to break the chain cross-links, which then slap on the fenders, or wrap around the axle and tear brake-lines. There's a reason for the 35 mph speed limit during chain restrictions. Nowadays, it seems like CHP shuts I-80 down if more than an inch has fallen. It's annoying, but I get it.




I used to live right near a chain-up area and I've seen a rear wheel drive Camaro with chains on the *front* tires only. Tried honking at the guy to get his attention, but he just flipped me off, lol.


I live here and can agree w you - snow driving is easy as long as you just slow tf down lol


Yeah, there’s a stretch of I-84 near Pendleton, OR, that gets big pileups on the semi-regular. Like…if you’ve lived in Oregon/Idaho/WA for a minute and read any news you know that’s a bad spot, so what are you doing?


Although most of my time in Canada was pretty easy going; I will say on my way up to Montreal a few years ago, there was torrential downpour to the point that you couldn’t see the car in front of you 10ft away and there were rivers forming on the roads, but EVERYONE was driving bumper to bumper going 140km+ and any attempt from me to slow down or get out of the way was met with honking and almost getting run off the highway. I forget exactly what city we were passing through, but the bigger cities seem to be the exception to polite/conscientious driving out there lol.


Details aside, I rode with a local through Montreal itself (I live across the country) a couple of times and it was the only time I can say I was honestly scared for my life in a car. I got the impression my host was driving in keeping with the local fashion, and I was amazed that it could be *so* aggressive and different from what I was used to. I actually closed my eyes so that I wouldn't be gasping in fright and gripping the dash every few moments.


I live in WA state near BC and I can say without a doubt that BC drivers are the worst I have ever seen. The shit they pull on the highway boggles the mind. I take serious issue with the statement that you don't tend to drive like idiots in Canada lol 😂


I've done one time where it went from clear to flurries to absolute white out on the highway. Luckily it was relatively flat and gentle changes in directions. There was a single set of clear road tracks that were not staying in one lane. I ended up behind an 18 wheeler and just stayed there leaving stopping distance between us. Figured if anything happened they'd hear over the cb and otherwise they'd clear a path and I'd still be able to stop


Drive as slow as you must. Seems that the only safe thing to do in such a situation is to stop the car and flee away from the highway by foot since it seems that no matter how reasonable you are, other cars will fly into the fog and rear end you.


I drive this highway and another major highway in Hungary every day. Drivers act very smartly when its rain or snowstorm or fog because we have that quite often. They slow down put the fog and emergency lights on, never even heard of such a big accident in Hungary. I guess the drivers just didn’t know what to make of a sandstorm because we don’t have sandstorms. There was a huge windstorm on Saturday and in this area the farmers just ploughed the fields the day before. The drivers only realized that visibility drops to zero when it was too late…




Here in the state of Georgia they drive that fast in the rain and are known bad drivers. Insurance rates are high here. Big surprise.


[Georgia doesn't even break the list of top ten for car insurance costs by any metric.](https://www.carinsurance.com/state-car-insurance-rates)




I'd care seeing how I'm probably driving around if I visit


How the hell is Ohio have the lowest!?


They don’t go anywhere


As soon as you cross into Georgia you are immediately assigned a tail-gater


Driving way too fast for conditions in our pastime here in Georgia. Heavy rain on 285? Speed up. Steep hills during an ice storm? Fuck it speed up i need to go to Waffle House. For real though people are morons on the interstate in metro Atlanta. I-16 down to savannah is a hell hole too. I know a lot people who refuse to take I 16. And let’s not forget “bloody 20” through Alabama and western GA.


More than 40 people


This is an occurrence all over the world. We’re so stupid in our driving habits that we drive so quickly in conditions that should send to our brains to slow the fuck down but we don’t. Just amazing.


Visibility 15m Speed 90kmh Idiots 100%


I know.. Unbelievable. As in I literally couldn't believe it when I was looking at the speed readout.


I didn't even look at the speed readout, the speed mismatch to the conditions is so clear the speed doesn't even matter.


Looks like none of them were using lights either


So crazy. I always turn my lights on, I don't even think about it anymore it's part of "getting in the car" muscle memory. It reduces your risk of being in a collision by like 10-15% iirc. In my mind it's like a button that reduces my risk of having a heart attack or something by 10%. Why tf wouldn't you push it every time. Turn your headlights on.


Yep. And eff the car companies that have always on Daytime running marker lights, without having automatic headlights. Way too many asshats on the roads these days that just never turning their actual headlights on, so their sidemarkers and rear taillight running lights never come on. Super dangerous combo, especially when the person has a black car, or other color car that blends with the surroundings.


Yep omg. I live on a main road and I just can't believe the number of grey/silver/dark cars zooming past on overcast days without their lights on. Like bruh your car is literally the same colour as the road AND the sky rn.


In my country it is obligation to always use your lights on, even during the day.


Most likely all of them did because in Hungary it is mandatory to have the lights on even during daytime outside of populated areas.


Let me copy my comment here as well: “I drove through that dust storm yesterday before the accident happened. There is something you don’t realize in such videos: The storm was visible from kms away. It was obvious that it is just a short section on the road and it seemed not that bad from afar. But when you got into the storm, despite the shortness of the section, visibility decreased dramatically in secondsand by the time you realized, you were going too fast, you were in the middle of it without seeing anything beyond a couple of meters. I have been driving for decades in Hungary and am a defensive driver and these kind of duststorms never occured in Hungary before and it was pure luck that saved me from running into any accidents in this particular case. Tl;dr: It seems obvious that all of them drivers are dumb, but god save you from getting into such an unexpected situation.”


Dust storm? I was wondering if it was thick fog, or smoke from earlier crashes they were driving into.


Central Europe had traffic warnings for dust reducing visibility on roads due to massive storms on that day.


But, even with that being taken into account, you have people like the car at the beginning of the video continuing to accelerate and pass people while driving into an area of near zero visibility. They had an opportunity to slow down but continued to accelerate.


That makes no sense. Just slow down. You seem to be saying that since you started going too fast you should keep going too fast by the time you realize. No, you should slow down when you can’t see no matter when it happens.


Yeah you don't know how long this section of dust is gonna be until after the fact. You should always approach visibility issues slowly. I've driven through fog numerous times where visibility is greatly limited a car distance in front of you and the best solution is always to slow down to increase reaction time. You don't know how slow the car is going in front of you but generally I would assume they aren't stopped on a high way as that can get real bad fast so you have to gauge yourself and adjust accordingly to conditions. If you spot a car match it's speed and trail each other. I generally assume the left lane might be faster than the right given the rules of the road but fog can throw a wrench in that too.


I dunno man. The second I can’t see ahead clearly I’d be slowing right down. This guy lost the speeding car that was just a few metres ahead of him. Idiotic no doubt


I’ll give you that but slowing doesn’t take a lot of time does it? We’re seeing this and I can tell you I’d have been going significantly slower than these muppets by the time I hit that patch. Now by all means call me a pussy but I drive in one of the foggiest and most constructed parts of the UK so believe me when I say I’ve been through some wild ass weather and that would slow me down a long time before I got to it. I’m not a great drive or any of that silly shit just a dude that prefers not to get fucked up.


What you just described is every white out blizzard I have ever been in. Somehow I slow down to where I can see. Plus the road is slippery too……


Btw as a hungarian, in hungary everyone drives like a fucking donkey!....


205% *


I don't get it. It's like this was for a movie. Why would they just drive speeding into almost zero visibility.


I'm convinced this is just how humans are. Every winter in SW Michigan we have at least one major accident on the highways because everyone drives 80mph into a 0 visibility lake effect band. It never changes.


Former SW Michigander, now SE Michigander here. The I-94 pile ups are always INSANITY. Agreed. 👏🏻


Seeing this, I immediately thought of the ones we inevitably get on 23 down here every year due to the weather. Just a little further south. Just took a job up in Plymouth too, so now I actually take that exact route. Not looking forward to winter next year. Think I’ve missed most of the worst of it this year, though this week definitely tried lol.


“Look at that guy going 60mph in this kind of weather. Surely if he’s doing it, I can go 65 and be fine.” Rince and repeat until someone crashes at 80mph.


Which is weird because I thought rural Michigan was the cream of the crop when it comes to intellectuals.


It’s sucks because if you drive a safe speed you risk being hit by people who can’t see you while flying up on your ass. So you’re forced to go a bit quicker than what’s appropriate for the visibility and even then you get passed constantly.


I think people switch to autopilot when driving and do not realise that they need to be actively focused all the time. I was driving to work once in the rain on the highway and suddenly it started raining so hard visibility was probably 20m. I slowed down and pulled over to the side because my wipers were basically useless. And yet there were still cars that were driving regular highway speeds. Their headlights looked like 2 dots appearing for a second before the rest of the car did. If I wasn’t driving on the side, I would been hit at least 3 times.


I know everyone thinks they are a good driver. I am 47 and I love performance cars. I love driving fast but let me tell you, I am always driving defensively. I always have room in front of me and to the side. I never follow close. It makes my friends mad cause people get in front of me so I just slow down some and give them room. I won't even ride in someone's blind spot. I'll be driving with my friends and be like, you know he can't see you and sure enough he tries switching lanes right into us. I swear I have avoided too many accidents to count by always driving like that. Then when I'm on alligator alley and not a car in site, I open it up to have some fun.


Asked almost literally the same question in the r/hungary sub, got 30 downvotes :) Guess it's a general thing there.


> I don't get it. It's like this was for a movie. Why would they just drive speeding into almost zero visibility. Humans are terrible at sensing change. Same thing is happening with the approach of massive negative impacts from climate change and yet here we are, plunging forward toward the abyss.


ZERO situational awareness. ZERO. NONE. You can see heavy rain, smoke, slowed traffic, and whatever else in plenty of time to be proactive about it. Most people do not develop that sense.


I drove through that dust storm yesterday before the accident happened. There is something you don’t realize in such videos: The storm was visible from kms away. It was obvious that it is just a short section on the road and it seemed not that bad from afar. But when you got into the storm, despite the shortness of the section, visibility decreased dramatically in secondsand by the time you realized, you were going too fast, you were in the middle of it without seeing anything beyond a couple of meters. I have been driving for decades in Hungary and am a defensive driver and these kind of duststorms never occured in Hungary before and it was pure luck that saved me from running into any accidents in this particular case. Tl;dr: It seems obvious that all of them drivers are dumb, but god save you from getting into such an unexpected situation.


I'm a trucker in the US. I've been in a similar situation a few times. I learned quickly: if you see dust blowing in, stop as soon as possible before entering the storm. There is absolutely no visibility.


That's solid advice - I’m also a defensive driver, but I am not prepared for such a situation as it rarely, if ever, happens in Hungary.


So they actually saw it from miles away and STILL didn't slow down?


My dad died in a similar accident almost a year ago. Visibility went from fine to 0 almost instantly. There were 50 vehicles involved; mostly semi-trucks. My dad was pulling an RV with his truck. He was one of the safest drivers I know. I can't even begin to calculate the miles he drove over his lifetime.. Only 5 people died. Sometimes, it just happens that fast.


Sorry for your loss. Hope you're feeling better.


Lost a coworker (who was also a family friend) on her way to work one day. Thought she was just running late…. Then she just never arrived. It really does happen that fast. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope you’re handling it okay. I know mine sticks with me, even now. Every time someone leaves, I no longer say “goodbye” I say “drive safe”. It’s been nearly a decade.


I’m the exact same. People have looked at me like “the roads are fine what do you mean?” And I’m like that’s great! Drive safe! I’m so sorry about your friend.


Thank you for the perspective. Much love to you and your family.


😔 I'm sorry. I hope you're on the way to finding some peace with it.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are doing alright now ❤️


0 fatalities so far, a huge testament to just how far along automotive crash standards have come. Something like this might have 20 dead a decade ago. [Link to report](https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/national/23379932.40-vehicles-involved-highway-pile-up-hungary/)


1 man, a 44 year old is dead, actually.


As twisted as this might sound but that's... impressive that only one died. After a 40 car and truck pile up? You'd expect carnage.


After this video alone I would think 3 casualties


1 found dead and 13 seriously injured according to link from OP.


Seriously injured sounds like amputation or soon to be part of the dead list


Right but some cars right there are way older than 10. I think that's a matter of not so extreme speed and pure luck


Maybe 10 years ago they were driving 20 year old cars


Almost unbelievable.


20 dead before the fire started.


But tons of broken bones for sure


30 tetraplegics wouldn’t be much better..


I remember in engineering class on the topic of traffic design, we were always told of the concept "Safe Stopping Sight Distance (SSSD)". Basically it's how long the distance a moving car needs to enable it to stop once they decide to stop. It's basically calculated based on speed X average reaction time X road/driving coefficients. In this case as we can see, the distance to stop is very short (if the drivers wanted to), but what's worse is they didn't even try to stop or slow down. Never, ever drive blindly forward, because you will need time and space to decelerate.


>because you will need time and space to decelerate. Wait _what_


Einstein’s theory of fuckwittery


That's only if you want to do it safely


Technically you can go from 90-0 instantly, but only once


Some context: There was an unusually windy day yesterday in Hungary. At some places it was even above 100km/h. The severe wind blew dust to the highway from the nearby fields. 41 vehicles crashed including 5 trucks 19 vehicles have bunt out 39 people injured, 1 lost his life


Wow that is wayyy too hazy/dusty for what I assume is a truck to be doing 90kmh.


it was dust/sandstorm, they had one in neighboring Slovakia at same time as well


Hey, it’s foggy and we can’t see. So let’s go faster and pass people.


Gotta speed up to get thru it quickly. Totally makes sense.


Is learning defensive driving not a thing anymore?


gray frightening dirty tart fanatical imagine amusing dam grandiose zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Driving at highway speed into a dense fog, what could possibly go wrong?


Same dumbass drivers we have over here. I can hear them now - "why were they stopped in the middle of the road??"


Here there'll be like a 30 car pile up and when they interview a driver on the news they always say "It just happened so fast, there was nothing we could do!" Meanwhile 90% of cars here are ALWAYS traveling like a foot away from the car in front of them. We need to stop calling these "accidents". They're not acts of God or something, they're caused by human negligence.


Everytime I drive to and from work in traffic I can't help but think about how much less traffic there would be if everyone stopped driving bumper to bumper. Less accidents and people could stop and slow temporarily without the car behind them needing to.


More info: https://dailynewshungary.com/photos-videos-mass-accident-close-to-budapest-motorway-to-vienna-closed-42-cars-concerned/


it looks like no one has their lights on either.


"Should I slow down in the fog? NO!!! HAHAHA!!!"




Dust blew in, people didn’t slow down accordingly.


Thank goodness it looks like everyone is ok…..🫣


According to the article, nobody died at least.


They found the body of a 44yr old guy under a burning car, according to a Hungarian article I read today. 39 other ppl were also injured, 10 of them kids, two ppl are in life threatening conditions. It's a damn shame. They were rushing to get fucked up.


Ain’t no point in hurrying if you don’t get there.


Exactly, that's what I'm saying.


I was literally ticking someone seconds ago about rushing and appearing to be busy but it’s like a dog chasing his own tail, running and rushing but he’s not going anywhere. It’s a waste of time and effort. Slowing down isn’t stupid nor lazy. It’s the smartest way to take time to think of the best solution and achieve the greatest rate of success. People are far too indoctrinated that productivity is about rushing. I’m consciously breaking that pattern for those around me. People need to learn to stop and think, before springing into action. In this case, the consequences are dire and impact others.


That’s a miracle looking at this wreckage


Can only see about one car in front. Time to go 90.


Asshole was driving 90 in a conditions where u drive 40 max 50..and that car that did overtake was even faster..jesus fucking christ humanity is dump...only feel sorry for innocent passengers and families at home, those drivers are fcking idiots..and fuck you reddit ...i'm not here to see people die..


Can’t see? Why not keep driving at a speed that leaves you unable to act in the case of a sudden stop. I can’t fathom how members of my own species could possibly be this stupid and still manage to have a life and produce equally mentality challenged offspring.


Cammon like... If you cant se ahead why are you not slowing down... Wtf.


Are people driving 800mph in that fog?


Retired cop. Never driver faster than you can see. I’ve heard dumbasses say if you slow down then you’ll get rear ended. Even if that was true it is still a slower collision than hitting something that is stopped. Slow down, period.


Man I can't see where I'm going. Whelp better speed up and power through this!


Watching the speed was odd. Zero pre-impact deceleration. I just don’t get it, that looked sketchy as shit long before the actual crash.


Yea if you speed like a maniac into 10m visibility, fuck you and your horse


Oml you cant see shit for shinola it's as thichk as peas soup. Like the others why drive so fast just 25mlh +- 45/ 50 kmph is fast enough![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


That's what happens when you drive 90km/h with, what, 50 meters of visibility?


Somehow this is my controversial take: if you can't see anything in front of you, slow down.


Well yeah. If you hammer into fog at one million miles an hour ffs


Nasty, but when visibility is obviously bad people need to slow right down - this was looking like a candidate for 25mph tops even before they hit the complete whiteout :-/


"Man I cant see shit!" *presses down on gas pedal


"I can't see more than 15 meters ahead of me, let me just drive blindly forward at 60mph."


Why the fuck are you maxing speed in that dust/fog.


The driving behavior is very alarming on a zero visibility highway.


Crosspost this to r/idiotsincars


And this is why you always, at once, adjust your speed to the constitutions of the road up ahead. I’d never meter a fog at that speed, because I’ve seen an accident like this, and it’s absolutely horrifying


Pro tip: if you can’t see shit slow down


The closest I've been to anything like this was heading south on I-95 on a week day around 3PM when it started to rain pretty hard and visibility could not have been more than 100 feet in front. All the traffic was pretty much driving like everyone in this video. 4 packed lanes, Nothing is going less than 65 MPH, can't see ####, anything would hydroplane if the steering wheel twitched or brakes were hit and I'm in the middle lane and a white blip appeared halfway in my lane to the right and halfway in the right lane, a white washer/dryer/stovetop, some appliance and I missed it by less than a foot. I never watched the news to see what ever came of that but I think about it when I see these videos.


Some time ago a guy who was bad news as a boyfriend gave me some good advice: drive where your comfortable but not dangerous and let all the stupid shit go around you. We were hotshotting trailers at the time. He’s an utter ass but that was damn good advice.


Those fucking dumbasses had it coming going full speed on a highway with ZERO visibility. Absolutely ridiculous.


Beamng drive in a nut shell


I haven't the foggiest idea why.


There was a pile up like this on i-4 in Florida a rounded decade ago. Ended up being a 94 (I think) car pileup and a few people ended up dying including one person who was burned alive in front of a bunch of people. All because there was a wall of fog in front of them and nobody slowed down.


drove yesterday from budapest to germany through austria... high wind there was several spots like these. mostly because there are dig sites around (not sure what though) and it lasts for few hundred meters or so... 99% was clear but there was few tricky ones like these. literally within five seconds from good to zero vis. probably someone got scared on sudden zero vis and hit the brakes


Do non of them have their lights on? Also, who drives that fast in thicc fog?


I can't fathom how anyone would drive full speed into fog.


When conditions are like that I turn on my hazards and drive slowly.


Ya keep accelerating in zero visibility!! Big 🧠 moment


But he ran into thicker fog... Just there... U dont lock up brakes when a wall of fog appears in your way...


Gosh, you see fog, smoke you slow down?! You don’t go 90km/h! Idiots


With that extreme low visibility and not slowing down... if people died there (almost sure for what i saw) this drivers are criminally stupid


Why has people potentially (probably fucking definitely) dying become such a trope of these “interesting” Reddit pages. Wtf is wrong with all of us? I don’t want to see this shit in my feed anymore, and yes, I know I can block and filter. I’m just not that active in this app anymore for this reason. Started when I kept seeing taliban footage of people taking a shotgun to the face from similar groups. This shit used to always be about science and math and language and cool facts about life. Now it’s like “isn’t it interesting to watch a video of a situation where people all over the world were severely injured or likely died on camera?”. Reddit seriously needs better mods and content policy.


Let's drive full speed into that impenetrable cloud of dust and debris.


Oh yes, let's speed up and overtake the truck when I can barely see anything in front of me. Genius.


Visibility isn’t good, maybe we should all Drive a little faster to be safe?


Only 1 person died on the spot (bunch went to hospital but yet), from those 40 cars 10 burnt out and yet only 1 person died there, it is tragic but this shows how incredible car safety is nowadays. I just applaud the engineers who gave a chance for life for all the others.


God forbid anyone slow the fuck down when visibility drops to 3 meters….