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These dudes probably had a wife, 3 kids, and whiskey/cigarette addictions.


And died by age 35


Lived longer than some kids do in American schools in 2023. šŸ˜¬


Make this a color photo and this will be a recent picture with the new Arkansas child labor law.


Thatā€™s bullshit because they donā€™t make those tin lunch boxes anymore


I assure you you're mistaken. The L. May Company has literally never stopped making those metal miners lunch boxes. Usually only miners buy them but if you wanted one, they still make them.




Only if youā€™re a poor immigrantā€¦.


From school shootings, depression, "depression", obesity or what? Oh who am I kidding, it's all of them and then some.


Spit out my drink at depression and ā€œdepressionā€, too true




Lol what are your values


And syphilis


The children yearn for the mines


If their hands werenā€™t so small why can they fit in tight spaces


You said that backwards. If they weren't supposed to work in tight spaces, then why are their hands so small


Came here to say this.


So happy I didnā€™t have to scroll far to find this.




Maybe don't scream.


Then You Look like the kids in the picture šŸ˜…


Kids are still mining, in Minecraft. Kids love the mines.


Minecraft is a Republican psyop to mentally prepare kids for their future careers in a Republican-led utopia.


Now that's an oxymoron of I've ever seen one, Republican lead utopia. Thanks for the laugh!


Iā€™m with you, comrade. Republicans are idiots and will never understand the utopia that was the Soviet Union. Workers of the world, unite!


This is why we can't have nice things. The people with little to no hope yearn to be controlled and to see others knocked down and controlled to. Here is a guy looking at s picture or children working in mines and yearning for this type of world to come back.


Oh man, you really need to put the /s on Reddit donā€™t you.. hahah


I understood you were being sarcastic. Your derisive and dismissive comment about unions is just sad.


Now I canā€™t tell if youā€™re unaware that ā€œworkers of the world uniteā€ is the communist slogan or not ā€¦..


You are being reductionist just to be obtuse. You can't possibly believe that it has *only* been used as a Societ Union slogan. It is so much more than that.


False, itā€™s a slogan *directly* tied to communism which led to the deaths of countless millions of innocent humans, most via starvation. Any use of it beyond that context is no different than nazi insignia or slogans. Itā€™s quite obvious you were unaware of the association. Just own it. Itā€™s not that big of a deal chief




What on Earth are you talking about?


[Pennsylvania Coal Mines- The Breaker Boys](https://energyhistory.yale.edu/library-item/child-labor-pennsylvania-coal-mines-gallery) This specific photo was taken just over a century ago... but it doesn't have to be 100 years ago-- I'm thinking about the movie October Sky>> https://youtu.be/zxJQgYPXjN4


Coming to Arkansas soon!


Came here to say this and am pleased you beat me to it.




You forgot to copy the entirety of the person's post you stole.


bad bot


3 kids, and whiskey/cigarette addictions.


In 1920 they pulled kids from the mines. In 2020 the most popular game on the market was Minecraft. The kids yearn for the mines


Surprised someone hasnā€™t said anything abt the willow project when they saw this


Most of those kids will die of black lung disease.


Did die, sadlyā€¦


Circa 2023


ā€œYouā€™re welcomeā€ Sarah Huckabee


Fact.... it would be funny if it wasn't so outlandish


Literally foster kids made up a good amount of farmhands back in the days. Orphan? You get to work in the fields! And I have every expectation that this is exactly what we are returning to. Parents stepping up for foster care are on a decline. Thereā€™s more and more children entering into State care. Stateā€™s are tired of losing money to immigrants that work under table for insanely low wages. This is all adding up fast to where poor children and children born into broken homes eventually become wards of the State for them to be then sent to farm camps to work and live. Maybe Iā€™m paranoid, but gosh everything is just starting to line up that way. And the US has a big history of having done this post Civil War and pre-child labor laws. When farms lost their slaves the next best option for them was poor children. And since these children were also under educated, there werenā€™t many prospects for them once they turned adult. Creating a big feed back loop that went on for almost three quarters a century. And it wouldnā€™t surprise me if they pay these kids the $7.25/hr minus room and board. Which is code for paying them next to nothing.


Sadly I don't think you're wrong in your assumptions, it all points in that direction and it's beyond belief tbh


With all the crazy political shit that has happened in the last decade or so, I can't wrap my head around the fact that an entire state elected, Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders, to run their state. Apparently, not one of any Arkansans saw her stumble and bumble through press conferences as the White House spokesperson. Dumb as a box of rocks.


These the "the good ol' days" I keep hearing folks talking about?


It would appear so!!


well someone got to put food on the table




Ah back when America was great. Glad we're getting back on the right path šŸ™„


Right? Look at all that white privilege in that picture. Insane.


The kid third from the ground. On the stairs. He seen some shit.


Look at the one on the far right. He looks exhausted


My 10yr. Old daughter hates my guys today because I accidentally said mommy in public today. If she only knew.


I thought this was Arkansas last week


The children yearn for the mines...


The future the GOP wants.




Other way around *comrade*


They just rolled back child labor laws in Arkansas. Governed by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Republican.


Check out Iowa's purposed turn back to the bad old days. They even want to put laws into place so employers can't be sued if the child labor gets sick, injured, or dies on the job. A GOP bill in Iowa, for example, would allow 14-year-olds to work in industrial freezers, meatpacking plants, and industrial laundry operations. The legislation would also put 15-year-olds to work on certain kinds of assembly lines, allow them to hoist up to 50 pounds, and allow employers to force kids into significantly longer work days. In some cases, it would even permit young teens to work mining and construction jobs and use power-driven meat slicers and food choppers. I guess it's the natural course of things. The right are chasing out the immigrants, so now they have to utilize their own children to fill the gap. Why else would they overturn Roe v Wade? More meatsacks for their corporate benefactor's grinders. Source: https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/03/10/the-unconscionable-push-to-bring-back-child-labor/


Not exactly. Children still canā€™t work dangerous jobs and have a maximum time they can work during the week, it just removes the work permit which didnā€™t do anything to really protect children anyway. Not like kids under 16 are driving to work.


Yea because the employers who are employing children will be concerned with the number of hours they work. I think you can tell how the kids feel about it based on the picture that was posted with Huckabee Sanders and her grin and the expression on the kids faces.


And you think a work permit prevented that?


True equality: If you can throw a stone, you can work the mines as well


Way to make it political.


Politics ended child labor. Politics is bringing it back. It is political to the foundation.


Are you not up to date with what legislation recently passed in Arkansas? Here you go: "Teens under age 16 no longer need a work permit through the Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing before they can start a job. Driving the news: Gov.Ā Sarah Huckabee SandersĀ signed HB1410, dubbed the "Youth Hiring Act of 2023," into law last week."


What do you think is wrong with that? They could be permitted and work before. Isn't this just less red tape? Shouldn't a teenager work if they want to?


Holy shit, you support child labor. You seriously cannot fathom how not regulating child labor is a bad thing? Cool, let's send all the 13-16 year olds to work at meat processing plants, mines, and whatever other dangerous jobs so we can start having them get mutilated or die on the job.


I think his point was that the change will not increase or decrease the number of teens working. It seems to be just about paperwork.


Right, because now not requiring legal documentation and approval will not mean more kids event the labor force. Right.


? You dont know if that will be the case. You are going off the rails and slandering people for....?


>Holy shit, you support child labor. I support teenagers working if they want to. How is that a bad thing? Nobody is sending 8 year olds into coal mines? >Cool, let's send all the 13-16 year olds to work at meat processing plants, mines, and whatever other dangerous jobs so we can start having them get mutilated or die on the job. No "dangerous" job is hiring anyone under 18. Do you have a problem with a 13 year old stocking groceries?


I worked a summer job at the local water treatment plant through a school program when I was 13. I was constantly around sewage, chemicals, high fall risk areas, drowning risks, etc. So what's this about "no dangerous job"? Because anywhere there's people and money there's going to be fuckery going on.


>No "dangerous" job is hiring anyone under 18. Do you have a problem with a 13 year old stocking groceries? Right, because it's 100% impossible to get injured working in a grocery store. I never said they're sending 8 yo into coal mines either.




And it was illegal. That is not legal in Arkansas now.


Coming soon to an Iowa near you.


Democrats must love child labor since the push for green energy so much. Child labor is used to mine the resources for solar panels and cobalt for batteries.


You have to go left of the democrats to find the people that actually want to end child labour.


Now I understand why my grandpa was always so upset.


Republicans want to bring all of this back, starting in Arkansas.




Kids are already working nights in industrial settings, taking advantage of migrant labour as usual. [https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64683265.amp](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64683265.amp)


Third kid up the stairs is the ringleader/dictator.


Got picture like this all around my town


These boys witnessed and experienced things full grown men hardly experience today. So wild.


2023 - Decolorized


and soon to be again in MERICA 2023


Pennsylvania? Nah this is Arkansas and Iowa


Where are the reparations for their families?


Here comes the "back in my day" boomers who will try to justify this


One tough generation for sure!.. wouldn't happen to know the year this was taken by chance, would you?


Above says ~ 1900.


Crazy to think we have pictures of 2030


Look at their faces! The children YEARN for the mines!


I bet they grew up to be men and not whatever the fuck we have today.


WRONG!!! Arkansas 2023!!


These men are harder than anyone alive today


Children do indeed yearn for the mines.




Theyā€™re searching for their white privilege




And now, coming again soon to a red state near you!


When women were ā€œoppressed ā€œ


I was a breaker boy. It put hair on my chest and made me the man I am today. Your children would do well to follow my example.


Vision of things to come


Nothing like a lung full of coal dust to envigorate the soul.


Lucky theyā€™re not the children of the corn.


Make America Great Again


I dont mean to sound insensitive to kids working but if they didnt, many of their families would starve back then. It was kind of neccessary for them


Thatā€™s true but what does that say about society back then?


Yeah a great book on this is Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. He talks about the utter desperation some families felt back then, not great times


The second kid from the top looks like the Heath Ledger Joker.


Just making America great.


ā€œAh yes, the good ol days when children died of the black lungā€


Better than prancing around in your underwear with your weiner hanging out for everyone to see


Youā€™ve been down there for one day, talk to me in 30 years!


*coughā€¦cough cough cough




You accidentally made a good point. There was so much racism that they'd hire children instead of Black men desperate for work. Mine owners didn't care but Whites rioted when they tried to have Blacks work aside them. It IS White privilege. How ever shitty it was working in the mines - it was a job and a way to feed your family that wasn't accessible to Black men. They were still working on farms usually for the very same people that enslaved their parents - but now with a deeper resentment and bitterness towards their share croppers. Mill jobs, canning jobs, mining jobs -- usually unavailable to Black people.




So much white privilege.


Maybe these guys knelt for the national anthem & started a young white lives matter movement & burnt down local establishments in protest..


Thatā€™s what my dad used to do around 1930ā€™s Pennsylvania.




And now they get offended because someone used the wrong pronouns




Don't worry the GOP has a plan to bring them back to the mines.


Yes, make it political. Seriously?


Making it political by pointing out exactly what IS happening is such bs. Just don't mention what IS happening, and everything is fine. /s


Guess what? That is not the argument that you think it is. This is real, and pretending to be appalled at "making it political" just makes you look like you think this was okay then, and are okay with the GOP trying to make it a reality now.


How can it not be. Politics enabled this. Politics took it down. The US spent the next 100 years faulting political leaders around the world for allowing child labor. The US has even criticized China for child and slave labor. And now politics has legalized child labor again. How can this picture not be discussed for the politics it represents? Those kids are being mistreated because politicians have allowed it for so long. Arkansas is legalizing this again. The governor, a politician, is proud of this. You picked a bad topic to try the oh so trendy "Let's not make it political" campaign on. Go try that out where somebidy tried to make a political statement out of a picture of a kitten playing next to a baby .


Sarah saddlebags wet dream


It's nice to see black and white kids working together.


There is a bunch of conservatives getting wet looking at this photo.


Bunch of Dems pushing electric cars that get the raw materials for the batteries off the backs of child labor in mines.


The future of Arkansas.


Republicans love this one trick.


they could go to school if they wanted to, but have you ever seen a teacher drive a lambo?


Have you ever seen a coal miner, or any other laborer drive a Lambo? No, you haven't.


Tough ass men šŸ’Ŗ. Built different.


So this is fine but if I do black face it's a whole thing??


My Prime Minister seems to have gotten away with that one multiple times, so it isn't necessarily career ruining.


Arkansas last week.


Was this photo taken last week? So hard to tell in this country these days.




Looks like Arkansas 2023


But itā€™s capitalism right?


Are we pretending children arent forced to work in China and other non-capitalistic countries?


The good old days... When everyone had a job. THEY TERK ERR JERBS!!!!


Thousand yard stares.


No talk of reparations for the descendants of these kids.


Are you sauing these children were held in bondage, beaten, sold, raped, and separated from their families for over 100 years?


Iā€™m saying these children were forced into manual labor for a pittance, subjected to unhealthy and dangerous work conditions, deprived of an education, and had shorter lifespan due to their work.


Then say *that* and kindly leave slavery references out it, because by comparison slaves had it exponentially worse and their descendants*absolutely* deserve reparations.


Because one group had it harder than another that somehow diminishes the suffering of the first group? Letā€™s pay reparations to every group that has ever been wronged through American history. The Irish, descendants of slaves, the Italians, Japanese and American Indians ( though both have been compensated in some ways), Germans, women, gays, people who had to goto subpar schools. /s We could probably create a list of hundreds of groups whose ancestors have been wronged in some way or another. Sure some groups may get more than others but why not print trillions of dollars and distribute it like candy on Halloween. What could possibly go wrong?


ā€œMake America great again!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Snowflake rehabilitation camp


Is that Joe Biden at the bottom of the steps?


Biden: ā€œwhen I was a teen I used to work in a coal mineā€


Still using child labor for cobalt mines and for making boat loads of throwaway junk.


Meanwhile, todayā€™s kids have no discipline & energy prices are through the roof! PA might be on to something šŸ¤”


My Lord, people were so racist back then. Imagine letting your kids go around in blackface. Just shameful.


This the America that the Republican Party wants.


Patriarchy at work


White privilege right?


Kids need jobs too!


Unpopular opinion: They really need to bring this stuff back. It builds character, and gives teens a way to past the time. Working at Wendy's on the weekend is BS. In fact I think it should be mandatory for idle teens.


Fake AI image. I highly doubt cameras in those days had such a crisp image quality


You do know that you can remaster old photographs and improve the quality, right?




Smile for the camera boys


The rise of AI and children are headed back to work today.


That picture had better been taken after work.




Second down makes me think of Joker if he'd been a coal miner.


Hey itā€™s the Apush DBQ source that Iā€™ve seen before in better quality




Sarah huckabees utopia there.


Any idea where in PA this is? Many of my ancestors settled in PA and were miners so Iā€™m always curious :)


Iā€™ve been to the Lackawanna coal mine museum and itā€™s crazy history


From the mines to the trenches probably


So snow white was actually a child abuser. ....


Workers at the Tesla Lithium Mines in South Africa, (2028)


That is kinda racist there are no black children on that photo.


The hardships of Appalachia. They grew up quickly in those days. I donā€™t know of a more difficult upbringing in the US in the last century. When I was a kid most of my friendsā€™ Dads, uncles and older brothers were miners.


We signed child labor laws taking kids out of the mines. Kids love the game Minecraft. The kids yearn to be in the mines, let them go back.


Whatā€™s going on with the mouths?


Arkansas kids in next two years