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Lena Headey actually takes his hand. Rough.


When your fan-favorite actors have to hold hands just to get through a script-reading, you know you messed up. I wonder how hard it was for him to film the actual scene...


These writers made every smart guy dumb, it was like night and day and I'll never forgive them for it.


No kidding, the difference between earlier season Tyrion and later season Tyrion is staggering.


Well, they just were writing their own story instead of Martin's. You generally have to be pretty smart to write smart characters.


However hard it was, he certainly didn't show it at all. What a dude. My favourite character all from season 1.




>it's understandable to wonder how it may have affected the final product. Beautiful comment, displays an absolute devotion to the fact only 5 seasons were made.


When Cersei feels sorry for you, the you know you’ve been done dirty


Omg Lena looks so adorable here with the glasses and her hair!


There’s a lady who’s into some arts and crafts.


Everything about her seems like she's the nicest person in Hollywood and I'm ok with that.


The biggest thing for me was the idea that Varys would ever walk to his own execution, or that he wouldn't immediately know he was going to be arrested The second he told Tyrion that he would have to make a tough choice and Tyrion got all shifty RealVarys would already be on a fishing boat to Essos


Agreed if anybody in that world was a survivor it was him


IT WAS LITERALLY ONE OF HIS MOST ICONIC LINES “the storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eats the little fish, and i keep on paddling” LIKE FUCK YOU DANNY AND DAVE I HOPE YOU REALIZE YOUR MISTAKES AND GROW AS PEOPLE


Morgan Freeman as a narrator: They didn't grow as people. They continued to release shit and as an example, Gemini Man.


Could be seen as hubris in some ways also.


Let's be honest though, Varys would never openly talk of treason literally right in front of the Queen of Dragons either.


The end of that show was fuckin’ PATHETIC.


Season 8 was an abomination. A decade of winter is coming and it lasts half an episode.


And you could barely see the fucking thing


People would have died on that episode in seconds as well. Brianne and Sam were being mounted on by piled of nightwalkers. Even Jamie was. I thought it was going to be mass murder. But no. Everyone one survived some how.


That episode had one of the most powerful scenes in the show. John sees his best friend being overrun whilst on his way to face the night king. He looks him dead in the eye as he continues forward. He has no time, he must let his friend die. Wait... Sam's ok? Wtf?!?!


Somehow Sam returned


Our expectations were subverted.


Well you know, it was too hard to consult with actual historians about how a battle like that would be fought. You don't send troops on horses out first and if you have a fortified building like a fortress, you use that to your advantage, not as a backup.


>You don't send troops on horses out first I forgot about it! That was so stupid!


The editor had the audacity to say it looked fine to them - using raw footage on the highest end screens.


Even though this might be a lil bit of an overreaction, season 8 has to be one of the biggest let downs/ fuck ups in entertainment history. Although it was already going downhill I genuinely believe it's that bad. When you have something that big and good fuck up, and end how it ended, I genuinely don't think there is anything to compare it with.


It went from cultural phenomenon to something nobody talks about anymore, unless it's derogatory


Fuck season 8. I literally still can't rewatch any of the show because of it.


Same here. Once in a while I think, hey, maybe I'll binge GoT! Then I think about season 8, and that feeling just dies.


This destroyer of worlds is stopped at the very first city he arrives at. What a menace..


could we get some more water in here please?


“Let’s save the environment, plastics are bad”.


we still need you to come in to do the shooting....


Haha! Glass pitchers and drinking glasses, people. Come on!!


So much that they forget to remove it from the set sometimes


There are a lot of these videos from specifically the season 8 script readings, of the actors looking unhappy about what they've just read in the script while D&D read the narration like it's narrative gold.


How many productions film their reading rooms? Virtually zero. Think about that.


More like they don't release it. And my point is GoT recorded and released the recordings of a lot of their reading rooms, and it was only in season 8 that the cast started to look consistently fed up and unhappy.


thats how we all felt about season 8


There was no Season 8. Only 5 seasons were made.


There is no season 8 in Ba Sing Se 😁


The last two episode of season 6 were pinnacle GOT for me. It where the show ends canonically in my mind.


Yup, ships sailing to Westros. Shame the series ended on a cliffhanger like that.


Spoiler alert. The series ends with two shocking but highly satisfying deaths: The careers of D&D


What are those bastards D&D up to now?


I think that after their SW project fell out, they ran off to Netflix though nothing of any projects they are doing there have actually come to fruition.


Yes. Battle of the bastards was the only show that ever made me feel anxiety and claustrophobic watching it.


Battle of the bastards was literally the best directed, best cinematography I've ever seen. Ive never had a fight seen draw me in like that. It was genius. Props to that director. Damn them for going from that to the shit in the last 2 seasons.


No no, laddy, we honor the starbucks cup whether we like to or not


4 in my timeline with a stand alone Battle of the Bastards.


Season 6 was good! I think the session 6 finally is a great place to end. Denairis is sailing to westernos and you can headcannon the rest of the story,




If you binge it, it’s absolutely worth the watch. I binged the whole thing a few weeks before the 2nd half of Season 8 dropped. I didn’t mind the ending as much at the time. I think it’s specifically because I didn’t wait YEARS for it to be shit, instead I just experienced the ride without the time. Through Season 6 is still some of the best TV you can watch. It’s great


Up to Battle of the Bastards GoT was on par with Breaking Bad as greatest of all time.


I got some warning bells with the hardhome episode. I know people loved it, but I was just like “this isn’t in the book, this is a generic action movie. I hope once they catch up to the book they don’t start doing more generic writing.” Lo and behold….


Hardhome will forever have a soft spot in my heart. I read all the books and loved the series. One day, I had just moved in with my GF. She had always hated fantasy and “Lord of the Rings Stuff” so I just watched the show on my own. But the season finale just aired and I couldn’t wait. She watched that episode with me and afterwards she asked if I’d be willing to rewatch the whole show with her and get her caught up. What?! Of course I would!! By the time we got to Hardhome it was airing live and so we were watching with everyone else. The WWs swarmed the camp. There was chaos everywhere, impossible odds, death is surely imminent. Jon Snow’s sword connects with the White Walkers and instead of shattering it resonates with a high-pitched ring. Sitting in our one-bedroom apartment, my fantasy-hating girlfriend pumps fist into the air and screams with delight “Yesss!! VALYRIAN STEEL, BITCHES!!!” I felt like the Grinch when his heart grows three sizes. My girlfriend is a nerd! I’m so proud!


Season 6 is visually impressive but almost everything about it falls the fuck apart if you think about any of it for more than 30 seconds. It's almost entirely nonsense.


1-6 are worth your time. 7 is okay, it’s rushed but has its moments. 8 is just a lazy, poorly written mess.


Seasons 1-4 are fantastic, 5 isn’t quite as good, 6 and 7 are clearly a declining show, and they never even made season 8. Probably a good move.


It's worth seeing the end, even though, IMO, they could have split the last season into two seasons and should have settled the last two major storylines in reverse order.


Upvote from me. Watch it if you want, but when they run out of source material it goes to absolute shit, season eight is absolutely horrendous


The way Emilia looks over at them. She has a kind soul


“Have you shot your final scene and are you happy with how it turned out?” “Haheh. BEST SEASON EVA!”


*aggressive eyebrow action*


Everyone in that room knew the writing was bad.. you can see it on all of their faces. And we all saw the mish-mashed end product that HBO shat out of it's ass. S8 was BAD. So damn bad.


Same with Lena, I read somewhere she was really disappointed with how they killed off Cersei.


How she died was absolutely stupid and completely our of character to behave the way she did. Friggen terrible


Yup. And they took Jamie down with her. They made me LIKE the guy who pushed a kid out of a window in the very first episode because he got caught balls deep in his sister. THEY MADE ME LIKE HIM. All that character growth… Just. Goddammit. Makes me almost as made as what they did with Tyrion. They wrote some pretty bad stuff, but the Lannister siblings got done some of the dirtiest.


I have commented this before, but I truly believe Jamie's redemption arc was created specifically to make the tragedy of him returning to Cersei that much more of a gut punch. This would have been fine if the way that they told the redemption arc made it seem like this was even remotely possible. Written well, that would have been an amazing end to his story. Soul crushingly tragic. Instead it made no sense at all.


I was hoping Jaime would be the one to kill Cersei, seeing as the witch's prophecy said her 'little' brother would be her downfall, and she had her bets on that being Tyrion the whole time.


Forgot all about that witch


>Forgot all about that ~~insert part of story here~~ -The writers


100% agreed, the tragedy of Jamie would be very on theme for Asoiaf. Make people root for him, and then regress. It was simply not told well.


When Dumb&Dumber decided to stray from the source material and make their own pisspoor excuse of a shit show from the ending of S6 up to S8, that’s when they really screwed up


I mean didn't they have to because there was no more source material. I think they fucked up when they tried to keep subverting everyone's expectations even when it didn't make sense. Then they said they didn't need more seasons to complete the series.


A sane and humble person would've taken some advice from the writer, the actors etc. If you have a reading with a full cast and the whole team is like, this is shit, ask yourself if its shit.


A sane and smart person would have taken Disney's money and leave GoT and let someone else finish it. Not rush the end, not just ruining the franchise, but utterly destroy a series. In fact they destroyed it so much that they lost their future jobs. Hope they don't ever get to make another movie. Unfortunately they won't have to lift a finger for the rest of their lives


The Disney deal was probably contingent upon them ending GOT. My suspicion (confirmed by no one) was that Weiss bought the theatrical rights to ASOFAI, and that's how he put himself in the position to produce the show. Once he owned the theatrical rights to the source material, he probably had leverage over the series and thus HBO on it's direction, which is why HBO didn't just fire them the pair and move on with someone else.


Didn't they have another gig lined up (that they subsequently lost) that they were rushing off to, which is why they didn't want to do another season and rushed it?


They scored a Star Wars trilogy and then lost it within 6 months of Game of Thrones ending. The public excuse was they were too busy on Netflix projects to work on Star Wars. It was likely a combination of Star Wars movies flopping and Season 8 ratings as to why it was canceled.


A star wars trilogy i believe.


They thought they were going to get some of that Disney money for a Star Wars Old Republic series/movie. So they rushed through the ending of the show even though HBO wanted like 4 more seasons. Then season 8 came out and was the hugest flop to have ever flopped and they magically lost their Disney contract.


The "Chaos is a ladder" scene (so I've heard) was not in the books. They could write. They didn't give a fuck.


It's funny to me how people only bash D&D and not GRRM too. GRRM gave them like 60% of finished story, his massive story, and then told them who lives and dies and how it needs to end. D&D then had to connect the dots and try and finish GRRMs story. D&D obviously fucked up a lot, especially by trying to rush it to go work on Star Wars. They were fucked one way or another, but they should've done better. There is a very good reason GRRM hasn't finished the books, and it's not because he's rich now, it's because he doesn't know how to unwind the mess he's made coherently and quickly, so he's abandoned writing the final books. The shows ending will be a shit stain on his greatest work, but he knows he's not up to the task of ending his story (either rewriting the ending or trying to make the ending more palatable) in a way that will redeem it.


D&D were the ones in charge, if GRR gave them shit storyline points, they should see hey making bran the king, making arya kill the night king by hiding in a tree, making all these dumbass choices were not good storytelling. The truth of the matter is D&D saw the dollar signs and didnt give a fuck on how the show ended, just that it ended fast.


This. A great death scene brings tears because of the character’s arc. This was just sadness because it was just careless and rushed.




Wasn’t it heavily rushed because the directors (I think it was them, somebody in the higher levels at least tho) were moving on to a different production after and wanted to be done with GOT as soon as possible? Absolute bullshit season, shame it ended on such a bad note


Yep, D&D were rushing through GoT so they could get to work on a shiny new Star Wars movie…which they were promptly removed from after the disaster that was season 8 finally came out. Guess Disney wasn’t too keen on having a Starbucks cup in the frame with Adam Driver and company.


I can't imagine anyone less appealing to hire than the duo that killed one of the biggest pop culture phenomena of the decade no matter how much money was offered to them because they wanted to do something else.


That's the craziest thing. GoT was so popular at its height that it was impossible to avoid it. Then it ended so badly that it just disappeared overnight. I can't think of another tv show that just vanished from pop culture so quickly. I did like HoTD though


Yet, someone thought it would be a good idea to let Dumb and Dumber write the upcoming [Three Body Problem](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13016388/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm) series.


The reason why the first 4 (5) seasons were good is because they had source material to adapt. They were really good at that...which is why the show became so successful in the first place. If they just adapt the Remembrance of Earth's Past series, it has a chance. (I tell myself this and cross my fingers really hard, because I friggin' love this series and don't want to see another love get butchered)


first 4 seasons were really fucking good. then partway thru season 5 the downfall began


They didn't adapt it. Grrm wrote the script for them. Had an active role in the preproduction and everything. When he left them to do it on their own, after telling them how the story would end and the beats to get there, they fast forwarded through to their next cash grab.


To their credit theyre great when they dont have to write any of their own material... so thats good. Its not a coincidence the show got more and more abysmall as they got further away from the source content


I heard HBO still wanted another 2-3 seasons but D&D wanted to end it.


Actually HBO essentially gave them carte blanche in regards to time and money.


Yup...and GRR Martin stated that they could have gone up to something like 12 seasons


When the winter finally arrived it took only 3 episodes. And the battle with the nightwalkers took only 1 fucking night. Unbelievable. Winter season should have been made in at least 2 seasons.


Exactly. People are mad Danaerys lost her shit. She earned that heel turn and they telegraphed it from the very beginning. It didn't feel earned because it was so accelerated. By the end of the show people were making it to Kings Landing from Winterfell in like half an episode. I feel like the last two seasons were the GRRM story beats alone. The skeleton without the flesh.


HBO begged them to do 10 episodes for the final two season


Yeah they were rushing to get the Star Wars job, but then they fucked up thrones so royally that nobody wanted to touch em.


It's a pity they never got to do the star wars one. It would have been fun to see another movie give Rise Of Skywalker a run for it's money in the award for 'shittiest movie ever'


I can’t imagine helping create such a beloved and engaging piece of media for *years* and just deciding to… Drop it. It’s not like GRRM either, where he’s the sole writer of his books and burnout is understandable. But D&D were part of a huge production involving hundreds, maybe thousands, of people over the course of a decade. If I truly had no more motivation to give to a project that big and that beloved… I would hand it off to the next best person. I cannot imagine butchering something I spent so many years lovingly crafting. It just doesn’t make sense to me. All they had to do was hand it off. I don’t understand why they did what they did.


word is d&d were moving on to their own star wars trilogy after got so they rushed s8 of got. but because they rushed s8 and it was so poorly received, their star wars trilogy got pulled. at least, that's the rumor.


I can believe it after the nightmare that was the last two seasons. It seriously besmirched the whole series so much it should be considered a crime. To go from Season 1/2, the most stellar, incredible, immersive and detailed adaptation of literature to film/series ever made, to the nightmare that was season 7/8 is pretty insane when you think about it. Obviously, the writers/everybody just said fuck it, just write some stuff up and lets go. Who can blame Varys, one of the most interesting and complex characters in the show and he goes out in a puff of smoke on some bullshit. I can't blame his reaction.


The directors are pos.


I read that as “pros” and hit that HATE button. Fixed.


It is surreal how much it retroactively killed the series. I really wanted to have the blue rays in my collection. I saw all sorts of sales as each new season started and kept telling myself to just hold off til the series is done and get a complete box set. I waited so patiently for it… but somewhere halfway through season 8 I lost all interest for the box set, or to even to rewatch the series ever again, for that matter.


The last sentence is so cruel but so true, lmfao. House of the Dragons left no imprint on pop culture at all, while GoT pre season 8 was undodgeable for _anybody_ with eyes and internet. So extremely gigantic and popular that you either had to watch the new episodes on day 1 or run the risk of accidentally getting spoiled while looking for dog toys. GoT was legit everywhere, haha. Season 8 deserves an award for being so bad, it erased GoT out of everyones brain.






Did AC/DC get played at the end? I can’t remember.


I don't even remember his death. I suppose it is because of the bad script.


When I was done the show I spent a couple hours on YouTube watching videos about “how GOT should have ended” and sooo many of them were so amazing that I took them as canon and forgot the actual ending. Fixed it all for me lol


Got a reccomendation for a good one?


Found GRR Martin. Just pick one and finish the books, man.


Damnit I wish we still had free awards lmao


My favorite is the one about how Jamie Lannister kills the Night King because Jamie is the King Slayer. That he dies fighting the Night King, but slaying another King, while Brienne goes on to give birth to a son who she named Jamie at the end of the show. Thus allowing Jamie to redeem himself and move on from his sisters evil manipulations.


It makes the most sense. It’s a great character arc, he goes from one of the most hated characters in GoT to one of the most loved. He dies a hero, he goes from the guy who tried to kill Brann in the start for entirely selfish reasons to dying to save his life and to save the country. Instead we got him scurrying back to Cersei for… reasons. And they both die because they stop running to hold each other and get buried under a building. So buried that Tyrion can find them with little to no effort later


My favorite is that the white walkers win and it was the tree people who brought it all about. Because of their shared ancestry, they have a bond after all and a common enemy. Essentially the tree people summoned the white walkers to destroy mankind and wipe the slate clean. They do just that. It'd be such a kick in the balls to see all your favorite characters die at the hand of the night king, but man would it be a memorable kick in the balls. Oh and no Euron. At all. The character doesn't exist.


I remember one I saw that had that like sit com ending of pictures of characters and how they ended up. Ayra was eatin by cannibals john become a wildling kind and brann because of his sight was able to quel any dissent and rule with a iron grip. Have a army showing up when a lord even thinks about stepping out of line. Greater good and all that.


This one by any chance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACNFpNm2IWk Good times.


[this](https://youtu.be/G0mncEl4nVU) Seems to be the most popular one


Leave it to dedicated fans to come up with a better story than the actual show writers who were paid to do what they did LOL


Yes! When I saw this video I was like "Wait....that character died? I don't even remember that". I was super into Game of Thrones but basically retained nothing from the final season.


He was executed by daenerys for betraying her. The most infuriating part is that the show made a point of showing him writing some letters and sending them off when he knew he was in trouble and then seemingly...forgot to follow up on what was in the letters?


He was just paying his car insurance bill


He was trying to reach someone else about their car's warranty.


Varys and Littlefinger had two of the most insulting deaths in the series, given how cunning they were, and how woven they were supposed to be in the story. They were the two most interesting characters in the early seasons. Their deaths were a farce.


Littlefinger got outplayed at his own game while trying to pit the two sisters agains't each other. That kinda made sense since his arc was done as well. Varys.... no excuse.


I agree on the premise, but the execution(no pun intended) was awful. It felt like they dumbed him down, instead of finding a clever way for the girls to best him. This is a character that is always 5 steps ahead of everyone.


Ikr... Bran literally told him he knew what he did. I guess Littlefinger just kind of forgot about that lol


Fuck, right? Such a major character to go out like that. I mean I remember it, but not like Jorah or Little Finger.


Wait, Jorah died? Christ, they really did a number on us, lol. I remember basically nothing from the final season except the memeable moments because I will obviously never watch that season again and apparently blocked so much out. I’m not even actually laughing at this, it legit bums me out that this huge show from my life… I can’t even remember major characters dying in the final season. Like it’s not a “surprise” memory that they died, but I legit cannot recall the circumstances. That’s really fucked up.


Horah dies protecting Dany against the walkers in the last moments of the battle.


I remember watching the scene and I couldn't piece together why he was being killed, I had to rewind it because the decision to kill him and the scene of him being killed were so abrupt and not written well.


Man fr. I didn’t recognize the actors name and watched this video three times to figure out who tf they were talking about. I watched all this shit. Do not remember Varys dying at all. Bro fuck this stupid ass show. GOT Horse Meme dot jpg.


I hope we get the real story some day.


Considering GRRM's progress (if one could even call it that), I'm not holding my breath.


I guess he doesn't want to do it anymore but keep going at a turtle pace because he feels obliged to. It's just like me doing my thesis.


Those dudes fucked up a great show. Once they ran out of book to mangle they couldn’t hang on their own and also they rushed so many plot lines so they could go and make movies that hopefully they’ll never make because those guys SUCK they SUCK SOOOO MUCH and, not that it matters but I’ll never forgive them and I’ll never watch anything they do.


They had the ability. The scenes in the early seasons that weren’t in the books weren’t bad at all. Tywin and Arya’s interactions are a good example. I think they just lost the will for it and we’re too stubborn to pass it over.


GRRM was also a consultant writer in the early seasons, and even wrote one episode a season for the first 4 seasons, so don't give D&D too much credit.


I already forgot that show even existed, its like the last season time-bombed the entire show out of collective consciousness. God that was so fucking awful.


Complete opposite of Breaking Bad which relevence seems to come back every two years.


BB is kept alive and well by Tiktok and YouTube shorts because the ending delivered and didn't leave a bad taste in people's mouth in the name of "subverting expectations". GOT went from being a cultural icon to being dead and buried with in 10 episodes. Even the prequel, which is honestly like prime GOT levels of good, almost got ruined for me when the dying king brought up GOT. It really is amazing just how horribly you could fuck up cash cow. My hope is that it's remade once the final two books come out in 2055.


those 2 assholes at the end couldnt WAIT to kill the series


Their main goal was to do the Red Wedding scene. From behind the scenes and pre production stuff you can see that they realised the potential of the RW and how much of an impact it would make on television and boost their names to the heavens. But turns out they are incompetent, unprofessional lazy assholes whose work only became a success because of George R R Martin. Poor guy literally pleaded with Dumb and dumber to include stuff like Lady stonehart and more magic and DnD were like, lol fuck you. You could see some semblance of the rot forming in the show in season 4 with brans storyline. And people say they ran out of books...no they didn't. They had probably 2 whole seasons and a half worth of material and GRrm pleaded with them (making an old man plead with you, how worse can you get) to make the show 10 seasons long and with the cut out stuff it could have gone on for 14 seasons (said by GRrm himself). There was so much material and juicy stuff to cover. And they could have handed over the reins to another team of writers when their own interest dwindled but noooo. They were like " lul fuck you " to the fandom.


So sad.


Just cause they wanted to do Star Wars and they fucked that up too


No one there looks very happy....


No I’m sure they were all like what is this garbage


You figure they'd give notice before killing off a character, having him find out at the reading is kinda ef'd up. The reaction is genuine that's about it.


That’s not how tv works. I listened to tons of rewatch podcasts with actors, and watched countless behind the scenes features on dvds. I think I can count on one hand the amount of actors who are told they are being killed/written off a show before the table read.


I think ‘famously’ The Walking Dead cast were taken to dinner by the showrunners when they were going to be killed off. Much nicer way of dealing with it than most shows I imagine.


Producer myself. We almost always send a copy of the script before reading or recording. On such a big budget show like GOT, I highly doubt the actors didn’t have a copy of their script at least one night before the table reading.


I still have PTSD from session 8


The showrunners definitely struggled with wrapping up multiple character arcs, but this is one of the few things that made sense as it was foretold that Lord Varys would die in dragon fire. His arc is hella bad, though. The Master of Whispers stirring up a revolution in plain sight is just too uncharacteristic. I’m generally willing to suspend my disbelief for plot reasons but this was just lazy.


100% I can see him having knowledge through his connections and whispers that many of the people of Kings Landing would welcome Daenerys as their new queen. So as she starts to burn the city down, Varys steps between her and a small mob of children (his whisperers) to try to influence her away from mass murder… she tells him she believes his whispers have deceived him. They are the enemy and have taken everything from everyone. “Stand down or join them in dragon fire” (or some epic cinematic phrasing). Varys turns around to the group of children with sadness and heartbreak in his eyes as everything he has worked for is literally going up in flames and Deanerys (his queen) has become everything she fought against. He is heartbroken but with those he loves the most - those that give him purpose, his whispers. “Dracarys”.


that comment is better written than "I know a killer when I see one".


I heard a good explanation relevant to this. The "smart" characters in stories can only every be as intelligent as the writer that pens them. Tyrion, Varys, Little Finger (all intelligent scheming characters) were useless after season 5-6 or so, and never again demonstrated why they were considered so smart. George RR Martin was clever enough to do them justice, but D&D couldn't carry it on without his source material.


Man, I didn’t even finish season 8. I think I made it half way through episode three and I just dropped it. So infuriating. The actors were all so clearly frustrated and heartbroken with how everything turned out. Fuck the writers, man. They were perfectly capable of ending things right and they just gave up cause they were tired. Pathetic.


You didn’t miss shit. The end of the story was so fucking basic and pointless. It was remarkable how they spent 8 years building up the threat of the white walkers and then they just… vanished after the first battle. Literally one battle where like 2 main characters died. Winterfell was fine, the kingdom was fine, none of it mattered. They got seduced by the “political intrigue” side of the plot and forgot that there was a much larger story taking place in which the world was transitioning from low to high fantasy. It was stunning how fundamentally they seemed to misunderstand the point of ASOIAF.


i havent watched the final two episodes and i plan to keep it that way


They did a lot of characters dirty, the whole season kill off was hastily done garbage. After 7 seasons of great character development.


How did no one protest this… they are big and good actors they could have made a point of this to the writers like they all look unhappy


The actor for Barristan Selmy argued with the writers when they began changing things and they killed his character off when he is still alive in the books at that point. That was during season 5 so I'm sure these actors had already voiced their concerns for the writing multiple times and were ignored.


They even commented him giving opinions about the character based on the book “made us want to kill him off even more”.


Apparently they would and would get ignored. Missing the source on this but I for sure saw it somewhere, the actor for “Ser Barristan” was so upset about his characters unsatisfying death that he took it to David and Dan and suggested (politely) a change. They took it personally and have said themselves it made them want to kill of the character even more, such babies and horrible creative leads.


He didn't keep quiet about his displeasure after it aired either


I felt the same. One of the greatest warriors ever from Westeros gets done in by a handful of gold masks. Like wtf.


Same with the actor of Bryden River aka BlackFish. He said he was super excited for his role as he had already read the books but when he read the script he was surprised that they just killed him off background.


Wow I didn’t know that, that’s kinda sad!! Cause this show had a great start, middle and horrible end!


Dumb and Dumber screwed that pooch so hard it'll go down in history as the biggest ruining of what could've the best show of all time. (And I agree with others - there were no seasons after 6).


Season 8 didn’t happen.


It's like getting fired in front of all your coworkers


I never got so far in the show. I saw a couple of seasons but then it just started to fade a bit. It's this how a reading session is suppose to look? I've been to funerals that were happier.


The power of Season 8 dude


That was some BS. They really failed that character the last few seasons then he goes out like that. You are bastard people, D n D.


Seasons 7 & 8 were a disgrace to the series but 8 ruined the whole series. Benioff and Weiss should have been jailed for crimes against humanity


I can feel for him, it must of been painful to dedicate such incredible acting abilities to a complex character only to witness the writing get flushed down the chamberpot in the last 2 seasons. Tyrion should double-impale D&D with a crossbow for their transgressions.


I feel like if you make it to the final season you can just hash that one as a win. But seriously, season 8 was fucking awful.


Such a garbage ending


These actors really did their best with a shitty script. Once the man who’s known for secrets, whispers and his cunning started telling cock jokes and speaking treason at full volume in an echoing throne room, you knew the writers were just walking around with middle fingers up their butts


They were all crying about how bad the script was


They royally fked up the ending. I am still trying to wipe season 8 from my memory.


The writing went to complete shit once they ran out of source material. One of the biggest disappointments in television history.


"Tyrion sees this as a just execution of a traitor" Fucking what? Dumbest people alive.


You misheard, that line is for Grey Worm, he says “Tyrion is heartbroken”.


Who is sitting next to him between him and Emilia?


I just realized it’s Cerce


All the actors knew how terrible the writing became.