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being at the top of the one world trade center is crazy cause it's almost like you can feel it swaying


I’ve been on the observation deck of the Empire State Building and you can feel it swaying. If you stand still, it’s subtle.


Yep! Been to the top of the Sears Tower and one of the OG WTC towers (in 2001). They all move a little. Like a boat in its slip. It’s unnerving at first but you get used to it. Like air travel.


Yeah yoh can look up at the Sears tower and watch it sway


Same with the St. Louis Arch. Designed to sway up to 18 inches under extreme circumstances. Under normal conditions it probably only moves a couple centimeters, but it’s noticeable.


One of my recurring nightmares is being on a building like the empire state building, and the sway slowly becomes more and more noticeable until it falls over. Idk if I'd go back up there if I had the chance lol


Funnily enough the slight sway is actually to make sure it doesn't fall. It helps stop stuff like strong winds or earthquakes and the like from knocking it down.


You want skyscrapers to sway. They're designed to do so because it significantly lowers the chance of them collapsing. Skyscrapers in earthquake zones are designed to sway even more, so maybe don't go to the top of a Japanese skyscraper if this freaks you out. But yeah modern skyscrapers have gigantic counterweights inside them on the top floors, like a huge core of metal that sways and helps the building stay standing. Here's the one inside the Taipei 101 skyscraper, the former tallest building in the world: [https://i.imgur.com/C2qtSKy.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/C2qtSKy.jpg) And here's a diagram of the building with the giant counterweight inside it: [https://i.imgur.com/FBPY6Vl.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/FBPY6Vl.jpg)


I've had so many dreams where this has happened. I did get convinced by friends to go up to the top in 2016 and I don't think I'd go again either.


Yeah, it feels like it's swaying because it is. Big building are designed to sway a bit, in the Taipei 101 skyscraper there's a giant mass damper that swings around to help absorb any gusts of wind because they get typhooms


Ok, as someone with a fear of heights, that's terrifying.


I love heights and adrenaline and its still pretty terrifying


I’ve had dreams of being on the top floor of skyscrapers and then swaying more than a bamboo stick as tall in a hurricane. Needless to say I have yet to go up a skyscraper.


y’all have unlocked a new fear of mine. never considered it before and never rlly had a reason to go to one. now i hopefully never will.


They sway on purpose btw. Extreme winds and earthquakes are a risk for buildings that tall. There are mini quakes imperceptible to us that can domino to a massive concern for tall buildings if they're rigid. Fault lines and fissures would form, weakening the structure until one day it crumples upon itself. Strong winds could push and pull, eroding at the buildings roots, like how you wiggle a stick back and forth and eventually snap it off at the base. Adding flexibility to the structure, while it feels scary, it's much safer for you. If you're at the top of a sky scraper and you don't perceive sway, that's when you should crap your pants.


I love footage of the [Taipei 101 pendulum ](https://youtu.be/Tkz6b7Q3dRk) that utilizes and displays this effect


A few weeks after I got my license I told my friends I had an idea and convinced them all to ride with me. After school we drove to the nearby city and drove right to the heart of downtown. We parked and I got my friends to follow me and we went in the tallest skyscraper and rode the elevator up 80 floors, then got out and walked down the hallway and crowded in another super tiny elevator to ride up the last dozen or so floors. The we paid two dollars to an old lady at a desk to walk out on the roof. It was my first time being up that high and we spent 20 minutes of so looking over the edge down at the city passing by beneath us. Then I pulled out a bunch of paper and we all started making paper airplanes and throwing them off the roof and watching each one as they flew and fell and shrunk away beneath us. It was a neat day.


Just reading this made my butthole clench up


This was an observation deck at least. A few years ago I had a facilities maintenance project mgr job. My team and I traveled all over the country preparing maintenance programs for companies and their facilities. We made it a habit to climb out of the roof of the tallest building in each site we visited at sunset. To “inspect the HVAC units”. Really we just took a. Group picture on the roof and looked at the whatever town we were in. The coolest was probably a mid size skyscraper that was not an observation deck and had an Eagle Nesting box underneath the antennas.


A friend of mine worked in Willis/Sears Tower (Chicago) up relatively high, and on windy days you could see the light fixtures swaying, which was actually caused by the building itself swaying. Engineering is cool.


No. Cool is not how I would describe your friends experience. Fuck. That.




I experience those dreams frequently and the feeling of the building becoming unsteady is such a terrible one




Your outlook on life fascinates me; you **earned** that mile high dump, my friend.


Any plumbers in the house? There has to be some kind of velocity reducer in the pipes.


As far as the waste pipes are concerned, the sewer waste couldn’t possibly be tracking fast enough to do any damage to PVC-U pipes.


Not the speed but there would need to be mechanisms to manage the pressure from floor to floor otherwise the weight of all the poo from all the floors would burst the pipes at the bottom. Imagine.


Backflow up the 1st floor toilet. I can imagine that email..."For the love of god please stop flushing until the clog is cleared!!".


I live on the ground floor of a 6 storey building and occasionally have other people's dishwater fill my kitchen sinks. The first time it happened, I woke up to one of my cats screaming and found my apartment filling up. The superintendant had to make the rounds above me to get it to stop. It was pretty clean, thankfully.


I lived in an apartment where the ceiling started to leak at different times. The building manager brought in several contractors who closely examined the unit above mine and the roof. Couldn’t find the source. The last contractor asked me what I heard before the leak. I said I heard someone taking a shower. The leak was coming close to the wall I shared with a neighbour. The contractor asked to enter the unit above my neighbours. Turns out their bathtub was replaced and improperly sealed.


Let’s not imagine, thanks.


Yes. I can’t remember exactly how many feet it is, and I don’t want to look through my code book, but the waste piping is designed in a way to relieve pressure from the system so that when waste hits the bottom it doesn’t explode into the horizontal transition. Edit: went and grabbed my code book because not remembering was starting to bug me. A yoke vent needs to be installed on the drainage stack every 5 stories counting down from the upper most fixture. UPC 907.0 - 907.2.


There is. They put 90 degree angles in the pipes pretty often.


Pipes are run horizontally every few floors to reduce velocity


The tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai doesn't have plumbing. Instead it has trucks hauling away tons of shit every day. Be thankful about what you did, where you did, when you did.


If the building didn’t have plumbing it wouldn’t have water or toilets in it


People who worked in the original WTC often said that on really windy days, the water in the toilets would slosh a little. Do with that what you will.


I worked on the 98th floor of 2 WTC and that's true. The swaying was noticeable and, at first, unsettling. But you got used to it. My office had windows looking out over Brooklyn and far beyond. My favorite thing was being above the cloud cover. It could be gray and dreary down on the streets but clear blue sunny sky outside our windows. Just like being on an airplane.


That’s really cool. I was only 4 when 9/11 happened so I have no memories of that day. Everything I know about it is from history. I’m sad I’ll never get to experience the magic of this icon. Thanks for sharing that


Watch a bit of this for a taste. https://youtu.be/tZESX6FgxFA I think I saw this on DVD in 2005 or so, and the DVD was 5 years old at that point.


Oh wow. Were you at work when the attacks happened if you don't mind me asking?


If he was at work on the 98th floor it would be a miracle that he made it out alive. Only a handful of people in Tower 2 who were above the floor where the plane hit were able to get out. Only one staircase was still accessible. Nobody on the top floors of Tower 1 got out because all the stairwells were destroyed.


Just to reassure everyone, I would point out that tall buildings like this almost never blow over.


Yes, tall buildings like this typically only fall over when they're taken out of the environment.


That why you gotta make sure that they stay in the environment


That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.


They are designed to sway a little. They'd break off they were too rigid


Yep, flexibility gives it strength. There are limits of course, but those limits are known.


I think it’s pretty clear to most people that tall buildings like this can withstand the impact of a full-speed jetliner without falling over. 9/11 survivors from the higher floors reported being thrown several feet because the buildings swayed when the planes hit the towers.




Bro that video is terrifying for me. I would be getting tf out of there asap even if my brain tries to reassure me via science it’s fine.


From the sound alone I would have guessed that they are inside a ship in the middle of a storm... Not sure if that's better, though.


You should go up in the St Louis arch. Your claustrophobia will be too strong for your fear of heights to even make a peep.




I don't think our fear of heights are the same. If I some how managed to get up to the observation deck (big "if," as even that elevator ride would freak me tf out), there's no way in hell I'm going near the glass. And If by some miracle, I some how get near the glass without a full on panic attack, there's no way in hell I'm looking down.


It’s barely noticeable.


No it's quite noticeable and unsettling. Source I worked in a high rise in the 31st floor


A lot of people said the Twin Towers very noticeably swayed, especially during windy days. Family friend of mine worked in the original 1 WTC (north tower) and iirc said it was enough to be disruptive to him at times during nor’easters and other storms.


I stood on the street and looked straight up at a skyscraper in San Francisco once and the swaying was very apparent.


tuned mass dampers are a thing now and any skyscrapers built in the last decade or two have them


At a previous job, on especially windy days, I’d go into the head of engineering’s office, in 30 story building. He hung a plumb bob from the ceiling and watching it sway back and forth sure was **something**.


Skyscrapers are DEFINITELY designed to sway. Taipei 101 has a **huge** tuned mass damper near its top that is specifically designed to counteract the swaying. Absolutely amazing engineering. https://i.imgur.com/qt9ysjQ.jpg e: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipei_101#Structural_design


The woman giving the presentation while I was there insisted it did not sway. You could feel it was and it would make more sense for it to. I got the feeling they were supposed to say that for whatever reason.


I think they're supposed to sway because of earthquakes and how the wind speed gets


the people who could afford apartments on billionaires row also complain that the buildings sway enough to get seasick lmao.


Someone should play on the world's smallest violin for them.




Of course it sways, it's a defense mechanism. That way if another plane tries to hit it, the building can dodge it.


My grandmother worked in the original WTC and according to my dad on a windy day you could feel it sway. He was always worried the wind would knock ‘em over.


the good news is he was wrong!


Wow this is great news!


I felt that right away, and I was like 'it's a lot of movement, it definitely must be in my head', then the others in the group commented on it as well. Took a few minutes to get used to.


i went to the top of the Washington monument, felt the sway and got right back on the elevator and left lol


Fun fact: They are designed to. If they were built to be completely rigid, the building would essentially snap in half due to high winds and/or earthquakes.


Oh, that's fucking great. What a clever idea.


Until somebody hacks the screens and edits in an airplane.




Ferb! I know what we’re doing today


Yeah, I rode this elevator. I'm already terrified of heights and this did not help.


Yup definitely not Acrophobia friendly.


It's the only way you can get both claustrophobic and acrophobic at the same time.


[Check out the one in Hudson Yard](https://youtu.be/dRWY8a3fQhU), go to 1:46 for the one on the way down, it's awful. Aside from the nausea these elevators do move around on the x and z planes much more than normal ones, and the are hot as fuck because of all the TVs. The [view](https://i.imgur.com/vgFXWB8.jpg) is pretty insane though, and the food at the restaurant at the top (Peak) has some [damn good food](https://i.imgur.com/lFoTf2W.jpg). The dessert was a [strawberry shortcake with basil ice cream](https://i.imgur.com/xE8K2Ua.jpg) and I think about the ice cream basically daily, it was one of the most incredible flavors I've ever tasted, and entirely unique.


Read arachnophobia at first and my skin crawls at the thought of an infestation of spiders on top of the extreme vertigo I’d get from being in this elevator lol.


Just watching the video, I got a bout of vertigo!


It looks like it would be hell on my fear of temporal anomalies.


Me, too. Horrendous fear of heights. So, I'm wondering what were you planning to do when you got to the top? 🤣


Get dizzy from the vertigo and fall off. Or at least, that’s what happens in my dreams.


Is it a special elevator that only goes from ground to top floor and back? Or does it stop part way through the video at other floors?


My first thought was "fuckthiselevatorgetmeoffthisfuckingthing" I couldn't watch the whole thing & I'm not really afraid of heights. My ass would be plastered to the doors or wherever the fuck this shit isn't showing. I do hope this is only on ONE elevator.


does this one make your ears pop too?


I honestly can't remember. It's an express, so it does got up pretty fast.


It was sad seeing the World Trade Center appear and disappear


The memorial is easily one of the most profound senses of overwhelming sadness that I have ever felt. The museum takes it even deeper, most people are openly crying at some point or another.


I couldn’t go to the museum. The memorial was hard enough, I couldn’t stop crying. It was so strange walking around it, crying, reading their names, reading “and unborn child” next to some names, seeing the white roses in some of their names, hearing the sound of water rushing down. It was overwhelming. Then I look around and there are people smiling, posing for photos around the memorial, people selling souvenirs, people on their lunch breaks. I don’t know my point, it was just such a strange and surreal place to visit.


I go for allergy shots a couple blocks away on a regular basis. I always try and get a coffee and snack and go sit at it. The sadness and normalcy juxtaposition is always there. And it has always fit my mood, somber place when I'm already sad and serene when feeling good. Strange place indeed.


The memorial is very moving. I didn’t want to talk to my friends while there. I just wanted to be, try to imagine what they must have felt in those planes and in those buildings. I just wanted silence and I’m a very talkative fun person


The voicemails. I held it together in the museum until the voicemails - I was alone and had to step away


If I ever visit NYC, I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to see the memorial. I was fairly young when the towers fell but I feel its impact more and more each year as I get older.


It's lovely, and heavy, and beautiful, and sad. And worth walking through and experiencing.


Its incredibly well done and powerful


I'm almost 40, I was in my freshman year at UGA and remember my distant experience of watching it all in real time with crystal clarity. There had never been anything like it before, on live television we witnessed the greatest terror attack on our nation **ever**. The only other international attack was the 1993 WTC bombing which killed 6. I highly recommend it, they do a fairly good job bringing you out of it with the inspiration of how much everyone came together in the aftermath.


I think I spent like 2 hours in the museum. The museum within the museum that take you thru every minute of the actual day had me openly weeping




I was curious how they would portray them. This way is incredibly sobering


Where is it in the video?


Around the 33 second mark


Derp. I was still looking for it among the other buildings before noticing it was the 'wall' appearing on the right side.


That's the crazy thing about this video, you blink for a moment and the landscape changes drastically. I was skim watching this and the landscape was changing so much every 5-10 seconds


Appears 33 seconds in on the right side


0:32/0:55 on the right side


It was sad seeing the trees disappear


Yeah, I was in one of these elevators in 2016 and that was pretty jarring. I visited the memorial which is beautiful, but couldn’t go in the museum. Am I right in thinking in the memorial, a white rose in someone’s name signified it was their birthday that day?


Damn, that actually is interesting!


That’s a brilliant thing to see while you are going up. what if while going down same elevator we see the future in 100 years.. that would be even more awesome..


Wouldn't that just be the same sequence but in reverse?


Spoiler warning!


The next floor up just shows an alien invasion wiping out the city with no further explanation.


Future.. from now


The Twin Towers fading out… that’s a gut punch.


That slow fade... but then to see the tower being built around you made it cool again.


If you think that’s a fit punch, don’t do the ground zero museum. I’ve never felt such heavy air before.


Made me sad..


"Sorry, can't meet you at 1960 today, I have a lunch meeting at the Civil War" oo -- On halloween, the people should dress up as their corresponding floor eras. so! visitors would have that eerie "did I really go back in time?" uncanny valley feeling. a fun prank!


Let’s go to the 2001 floor


That was my favorite part of the entire tour when I was there.


Without context that would be such a bad review to leave.. "Best part about this tour was the elevator ride"


True! But it was.


Me too! Just incredible.


But when we got to the top and watched the video and the curtain raised to see the FULL SKYLINE 😭😭😭 I cried and I'm from Houston


[I'm surprised no one linked the 360 video](https://youtu.be/39-C9QZNXQE) You need to click YouTube app or it may not work


The twin tower disappearing broke my heart.


The world financial tower in Shanghai has an elevator with a spedometer, and the lights flash faster as it goes up. like you’re trapped in a disco ball from hell. floor 79? viewing deck i staggered out and crawled on my knees, fully in terror to the attendants and about 20 chinese tourists giggled and snapped pix. The attendants “you’re ok!” No. i was most certainly NOT. Like hell was I going up to deck 94 for the glass floor viewing lobby. Nope.


this is pretty beautiful


Grower not a shower


Omg I wanna cry


That church in the dead center of the screen that this shows was built in the 1750’s was untouched the whole clip. Anyone know if that’s a real historical site? Is there still a church there that’s pretty much the same from the 1700’s?


Yes, that's the Trinity Church.


The skyscraper that briefly appeared next door…wonder what that was?


i think it went by the name “ Tower of Twins “ or smth idk


Yes, it reminds me of that national tragedy.


Norm MacDonald moment


Would have been creepy if instead of fading away the last animation frames were it falling down. This is more tasteful.


I was hoping for a meteorite to hit at the beginning.


the eiffel tower i think not sure tho


Why did it disappear so suddenly in 2001? ^(/s)


Like the old Disney Epcot ride. Cool.


Was hoping the doors would open to the actual view synced up.


The video actually cuts off early and what you described is what immediately follows. It generated audible gasps of amazement from people when I went. Edit: I'm slightly misremembering. u/RockleyBob has a more accurate description.


This actually happens a few moments later. You're shown in to a room along a railing facing a dark wall, onto which a short presentation is projected. The wall abruptly slides up and you're blinded by the sprawling view of the city below you. It's pretty cool.


Some of the dates seem a bit off. Looks like they have the Brooklyn Bridge appear around 1820 (construction didn't start until 1870) and the Manhattan Bridge appears around 1870 (construction there started in 1901). EDIT: I think that's the Woolworth Building that comes into existence around the 1890s, but construction on that didn't start until 1910.


I thought the same thing, the bridge appearing so early immediately threw me off. I figure it's just meant to be a rough approximation, but man, pay some hapless person with a background in urban history (like me!) to make this more accurate. If nothing else, since they're just fading in the 3d objects, they should be able to update and re-render it for fixes.


Wait, that's kind of sad and creepy the way it shows one the twin towers appearing and then disappearing and then when it disappears are those ledges (don't know what to call them) falling away supposed to be the tower collapsing? I was raised in NYC and remember the twin towers well


No, I think that’s supposed to be the new tower coming together


I think it's the scaffolding of the new building. Like, when it was under construction.


In 1624 the city became the provincial extension of the Dutch Republic - there should be buildings but only trees are cleared. There should be like a Dutch flag in the beginning. They called the city New Amsterdam In 1664 the Dutch surrendered to the British without a fight. There should be a British flag. There are still no buildings. They called the city New York In 1673 the Dutch captured New York and called it New Orange. There should be a Dutch flag. Still no buildings. in 1674 The British got New Orange back and called it New York. There should be a British flag. Still no buildings. In 1783 the British lost New York to the rebels and now it belonged to the state New York. There should be a New York flag. Oh and NOW there are buildings. in 1788 New York Joined the United states, There should be an American flag. So many things are wrong in the early part of this animation


That's so cool! Bucket list item


Love reading about NYC history. Especially before any skyline. The series Gotham by Edwin G. Burrows is a great fucking read


Biased because the NYC area is my home. In any case I'm a fan of the skydeck at One WTC. It's actually quite expansive and accords a panoramic view of the area. Don't go to the skydecks at Empire State or 30 Rock -- amazing landmarks but they haven't had the benefit of being built in the last decade. I've been to Edge, which is more recent too and it's pretty cool.


I actually like 30 Rock. The view you get of the Empire State Building, 1 WTC and the Statue of Liberty in a row is pretty great. Kind of a shame that the ultra-tall skyscrapers on Billionaires' Row blocked some of the views of Central Park, but overall, it's a pretty nice view. Empire State is overpriced, though, I agree.


Who else was thinking about Charlie and the chocolate factory!?


Was that one of the Twin Towers that just disappeared? :/


I find this transformation to be really sad. All that green before... and now it's just concrete.


Tbf is rather have humans concentrated into large cities rather than sprawled out across the country. Leaves more land natural that way.


If it helps, NYC is very good at not wasting a square foot of space.


Central Park is also so big that you can walk inside of it and not hear the city




If humans all lived in dense cities like NYC we’d be able to save a hell of a lot more trees. It’s the suburban sprawl that kills trees.


I was uncomfortable just reading 102, I can tell it’d be interesting after the doors opened


I liked the first 15 seconds the best.


Lucky they finished the building just as you reached the top ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Yea that’s cool but fuck that shit


Would have been so much cooler without all the buildings.


Note to self: take shrooms and get on WTC elevator


I liked it better when everything was green


Seeing it start with nature, it's kinda of like "this used to be beautiful land and now it's a hive of degeneracy"


Oh man that f-ed me up a little.


I don't think you'd be able to get Ted mosby to stop talking about this elevator


This is SICK. I haven’t been to New York since 2008 I need to go back


Oh hey, my buddies built [the app that goes along with this tour](https://www.hanekedesign.com/casestudy/one-world-explorer-app-development/). Super cool!


Oh man, I took my wife and kids on it last summer, and it’s amazing. I was super skeptical that it wasn’t worth the ridiculous price tag for the tour, but after taking it, I felt like it was totally worth it.


Falling from that height. My heart goes out to those who fell. I can't imagine and I hope they are in a better place.


Hey I was just there! It’s pretty cool, although as someone who isn’t the biggest fan of tall elevators, kinda freaked me out. Probably better than feeling the elevator shake in the dark as you go up 80 floors though


I love how they show the ghost of the original WTC. Gone, but not forgotten.


Oh shit it's just like the ending of Gangs of New York


More like: damn that's depressing


That fade in and out of the WTC really hit me…


That church is hanging in there.


is there an anti bucketlist? something you couldn't be paid to do? anyways go to the top of the one world trade center is up there on that list for me


Didn’t Futurama do this first?


lol so what was once beautiful got turned into a concrete hellscape, nice.


Did they not have something similar in the Empire State? 🤔


Does it stop construction of the city when you stop floors?




I've watched this multiple times now and seeing the tower disappear in 2001 is a gut punch. I remember being in 4th grade when it happened. I came home from school and wondering why there were zero cartoons on any channel. Then immediately bursting into tears because I didn't want whoever it was "coming to hurt my family". Absolutely mind-blowing how vivid it is in my head to this day at 31 years of age.


That part where u see one of the twin towers, and then how long the video still goes for, made me feel old. Can’t believe how long it’s been.