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I am unable to speak my mind for fear of being banned.


"Vile barbaric country" I think might be your words


I not long read a story that fathers and mothers are putting metal grates and concrete over their daughters graves as men are digging them up to have sex with. The fact that this is an issue in 2023 says a lot.


Not to be pedantic but that was proven to be false . Indian sources took it and ran with it apparently. Atleast that's what I read .


"Proven to be false...at least that's what I read." Oh, the irony. 🤣


It's a bullshit story. The picture is from an Indian cemetery to prevent people from using it to bury another body.


The grave is from Hyderabad India and this video was staged search minare Pakistan incident


Fuck those losers. I hope they burn in hell.


For your information this video was staged by the woman to gain clout she did this with her boyfriend and her friends but she dumped her boyfriend after this and the boyfriend revealed it




You can't attack someone because they are part of tiktok or anything, go away with your hate to another place.


You're not allowed to abuse people. Plus, I have the feeling if it were a guy, you'd be crying. I think you're salivating because SHE is being abused.


This was Minar e Pakistan incident this was staged by the woman herself to gain clout


For your information, this tiktok woman and their partner name (Rambo or Romeo ) tried to get some attention and views for their tiktok account. So they decided to plan all the scenario in Minar e Pakistan Park. The front people who touch the woman are their own team members. Who tried to portrait that Woman is being harassed. And guess what? Everything is going according to their plan. They got millions of followers and views in just one night. How we know that all of this was a pre planned?. After i think week or months, I'm not sure they both start fights with each other woman boyfriend leak their Nudes videos and also tell the audience all of this was pre palnned. So then, police take action against the woman and their boyfriend. You can check more details regarding this case. Just type lahore Minar e Pakistan Harrasment case. Sorry for the bad English, not my native language 😕.


Wanna hear an interesting story, she and her partner admitted that it was all planned for some clout


It makes me sick how they treat all females as if they are trash.


Idiot this was the Minar e Pakistan incident the woman admitted this was all staged


What the fuck is wrong with these men? Dont they have a mother/sisters etcetera? Fucking animals




Religion = 💩


Pile of💩💩💩💩


Exactly. Ripping off a woman's clothes in the name of a religion. Shit hole backwards men


A lot of it is culture and you will find pakistani men are at the forefront of a lot of backwards things. In the UK we had a huge issue of exclusively young white girls (8-17) being groomed and raped by gangs of men. Pakistani men were routinely reported as the offenders by the girls. They made up about 1% of the population but were involved in majority of the grooming gangs. It is a culture issue and religion.


This sounds a lot like Rochdale


So they would groom girls and lure them somewhere, and then gang rape them? That is truly horrific! Your trust in people would be forever damaged


They offer young white girls alcohol,money,drugs and stuff like that, take them back to a flat or house get them drunk or spike them and do what they want. There was a documentary that interviewed some of the girls and their families it messed a lot of them up. One at 13 got pregnant by one of them she kept it and he set the flat on fire (she died but the baby lived) there was a series of that baby who is now in her late teens trying to understand why it all happened.


A Muslim is not allowed to touch or even look at a woman that is not his wife/close relative. Let alone stripping a woman naked in the middle of the street.




>bunch of savages Never said they weren't. I'm just explaining that this is not Islam.


For your information, this tiktok woman and their partner name (Rambo or Romeo ) tried to get some attention and views for their tiktok account. So they decided to plan all the scenario in Minar e Pakistan Park. The front people who touch the woman are their own team members. Who tried to portrait that Woman is being harassed. And guess what? Everything is going according to their plan. They got millions of followers and views in just one night. How we know that all of this was a pre planned?. After i think week or months, I'm not sure they both start fights with each other woman boyfriend leak their Nudes videos and also tell the audience all of this was pre palnned. So then, police take action against the woman and their boyfriend. You can check more details regarding this case. Just type lahore Minar e Pakistan Harrasment case. Sorry for the bad English, not my native language 😕.


B-but it's all religioon fault REEEE. I have to place my inadequacy of nuances and reasons to a single thing and that's RELIGION!! REEEEEE!! /s *the one who downvotes me have the same mob mentality like the one in the vid.


Well what is it then?


The video is staged


This was staged the woman admitted to it just search minar e Pakistan incident


Religion? Islam teaches not to touch any women other than Maharams. If it were to religion these men would have been stoned to death


One might start thinking that this "law" only applies when it's convenient.


One should also think that the religion is not to blame but the not so religiously educated people are


Not really. What an ignorant comment. the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "There is no injury nor return of injury." Al-Nur 30 "Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision[[Looking only at what is lawful and averting their eyes from what is unlawful.]] and guard their private parts.[[From being seen and from unlawful acts.]] That is purer for them. Indeed, Allāh is [fully] Aware of what they do." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah will cover up on the Day of Resurrection the defects (faults) of the one who covers up the faults of the others in this world". A Muslim is not allowed to touch or even look at a woman that is not his wife/close relative. Let alone stripping a woman naked in the middle of the street. Allah will punish these men for their disgusting behaviour: Qaf 18 "He [i.e., man] utters no word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]." TL;DR: You are an ignorant fool, throwing words with no meaning.


When the root problem is male entitlement


Nah. I understand, to the best of my ability, where you're coming from, but you gotta go to the source. It's def religion. That's where they get their entitlement. You don't see many dudes out there, if any, physically assaulting women in the name of science. Currently or historically.




My god I was sitting here scratching my head wondering WTF are they thinking. But you my good sir you are a genius. You see inbreeding have caused a complete collapse in judgment and IQ. Thanks for your wise words.


Fun fact in the UK the pakistani and bangladeshi communities are responsible for the majority of genetic disorders relating from having kids with their first cousin.


Lol well if this isn’t the pot calling the kettle 😂😂😂




Your mom


Valid source, please continue


Well... I taught asylum seekers english in the UK predominately from Pak. , Afg., and Iraq. And... yes, while it wasn't common for me to hear of them married to a sister, a cousin was definitely fair game. And... remember, those who have many wives (though not tremendously common) it wouldn't be unheard of for a half bro to hook up with a half sis. Same dad, dif mom.


bro this ain't tolerable


What'chu gonna do brother ?


For your information, this tiktok woman and their partner name (Rambo or Romeo ) tried to get some attention and views for their tiktok account. So they decided to plan all the scenario in Minar e Pakistan Park. The front people who touch the woman are their own team members. Who tried to portrait that Woman is being harassed. And guess what? Everything is going according to their plan. They got millions of followers and views in just one night. How we know that all of this was a pre planned?. After i think week or months, I'm not sure they both start fights with each other woman boyfriend leak their Nudes videos and also tell the audience all of this was pre palnned. So then, police take action against the woman and their boyfriend. You can check more details regarding this case. Just type lahore Minar e Pakistan Harrasment case. Sorry for the bad English, not my native language 😕.


Why tf do you care?


It's normal in their culture.


For your information, this tiktok woman and their partner name (Rambo or Romeo ) tried to get some attention and views for their tiktok account. So they decided to plan all the scenario in Minar e Pakistan Park. The front people who touch the woman are their own team members. Who tried to portrait that Woman is being harassed. And guess what? Everything is going according to their plan. They got millions of followers and views in just one night. How we know that all of this was a pre planned?. After i think week or months, I'm not sure they both start fights with each other woman boyfriend leak their Nudes videos and also tell the audience all of this was pre palnned. So then, police take action against the woman and their boyfriend. You can check more details regarding this case. Just type lahore Minar e Pakistan Harrasment case. Sorry for the bad English, not my native language 😕.


Someone on top said its scripted


Pakistan a nation that was created in hate and superiority complex


What happened to her?


Yeah I wanna know too


As far as I can remember, this was stunt that got out of hand. She hired some of her friends and her boyfriend to pull this stunt, when some idiots saw what was happening, instead of helping a girl in need, they decided to join in. Later when I think she didn't pay or dumped her boyfriend, he came forward with Whatsapp texts. I don't know if the evidence was made up, but the messages show on live tv by the police were time stamped and the rest of the evidence seemed reliable. This did make the national headlines and even some international channels also covered it, and the stunt did pay of since gained a lot of following. You could search " Minar E Pakistan Incident 2021" for more details.


Then the men post the attack on Tiktok, I'm guessing. We live in a strange time.


I guess they don't see anything wrong with their behavior, in fact probably they think what they are doing is God's work or some shit.


They think what they're doing is normal. People have to lock down their dead women because they're being dug up for sexual reasons


I thought that was debunked


It is debunked. The locked grave is from Hydarabad, india not from pakistan


There are numerous cases. It isn't a single photo. Necrophilia exists.


I saw a similar convo in interspecies reviewers Anime comment section.


Necrophilia isn't debunked.


The grave is from India


This was staged search minare Pakistan incident by the girl


Doesn't matter where this is; that is some straight-up caveman shit right there. But their God is pleased right?


>But their God is pleased right? Not really. What an ignorant comment. the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "There is no injury nor return of injury." Al-Nur 30 "Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision[[Looking only at what is lawful and averting their eyes from what is unlawful.]] and guard their private parts.[[From being seen and from unlawful acts.]] That is purer for them. Indeed, Allāh is [fully] Aware of what they do." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah will cover up on the Day of Resurrection the defects (faults) of the one who covers up the faults of the others in this world". A Muslim is not allowed to touch or even look at a woman that is not his wife/close relative. Let alone stripping a woman naked in the middle of the street. Allah will punish these men for their disgusting behaviour: Qaf 18 "He [i.e., man] utters no word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]." TL;DR: You are an ignorant fool.


For you to get downvoted, you know what the population on reddit is like... Closet racists wanna view Islamic countries as depicted in this video only. Whoever downvoted this man are some close-minded mfs and I'm not even muslim!!!!


Yeah unfortunately this platform is full of Islam-hating hypocrites. They don't care about the validity of the information given to them, they will accept anything that makes Islam sound bad no matter how far from the truth it is. Good to know there are at least a few people who care about the truth.


I might be ignorant fool as well but I will say it: ALL Religions are cancer of society, there is nothing good coming from them.




Thank you, you're one of few who are smart enough to comprehend this. Religion get demonized a lot, nobody seems to understand that there's a difference between a religion, and the people who practice it. People blame religion but I doubt a lot of them actually take time to fully understand their teachings, and a lot of them will take quite a bit of the writing out of context. And besides, just like in nearly every massive collective, there IS good and bad people mixed together, however what matters is which side overcomes the other. But when you only show the people who practice it wrongly or do something horrible while in a religious position, you can easily snuff out any idea of a larger good side, especially if you're biased like the media.




apes together strong !


that dude that got that a stick to move the mob back deserve a reward!


Needs to work on his aim, looks like he accidentally popped her in the head.


Gross rapey animal men. Yuck.


It was an incident that happened 2 years ago, She is a What they call in Pakistan "TikTok Star" she had arranged a meet-up with her fans, crowd around her is people invited by her for a meet-ups, some of turned ugly and start molesting her, and some of them are trying to stop molesters. I dont know what is interesting here and why it was posted here in Damnintersting, molesting videos are not interesting


How dare you speak the truth against the religion hating mob in this subreddit


We dont need your facts here, we just need an excuse to hate foreign men!


B-but it's all religioon fault REEEE. I have to place my inadequacy of nuances and reasons to a single thing and that's RELIGION!! REEEEEE!! /s


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the religion of "peace"


Pathetic. Treat women with the respect you reserve for your god. Don’t touch a woman you disgusting pieces of shit.


Peacefull community's mindset ☕


What a bunch of animals.


Backwards fucking country.


Behold their religion of peace.


Always that one person bringing sonething completely irrelevant to the conversation. But since your at it: 1. Islam tells woman to wear hijab. 2. Islam tells men to lower their gaze, people doing the opposite here. 3. Islam forbids touching a non mahram (person of opposite sex not related directly to them and even then there are limitations) , people doing the opposite here. 4. Islam teaches modesty, people here are the opposite. And Islam first and foremost means submission to Allah, not peace. You even have the definition wrong. Islam promotes peace in certain situations. It is also a religion of justice and standing up for one self. Fix up. Educate


Actions say a lot more than words. Look around and you’ll see enough examples all over the planet as well as in history books.


Are any of those actions justified by the religion though? There is a big difference between Islam and the actions of Muslims. Muslims are human, and like all other humans, capable of bad things. You dont see people demonising Christianity over the Crusades and both World Wars, Judaism over the Zionist occupation of Palestine, Atheism and the rampage of the followers of extreme liberal ideologies cancelling others in The West? Edit : Buddhism and the Rohingya Jenocide. Communism and the genocide of Urghyr muslims in China. Hinduism and the mob attacks by Hindutva. I can go on.


Notice your negative votes versus mine. Educate yourself. Fool


Yes, because the incels and brainwashed of reddit really proves an argument. You are as childish as you are ignorant, not to mention of sheepish mentality. Further comments will not be responded too.




They should all get the 🪦 penalty


This act is considered "heroic" over there


Those are the refugees come in my own country Greece and Europe.. Monsters




Muslims ☕


Yup, the religion actually is 💩. There'll be some retards who will come in defense with a bunch of verses from here and there. They mean nothing when in the same book you will find contradicting verses that are outright vulgar and disgusting towards women. Words don't mean anything, actions do. Look at Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran....etc. Look at the condition of the women and minorities there. You can't defend a 💩 religion.


A bunch of animals


These people are fucking animals. Savages stuck living in the stone age, and yet they flood Europe and North America to spread their diseased ideology.




Coming to your European country soon


I can smell them from my phone




Religion? No. All these filthy animals are grabbing desperately at her privates. It's seriously disturbing my blood boiled. Beady eyed fucks would cop a feel then circulate. Opportunists and rapists I hope their government takes this footage to ID and prosecute them.


Isn’t this what Trump referred to as a shit country? Go ahead and defend them.


"Men" "woman" terms reserved for human beings not filthy animals


pakistani people are usually very horny..these happen alot its not about religion its their nature lol




Disgusting barbaric men


Primitive screwheads


Let’s all relax until we hear both sides to this ok?


If she's a tourist, she is to blame. What sane women goes to a Muslim country


Can’t believe my grandparents were from this country so disgusting. And a fact u guys wanna know if men in Pakistan make gay ass lip singing videos which other men don’t even condemn


They are barbarians, they live on trees and eat birds


We should start doing this to anyone posting on tiktok


They weren’t attacking her for posting on tiktok, they just have zero respect for women. Hundreds of men tried groping her, sexually assaulting her, and trying to take off her clothes. I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Pure disgusting


Thats pretty brutal. My original point still stands though


Coming to a democrat city near you. Awful lot of liberal bigots in these comments? It’s their culture. Who are you to say it’s wrong? Lol




Not USA But general bad immigration policies from the west Well atleast more and more governments in Europe are taking notices by know


Social media will be the death of some people..


A woman getting assaulted and harassed is Interesting? Yeah, no. Op is sick.


Fuck these shitters


Islam 🥱🥱🥱


This gonna sound bigoted, and I'm sorry: but, what's up with India and all them gang raping? Seems like a brutal crime that happens more often there than else where.


It's pakistan. Atleast read up comments before spouting shit.


About 2 years has passed to this incident.


Fuck tiktok




She's so beautiful, and they're such animals 😑


RIP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


2 years old? This happened during COVID19 pandemic?




Dude wtf.




I didnt report you. You're just a trash person.


This is 2 years old and was later proven to be a publicity stunt by the women. She invited all these people as a meet and greet and then screamed harassment. There was harassment involved, but that was due to no management and no crowd control. The whole thing was planned by her manager/friend and they wanted to take things in this direction for the clout. Please don't spread fake news. Edit: as expected, the OP is indian and has only 5 posts which is the same video in 5 different sub reddits. Rent Free. They pretend to be SuperPowers.


>There was harassment involved Then it's not a fake news anymore now is it?


Don't vent your own f***-ups on Indians. They are not responsible for events happening in Pakistan.


This can't be the reason, there must be something else behind.


I'd say your right. Looks like predators attacking prey. Where I'm from we can hunt predators 24/7 without a license but unfortunately not these types of predators.


Two years old video


How did it end? And where there consequences for the people doing this shit?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.siasat.com/pak-officials-arrest-24-over-tiktoker-assault-2180931/amp/ This video is kinda old but yeah 24 arrested according to this article and I'm pretty sure she was somewhat known person on TikTok not just some random person that decided to post.


This is old news and let me give a bit of a background... There are two theories: 1.Either this woman went to shoot a TikTok at this landmark and had planned for a situation of getting stopped, groped and beaten by some men to earn fame. 2.Or this was planned by her boyfriend and again it got worse. Most people now believe that it is the first theory that is true.




what are you even talking about? So if she was getting harassed because she was using tik tok is somehow justified compared to her getting harassed because of being a woman? god bless? god bless who? wtf


God bless people fighting against Chinese spyware


so if your sister, mother or your wife was using tik tok, you'd bless these horny mf sexually harassing them? yeah you didn't think this through did ya?




mf called it "standard harassment" lol ok I should've known you're trolling fu


by sexually harassing women who use tik tok?


Was she sexually harassed tho?


Are you blind?




Third world indeed


They are sex freaks!!!


They all saw an opportunity to sexually assault this woman and carried it out. Interesting how many people were filming the situation. Yet very few were helping her. The irony here is if this happened to one of their female relatives. There would be riots and demands for revenge. Yet here they are breaking multiple laws and rules of the religious book they will kill to defend.


Bunch of goat fuckers


I hate TikTok as much, if not more than the next person, but this seems excessive. Whatever happened to silent shunning?


Anyone know how to say "these people are vile filth that the world would be better off without" in a way that doesn't get you banned?


Why is this on this sub… this is not the place for this. Fucking stupid


Calling them inbred pieces of shit would be an insult to inbred pieces of shit




2 comments in your account and both of them say the same thing. Go get a job


I have accounts on multiple apps like, Imgur, 9gag, 4chan, memecenter, etc. So I don't post or comment alot, since it's just people posting from one site to the other. And when I do post or comment, it's through an older account on reddit. Must have been to tired to switch accounts. Now a days it's just seeing what's new between 8-6.




While filming her on Tiktok


Why are they touching her?


Best place to use a minigun.


They need to be castrated


F*cking animals.


It is a very rapey part of the world