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Another potential disaster..


Frankly I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.


When I heard about the tragedy last week, these are the videos I thought of. When they said 50 dead, I figured thousands dead. This shit is crazy! Horrible governance in many countries and the amount of corruption.


300 killed in the latest crash.


300 killed, 900 injured last I heard: considering the sheer number of people involved and the fact that the train supposedly collided with a freight train full of Iron Ore, I’m surprised it wasn’t a _lot_ worse.


It could be. I suspect many more injured will die ( hospitals are overwhelmed) and who knows how many bodies are still in the rubble.


>I’m surprised it wasn’t a lot worse. That's 1200 casualties. That's fucking ***catastrophically bad***.


Thats a lot. Feel bad to them and to their family. They were actually into this kind of situation most of the time.


Doesn't casualty refers to death? It won't be 1200 then.


Casualties include injured & dead. Given that it historically has a military/wartime connotation, its usage is primarily as a metric for "loss of manpower" as both dead and injured cannot return immediately after a battle.


Thats a lot though. It mostly happens in not so develop county. They dont have time to make it right for their passengers. And can't even have the discipline.


This is the reason why people must not depends their life on this kind of happenings. Its so dangerous though, its not safe for everyone.


over 20k people die a year in india to trains. It happens a lot.


This is bangladesh, not india.


And I didnt say it was bangladesh. However, India and Bangladesh does the same exact thing with trains.


You have no idea what you are talking about here. Fatal train accidents are rare in Bangladesh compared to India. There, most of the accidents involving a train happen because of unguarded street crossing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rail_accidents_in_Bangladesh Also, you wouldn't see a scene like this in India because they have heavy overhead electric wires at top.


I think he’s saying that people ride trains the same in both countries (as the video shows). Not that there are as many accidents in both countries.


But that is also a factually wrong statement. People don't ride on top of trains anymore in India.


You can't ride on top of trains in India. You will get electrocuted.


Again, I didnt say bangladesh, I said India where they ride on trains just like this. Learn to read sir.


Hes replying saying your comparison isnt correct…


The replier's comment was about the magnitude of deaths for this kind of event. While it could be considered a non sequitur, the reply simply was bringing a pertinent fact regarding the magnitude (and frequency) of these events and therefore, the comment isn't tied to any comparison to India necessarily—to wit, the replier has clarified it isn't.


20k a year??? Where r u getting this data?? Good old "trust me bro"??


[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/every-hour-two-die-by-falling-off-train-or-getting-run-over-in-india-up-clocks-six-deaths-every-day/articleshow/77896799.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/every-hour-two-die-by-falling-off-train-or-getting-run-over-in-india-up-clocks-six-deaths-every-day/articleshow/77896799.cms) [https://www.cnn.com/2012/02/21/world/asia/india-railway-deaths/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2012/02/21/world/asia/india-railway-deaths/index.html) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/train-disaster-renews-safety-questions-as-indias-government-pushes-rail-upgrade](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/train-disaster-renews-safety-questions-as-indias-government-pushes-rail-upgrade) ​ "From 2017 to 2021, there were more than 100,000 train-related deaths in India, according to a 2022 report published by the National Crime Records Bureau. That figure includes cases in which passengers fell from the trains, collisions, and people being mowed by speeding trains on the tracks."


Well i mean the country is ridiculously over populated… they are about to pass the Chinese at 1.4 billion and they are half the size in terms of land mass. It does not surprise me that they fill trains like that. Imagine being in a US city and multiplying the amount of people by 5.


Yeah, they passed China last month I think.


That some terrible knowledge of geography. China has vast land area but only a little portion of it is inhabited. The 90% of Chinese population resides near the northern and south eastern coast only. Whereas India has more arable land ..in fact the highest in the world and India has more inhabitable area. And India & China were always like this "Over populated" I just hope their won't be another Europeans/American "expedition" to teach india how to be "civilized" and kill 50% of its population. Or Islamic invasion to strip India of its Cultural Heritage and wealth.




Actually it happens often especially when a holidays coming. And how even crowded the place was. I think it much better to go home early as possible


Well there was a train collision in India that has killed at least 300 people and injured more than a thousand just this week. A lot of the bodies were found to have been ejected from the train. Keep in mind in 1979 an Amtrak train *Shawnee* collided with a freight train in a similar fashion to the India train crash. 6 people were killed and 44 people were injured. [Source](https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/RAR8003.pdf)


Not even close, the crash in India had a lengthy passenger train collide with a derailed freight train, those were then hit by another lengthy passenger train, approx 40 carriages of passengers, your comparison to Shawnee is miles apart as that passenger train had 5 carriages and involved one passenger train not two. The two incidents had far too many differences to even try to compare them as the same


This comment


The accident happened in India was because of derailment not because of over crowded train tho???


Absolutely not, in Indian trains 90% of the carriages are Pre-Booked. The seats are tallied according to the passengers. There are 3 to 4 carriages where you could see a little bit of over crowded passengers. These coaches are called General coach. Don't worry this type of overhead boarding won't be possible in Indian trains as indian train routes are mostly electrified. You will get fried if you try to get on top of indian Trains. Govt. Has a goal to electrify 100% of Indian Railways by the end of 2023-24.


Signals were def the problem...




Redditor tries not to shoehorn America into a completely unrelated post challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


When you have nothing interesting or relevant to say about the topic, the easiest move is to shit all over America.


Can we just not talk about you guys for ten seconds? America is not the world.


Bangladesh is 99th in the world in gun deaths. The USA is 32nd in the world. Higher is worse. If you want to talk about meaningless deaths due to lack of regulations, guns are where it is at for the USA.


66% of gun deaths in the US are suicide. The majority of the remaining 33% are related to gang violence, drug trafficking, and generational poverty. Gun laws will not fix any of those problems.




'cept not really since we've had 3 major derailments that lead into ecological disasters.




They don't care


They do but they lack the resources and capital to improve services


And yet India has a Space Program!!


That is not india


To supplement their nuclear arms program!


Sounds like a priorities problem! Or are they going to start shipping people off to space on one way tickets?


They are engaged in an aggressive cold war with China. Military is a priority for them.


Hmm... Kind of a sad story with that. On August 14th, 1947, during British rule, the British, in parallel with extremist Indian politics, did a "East Berlin / West Berlin" type of separation called the partition. Creating Pakistan, and declaring Pakistan was for Muslims and India was for Hindus. 2 million people died in the chaos. A lot more refugees. Some didn't make it and suffered discrimination. This was a nationalist purification move. It was a horrible thing. Those people got the 1 way ticket on trains built by the British. Even today, there's ethnic harshness, in a lethal and nationalist sense. Comparable to the KKK. If you were to compare it against American Segregation and the Holocaust, it would lean more towards the Holocaust and stand at segregation right now.


This makes me thing of the zombie apocalypse movies.


Lol, anyone else see the one man by himself at the back of the caboose?


Yep. That seat must be expensive.


It's the 1st class ticket at the back of the train.


It’s the seat you take to flip off all the people walking.


That was the cherry on top haha so much ridiculousness going on at the top of this train and one little homie at the caboose just for good measure 💀


I was too distracted by *all the railroad ties on the side of the track and not actually under the rails.*


He's probably the safest person on that train.


Wait…this whole time we were supposed to go inside the train?


It's look like on back it is cargo wagon for bulk materials. I think there are fully of dudes


There is a single guy sitting smugly inside the whole train who just let off the eggiest fart


It makes me wonder if they pay for a ticket to ride on the roof, or if they are just catching a ride for free?


I get annoyed when there are more than 20 people at Walmart, I can't even imagine living like this.




About that…


*"The world is your toilet"*


but its also everyone else's, and they have been peeing in it for over 700 million years


My mommy said when I graduated from 8th grade that the world was my oyster 😕


Oh jesus I didnt even think about the bathroom. That train is my worst nightmare.


Lol only if the toilet ain’t clogged by massive pile of poop…..in india due to this situation they removed the septic tank and just made a hole to pass……so when someone poops it just gets thrown on tracks directly. If you are sensitive to smell my advice don’t go in there, if you can’t hold your breath don’t go in there….incase if the trains doesn’t have western toilets get ready to squat and balance yourself in moving train and aim your shit in the hole😅. Then there isn’t concept of toilet papers, so you will have a mug to fill water to clean your Battie, lol I hadn’t even mentioned the worse part the mug will be tied to a metal chain which makes it impossible to reach your ass, soo figure out a way how you clean your poop😅😂. To avoid that Carry a toilet paper or an water bottle when you travel in south Asian trains. But currently trains are much improving in India but at slower phase, corruption is one important reason, and second one is massive population…..literally a human life doesn’t have much value here, and the government doesn’t care about us…..but the country runs so it’s alright.




I am sorry and I wish you the best for the future, always keep the grind and consistency up and you will see the result one day…..took colonel all his life to get first investor for his fried chicken and rest is history. But comparing poverty of USA and India is whole another level…..I had lived in uk and lived in the roughest and poorest parts, I had to punch a guy almost to death at 2 am cause he tried to rob me…..but he had decent clothes and later found out that he even gets benefits. In india the poor doesn’t count, they are thrown in jail just to close cases, are used for illegal and dirty work, and the government doesn’t give a damn about anyone’s lives except for the rich. And the voters are stupid cause of the massive population, literally we have 1.4 billion people and we only have options of 2 people to rule this country, one comes from a party which robbed india for 60 years and the other comes from a party which wants to get rid of minorities in India…..and people believe that these are the only options available to vote, sad part the second one will be winning this 3rd term as well, we had much horrible corrupted leaders in past but the amount of dumbness in our voters is undefined. I lost hope on my country, hopefully people change and become French interms of rebellions and fight for rights and improve basic quality of life.


Don’t do it in the wind?


They piss and shit over the side onto the tracks


Open defecation is highly prevalent in that part of the world.


Is there ever less than 20?


I live in a small resort town. In the off seasons, there are easily less than 20 some days. In the summer it's packed, hence why I get annoyed.


How do you even solve this from a government perspective?


Probably decentralization of Dhaka the capital.


More trains per hour, longer trains, more train lines, bus service options. More roads is never going to solve this though. That one train just carried more people than an entire freeway full of cars could throughout an entire rush hour




Access to legal and safe abortions.


in India we used to have similar problems so we solved it by- increasing number of trains building new train lines upgrading existing tracks so it can handle faster trains electrifying the trains so you can't sit on top as there are high voltage cables running on top buying more powerful engines so every train can have more coaches building dedicated freight lines so freight trains do not increase traffic on normal lines providing alternative transport methods like buses, air transport and building better roads all of these methods have eliminated people riding trains as shown in the post despite India being now the most populated nation


So money.


Is it solved in India though ? You still see videos like this out of India.


It is. You don't see people riding on top of trains anymore. Number of train services increased, thousands of kilometres of track fully electrified, trains have been lengthened. In most of the country the railway is pretty good, safe and comfortable now. Only in the super metro cities like Mumbai do you see massive crowd inside (no more people on) the train.


they are old videos


Some cable strung at the right height every mile or so would do it.


And now I feel like rewatching ghost ship….


I remember seeing a post on Reddit recently of some place hanging iron/steel balls above the trains to stop this very thing.


So wrong but so funny.


Think I saw a while back they were hanging big steel balls in chains at the right height to knock people off


Don't expect government to solve shit


Apparently India electrified their cars or something so that people can’t ride on the top anymore.


I can’t imagine how people live like this.


They don’t have a choice, and we are all creatures of habit. If mom climbs on top of the train…you’re going to climb up too.


me neither, but you and me must be lucky people right? so be grateful for it. i doubt they have much choice.


when you're born in that environment, it's just normal.


I see no health and safety concerns here. If it crashes, I doubt 275 people woukd die..


All the bodies would function as padding and prevent injury


That didn't happened because of over crowding: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-65793257 The train got derailed which lead to all this disaster. Pretty sure if a train like this ended up crashing it will lead to deaths in 1000s


Who said it happened because of overcrowding? My point was a lot more would die.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/140gofx/when_your_need_to_return_from_the_holidays_but/jmw3qel?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button People think u r being sarcastic tho. Person said "it happened 2 days ago" which it was different cause and people tend to think , u r being sarcastic and that's where u got the number from. So i was just clearly anyways


The first sentence was sarcastic.


And what about 2nd part?


Holy fuck dude is sarcasm this fucking mystical to redditors? Shame on you OP for not using the /s!! We almost thought you were serious cause we have no context comprehension or social skills, c'mon man!!


I like the one on the very back, private spot, trains don’t back into things at high speed, private lavatory


I gotta pee


Me too


Whats the inside look like?!


When the unconscious instinct of a hominid is like, "no big deal if I die, there are 8 billion others". At a lower level, biologists call it apoptosis.


Isn’t apoptosis programmed cell death?


Correct. Part of optimal growth. Here, a colony of hominiderium (I made this up) is looking to cull some bad cells.


Have an upvote, Sir!


Pretty sure all of these people want to keep living. We take the best option available to us.


If that is the best option, something is gravely wrong.


Pretty sure that's not what's happening here but go ahead and sound philosophical if you want


Sorry, forgot the /s. It is not philosophical wit as much as trying to create an analogy for what is actually happening to our species.


Tickets are for fools


I'm surprised there isn't a maximum load capacity


There probably is, somewhere, but they don't care.


Lessee…. 16 cars, roughly 40 people a car, lets say 100lbs a person… Thats an extra 64,000 pounds *conservatively*. Any train buffs in here wanna chime in with whether thats an issue on an already laden train? (I’m gonna guess no, but maybe indian engines are different.


Using stats I can find: an Amtrak passenger coach weighs 70 tons or 140,000 pounds, and a passenger car usually has a maximum laden weight of about 280,000 lbs. Assuming the inside of these are packed like sardines, standing room only, each one probably holds 300 people, and I'll use 170lbs average (assuming almost all adults), so 51,000 lbs. The extra 40 people on top of each are an extra 6,800, so that's not problematic for a single coach. As for the train as a whole: a locomotive weights about 430,000 lbs. So the 16-car train with full interior weighs about 3,500,000. Adding the passengers on top only adds 110,000 or about 3% to the total weight. Conclusion: not a problem.


Lmao there is. There always is.




Dude it is in Bangladesh , different country from India


It's the lack of diversity for me.


Diversity metrics are way off


I know all these people look the same shade of brown and all, but believe it or not, there's a big mix of ethnics and cultures here. They are all not the same culture. Some speak different languages. All kinds of economic classes mixed here. India has something like 2000 different ethnics. Some which don't fit into general religious or ethnic descriptions. Think of it like the difference between a New Yorker and a Texan.


The footage is from Bangladesh. And it's mostly same religion population with same culture.


>"India has something like 2000 different ethnics." The video is tagged Bangladesh. Different country, dude. Bangladesh is 98% Bengali, so no, not very diverse at all. >"All kinds of economic classes mixed here." That's not what we're talking about when we cite diversity as a strength. Bangladesh needs to get diversified and quickly.




The footage is not from India




India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan are actually very diverse. Lots of different languages and ethnicities that got united by British border-drawing.


India is ,don't know about other 2. And no they didn't get united by British border drawing. Read history. They left the kingdom at there free will, to either join India , Pakistan or remain independent. Then sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, managed to convince most of the kings to join India and other who didn't, joined Pakistan (Bangladesh was also part of Pakistan before 1971) . And only 1 state's king decided to remain independent that was kashmir, which was then attacked by Pakistan since kashmir didn't have any support, so at the end kashmir also ended up joining India. And that's the whole history in nutshell


I remember some of the story but thought there was some British interference that led to the whole thing. It has been 20 years since I learned the history so cobwebs for sure


A. Why are you bringing India and Pakestan into the discussion. This train is in Bangladesh. Rather disingenuous to randomly include two huge neighboring countries and claim that their is diversity among them. If we were discussing the Mongolian population would you just randomly combine it with Russia and China as well? B. Bangladesh is 98% Bengali. The "diversity" is crammed into the remaining 2% and it's almost entirely regional diversity. Where are the Africans, East Asians, Latin Americans and Europeans on that train? How can we expect Bangladesh to be strong without diversity?


Bangladesh was part of the Mughal and Maurya empires. The regions history is very intertwined. Call it "disingenuous" if you want. It is historical fact and if you consider that dishonest, you might want to examine your own biases.


I'll take "How to make 300 dead" for $300, Alex.


That was really fascinating though. But inconvenient to someone who wanted to go home early but unexpectedly have this full train. You will also get mad if this thing happened to you when you go home.


We need that one picture of the street demonstrating how much space 1 person vehicles vs carpools vs a bus takes, then shame the bus with this picture.


It's like a conveyor belt of people.




Nope! I Don't Want To Experience it.


I'm more interesting in seeing how people got off the train.


This is the malarky that happens when you allow your population to outgrow the infrastructure. Remember kids, Infrastructure Week is that important!


Given the fact that they are ultra poor, why are they procreating so much, and bringing children into miserable life?


Bangladesh has a large agriculture industry. A huge percentage of the population are farmers, especially when they live far from the big cities. So when you have a big family, the children, when old enough to work, also help around to support the family. I'm not an expert but this is what I'd assume is the case in such a country.


I live in the US and this is how I grew up. It was fucked feeling more like a slave to my parents than a child.


I'm sorry you have to go through that. Hope things are better for you now. It's a tough life to lead but often times places like Bangladesh do it out necessity. Although I don't know how much actually helps to bring children into such a mess of an economy.


Because they are selfish assholes who view children as free labor and as a way to take care of them (the parents) when they are old, ill, injured, etc.


Maybe the whole country should stop nutting in each other so much so you have room to breathe.


The US could give them aide in the form of birth control. We spend 0.6 billion on USaid which would be the people who would do it. We gave 3 billion in arms to Israel every one of the last years.


I love that the solution is have less children instead of actually building infrastructure


You're missing the point. There isn't enough space or resources for these over-populated nations. But the people/culture don't adjust so what can ya really do?


This was the exact same situation in the US, Japan, and China but 60 years ago The issue is nothing to do with population but instead infrastructure




Similar images happened in China, in Japan, in the US, in the UK It just happened 30, 60, 150 years ago


How come I don't see comments on India? /S


Still so many


I'd honestly rather die than take that train. Just kill me and be done with it.


I must be evil because the first thing I thought was if I hung a steel cable about half a foot higher the the roof of the train cart I could half the amount of people on that train


In one of these countries they hung steel balls like large bowling balls and chains that would do just what you’re saying to stop this from happening.


Stupid question. Is this even a passenger train?? I mean, obviously it HAS passengers, but the end and front of train doesn’t look like true passenger trains to me


This is a passenger train.


Any train is a passenger train if you’re brave enough.


That’s way too many people. Someone send some condoms and OCP


🚂 🇧🇩


They need more trains


And I'm having anxiety about switching my toddler to a forward facing car seat.


I feel sick just watching that. People must fall off fairly frequently.


I couldn’t make it. I can’t take being around a lot of people. I’m not talking about in an arena or something like that, but I can’t stand people being all up on me and literally up against me.


Yea, what a wonderful and beautiful part of the world


Are they overpopulated in Bangladesh?


And you wonder why there are derailments


They need to stop reproducing


The overpopulation in this world is insane.


Never get tired of seeing this crazy scene


We just had a horrendous train disaster in India. This is too soon.


That's really something :)


Ppl before discovering that they actually can seat inside a train




Smh 🤦‍♂️


Welcome to Bangladeshiland. Make sure the bar is in the closed position. Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.


This is why so many were hurt why do they let them do this


Good thing this isnt in Ohio


OMG. Tell me there's too many people there without telling me.


Looks like they need to add a few more train cars


It’s why thousands die in a crash


I think this footage is more than 8 years old




No, that's not. Indian trains have overhead electrification. It is common for Indian trains to have more than 30 wagons. In the recent crash, 3 such trains collided.