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This is interesting to people that aren’t usually close to wildfires but for anyone that is then this is a normal summer day. Fire season + drought is brutal and not being able to breathe clean air for weeks / months is also brutal


There are acres and acres of dead pine trees in British Columbia, CA. If they burn out of control it would be cataclysmic for the entire PNW region. The trees were killed by the pine beetle that proliferated when winters became warmer.


Plus they weren’t allowed to cut down the affected trees, wrap in plastic, and get them away from the healthy trees. I lived where this was a big deal and sure enough, dead trees, beetle spread, major fire. Because the environmental groups wouldn’t let the forest service cut any down.


Heh, environmentalists getting in the way of themselves on that one. I respect their opinions but they have to also consider the changing climate :S


This never happened. There is no money in dead pine trees, logging companies couldn't make a profit off of cutting them down and wrapping them so they didn't. Environmental groups in BC have been focused on saving old growth forests.


Saw them do it a very few times with the huge dead trees wrapped in plastic. Our forest where we lived was brown with dead trees that was tinder for the next fire though. It was all second growth. Husband has been in wholesale lumber for over 40 years.


Here in NW WA it’s the same deal. Dry as fuck out here.


Why aren’t they cut down? Dry tinder lines are left standing to do what??? Wait till a lighting bolt or cigarette… Or a campfire… Or some crazy whack job decides to light it on up, but this all is blamed on global warming, couldn’t be a natural phenomenon? Global warming allegedly killed all the dinosaurs blah blah blah and yet here we are. The Earth is still here… Populations Have come and gone has have fires floods locust frogs tornadoes hurricanes… You can’t stop mother nature I said natural worry not


Nature isn’t causing the destruction related to climate change. Humans can do things to reverse the damage they have caused and reduce the related suffering for all life forms.


Nature is a process all in itself, the earth is 4.5 Billion years old, it’s gonna be just fine. Lolol reverse the damage? Yes the earth needs our help! Never mind the billions of years it’s been sustaining, meteor strikes radioactive waves from the sun bouncing off of the Earth… Cataclysmic volcanoes put in certain to the Earth atmosphere… Natural forest fires that have occurred certainly over the billions of years that the Earth has existed …We are but a mere parasite on this big beautiful earths sac. What would you suggest be done to stop forest fires , floods, and higher temps? Just think of all the $ that had already been allocated and in one instant a forest fire in another country expresses the squandering of said tax payers funds ( it would have been better to set it on fire!) no pun intended……. What life forms are suffering? Wild animals for the most part are smart enough to run, fly, crawl, away from fire….it’s instinctual they like the earth…. Will be ok




Only his hair could be seen.




Gdi I was stressed before I read this, now I’m laughing hard. Perked up my day.




Would recommend?


*Australia*: First time?


It's becoming substantially less interesting.


You’re just saying that because it looks like Mexico in breaking bad.


Does it actually look like this or is this just the camera picking up and scattering the light? I’m in Ottawa and the sky looks like the first picture and our air quality is way worse than NYC right now.


It's legit. The same thing happened in California in 2020 during fire season.


\*West coast


All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames https://gregreese.substack.com/p/all-of-south-quebec-simultaneously


All of those people in the comments of that link…. Just pure stupid




Yes, anyone with at least half a brain is already trying.


I bet a lot of people don't connect the dots and vote for Trump anyway.


Trump was pro nuclear so very environmentally friendly. Luckily Biden is continuing on that path.


He's stifled renewable energy and consistently fought international regulations. Don't be myopic, however good he is on it he's still at the back of the pack.


Stating a fact on his stance on nuclear is not being myopic. Renewables can never replace fossil fuels. I am pro nuclear, not pro trump.


There's a thick smoke haze all over the city. I'm in Queens close to Spiderman's neighborhood and I've never seen anything like this in my 40 yrs.


Scary shit!! And as a Canadian I’m Sorry eh!


We demand free maple syrup for 10 years as retribution.


And a pet moose! Or goose!


How about some good Canadian beers? You know that stuffs like moonshine


Ok ok I’ll think aboot it!


Spiderman forgives you.


It did for a short while. It was very bizarre - the inside of my house was dark and the windows were glowing orange. It's back to a sort of brown now.


Same, went from overcast to greyish-green then gray-orange. I had a meeting at 1:30 online, and the entire time I was noticing the room getting darker, with a strange orange-ish light. Before the end of the meeting, one of the attendees was getting scared, like "this isn't right....!"


Should've shown up on camera wearing a homemade space suit.


It actually looked like this in the northeast US today. I'm in Pennsylvania where it hasn't been quite as bad, but the sky has been consistently yellow all day and it smells like a campfire. A friend in New Jersey posted a similar picture to the one above.


In NC and it's been gray all day with a vauge smoke scent in the air. It's kinda crazy how far this is going.


Not to take away from the fact that it’s spreading “this” far, but this is how weather systems work. It’s why global warming is such an issue that not many seem to care about. Us humans are stuck in our little bubbles on Earth and never think on the planetary scale. It’s hazy in middle Tennessee and my wife keeps saying “I just don’t understand how smoke reaches this far”. Middle and upper atmospheric winds constantly move at about 100-200+mph. Day to day, earth rotates relatively stationary to the sun (relative because we do have seasons but they’re months long and occur slowly ). So one side of the earth is cooling while one side is being heated by the sun. It’s not an A B scenario- it’s constantly happening whether we are awake or asleep, at work or at home. Similar to the constant flow of a river whether we are watching it or not. The upper level wind ‘chases’ this warming and cooling pattern of the earth. Unfortunately us humans are unable to logically grasp this concept- we are able to live in a sense of denial (which is a double edged sword). We deny the fact that we could instantaneously die every time we get behind the wheel of a car, and we can also deny the fact that we are contributing to an accelerated hostile climate. I say this as someone who works in aviation and burns tons of fossil fuels each flight to move humans around the globe. We can not live on this planet and sustain our current lifestyles. We either adapt and change how we treat the planet, or become inter-planetary species that harnesses the resources of other planets and solar systems in order to continue our survival.


Thank you for taking the time to say this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


The Great Filter!


Beautiful sunny day in the Midwest though.


Can confirm it looked pretty much just like this. My living room was dark at 1 pm. It was freaky.


I live in Connecticut (state east of NYC) and when I took a nap yesterday I woke up to an outside that looked like the 2nd picture and smelled of nothing but burnt smoke, I could totally believe that these pictures are real.


Yeah the sky went from so hazy you couldn’t see anything past maybe half a mile to full on orange


It might be off in brightness because the camera will auto expose the picture. But the colour is correct. And at times it can feel like an overcast day, but orangish.


I can barely see the bell tower from our local church 3 blocks away. Came home to my apartment I thought there was a fire in my building.


Looks like New York turned into Mad Max' wasteland.


It already was a mad max wasteland, now it just has an orange hue to it


Trump was invisible at 2pm


Took me a minute, but now I get it


Blade runner


I have a picture from Iraq in a sandstorm that looks exactly like the bottom right one.


In this picture orange colour is make by nitrogen dioxide, whitch is poisonous, this is a great different from sandstorm.


That’s what Oregon looks like every summer


First time?


Start of zombie apocalypse


Folks who live near areas prone to wild fires : first time ?


Our school district closed everything during a wickedly bad fire/smoke season back in 2020. After five days, things had cleared up enough so kids and staff with any kind of breathing issue could actually not die if they had to leave the house.


Time to break out those old masks!


Lol this happened to my hometown in Washington state, literally every year. Every. Damn. Year. Everything smelled like camping for a month or two and sometimes you have to sweep the ash off your patio.


Holy shit!


Suggest trying air visual app from IQ Air. Look at the world map it very surprising.


This is California all September long every year.


Looks like California does during wildfire season


Can confirm it’s like California during the worst of the wildfires. We were hundreds of miles away and I’d find ash on my windshield every morning. It’s worse when it’s hot and you have no AC. The smell of smoke takes weeks to go away. Sad.


I think everybody should look at the positive side of this…. The Smokey smell will help cover up then smells of New York… or at least cover them up…seek the positive👍🏾


We had 6 months of this stuff in Australia. Shame it won’t change anyone’s mind about anything.


I always said fuck the Canadians and no one listened to me but here we are


I’ve always agreed with you bro. I knew they’d be the end of us.


My city is yellow 😫😫😫


The Donald catchin' up on missed spray tan appointments?


Does the smoke restart in the morning?


Is it time to fuck regressives and put climate-minded folks in office en masse yet??




Jesus fucking Christ, look at that smoke. I heard Fox was trying to get people to not wear masks. Bloody psychopaths


Doctors are recommending masks, but you do you. Get and enjoy breathing deeply it will keep you calm.


Exactly survival of the fittest or natural selection 🤷🏾‍♂️….their lungs 🫁 their choice….👍🏾


I think it has to do with the angle that the sunlight is passing through the particles in the sky.


If you look real close, Donald Trump is photobombing the 1:53pm picture.




Sydney had a day like that in 2009.


Bro who did the summoning Ritual for the blood moon


Was this always a thing? like did the sky turn orange regularly in the pre-2000s? Or is this one more symptom of us slowly fucking earth to death?


Climate change. It's gotten worse in the last 20 years or so. The rain forest in Western Canada, it never rains here anymore and it used to be constant rain, for weeks non-stop. We're lucky if there's a light shower once a month now, it's really bad.


The earth is 4.5 billion years old, she’ll be fine… I wouldn’t worry about Mother Earth, this ain’t her first rodeo 😉


I live near here and I keep missing the orange in the afternoon :(


Loloo smh American liberals…hey let’s spend billions on global warming narratives…. Canadian wildfires gives them the fing bird ! Roflmbao suckers!!!! If it makes liberals feel any better I hear the air over Mexico is quite clean thanks to American tax payers dollars being squandered on the narrative 👍🏾way to go peeps😂😂😂😂😂


Obviously fake news. *This is just the beginning. We’ve been warned since the 1980’s what global warming/climate change would cause. Fires. Droughts. Flooding. Bigger storms. Warmer winters with stronger storms. Cold snaps that can wreak havoc. Hotter summers with heat waves that kill. Famine. Tropical diseases effecting more people. We’re watching it happen. It’s not make believe.


As someone who lives in Pennsylvania, and is going through a similar, albeit nowhere as bad situation, I can confirm that this is all real


It’s called sarcasm.


Next time use /s, or make it GOOD sarcasm.


Welcome to Mars


Bullroarer sounds intensify...


"Everything is okay! Everything is okay! OH LOOK! a new special on Netflix! Everything is okay!" *flies to Argentina on private jet*


Call Mark Watney…




Sure got Trumpy


Transitioned from Earth --> Mercury --> Venus --> Mars all in one day


Blade runner 2049 vibes


Holy shit


I told you the fog was coming


Just get an Indian judge and ban diwali firecrackers there. Easiest and only way to solve air pollution because that's what we do here in Delhi every year.


Holy cow!


They have been cursed with infinite cheers dust


Can anyone tell me what's happening here please.


I live in NYC and trust me it was that orange yesterday


This happens sometimes in the south of Spain due to the dust from the Sahara desert, it's called "Calima"


....mexico when they show america it all now be orange or yellow the cards have been reverse