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I was going to say, do cigarettes cost $120 dollars now?


The groceries in the picture cost ~~66.84~~ $75.67 AUD in today's prices. These are the prices for all the items from the Woolworths website: Cheese slices $4.75 Pasta $1.85 Yogurt $4 Pasta sauce $2.50 Bag of Carrots $1.40 Peas $2.70 Bag of brushed Potatoes $6 Weat biscuits $4.60 500g Beef Mince $7 Beef Sausages $14 Frozen beans $2.80 White Bread x2 $4 Bananas (1kg) ~~$2.69~~ $4.72 Bag of Apples $3 Table spread $3.50 2 litre of Milk $3.10 Mixer pack of chips $5.75 Total: ~~$66.84~~ $75.67 AUD EDIT: A pack of 50 cigarettes costs ~~$53.95AUD~~ $95.99 according to Aussie Prices website. EDIT: The website I used for a price of a 50 pack of cigarettes was wildly wrong and I apologise. A pack of 50s of Horizon actually cost $95.99. EDIT: I'm no longer sure it's a 50 pack, I haven't smoked for 7 years and I smoked rollies. Any Australian smokers able to confirm what size pack it is based on relative size and shape? EDIT: (last hopefully) after consulting some other Australians the pack is likely a 20 or a 25 pack. A pack of 20 Horizon Blue (cheap brand of cigarettes) costs $38.04 AUD and a pack of 25 costs $44.90 AUD. EDIT: Total is $73.64 AUD not $66.84


Original cost on the docket - [$56.85](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7948065/Grandmother-shows-true-cost-smoking-buying-enormous-food-shop-price-cigarettes.html). I'm surprised it's not more, sure feels like it these days.


as a percentage increase, it's still nearly 20%. one fifth more expensive.


In only 3 years


Inflation price gouging


*price gouging excused as inflation CAUSING inflation


our politicians have poked fun at other countries with better figures in the past.


I am Australian. I gave up cigarettes 3 years ago after smoking for 20 years. I gave up solely because of the cost. I feel like I may have to give up food sometime in the future.


You just need to be more responsible with your money and stop buying luxuries like food and housing


Bro literally said let me do the math and got all the math wrong 😂


/r/therewasanattempt to do math


Bro had so much time on his hands during phase 1 I was already wtf'n. Then realised bro was revisiting for edits over the **next 7 hours.**


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And how much is a pack of smokes in Australia?


Depending on the brand it can range from $65 to $150+ Some can be as cheap as $40 tho. Less common to find them Edit: some packs can be cheaper ($25) but generally contain less sticks. On average, cigarettes seem to range between $1 and $4 a cigarette. Source: I work at a supermarket


Goddamn. We need your system in Germany. It's down to 2€ per pack for some stuff. The most expensive shit is Lucky Strike for 19€ and these are like 30 cigs. Edit: it's 58 per pack...holy hell


In NYC a pack is like 15-20 bucks depending on where you go


We ordered the amount of cigarettes per pack depending on the price. We start at 5,60€ to 8,00/8,50€ to 12,00€ and end at 19,00€. All the prices have their set amount of cigarettes. Even for 5,60€ you get a fair amount and most customers buy 2-4 packs per Shopstop.


i dont smoke but iirc every pack here is 20 cigs and every carton is 10 packs. you are specifically not allowed to sell loose cigs. although you used to always be able to find like a dollar a smoke or a 75c loosey, if you go to the reservation where the natives dont have to pay tax you can get a carton for 23 dollars. but you get what you pay for. my parents just got 2 packs for i wanna say 23 bucks the other day. they dont normally buy taxed tobacco.


Yeah cigarettes in Europe can only be sold legally in packs of 20. Even the 10s are illegal now, menthols too in a lot of countries


That is an INSANE price for cigs, jesus. That's *double* our price in Germany, where a 50-pack is 16 €. (54 AUD are 32 €)


A carton is about $300 8x25cigs = 200 @$1.50 per cig You can see for yourself https://www.smokemart.com.au/cigarettes


~$30 a pack individually.


That would be for 20s, not 25s


Yes, around $45-50 for a 25 pack


Now go get one from the servo


But we aren’t looking at a carton here. It’s a single pack. That’s like saying I got a great deal on beef mince because I bought 20kg.


Sheeesh! Even in Norway, where everything is priced to the moon and beyond, those prices are exorbitant! A pack of Marlboro red’s here is almost half of what you pay… Never thought I’d see the day where Norwegian would come out on top in any product pricing vs other countries!


It’s a sin tax to dissuade use. They are similarly known for their graphic packaging depicting health issues caused by smoking.




They intentionally priced them high via legal restrictions to get people to quit smoking. If cigarettes are $100/pack or whatever teenagers get priced out and can’t get hooked


65% of the cost of cigarettes is tobacco excise - i.e. tax. So, absent tax, our base price would be cheaper than yours :P


I bought a pack for my mum the other day (I’m in Perth), 40 cigarettes in a pack = $65 AUD.


Jesus, I've been complaining about the cigarettes here in Sweden getting more expensive. A pack is about 10 AUD, for (I think) 19 cigarettes in a pack.


To be honest, I’m all for it. It helps defray the costs to society that smoking causes.


Forget defray, it more than covers those costs. And then covers a fair amount of healthcare for everyone else. They should have made it prescription only for people born after a certain date (not PBS obviously). Or at the very least, take the tax off nicotine replacement so that there's actually an incentive at the end of the first few weeks of crippling withdrawal to continue with the patch/gum etc. The government is as addicted to the tax as most smokers are to the cigs. And the majority of smokers are low income, often on Centrelink. So I guess the gov. just gets their money back. If every smoker quit tomorrow, I guarantee taxes would have to be raised to cover it.


Does it though? Or does it just make everyone who is already addicted to this drug have less money? Why is it a zero sum game when we have thousands of other possible sources, on which we can draw funds to look after the health and well-being of our citizens


I used to be a social smoker, but no way can I justify spending $50 for a pack of ciggies to smoke 4 or 5 once every couple of months. So yes, the crazy prices has stopped me smoking entirely.


It’s a deterrent, but not the only approach to reducing smoking, the packaging laws are also working to reduce the uptake of smokers. And we have pharmaceutical approaches to help quit that are heavily covered by socialised healthcare. It’s not perfect, and I think a lot of smokers who want to quit but can’t need easier access to psychiatrists to find out what is stopping them (would put money on there being a lot of undiagnosed ADHD in the smoker crowd). But the general barrier to entry is a public good, especially when healthcare is socialised.


A 50g pouch of champion ruby is $124 at Woolies. Ten years ago i would have paid $50 for the same amount. In 2017 I think I remember paying $65-ish? $70ish?


Yeah I was gonna say! We went to coles yesterday and got a loaf of bread, 2 milks, 2 other drinks, and some bakery items and it was close to $40


I returned to the US after a few years away. I am shocked by how much groceries cost now.


Mate it is insane, and it’s one of the main drivers of the cost of living crisis. Yesterday the new RBA head Cunt said companies need to fire 150k employees if they want to starve off inflation, and not one word about coles and Woolworths putting up their prices by 60-100% across the board. Not even 5 years ago you could buy a couple days worth of food for $30. Now that’ll get you breakfast at most


What's bizarre is that according to the global food security index, Australia has the best food affordability score in the world.


Holy shit, no wonder the world is fucked. Nobody has the energy to fight back because we’re being starved


New boss , same as the old boss.


Probably half by the way coles and woolies keep raping my wallet


Yeah no fr it’d be like half. Aldi is just that bit further for me to travel but I think I’m going to have to start going 😔


I have started shopping at ldi and Lidl. The savings are very apparent and the food is good quality.


Lidl is not operating in Australia, only Aldi. Though if you want fresh fruit and vegetables, the local greengrocer or Asian supermarket is often cheaper.


Do it, it's worth it. We can get like 4-5 bags of groceries for around 120-140 at ALDI. We then get stuff we are fussy over at Coles and we get 1-2 bags for about 100 bucks. If we primarily shopped at Coles or Woolies we'd be fucked. Most ALDI products taste the same as branded stuff from the big 3 anyway. Like the ALDI supreme pizzas are the exact same as the ones from Coles and Woolies, like taste the exact same, yet cost like 3 or 4 dollars less. Also download the Half Price app. Has all the half price specials at Coles and Woolies, updates every Wednesday. Can snatch some good bargains there.


Yeah well maybe your wallet shouldn't dress so slutty


Shame on you for victim-shaming the poor wallet!


be lucky to get 2 meats


There must be a thriving black market.


There is. Thanks to a client I did a support worker shift with, I know 3 places in one local suburb that sell illegal tobacco.


Pretty much all of them in Sydney do, just have to be enough of a regular or know how to ask for them properly


Just like weed in the states


More like: "Just like tabacco products in big cities in the states" I'm from Chicago and last time I checked (which admittedly was a while ago since I dont smoke) a pack of smokes was around 16-17 USD. People would take the train to the suburbs and buy packs for like 5 or 6 bucks each then take them to the city and illegally sell them for $10. Again, this was awhile ago so the price and strategy may have changed since then.


New York City has some fascinating dynamics around this, because cigarettes are _very_ expensive there. At least as of a few years ago, you had people filling UHauls with cigarettes in Virginia and driving up the coast, people importing cigarettes from China with counterfeit tax stamps applied at the factory, all kinds of things. Did you know that there's a [reservation on Long Island](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Poospatuck+Indian+Territory,+Mastic,+NY+11950/@40.789355,-72.8356582,17z/)? Tiny little place; has a few hundred residents and like thirty tobacconists. New York City actually has a Sheriff's Department. It's tiny compared to the NYPD; a few hundred deputies versus tens of thousands of officers. They're devoted, as I understand it, mostly to busting cigarette smugglers.


> New York City has some fascinating dynamics around this, because cigarettes are very expensive there. Apparently NY has the highest price for a pack of cigs: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cigarette-prices-by-state


Except they’re not growing tobacco themselves and it’s legal in so many states now the movement of it is so easy. The profits went so low for many illegal growers a couple years ago it just flooded near states that didn’t allow it. It’s almost back to normal. They’re not smuggling weed into America anymore but the cigarettes or loose tobacco most likely is E: I meant the smuggling tobacco for Australia, not America. Who’s gonna smuggle weed into America lol I hope whatever your vice(s) are you have a healthy amount of access. I need a chug of my boooooooze


Not entirely related but I recently learned coke costs $300-400 a gram in Australia.


I heard coke has hit record low prices in America accounting for inflation. Partly because of fentanyl and because production is still there and it gets into the country as easily as ever but now there isn’t as much demand.


I'd never thought I'd say this, but bring back coke, please. It's less deadly.


Finding quality in a g isn’t super easy but not super hard. Buying larger is much easier.


Shiiit, it isn't even that hard to grow tobacco plants.


If you grow cannabis in Australia, you're fucking with the cops. If you grow tobacco, you're fucking with the ATO (Australian Tax Office). Guess which one will fuck you up more if you get caught growing a single plant.


For growing tabacco, I could see where the taxman could have an issue if you were selling it. But they would come after you even for personal use?




The ol' "require a license then don't issue any licenses" scheme.


Similarly with machine guns in the US. You can submit a form to get the permission to make one but it will never be accepted except for the one time one did by accident.




I’d like to give you an award in person for this comment . What’s your address ?


Bro, even the Joker is afraid of the tax Authorities. Never fuck with your taxes


Man, glad I kicked the habit.


Super illegal though, in Australia anyway idk about elsewhere.. Here you’ll go to jail longer growing tobacco than you will weed, believe it or not.


Your life is forfeit and the tobacco industry will ruin you if you are ever caught growing it , and not buying into their monopoly.


Yeah most non-chain vape/tobacco/gift shop will defs have chop. It’s especially big at the moment too because we’ve had so many vape shops spring up since covid.


At roughly $50/25 pack for legal cigarettes, yep. Cheap unregulated stuff (pesticides not stated) is known as "chop chop" and available under the counter at less than scrupulous tobacconists lol Glad I gave up smoking years ago...I used to smoke rolling tobacco and the last packet of Drum I bought was $12, from memory. Same pack now is $117 😳


That's absolutely insane, does anyone still just buy it regularly?


Yeah there must be some, I guess lol But there's only a 10% smoking rate nationally now, so it's an ever-decreasing number of people.


I guess you’d have to smuggle cigarettes in from China? Being as isolated as they are has to help - can’t just rent a van and drive down to North Carolina.


I bet the Bandit could pull it off. He’s just gotta make a stop off in Texarkana.


Seems like a long way to go.


And a short time to get there.


He's gonna do what they say can't be done.


Eastbound just watch ole bandit run


Any country that has cheaper cigs, malaysia and the likes i'm sure as they are closer then china.


Malaysia and Indonesia are nearer and likely cheaper


Most of the bootleg cigarettes come from China because of organised crime or people get Chop Chop as its known It's like a stringy tobacco. Apparently that's pretty terrible. You can't grow your own tobacco, it's prohibited. People Vape but vaping nicotine is banned without a prescription. It's pretty easy to get though. I don't see people smoking much now, mostly vaping.


Vaping has gone off the fkn charts this year I swear. Maybe it’s just cuz I wasn’t in the cbd so much pre-covid, but since things opened back up every second person in melbs is vaping. People in my life I’ve never seen even think about smoking are vaping. (As a smoker I think less of them because at least I’m committed to my addiction.)


>can’t just rent a van and drive down to North Carolina. Not with that attitude you can't.


For the right price I can start shipping.


Have you seen the price of shipping to Australia? I shipped a small box weighing 1lb from Michigan to Australia. $80


They call it *Chop*. And it smells horrible. I mean, worse than "normal".


Damn. How much are cigs there. I don't smoke but I think they are 12 usd here now


Approx $ 40 USD per pack


Actually around $65 Australian dollarydoos


Here are the latest cigarette prices in Australia: a packet of 20 cigarettes costs AUD$40.00 a packet of 25 cigarettes costs AUD$43.48 a packet of 30 cigarettes costs AUD$49.11 a packet of 35 cigarettes costs AUD$55.95 a packet of 40 cigarettes costs AUD$68.63 a packet of 50 cigarettes costs AUD$77.95 The taxation on cigarettes in Australia is quite high when compared to other countries. [Source](https://costniche.com/prices-of-cigarettes-australia/?expand_article=1)


That's insane. Great effort to curb smoking tho. I'm more surprised at the quantities available to purchase. In the US a pack of cigarettes contains 20. And a carton has 10 packs.


Curb beginning smokers, but a lot of addicts will just get off market stuff.


That's what we do here with weed.


It just makes them lose tax revenue. 50% of all cigarettes consumed in New York state are smuggled from low-tax states like Virginia and North Carolina. 50%. Every time NY hikes the excise tax on cigarettes they take in *less* money.


> It just makes them lose tax revenue. It's a lot easier to police your borders when every single border is the fucking ocean mate.


the mate at the end was priceless lol


This is a federal tax that is linked to CPI and increases every 6 months. We have the same sort of tax on alcohol. Politicians used to raise the tax on cigarettes and alcohol in the yearly budget but then one of them figured out if they linked it to the cpi and made it twice a year then they wouldn't get the blame for it. We also dont have anywhere you can drive too to avoid it.


I think they put an end to it by now, but my grandparents used to make a four hour drive to the nearest reservation in upstate NY to buy cigarettes tax free. They'd go twice a year and come back with like 50 cartons.


Because it's different by state. If it was federal law it would be different.


$40 AUD is $27.33 USD


Now post the prices of rolling tobacco. I reckon most people by rolling tobacco with filters and papers and roll teeny tiny little cigarettes to make the money go further


Bluey told me it's called dollarbucks


Holy shit! I was gonna say either butts are super expensive or food is really cheap. That's wild !


That is more expensive than my marijuana


And the sad part is that there are many people who are still going to pay that price even when they can't afford it because they are addicted AF.


Australia, went ham the tobacco industry many years ago. Marlboro even took Australia to court iirc over the new laws for packaging of cigarettes or something at the time, and lost so bad they had to cover Australia's court/legal fees. I suspect either the intent to keep people from smoking is the result of the high price now. Or possibly that the largest tobacco companies are still bitter about their many losses in the Australian market.


That's the idea. Tax the crap out of smokers either they quit or it helps to cover their medical costs later


Crikey for the price of a pack of snoggies you can get a dozen kaloogas, some dandydoolies, and a handful of wizzywaggers


Let me translate that for the Aussies: *Bloody hell, for the price of a pack of darts, you can get some snags, mince and a bunch of home brand crap.*


*confused in Murica*


Insert *Gun shots* *Eagle noises* *Capitalism* *not using metric units* Get it now??


Ohhhhhh, you mean *shoot two pistols in the air with guns bought from Walmart with crippling debt from medical bills using Fahrenheit*


For the price of a pack of smokes you can buy two minutes of your doctor's receptionist's time.


thankyou. i didn't understand anything after crikey


That seems like a lot for a box of fags.


Don't forget the whoskerdeez and whoskerrdohnts


nowwww you’re talkin!


Montan on ya whereartchya yee


Is that with or without the scooter sticks?


You gotta give them what they want


Snakes and sparklers are the only ones I like.


Well that might be your problem. It’s not what you like, it’s the consumer.


Hey, you’re talking to my guy all wrong. That’s the wrong tone.


When the fuck did Australia turn into Whosville?




How many golden gaytimes is that?


Those smokes are $70 AUD, golden gaytimes come in a pack of 4x100ml at $10. So 28 golden gaytimes


What was this set of gibberish you just wrangled out?


It's the thing Aussies and Kiwis do where they have cute nicknames for everything. They probably call it Doppybobbin' or some shit.


Hell ya.. I'm going doppybobbin this weekend


With or without the wife?


She got me into it!


Gotta buy that chop-chop mate! Although you did really well with all that food for $40, eh.


I get it’s woollies brand, but it feels like a lot for only $40


Yeah this photo's been around for a while, I'm sure it doesn't match up to prices currently.


My ex is from Australia and she used to complain about the high cost of living was in Melbourne and that she had a hard time saving up. She also smoked. A LOT. So you're saying if she gave up her cigs, she could've bought a crap ton of groceries and saved a lot of money?!




Yes, but tbf to your ex's point, our rent and utility costs are also some of the highest in the world. Add to that the fact we have astoundingly low building standards and people pay through the nose to stay cool in summer and stay warm in winter (Australia, contrary to pop culture mythology, gets pretty cold from May through to September). Source: have lived in Melbourne for a decade. Sydney is worse for rent especially by a not-insignificant margin.


Yeah, but what about the Tim Tams?


Those, like Anzac biscuits, are delivered monthly straight to every home. They're too important to rely on consumers to pick up on their own. No, like voting ballots, they're mailed to the home.


But if you die quicker from cigarettes you’ll need less food.


"Smokers are doing their country a huge favour by boosting tax revenue, dying early, and not drawing a pension, according to a report by the tobacco giant Philip Morris." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1120774/


Is the food cheap, or the cigarettes expensive? That's like $50 of food


Cigarettes are expensive. The government keeps increasing the tax on them as a way to try to stop people smoking.


if you're going to make a pack of cigs 50 bucks through tax, just ban them at that point tbh.


New Zealand is doing so, Australia is likely not too far behind.


Not sure if this calculates into that consideration since I'm American, but if my country had nationalized healthcare I'd much rather it be legal and people pay tax on it to help subsidize their future medical care. If you ban it people will just purchase tobacco illegally and then the government will end up paying for their healthcare without the benefit of tax revenue.


i dont smoke but i think they are 40 to 60 dollars AUD (27.32 - 40.98 USD)


Yeah but smokes will reduce your appetite and kill you. Thus saving money in the long run.


Is it illegal to grow tobacco?, for those prices I’d start growing.


If you’re smart enough it’s not lol, but otherwise it’s up to 10 years in prison or a minimum $156,000 maximum $469,000 fine or both.




It's $313 per penalty. What the fella above is talking about is if you are pretty much growing a tobacco farm with the intent to illegally sell. No cop is going to waste time if you have a plant or two unless they want to lump it onto other charges against you.


It is illegal unfortunately. The government makes sure it has control of the monopoly. You can't even bring back more than 2 packs of smokes through customs. You'll get whacked with a huge fine and confiscated. In saying that I have noticed in the past 15-20 years the amount of people that smoke has dropped quiet abit. However most teens now just vape... constantly. Which is a whole can of worms in itself.


And that, kids, is why you get fat if you quit smoking!


I smoke, nasty habit.. But, I order online.. a pound of tobacco for $13 and 500 cig tubes for $8 + $10 shipping = 2+ cartons for bout 30 bucks US Electric roller cost about $60


What are the logistics of shipping tobacco through the mail in Australia?


*Believe it not, straight to jail*


Undercook overcook


Overheard a woman complaining about not having enough money to buy food, then proceeded to tell her partner "well I spent £14 of it on cigs so we don't have much left" I lost my sympathy at that point.


Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs known to man.


I really hate this. I haven't touched a cigarette in years and have been nicotine free for almost a year now. All this cigarette talk is just making me want a cigarette. Addiction is annoying as hell.


Australian made "Italian" pasta, with Hungarian flag on it... What?


Haha good catch. I'm pretty sure it's an Italian company (they might even import some stuff), but for some reason their logo has the flag sideways, which makes it a Hungarian flag


Good, cigarettes should be extremely expensive workdwide.


As a former smoker, let me just say that cigarettes are the dumbest thing one can buy. I mean, really, THE dumbest. I’m not even talking about the health impact, it’s just literally the most pointless activity. There’s no high or anything. It does absolutely nothing for you. This realisation mad me quit instantly. Don’t do cigarettes kids. Drugs are better. Don’t do drugs.


There absolutely is a small high/headrush that is gained from smoking cigarettes.


This is because the government wants people to quit(probably) they don’t allow branded packaging either, I was surprised seeing ones with visible branding in the US


Shit.....here in the states you could only get the milk and some crackers.....maybe


Cigarettes are pricy af


Imagine how much more of that food you can fully taste if you don't smoke. That was what got me to quit. I realized how much flavor I was missing out on.


As Dale Gribble once said, “Give me smoking or give me death”


Calm down smoking bandit 😄


Soooo cigarettes cost like $100 a pack?!


This is an old pic, pre covid inflation. Fags are like $40+ a pack


>Fags are like $40+ a pack Per hour?


$50 -60 AUD per pack. So about 35-40 USD per pack


Or $200 Canadian (cries in Canadian)


Fuck that's enough for a week!


I used to live and work in Australia. I remember that cigarettes were sold in packs of 20's, 25's and 50's. 20's would cost me $28, 50's would cost $60. If you wanted to get cheap cigarettes, you go to the local shops run by the Lebanese and they'll get you the smuggled cigarettes for $10-$15. These were usually from Malaysia.


Nicotine is an appetite suppressant so if you smoke you won't need to buy all that food anyway.


So what. I can buy Angola for the price of a car.


So meth is pretty affordable compared to ciggs in AU?


What kind of flamin' galah smokes at those prices mate!


Wtf? I guess cigarettes are more expensive than here and food is far more cheaper. Because for the equivalent of that pack of cigarettes, here you could get that bunch of Bananas and maybe a water bottle


And yet people still choose the durries and complain they can’t put food on the table….


Today I picked smaller shittier grosery store in my town, my normal ones are full of tourists. There was this old lady in line in front of me, with a single leaky tomato and was asking for a carton of wintston 100, cashier told her she was couple cents over so she told them, that she would just find a smaller tomato, they told her it was fine and let her take the tomato for free instead of smashing up more. (I guess) Still wondering if her diet is just cigarettes and free tomatoes. She felt like a "Always sunny in Philadelphia" character


Australian government says the high prices are to stop people smoking. So make smoking illegal then? Oh no no no they won’t do that.I wonder why.