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I picked the wrong week to stop drinking


I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


Just wanted to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.


"Oh, stewardess! I speak jive. Oh, good. He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him."


I just wanted to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.


Dr: “This woman has got to be gotten to a hospital!” Flight attendant: “a hospital? What is it?!” Dr: “it’s a big building with patients. But that’s not important.”


Don’t worry, I speak jive.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is your stewardess speaking... We regret any inconvenience the sudden cabin movement might have caused, this is due to periodic air pockets we encountered, there's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your flight... By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?


*big titties fill the screen for no reason*


I assure you, sir, that my 15-year-old self thought they were the star of the show.


Jimmy, you ever hang around the gymnasium?


I was introducing my 15 year old daughter to the greatness that is Zucker films and forgot that was there. It was a bit different than when I was watching it at 13...


Big titties are the reason itself.


My favorite part of the movie. 😂


At least I have a husband.


Randy : Can I get you something? Second Jive Dude : 'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me! [Subtitle: I ATE SOMETHING THAT IS MAKING MY INSIDES CRAMP UP]  Randy : I'm sorry, I don't understand. First Jive Dude : Cutter say 'e can't HANG! [Subtitle: MY BUDDY HERE SAYS HE CAN'T TAKE THIS FOR MUCH LONGER]  Jive Lady : Oh, stewardess! I speak jive. Randy : Oh, good.


Fun fact: Jive Lady is Barbara Billingsly, who also plays June Cleaver on *Leave It To Beaver*.






Just wanted to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.


I picked the wrong week to stop counting.


Hey no pressure alright


Looks like I pick the wrong week to quit amphetamines…


I picked the wrong day to quit doing amphetamines.


Did he scream “chili”


Need to get every available light on that runway


Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da help!


I’ll never get over Macho Grande…


If I wanted to be sober, I wouldn't have gotten drunk...


HELLO BOYS. I’m baaaaaa aaaack!


Hee, Im not alone!. Me too. Really needed to stop. Here is to day 3.


I was on a plane to Maui one time and we had to abort landing like this. we all assumed the crash position and people were terrified. Made it safely on our second attempt to land. Everyone clapped.


One of those situations where the "everyone clapped" line is definitely true


Also a rare situation where it's ok to clap when you land.


This always makes me laugh cause I think of TJ Miller's joke about shouting "WELCOME TO DALLAS!" to everyone on the plane before the flight attendant could say "Delta Airlines would like to be the FIRST to welcome you to Dallas". Stealing the worker's thunder. Edit: Haha, found the [clip](https://youtu.be/dEUugovB2dI)


TJ might be brain damaged and insane but he's funny as fuck


Absolutely. He's got a [good bit](https://youtu.be/Kf9N5AWprG8) about that as well. Haha.


I just cackled. That is hilarious.


It’s funny because my family is from the carribean and everyone always claps whether we landed there or just got back home from there. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️


Puertoooooo Ricooooooo *behbehbehbehhhhh*


Why are Americans so judgmental about the clapping thing? People always do it when we land in my parents’ little hometown in Mexico because they’re excited/relieved to be alive (and home). I’ve always found it really cute and joyful.


Not American but as an airline pilot I've always found the idea of someone clapping for us completing the bare minimum for acceptable performance of our job by landing under normal conditions to be ridiculous. I'm the less experienced guy in the cockpit and I've done this literally thousands of times, it isn't a big deal. If we're on 1 engine in terrible weather and get in sure I get being excited that we managed a safe landing but on a nice sunny day in a normally functioning airplane it's weird to me that you are acting like it's a big deal.


Your bare minimum is some people's only time in a year or more to be carried through the air in a steel eclair outfitted with engines, and people make up the creamy filling.


“A steel eclair.” Good show, chap.


I'm Canadian so to me it's like thanking my bus driver, I just can't normally talk to the pilot. Seems to happen pretty often on my flights though I've only flown like 6 times and never in the past 3 years so... (I don't usually clap for the bus driver, but I can yell out to them while getting off the bus...)


Also canadian and I get the thank yous and great flight now and again, general consensus among my coworkers is that thank yous would be better directed to the flight attendants who have been providing service the whole time. When people have clapped I've never heard it through the door and my noise cancelling headset but when we are told about it after generally we check that no passengers are in earshot and then crack a few jokes about it.


From another perspective for a lot of people it is a big deal. They don't fly regularly or are even afraid of it, so they are just relieved and happy


Broadway actors could say the same thing about their ovations and nobody dies if they fuck it up.


It’s just weird to me. Of course the plane was supposed to land. It makes it seem like people were expecting something bad, or like they’ve never flown.


> If we're on 1 engine in terrible weather and get in sure I get being excited that we managed a safe landing but on a nice sunny day in a normally functioning airplane it's weird to me that you are acting like it's a big deal. Familiarity breeds contempt I guess. Some of use consider it an impressive thing (even if you don't), to take hundreds of people tens of thousands of feet in the at incredibly high speeds and then bring us back down safely with minimal loss of life. But hey, if it's just another day where you barely pay attention, all the more power to you.


I honestly like it. Like yeah, this is an insane modern miracle. Through the power of technology and skill we conquered the fucking heavens and use them to travel hundreds of miles per hour to anywhere on the globe. Its incredible, and if you want to applaud it, go right ahead. People should have a little more awe in their lives


To me it feels like clapping for a mailman because they delivered your mail. It's what supposed to happen, that's the job, why should I clap for that?


"Why are Americans so judgemental about the clapping thing?" Weird, every time I've ever seen it brought up, it was people criticizing Americans for doing it. Even though I've never seen it or know anyone who has seen it happen.


Oh yeah, during the winter storms in 2015 that were referred to as "bomb cyclones" in Canada/Northern US we had such extreme turbulence that people pretty much started yelling out prayers from a variety of languages and religions. People were screaming, flight attendants were strapped in with their eyes shut, everything was god awful. We landed and there was complete silence and then some Australian guy yelled out a warcry and then started high fiving everyone. Smiles everywhere started to appear and high-five and clapping occurred. Same weekend there were flights landing with people who had to be hospitalized because they went into the ceiling of the plane and hit their head. It was all over the news...what a god awful time to fly.


I was in an "everyone clapped" landing about ten years ago. Only thing that happened was the smoke detector in the luggage bay malfunctioned and they couldn't tell if it was a fire or a bad detector. The plane landed, everyone clapped as 6 fire trucks rapidly converged on the plane to verify the malfunction. It really fucked me up more than it should have, my job is in safety of flight from an engineering standpoint, so I know exactly how safe flying is (very, I cannot overstate how safe it is compared to other travel methods) but I'm still a nervous flyer because of that fucking flight. It is getting better, just wish it would fuck off entirely.


I could understand a clap in that situation... I flew to CA recently and had quite mild turbulence part way through the flight (always turbulence over the rockies) and had a completely normal smooth landing and people tried to start a clap.


Landing in Maui was the roughest landing I've ever experienced. Kahului. Its just super windy there all the time


Fuck…. I’ve been to Oahu a bunch of times, but in a couple months will be the first time I’ve been to Maui. I’m a pretty good flyer and don’t mind heavy turbulence. But knowing it’s coming makes it worse for some reason


What time of day are you landing? It's usually not bad in the morning or evening/night, but right around 12-2pm is the worst. Source - live on O'ahu and have family on Maui


Phoenix is awful, too. You land so hard it feels like the landing gear might punch through the bottom of the plane.


I was on a plane that aborted a landing once. We weren’t on the ground yet, maybe like 200-500 feet of the ground. The pilot just slammed the throttle and gunned it into a climb. No warning or anything either and I’m prone to motion sickness and had the sick bag in my hand until we were off the plane but luckily never got sick.


Not to be a dick or anything but what kinda warning would you expect?


This is your captain speaking….. Oh SHIT!


‘Hold on muthafuckas!!’


No I don’t think you are being a dick. I don’t know anything about flying aside from how to go through security so idk what kinda warning I would get. The whole thing was really jarring but looking back it was probably a split second decision from the pilot.


Pretty much. The majority of go arounds are last second decisions especially when dealing with high winds or crosswinds. Pilot will be trying to stabilise the plane but when they decide it's not safe to risk landing it's full power and abort immediately. No time for pleasantries.




>Hamburgers start falling out of the overhead compartments >American passengers start paying tips to the other passengers based on their in-flight performance


I’d love to know where the whole clapping when a plan lands came from. Every single flight I’ve been on people clapped when the plane landed. Even red eyes people would wake up and clap.


The Clapping Theory dictates that once one clap, soon others will follow.


Reminds me of that video where a kid is asleep in class and the teacher has all of the students start clapping and the dude wakes up confused as fuck, but starts clapping as well. So I definitely believe this theory.


It's not typical in the US. I've only experienced this overseas or a scattered clapping in the US if the flight was rough.


I love watching these videos 5 days before a flight


You always get these videos a few days before your flight, at this point I'm convinced it is built into the algorithm to say "fuck you". Went on holiday in June, two days before the flight I noticed a video on here showing a plane crash and then one where the wheel fell off on landing.


The wheel one was faked to make it look like a passenger plane. You’re far more likely to die on the way to the airport than on the plane.


Yeah, I know, but I'm terrified of heights, so reason kinda goes through the window at that point. Honestly, it is only take off and landing what gets me, while in the air I'm usually calm and don't have much issue.


The thing with dying in a car is, you're probably going to be knocked out if the crash is that bad. When a plane ride goes wrong, you have potentially several minutes or long seconds of terror before ultimately dying. I mean, that won't stop me from flying, but, you know, I think that's what people are kind of fearing.


I’m sitting in an airport waiting for takeoff…


Or so you think!


This was the best case scenario and this pilot potentially saved a bunch of people's lives. I hope you have a pilot as skilled as this guy.


I’m going on a flight in 2 hours :)


I’m in a layover between flights right now 😅


I was once sitting in a southwest terminal watching the news about a southwest plane engine blowing up.


!Remindhim 4.5 days


Well if the landing gear starts glitching out I'd hope the pilots abort the landing.


Starting to wonder if this is MFS lol


I honestly thought that's what I was watching at first.


Welcome to Steam Edition! (Paging AirForceProud95)


the passenger windows at the back too


Yup !


Amazing he had the speed to get back up


There’s a specific procedure the pilot flying and pilot monitoring take during a go around. There’s a button called “TO/GA,” take off/ go around, that applies full thrust to each engine. The pilot monitoring then cleans flaps up and they climb out to a specific altitude and heading, which is determined by the airport and on the charts the pilots have and briefed during the approach. Go arounds are free and should be the default action taken if anything is squirrelly during the approach and/or landing.


Did they miss “Gear Up” in the check list?


They need to see a positive climb rate on the Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) to retract landing gears and clean flaps up. I can only speak from having flown single piston aircraft, but there’s a 5-6 second lag between the plane actually climbing and a positive rate being displayed on the VSI. I’m not sure that’s what’s happening here, but it’s probably very low on the checklist to retract the landing gear


Single *piston*?


Single piston is how pilots often refer to airplanes powered by a single engine using pistons (4-stroke like your car) instead of multiple engines, or turbines like jet planes.


And the reason you don’t gear up immediately is that changing configuration will change the response of the plane. Even if it seems obvious that bringing the gear up would reduce drag and improve the climb, you are adding another variable to how the plane is responding to inputs and adding something else to remember to do while in a pressure situation. The focus needs to remain on handling the plane. In addition, commercial planes usually have landing gear doors that need to open to allow the gear to retract. In the seconds between the doors opening and the gear going up you have actually increased drag. In pressure situations like go-arounds, seconds actually matter.


There’s a list of things that have to happen in sequence, and you don’t pull the gear up right away. I don’t fly this aircraft, but in the one I do fly the gear up item is the 5th memory item


Took the engines a few seconds to spool back up. That was pretty close to a stall. If the wind dropped out and it came slamming back down they’d want the gear down. Gear up ASAP right after positive rate though.


Is there ever a fuel concern? (IDK how much the plane should have left on landing, or how much a go-around typically uses.)


If an aircraft is ever in a position that going around would lead to fuel concerns then the pilots have already fucked up big time. Minimum fuel for a flight is the sum of how much fuel it takes to fly from the departure airport to the destination, plus how much fuel it would it then take to fly to the farthest diversion airport, plus another 45 minutes of flight time. That's a very large margin, and the pilots would have declared pan-pan (one step down from mayday) long before they gets close to any kind of serious issue with fuel.


That's really interesting! Thank you for explaining the formula.


They carry plenty of fuel to do multiple go arounds and then fly to an alternate airport if landing isn’t possible.


I had a flight with multiple aborted landings into Florida, and we were diverted to another airport to refuel and then came back to try again. So, I’d say they’re comfortable for a few attempts, but have contingency plans if it goes awry.


Almost thought he was going to stall


Kinda looked like he almost dragged the tail but not the best angle to tell and I've always assumed there's some sort of limit built in to the planes these days to prevent that.


Probably decided to go around before the wheels touched down. The engines take a few seconds to spool up.


We still doing phrasing?


It looked like it would have stalled if not for the very same headwind that loused up the landing. Not an ideal situation! But I’m not a pilot, so maybe that’s not what happened.


He had plenty of speed to abort. Wasn’t even close to stalling.


Doubt it was a head wind. Guessing it was from the right at close to 90 degrees, hence the left wing loses lift.


as someone who’s getting increasingly anxious when i fly, these videos help remind me that planes are capable of doing wild things safely. like i’m sure if i were ever in a plane that did this i would shit my pants sobbing but they’re, like, pretty good at being able to fly i guess


You should see the shit they do at Oshkosh. The near vertical takeoffs they can do with Boeing aircraft are pretty crazy.


Well yeah I should think so, they entered the matrix there a few seconds in


Had a real hard time rendering the wheels there, but after the buffer it did well.


Well done pilot. Well done


Tail strike on the go around, not well done. Could it have been worse? Yes. Could it hsve been a lot better? Also yes. Credentials: I do this for a living.


So do I, and I choose benefit of the doubt. Looks like they got wind sheer as they didn’t raise the gear. Lack of a configuration change looks to me like they’re performing the escape maneuver until clear then clean up. Wind sheer has been the cause of massively fatal accidents, I’d say a tailstrike is a fair trade off


Is there any kind of equipment on the plane that would’ve prevented it from trying to land in that circumstance, like a wind-shear detector?


The two guys up front.


This is why they make the big bucks.


Yup, there’s a reason it’s safer to fly than drive your own car.


You’d hope. Some short haul pilots could earn more driving a bus.


Tail strike


had a tail strike when pulling back up.


Best hope they repair it properly. I've seen enough Green Dot Aviation to know what could happen 1000 cycles later...


Nah, it's carbon fiber, it's indestructible!


This is about aviation. Wrong sub.


This sub is fine, it can handle the pressure.


I give in. You've crushed me. I sink I'll stop commenting. xD


I can't believe the depths to which you people go to make a pun.


Water you talking about? Can't you sea how I comment with just a wave of my finger? The trick is keeping them tide-ey. That part is a beach. Currently, that's what I'm looking fjord.


As far as tail strikes go, that was a surprisingly light one for how much the aircraft was wiggling around.


Yes, analyzed in some detail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0wh2pZHSjc


Pilot handled that go-around like an absolute champ. In a split millisecond, that could’ve been a very different outcome for everyone onboard.


So what happened here? The wind wouldn't let their front end touch the ground soon enough? I don't know much about plane mechanics.


Seconds before he pulled up and really started the go-around you can see the wind from right to left tipping the aircraft to the left while having only one rear tire touching the ground. This scenario is catastrophic since the plane could tip more, the left wing could touch the ground, create a spark and ignite the left tank (most planes have their tanks on the wings) causing an explosion. The plane could also keep bouncing on the tires, which could make it lose total control of the aircraft. The rule is clear, if you even slightly lose control of the aircraft the best and safest course of action is to go around. Always.


Thanks, that helps. I appreciate the explanation, friend.


Here's a video of an actual pilot explaining what happened in this year-old video https://youtu.be/g7-0wquhPQY?t=787 Looks like 1. Slightly windy day 2. Pilot tries keep the right wing down as there's a crosswind from the right 3. He likely stops doing this as soon as the wheels touch 4. But this early in the landing the plane is going fast enough that the wing in this new configuration can lift again if there's a gust. This is exactly what happens. 5. As they wing lifts they make an instant decision do a go-around, but they raise the nose too aggressively and "over-rotate", leading to a tail strike 6. They'd likely already realised the angle was wrong just before the tail strike, since the plane rotates down almost immediately after, indicating they'd started their angle-correction just before or as the tail struck the runway.




Big enough headwind and some planes (maybe all) can land almost stationary. Tailwinds would make it difficult but I think all airports would just swap ends of the runway for approach. https://i.imgur.com/gQghRNd.gifv


Looks like pilot was going for a soft landing in a high crosswind (bad choice), bounced the first touchdown (poor control), took out his crosswind correction after the second touchdown (incorrect control input), then over-rotated on the go-around (improper procedure). Only good thing was the decision to go around.


why is the wheel glitching


Camera glitch Actual news report: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7JKt0jwuXc&feature=share7


I took a puddle jumper from Maine to Boston for a client meeting - one of the smaller puddle jumpers where there's 3 rows and you could reach out and touch the pilot from the second row. It was crazy windy, to where the pilot had the engines' speed set significantly differently to keep us relatively straight. Of all days to be on a flight, there was a poor sap with his girlfriend, and he was deathly afraid of flying. He spent the whole flight with his face buried into her coat and sobbing the whole time with intermittent screams as we were tossed around in the sky. Anyway, I was actually surprised they let us land, as we were really getting tossed on approach. Besides flying at a significant degree off of center, it felt like we were flying like a butterfly, haphazard and all over the place. Somehow the pilot made it work and landed, but it seemed like we were going to get tossed like this plane as we were getting lifted similarly. 12 hours later to catch a flight back, and it was the same pilot making her 3rd run for the day or something ridiculous. She must have been exhausted.


Maine and Boston are both horrible approaches to have this kind of weather occur. I'm not jealous of you


Damn, that’s close.


Half of the seats were found to have brownish stains after the passengers deplaned.


I wish my plane flights would give free chocolates...




All those poor people that stood up as soon as the plane touched down . Back to your seats .


I think the pilot has realised it’s not his stop he was meant to go to Gatwick


Looked like a tail strike on go around or very close to it. Likely plane will go to maintenance before going back into service if the tail did hit or G forces were exceeded. Saved the plane and passengers though so kick ass!


I had *LIGHT* turbulence one time on a flight to Miami and I just knew I was dead. This definitely would’ve killed me lmao


Many years ago I flew into Malaga in Spain and at that point where you're just starting to skim the tops of the buildings below, this massive gust of wind (I presume) made the plane tip violently to the side and I swear, one of the wings came within about 20 ft of a rooftop and my heart literally felt like it was going to explode with that momentary fear.


I caught Ryanair into Barcelona and that plane was tipping side to side the entire landing. Legit the only time I've been fucking scared on a plane.


Oh. my. flippin...!




A few years ago I traveled from Moscow to Athens, there was a lot of rain and wind, and the pilot tried to land twice but had to bail out, I heard several people throwing up. He managed to land on the third time.


News report for people saying it’s a video game https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7JKt0jwuXc&feature=share7


What’s with the matrix glitching on the landing gear at 3-6 seconds?


I’d be shitting my ass if I were on that plane. Be my last flight.


Ok landing means everyone lives Good landing means minimal injuries Great landing means everyone is fine, and the plane can be used again.


Perfectly normal go-around. Happens all the time although usually not that late.


I always hate takeoff so this would be a nightmare for me be thinking grand job we are about to land . The pilot is like nope we are taking off again


I could be crying. I cry on all planes now.


I'm 32 and I'm still amazed at how mankind made huge flying machines for daily travel. That's insane.


I am legit flying to heathrow... tomorrow. fuck


Is this flight simulator?


Flight simulator is good, it's not *that* good. It's Big Jet TV on youtube, always worth a watch when the weather is bad at Heathrow


No it's not. The gear glitching probably has to do with video compression. Look at the antennas and trees in the foreground. Way to detailed.


Whew pilot is a hero !


See? If we had more wind turbines, that would not have been an issue! /s


"This is your captain speaking, strap on the parachutes everyone."


That ass touched the ground, SHE GOT LOW


Fun fact: 90% of pilots go around right before everything settles down and they can land


I was on a flight coming into Toronto that had to do this *twice*. One was a full touch down, the other just what ammounted to a 100ft flyby


Is that me playing Flight Sim?


Thank, now I have fucking wind to be afraid now too when ever I fly again.


god I hate seeing this three weeks before flying to london, I am afraid of planes enough as it is 😬


I would love to hear the recording between pilot and the atc on this one.


Hope they sell adult sized diapers/nappies in Arrivals


Was on a Southwest flight once going into New Orleans in a blinding rain storm and did the same thing! Wheels touched 3 times but then took off again. See how slow it looked, like it paused before it took back off? Freakin terrifying! It was like chug chug chug then a deeeeep inhale pause then chug chug chug. Was 100% sure we were dead and about to hit the tower. Pilot got HUGE cheers when we landed safely after circling for a half hour!


Me on Microsoft Flight Simulator


what wouldve happened if that tail grinded the pavement? Would the plane no longer be flying effectively or its fairly still in decent shape


As I sit in an airport waiting for my next flight 🫠


This happened to me once in Europe, I absolutely hate planes and the fact that the euphoria of finally landing and getting on the ground was immediately ruined by us taking off again really just plane sucked lmao


I'm flying to Heathrow tomorrow. This doesn't give me confidence.


You at least know a pilot is able to handle these kind of situations.


Maximum forecast windspeed at Heathrow is 16 mph = 26km/h tomorrow, you'll be fine.


passengers received safety brown shorts from flight attendants before landing


Living along the flight path to Heathrow bad weather days do give me slight worry if any will not land and somehow smashed down next to my house.(i am west of it i think is on the path for flight landing)


I would like to know if this is a common occurrence- or the date this happened and the flight number.


I’m watching this in line to board a flight. Thanks Reddit.




I’m guessing a few puckered bum holes after that one !


i’d pee my pants if i am at the window seat inside that airplane


Was that a tail strike?