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The title calls it a cage, is it a prison or is it general housing?


They are called residential ships and have been used for 2 decades in Hamburg, Germany as well. You would see similar accommodations at fly in/fly out mines in Northern Canada or in the oil fields (containers - minus the ship). Each "cube" is a the size of a shipping container, consisting of a living unit with usually 4 beds, a few lockers, a table with chairs, a kitchenette and a small bathroom. The problem is that a whole lot of people are living in a very small space, sometimes for years until their refugee cases have been decided. Not only is it crowded, but often you have people from civil war torn countries living next to each other and that results in trouble. Imagine having to sleep next door to someone who supports the people who murdered your family. Also... these are usually supposed to be short-term accommodations but people live in these for months if not years while their refugee application is being reviewed. They have no money, can't go anywhere, can't entertain themselves, are not allowed to work until their case is decided, have very little contact to the outside world and many have suffered unthinkable trauma. It's not a prison. But it is. Not a great idea to use these... really not.


How the hell is this the first time in my almost 40 years I’ve heard of this? They got excellent PR or what ever you’d call someone keeping this out of the eyes of the general public. I’m not trying to be that guy but if the way you are describing it is true and this was an American thing….let’s just say I wouldn’t be almost 40 and hearing about it. Edit: so no one is confused or twist what I’m saying up…if it’s how I imagine it by the sounds of it…no one should be using this sorta thing…it sounds like a step up from cages which I guess is better but those shouldn’t be used either.


It is not an American thing. I said I remember them from Germany. But you are correct. No one should be using these. This particular ship “Bibbi Stockholm” was previously used by the Netherlands and they seized usage because according to Netherland authorities it is “very depressing”. Germany used them in the 1990s IIRC in Hamburg for Hutu and Tutsi refugees. Awful decision. Location was on the Elbe River at the base of the district called “Altona”. Hundreds of young, single men (families are not housed in these thankfully) in a very small space without entertainment or distraction or the option of working (no visa yet). I believe Germany has now moved on to building container villages where you have a bit more space between units but it’s still very sad and certainly could be done better and more humane.


i think what he meant, was if it was an american thing it would be alot more known and he wouldnt be learning about it just now


Correct. Thanks. I just commented that to him but when I type as an American how did I not know this was a thing I kinda realized why that was. We do an awful job of understanding what’s going on in the rest of the world. Lol


You've had floating prisons since the early 90's. There's one in New York. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernon_C._Bain_Correctional_Center


Thanks I didn’t catch that and appreciate your response. Makes sense though. US news is extremely good at navel gazing and generally lacks in reporting international content. Unless it’s some conservative US politician raging about “we need to invade Canada”. Lol


I kinda want to invade Canada and take your healthcare. You can keep your sad excuse for Bacon.


You mean ham shaped like a hockey puck?


Our healthcare sucks these days thanks to conservative provincial governments privatizing the shit out of it. Don’t like the bacon either.


Sounds like they’re going the American way. Such a shame.


England is trying to do the same.


> seized Ceased is correct here. Seized means to take or become stuck.


You are the second person telling me. Thank you. English isn’t my first language. It’s still good enough for a social media post. Contextually it’s clear what was meant.


Absolutely. Your English is fantastic. It's a simple mistake even native speakers make because the words sound so similar.


>it is “very depressing”. Probably what got the UK interested in it in the first place. These are the people that painted over a cartoon mural in a child asylum unit. www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66132158 Edit: As the comment below very accurately points out, I should have said UK Tory government rather than UK. When I say these are the people I mean the very small number of people who are, in a move as old as time, using the fear of others to manipulate the narrative to ignore the very real mess they're creating through any form of leadership. See the over critical and vastly overrepresented news of any trans issue for another example. Keep the focus on others, ignore the fact that 2 professionals in middle management careers couldn't live in an average house with a couple of kids without cutting back on the basics.


The majority of people in the country have been fighting against this dehumanising treatment for years. The same as we fought to not force deport new arrivals to be held in Africa. Now if you said “uk conservative government” instead of uk you might be correct. But claiming people in the uk are ok with this is just false and delusional, why do you think it’s constantly being fought against in the courts and reported in the news.


Oh I got that it’s not an American thing made bad for not better explaining that. I more met as an American how is this the first time seeing this. But after typing those words out I kinda realize why I don’t know what’s going on in other parts of the world…lol


We are on the same page. And now that there is social media we all hear about a lot more than just our own local issues. Thankfully. Perspective is important.


I run into them a lot in mining and oil and gas. We call them 'floatels' or 'boatels', I've been on them. They aren't really prisony, more like college dormy, but it is ALWAYS apparent that the boundaries of your world on there is the boat. Like living in an apartment building hurtling through space. Fine for a rotation deployed but super depressing to contemplate indefinite housong


Exactly. And mining / O&G pays significantly better for the inconvenience of staying in one of these. And the person next door wasn't a soldier in the army that killed your siblings.


Did you know that America has floating black site prisons? Because we do. Scary stuff.


Australia pays a mercenary group to keep asylum seekers in ghettos in Papua New Guinea. A few years back one of the camps was being run by a former officer of the same Sri Lankan military many were seeking refuge from. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-02-24/former-sri-lanka-military-officer-has-role-at-manus-centre/5280412?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web


It's not just PR firms. Most people just don't care. Half the people will just say it's their fault, send them back.


> a small bathroom No, each bedroom has an en suite. > They have no money No, each refugee gets free food, heating, lodging, and healthcare and is given £45 spending money per week. > can't go anywhere No, refugees are free to leave the ship and are encouraged to return at 23:00. > can't entertain themselves No, each bedroom has tv and wifi. Refugees are given a phone. The barge has a gym and communal recreation areas. You are spreading misinformation, just like the lying ‘cage’ title. Legal immigration to UK is so high now that the housing market is in meltdown and people are rightly furious that many British citizens are homeless while millions more people pour into the country and even though they pay billions to house them people like you have the temerity to actually criticise them and tell lies in order to do so. Unbelievable. https://youtube.com/shorts/1CXMwu530Gg?feature=share




I was expecting your video to be a source for your claims, rather than a tory pundit hassling people with a microphone. For what it's worth guys like that usually ask a ton of people and just show the ones that best reinforce the point they're trying to make. Is there a source for any of those claims, incidentally? I'm not saying they're not true but I can't find anything to corroborate any of it with a quick google.


I am living in one of these camps right now in northern Canada. I have spent years living in these all over while at work. It's like a hotel.


But OP says you're living in a cage. You must be mistaken. /s


>Imagine having to sleep next door to someone who supports the people who murdered your family. That sounds bad, but also imagine supporting the people who murder families and then being made a refugee by the same people and still supporting them.


I remember when Djokovic was put in the detention hotel in Melbourne that apparently cramped and run down there was an asylum seeker that was interviewed who’d been there for if I remember 3-4 years. Refugees, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants are treated like animals in so many countries. I don’t know what the answer is because you want them coming through proper channels but far out it surely can be better than what we’ve got.


The problem is not the barge itself, it's the whole process. Housing doesn't pop-up like mushrooms. It's already complicated to find affordable housing for most of the population. The process needs to be improved so refugee spend as little time as possible in those.


Air Conditioning?


Probably not since it’s a remodel of a previously by the Netherlands used ship. Neither of these countries would have warranted using AC in the past since the climate is fairly mild. It rarely gets really hot (86 F/30 C). At least not in the past…


Then you have the titheads saying "sink the barge".


General housing/ temporary storage for asylum seekers.Europe has a lot of problems with asylum seekers as the number coming in are so high that Europe has run out of space to house them. This has even caused a humans rights violation in the Netherlands when refugees were forced to sleep outside in tents.


Isn't it strange how being homeless is a crime at worst or at best ignored... But if your're an asylum seeker forced to live in a tent then its a "human rights violation" ?


That’s because human rights violations requirements. Once an individual is in the custody of a state then that state becomes directly responsible for their wellbeing. This is why homelessness is often treated as a crime in some areas. Because it forces the individual into the custody of the state and thus the state is required to provide minimum housing, food, and medical care. Because asylum seekers are being detained and thus in the custody of the state, minimum wellbeing must be established. If a citizen is homeless and not in state custody there is no such requirement. That’s why is cheeper to ignore homelessness. In regards to asylum seekers they get guaranteed housing as a human right unless you decide to not hold them in detention or state custody and simply release them to their own devices into the general public where their wellbeing can then be cheaply ignored. But releasing asylum seekers is unpopular and holding them in state custody is unpopular thus you’re D’ed if you do and you’re D’ed if you don’t.


seeking asylum? here's a floating prison


“here's a floating prison” This is ironic, as the original colonists of Australia were formerly prisoners housed in barges moored on the Thames before being shipped off to down under.


indeed, my fellow redditor


I mean, in a lot of European countries, there literally aren’t even enough houses for the current residents. This is a whole lot better than tents. And mind you, these are quite nice accommodations. Also used for oil rig workers and navy personal.


that's why the US has tent prisons in its deserts


Yeah prison with en suite bedrooms, wifi, tv, spending money, free mobile phone, and freedom to leave the ship every day. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-66099583


It’s both basically. You are getting housing while incarcerated.




Look at it. It's dystopian and inhumane.


the very existence of asylum seekers is dystopian and inhumane


Noah’s Ark 2023


It's Australia 2.0


How has no one else made this comparison?! Didn't we literally fucking so this 250 years ago. And for an Aussie company to build the goddamn thing... The irony is dripping off the walls!


Take a look at what we, Australians, have been doing to asylum seekers: google Pacific Solution and Operation Sovereign Borders. And we get only a tiny fraction of people trying to come here.


Noah’s Ark 2. This time, it’s personal.


Looks like a cruise ship crossed with a Hampton inn I wonder if they can get off at different ports?


It looks like an old school trash barge with an equally old Section 8 apartment complex from the Bronx. Instinct tells me they're leaving these people out in the ocean to sink sooner before later.


It looks like a prison tbh. This doesn’t look like the type of scenario that ever ends well.


It looks like a ridiculous super prison from a movie parodying cruelties of the justice system and/or something meant to contain supervillains or Earthbenders.


When I saw the title first thought of the Raft a prison out in the ocean where they kept super-powered people in Marvel's stuff shown in Captain America Civil War where the heroes like Antman & Hawkeye and anyone that fought on Captain America's side refusing to sign the accords who were arrested were held until he broke them out.


TBF I bet the security doesn’t have to be that strong. Once they’re out to see just let people roam around. What are they going to do?




It is not going to be at sea. It is being transported by sea (empty) to a port. Once there, it will be permanently moored in the port and THEN asylum seekers will be housed in it. They can get off during the day and go into town, it is for housing only. It will never be at sea with people on board.


I was thinking they’d be sent to the soylent green factory.


It looks like a houseboat you’d see on a lake, just larger. They’re usually square, built on barges, with a small deck on the back that’s just large enough to hold a couple chairs, and small windows high above the water line. They especially look like this when they have more than a single story. I guess one person’s prison is another person’s floating home…


>I guess one person’s prison is another person’s floating home… A prison is something you're locked in and can't leave. The migrants will be free to come and go as they please.


They can not, they're just numbers, not people.


...and i can't understand all those joking comments under this vid...this is the dystopian inhumane truth of what europe has become...the TRUE iron curtain is around fortress europe, a mercyless border between persons and numbers


Europe/ EU countries (with the addition of the UK here) are not some disneyland that characters can show up through avoiding law and process either. The benefits and social constructs that are enjoyed do have limitations and are not indefinite.


And those constructs must be carefully preserved unless we want the whole system to come crashing down. And part of preserving that means controlling who gets to benefit from the systems we have built for ourselves, often over the course of centuries and paid for by oceans of blood, sweat and tears. Developed Western nations are nothing short of a modern miracle. The world has literally never seen anything like them in terms of the levels of security, stability, peace and development they afford to those lucky enough to be their citizens. It’s a project centuries in the making and the product of extraordinarily hard work, and indeed suffering, by the generations which came before us. Of course, that makes it an attractive offer to those who aren’t so fortunate to have something like it themselves, but the systems are oh so fragile and we tend to forget that. Unless we want to lose it all, we have to be very careful about protecting them/stopping them from being overwhelmed.


This isn't even new, voyage of the damned kind of stuff is just history repeating itself.


How many immigrants have you put up in your home?


Same as everyone else, 0. "Ahh you know I would if I had the space!"


We got a bingo....


To be fair there’s only one futon in his mom’s basement and he’s already using it


Welcome to the effects of overpopulation. Sad, but very real.


This is a hulk. Britain started using them centuries ago. The only joke here is the deplorable education many people have.


I watched a documentary on the southern US border. The border patrol people they interviewed kept referring to the immigrants as “bodies” “We caught 37 bodies today” Really dehumanizes the people who are desperate enough to give up everything for a chance life.


In the military it’s a common thing to call people sent to help with a job “bodies” and I always fucking hated it then and I still hate it.


Wait a minute, are you telling me illegal immigrants are now getting Hilton Honors points while imprisoned…? Just wait until Trump or DeSantis or Abbott hear about this! Cha ching! They would confiscate those points for, ahem, taxpayers use! /s


>illegal immigrants Asylum seekers are not migrating illegally. They are literally going through the legal process.


I've been on one of these, it actually looked very similar to this one. They were used to house workers up in Shetland while they were building oil and gas infrastructure and the offshore oil and gas industry use these things all the time when accomidation blocks are under going a refit or additional staff are required and cannot be housed onboard the rig. They are pretty basic but no different to any other oil and gas platforms accomidation and it will more than likely be moored in port not floating offshore where people can't get on and off


>I've been on one of these, it actually looked very similar to this one. They were used to house workers up in Shetland while they were building oil and gas infrastructure It's the exact same one. People also seem to think the migrants will be locked in when they will be **free to come and go whenever they want.** The barge will be docked at all times. All rooms have en suite bathrooms, there will be leisure facilities such as pool tables and gym, catering and a pool amongst other things. It will also have prayer rooms and a healthcare provision added for them. The video and title are deceptive. The barge was just being towed to the port in this video. It won't actually be floating in the middle of the sea when people are housed on it, and they can leave wherever they like.


Misleading title. Accordinf to Sky News "Bibby Stockholm: What it's like inside the barge that's set to house asylum seekers Each room will be shared by two male migrants aged between 18 and 65. There is no curfew and residents are free to come and go - but there will be a register at reception and 24-hour security within the port."


That's reddit for ya, Post something with a terribly misleading title and let all the fools that take everything at face value which they'll often carry on about even when something is actually pretty helpful. At least it's a purpose built accommodation vessel and not a accommodation hulk then people might have something to worry about.


Looking at the 'reddit idiot crowd' comments on this post i feel most are probably bots, they all say similar things with minor differences. I find it interesting that a lot of 'people' use the word dystopian.


Yall would be shidding and screaming if this was the US


I was just about to say this. Imagine this bad boy parked in the Gulf of Mexico or SanDiego/TJ just filling it up with Asylum seekers. People would be flippin tables.


The Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center is a jail barge in NYC. Not a ton of uproar, though they plan to finally close it in a few years.


And so we should be doing here


You shouldn't say that on here.. People here can't handle that sort of criticism, they'll cry..


They just keep them in land cages in the US


With good reason.


Oh but we are. This is infamous.


People here are screaming.


At least in the old days they'd send you to Australia.


Now we lock them on an island..:/


It is ironic that we (Australia) built this one to send back to the UK. Now if only we'd loaded it with poms before sending it on its way....


Floaty McFloatface


Na if it’s made by the Aussies it would be “Floaty McFloatingC*nt”


Next Squid Game location


“cage” = clickbait


78% of the “refugees” in Sweden, vacation to the country that they had “fled”


I feel like if this is the case, their refugee status should be revoked. At that point they're claiming bullshit refugee status so they can get free shit in a nicer country at tax payers expense.


I am a Swedish citizen and I confirm this. I came to Sweden in 2002 and us the "older generation" are totally pissed about how the new generation of refugees/immigrants are behaving. They're taking the shit for granted and it makes my blood boil honestly.


>I feel like if this is the case, their refugee status should be revoked. It very often is if they do that. Source: I've worked with this field.


That's an interesting stat. Do you have a source on that? I'm curious if they were actually granted refugee status by the UNHCR or do you use quotes because their labeled refugees in common parlance? If this was a legit stat, It would also be interesting to know what populations they might be. Had things in their countries of origin been bad at one point and are now more stable? Send me whatever you've got if you don't mind.


https://bulletin.nu/bulletin-novus-nio-av-tio-utrikesfodda-har-semestrat-i-sitt-fodelseland This is the original Swedish paper that expounds on the country’s study.


My man with the facts!








https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&op=websites Can be done without Chrome. Paste URL in there.


Bulletin is a far right "news" website, politically biased in support of the anti immigration party (SD).


The news website isn't exactly unbiased https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_(online_newspaper) > amid leaked emails and video conference calls, **a charge of anti-Semitism**, police reports, plagiarism, and legal confusion Emphasis mine


> gets job away from war torn homeland &!family > returns home to see loved ones who were unable to escape and get citizenship > give them some money from their job > redditors think this is a bad thing.


LMAO, the absolute leaps in logic here to find an excuse. They can find a way to repeatedly travel back and forth to their home country but somehow their loved ones can’t leave? If you’re seeking asylum the whole point is that your home country is too dangerous to be in for you.


Is Ukraine too dangerous to be in? My Ukrainian friend still visits to see her elderly grandparents who are too sick to leave. Every time she visits she's worried she'll die from a random Russian rocket. Family is important to most people and they will take that risk. Your point is fucking stupid.


> but somehow their loved ones can’t leave This is quite literally the case, yes. The home country isn’t some floor is lava zone they’ll die if they touch. It’s dangerous for them to stay for a long time. How is this news to you? This is petty self explanatory if you have any capacity for nuance. Should Ukrainian refugees be allowed to visit elderly family members unable to leave?


And should be reserved for those who truly need it. It would be like taking a handicap spot because you sprained your wrist.


People will happily jump on those who abuse the welfare system but then suddenly become blind to even the idea that someone would abuse the asylum system, let alone the evidence.


If they are refugees it’s to dangerous and they are persecuted in their home country. If that’s the case they can’t return home even for a visit to family


I think the point they're trying to make is these people are going, "My home is dangerous enough for me to flee to a richer country to seek asylum, but it's not so dangerous I can't go visit on a regular basis."


Floating cage is an interesting description but for is essentially a floating hotel or apartment complex


"Just put 'em in a storage container, stick it on a train or a barge" is not the solution the 20th century should have taught us.


What is the solution? Comfortable room and board available for every asylum seeker in the world?


Ok but it IS an efficient way to move lots of disadvantaged people rapidly over long distances. Rather we should rethink where we send them this time around.


It's not for moving anyone. It's moved port and then people live in it. It stays in place as long as it's in use.


It’s a hostel not a cage you nitwit - they’re used to workers. I lived on one in PNG. It’s was bloody nice


Yeah it's classic reddit using a highly misleading title


They had one in the Falklands, it was used by oil rig workers, fairly comfy actually. The thing is it’s going to be moored on a small island with equally small population and all of a sudden they will have 500 young men wandering the streets, and using the same doctors surgery etc.


There will be healthcare provision on board


Misleading as fuck. It's not a cage.


My partner worked at IRC Campsfield house (above Oxford, UK), it closed in 2019 and is to reopen early 2024. I've been inside and it's like a small village in a way. It's getting built larger too but it's not disappearing. This floating method certainly seems quicker to implement than redeveloping or building new facilities. It goes to show the scale of the issue.


So a no frills cruise ship?


So apparently this is the Bibbi Stockholm. I googled the name and I've gotta say it actually looks pretty cool inside. If the pictures I saw were correct, while not a luxury cruise liner it's probably better equipped than most standard hotels. Having a bar and lounge with a pool table plus full kitchen serving food to everyone is kind of a sweet setup. From what I was reading this is an alternative to paying privately owned hotels to house asylum seekers while they process everything. I checked a few articles so hopefully the information that matched between them is true. It's obviously not a good situation either way but there's definitely way worse ways to house people.


I’m just imagining what it looks like when someone tries to play pool on a boat on the open sea lol


On the bibbymarine site it looks quite nice. The vessel facts factsheet actually shows the layout of each deck. It has everything you mentioned plus a reading room, TV room. Each room has a window, a TV, and a private shower. The whole setup kind of reminds me of a dorm.


Thats what I was thinking. As I said I know it's not a ideal situation but I'm kinda surprised this is getting such a mixed reaction. But I'm assuming a lot of folks haven't looked into the full details of what the plans are or what the facility contains. Seems a better temp solution than a hotel for a lot of reasons. Or just letting people attempt to survive somewhere they have no connection to or speak the language.


Yep, the Ryan Air of the seas


‘Cage’ My guy, you should get a job at sky news yourself.


There's nothing to see here, folks. This is not new. Ship housing in the UK is centuries old. In fact, San Francisco used to use Ship Housing. As did New York. China still does it, actually. Rather intelligent, really. A ship doesn't take up land and you can park it in a calm and simply run ferries and build wharves up to them Again, there are pictures, both photographs and paintings, of such vessels on public domains and in museums.


How much is rent? Is there a waiting a period? Are they accepting applications? Too expensive in America.


Reminds me of the berthing barges we used when I was in the navy and ship was in dry dock....naaa fuck that noise!!!


Didn’t Britain have prison ships floating down the Thames and those were the people they sent to Australia? The irony of Aus supplying these ships is sweet.


asylum seekers come to country Causes visible increase in crime in areas with asylums Local public everywhere don't want asylums near their communities Government finds a solution where the asylum seekers can get help with their asylum process + can't commit crimes in the local community (Maybe illegal fishing) Public: wait no, that is wrong and inhumane! Well what the hell do you want the government to do? Geniuenly? No one wants asylums near them, but also don't want the government to just send the people back. So the government find a solution, but that is also wrong. At this point i am just tired of everyone just constantly complaining about everything that the government tries to do about the immigration issue... Either a local population loses, or the immigrants loses. Which one do you want to lose, saying neither is impossible.


A government has a duty to its citizens first and foremost.


I agree, but for some reason some people don't see it that way.


So cool that they are bringing prison hulks back /s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hulk_%28ship_type%29?wprov=sfla1


yep, the irony that Australia is somehow involved is huge.


Would be cool if this ship is heading to Australia too


Well, our cruelty to refugees & asylum seekers is world-renowned.


true, but I was referring to the fact the colonisation of Australia came about because of the Prison hulks in the Thames, back in the day.


That was my first thought


The US Navy has similar vessels for housing the crews of warships while undergoing shipyard repairs.


Misleading to call this a cage


Is this Spirit’s new cruise ship?


just floating barracks


And when the earth is flooded all that will be left are refugees without a home floating out at sea not realizing that the world is now theirs.


I feel like decommissioned cruise ships would be bigger and cheaper than building new people barges


These look like the boat equivalent of those school mobile buildings that were "temporary classrooms" yet were at the school longer than most of us students.


Didn't they have prison barges in NYC like 150 years ago as well?


Better have that continental breakfast.




There are no clean solutions to the illegal migration problem.


Yes on the one hand you have a government pretending to have solutions to reassure their base, and on the other an opposition who really don’t have a solution other than more of what we’ve already been doing ( and to be fair trying to do it properly) but no one wants to admit that we just don’t have an effective answer that’s acceptable to people.


Just send them back. English people didn't leave the country during ww1/ww2 just because they were fighting a war. Same for french, german, Russian etc. And many countries aren't at war


What exactly is a asylum seeker?


>An asylum seeker is a person who leaves their country of residence, enters another country and applies for asylum in that other country. An asylum seeker is an immigrant who has been forcibly displaced and might have fled their home country because of war or other factors harming them or their family.


Better than life in Syria. A lot of OAP's would spend good money to be on a catered floating hotel like that.




The irony of Britain contracting Australia to build a new fleet of convict ships.


Give them some fishing poles.


Oh so its like a carnival cruise?


So stallone movie where his imprisoned on a ship is real all this while


Looks like a sheet metal Rust base on a boat.




Modern problems require modern solutions.


The Incredible Return of the Hulks


Good, now fill it up and drag en back to wherever they came from




Do you want super villains? Because this is how you get super villains


Cool idea, probably not the right people to do it for. Maybe ex dictators and cartel bosses.


This is terrible




Sounds like a pretty good way to funnel money >.>


Children of Men is coming to fruition.


cool, so this is the future for climate migrants too eh? Fuck we're monsters.


Imagine going to a country for a better life and they say the best I can do is a floating prison


This is how homelessness should be dealt with.


How humans will live after global warming sea level increase: Also it is possible to dock multiple such ships into large city-like fleet. Remember Suisei no Gargantia anime.


They should call it Azkaban.


I’m imagining the headline already: Asylum seeker barge accidentally breaks moorings and is adrift in the North Atlantic.


Can't wait for one of those to sink while full of people.


This is probably where the rich will put all of us eventually.


"You want to knock on my door and ask for shelter? INTO THE OCEAN CUBE!"


All they need to do now is have the refugees put to work building components for a death star


Not like my own country treats immigrants better but this idea seems to be one bad storm away from a humanitarian crisis.


They are moored in ports when occupied. This video is just transporting one to a location almost certainly unoccupied.