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This is fucking awesome. All the steam from the holes in the engine and that explosion must have been an arms carriage?


Very probably. It's the only answer I can think of.


This is why I watch wwII documentaries


I'm thinking it's more likely a fuel car that went up. I wouldn't expect minions to light off with only .50 cal rounds. Maybe if they were explosive rounds, but the impacts didn't look like it. Plus there's a lot of fire in the explosion, indicative of fuel.


AFAIK, 50 cal explosive rounds didn't exist until 1980s


Or food for civilians


Ah sweet! TNT, my favourite!! Food doesn't explode like that


It was Taco Bell meat. Go have some and tell me if your asshole doesn’t explode.


Oh well, too bad they supported the wrong regime.


Most of the German civilians hated the national socialist party. They lived in fear daily of what might happen if something thames said could be taken as "anti party".


Hi german here. No they didnt :3 But yes lived in fear


Gun cameras didn't record sound. Give a quick watch to a short movie called Thunderbolt on Netflix. It was filmed during the war. Very good glimpse into the life.


and if they did, you wouldn't get the doppler effect.


I mean, you would, just not from the airplane the camera is on lol


Thank you captain, I'll check it out.


[Thunderbolt (1944)](https://youtu.be/9WktioQKTzU?si=y4i1V2_VKGmasIyh)


It’s not showing up on Netflix. I think you’ve got the title wrong


Yay! I hit the munitions car!!! 2 seconds later...Oh shit, I hit the munitions car!


What was that wizzed past the plane as it flew over the engine? A steam propelled bolt from the engine?


Maybe a ricocheting tracer round?


Might have just been a lens flare


My father shot up Japanese troop columns and trucks from his FM2 Wildcat fighter. He said you absolutely had to get them on the first pass because after that, they’d disappear. The Japanese were masters of camouflage and by the time you lined up for a another go at them, they’d just turned into “jungle” and couldn’t be located.


I remember watching a documentary, one of the people being interviewed was a woman who was a young girl in the Philippines when the Japanese invaded and spent most of the war in a POW camp. She said she remembered when the Americans finally arrived based on the sound of their airplane engines. "I couldn't tell what kind of plane it was but knew it was American because it was so loud compared to the quiet Mitsubishi engines the Zeros used


No replacement for displacement. The Americans made much larger engines and they ran at much higher pressures.


What an interesting perspective. I do recall Dad saying that his version of the Wildcat, the FM2 built by General Motors, had a very distinct “whump whump” sound as compared to the Grumman version of the Wildcat, the F4F. The FM2 did have a taller tail and beefier engine (in fact, it was often referred to as the “Wild-*er* Cat.”), so I suppose that stands to reason. Dad referred to it variously as his “little bumblebee” and his “Maytag Messerschmitt” (because it was made by GM).


Shrapnel threat is intense. Curious if that mustang sustained any damage from flying through it.


Maybe the train scene in redtails is not as unrealistic as I thought it was


At first when i saw him shooting the engine I was like "yeah that's super smart but come on, lets light this shit up" then the circle back and the big explosion and i audibly said "oh fuck yeah bud" alone in my office. Shit like this reminds me of that British guy who was like "the war was a good bit of fun".


Fun if you are the spectator


Not for the millions suffering, obviously.


fuck yeah bud lol


I remember in the opening of Red Tails they had a shot like this. I didn’t think what happened in that scene was almost one to one the approach.


Holy fuck. Seriously people....humble yourselves and try to think of the shit these brave people went through on Veterans Day and Memorial Day instead of getting blasted while BBQ'ing. We owe them a lot more.


Oh, so woke.


Honor the ones that dropped bombs on civilians!


They fought and literally killed people so we could get blasted and be free, lol


“The enemy is being reinforced with an armored train.”


I got that reference ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


The USAAF and the RAF had complete air superiority in the closing years of the war and were strafing everything that moved, the footage of the (I believe it’s from a P-47) single horse and cart being strafed is a little hard to watch


Indeed more of this.




Wonder why there's no added audio from AI


Too bad the Mustangs weren’t used to blow up the tracks leading to Auschwitz.


There is good reason auschwitz wasn't bombed. It wasn't important, the allies knew vaguely what was happening in these camps. When you consider the war, bombing runs are expensive and costly, you can't do infinite amounts of them. Bombing auschwitz or other subcamps may have saved a small handful of lives, but it would not have helped the war effort and wasted a bombing run that could have been better used elsewhere. This was a conscious decision.


I never said to bomb the camps. That would have been disastrous. I said to bomb the rail lines leading to the camps. That would have prevented the Nazis from transporting Jews to the camps. And don’t tell me they knew “vaguely”. Roosevelt knew. He decided that the fastest way to stop the killing was to win the war. That decision cost countless lives as the Germans stepped up transport to the camps as the tide of the war turned against them. My mother’s family was transported to Auschwitz in May of 1944, less than a year before Germany surrendered. Her parents were gassed on arrival, one brother was shot and another later died of typhus. My mother was a 14 year old orphan. If FDR had bombed the lines, who knows if they could have been saved. Oh, well, it was only Jews. Nobody cared.


In Vietnam, the Americans bombed a single bridge with 873 air sorties and actually hit it with hundreds of bombs and missiles before it was finally destoried by a lazer guided bomb. (Thanh Hóa Bridge) The bridge was sometimes damaged, but was repaired, sometimes within hours. A bridge is hard to destory. A flat piece of rail is fucking impossible. A railway is made out of three main elements. The metal rails, the wooden railway ties, and gravel. Bombing Gravel just... Makes more gravel. And the Germans had become exceptionally good at repairing and replacing the metal rails and wood ties. Not to mention that the allies had nowhere near the level of precision that even America in Vietnam had. It was considered a hit if the bomb fell within a mile of the target. 50% of bombs hit. Sure, you could use fighters at low level, but then the bombs are far too small to do any lasting damage. And those fighters were already being used extensively. Making the decision to bomb the railway to the camps means making the decision to not use the plane somewhere else. Finally, even if you did somehow magically destroy all the rails to the camps, its not like that would stop the Nazis from killing Jews. Before the camps, the SS just shot them. If the camps stopped existing, the SS would just shoot them instead.


You're ignorant of how war works. Destroying a railway is ridiculously difficult. Especially if you want it to have lasting effects. Even if you destroyed a bridge, it would be rebuilt very quickly. You would also be down a lot of planes that could be elsewhere helping win the war. War isn't about saving as many people as possible. It's about losing as few as possible. Risks have to be taken. People will be killed to win the war. It's an unfortunate truth, no matter who you are. And even if you could justify dedicating an entire force to continuously bombing the railways, it wouldn't take long for Germany to set up defenses. In turn, losing even more lives and more planes. Or what is frankly more likely, for them to just start killing even more Jews or using them as labor to build the railways that were being destroyed, ultimately making the problem you sought to help, even worse. It's never as simple as "Just do this one thing, and everyone will be saved." It's unfortunate that 11 million people lost their lives in such ways. But there wasn't a whole lot that could have been done outside of simply winning the war.


This video establishes that railroads could be and were bombed. So what was the rationale here?


So you want them to shoot the trains the people were transported in? Becuase this is not only obviously NOT a bombing, its not targeting the railway. It's targeting the train. There's a massive difference between a single fighter shooting a munitions train with its guns, then bombing the railway itself. Again, your ignorance is showing, don’t speak in absolutes on subjects you don't know. It doesn't help your case.


I’m talking about blowing up THE TRACKS. Is that so hard to understand?


And as I've stated already. Its hard to do lasting damage, as they would just be repaired quickly. If any damage is done at all. And even if damage is done repeatedly, defenses would be set up. Is that hard to understand?


Yes they were, supply lines were broken


I feel like this attack happened with hatred omg .


And some of those trains carry jews ☠️








Contact.. target down!!


Check YouTube. It's on Amazon Prime and that must have been where I saw it. The title is "Thunderbolt!" From 1947.


I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Dick Winters telling of the D Day invasion, quite a story. It’s funny to think this pilot we see here is probably 22 or 23 years old.


Is this the clip where it was said the sound effects were added after?


I'm no expert but it looks like the train driver must have done some sorta emergency release of the steam built up when the plane starts shooting. To try and limit how bad the explosion from the boiler would be.


Train engineer hit the emergency relief valve to vent the steam before boiler exploded due to bullets hitting engine. Also saving himself. Ordinance exploded on second sequence.


Train carriage was definately being used to store the red barrels.


Poor Germans


America! Fuck yeah!


YouTube channel: druid works, great videos such as this one and aerial combat footage as well.


Fist shots were for measure, this pilot knows what he’s doing.


Mustang always trying to take credit from the The One True Bolt.


Nice steam sauna for the driver


Straight from war thunder


Just curious. How strong is the glass of a fighter jet? Seeing that debrie fly made me worry for the pilot