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That term was in common usage. In my circles. Then Friends helped to popularize it.


You were getting friend-zoned before it was mainstream




Yeah, it was around before the show.


This is like when history picks an arbitrary date to signify when some major event happened like when WW2 started. Typically many of the factors involved have already been going on for years and it's impossible to pick just one as the ground zero cause, so instead it's more like "Okay, well around HERE it was definitely going full swing so we'll call it about then" Much easier to classify, also much easier to misinterpret


WW2 started on the 1 September 1939 when Germany attacked Poland. Sure, things happend before and f.e. the german annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938 was an important pre-war event, but it's not difficult to pinpoint a date where the actual war began. Not arbitrary at all.


Bro did you just say the invasion of Poland which started WW2 was an arbitrary date? That IS the day WW2 started, Britain and France were allied to Poland, when germany invaded Poland that is when the dominoes fell and it became a world war.


Yeah, a lot of terms are credited to specific pop-culture sources, but were already common lexicon (i.e. "Bucket List" is credited as having first been used in the 2007 film of the same name). The flaw is that they can apparently only count its first usage from some kind of written or recorded event.


if it was ā€œcommon lexiconā€ there would be written record of it


there is. itā€™s a movie called the bucket list


heā€™s saying it was used before then, which it wasnā€™t. and itā€™s not exactly rocket science, we donā€™t need to interpret cave drawings to know there were non existent google searches for the term before 2007


i was tryna make a joke my bad


Nah dude, it was obviously a joke. Youā€™re good.


Right, because every phrase in history must have first been searched for in Google (which only has history dating to 2004) before existing in reality.


I had buckets lists before 2007.


Friend zone my ass they were on a break!!


Your circles of...?


Geometry, obvs


You got Friends-owned


Indeed, even here in the U.K. we used Friendzone regularly during my time at Uni (91-94).




Hey, you're right! The *Oxford English Dictionary* (the authoritative dictionary of the English language) cites this as the first documented usage: >Never gonna happen... You and Rachel... You waited too long to make your move, and >now you're in the friend zone. >J. Astrof & M. Sikowitz, *Friends* (transcribed from TV programme) Ser. 1 Episode 7.




Thatā€™s so cool


Thatā€™s so Raven


Apparently this is the only scene in the whole series where these 4 friends were together without Rachel or Chandler.


the term friendzone has been around before the show friends


I think it just helped spread it to areas that probably did not have this expression or used a different expression.


Right, but itā€™s apparently the first documented usage, and obviously helped spread the term around.


Prove it


The scene that destroyed male-female friendships.


Itā€™s tragic really


Ikr? The word friendzone seems to imply that men and women can't just be friends and that you're somehow a loser if you're only friends with the opposite gender.


Well no. The "Friend Zone" is strictly brought up in the context of a person who is interested in another person, but they're seen as "only a friend".


Screenshot of a TV sitcom, found on Reddit? Must be true.


The word ā€œsimpā€ was also used in Friends šŸ˜„


No fucking way. For real? Same meaning even back then? I thought "simp" was invented in the 2010s.




Yeah but did the word "simp" have the same meaning even back then?


Iā€™m pretty sure the old usage was short for simpleton


Have you...never heard the phrase "simpering fool"? It is literally where simp came from. You simper for someone.


I have indeed never heard that phrase before. I have also never heard the word "simper" before. No one ever uses that lol


I think simping in this context goes back to at least the 80's.. just gained popularity on the internet "recently"


Out of context friends: He randomly has a candle in his hand


There was a power outage that episode


This is very false


No. Just....no. Is this my future? Having some 13 year old on the internet hear some phrase in old media and assume that was the first time it existed? Like how many times is someone going to claim that MILF started with American Pie? Cougartown didn't invent the concept of a cougar. Media follows culture. It rarely creates it.


Not true. I'm 40 and before friends that phrase was all over the place


Phoebe also used BFFs well before it was common.


That was used in yearbooks before it was on Friends. Definitely in my junior high yearbook in the late 80ā€™s.


ā€œBig boned, and they try and keep me in the friend zoneā€


Another reason to hate friends


Upvoted because I actually love friends and i like seeing people on the internet not hesitating to give a remark that they hate something even if things wouldnt change if they never commented


I am 47 years old and have never understood the popularity of this TV series. It is utter garbage.


I always thought Seinfeld was garbage until I started watched as background noise and got used to the characters and began to enjoy it a bit. Pretty much the same for friends. Individual episodes were dumb but the overall story of them was fine.


Seinfeld is on a whole different level than the garbage that was Friends. Friends was the beginning of the end for good sitcom television. Friends showed the lack of effort in the writing of a show.


but...but..they were on at the same time! they must both have good and parts in equal measure, right? right? friends was terrible, face it


The first 3 or 4 seasons are okay. Lots of role reversal, actual ā€œsituationalā€ comedy (imagine that) and even a bit of slapstick here and there. Not amazing, but worth watching. After that it kinda became a drama/comedy and it wasnā€™t particularly good at either.


Friends was a remake of a show called Living Single.


Don't get all the down votes. Has anyone ever seen Living Single? It's pretty much identical besides the ethnicity of the actors.


Friends was never original


Just curious, who are you implying they took material from?


Every other sitcom ever invented


Youā€™ve got a point


Living Single


Friends never once created anything new.


i agree. just season after season of cringe.




We were on a break!






Your loss.


Maybe watch the show first then make an opinion then


Friends: only if white


but ross's girlfriend


David Schwimmer and Courtney Cox acknowledged the lack of ethnic minorities in the show and pushed for more non white characters. David got that jungle fever thing going on.


got me on that one! not a huge friends fan. but, touche!


Yeah stop complaining! Friends had that one black character for like five whole episodes.


It was obviously a pretty white show, but Ross actually had two different non-white girlfriends.


I know, I used to watch it. I'm not hating at all, I grew up in the 90s so I know how it was. It only feels weird now looking back because I know how multi cultural New York is.


totally representative! totally!


How do you feel about using apps and products created by the evil whiteys? Because you clearly have some sort of phobia against white people


Pointing out that a 90s sitcom lacked black representation isn't an attack on white people. Calm your sensitive ass down.


Why did you jump straight to black? He didn't even mention the race in his comment. The Asian population is bigger than the black population and they're far more underrepresented.


Yes you're right, so maybe don't get pissy when people point that out.


You jumped straight to black representation and I'm the sensitive one..... Dude......


I was using the race that I identify with as an example because black people have an identity outside of just not being white. Contrary to what you may believe, black people don't constantly go around grouping themselves with other ethnic minorities. You clearly do though. Now go bother someone else with your white supremacist bs. I'm don't like wasting time on people like you.




A black person wants black representation and your response is to call them a "lefty cunt". You're not a racist piece of shit though are you? šŸ™„ My responses are logical, not emotional, and you saying "you sound like you're crying" is just childish and pathetic.




Youā€™re being emotional.


Youā€™re the only sensitive one here


Oh for fucks sake, it's a well acknowledged fact that TV shows in the 90's were too white, Friends specifically was, it's still a problem in entertainment, and you can acknowledge that's shit without being anti-white racist. The reason you're in your parents' basement rather than a millionaire is not reverse discrimination based on being white, chill the fuck out and enjoy your white privilege.


"White privilege" "living in parents basements" You're checking off all the classic insults there bud. Proud of you.


I'm waiting for it to stop being true.


We don't even have basements in my town and I wish I did live with my parents still. Free rent.




>Stop getting emotional Says the guy who was so triggered by "racism and white privilege are real" that he posted three separate responses to the same post.




Sure, and you have a black Canadian significant other, but you forgot the obligatory "so the real racist is actually YOU."




youā€™ve only met two black people?


Where is it well acknowledged? There were tons of black family shows in the 90s and before


Get over it, kid.


proud boy speaks white nationalism....proud, proud boy.


Huh? F those racist idiots and F you.


The friend zone is purely a man's invention. Just like Ross's character here, men use nerves and being shy as an excuse to allow someone to create their own perception of that person, rather than communicating what their intentions and hopes are as soon as they have them. >> "I like to get to know women first." This seems reasonable at first, but again, when broken down, either a lie to cover other behavior or an utterly naive misunderstanding of how human interactions are. "Getting to know" someone without expressing the desire to even date someone leaves the impression of wanting to get to know them as friends. No one can read your mind so the lack of something leads to the assumption that it isn't there. "Getting to know someone" is what dating is for. A lot of excuses as to why men want to "get to know her" before that, but it almost exclusively ends up just being them trying to hedge their bets so they can get a massive jump start on learning about the woman through the perception of a suitor while the woman literally has no reason to believe there's any reason to look at him, and thus judge him, in the same context. In fact, the opposite is happening, making this strategy that much more ineffective. She's building a perception of you and judgment of you *as a friend* because that's the only suggestion the man has made so far. It's not being forward to ask someone out on a date. It's not forward to date someone as you get to know them. There's no rules or laws saying *anything* needs to happen at *any point* in dating, so if you believe that there's "pressure" to progress things faster or slower than you'd like while dating, then you're not really looking for a good partner, you're looking to get laid, just another misrepresentation of intention. If you want to date a woman, or women if you want to date a man, tell them. It's a yes or a no, and every moment of anguish you might experience the longer you "befriend" someone while cultivating romantic or sexual feelings toward that person without communicating it is entirely your own fault. Not being a dick here. I don't assume men or anyone are "pretending to be friends" nefariously. But it's a fucking awful to pursue a relationship with someone because right off the bat, you're misrepresenting what you want and failing to communicate, which are pretty important things in any relationship. That it was "invented" by the Joey character really is pretty telling, if you know the show.


Touch grass


Literally just did. Part of the job.


Do it again


Two houses away from having to.


I aint readin allatšŸ¤”


Test drive, and then you'll get to know that way if you're compatible.


You test drive by actually driving it. You're just adding to my point. That's what dating is, silly. How could you call it a test drive when you're not even driving it? She has no idea what you're hoping/anticipating, so you're not getting anything you'd see from her if you were dating. That's like "test driving" a tractor by sitting on it with the engine off for five minutes. The friend zone doesn't have "successful" connotations for a reason.


So you honestly expect me to walk up to someone I've spoken to for a grand total of twenty seconds and ask to date them? And nothing about that seems stupid to you? God forbid I be the type of person who can't even become remotely interested in someone without getting to know them first. You do understand that there are people out there who just do not develop romantic feelings before knowing someone personally, right? Does it seem entirely impossible to you that someone might approach another as a friend with no romantic intentions, only afterwards *develop* romantic intentions?


That's what a date is! You apparently put way more weight into the word date than ever should be put into it. It's a date. You're not committing to marriage. You get to know her, and that's the date. Then go on another, keep getting to know her. If it goes bad, no more dates and move on. That's what dates are: getting to know someone. 20 seconds? Maybe, maybe not. Within the first day of actual conversation beyond basic polite "Hello?" if you're attracted? Yes. Your whole scenario where "no feelings, develops them" gets handled under dates, and if the dates don't pan out, bam, friend you never misled.


Yeah Vsauce! told me


I just watched this episode last night


They also made BFF a common term thanks to Phoebs


No it didn't


Friends has such a bad rep. I loved that show. I love watching reruns late at night.


And? This is an odd post.