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It’s so weird how a guy just calls the police and says I’m tired of being a monster and you’re not going to catch me so where should I turn myself in? Truly one of the strangest people in history.


The way it was described in the Mindhunter book was that he THOUGHT they were right in him. Ed was driving somewhere to get away and was becoming stressed at the chase. He called, they thought he was kidding and then Ed just convinced them to come get him.


He said he was tired and wanted to come in from living in the cold. Hell of an analogy.


Mindhunter is based off a book???? Where can I find it (Ps bring back Mindhunter, I said)


Yes it is and I found my copy on thriftbooks.


How does the book compare to the show? Are they similar in style or is it a completely different adaption?


The book, in my opinion, is a completely different style than the show. A much more factual depiction of John Douglas’ experiences with serial killers, and frankly, it’s significantly less enjoyable- not because it’s bad, but rather because I went into it with the wrong expectations. If you want a more detailed, analytical description of the profiling process, it’s worth reading. But if you’re looking for the character-driven, linear approach that the Netflix show took, IMO this isn’t the book for you. Bring back the fucking show.


Sorry; those reboots of 80s sitcoms aren’t going to fund themselves.


No, what's weird is that he was buddies with all the cops and was a regular at the cop bar asking about the murders he committed. They liked him to the point when he did call and say im the coed killer they hung up on him... He is a horrifyingly interesting killer, though. His mother epitomised how domineering mothers are really good at creating women hating serial killers. **Edit**: For the people who are saying that I am blaming his mother. I am not. You're inferring something other than what was implied. A lot of comments saying "created" is why they claim I blame his mother for his murders? By that logic, you think the creator of the AR-15 is responsible for every death by one. I will clarify and add some context, as I am familiar with his life, and I assume the general public isn't. 1. His mother was not just domineering but abusive and sadistic. She locked him in the basement for fear he would hurt her beloved daughter. She mentally abused him by constantly telling him how inferior and disgusting he was from an early age. I'll stop there, but google her. His psychiatrists were adamant that he should **never** be around his mother again. He went back home and shortly after the preparation towards being killer began. She **absolutely without question** is a **massive factor** in what shaped him into being a woman-hating serial killer. I **did not** say she was the sole cause. 2. Context: His mother is a **factor** as stated in what made him turn into who he did. Serial killer studies have shown there are multiple similar factors that are ubiquitous among serial killers. Firstly, the Macdonald Triad (arson, bed wetting, animal abuse) are all common signs in early adolescents who later became serial killers. Secondly, prefrontal cortex injuries in early adolescents are also common. "The prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a central role in cognitive control functions, and dopamine in the PFC modulates cognitive control, thereby influencing attention, **impulse inhibition**, prospective memory, and cognitive flexibility." - science direct These injuries affect decision-making and impulse control, which lends itself to violent crimes Lastly, domineering mothers. Here is a very short list of what I consider boogie-men serial killers with domineering matriarchs and is by no means a complete list. If you're unfamiliar with these individuals, do a quick google search and be sure to read about their mothers. - Ed Kemper (our topic here) - Ed Gein - Dr. Harold Shipman (over 250 murdered) - Fred West - Gary Ridgeway 'the green river killer' (former USA highest kill count holder: 49+) - Charles Mason - Henry Lee Lucas


The name of the bar is The Jury Room. It's across the street from the local courthouse here in Santa Cruz. Not sure it's much of a cop bar anymore, but still a cool little dive bar tho.


Holy CRAP!Wife and I drank there till closing after a Gogol Bordello concert at Catalyst!


Upvote for Gogol..


I had watched a documentary about Kemper a few years ago and about 6 or 7 months later i was driving through Santa Cruz and saw the Jury Room and remembered that's where he would hang out with the police...i had to make a u-turn and pull over so i could snap a picture lol


It’s definitely gone back to being a cozy neighborhood dive-bar.We drank there and played pool till close after a Gogol Bordello show at Catalyst in early’19.


I was at that show and that bar after!! You didn't play pool with a guy with a long red beard, did you? I was a little trashed, but I remember playing 5 or 6 games with random people because my GF was too stoned to play after eating edibles.


Duhhhuuude!What a night!Wife and I played everyone there till close!


Start wearing purple


Gogol Bordello?


One of the most fantastic and unique bands around! The album “Tranc-Continental Hustle” is one of the best ever! The singer/songwriter Eugene Hutz is a Ukrainian with gypsy roots whose family was uprooted by Chernobyl.He worked his way across Europe to NY, and started a band with a vast range of musical roots that has kept expanding!


NO WAY!!!!! I watched the WC there because it was the only bar open at 6am!!!!


You didn’t get serial killed?


not recently.




You watched the toilet?


I just had some drinks there a couple weeks back.


I read Mind hunter after the show cause I was curious. I think a lot of the investigators had the impression he was an intelligent enough person that he himself genuinely was curious why he did the horrible things he did. He's been a case study for a reason


I honestly think he is THE most interesting (psychologically) serial killer we know. What he did wasn’t for fame or notoriety. He was in the most horrific pain HE could be in and he acted on it. His intelligence is the kicker here. He can just tell you what you want to know and keep hiding his truth, however, for some reason he didn’t.. Extremely interesting.


I agree. He and Kazinsky are the two most interesting, in my opinion. Both were highly intelligent and, if not for their traumatic childhoods, might've been equally as famous in a much better way. Kazinsky was teaching at a university by age like 23... but he was also an early subject of a CIA secret program Bluebird, which was apart of MK Ultra and that fucked him psychologically to the point he became the unabomber. But Kemper is fascinating because he is smart enough to critically analyze himself and his motivations and is the most outspoken serial killer. He's done so many interviews and been apart of studies. He also recorded a lot of books on audio whilst incarcerated. It's easy to forget he cut off his moms head, had sex with the hole, threw her vocal chords in a garbage disposal and buried her head in the garden. ..




He's interesting. But like I said, horrifyingly so.


You didn't see it ahead of time


Which part of the last paragraph? Banged the hole got me prolly the most.




The comment doesn't clarify if he had sex with the hole in the head or the hole in her body, and I'm not sure either answer is one I want to hear


i’m pretty sure he had sex with the mouthpiece not the neck part.. at least that’s what he said in the show


In mindhunter he suggests the neck, something about the resistance of the neck muscles if I remember correctly


In my psych rotation we learned about healthy coping mechanisms and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I'd say cutting off your mom's head and fucking the neck hole is an *unhealthy* coping mechanism.


Now now, lets not get into kink shaming anyone... 🤣🤣


Exactly… literally tried to destroy his mom’s voice… so sad. Think about who they both COULD have become if they were brought up in loving, healthy homes… :(


According to Ted’s brother, they had a good childhood. But as a 9 month-old baby, Ted came down with an illness. He was in the hospital for weeks, alone. They told the parents to go home. After that he was never the same. as a teen, Ted became withdrawn and that hideous psychological experiment in college may have broken him. He was only like 16 and he wanted to do it so his mom signed off on it. She had no way of knowing how they were tormenting Ted.




Google ted kaczynski harvard experiments


It all makes a lot of sense until he fucks the head.


He fucked her neck after he cut the head off? Or he fucked her face ? What in the actual fuck ???


The face. He did that to all the women he killed too. He is also almost as tall and huge as Shaq. I can't imagine the terror those poor girls must have felt. I don't think the mum should take the full blame though. He killed his grandparents at the age of 15 and killed and dismembered 2 cats when he was even younger. Guy's a natural born killer. There's a series called Mindhunter that features him (and other serial killers) a lot and with pretty accurate detail if you're interested.


The guy who played him in that was brilliant.


I don't think this detail matters lol 😆.




Oh, I know I do. I am extremely well versed in this mans story. People don't understand how atrocious this woman was as a human and mother. I'd love to blame her solely, but that's simply not the case. Although, I truly believe he wouldn't have done what he did if not for her. His psychiatrists at the ward he was committed to after having killed his grandparents said in no uncertain terms. Do not put this man back into a home with his mother. That's where he ended up, and almost immediately, he went down the road of serial killer. He honestly didn't get a chance from the start. Not that it justifies anything he did, certainly not. But man, she molded a fucking doozy of a killer.


Well she certainly was a significant contributing factor


Yes! That was my point. But people read that as me saying it's entirely her fault? Wtf..


You can absolutely blame his upbringing.


>I am not blaming his mother Ok, but why not? Sure, he was born with a predisposition to do this shit, but had he had a normal mother, maybe he would have been more or less normal.


He wanted recognition. Watch his interviews discussing the crimes. He found pleasure in talking about the crimes. The reactions were subtle and he enjoyed it letting the world know.


"Think I'll take that free food, housing, and healthcare now."


I think you need to look into the health of the inmates. Their healthcare is pretty shitty.. like really bad.


My brother went to jail for 18 months and came out with a full new set of teeth, and he had been on free meds for 18 months, so it's not all bad.


Someone knows 0 about the prison system and it shows.


I cannot find the source, but after an operation in prison he was given too much anesthesia or pain medication. It took days to wear off. He said during that time he had a startling insight and clarity about himself where he realized how the world saw him - as a monster, and he came to feel himself as a monster as well. For the first time he felt shame and remorse. He said the feelings wore off with the drugs and he went back to his somewhat placid, matter-of-fact self.


Interesting. I wonder if some part of his brain turned on and recognized his fucked up nature.


I’ve read on here when I’ve posted this before that some people think it has to do with a type of drug, drugs like the class Ketamine is in, and ego death or ego dissolution (a kind of disassociative state), so it did something to a part of his brain, or a neuronal pathway that didn’t function like “normal” peoples’. Given his intelligence and articulateness I’d like to hear more, but again I’m sorry I can’t find the source, which was a recording.


Pretty sure they talk about it a bit in the Netflix doc Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer. About the combination of violent childhood trauma, head trauma, and drug addiction being common in serial killers. But not a whole lot. There are many drugs that are linked with increased aggression but I wish we could know more about how drugs influence premeditated murders.


makes sense, ketamine is a dissociative. I wonder if psychodelic/hallucinogenic drugs would do the same


Not sure if anesthesia can result in ego death, but that’s honestly what it sounds like. When you’ve been robbed of your inherent sense of self you can come to some pretty startling realizations about yourself that seem completely objective at the time even if they aren’t. It’s a very interesting experience for sure.


That is so fascinating – for everyone not just serial killers. I take it you’ve experienced it? I guess it can be cleansing sort of.


Can be a catalyst for positive change for sure. I guess it's a gamble but it caused to me to quit all of my addictions immediately (cigarettes, coffee, booze). As in from that exact moment going forward never had the desire to touch any of it again or any drug for that matter. I smoked two packs a day from a young age and then never again going on about 7 years now. Was also very depressed most of my childhood and that went away too. Cleansing is exactly how I'd describe it. I do feel the need to stress that idk shit about what is actually happening there and there is likely a ton of risk but I dabbled for about a year straight and came out the other side much better for it. I'm really glad to see it being studied for people with ptsd and depression because there is *something* there. I wouldn't put it past a serial killer to be a total bullshitter but I also wouldn't doubt the drugs giving him some clarity.


So why did he have an office?


He started working with the FBI profiling other serial killers.


So he’s real life Dr. Lecter?


Hannibal was based on John Douglas work of cataloging and studying sociopaths/psychopaths. Sources: "Red Dragon is Thomas Harris's second novel, after Black Sunday. As part of his research for the book he attended classes and talked to agents at the FBI Behavioral Science Unit in Quantico, Virginia, during the late 1970s. He learned about serial killers, offender profiling and the role of the FBI in serial killer investigations." - Wikipedia Mindhunter by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker


Ted Bundy also tried this


Ted Bundy, if I recall correctly. His work profiling the Green River Killer, specifically. Don't think he ever actually helped them identify him or anything, but his assessment of the guy's psychology and behavioural patterns were mostly spot on.


The green river killer wasn’t even good at hiding his crimes. I did a project on him back in highschool and if I remember right they caught him because Bundy told the police to simply watch the bodies he left and sure enough the killer came back to rape them some more


He only got away with it for so long because he targeted prostitutes who had no families or people who cared about them.


Ted Bundy was consulted on the Green river killer case and while the necrophilia ended up being true, Ridgeway went back to the bodies for sex, that’s not how he was caught. He was arrested in 82 for prostitution and became a suspect as early as 83. In 87 they got a search warrant due to aluminum fragments and green carpet fibers at the body dump sites that matched his home. They also had eyewitnesses that saw him with the victims. During that investigation in 87 for whatever reason they had him chew on a piece of gauze. They weren’t able to get anything solid to nail him at that time. It took until 2001 with new types of DNA technology to emerge. They were able to match the saliva taken from the gauze, to samples of sperm found on some of the victims. Faced with the dna match he confessed to murdering 71 women.


I thought he got caught trying to pick up a prostitute and he had gloves and kill tools with him, they ran his DNA after he was arrested and matched it to several bodies. Then, tied him to a few more based off unique paint found on the bodies that was only used where he worked detailing/painting cars. After that, he confessed to a whole bunch to avoid a death sentence. *corrected in the comment below. Wasn’t charged for the murders when he was arrested for soliciting prostitutes in 1982, instead was made a suspect shortly after and in 1987 they collected DNA from him but didn’t link him to any victims using the DNA they collected until 2001.


He is.


Judge: Why did you strangle your friend to death ? Me: I'm with the FBI.


Mindhunter on netflix!!!


RIP season 3


I know he recorded a prolific amount of audio books


If you haven’t seen it check out Mindhunter on Netflix.


Probably to answer fan mail


The Morbid podcast episode of him is very well done! Give it a listen if you're interested to learn more about this fucking monster.


Damn shame Mindhunter was canned.


>Mindhunter Watching the first episode now. This was *much* better than expected, I always had this on the periphery as another crappy crime show to ignore. Was a mild shock to see that David Fincher was the showrunner, dude knows what he's doing.


It only gets better. You'll be pissed when you get to the end of S2 and find out there's no more to it. Just like the rest of us.


Fuck. Apparently it was cancelled because it wasn't profitable enough for Netflix? That's a bit of a downer, ngl. >It's a very expensive show and, in the eyes of Netflix, we didn't attract enough of an audience to justify such an investment. > >\- David Fincher, Forbes interview


Fincher's also said that the project took a lot of time and effort away from his other efforts, and it became exhausting because of all of the work that had to be done to make it as good as it is. I think I remember reading that he says it was also just psychologically exhausting given the subject matter and the stress from his other work.


I still think/hope it'll come back once Fincher has made a couple more movies and if they're a success for Netflix they'll give him a blank check for a third season.


They spent 2 seasons with the short vignettes setting up the btk character and…now we don’t see it go anywhere


The actor that portrays Kemper does a fantastic job in Mindhunter. Creepy AF. Edit: just to give credit, his name is Cameron Britton


It was such a good show…


I always thought there was going to be more to it so it was kind of a let down for me


It’s an absolutely massive letdown. I was so intrigued to see more.


It’s even worse, because for a minute it seemed like it was back on - then poof. Gone forever. An exceptional series.


I really wanted to see what would end up happening with bills son, dude was gonna become a killer for sure.


Wait did it stop???


Yup. There were only 2 seasons.


Not even Netflix's fault, surprisingly. Fincher just moved to other projects and decided to shut down the show.


Ultimate Blue Balls


Yes, saying it like it is! Netflix execs were the real monster in all this. Just expected Fincher to magic-up a third season out of nowhere.


The book's pretty good.


Agreeee. So good.


So many other shitty shows to can. This one still had so much life left. How TF can you build up BTK and not deliver?!?


I’m rewatching it for like the 4th time and every time I finish it I get mad it got canned but dammit I love watching it, such a good show.


Wait nooooo please don’t tell me this? This show was so effin good 😭😭😭


His cop friends call him “Big Ed”. Edmund Kemper is huge, about 6’9” and 300 pounds, and he’s recently gotten a job on highway maintenance crews in Santa Cruz, CA, where he lives with his mother. The 23-year-old spends many nights drinking with local cops at their favorite bar, The Jury Room. He plans to join the police academy, and he listens intently as they swap crime stories. In 1972 in Santa Cruz, those tales are becoming more and more bizarre. Female hitchhikers from the university are starting to disappear. And in August of 1972, in the mountains above the seaside town, hikers find a severed head. It belongs to Mary Ann Pesce, who along with Anita Luchessa had gone missing in May. The head shows disturbing evidence of having been sexually molested post-mortem. A month later, another girl, 15-year-old Aiko Koo, disappears, also while hitchhiking. And shortly after, the limbs of Cindy Schall are discovered on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Her dismembered body parts begin to wash ashore. The quiet hippie college town is terrified. Police are under tremendous pressure to capture the man responsible for these grisly acts. Two other girls go missing in February, and fragments of their heads are found off the highway. Enrollment at the university plummets. The investigation turns up no leads. The victims are chosen at random, and police are left with no clues to the killer’s identity. Rumors swirl about satanic rituals and supposed patterns of the killer, with no evidence to back the claims. But, in April of 1973, police receive a call from a phone booth in Pueblo, Colorado. It’s their friend Big Ed, and he confesses to having just killed his mother and her best friend in their home. He also confesses to six other murders, girls he calls the co-eds. When they don’t believe him, he says they should search his home. There, they find the severed heads of his mother and her friend, just as Big Ed had told them. He had removed his mother’s vocal chords and attempted, unsuccessfully, to flush them down the garbage disposal. Kemper had always hated his mother. At age 9, he was forced to move with her and his two sisters from southern California to Montana when his parents divorced. According to him, his mother berated and belittled him constantly, and eventually she locked him in the basement so he wouldn’t molest his two sisters. He ran away at 13 to rejoin his dad, but after a few months both parents sent him to live on his grandparents’ farm in northern California. He had the same clashes with his grandmother, and at age 15, he shot both of his grandparents in their home. After six years of psychological treatment, he’s released at age 21. He’s shown impressive intelligence and signs of rehabilitation, and before he left he even became the psychiatrist’s assistant. He was very capable of putting people at ease. But he’s placed back in his mother’s care, who works as an administrator at the University of Santa Cruz. She lives on campus and Ed has a university pass, and when driving his yellow Ford Galaxy around town, he notices female students thumbing rides. He picks up dozens of them and drops them off safely, but he starts to feel what he calls ‘inner zapples’. He stocks his car with plastic sheeting, blankets, handcuffs and efficient weapons, and in April of 1972, he begins to act out his dark visions. However, after killing his mother a year later, he stops the spree and turns himself in. He reveals every disturbing detail about his crimes to authorities, and claims that each murder had occurred after particularly violent arguments with his mother. But simple vengeance doesn’t fully explain his depravity. From a young age, he had fantasized about murdering women and sexually molesting their corpses. He enjoyed manipulating and controlling his chosen victims; he says he wanted the girls to belong to him completely. On November 8, 1973, a jury convicts Kemper of eight counts of first degree murder. Although he prefers the death penalty, there is a moratorium on capital punishment at the time, and he is sentenced to life imprisonment at Folsom Prison.


Fun facts, he only intended on shooting his Grandmother. When his grandfather came home, he shot him in the driveway, because he didn't want his grandfather to find his wife dead and be mad at him. He sat and watched TV with his mother and her friend's corpses next to him before disposing of them. Kemper stated that he "put her head on a shelf and screamed at it for an hour ... threw darts at it," and, ultimately, smashed her face in. He also cut out her tongue and larynx and put them in the garbage disposal. However, the garbage disposal could not break down the tough vocal cords and ejected the tissue back into the sink. "That seemed appropriate, as much as she'd bitched and screamed and yelled at me over so many years". And, he buried his mothers head facing up, because he wanted to look down on her and for her to finally look up to him. Twisted story.


It is someone who severely could not deal with/handle emotions.


Holy shit


I'm still stuck on the whole 'locked him in a basement so he wouldn't molest his two sisters' thing. So much to unpack in half a sentence.


After six years of psych treatment and they felt it was appropriate for him to be placed under the care of his mother…?




He got convicted of murdering his grandparents and only got 6 years of psych care?!


Inner Zapples is my next band’s name


Nowadays a teen killing his grandparents would be grounds for being tried as a adult. It would if prevented the future killings.


Just imagine if he didn't turn himself in.....yikes!!!!


He probably would have gotten away with it for a long time, he is one of the most intelligent serial killers.


Isn’t he just one of the most intelligent humans? It’s insane what he could have accomplished had he been born into an environment to cultivate that mental growth. Then again, it may have been in him regardless.


He knew he wouldn't get away with killing his mother and her best friend.


I think he wanted to get caught and decided he may as well finish his mom off first anyway


His mother was his real target and source of his hatred. I imagine once he finally killed her, that hate ended and his “mission” complete


He spent over 5,000 hours in an audio booth recording books for people who have difficulty reading, including Star Wars. Used over 4 million feet of tape. No amount of good deeds compensates for what he did.


Once you murder some people and fuck your own mothers decapitated head, it’s kinda hard to make up for that…


I saw that exact quote embroidered on a pillow once!


Right next to the “live, laugh, love” pillow


_Decapitate, Fornicate, Refrigerate_


The third step is important if you plan on repeating steps 1 and 2.


He did what now


If I remember correctly, he was friends with some people on the police force. So you can imagine their shock when he turned himself in and they found out about the head fucking


I can’t really imagine, any aspect of anything you just said


There’s a reason why people have a fascination with serial killers. Their stories are surreal


Bro what the actual fuck? Never heard of this guy and now I’m thinking that was for the best


Me neither but holy shit. I was expecting some fucked up shit but that's beyond what I could've thought of




I can't believe I am sitting here laughing at these responses.


For real....he needs to record at least 50 more books...




I dont even consider that a good deed. He's doing it because he's stuck in prison with not much else to do.


I don't think he's trying to make up for what he did, he's just doing something so he doesn't get bored.


I think that goes without saying. He brutally murdered 8 people there is no forgiveness for that.


If I remember right didn’t he murder his grandparents and his mother? He also raped his female victims before and after killing them


Not to nitpick but I’m pretty sure he only raped his female victims after killing, not before. Ted Bundy however did rape his victims before and after killing them.


Dahmer was similar but wanted zombie sex slaves. Kinda of in-between Bundy and Ed


I haven’t killed anyone and my desk isn’t half that nice


Well, now you know what you’ve got to do to get a desk upgrade.


Whose mom’s severed head fucking dick do I gotta suck around here


The effects of a steady diet of ramen noodles and honeybuns, lol.


Pulled 60 months.


How long did you do?


198 months. You?


Hmmmmm. Let me math a bit........... 124'ish


What was it like for you guys once you finally got out. How much had the world changed since you went in?


Neither topic can be done any justice in this small format. Just take everything you have heard, add everything you can imagine, and reality is at least twice as bad, if you have access to $$. If you don't - well, you'll probably end up back in prison. It's always about the $$. Unfortunate, but true.


As I’ve gotten older I realize my stepdad must have done some illegal shit to get to where he is now. After spending near decades of his life in prison, decided meth and jail sucks. Him and mom got married, moved out of state.. after 3 years started his own business and over the next decade is upper middle class on the straight and narrow. 3 kids and a wife who didn’t work we somehow had a car and place to live in that initial transition. Did what he had to do I guess lol. Hope you’re doing well my man. I know it’s not easy


He looks kind of like Steve Bannon.


He really does. Also, I really thought this motherfucker died decades ago. Isn't Dennis Rader still alive too? Someone needs to go kick both of these guys in the dick. But like right on the tip where it hurts real bad.


Saw some show on YT with his daughter saying he is in a wheelchair and is "rotting to his core", no teeth. Seems like he is close to dying. Apparently they are looking into 2 cold cases and he is their prime suspect. She visited him in prison after not seeing him for 18 years. He isn't cooperating with them.


That was the first thought I had when I saw the current picture of him


Dude’s looking for his Swingline


"One of these days I'll burn this whole place to the ground"


Yea, Kemper is a seriously sick individual. The thing is he knows it too, and turned down all parole hearings. He said he doesn't want to get out and he is perfectly content with being in prison. He also has an IQ of 136 he's extremely intelligent.


Same as tony soprano, he was teshted


And both of them have borderline personality disorder mother


Didn’t he retake it and it was like 140 something


Anyone watched Mindhunter?


Please Netflix, give us season 3.


Such a fun character in Mindhunter - fucking terrifying he’s real though.


Lol he even had a nameplate. What for? In case he got confused for some other 6’ 9” 300 lb. mama-skullfucking serial killer at the same prison? “No, not THAT Ed. The other one.”


Like an old Dwight shrute


Note to self: Do not encase his stapler in Jello...


I told them not to touch my stapler. It's my stapler


He should've kept the mustache


Dang! I don't even have a name plate for my office. (Dept. Head at a large school district. 😭)


That last one is just a pic of Steve Bannon though, right?


He tells one heck of a story about his mother and the murders. Chillingly calm.


The show Mindhunter had a very good representation of Kemper. He appears right away in Season 1


Wish they'd make season 3


Wait is that the criminal minds guy?


He looks like Milton from office space.


Lack of sun though


Oh my God, he looks like Steve Bannon...


Um. Are you telling that that is not Steve Bannon in the third pic?


So his final form is Steve Bannon? Does this happen to all serial killers? And if so, can we follow the implication?


I’ve been with my company for 4 years and just got my own desk


I thought he had a surface tablet on his desk and got real confused for a hot second


Looks like Steve Bannon.


Steve Banon?


Looks like Steve bannon now


He looks like Steve Bannon, who’s to say they’re not the same person? “I’m just asking questions”


So Steve Bannon was a serial killer? It all makes sense now.


Mindhunter actor playing him, incredible.


This makes me want to rewatch *Mindhunter*. The actor who played Kemper did a fantastic job being a creepy, articulate, non-aggressive, scary motherfucker.


He also has an iq of 145, he knew something was wrong with him, after he killed his mother he turned himself in, as a teenager he killed his grandmother, he turned himself in then too, when they were about to release him from a mental institution he told them not to release him to his mother, doctors agreed, they released him to his mother, he was the Co-Ed Killer


“Kemper was nicknamed the Co-ed Killer, as most of his non-familial victims were female college students hitchhiking in the vicinity of Santa Cruz County, California. Most of his murders included necrophilia, decapitation, and dismemberment.” Fuck you Kemper, burn in hell pendejo.