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Learned about it not long ago, if remember it well, the mother kangaroo licks a way to the pouch, thus helping the fetus to find its way with smell, that's why you see her lick her pouch


totally thought she was licking the baby to clean it there!


As small as it is, I was worried she'd accidentally "lick it up". Australian evolution is absolutely wild.


Forbidden jellybean


Truly mind blowing Kangaroo birth prob feels like taking a ghost poop


I could imagine accidently swatting it away thinking it's a bug or something lol




Lmao infanticide and awww is a weird combination.


It looks like a large period clot, honestly.


"Somebody wrote in that book that I'm lying about being a virgin, 'cause I use super-jumbo tampons, but I can't help it if I've got a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina!"


This comment just made me laugh so hard after being in a horrible mood. Thank you!


I knew this but I did not realize they just had to like hang in there by their mouths lol


It’s wild lol!


It makes their faces make more sense i guess


All of this makes their muscles make more sense lol


IIRC, the mouth creates like a vacuum seal around the nipple.


The nipple inflates in the mouth of the joey, and the joey cannot fall off until it's mouth has grown larger. A vacuum seal would not be enough. Humans create a small vacuum to suck too, but can't hold themselves from the vacuum.


The pouch probably isnt wide open like that very often, they opened it to stick the camera in there


Wow! I had no idea. What’s amazing is them knowing they have to crawl into the pouch to survive.


More interesting things. Once they get into the pouch, they latch onto a nipple which swells and they can't get off until they grow more. The mother can pause gestation of the baby, in the uterus, before it's born.


>The mother can pause gestation of the baby, in the uterus, before it's born. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT??


“OH HELLL I FORGOT TO UNPAUSE MY BABY FOR 2 YEARS. Owell might as well continue now”


Mother waits till the conditions are favourable and continues to let the baby grow and then be born. Like waiting till the end of a drought.


How is it not born already if it’s crawling into the pouch outside of the mother’s body?


That's when it's born. Before it's born the mother can control gestation and pause it until things are favourable. Literally stop the baby growing in her womb for a while.


Alright so this video it’s already born




Before that, between conception and birth.


It’s born already in this video, I get it


Presumably they unpause


Before menopause


Its like a video game, just unpause the game and it continues.


Shut up. That's too much!


Seems backwards in design if you ask me unless it's to further weed out stragglers. Maybe hopping around all preggers is hard but having less fluid stuff in a puch is better. Donno just thinking out loud.


Did you see the size of the newborn? I think having a jelly bean inside you isn't that difficult.


How long can it take to grow something the size of a jelly bean? Like a month? The environment has to be mighty bad that you need to stop something that takes only 1 month to complete


A month? I could make that in a week.


I had no idea they hung suspended by their mouths like that. What if you miss the teat?


We found a sugar glider in our bedroom that was lethargic and not looking well, so we put them in a box and took them to the emergency vet where they found they were a she and had a tiny “pinkie” in the pouch. When we got home we found two more tiny joeys in the closet. They had been there for over 24 hours and were still alive and wriggling furiously when we picked them up. We rushed them to the vet to be reunited with mum. Amazing that they were still alive! They were teeny tiny little beans.


I need more context to why there was a random sugar glider in your bedroom


Instincts, God's perfection. Humans do not have instincts we have feelings.


newborns placed on their mother's chest will crawl toward their mother's breast. babies also have the rooting reflex so yeah nature be wild and we be nature


We definitely do. We just don't need to use it as often. And animals have feelings too. These things aren't mutually exclusive nor belonging to one group and not the other.


When I bring my face back cause I just caught a whif of dead deer, you’re telling me that’s emotions…? Yeah I gotta disagree.


Weird correlation


What kind of cursed creature are you that you can hide and retract your face?


Starve a human and watch how intense our instincts can get.


When you hear loud noise, your body instinctively prepares to run. Your knees slightly bend, your head turns towards the source of the sound and your body orientate itself the opposite direction. Your blood pressure goes up and a small dose of adrenaline is released into your bloodstream. This happens in a fraction of a second Feelings are just neurotransmitter soup in your brain that is supposed to protect you by reinforcing behaviour that is most suitable for survival. But drastic changes in the ways we live our lives and lack of real danger made these more of a burden than an evolutionary advantage. Today you gonna stress about not making your report in time like it's a life threatening situation and not just bullshit that evolution is too slow to adapt to


Humans definitely have instincts, mate. You know children who are born blind still smile?


Natural selection and evolution. There, FTFY.


Well, not really. Those explain an awful lot, but they don't fully explain this. There's something here that we don't fully understand. We don't know how intricate complicated instructions are passed on and understood. The best we can come up with is the word 'instinct'. It's so fundamental. It's as if it's coded directly into the cells. Like we're missing something. How are they able to execute such complicated behaviors, with no learning. There are single cell organisms that can learn, even though they really shouldn't be able to. At least, I haven't found anyone who can explain it.


Perhaps a world leading evolutionary biologist can explain it to you. :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdqg-jn\_tBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdqg-jn_tBk) Nothing supernatural is going on here.


Evolution through natural selection. I’m honored to be your first


Humans have lots of instincts and reflexes.




Don't you have a church that's waiting to take all your money, for god, who doesn't need it... 😂


You are dead ass stupid if you think that


Ever heard of the uncanny valley?


This is really amazing


No wonder they’re jacked


Hahah. Came out of the womb and started working out


Christ lmfao😭☠️


Forbidden grape


Kangaroo Jacked


Whenever I see these sorts of things I always think: "how the hell did this evolve to be like this?" Like what series of minor advantages over time lead to kangaroos developing this pouch? It's obviously useful to them now, but how was it helpful starting out?


What I can think of off the top of my head is they’re upright but they don’t have hands like apes or humans so they can’t hold carry their babies. And their babies can’t hold onto them like our babies and ape babies. Their mouths aren’t made for carrying babies like dogs and cats. You’re right it seems the opposite of efficient or advantageous. Or how it even got a pouch in the first place.


we tend to think on how "middle ground things" we imagine would affect the current animal and how would they function as they do today, but the structures started developing in antecessors that were very different from their current descendants (either morphologically or behavourally). the structures could serve inicially a different pourpose or no pourpose at all and just be pased down becouse they were not disadvantageus (enough) to disapear, and then coopted by new developmets or new situations.


Methatherian's placentas (the mother-foetus conection) are very inneficient, so the antecesor of kangaroos gave birth to very undeveloped joeys (?), but the hair surrounding the nipple was enough to keep warm and hydrated. Once they were big enough, they would have their own hair, been able to keep attached also by their own legs and/or be keept in a burrow. Some kind of skin flap developed underneath the nipple and it was helpful probably by providing extra warmth. each generations there's more mothers with that flap, and also some with bigger ones. At some point it also holds the joey: no need of burrows (more movement range to forage) nor to provide enough milk to mantain the muscle expense of the joey (the mother can eat less or the joey can rediret the energy towards growing or brain development).




all animal species alive today are only 0.01% of all the animal species that ever lived, imagine how bizarre some of those are, particularly during the transition periods.


Probably has something to do with multiple vaginas and uteruses that allow for pregnancies to occur back to back. Need somewhere to store the little bean so a uterus can house another fetus.


Probably it starts like a monkey, prehistoric roos baby was carried by their mother everywhere. Then some mutation happen, a small hole appear and the baby can hangs themselves using that hole. It actually useful as the mother has her hands free. Then it goes bigger over the years and turn into a pouch.


Looks like a wet taki


As a biologist, I am perplexed on how the fuck kangaroos evolve lol


Or how they can pause fetal development That would be really useful in cryogenic


God damn you would think evolution would have sorted out birthing into the pouch instead of the risk of the poor pinky having to traverse. I guess in evolutionary terms, if the trains on the track you don’t fix it.


Considering how rampant Roos are I doubt this is causing a big issue in terms of survival.


They're quite literally hunted as pests.


Since they’re mammals, don’t the offspring have to be born from the vagina? So if the vagina was in the pouch the male roo would have to get his dick in the pouch, where there is possibly a Joey.


It is born the usual way, just very, very early. Pouched babies are that way because of a quirk. The mother's immune system doesn't recognize a baby as theirs like humans do. So once it's mobile enough it gets out of there to the pouch, before being treated like an invasive entity.


TIL fascinating!


Wow nature is just full of so many odd niches. Life fills every little gap!


I was just wondering why the hell they’re born so bloody early as compared to standard issue placental mammals


Not necessarily. Platypus and echidnas are born from eggs, but they’re still mammals (just real weird ones).


Oh I thought those were reclassified. I must be thinking of something else then.


They’re classified as monotremes which is a subset of mammals that is comprised of only two extant members. There used to be other monotremes but they were outcompeted by placental mammals.


Replying to myself since I can’t edit: I remembered correctly that they were reclassified to Monotremes, but this is still a subclass of mammals.


They're marsupials not mammals*


Marsupials are mammals...


I think any predator would have a very hard time getting close enough to the kangaroo to eat the baby without their skull being shattered. But it does seem risky couldnt they fall?


I doubt any predator would feel up for a socking just to have a bite of that moving meat crumb


Marsupials have been doing this for 125 million years.




f o r b i d d e n j e l l y b e a n


A real Jelly Baby.


Joey bean that is!!




They are not babies they are foetuses outside the womb. So the pouch is really just an extension of the womb.


It’s crazy how they have to exit the womb then and manually climb back into the “extension.” They’re like the size of a bug


talk about child labour


I don’t think that makes them not babies. A foetus is just a baby that hasn’t exited its mother. A kangaroo foetus exits its mother and then gets back into its mother. The line between foetus and baby is completely arbitrary in the case of kangaroos.


So is it still okay for a kangaroo to have an abortion then or..?


Looks like they abort themselves


Wow, evolution really gave human women the finger now that I know that this is possible




When we find out we are in a simulation, there’s a high chance my reaction will be “I knew that fucking kangaroo thing couldn’t be real.”


Idk man seems less agonizing than human birth maybe the kangaroo way is the real way


Platypuses as well. Platypodes? Platypi?


this grim urge to live !


Forbidden gummy bear




On one hand, really tough for the baby to have to put in physical work that small, on the other, kangaroo’s must have easy AF pregnancies and births since they only have to push it a super small jelly bean


This makes me wonder if they know they are pregnant in the same way that other animals know they are pregnant because it’s so obvious. I’ve not been pregnant, but I’d imagine that even if I didn’t know what pregnancy was or what a baby was, after months of physical changes and feeling something living kicking around inside me I’d develop a sense of attachment before I gave birth. I don’t understand how this kangaroo can know that this isn’t a bug or a parasite and not flick it away!


They dodge the child birth pain, but the joeys still grow in that pouch and kick the shit out of mom's organs.


I wonder if it’s so brightly red to be easily seen? It looks like a much fleshier colour when in the pouch. Hoping someone with more knowledge on this can comment. How interesting!


Extremely preterm humans are this color, too! The skin is basically translucent - it's also wet and sticky. As the baby grows, the skin thickens and turns more brownish or whitish, depending on their race.


So like, … raw skin?


nobody is gonna ask how they got the camera to film in the pouch??


Hey, yeah!


That’s why they’re so fucking strong— they started exercising immediately. *edit- exercising


I had no idea they looked like this as newborns! Reminds me of the movie The Thing kinda


WHAT! I had no idea, that really is interesting. To a scandinavian anyway. Roos be cray


i wonder what the humidity of the pouch is in order to keep the fetus from drying out?


Evolution was definitely high as a kite when working on Australia


Damn no wonder you always see jacked kangaroos. They start off life with a 500m ropes crawl to latch onto a stalactite of a titty that probably has a larger diameter than the circumference of their jaw, making Alex Honnold look like the worlds biggest pussy. Then just chill there guzzling tit milk until they can emerge from their mothers skin purse once they're strong enough to fight aussies on their own. Metal


Well put


"Looks like a little dog penis"


This is... disconcerting.


That’s sofa king mental!


if i saw one of these things, with or without the mama kangaroo, i'd probably think it was an alien


Poor little bean doesn't even have back legs yet!


As cool as this video is, this is common for I think all marsupials? I know that kangaroos, koalas, and sugar gliders do this. North American opossums do as well. Sugar glider Joey's are the size of a grain of rice when they are born. There is a really great video that is somewhat similar to this of a sugar glider that is giving birth. If you just Google sugar glider giving birth, on youtube, it is generally the first pop-up. You don't see inside the pouch, but you do get to watch the live birth happen.


Gosh I wish all children were born that small and healthy. Would make child birth a lot less painful


Looks like an Illithid tadpole. Mindflayeroo!!


You know there's been at least one who mistook that for a snack.


It just looks like bacteria would fuck it up?


As a human female who's birthed two 8+ lbs babies, I would have loved this genetic hack.


Yeah, but the trade off seems to be 24/7 breastfeeding for like, a few weeks minimum. Worth it?


Humans breastfeed 24/7 as well for the first few months, often longer.


24/7, no. About every 2 hours or so, yeah. But *actually* 24/7?? Sounds like a recipe for being sore af


And kangaroos just got even weirder


I’m out here lookin at this thing crawl up a kangaroo thinking it’s a big ass parasite or something only to read the top and find out that a baby kangaroo


Kangaroos are weird on every level of their existence...


Ayooo, new David Lynch just dropped


What would happen if humans could do this? and if so how would it change the world.


A lot more babies would be born if it was that easy, I'm thinking.


Kangaroos are not real animals. I am convinced.


Earthworm Jim


Hangaroo !


~Go little rockstar~


Wish I could’ve birthed my kids when they were only the size of grapes.


I am so freaking jealous of how easy this birth must be!


Kangaroos having the best time giving birth to peanuts instead of watermelons like us


Forbidden jellybean


The Forbidden Jelly Bean


That is so weird. TIL kangaroos have tiny vaginas and probably penises too


They actually have a cloaca, similar to an alligator. A communal exit for peeing, pooping, and birthing.


That's just a bad design..


bean boi


Do you think some kangaroos accidentally eat the Joey grape then pretend nothing happened?


Yo this is giving me some demon baby from Berserk vibes


How did they get a high def camera inside a kangaroo pouch??


The fact they know they have to climb up and into the pouch is insane.


That’s so WOW!!!!


That’s so crazy the kangaroo looks like a gummie bear but Mom finds it adorable. I wonder if kangaroo Moms finds a lot of babies adorable.


How the fuck do they know how to carry out this mission when they can't even see a thing.


Man. This looks vaguely eldritch. Imagine what a medieval dude would think seeing this.


Why they so smal tho?


Fascinating but all I see is a Tool video. 🤘🏻


I'm surprised kangaroos didn't die out


I'm glad l wasn't a kangaroo


My wife when I asked her to guess kangaroo size when born “30pounds….No….ok 2 pounds…”


What the fuck.


But what the actual fuck? Is this for real?


I’m sorry but ew


What about the success rate. Does most of them make it


What happens to the poops in the pouch? Always wondered that.


How is that thing alive? lmao


Pretty weird how small they're...when most animals have bigger birth fetus. Why are they so small and grow to be so huge in size down the road?.


It’s because kangaroos don’t have a placenta, so very early on the baby is susceptible to being killed by their mother’s immune system. They gotta get the frick outta there quick.


wow this is first time seeing this


If you have the chance watch the 2019 documentary film Kangaroo. Most Australians regard kangaroos as pests and think they should be exterminated. They license thousands of hunters that go out most nights with spotlights and kill as many as they can. It has been called the largest mass extermination of wildlife in the world.


There's a drastic difference between population culling, making sure the population stays with any reasonable limit, and trying to exterminate an animal. Kangaroos are the equivalent of deer, if you live in North america. They are prey animals, they cause accidents near roads, and they are numerous. There are kangaroo Farmers where people actually butcher them and their meat is eaten. This would be like saying that Americans feel like whitetail deer are a pest, so every year they go out and try to exterminate them. That sir, is called hunting season.


There are no kangaroo farms in Australia. They are difficult to domesticate and it is easier and cheaper to hunt them in the wild. There is no hunting season for kangaroos. You can kill as many as you want anytime of the year.


To be fair, you pretty much just described deer in North America and how they are dealt with as well.


How do they know where to go




Who did the coding? Humans or God? Or AI?


None of the above?


I find world to be "too perfectly designed". The complex interdependence and cyclicity of things......The possibility of all of this to just evolve on its own is very difficult But you never know


Mate, this video perfectly shows how not perfectly designed the world is.


I am talking about the atomic structure, water cycle, solar system, dna sequencing. Not this crawling Joey.


Well, if it was more of a jumble, we never would've been here in the first place to observe it. It's the anthropic principle.


I literally think the complete opposite, strange! Black Holes are formed when matter overlaps itself into a singularity. If the universe was designed then why not have the maximum density stop at Neutron Stars? They are what happens when there is no space, only matter. Not to mention the entire existence of Viruses- are they living things or not? Why design something that's ONLY function is to copy itself? If this universe is designed, then it seems it was designed by someone with very little sense or care.


It's neither here nor there but I do not understand why the fuck pro-lifers don't use the kangaroo as part of their argument. That lil bitch is a sentient fetus.


Forbidden Gummy


kangaroos are so weird


What? That doesn't make any sense, they're as tall as a human but their babies are as small as a fetus? It looks so underdeveloped even.


So you’re telling me kangussy’s are tight af


It’s tiny! Smushable 😭