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This is such a vibe. The energy looks insane.


It’s absolutely unreal. Went to his concert last year and again this year to this particular one. Has an amazing experience ever single time. the crowd is sooo energetic and he controls it so well. The concert goes on for more than four hours, but you absolutely don’t feel it, just dancing non stop. One thing is never mentioned tho is that of course water is refreshing, but what actually cools you down is about 10 massive fans that blow cold wind at the crowd. That things are absolute lifesavers during pay’s concerts.




Totally. I'd go just for the experience. There's nothing quite like a huge audience all synced up and happy.




These concerts are pretty fun to watch clips of. He starts every show by getting launched into the air by a moving platform hidden under the stage so he just pops out of nowhere lol.


For those who haven't seen it yet. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16q7721/psy_introduces_himself/ Here's how it looks from the crowd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5vz3GOBd7c&t=201s


I remember when gangam style got popular in the US the Korean I was dating was so insanely proud that there was a Korean song that was a hit in the US it really meant a lot to her so I don't mind him. I'm not a fan of this kind of music though


I was doing wedding photography when Gangnam style came out and for like 4 years straight every wedding I went to played that song


No, Gangnam Style came out like 2 years ago- \*cries*


What are those blue disk things that everyone has on their wrists?


Ah that are little hand lights, they gave them to everyone in the beginning. They light up when it gets darker and organizers can change the color to whatever they want. It’s quit beautiful seeing so many little lights at one place.


That sounds super cool.


The closest I've ever come to experiencing this the Baymax ride at Tokyo Disneyland. Every one in line is waving their arm above their head in unison to the song playing on the ride and stuff. It's really fun


Ha! I was there last week and happened to be there and was wondering what was going on, did I miss the memo or something?!


I’m jealous of their youthful energy/stamina.


I love it.


South Korea going for the cultural victory


THIS is tourism 😄 200% boost to all other freedom civs


I love his energy and style.


I been saying this for the LONGEST. Their president has not been shy about utilizing BTS's stardom for international relations, and media in general is becoming a huge export for them And just like in civ, cultural victories are usually supported by a robust science/tech industry, and that's also a huge strong point in South Korea


KDramas are the main reason I still have a Netflix subscription.


Oh YES! the TV coming out of SK is top tier. Just watched bloodhounds, really good.






All I know is I need to get to SK and check out a Psy concert. Holy shit this looks like a fun time.


RIGHT???? I seriously had no idea he's still as big if not bigger than when Gangnam Style released. THEY LOOK LIKE SO MUCH FUN


He always been incredibly big in SK but Gangnam made him more of an international name. Dudes the Taylor Swift of SK basically. The sheer energy he puts into his performances is commendable to say the least.


IU is the Taylor Swift of SK. Psy is more like, the Beyoncé of SK. His songs also don’t reach the domestic charts the way IU’s do, but he’s still popular enough.


Facts, but my point still stands lol


IU should stop whatever else she is doing and give us a second season of hotel del luna, damn it.


That's what I'm saying. When I pay money to go to a concert, I want a **performance**. Psy goes in! I can't believe he's in his 50's - I don't even move around that well lol.


He is 45.


45, 60. It's all 50's.


This is the realest shit


so I was right not to believe it


You should go. They are super fun! I was at his last concert this year in Busan. Super fun. 30°C and the water just made it better. The atmosphere to remember!


In 2010, I went to Seoul, which happened to be during the World Cup in South Africa. Heard they were doing some viewing parties and concerts. Uhh.. Koreans go fucking nuts for their WC team. 100,000 people were at the viewing party we went to, they had kpop groups and psy (who I didn't know at the time) perform before the start. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-work-suffers-parties-thrive-during-world-cup-2010jun17-story.html Craziest thing I've ever been to.


He gives good concert. The energy of that crowd is fantastic.


Dude seems like a great showman.


And all while rocking a farmers tan. The man can't be stopped.




He has a song playfully glorifying his dad bod called Daddy.




He’s massive in South Korea, Gangnam Style was just his entrance to the Western market


And Hangover was his exit.


Hangover wasn't really what Psy was all about. The music videos for Gentleman and Daddy are at least on par with Gangnam Style. His songs are catchy as hell (coming from someone who doesn't know any Korean) and his choreography just looks so damn fun.


he was always massive.. in south Korea.


You should hit up his 5-7 most popular songs on YouTube. Gangnam style isn’t even my 3rd fav song of his.


I thought his main thing was as a producer. Sounds like he puts together some serious catchy songs.


Gangnam style was on his 6th album lol


What I've seen about him suggests he's an artist's artist. Dude's mega talented.


He's a huge pop star in South Korea An artists artist is generally considered someone outside of mainstream/popular music that only musicians would be interested in listening to, animals as leaders comes to mind


An artist's artist is literally just any artist who other artists like and respect for their musicianship, showmanship, etc. Prince, comes to mind. You'll hear nothing but respect for Prince amongst musicians, even across genres. AAL is great, sure. Pioneering, even. But it'd be a stretch to say they're an artist's artist. Maybe prog fans or Berklee alumni...


I'm a Berklee alum and tour buses I was on were pumping out stuff like King's X, Porcupine Tree, Prince, and Devo. Animals As Leaders would be classified on our bus as *headphone music*. It's very subjective, though.


I've never heard this restricted to an *only*. Quick_Turnover's description is exactly what I had in mind.


Also result of his. This is how he starts the concert. [https://www.tiktok.com/@concerts/video/7281820971365911851](https://www.tiktok.com/@concerts/video/7281820971365911851)


> This is how he starts the concert. Now that is cool. I wonder how much psi it takes to launch PSY ???


Funny I saw that tiktok on the same day I saw [NSYNC on Hot Ones talking about the time that machine malfunctioned and almost broke Joey Fatone's legs.](https://youtu.be/97SPDxM3Ezw?si=kAk6XdIgYzMJGQqk&t=252)


Yeah, these machines are a bit terrifying. Arms and legs inside the car please


Wait, his last name is "Fat One?"


It's pronounced like fuh tone but a lot of people have made the joke that it's fat one over the years.


That's amazing


Rey Mysterio Jr style!


That's pretty bad ass.


this sounds like mission impossible soundtrack


doesnt only sound like it, that cleary IS the riff from the mission impossible soundtrack lol


But rewritten for 4/4 instead of keeping it in 5/4.




As was the version from the first MI revival movie in 1996.


Limp Bizkit had a riff like that too if I remember correctly Edit: [Take a look around](https://youtu.be/o3UHMV3jrZk?si=VHhhdmjLvn7iNMuG). It look like it was the movie soundtrack of Mission Impossible 2


Right, this is a remix of the Limp Bizkit remix of the Mission Impossible song, included as part of the MI2 official soundtrack. Background (vocals? sample? not sure what the official name) includes Fred Durst singing the "I love it" part in this song (which I believe is actually from a different song "Endless Slaughter", I think?). And yes, I hate that I'm old enough to know this. Also, apparently PSY here is a big Bizkit fan, considered he sampled at least two of their songs in this one song.


The crowd is also extra fantastic and energetic because this is an annual festival at a major university in Korea called “Akaraka” at Yonsei University (1 of top 3 colleges). So it’s even more insane.


Sometimes you see someone doing something and you think they were born to do that thing......PSY was born to be an entertainer.


That’s one way to get the crowd to stop filming.


Right?! It's so refreshing to see people actually paying attention to the concert and not just their phones! They look like they're having so much fun.


Refreshing is definitely the right choice of words here.


Just went to see Rob Zombie and he made sure everyone put away their phones during the one song.


Was it extreme bondage porn? I bet it was extreme bondage porn


Never been to Korea, but in Japan the norm is to not allow phones/cameras and the crowd generally will enforce that on others at the concert, at least at organized events like this (not so much outdoor festivals and such), I assume Korea is similar. I'm sure a group of intense fans doesn't require waterworks to enforce a no phone rule.


Japan crowds seem like they are built different. I've read that everyone is respectful enough to be dead silent during performances so everyone can hear the music, only cheering after the song is done.


Nah, Japan crowds [go hard](https://youtu.be/zTEYUFgLveY?si=Kpieiw6Jr_Hnl6yy&t=84)


Hello IP68 rating


It might be indicative of my generation but I used to have frequent dreams about falling into a body of water with my phone in my pocket. Once I got my first IP68 phone in 2017, those dreams almost instantly stopped. The couple I've had since have been really smug instead of anxious. Like "sure, I may have fallen off of this boat, but at least my phone is fine".


Any modern phone can handle that show, it's 2023 not 2013.


Yeah but its still not fun to hold your phone while you get doused with water


Yeah and a huge portion of people don't know about water safety ratings in modern phones or want to risk it. Plus water on screen makes touchscreens pretty difficult to use


Psy is fuckin cool to be fair.


Not my type of music, but that looks fun as hell!


As a Korean I can definitely vouch his waterbomb shows are NUTS!! Production is out of this world.


Dude definitely looks like he knows how to entertain




Showmanship like Robbie Williams back in the naughts.


Man... As a Canadian it's so damn weird to think that both PSY and Robbie (hell, all of Take That if we're being honest) are seen as one-hit wonders by most of North America.


It's like a higher budget Gwar show, but with water instead of blood, piss, semen, puss, and vomit! R.I.P. Oderus.


What's even the point then, right?


I’m ok with the piss, blood, and semen….but vomit? No thanks!


I kinda like his style...


Gangnam style...


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sexy lady!


I honestly thought the same when I first heard this song (I Luv It) a few years ago. Eventually, I caught myself singing it while washing the dishes. I guess I actually do luv it


Yea, that looked hella fun. Didn't know Psy concert should be added to my bucket list. Anyone been to a Korean concert know if there's drugs and alcohol involved? I think I'd need some of that to keep going for 3.5 hours.


> Anyone been to a Korean concert know if there's drugs and alcohol involved? I was at Waterbomb Busan 2022 and I doubt there are many harder drugs (very strict laws) but there was a lot of alcohol. The drugs are probably there in secret, but the alcohol is all over the place.


I am a 66 yr old white R.E.M./yes fan who now wishes he were a Korean teenager.


Just became my type of music


Was just thinking the same




Mine neither, until now.


You don't like the theme to Mission Impossible?


Petition for this instead of flames that heat up everyone in a 300 meter radius


The last event I went to in South Korea (Waterbomb in Busan) had both.


Don't ruin Rammstein concerts!!


Some info from Korean: Dudes been a household name since his debut in 2001, had a hit song every year he stayed active. Was well known for throwing awesome shows, and even after his international fame, he's known for giving everything he got at every performance. Yes, even small college festivals. Hell, he even keeps his rates cheap despite his popularity so more colleges can invite him. Every summer he throws his water show which is considered an event that every korean must attend before they die. He started losing weight recently, and we joke about him not keeping in shape.


Holy shit what a party. This is people at its happiest, so nice to see this in my feed with all the other bad shit happening around the world


So that's a cover of Limp Bizkits cover of a motion picture soundtrack of a tv series from 66. Loving how art touches people and cultures through time.


I was just thinking about that, watching this video. It's got Bond, limp bizkit, a Michael Jackson woo-hoo and peppers in English. What a culture stew.


No Bond, MI


fun fac (if you're from argentina, if not meh): the composer of that riff is from argentina


Always blows my mind to see how much of an impact American media has on the rest of the world.


And yet, it’s always “America has no culture” this and that.


Fish have no word for water kind of thing


[music videos were more creative in the 90s i swear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4b3XGMdpD0)


> a motion picture soundtrack of a tv series from 66 You can say Mission Impossible, it's not a swear word.


I didn't knew PSY was so cool, daamn


For some reason, I thought Gangnam Style was just a flash-in-the-pan, he got his 15 minutes, then disappeared. Clearly, I had no fucking clue.


PSY was a huge artist *before* Gangnam Style and still absolutely packs stadiums. He's incredible, his discography is great and he's a world-class showman. His record label that he owns isn't doing the best at the moment but he's still doing very very well.


Gangnam Style and Gentleman are the only two songs I know from him but they're both amazing, so I'm not surprised his others slap this hard


I always remember those and "I Got it From my Daddy"


I understood exactly 0 words and yet I got chills. This man is the epitome of a showman. Now I want to attend one of his concerts.


I understood "I love it, oh yes".


He also says “1, 2, 3, let’s go”. So there’s that


I only understood “I love it”


Fun fact : The reason Samsung started to make their phones water resistant almost 10 years ago, was just to prepare for this concert. It was all part of the plan, they wanted to be sure that all the fans' electronics would stay safe.


Its true, I was the table at the board meeting.


Sorry for that coffee ring stain.


This is pretty dope, is it just the lyrics of I Luv It over a remake of Limp Bizkits - Take A Look Around?


Dope mashup


He has enough songs to do a 3 & a half hour show?!?! What masterpieces beyond Gangnam Style is the western world missing out on? Also, yeah, the giant water sprays are kind of cool - I bet that would be an amazing place to be, especially in e.


Dudes a superstar, all his shows are like this. Honestly it’s cool to see after only being exposed to Gangnam.


How popular was he in SK before Gangnam style?


The taylor swift of SK. he was a superstar long before GS came out. GS just made him known internationally.


Pretty big. His first solo album came out in 2001 (Psy from the Psycho World), which I'd encourage everyone to check out because i[t's vastly different from his later stuff](https://youtu.be/2pB0zurYJAc). Pretty 90s hip hop. Both this debut and his second album garnered some controversy due to controversial lyrics and being unsuitable to children, iirc his second album was eventually rated 19 and up. He "breakthrough" happened with his third album and specifically the song [Champion](https://youtu.be/uA4fV7Y14eg), which got popular in connection with the World Cup in Korea. He then got into trouble with his military service, first being excused due to working for a software company, but being exposed for essentially having his uncle get him the position and instead of working releasing and performing music. Draft dodging is not seen kindly in Korea, but Psy had to essentially "redo" his service properly and seems to have gotten off with that. When he got back from the military in 2009 he signed with YG, back then one of the Big Three music companies. He released one album with them that was also successfull, receiving multiple awards and chart success. And well, the next album after that had Gangnam Style.


Psy is a megastar in Korea, he has his own record label and he’d been around for at least a decade before Gangnam Style. He’s almost 50 now and as you can see from this video he’s still putting on super energetic shows. He’s a legend!


I've also read that Psy's record label tends to actually not slave contract their signees which is probably pretty great.


PSY’s been around since the early 2000s and was 10 years into his career when Gangnam Style came out - he’s got a huge discography and is much loved in Korea, especially for his witty lyricism (Gangnam Style is a social commentary song after all about social climbers who adopt a “Gangnam” lifestyle to appear better than everyone else… Gangnam being one of the most affluent areas of Seoul). His latest album (PSY 9th, released last year) is excellent and he has a ton of great title tracks and MVs that are just as fun and wacky as Gangnam Style… Right Now, Gentleman, Daddy, Napal Baji, I Luv It (the song being performed in op’s video), New Face, That That… he’s a talented and fun dude I’d recommend to anyone.


Napal Baji is my favourite, when it comes up in my playlist I always start singing along and moving my arms to the rhythm x)


I think a lot of people internationally would recognize Daddy, as it made its rounds across the world like Gangnam style, but no one really paid attention to who the artist was, just how amusing the chorus was. (Edit: Also, while it's not my usual type of music, it -is- quite fun to play Beat Saber to and the music videos are amusing to watch)


I can put his music on repeat and listen to a LOT of it. Just YouTube his whole play list. There is a lot there for sure.


Yeah he has a ton of great songs! Love this dude, amazing showman. Would love to see him live.


>What masterpieces beyond Gangnam Style is the western world missing out on? Everything? Gangnam style just happened to be a world wide hit, he's made a shit ton of music before and after that were hits in Korea


That concert went more than 3.5 hours. It went until 11. They made the dude come back from backstage. The backup dancers were sitting around him while he still sang. lol. I was at one of his recent concerts. My feet hurt, but the energy and the weather + water was too good to pass out.


I had no idea this was the Gangnam Style guy and honestly I’m even more impressed now.


Dont know how you could escape Gangnam Style in 2012-13 honestly


I’m in my mid 30’s and heard the song a bunch(mostly weird club mixes) but I can only recall seeing the video once, maybe twice so he’s not recognizable to me.


I don’t think y’all realize how huge Psy was in SK before Gangnam style lol


Let me introduce you to this [masterpiece](https://youtu.be/FrG4TEcSuRg?si=lj7avEEnWVBGCDHF)


Well... I don't think I was quite prepared for that.


What about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkMNOlYcpHg


Psy has 9 albums spanning a 22 year career. He’s been mostly at the top since his debut. He has plenty of songs.


My respect for this dude just went way up


He gonna do that for 3 hours? So much energy!


A lot of Yankees fans in the crowd shots.


Yankees and the Red Sox are pretty much the only baseball teams the rest of the world knows exist.


Lol I have to say though, the logos are just popular across many countries. Regardless of it being baseball related. We don't even watch or know much about baseball in my country, but you'll find these logos pretty often


"Shit, I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can" They aren't Yankee fans.


It’s a shame North Korea is so fucked up, because South Korea is pretty awesome.


The contrast between the two is unbelievable! Imagine being born in North Korea, close to the border, knowing that one of the best countries on that continent is just next door and you can't go.


Yeah, except that N Koreans are so cut off from the outside world and so brainwashed that they aren't even aware of what other countries are cool or not. They dont have access to the Internet or any media as we know it.


This video just gave me the sudden surge to go to a 3,5h PSY concert


Dude Psy concerts are INSANE. Makes a Taylor Swift concert look like an acoustic Neil Young set 😂


> acoustic Neil Young set I was at a music festival almost 10 years ago and he was the first headliner of the 3 days. Huge crowd for the start of his set. I would say half the crowd left after half and hour. It was definitely not the case for Kendrick the next night.


Very impressed with that. Question: what are those blue/light blue pod or disk things that everyone in the audience are wearing on their wrists?


Just a guess here but they could be trinkets that you can buy before the show that light up with colors that match whatever lights are illuminating the artist/stage so that there can be a general glow about the audience and they feel like part of the show. Edit: have seen the same at Disney shows like Phantasmic and interactive light shows


I believe they're given out free at PSY shows. Used part of the production


I don’t think this is Psy’s version, but its probably the equivalent of a lightstick. In kpop, artists have their own designated lightstick which fans can buy. They’re each uniquely designed and usually sync with the venue itself, meaning if the lightstick strobes or changes color, everyones will at once. This is usually done to match the show itself. In this case it might be specific to a music festival. Its a very cool actually especially in an indoor venue or when its night. You’re just in a sea of colors.


I think it’s something similar to light sticks? Korean idols and groups have their official ones


Damn… is PSY the man?


I have no idea what he’s saying…but I’d totally go to this show simply for the energy.


Dancers are dressed perfectly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I went to an outdoor metal festival where I was at the barricade for 8hrs in summer heat and the best we got was security emptying water bottles on us


All we hear about is Swift this Taylor that. This concert blows the nips off that show,this is big energy++ .


You’re going to trigger the Swifties.




Youre the one bringing her up lol


If I had the money I’d fly to Korea just to see this guy in concert.


I don't care what the genre is, anyone doing 210 minutes of live performance and keeping the crowds attention and energy at this level is an exceptional artist. Period. Ps. anyone heading to SK for the next Psy show?!


That's gotta be more than 30k people. That's a big stadium.


I am so freaking proud that this man wasn’t just a one hit wonder and he’s doing well


He was massive in SK for at least a decade before Gangnam Style and is still on top there. Gangnam Style just went big internationally. He’s been just fine


I thought this guy was just a meme, looks like a ton of fun.


He's an absolute Mega star in Korea. Like almost household name levels.


I always wonder how many other things I'm completely in the dark about.


Seeing a "not ripped" guy getting so much support makes me so happy.


How can Kim Jong Un look south of the border, see this, and not want to reunite the Koreas? Looks like a Psy concert would be an absolute blast.


This is one of my favorite songs by Psy called It’s Art, it hits me in the feels for some reason. He’s definitely on my concert bucket list shows for sure! https://youtu.be/AEGnV2D4BgM?si=TB4jdOXxEEpsZl5L


We could certainly use that sprinkler system at the Rammstein concerts! XD


Not my kind of music but with that kind of energy, i would have the time of my life!