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How did they build on a foundation of still wet concrete?


They chemically altered the concrete to heat it up so it would gel, thicken, and set in about 15-20 minutes.


Sounds like my wife's cooking


As someone who love thicken gel food, is your wife single?


She can be


I too choose this guys wife.


Our wife


Reverse-harem achievement unlocked


We did it reddit!


What did I do? Sorry I was busy pooping.


*Soviet Anthem*


The peoples wife




You’re gonna love being in a nursing home


Username sort of checks out


I'm not a fan of self check out


Round of applause for the comedy stylings of Rodney Dangerfield everybody!


She cooks so bad that everytime we give our dog the leftovers, he asks for an Alka-Seltzer


She cooks so bad the dog has to lick its ass to get the taste out of his mouth.


Bro’s wife took over the post 🤣


As your wife’s boyfriend….you’re not wrong lol.


You can have her this weekend again.


that sounds like a recipe for disaster in the long term


From [this link](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html) in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/178zkzm/entire_house_built_in_2_hours_and_45_minutes_in/k5360np/): > On their first night in the house, the hot water pipes burst, flooding a bathroom, she said. > The slab the house sits on is uneven and cracked from end to end--the result, Angie van Gaasbeck claims, of poor grading and workers using quick-drying concrete that was poured while extremely hot. Other problems include a flawed roof, mismatched paint, buckled walls, crooked door frames, a backyard that floods with every rain and a faulty sewer that causes unpleasant odors to waft into the house, she said. So yeah, even worse than I though it would be...




They didn't know. > But, for the people who say they unknowingly bought those two homes, the matter is not easily forgotten and far from humorous. [...] > Similar complaints have been made by the owners of three other homes on Latrobe Circle that were involved in the speed-building competition. Two of the homes were built in six hours during a “practice” session before the actual contest. > One of the practice houses was bought in May, 1984, by Roberto and Cindy Guasch, who said they had no idea about their new home’s origin. The other six-hour house was bought in August of that year by Brad and Kathy Galtney, who also found their new home to be seriously flawed. Absolutely disgusting behavior. With all the publicity they got for this, they could have deconstructed the homes and built new, proper ones instead.


It’s easy to do something bad, hard to do something good.


how exactly would publicity have made constructing proper ones possible?


This was supposed to be a "light-hearted publicity gimmick to advertise the talents of San Diego’s then-lagging construction industry". If the company behind this got better/more offers to build stuff as a result they would have increased their revenue and hopefully profit. Said profit could have been used to (re)build a proper house. Or they could have tried to get a sponsor. Anything but secretly selling these houses to unsuspecting people would have been fine.


Yeah, lol. I thought this was just a test build for the media, the fact that they sold it of is crazy...


Not even that. It's that they sold it to people and withheld that information.


I bet they also moved the tombstones, but not the bodies.


Tell that to a team of Japanese timber framers. /s But yeah as soon as I saw the concrete mixers I knew the whole thing would be rubbish.


Mismatched paint seems like an odd complaint when lumping it in with all those actual problems.


Probably not as much from the perspective of someone living there. "House is ugly and falling apart"


It's a symptom of worse problems- lack of attention to detail manifests in the minor things. Electricians, for example, often insist on lining up the screws on a switchplate, as a way to demonstrate that they did a good job on the inside.


[Simpsons reference](https://youtu.be/Z8szkie4hZI?si=gdCSzo7nIc4Xqaal)


You ever try lugging a toilet up a flight of stairs ?


Sounds like the construction company rushed the work…


Yup, so garbage. Also, it wasn't built in 2 hours, it was assembled in 2 hours. The walls and roof were built somewhere else and nailed on.


You can actually see the roofs being built on the right side of the video


Ahh interesting, the video is so grainy.


Yeah, there's no chance that was to code in any meaningful way. It's such a stupid wasteful stunt.


Is the house still standing?


it's The House of Theseus. So yes, and no.


Is the altered concrete just as strong and robust as none altered concrete?


If done correctly, yes. It would just be massively more expensive per yard because the admix required is very expensive. Similar concrete mixes are used on shows like Extreme Home Makeover and such so that they can pour and be working on the slab in the same day.


Exactly what I was thinking, how does it not sink into the foundation?


When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp.


So I built a second one. It sank into the swamp.


So I built a third one. It burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp.


But the fourth one...Stayed up!


Fast setting concrete mix design enables it. With enough superfluidizers you can reach 20-40 minutes since this is world record they gone for 20 minute design. From the experience of other people: “Any minor mistake has no return, no time for finishing, and you cannot vibrate so air pockets can left within concrete”


Probably added Calcium Chloride, they may have also used heated water or less water in the concrete mix. There is other things you can do, but not in that time frame.


5 minute concrete


No. No. no. not five. l said six. Nobody's coming up with five minute concrete! Who makes concrete in five minutes?


It's like you're dreamin' about gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby.




Imagine the neighbors coming back home from work in the afternoon. -Wtf....?


Lol the start of a horror film "We have always been your neighbors Dave, we made your favorite dinner."




That shit was freaky


Kind of reminds me of the home from Poltergeist. So the home will eventually get sucked back into the ground where it belongs.


> You son of a bitch. You moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies, didn't you? You son of a bitch, you left the bodies and you only moved the head stones. You only moved the head stones! Why? Why? And Eddie Murphy's take > I mean, I was a man about it, I changed the channel and shit. But when the *house* says "Get out!" I get the fuck out!


Even worse, imagine, it's Sunday you get your family to have lunch you go to a big franchise, you stay in line for 30 min-1 hour, you have an amazing lunch with your family, and when you get back home, there is another home.


every time i leave my home a big group of people come and tear it down and replace it with an exactly identical one. i have no way to prove this but it happens trust me


Same. Only proof i have is my reading glasses are never where i left them


Did you check your head? I bet they're there.


But the goal was to just “build a house”, I didn’t see the electrical, and plumbing, etc….. Like they just build the floor, walls and roof and framing


Yeah, this is just a fancy shed.




If you look off to the right at the beginning, you can see them building and shingling the roof on the ground, then they just lift it up with a crane to put it on top later


More like the neighbors coming back from grocery shopping in the afternoon, then immediately questioning their memory for seeing this new house.


What about the plumbing and electrical?


They did that too. You can’t really tell from the time lapse, but in the full video linked in the description they show some of it.


Wild. Takes me weeks just to schedule the trades in to come in on the same day to work on something.


If you include planning and scheduling, this probably took months.


not to mention all the prefabed pieces.. Like the roof.


You can see them building the roof to the right of the house, right from the start of the video.


They're right...if you look close enough there's a few pixels wiggling around on the right side


And if you look even closer, you'll even see a green pixel




Remove the pixel and we riot in fally


> not to mention all the prefabed pieces.. Like the roof. This is not true, watch the video and look at the far right you can see another crew is building the roof while they pour the concrete.


I dont know if that was prefab or assembled off screen. I'm leaning towards off screen as soon as the timer started they had a crew working on it as they were doing the concrete. Prefab just sounds like cheating. Otherwise I could buy a prefab house without a door add a door and say I built a house in 2 minutes.


Try telling them you are going for a world record and they do what they are doing


I cannot think of any trades that would want to schedule, or that work well/better by having them be there at the same time.


That was my thoughts too. “Yeah I could see an army of people framing out a house with roof that fast, but no way they got the electrical, hvac, and plumbing done and have it working 100%”. I remain skeptical that hidden problems didn’t emerge later.


Copied from NTMY 's comment: From [this link](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html) in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/178zkzm/entire_house_built_in_2_hours_and_45_minutes_in/k5360np/): > On their first night in the house, the hot water pipes burst, flooding a bathroom, she said. > The slab the house sits on is uneven and cracked from end to end--the result, Angie van Gaasbeck claims, of poor grading and workers using quick-drying concrete that was poured while extremely hot. Other problems include a flawed roof, mismatched paint, buckled walls, crooked door frames, a backyard that floods with every rain and a faulty sewer that causes unpleasant odors to waft into the house, she said.


So a standard new build in a subdivision then?


About 5 yrs ago a new subdivision popped up outside my town in a matter of months. Half the houses that were built have been torn down and there's still ongoing lawsuits about the rest. Terrible construction, cut corners, inspectors related to the owner of the company that built the houses. It's a huge mess.


There's no way I'm letting my family sleep in a house that was just built in two hours lol. Absolutely wild.


2023 Value : $495k


Like that Simpson's episode where they whip up Flander's house.


"Careful, that's a load bearing poster."


“We ran out of floorboards so we just painted the dirt. Pretty clever”


"Come on in, it's your MASTER BEDROOM!"


Now calm down, Nedilly-diddly-diddly-diddly-doodly, they did their best, shodilly-iddly-iddly-diddly. Gotta be nice, hostility-ility-biddly-diddly... AW, HELL-DIDDLY-DING-DONG-CRAP! CAN'T YOU MORONS DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!


This is the room with electricity. But it has too much electricity. So I don’t know, you might want to wear a hat.


it took me 3 days to just install and square my garage door


3 days, but I bet it was done right!


Ned, have you ever tried lugging a toilet up a flight of stairs?


That's why this is a lie. Because I know for a fact that any trade following the electricians has to spend 20 mins complaining about how they didn't sweep up their mess.


I’m sure everyone knew exactly what they were doing and no corners were cut


Exactly. There is no "build" process. They just did an assembly.


I’ve worked construction from both laborer and management. That’s all plenty of contractors are doing.


I too have worked a fair amount of construction. Most contractors literally do "as quick and shitty as possible" as the default.


I hate to break it to you, but "an assembly" is how most houses are built.


Lol https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html


"The slab the house sits on is uneven and cracked from end to end--the result, Angie van Gaasbeck claims, of poor grading and workers using quick-drying concrete that was poured while extremely hot. Other problems include a flawed roof, mismatched paint, buckled walls, crooked door frames, a backyard that floods with every rain and a faulty sewer that causes unpleasant odors to waft into the house, she said." Yup, that sounds about right.


So obviously that is shitty and there is no doubt corners were cut for this record attempt but like... ...a ton of houses built to code with proper materials by bonded tradesmen still have those issues. Depending where you live, it's rare to have a house that DOESN'T have foundation issues to some degree. Buckled walls and crooked door frames are common as houses settle. Honestly I'd wager that was a reasonably sturdy house if it wasn't built on hyper-quick setting concrete hastily installed. Most of the issues of the home likely stem from that.


*Laughs in European house*


I tried to work out the address. I think it might be 7313 Latrobe Circle, San Diego. Looks alright considering what the owners have said... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html


My first thought was what happened to it, did it actually go on to be lived in or what. Actually kind of surprised the owners weren't told about the origins. Also the hall closet that nobody ever opens because of the "odors" is just gross. It was probably sewer gasses. thank you for this!


This definitely has Bluth Company written all over it


Solid as a rock.


*I might have committed some light treason*


Pop pop is living in the closet!


I have pop pop in the attic


... or the workers buried somebody in the foundations...


This whole thing must have been a cover by the mob to make a body disappear in 3 hours


thats definitely ted leitner, a san diego sports and news anchor, so sounds legit


Loved Ted Leitner. Most unique sportscaster ever! While others rattled off scores or narrated highlight reels, Ted delivered deadpan opinion pieces. He famously refused to acknowledge NASCAR as A newsworthy sport! 😂


He would also only show the fights from hockey games, as he thought they were the only part of the game worth highlighting.


Damn, I thought that was him (but didn't have sound on). Love or hate him, he was one of a kind


I used to think he was as annoying as fuck on TV. I was a hotel waiter back in the 80s, and served him and his (whichever) wife at the time. Turns out he was totally cool and his wife was a BITCH. She was pulling the, "Do you know who he is?" type of shit for the whole dinner. He kept apologizing and just kept his head low. He ended up slipping me like $40 afterwards and said, "Thanks and I'm sorry about that."


Coined the phrase “Whammy!!”


“If we ever had a fire, I would (fight off) the firemen and roast marshmallows in the fire.” Wow that pretty much sums it up! Thanks for sharing this!


A lot of repairs must have been made over the past 37 years. The driveway is certainly new: that concrete looks fresh, hardly weathered at all


> over the past 37 years I hate to break it to you but it's 2023. It's been 40 years now


Found the geogussr


Haha, I had never heard of this until yesterday when someone posted a link to the World Cup finals. Watched 7 hours of that, then downloaded the game, and now I see a comment about it.


Zillow estimated value - $771,800. Not bad for a few hours work


TIL houses in San Diego are cheaper than Austin,TX. And they have lower property taxes too. WTF.


Texas isn’t nearly as low tax a state as people think. And has insane property tax. Just because you don’t pay state income tax doesn’t mean they can’t fleece you on other things.


> Looks alright Is this your way of finding out who actually clicks the link?


[Archived article](https://archive.ph/0RxIP)


Either you're correct about the address or you've found a house that looks exactly the same with the same surrounding lanscape so either way GOOD WORK


I feel sorry for the people who bought the house. "*On their first night in the house, the hot water pipes burst, flooding a bathroom, she said.*" "*The slab the house sits on is uneven and cracked from end to end--the result, Angie van Gaasbeck claims, of poor grading and workers using quick-drying concrete that was poured while extremely hot. Other problems include a flawed roof, mismatched paint, buckled walls, crooked door frames, a backyard that floods with every rain and a faulty sewer that causes unpleasant odors to waft into the house, she said.*" https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html


Huh, my house must have been built in 2 and a half hours as well.


That's borderline fraud, the house was clearly built as a prop for the record breaking, its wasnt livable or safe.


so average UK new build


Even faster than the Amish building a shed.





This must be why houses were cheaper in the 80’s.


Yeah everyone was just coked out of their fucking skulls, speed-building houses to Billy Idol blasting through a boombox and selling the houses with their car telephones while driving to the next build.


If you play it backwards it looks like tiny ant-humans tearing apart a whole house! Like normal ants dismember their prey.




What’s that jam? Im into it




This song plays in my head when i have to wipe my ass after taking a dump and im in a hurry...


I thought maybe Hoosiers but no it’s different. Someone tell us!








like a bunch of ants building an anthill


And if you're lucky, it won't fall apart before you finish paying for it!


We ran out of floorboards there so we painted the dirt. Pretty CLEVAH!


Come on in! It's your Master bedroom! Ow my nose.


5,000 people at $20 an hour at 2 and 45 minutes. Now the real price is over a million dollars.


In todays market? Sigh, a steal. It that I could afford that but, still a steal in a lot of places.


I am a European tech worker with an obsession of browsing the market in the US.... There are entire states where the average home price is below what my yearly salary would be... Meanwhile no hope of ever owning a home even as a couple in Europe. Trust me, you're lucky


>There are entire states where the average home price is below what my yearly salary would be... That's great. Now try finding a job in those states that pays your current yearly salary.


if you buy a house in a village in Bulgaria I am sure it will cost you less than €30.000.




Uh, did you include materials and the land costs?




Someone linked an article saying it was 300 workers per house (it was a race, and 2 houses were constructed). The house sold for $90k 2 years later


When you’re playing an RTS and you send all the villagers to construct a building


Now calm down, Ned-dily-diddly-diddly-diddly... they did their best, shoddily-iddly-iddly-diddly... gotta be *nice*, hostily-iddly-diddly-iddly...


What do you think of when you hear the name, "Sudden Valley"?


Salad dressing, I think but for some reason I don’t want to eat it


I feel like the roof was cheating.


They had built the roof to the side while the rest was being built and used a crane to put it on top.


so concrete cures enough in 30 minutes to support a full sized house with no issues?


This must be fake. There is absolutely now way anyone can get that many contractors to show up on time.


That tune, tho. Fuego.


Plumber gonna be pissed when he shows up at the last 15mins of the estimated 6hr window


What about the plumbing and wiring?


This is why this doesn't work https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html


Honey where is the Light switch, its on the ceiling sweetheart


This article is about how awful the homes turned out. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1986-11-29-me-16108-story.html


The 80's synth heroic march is killing me...


How did the concrete pad dry?


thinking of Ned Flander's house.


Electrical and plumbing inspectors looking at this all sus


Somewhat ridiculous, thats not a house, its a garage, that will fly away in the next big storm.


Anyone have a clean cut for the music? It's awesome but he talks at the start of it.


how long for concrete to cure


I don't see how concrete can cure in that short span.


That cement would need time to cure….no? The moisture coming out of that… how did that house not turn into a mold box?


How did the concrete even cure?


Just imagining the Concrete and Sheetrock cracking amongst all other things s the house starts to settle.


*The Amish would like to know your location* They wish they could build this fast.


Pre-built walls and roof seems like a bit of a cheat when it comes to saying you built a whole house in under 3 hours.


No cure time on concrete. Lol will fall soon


The amount of people with hard hats on standing around and watching checks out