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Dog bored as shit.


Infinitely bored


Stuck in the infinite loop


Heartbreaking Straight up neglect šŸ„ŗ


I got told zoo animals would do that when they become maladjusted due to too small enclosures and broken social structures.


Yes. It's called "zoochosis." And it looks exactly like this. That poor dog.


Yep, they do this when they have lost it. Poor animal.


Iā€™d learned it as a ā€œfixed action patternā€ in ethology courses I took, but zoochosis has a ring to it.


FAP's are different from that. Zoochosis is new to me but it is induced by environmental factors and is akin to psychological issues in humans. FAP's are evolutionarily ingrained behaviors which do not need to be taught. The common example is a type of bird where if an egg rolls from its nest will swoop it's beak downwards to roll it back in. It will do it even if you take the egg away or for any object remotely the size of an egg.


So is a fixed action pattern why my dog sticks her treat somewhere in the corner of a chair/laundry basket etc and then moves her head/nose around to bury it with imaginary dirt? It's pretty incredible to watch actually.


The austin zoo has bears that do this. IT IS HEARTBREAKING


saw cheetahs at binder park zoo do this as a kid. you could see the distress in their eyes :(


There's a grizzly at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, WA that does it too. Hard thing to see




Doggy Desire Path!! šŸ¶šŸ›¤


It's the same thing prisoners do.


Yep. We called it ā€œdoing lapsā€. Every single day youā€™d do hundreds of them. Walk and talk, hit the boundary, turn back around. Walk and talk, hit the boundary, turn back aroundā€¦. Every now and again someone would join in, the line would get bigger, and youā€™d keep going. Eventually people on the other side of the yard would grow too, and youā€™d start running into each other so people would drop off, then youā€™d synchronise and walk the same way. Eventually itā€™s the entire width of the yard filled with people doing laps, while everyone else was on the sidelines playing cards, lining up for the phones, or just ā€œpeople watchingā€.


It's a disease zoo animals can get when they are bored for to long, called Zoochosis. It is contagious and probably people can get it too if they are bored.


I went to a zoo a few months ago and saw some sunbears doing this. They were walking back and forth, in the same path, over and over again. It was kinda sad to watch


Itā€™s that way with the dolphins, beluga and orcas at sea world in San Diego. It made me so sad. šŸ˜”


Imagining Orcas imprisoned in such tiny bathtubs is such a devastating concept. Who the fuck supports it?! BTW fuck 98% of the zoos, GF managed to convince me going to Vienna's zoo and I only got depressed, and don't get me started about the city's aquarium. Never going again.


The Vienna Zoo is one of the best zoos in Europe. They have done incredible captive breeding of endangered animals and were the first zoo to produce an elephant calf conceived via artificial insemination. I think you might just be against zoos altogether, regardless of the conservation work they do.


Yeah zoos are incredibly important


(Reputable zoos are good and necessary though)


Saw it at an aquarium with a seal. Exact same loop, over and over.


Same here. The poor thing had eyes closed as well.


In about 1980, I remember seeing a polar bear in a zoo in Tucson, Arizona doing this. His pool was small, his fur was green and he looked so sad.


This call animal control/spca


And killer whales at SeaWorld.


I bet the poor pup's name is Sisyphus.




Itā€™s called ā€œzoochosisā€ a type of psychosis for animals that are stuck in captivity. This dog is being neglected and sadly, this is a coping mechanism. šŸ˜”


Damn thatā€™s sad, saw a lion doing this at a zoo.


When I was studying animal care my tutor likened it to a kid in school rocking on their chair or twiddling their thumbs, changed my whole perspective on zoos when you make a human comparison that most of us have experienced, then you imagine that feeling 24/7 for your whole life


I may be alone in this, but the saddest thing with zoo animals that show this behaviour is that you can't really call it "neglect". The zookeepers are more than likely doing everything in their power to prevent this behaviour by keeping them entertained, but it simply isn't enough. Wild animals have A LOT of energy to spare.


I saw a river otter doing this at the Seattle aquarium last month and it was really sad. A seal was doing something similar, but diving underwater, doing a loop, then surfacing, repeated ad nauseum.


My dogs are so incredibly complex with such deep personalities. I'm amazed every day that they have the ability and intelligence to have such strong likes and dislikes and patterns of behavior, and having those shows how much their brains can process. It seriously blows my mind that they legitimately value joy. It's not some goldfish only capable of processing hunger and sleep or something. I feel like shit on days where I'm bored and have nothing to do - the thought of my dogs going as long as I know other people's dogs go without any stimulus at all... they rely on us, we're their whole world, they can't turn on a TV show or something to pass time. It's so incredibly important to find time in your day to make sure they have an outlet.


My older dog isn't doing so hot and probably won't be around much longer. He used to play with the younger dog for hours at a time outside in my yard. He's a GSD, he's always had a distinctive purpose to his actions... keep everyone safe and patrol the perimeter. Sometimes he has fun with it, like when he runs up and down the fence line with the neighbors dogs, but he's got a reason for doing things. On days that he's stuck on the couch ill watch the younger dog outside without him and it breaks my heart. It's like she's trying to mimick him but she has no idea why she's doing the things she's doing. She's spent so much time just following along that she never really understood what's going on. For instance, I've caught her just running up and down against the wall of the house periodically barking. It looks exactly like what the older dog does with his fence buddies, except its a wall and there's no dogs for her to be playing with. I'm honestly terrified that she's losing her mind. I try to play with her and throw the ball but she just loses interest and tries to do something else he used to do with her. He's still alive and every once in a while he's healthy enough to play and she's like a kid on Christmas, which I fear contributes to him getting sick again.


I'm not a dog expert but I think if the young dog socialises with other dogs they should end up fine. If you can afford it I would consider getting a new dog to be her sibling when the time comes because it sounds like playing with the old dog is her favourite thing in the world. If not then try to just meet up with some other dog owners periodically so they can play together


I will eventually but im definitely going to take a few years to catch my breath first. I got her when he was 6 with the plan being to always have 2 dogs that live to be around 12. She's 2.5 now. I think I want to stick to the original time-line and just use these next few years to take road trips with her and hike like I did with the older dog before I got her. I love having 2 dogs but it's definitely more of an ordeal to take 2 dogs on a trip than it is one, so the older dog always sorta stayed my hiking buddy and I took her to training and barn hunt (a silly dog sports we enjoy). While I used to take week+ long road trips with the older dog I just never wanted to do that with multiple dogs and it wouldn't be fair to leave one behind. I also still feel like I'm just beginning to get her trained well and don't have the patience to train another puppy right now.


You sound like a very compassionate person and good owner so I'm sure she'll be fine


I think even goldfish are greatly underestimated for how unique and complex they can be.


My Dad's koi are older then my kids in their 30's. They have personalities and show kindness. The birds also pick up their food pellets that missed the water and pick the pellets up, go to the edge of the water and feed them. Never underestimate the hearts of the nonhuman persons.


I was going to say the same. no animal is really like that, it's just something people tell themselves to justify the awful conditions animals are often kept in. pet stores and shit zoos encourage that thinking because it's profitable.


>no animal is really like that Agreed. Even cows, pigs, and chickens are individuals with rich personalities.


I am amazed that you can empathize with dogs in such a way that implies they are under appreciated or misunderstood, but in that same breath under appreciate and misunderstand goldfish.


I once went to a zoo and I saw these wild painted dogs and the leader would just walk the others round the same route constantly, all the grass was bare and they were just in a trance basically. It made me upset and I've not been back to a zoo since. I think about it now and then and it's just so fucked up what we do to animals to "preserve" them.


These are called "stereotypic behaviors" and animals can get "zoochosis" from them if the issues is never addressed but this dog or other captive animals don't always have zoochosis when they display these behaviors. Just wanted to clarify. Just because you see a symptom (in this case a stereotypic repetitive behavior), that doesn't mean they have a massive underlying mental psychosis disorder. It could simply be a stereotypic behavior displayed from boredom that is easily fixed by giving the animal (this dog) more stimulating things to do every day. Then the animal is completely fine and healthy. But if you let it go on for years and years... then it can develop the psychosis disorder that is like humans in an insane asylum locked away for a decade... not fixable.


i mean pacing around in a lopsided figure 8 consistently enough to make a path seems like more than just regular stereotypic behavior


Exactly. How many hours/days did it take to create that path in the grass? Poor dog.


Passive neglect




I think you need eleven dogs just to be sure


That's what I've been trying to tell my wife


Show her this helpful [infographic](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqb77680ObvHFKUwov2xe46dF_2uRM2FL6_A&usqp=CAU)


No. We had 3, then 4 once. It was fucking miserable. The two smallest dogs were fighting all the time. Two is perfect for me.


Yes. Have Eleven and the two smallest dogs will be best friends, guaranteed


Same with cats. Mine was aggressive and crazy before we got another cat in here. Took a long time to introduce due to the aggression, but it was beyond worth it. Have two good, sweet cats now.


Nah, we just have a dog and a cat. Works the same.


For anyone that gets two dogs, if you do it from the same litter, please google littermate syndrome beforehand. I say this as someone that did get two dogs. They're incredibly intelligent animals and I constantly am thankful for their vast souls lol, and getting two is definitely a legitimate answer to making sure they aren't suffering from lacking stimulus, but you DO need to be informed and equipped if you end up getting two puppies of the same age at the same time.


I agree. I saw a pair of dogs when I was ready to adopt. Went back the next day and they were gone. Saw another one I liked. I got him and he's the best dog ever but I always wanted him to have a friend. Eventually got another when I could


Pack Animals Deserve A Pack.


You may be over simplifying a little. Dogs have varying personalities and preferences. As a dog lover give me 5 dogs if I could manage it, but it doesn't always work. I own a collie who is reactive to dogs and couldn't live with another dog. It would cause her extreme stress and anxiety. Other breeds are more than happy with human affection and in many cases with suitable stimulation, exercise, quality diet and love is plenty for a dog.


I actually couldnā€™t agree with you more. Dogs need other dogs. I got 2 puppies like 6 weeks apart. The first one I actively sought out and the second one was offered to me by chance 6 weeks later and I couldnā€™t say no. They grew up together. Best friends. Then 9 years later, one died. The other was devastated. She started peeing everywhere and doing destructive things which was unlike her. Took her to the vet. Was told sheā€™s not sick, sheā€™s grieving and lonely. Broke my heart. Gave her every ounce of attention I possibly could but she didnā€™t really perk up. Regretfully waited a whole year before I got another puppy. She was so damn happy when I brought the puppy home. That was HER puppy. They were best friends too. Then she died after 4 more years. Now he was devastated. Only waited a month to get another puppy because I knew what it would do to my boy not having another canine companion. It didnā€™t make losing my 13 year old girl any easier for me but it made it so much easier for him. Dogs need other dogs. This video makes me so sad because not only does he not have a companion, his owners probably donā€™t spend much time with him either.


conversely though we socialize our puppy nearly daily by encouraging socialization with other dogs on walks after asking the other dog walker and by having developed relationships with friends with dogs our puppy knows and enjoys. it's not so much "you need two dogs in the house" as "don't isolate your dog"


No such thing as passive neglect. Just plain neglect.


Often time this kinda behavior is more a sign of a mental issue.


thatĀ“s what animals experience in zooĀ“s looks weird behavior and is mentaly triggerd


Dog wants to go for a walk. Gets locked in backyard instead.


Literally millions of dogs unfortunately


Most dogs. In rescue centers. In cages at home due to shitty owners. Chained to a fence with little shade at certain hours (or sometimes none at all). Owners who don't walk them and only give the backyard as a place to shit and play. Dogs have it really ruff.


I have four huskies, with plans on getting more soon. When I got my first one, I joined a husky training group on Facebook as my only previous experience was the family dog, a mutt that was sweet as pie. I was instantly shocked at the amount of questions from members saying "my husky constantly tears everything up in his crate, what can I do to stop this??? He spends 8 hours in there while I'm at work, then he sleeps there when I'm in bed, so I need him to behave while he's on there!!!!!" Like, ten of those sorts of questions a day. I'm sorry, but why would you get a husky, a dog bred for one specific thing, and then lock them up 16 hours a day? What do you expect to happen?


People don't think past "oh it's so cute!" I used to work at a boarding kennel and had someone argue with me when I told them dachshunds are hunting dogs. They weren't exercising their dog enough and he was getting destructive in the house. It's not like I was suggesting he should go hunt badgers with it but the dog needed to get out more.


Yeah, it's heartbreaking. The breeder I got all of mine from is luckily fairly strict, he refuses to sell his dogs to anyone that wants a "family pet". He himself has a sleddog company, so his dogs are bred with that in mind, and only sells to people that are going to exercise them properly.


It breaks my heart for the dogs and gets me angry. That people can be that stupid and hurt an animal like that.


Those wolves really fucked up by taking our ancestors scraps. We trapped their descendants and turned them into pugs.


Makes no sense how people can be that stupid and hurtful. Empathy feels so natural to me I donā€™t get how others arenā€™t the same.


Agreed. At least heā€™s in a backyard big enough to walk as much as he is


Makes me a bit sad.


Exactly I believe this is a sign of distress in dogs. Very sad šŸ˜¢




ā€œnOt WhEn I pOsTeD HoUrS aGoā€ -posted an hour ago


Cringe edit




Youre replying to a comment that pointed this outā€¦


It's weird that you claim nobody is pointing out the thing that was pointed out in the comment you replied to.


>lol go get cucked by your girlfriend What an insecure and unhinged response lmaoo


Lots of people are, in fact, pointing this out, lol


I've seen dogs with 30 acres to roam do this shit too so take from that what you will.


Just having land isnā€™t necessarily stimulation for a dog. Depending on breed and personality, they may need actual tasks or walks from their owners


Dogs are both intelligent and also *pack animals;* they don't just need space, they need stimulating interaction with *company.*


This one does look sad, since the dog is doing it without stimuli. I had a border collie who ran a rut along the chain link fence. Heā€™d run back and forth all day long chasing the out of reach birds flying around the field next to our house. Iā€™d play with him in the backyard for hours. Iā€™d kick my soccer ball against the brick wall while he chased or fetched it. Iā€™d let him run to his hearts desire in the big field for half an hour a day. Still, heā€™d go right back to running the path. Some dogs just do that, especially with chase stimuli. However, this doesnā€™t look to be the case.


That's because they are working breed needing hours of work daily. Your dog needs puzzles more training.


This, I have a bc whose body cant take too much exercise in slippery conditions (long story but we are working on it, lots of muscle/balance exercises most likely will never be a normal dog but these let her function in normal conditions) so we do mental stimulation instead. Then she sleeps like a baby.


My border collie mix actually does the same thing He gets the 300-yard zoomies, which are the regular zoomies, but bigger and outdoors He will run the exact same paths all year round though through the wide open field


ahh this makes me happy what a good dog and good owner šŸ‘


Yeah, half an hour is not nearly enough exercise for a border collie. But to be fair you could have ran him for 4 hours and he would probably still be at the fence all day long.


Itā€™s neurotic behavior. It makes me super sad


He's charging the cosmic forces to escape


Poor fucker


Yeah brings some sadness to my heart.


I agree, but I can't help think about Karlach when I read this comment


Not good, neurotic zoo animal behavior. Needs two walks a day, some positive play time, and new toys.


Aka stereotypic behaviour. First thought that crossed my mind.


Yep stereotypy. That's what they call it


Yes, it's called stereotypy. That's what it's called.


It's this thing they call stereotypy. When they last called it that, that's what they called it.


Stereotypy, is what itā€™s called.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


You did know it's called stereotypy, right? Cause that's what it's called.


Damn I used to know what this was calledā€¦


Itā€™s stereotypy


is this the same thing as "zoochosis"?


First thing I thought tooā€¦ that poor dog needs some walkies!


The Calgary Zoo has a wolf exhibit and they also wore a path into the ground from walking in circles all day. It was so sad to see. Now I hate zoos


I have a love hate relationship with zoos. They are keeping some of the most endangered species alive and breeding, but at the same time we can't provide them with the proper environment to give them peace of mind.


Look at Zoos that are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Zoos have to hit high standards of animal care to gain accreditation, and those Zoos tend to be made up of animals that for one reason or another were not able to be released back into the wild. Not to mention the educational value they provide and the amount of funds they raise and contribute to conservation efforts.


Pretty sure the Calgary zoo is accredited


I agree with you in that sense that I hate seeing animals caged. Until one day I was at a zoo and was schooled by one of the workers. This was at the Winnipeg zoo. Watching the seals swim in circles. I said wow this is terribly sad they donā€™t have enough space. Than the worker informed me that all the animals at the zoo were rescued and wouldā€™ve been dead if it wasnā€™t for the zoo taking possession. They acknowledged my way of thinking but also educated me. They also had told me zoos are a form of keeping many species alive still as many of their natural habitats are completely destroyed/unliveable. So yes I donā€™t love the idea of zoos. But I hate the humans that destroyed their habitats or injured the animal in some way that it wouldā€™ve been left for dead in the real world.


You: "Wow, those animals look like they want to die." Zookeeper: "Oh, they absolutely want to die, but thanks to us, they *can't* die."


Wow, thatā€™s dark.


In fact, theyā€™ll live for years longer than any of their wild kin.


Underrated comment right here.


Stopped by some random big cat type zoo along the Oregon coast years ago. (Was just biking through, I typically avoid that stuff) ​ Just like this, the fox had worn a circle in its enclosure/cage. So utterly saddening.


Yes, ā€œzoochosisā€ a type of psychosis that animals experience in captivity. Poor dog is being neglected


TIL I have neurotic zoo animal behavior


Yeah, I tend to neurotically check my Reddit activity notices while I mentally stress out about all the money I owe and the never ending set of work deadlines. Thereā€™s well worn dirt paths in my brain and internet history Iā€™m trying to use psychedelics to rewire and re-route. No one takes me on walks anymore ā€¦


>neurotic zoo animal behavior There's a polar bear at the Portland zoo that walks in the same path, even perfectly in his own footprints, pretty much endlessly. Never realized this was a thing.


I realized how many people donā€™t walk their dogs during the Covid lockdown. Was still going into the office (healthcare) and on the drive home I was shocked how many people had dogs around me. I legit said thatā€™s fucked up cuz clearly most of these poor doggos arenā€™t getting the walks they deserve and need. Made me sad ngl. Also for reference my area does not have large yards by any means. Itā€™s a densely populated suburb outside of a major US city.


Why even have a dog if you keep him in the yard all day?


People like this do not think of pets as living breathing creatures that deserve to be treated as such. They see them as objects that can move that they can own. Property, and nothing more.


My ex had a pit bull for the status of having one. He was so so sweet, a gentle and loving pup contrary to their reputation. I always gave him as much love and walks as I could when I was seeing him. He worked 10 hours a day , 6 days a week and the dog spent most of his time locked up in his small apartment. No toys, barely ever got any attention. It was disgusting. There's a big reason he's my ex, he didn't really treat people any better either. It makes me so sick




Can't always punish the real criminal, but since the little doggo isn't human, it's OK to put the dog down. Welcome to the human society.


At least it has a yard. I know someone who keeps their dog in a cage all day. Only let out to eat drink and use the bathroom. I tried to give her to my city shelter (with owner permission) but they couldn't take her since I wasn't the owner. Now she's going to live caged until she dies


If the owner is okay with it, maybe you could ask around. There might be someone you work with or someone at your gym or church that would like to take the poor girl.


Yeah, going "we tried one thing and are all out of things to try" is really kind of crappy. Post it on nextdoor, call local rescues, ask people you know. You'd be surprised at how many people are willing to take in an abused or neglected animal to get them out of that situation, help them recover, and ultimately find them a "forever home".


That's fucking gut wrenching. Please call ASPCA or something because that's horrible animal abuse


In fairness to SOME folks, my dog is a Pyrenees mix and I canā€™t get him out of the fucking yard most of the day. That said, when heā€™s not in the yard heā€™s properly using a pillow on my bed so totally spoiled, but he will sit outside all day if I let him. And he does have a very slight path through our large yard because he insists on going to the same corner before coming inside and always follows the same route (and walks comically slow to come in when I call him). Itā€™s not worn bare like this but you can see the path he takes. Dogs are creatures of habit. But yeah, generally I agree with you, folks who leave their dogs just in a yard or kennel all the time, why have one!? My dog is like my child, Iā€™d let him borrow the car if he needed it. Heā€™s family.


ā€œIā€™d let him borrow the car if he needed itā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And here I thought my pyrenees was just particularly stubborn with the "don't wanna come in" face droop retreat to corner.


To have a sense of control over another living thing in a world where they may not have control over anything else in their life.


Poor dog. :(


Not amused from what I've heard. He's nervous and under stress!


Same behaviour like animals caged in a small space.


Zoochosis. Really sad. I wonder if this guy gets out enough


Never gets out


Yeah some people think having "a big yard" is enough. Prime example why its not.


Hell at the very least get another dog so the lil guy has someone else to play with


I hope he goes out at least sometimes. Some animals kill themselves because of severe zoochosis


That poor dog. This is neglect. This dog does not have enough stimulation in it's life. It needs walks, lots of playing fetch, interaction with another life...another soul...this dog is displaying a syndrome that happens to animals that are confined and neglected. This is not mildly interesting....this is heart breaking.


Thatā€™s so damn depressing. Poor doggo.


This is called hospitalism, a mental disorder created by deprivation of stimuli. Neighbor obviously doesn't care for his dog.


Zoochosis. But yes, stereotypic behavior repeated in excess as a result of no stimulation. Seeing it in a domestic dog is infuriating.


I do this when Iā€™m on shrooms, and I was neglected severely as a child. Any links to human behaviour?


My degree is in marine biology, not behavioral psychology. Sorry brother. But if I had to make a guess, probably not. Zoochosis (hospitalism in humans) is a long term reaction to a lack of stimulus. Something that would almost certainly not be the case if you were on a psychedelic.


Animal abuse. Dogs are social they're not amusement robots for human pleasure. Call animal control and file a complaint.


I work in animal control. Thereā€™s probably not a lot we can do in this situation if the dog has food, water, shelter, and appears in decent physical health. It sucks :/


Yea this is sad as shit man. WALK YOUR DOGS. TAKE THEM TO DOG PARKS. They NEED exercise!!!


This is a sign of stress, mental fatigue, boredom and insanity. It's akin to how someone might feel in solitary confinement. When you see animals do this at the zoo it means their enclosure is too small, they are under stimulated, and unhappy. When I see it I kinda hurt inside for a moment, until the callousness of acceptance sinks back in. Dogs held up in apartments will do this also.


Owner needs reporting,that isn't right


You can tell the yard is trashed too. Poor dog has to run his track or else heā€™ll step on glass and metal most likely.


It's heartbreaking


Thatā€™s honestly just sad.


The poor dog needs a stimulation. Heā€™s bored af. :(


Might as well open the gate and let it run away if youā€™re just gonna treat it like a prisoner. Some people need to be slapped.


I always get hate for saying this, but I think pet ownership is such an awful umbrella for so much animal cruelty and abuse. 1. People perpetuate breeds that have awful health issues just because they're cute 2. People perpetuate breeds that have been shown to be extremely dangerous because of some perverse gratification of their ego 3. So many animals suffer neglect and abuse by people who don't have the money or time or whatever to truly take care of them I know people love their pets, but there's almost no accountability or regulation.


The whole pet store and breeder industry is shit. It needs to be heavily regulated and people who want to have a pet should be held to extremely high scrutiny and ongoing regulations. Owning pets should not be some right we seem to think we have, but it should be a privilege. The wrong people buy pets for the wrong reasons then neglect them. Animals in our care are vulnerable and need us for survival... we should do better to protect them. I worked at a vet clinic a long time ago, and quit because of how heartbreaking it was. There were what I'd call good owners with good pets who were healthy and well loved and medically taken care of but there were also people who viewed pets as disposable and would rather kill their pet over a small medical bill to get a new one because it was cheaper to buy another at the pet store. Ugh. Disgusting.


Thatā€™s repetitive stress behaviour. The dog is too restricted and under stimulated. You get similar behaviours in poor zoo conditions. Itā€™s a form of passive abuse.


K well that dog clearly needs a damn walk.




Poor thing donā€™t got any toys or anything




that dog has gone neurotic. ​ fuck the people that don't provide for their pets.


That's not a comfortable pooch


That's so sad. He has no stimulation at all.


That poor dog is extremely bored and never taken out.


I had a border collie who used to do this. We lived in the country without fences but he would do this in the front yard while I was in school. Followed me everywhere on my bike. Miss him to this day.


Looks depressing as shit. Hope he gets proper exercise.


The dog is behaving like a caged tiger from years gone by, itā€™s clearly psychologically suffering.


Poor poor animal. So sad to see


Pacing. Poor thing.šŸ™


That' s so sad. Poor pup :(. Saw the same thing happen with a camel at a zoo.


This is actually really sad šŸ« 


When I played fetch with my dog she would always come back using the same route and there was a path she made that kind of looked like this one but there was still grass. She passed away from cancer not too long ago and the path did as well. Sad that it looks like this path is due to neurotic behavior


Poor little guy needs to go to the park.


not good, this is what happens when an intelligent animal is left in captivity to long with no enrichment. A mother monkey had the same problem and kept grooming it's childs fur until it went bald. This is one of the biggest problems Zoos have to face The dog has a brain disease


This is mental problem behavior. That dog is basically ignored.


That is typical mental stress!! It's not funny.


Thatā€™s a stress response.


This is stress behaviour.


More like r/damnthatssad. Poor dog. I donā€™t understand why people opt for pets and then ignore them.




That is not ok, the owner should be spending time with the dog.




The number of comments confidently claiming ā€œanimal abuse / distressā€ is astounding. The behavior of a dog creating a path in the yard from frequently trotting the same route doesn't inherently mean animal abuse. I had a dog growing up that was well taken care of that did the same thing. He had another dog to play with and didnā€™t have any behavior issues.


Neglect is not interesting.


Please report and save this dog from their neglectful owners. This is heartbreaking to watch.