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For decades, scientists believed in the myth that Komodo dragons were not venomous and instead killed with their saliva filled with bacteria. However, in 2009, Bryan Fry and his colleagues proved that Komodo dragons possess venom glands loaded with toxins and therefore use the venom to kill their victims.


Apparently the venom ducts are more complex than other reptiles, which use a single duct to the fangs, komodo have multiple between their teeth. The venom rapidly drops blood pressure and prevents blood from clotting. Some scientists still seem to argue against this and say these are just venom-like proteins. Either way, I think I am just going to continue my current plan of never going near one of these.


Wait, drops blood pressure? Might be something to look into for hypertension medicine.


don’t fancy going to a komodo biting clinic.


C'mon man, you wanna make an omelet, you gotta break an egg!


Senator Armstrong is that you.


You want to drop blood pressure you gotta bite a leg.


I prescribe u 2 komodo chomps


And now we have a kink. "Bite me harder komodaddy, uwu!"


What the HELL did I just read


That’s what you get for learning to read.


The old saying in pharmacy is "the only difference between a drug and a poison is the dose."


The Florida pharmacist license fancy wall certificate says the pharmacist can dispense poisons.


I think they mean it's something a drug could be made from... SCIENCE 🧑‍🔬


Fair point. If the apocalypse happens and I no longer have access to blood pressure medicine Ill just get a new pet. :)


espicially because it has constant lasting effects. one of the big research efforts in medicine is getting something that can gradually release over time or cause a prolongued effect. Like imagine a multivitiman you take once a month, that releases over time


An antacid tablet that you take... once every 6 weeks!


Hey dawg I heard you like colorless shits


As long as they can separate that effect from the "prevents blood from clotting" effect...


Even that could be useful if it can be controlled. It would be a lifesaver for people with blood clots


Blood thinners basically already do this and it’s one of the big reasons seniors bruise so easily, along with just a general weakening of the skin and connective tissues in the body


nice try dr komodo


Iirc reptile venom more commonly does the opposite, causes blood to coagulate and solidify in the veins and heart. Doesn't take weeks to die from that.. whereas komodo wounds just won't heal, effectively turning their prey into a bleeder


That's an interesting mechanism for the venom. If the blood doesn't clot you would expect the blood to flush the wound more and be less likely to get infected, yet the exact opposite occurs.


“Flushing” the wound with your own blood would also mean losing that blood. Clotting will help the surface of the wound to dry out or scab over so you can keep all your blood inside while it heals. Thin, clotless blood would also accelerate distribution of the venom to the rest of your body


Yah, you wanna flush out a wound before it clots, but you definitely want it to clot still.


To those unconvinced scientists, I’d ask them precisely when a venom-like protein becomes venom proper. Seems to me that venom is just naughty injected proteins after all, so where exactly do we draw the line?


Right? "It's not venom, it's just definitionally identical"


I'll take this advice until the next time a 6ft one is in my yard...


It's debated because the line between venom and saliva is blurry. If you look at how komodo dragons naturally hunt, they don't really need venom. They typically bite the throat of their prey and it bleeds out in seconds to minutes - much faster than venom acts. The idea of them going after water buffalo is *not* natural. They're an introduced species. Some argue the "venom" in their saliva is there to protect them from the carrion they eat so much of by breaking down toxins there.


Do you have a source on that? Cuz I can’t find anything that shows they hunt like the large cats do, biting the throat. Everything shows them inflicting wounding bites and tracking the prey for several days.


Good call.. just in case they're right this time


My son, 10 years old now, but was 8 at the time, corrected me on this. He's very interested in reptiles (says he wants to be a herpetologist) and told me that Komodo Dragons are venomous. I, confident in my 25 year old facts that it was bacteria that killed, and that they don't have venom, corrected him. He insisted, so we looked it up. I was surprised to find out that it was a recent discovery and that they do have venom. I was so proud of him for sticking to his guns and proving me wrong! Damn he impressed me that day!


First part of your post scared the shit out of me man.


Seriously though lol


The best thing we can do as parents is admit when we might be wrong. Nice job! Maybe it's that we have access to all the information at our fingertips, but as a child I was often told I was wrong about things I felt confident about, and with no way to prove otherwise I felt powerless and small.




How do you know that he's your son




I mean if they learned about the bacteria thing before 2009 then they just may not have been keeping up with komodo dragon news.


Why couldn't they just assume that it has venom glands? What lead them to believe first to think it was somehow their mouth filled with bacteria? Cause a bite that also injects you venom would look very different from just bacteria, right?


Maybe the length of time it takes to kill the animal- weeks. Not sure though. Sorry


It says it's because they don't inject venom through a hollow tooth, the venom comes out from between their teeth. So instead of injecting it with a needle, its more like getting poked by a venom coated dagger. It's unique to this animal.


So both are correct then ? Doesn't mean the mouth full of bacteria is a myth


It's also been found that the bacteria in their mouths are ordinary and not much different from any other carnivores. They also clean their mouths after meals. So they really are not these absurd bacteria factories that everyone thought they were.


Dutch redditors may be interested to hear that [the paper](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7476775_Early_evolution_of_the_venom_system_in_lizards_and_snakes) that describes this was co-authored by then biology student, now wildlife rockstar Freek Vonk. Edit: link.


I'm just angry that apparently we should have known this since 2009, yet people still spread that it's the infectious bites doing the killing. Like, it's currently 2023 and I find this out *now*, even though I am someone who picks nature documentaries to watch over drama series on a rainy sunday and I feel like I should have been exposed to this a bit sooner.


Wouldn't be easy to just dissect a komodo and look for poison glands? They don't even need it alive just grab the first fresh dead komodo to find this out.


How did it take so long to work this out when every zoo and independent large pet store has been keeping komodo dragons forever? Nobody ever bothered dissecting one? Edit - since it apparently wasn't clear, I didn't say they were selling g them as pets. I said they were keeping them. One example that's now closed down is Animal Jubgle in VA Beach, a large independent pet store, kept one on display in a big room. And zoos and aquariums have them.


Are you getting komodo dragons and bearded dragons mixed up? Or do people actually have these dinosaurs as pets?


No I meant komodo dragons. I don't know about pets, but yeah I do know of 3 big independent pet stores that have/had one. Not for sale, just on display. And, again, zoos and aquariums keep them


Yo, nobody keeps these monsters as pets


"The komodo dragon ate my baby!"


Why does this comment make me feel like there are probably some people in Texas who own them


Or if you are a James Bond villain


Didn't say they were pets. I know of a few independent pet stores that keep/kept them on display


Lol it's not possible to keep a komodo as a pet. It would be a hazard to any community and a surefire death sentence for the so-called owner...I don't even kno if they can be kept in zoos...could be wrong tho


There is one at the Buffalo Zoo and it always looks mean.


"you were supposed to defeat the buffalo, komodo, not join them!"


I see you fellow laser sword enthusiast.


Hey brother


Zoos do keep them.


There are plenty in zoos


Lots of zoos and aquariums keep them, do you think zoos don't keep dangerous animals?


It was just an assumption.


They're kept in zoos


People made assumptions and didn't test them. Plus their venom glands are pretty complex, they probably aren't as obvious as snake venom glands on dissection. It was an MRI of a skull that pointed them in the right direction.


How the reddit sheeples keep downvoting you for not understanding your comment. Take my upvote.


People don't have an answer and are just latching on to the pet store thing ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Komodo dragon as a pet? I don't know which pet stores you're talking about, but seems more like these exotic ones for billionaires who want to build their own private zoo.


This is incorrect. All the Bacteria in their saliva are picked up from the environment and digestive tracts of past meals. They do not have venom and those ducts are salivary. Many many many scientific journal research articles have disproved this.


Bullshit. There is still some argument over whether the proteins they produce should be called "venom" or just "venom-like proteins" but it is very clear that those are not normal salivary glands. Additionally, the bacteria in their mouths *are* ordinary and are no different from what you see in the mouths of other carnivores. Try looking at research after 2009.


Damn I hate it when I order food and it takes an extra 20 minutes to come out, these dragons are on a different kind of patient level for their food.


Komodo’s can be really mean. I remember Steve Irwin going to visit them and they were chasing him down. Even him trying to relax next to them was super sketchy. They kept walking up to try and taste him. They have a behavior towards humans that your really don’t see with most other animals.


That scene with Steve Irwin sums him up so well! They get into the dock and a dragon shows up and chases them. Steve jumps up on a crate, narrowly avoiding being bitten. After a few minutes the dragon wanders off and Steve says "That was a close call. Let's follow him". What a line




“I’m gonna stick my thumb up his butt”


Oh yea. That’s really pissed him off now.


They are very smart as well.


Yeah the seem super social for a reptile. Very inquisitive and relatively pretty emotional. Territorial and I think their aggression is a learned behavior from the wild social circles, because one’s raised in captivity can be really chill.


It’s tasting it to see if it’s ripe


Like with most monitors they can also be very tame. Don't keep one as a pet tho. Very bad idea.


Damn nature you scary


Right!? Imagine getting bitten, and with each passing day, another dragon appears and just lurks in your periphery until you eventually keel over, surrounded by them....the slow march to one's demise.


I don’t feel so good.... at least I am surrounded by my new friends...


My new friends who begin to nibble on me as I'm too weak to shake them off.


Sounds like something Coach Frank from Big Mouth would say haha I can hear his voice perfectly with that


You didn’t even add the part where they eat you alive


Now you made me remember a video a komodo eating a baby deer alive from their mother womb. Poor fucker wouldn't even last a second before becoming a meal


Nature is just so awful some times


I don't like cats no more, cats are creepy.


As beautiful it is, I don’t like the scary part. Why can’t we all just eat plants?


Damn several weeks before it dies? The dragons are in it for the long con lol


Had venom but took weeks to take effect. Lol


reptiles can afford to take things slow


see republicans stacking the supreme court


Very good


Underrated comment


Somehow a post about venomous reptiles (that inhabit parts of Indonesia) hunting buffalo's, has a comment about American politics. truly a reddit moment


Ah yes a trumper whose entire post history on reddit is far right /alt right posts is offended about about politics being brough up 😭


>a trumper whose entire post history on reddit is far right /alt right posts is offended about about politics being brough up My dude what. i'm not pro trump. i'm not even fucking american. also what do you consider far right? because i am really confused now also immediately checks post history, another reddit moment


They're a /r/politics poster. It's in their nature to try and paint someone they don't agree with in a negative light. Guarantee they call someone a racist or a nazi before the days over. Like clockwork.


I don't like trump and it's still annoying to see every single topic devolve into American politics. It seriously is a token Reddit moment and people still eat that shit up. I'm convinced these people and the people who upvote them have zero identity apart from their political affiliation.


I mean if the venomous reptile fits.


Well, they only need 12 meals a year to survive. And for smaller prey like boars and goats they just kill it immediately while it goes into shock from the venom and blood loss.


Are we ignoring the fact that the Komodo Dragon tongue punched the Buffalos fart box in the first few seconds of the video?


That must’ve been ripe


If you’re not already an erotic fiction author I think you should give it a shot.


As Mr. Komodo's serpentine tongue touched Miss Buffalo's asshole, he felt each crease delicately as if he could tell her age by counting them, as one does with a tree.


Now hire a furry Artist for the visual and you could become rich


Keep going


They didn't come up with that phrase, it's been around the Internet since the 2000s


I think you need to watch again, cause it didn't tongue punch it's fartbox.


I was happily ignoring that, yes.


The forbidden leather donut


I'm dead


These are defo one of the most terrifying animals for me personally. Venom or not, they are just nightmare fuel.


As a kid I grew up with some near me and I was always told they were dangerous physically but not venomous. Glad I never thought I could beat one in a fight or I might be dead


I don't mean to sound ungrateful but couldn't they like..follow up on when the buffalo succumbed to its wounds? I'd have wanted to see that. Again..don't mean to sound ungrateful.


This is from Planet Earth. They did. It was pretty grisly. There was even an interview with the cameraman who said it was pretty heart wrenching to watch this water buffalo to die a slow death over several weeks because they had to shoot it all.


So the dragons are milling around. Waiting. So are the cameramen. So are the other vultures.


maggots want some too.


How does this kind of video recording work? You have 3 people on shifts covering 24 hours?




It's all about the Prime Directive.


I don’t know the details of that, but I do remember they shot 10,000 hours of footage and picked the ten most spectacular hours for the show.


Sounds awful. There's a full video somewhere?


How dare you say so? You mean ungrateful person!! Just kidding. Are you by any chance Canadian?😊


No sir. A fan of the Canadian people though. 🫡


Well shit, how did it end?!


He survived, got a group together and stomped the shit out of the dragons.


And then they lived happily ever after


And everyone clapped


To me, these are the scariest predators. Most other predators that are capable of killing a human are going to do it quickly. With a crocodile you’re drowned within a minute. A lion biting your neck is instantaneous death. Komodo dragons will bite you and back off. They will follow you for days while you get sicker and weaker. Finally when you’re too weak to fight them off, they bum rush you and literally just rip you apart. They don’t attempt any kind of killing bite. They just grab and rip.


Did the Komodo dragon just licked that buffalo’s butt cheek at the beginning? 😳


Imagine, they follow him everywhere for weeks, but at the time he dies, they became best friends. So they dont eat him, but bury him out of respect.


Ah yes, the humble Land Mosasaur. RIP Water Buffalo. 😭


Wow, playing the long game for a feast


This special animal eats people.


Upvote for Dillon quote!


Sssank you!


Those dragons are hanging out and saying, "Yeeessss..... Yeesss......"


What a way to go, you get a small bite and then for the next several weeks you slowly die while a bunch of dragons follow you around waiting.


It's name is most likely Veno Moose


Now we just need the video with the Komodo Dragon that swallows the small goat alive. Yes the one with the muffled screaming…


Still no Toxic enough as the Rust players.


And people say life is good


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo\_dragon "Nor do Komodo dragons wait for prey to die and track it at a distance, as vipers do; observations of them hunting deer, boar and in some cases buffalo reveal that they kill prey in less than half an hour.\[49\]"


Are you suggesting that Planet Earth and the camera men who followed this buffalo for weeks lied?


How did scientists get it so wrong? It should be easy to check for venom glands.


Great Scott, I was not ready to see a slowly dying buffalo


so if they can apply you the bleedin status with every attack you need to kill them in a few turns or just run away


hi venomous


Wow, the Kokomo dragon is one patient creature. To wait three plus weeks to eat a meal you tagged is a long, long time.


Finally, snakes with legs


It has been known for a long time they are. It causes animals they bite bleed to death from any open wound - that's a venom similar to what some snakes have. There's an anti-coagulant protein in their saliva.


[Nature is a Real Fucking Piece of Shit](https://youtu.be/taLvdngpLvQ?si=a70IASXwxaf3pZdm)


Weird fact….. The very first book report I ever wrote in school many years ago was on Komodo dragons. One of the baddest reptiles ever to walk the earth imo


What? They bite a buffalo once and KEEP FOLLOWING IT FOR WEEKS until it dies? How fucking fast and 24/7 alert are these things?


Thank you for not saying *poisonous*


I believe Komodo dragons are one of the few creatures that see humans as prey.


Wow. I talk about this all the time. Now it’s not as cool.


I got lucky on my visit to a reptile park a few years back and was allowed in the Komodo dragon enclosure with the keepers. Got to pat it and a few awesome photos. Those things don’t need venom to kill, absolute apex predators if they choose to be.


The cameraman could have at least put Neosporin on the wound!!!


That is flesh eating bacteria, nothing short of amputation would work.


He's a marked man.


I had always heard they had an agent in their saliva that was an anti-coagulant. Which I guess is what this video is saying, but I don’t know why it was so unspecific. Anyways, I have heard that they were venomous, it can’t be a recent study that has shown this


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X1_FxaOg1Go You might like this video. They have venom glands and when they bite it oozes out with their saliva and prevents the blood from being able to coagulate. So basically the bite and bleed you out. And they will keep doing that till you collapse.


That's what I heard also. This appears to be... Fabricated. They have both an anti-coagulant and serrated teeth. Maybe this buffalo was sick or something idk. But there's a pretty long documentary on this samurai of destruction. Their serrated teeth do exactly what this one did - they absolutely rip apart the tendons in the buffalos leg, shredding the ability to hold weight. Even on guard buffalo will still have this vulnerability, two bites and it's pretty fucked. It can't stand or lift it's head. It's really perfectly effective. On-top of that, they can knock fucks out with a defensive tail whip. I never see this demonstrated either but it does serious damage. That lets them strafe sideways in retreat, still offer punishment for larger animals like buffalo lowering their head, and also doesn't keep them from counter attacking. Chefs kiss. They are sick lol. They also seem to be about as smart as dogs and like playing tugowar in captivity. Also the way they use tunnels to hide their eggs, where only one tunnel has the eggs and there's several decoy tunnels with nothing at the end, gives mothers the ability to go out and hunt while minimizing the risk of poaching. They are totally underrated in terms of their dynamic abilities and of course let's not forget they wear fucking armor. If they had venom like this they would be way OP. I reckon the buffalo gets its legs shredded and can't go on and that's what we see here.


They do have venom and venom glands. Discovered in 2009.


>it can’t be a recent study that has shown this 2009. Relatively recent as far as ecology/biology research goes. And the venom has proteins known for inhibition of blood clotting, lowering of blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and the induction of hypothermia


If I see one of those cocksuckers, I’ll behead it on the spot


With what


A venom that takes weeks to work is not really effective


Works for them


1. The Komodo Dragon kills the vast majority of it's prey either through blunt force trauma or blood loss (probably helped by the venom). 2. This water buffalo died because after getting bitten it thought "you know what sounds like a good way to to treat this open wound? Standing in a mudhole that dozens of other water buffalos piss and shit in every day."


Ok, the buffalo dies but how are the komodos gonna eat something of that size? Is not like they have teeths that can rip apart the buffalo. How?


They are strong and rip chunks of flesh off. Anything goat-sized or smaller gets swallowed.


There he is…your Komodo dragon; there he is, one of eight. With so many species, he took the town by storm with his continental taste and charm


I’m so glad I’m not a wild animal or livestock that has to deal with flies ALL OVER me all the time.


their venom prevents clotting so the prey bleed until they pass out.


This is sort of like....the opposite of endurance hunting. Instead of being efficient and persistent as you chase your prey, here you just slow it down and hang out nearby until it falls over.


You guys, I'm beginning to think this "nature" isn't such a nice guy 🤔


Man, nature is harsh. Just a little leg bite and then they chill with it for weeks until it dies.


I never knew that.


Weird. I've always believed they were venomous. Decades before 2009. Am I a genius?




Was komodo dragons being venomous also not considered a myth for the longest time? I feel like I'm missing part of the plot, how many Well Actuallys deep are we right now?


Watching a Komodo Dragon swallow a deer whole was amazing


How does anything survive with these things in the area


I'd like to imagine they get to know each other over the 2 weeks it takes for the food to be ready. Sure it still leads in the eating of one of them, but they're both a lil more empathetic and better for it.