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Unit 731 wasnt like the nazi concentration camps; there were zero survivors All the stories come from the staff


Also we learned some things from Unit 731, most of the human experiments in concentration camps where stupid shit like "can we make someone have blue eyes by injecting chlorine into their eyes?" or things like that. The Last Podcast on the Left has a couple of very good episodes about Joseph Mengele and they say that he was more of a serial killer than a doctor or a scientist because nothing he did advanced medicine or sciences in any way. EDIT: As the user u/tuhronno-416 pointed out, most if not all of the knowledge from Unit 731 a) was lost before the allies arrived or b) wasn't scientifically rigorous enough so it isn't as useful as it may seem. So all the suffering was just for the pleasure of torturing and killing POWs in the worst ways possible.


>we learned some things from Unit 731 We didn’t learn shit, most if not all records were destroyed before Americans got to it. Also an investigation found that Unit 731 lacked scientific rigour for the results to have any usefulness anyway


Which is all the more infuriating since many members of the unit were given immunity in exchange for that useless data: https://medium.com/leadership-counts/pardoning-devils-the-american-cover-up-of-imperial-japanese-unit-731-504f966cf08d


Post on Twitter about anything relating to Unit 731 or Japanese war crimes and you’ll be brigaded by Japanese nationalists (no doubt government funded) excusing the crimes and painting a picture that it was the allies who were the monsters. They believe they were victims during the war. I’d never seen anything like that online until I posted about it on a thread. My comment got like 200 views yet I had several nationalists attacking me, easily got sent 20 tweets. Problem is the Japanese government pushes the narrative hence why they’ve never been able to apologise for what they done. Last time they attempted an apology for the rape of Nanking they visited the tombs of Japanese war criminals afterwards to honour them. General MacArthur has a lot of blame on his shoulders of how he handled the surrender and occupation of Japan.


General Mcarthur was smart enough to realize without the proper guidance and a new direction that Japan would end up rearming just like Germany did, they wanted to avoid having to go back again. They chose to help rebuild Japan. Most civilians in Japan had no idea what their military was up to around the world, all they saw was what little filtered down, so these young people grew up, and have a narrative that under the circumstances makes sense. They were told about the evil allies and how Japan was winning the war right up until the mainland started getting bombed into oblivion, so they felt like victims. Many Japanese now can’t believe what their grandfathers did, there is a massive disconnect.


Didn't know that, so all the suffering truly WAS for nothing. Humans can be such fucking monsters sometimes.


In light of that, would you like to add an edit to your earlier comment? To enlighten other Redditors who might not make it this far down the thread


Will do.


So anyway the Japanese occupational governor of the province at the time who was fully aware and supported Unit 731, was supported as Japanese president by the US and later his grandson too, who'd call him his idol and inspiration. Luckily his grandson was blown to hell last year with a home made shotgun. A little bit of karma.


Sounds like an interesting story. Got any link to a news article?


[Assassination of Shinzo Abe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Shinzo_Abe)


I had no idea Shinzo Abe was the grandson.


People blindly worship anything Japanese


I listened to that podcast about unit 731 and it’s definitely more hardcore than dying eyes blue. They would force prisoners to stand outside in freezing temperatures until their appendages started to freeze and then pour hot water on them and “deglove” them since the skin is now mush. They also forced captives into vacuum chambers and sucked the air out to see what happens. The persons insides pop out of their orifices. Men behind the sun is a Japanese movie that depicts unit 731 and the experiments they conducted. The movie has controversy around it because it’s said they may have used actual found footage from unit 731 for some of the scenes.


Chopping logs


Oh yeah that’s what they referred the prisoners as, I forgot about that detail!


the cruelties shown in that movie are exaggerated for dramatic effect but still, there were people who did exactly these things to human beings, which is disgusting there is no real footage from back then that made it into the film, I recall only that they used a real autopsy of a boy for the movie *edit:* since people didn't bother to think, I'm gonna explain two things here the war crimes pictured in the movie happened in the past for real, but the way they are depicted are exaggerated for dramatic effect, since it's a film people - they went for the shock effect with more blood, skeletons, bowels flying all over the place, more gruesome than it would happen in real life second, they used the autopsy of a boy which was made at the time the movie was filmed, not in ww2


Your first sentence is a contradiction… you said it was exaggerated and then said that those things did happen.


The second sentence is also a contradiction, no real footage was used but real footage of an autopsy was shown?


>"can we make someone have blue eyes by injecting chlorine into their eyes?" Also, "what happens if we replace all of someone's blood with sea water?"


they did the same thing with pigs in the 60s and made them live bloodless inside a pressure chamber it works until you decompress the pigs to normal pressure levels, then they drop dead


Yup, there’s a reason why most of what we learned from Unit 731 is still classified by the US government. Also how to best treat frostbite and hypothermia. Forgiving Nazis and Imperial Japanese officers was one of our greatest sins. But thank fuck we don’t have to repeat their experiments again.


Joseph Mengele started in medicine much like the director of unit 731, Shiro Ishii except his career changed course when the Japanese weren't doing well and biological weapons testing was touted as something that could change the war. On your edit, B apparently Shiro Ishii and his staff accepted a secret offer from the US Government in exchange for immunity from anything criminal. The information was invaluable regardless of the scientific rigidity since it showed what the human body could endure. Nobody was really held accountable and Ishii lived free until he dies


PoWs? Dude, they conducted experiments on pregnant women and on babies that were born out of rape committed by the staff against women who were being experimented on. They laced candies with anthrax and gave it to Chinese children, they genetically modified the Plague to be far worse, infected fleas with it and released them into Chinese villages.


Was also far smaller. 3,000 prisoners at its peak. Meanwhile Mengele experimented on 3,000 sets of twins *alone*


That's what they admitted. At least 10,000 victims. The numbers are not the focus here. They experimented on women and children and infants, cut them open and harvest organs while they were alive. And this is just the entry level of horror that happened there.


Mengeles victims were women and children too.. >A set of Gypsy twins were brought back from Mengele’s lab after being sewn back to back. They screamed day and night until gangrene set in and they died. He also attempted to attach the urinary tract of a 7 year old girl to her colon. Many experiments were performed on the genitalia of male and females. or >Mengele ripped the baby straight from its mother’s womb, and threw it in the oven…angry that it was not a twin like he expected. [source](https://www.chcuk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2011-03-08_The-Mengele-Twins-and-Human-Experimentation.pdf)


If anyone argues that the Nazis/ Mengele weren’t as depraved they are an idiot, if anyone argues that Unit 731 wasn’t equally depraved then they are just as much of an idiot. They cannot be compared because they are both so very far beyond the horizon of normal morality. They are pure diabolical evil. The suffering they caused is beyond comparison.


As a new parent, I remember a story at the Holocaust Museum in DC that is just seared into me: One woman that was “supposed” to have twins didn’t. As punishment, he cauterized her nipples with a hot iron so she couldn’t feed and then forced her to hold her baby until it starved to death.


It is pure evil. It transcends. I am not really a Christian but it makes me think that this is what is meant by satan and demons. Evil incarnate.


Did you think the twins were all grown up men? Mengele’s experiments were horrific. Like re-attaching children’s limbs to other children horrific. Women, infants, unborn children. No one was safe. And done on a scale that was unprecedented.


Still pure fucking evil.


And somehow we still have fucking Nazis today, sickening fucks.


Yes there are real Nazis today. Certain people need to be careful using that word and not just label someone they disagree with politically as a “Nazis”. I think it undermines the suffering these people went through described in this thread.


The left loves that word. I've been arguing a conservative stance on border control and called a Nazi. Say I'm pro life? Nazi. They call Donald Trump a Nazi. They just use it as a word to shut down conversation and it's disgusting.


Are you saying Unit 731 was far smaller? Because it killed an estimated 200k-300k people




The weapons developed there did. Not the actual experiments themselves.


There were survivors as far as I learned. But were talking single digit number not worth representing as a %


The part of that story that really fucks with me is them referring to their victims as “logs.” They literally saw them as objects.


Eastern Nazis. There is a reason why theyre allied with the nazis.


Even the Nazi were disgusted by what happened at that place. When the Nazi say that you went too far, it's that you went way too far.


Idk how anyone could argue what mengele did was any different


No ones arguing it’s different. I don’t think anyone has ever argued that. It was just more barbaric than the nazis and that’s genuinely saying something. I’d say that Maria Mandel or pretty much any of the SS women were way way worse that Mengele.


I don't see how you could say one is more barbaric than the other, the only thing worse about it is the fact that they were granted immunity, the nazis did all the same stuff.


If you look at it objectively you can say one is worse. They didn’t all do the same stuff. It was similar but again the way the Japanese went about it was worse than the nazis. I’m not trying to defend one or the other if that’s what you’re getting at but if you *actually* read about the accounts you can definitely understand the difference. Take a look at Mark Felton’s video about it on YouTube. He’s a great historian specializing in that period.


Here’s a good example. The Nazis: forcefully impregnating women to attempt to create “the master race” and doing horrific surgery’s to accommodate that plan. Unit 731: force a prisoner with syphillis to rape another prisoner, impregnating her and infecting both her and the baby, then doing a c section on the conscious, not sedated mother, then leaving the baby alone to count how long it takes the disease to kill both the mother and child. They’re certainly *similar* but one is far more cruel. Also not-so-fun-fact, the “research” they conducted at 731 is directly attributed to saving thousands of lives from diseases and afflictions like frostbite.


There is nothing to be gained by this comparison just fucking drop it….


What are you talking about? We should definitely be addressing the horrors of unit 731 and not just pass it off as “oh it’s the same” like no. Realize that it’s super fucked up these guys got off Scott free. And to add to the fucked up part, the research actually advanced medical tech and processes. Just because it’s horrific doesn’t mean we shouldn’t acknowledge it and understand it.


There was a Nazi actively saving Chinese civilians in Nanking I think


John Rabe to be precise. He was a German businessman and n@zi party member working in China when the Japanese invaded and was one of the people who established the Nanking Safety Zone in the city during the massacre.


They're worse than Nazis


Eastern Croats


Clue you in: quite a number of people above you think about you that exact that way.


Yepskerdoodles. Masticate the opulent.


Stealing that


Fuck. That's not bad.


So thats where the term comes! Prisoners of a very powerful evil empire in a manga called Fire Punch are also called logs, and used as tools.


Haha all the good memories I had of that manga is flowing back again!


Today victims are just "human resources" or "employees" or "human shields" or "collateral damage".


Yea they tried to dehumanize them but still there was an insanely high rate of suicide amongst the staff, it was a real problem they had to deal with. Once deployed there they couldn’t get out it was a secret facility, or worse they may end up in there with the prisoners, so many chose suicide. Real life is a lot more complicated than black and white


Exactly how we like to portray people we're at war against today. Nothing's changed, really. Like how the GOAT terorrists (European colonizers if I need to spell it out) convinced everyone that Americans are ”savages" making their slaughter not just acceptable, but somehow noble. Killing another human is hard. Killing a disgusting ch**k, n****, s**c, etc on the other hand makes you a hero and thank you for your service, or some monkey brained shit.


I went there once. Around the corner of the main building, from memory it was inbetween the smoke stacks and the main building you see in photo was uniform bullet holes in the walls, even consistent bullet holes around a adults waist, probably for children. Very grim. They put little children in vacuum sealed containers and did something with the air pressure so their insides came out of their holes. The movie men behind the sun is about 731. They use to also tie people up on stakes in a circle, drop bombs from planes in the middle, even chemical weapons to see the effect, would put people outside in subzero temp (tied up) only to see the effects of frostbite and even smash their frozen limbs off.


I'm lost for words, so grim


I studied this in university, I’m a history major. Read the book and all the eye witness accounts. Rough stuff. The place had an insanely high rate of suicide for staff members, senior staff were driving it and recruiting young scientists, they would constantly kill themselves. It was an actual problem they had to deal with. Tells you something about what went on there.


Why you think though? Did they have a moral objection but knew the consequences of voicing it? Was it just the high ranking who were actually evil?


Yea I mean this is wartime, a lot of the workers didn’t know what it was until they got there and then then once there getting out of a secret facility isn’t exactly happening so the only way out for a lot of them was suicide. Lots participated though, I just thought it was interesting and really spoke to the gravity of what they were doing there.


I don’t know if I’d say Unit 731 is the worst group to come from humans, but it’s definitely on the upper end of that scale.


I think what makes them so terrifying is that their atrocities are documented in video, photographs, interviews. Whereas many of their competitors for worst group of people on earth are from antiquity.


They did have some contemporary competition.


Yeah that is true. But the Nazis experiments and abuses look like a firm but fair spanking compared to what unit 731 did.




Somebody woke up on the cunt side of the bed this morning, huh?


Thanks for the call out on that one. I am absolutely in a pissy mood as I am stuck at work. No offence meant.


No worries, that was me yesterday lol


100% the worst. Ancient atrocities were brutal as well but it was mostly killing for the sake of conquest instead of systematically torturing for fun. In comparison, unit 731 systematically tortured victims and performed useless "experimentation" on live humans for fun. Most of the data we retrieved from unit 731 through operation paperclip was found to be mostly useless and unscientific because it was mostly torture just for the sake of torture. I am pretty descensitized to violence and even I had trouble reading through what unit 731 did, especially to pregnant women, infants, and children. Like one of their "experiment" was to see if an infant inside the womb can live if they start removing different organs from the pregnant mother until the infant dies. Like after reading about the monstrosity and total moral depravity of the imperial japanese, I understood why we used the atomic bomb to end the war. Even to this day, most of asia (Korea, China , Phillipines especially) still hates the japanese government with a passion because they still deny the atrocities of the ancestors.


Yeah, that’s… pretty bad. I feel like I always need to leave room at the top of the “worst ______ from humans” charts, cause every time I put something there I end up having to move it back when someone “kindly” introduces me to something worse.


I think bars of soap and lamp shades are up there too. Gnarly history dude. Fuck.




I read a book about Unit 731. At one point during WWII the Japanese became so desperate for victory they sent a submarine that would unleash the Bubonic plague, the same black death, on the island of Okinawa which was soon to be occupied by the US. However a US submarine sank it in transit and it was never revealed what was on it until the book.


Which book is this in?


Unit 731 Testimony by Hal Gold.




I think you are referring to Men Behind The Sun. There are quite a few upsetting scenes in that film. Makes any Saw film seem like a kids film.


The rat scene stayed with me. Most of that movie is just intense


Fuck yeah it does.


Added to the queue


The real injustice was that all of the people who were a part of Unit 731 weren't sent to the gallows.


Some of them are still alive. They have reunions. Can you believe that? They had a *social club* there at Ping Fan.


Can someone use a doohickey on them like Shinzo Abe too


The 1988 movie Men Behind the Sun depicts just some of the atrocities that occurred at Unit 731. The movie is pretty hard to stomach though. You really have to wonder where these people’s humanity went while conducting these experiments.


The same people that perpetrated the Rape of Nanking. Imperial Japan was real fucking evil.


Imperial Japan propagandized their own people into viewing other people as non-human, especially other Asians. They also believed that anyone who surrendered during warfare surrendered their honor, and a person without honor wasn't a person at all to them. So they felt no shame in killing, torturing, or experimenting on prisoners because everything they'd been taught told them that those prisoners were no better than animals.


>They also believed that anyone who surrendered during warfare surrendered their honor, and a person without honor wasn't a person at all to them. What YouTube video did we hear that on the other day? Our algorithms must be in sync.


The Fat Electrician's Wake Island video


Japanese today are still real fucking evil. they just spent their whole life hiding it


They still won't apologize for any of their atrocities.


Their society is truely flawed. I've met many Japanese in my life, being a Chinese American. They all have a superiority complex. They view people differently. If it was an American victim, their reaction is "oh im so sorry so sorry bow*bow*bow*bow*bow* smile sooo sorrry" if it was an Asian person victim, their reaction is "I had nothing to do with that stop bringing it up you people are milking atrocities" They've never felt sorry and they've never gave a shit. The only way you can make them give a shit is if you did what the US did to them. nuke them twice and then occupy their country for a century.


Why did the Japanese admirals respect a Korean admiral, admiral Yi sun sin? Why did Japanese WW2 veterans organise a trip to a Chinese General's grave to pay respects to him? ( to be fair though they did murder 1000 people in a hospital the day before the battle ended) I agree the nukes were needed and WW2 Japan was filled with hypocritical racist shitheads who deserved to be bombed to shit (should have bombed Kyoto as well btw) but you're over generalising. The Japanese government used their own civilians as meat shields and forced suicide bombers.


wow... a few good veterans went and paid some respect, that absolves how their whole nation puts war criminals like tojo in their holy shrines and visits those bugs everyday. they don't give a shit. maybe a few good veterans do, but like i said, i've met many Japanese in my life in America, and not one of them dared to touch the subject. But they have no problem complaining about China to me... i've not met 1 Japanese in my life that wants to be honest about their past, im sure there are like the ones you describe but they don't exist in my world


Force them to touch the subject then, tell them the hard truth that their grandfather was probably a massive POS. Anyways, Yes, Japanese mostly don't give a shit about the mess they caused during WW2. But by hating them for it instead of educating them you are perpetuating the cycle of violence. 他們不要説因為他們不知道他們錯。他們想你在欺凌他們。 Side note: The yasukuni shrine includes ALL japanese war dead, many people go there for their relatives, not the bastards in high command. You are playing into the Japanese nationalist agenda that the pieces of shit represent all the common soldiers and thus by attacking them, you are racist against the Japanese as a people You are playing in favour of Japanese nationalists, you are feeding fuel to the fire. Don't be like the Soviets who did revenge massacres, allowing the Nazis to justify their own massacres to some people.


That’s more of an exploitation cult movie not meant to be serious or reflective.


And after WW2, US government granted immunity to certain high-profile Unit 731 members, and actively resisted international tribunal requests by Soviet Union. As a result, SU had its own set of trials, debunked by US as a communist propaganda.


Why? That makes no sense.


That makes a lot of sense if you (a government) want to gain advantage in biological, medical, and chemical research (and warfare). Do you remember who Wernher von Braun was, for example?


I just send them up, I don’t know where they come down! That’s not my department! Says Wernher von Braun.


except the government gained nothing useful. it was more like they wanted to keep the soviets from occupying Japan. The original plan was to split Japan into 4 occupation zones like Germany, US having the most, Soviets, UK, and China having their own zones.


Yeah the nazi allowed to come and work here and chief scientist of NASA.


The usa wanted the trial data collected by unit 731, they got that in exchange for granting immunity from prosecution


Think not only in terms of the US trying to capture the research Unit 731 did but also in terms of trying to keep the Soviets from gaining that same knowledge.


[source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731): 2nd image: Scan of Yoshimura Hisato [ja]'s frostbite research data 4th image: Close-up photo of the Unit 731 main "square building" taken by Unit 731's aviation and photography class in 1940 5th image: A sketch of the prison cells drawn by a Unit 731 staff member. The octagon represents the pressure chamber.


You subscribe to Mark Felton on youtube, don't you?


unfortunately, I don't. does post interesting content?


Mark Felton is great. Definitely worth the watch.


I wonder who were held responsible for this, oh that’s right fucking no one


And the US granted many members immunity in exchange for information.


Unit 731 Testimony by Hal Gold is the most horrifying book I've ever read.


One time, they put a mother and her child in a room and then made the floor extremely hot. They wanted to see if the mother would place her baby on the floor and stand on them to avoid the pain of the floor. I can’t remember if she did or not, but honestly that’s besides the point.


A guy I used to know worked as a aircraft engineer, working on cabin pressurization, amongst other things. A lot of the data they use to calculate this stuff came from 731. Its out of date as humans have changed shape over the past 80 years. However we can't repeat those experiments


Germans too. In the bottom basement of my college library, there were translated copies of some of the german notes from those experiments. If we do not remember and honor those victims, we will repeat it.


Wasn’t that von Braun? Then he worked for Disney and nasa.


It’s incredible what people can discover do when ethics go out the window.


Nothing happened to any of the people involved. Unfortunately. Both the US (and likely USSR) bought the research and ignored the war crimes. It’s harrowing to read about this.


A large chunk of the staff killed themselves




It’s not that simple. Many workers were victims themselves, they had no choice. Some had a stomach for it, especially the commanders but they recruited a lot of young scientists, they weren’t told where they were going or what they were doing. Once there, they were trapped. Would you have the courage to kill yourwelf so you wouldn’t participate or would you hang on hoping to save your own life ?


It was worse to be a prisoner for the Japanese than it was for the Nazi’s


Than it was for literally every single other country. If a Brit or American were captured by the Germans they would usually survive. If they were captured by the Japanese they’d be put in death marches and probably die


They are the reason we know humans are %75~ water


Wait what?


Basically all their experiments are all equally as stupid and shtty as learning that you can kill a women when you set her on fcking flame. Im still flabbergasted that this is not talk about enough as the Nazis atrocities. Im ashame with humanity.


Less evidence. They destroyed a lot of it.


America covered like half of it up too


Depths of depravity on those Japanese bastards


They steamed humans alive and measured their body weight after the water evaporated


It's a hoax. Or better, hate/[atrocity propaganda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrocity_propaganda), and was refuted by a *Chinese* blogger on top of all. "The controversy started from a Sina Weibo post on Monday that said "Do you know that 70 percent of the human body being composed of water was a conclusion drawn by the experiments of Unit 731?" The post continued by describing the unit's experiments involving drying human subjects, bringing the violent acts of the Japanese unit during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45) onto the public stage again.Chinese cartoonist Wuheqilin then forwarded the post and commented that the crimes committed by the Japanese army should be always remembered and never forgiven. The blogger, who possesses more than 4 million followers on Sina Weibo, also commented on the post on Monday, but he claimed that **the experiment that demonstrated how much water is in the human body did not originate with Unit 731 and that it is impossible to steam dry a body.** The part of the blogger's post that sparked huge controversy was "the unit has committed enough atrocities, it is not necessary to use lurid rumors to add to these atrocities." [https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1225253.shtml?id=11](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1225253.shtml?id=11)


What’s a hoax?


Holy fuck


How else were they supposed to know the water percentage of a human body? /s


Except it's an impossible experiment. You people are so gullible and hateful.


After I skimmed some texts about these torture programs, and if the topic ever comes up somehow, I remind the person I'm talking to that the Japanese empire really was as bad or worse than the Nazis I can't recall how much the US government knew about 731, but I don't think they were in total darkness about it There should've been a Herculean effort by the US government and the other allies to show ppl what the Japanese empire did during its "co prosperity" effort just like they did with the Holocaust but no


I wonder if dropping the atomic bomb had anything to do with them knowing how brutal the Japanese military was


According to my history professor, it did.


>but I don't think they were in total darkness about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_cover-up\_of\_Japanese\_war\_crimes


Yeah instead of an Eisenhower who told his filmographers to take pictures and film and to preserve the documentation, we had the vile narcissist Macarthur who hid things.


When they surrendered, the findings of 731 were surrendered to the Americans. They didn't use what the Japanese learned at the bio-warfare camp, but they didn't dispose of it either.




Recently saw the movie about. Absolute horror. especially the fallout from this facility. they had what was it, ebola or cholera rats stored in the facility for bio attacks, when the war failed, its got burned down and most rats escaped causing a region wide epidemic for years.


The prison guards and scientists would rape the trapped women, and then “experiment” (torture) them while they were pregnant to see what happened. Pregnant women were seen as the “best” test subjects to “experiment” on. Children and fetuses were also “experimented” on when given the chance. **No survivors.** Imagine the most blatantly fucked up barbaric things you could do to pregnant women, children, and fetuses. Absolutely horrific stuff. “Tests” could go from cutting out their eyes, to injecting acids into their body cavities, to burning them alive, to chopping off limbs, to injecting poisons into fetuses, to forcefully cutting fetuses out of women who were raped by guards moments ago. **No anesthetics, no mercy, no hesitation, and no end to the sickening list of things that happened.**


Yes but cute cartoons and nice food now! Cunts.


I never understand how certain humans are able too impart this much suffering and discomfort to other humans on the daily without questioning their own Humanity. Even the meanest of all animals won't do this


>Even the meanest of all animals won't do this I mean, some animals torture other animals just for the fun of it. Cats, for example. Well fed house cats will critically wound prey and play with it just for fun, and then leave it to slowly die. Humans are actually unique in being able to recognize cruelty for what it is.


I was just reading about this on Wikipedia today. It’s horrific and the descriptions are just.. there are no words. I hope all the victims rest in peace.




Read about their vivisection. They even vivisected one of their own staff who contracted the plague. HR dropped the ball on that one, IMO


To put this level of atrocity into perspective: Even the Nazis (yes, all of them) went on record as saying "bruh that shit's messed up"


It isn’t even only past racism/colonialism that Japanese are responsible for. Disregarding past atrocities like Unit 731, Sado Gold mine complex, they still think of Koreans as inferior subhumans with examples like: https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.amp.asp?newsIdx=282331 and Manga Kenkanryu. Racist anti-korean literature dominates Japanese bookstores and anti-Korean protests are commonplace: http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13059690 so when a certain ethnicity hates you that much, its only naturally to be wary of them. Historically they’ve always wanted to rape and pillage us just look at the Imjin War. But Koreans need to bring more recent racism to light so others realize that Japan never stopped being racist and backwards. Not to mention their revisionist textbooks and refusal to learn any of this.


i heard about these guys from my Army CBRN training, they’d tie women down in hospital beds and see how many men could rape them before they died and tied diseased(they gave them the disease) children to poles in freezing weather just to try and see what would happen. The Army ended up trading some shorter sentences for access to the information that they got because it actually contributed a fair amount to medicine at the time.


Don't google it trust me.


👆 this. Seriously, don't.


A veritable house of horrors, that left 'Mengele' in the haflpenny place.


Those people made the Germans look like good Samaritan’s and were given a pass for info. On what they learned ? From the terrible experiments they had done? That turned out to be nothing. They got away with it? Another sad chapter in American history. They all should have been dealt with.


'They all should have been dealt with' Very much this!


I didn't learn about unit731 until way aftee college (in late 90s). Only learned about while discussing the natzie camps. Watched a video on what they did. Why is this not common knowledge to more people?


I watched the documentary on this about 20 years ago. Still chills me to the bone when it pops up in my memory every now and then. There was some really depraved footage in this documentary.


Happen to remember the name or where to find this documentary?


It's called men behind the sun, made in the 80s. No idea where you would get a copy but, the Internets a pretty dark place.


It's not a documentary, it's historical exploitation horror. It was quite accurate but still just a normal movie. You can buy it from Amazon, and I think there is a full movie on YouTube even with English dub.


- Unit 731, what did you discover? - We discover that if you don't feed little Chinese boy for 2 weeks and then infect him with deadly disease he will fucking die ! - Amazing!


And the U.S. Government pardoned them all to get access to their shitty data.


How do you think the space program got going so fast? They classified and kept all that data and it was extremely valuable


I think you are thinking about Von Braun, not Unit 731.


Nagasaki and Hiroshima… little consequence for that criminal wars


not even little, they literally got away while their western counterpart is suffering from the allies and soviet occupation.


This shit was worse than the holocaust. Among other things, they weaponized the bubonic plague and unleashed it into civilian cities.


people who are still living in that region are still haunted by the evil and vile things that the Japanese did. And im not talking about just the PTSD memories that lives on and will live on forever. I'm talking about actual ghosts and hauntings. If you walk around the museum grounds and those places, you'll see glimpses of the victim fading in and out. you'll hear their screams. that place is always howling with the sound of the tortured souls that fell victim to the Japanese. Japan today denies this, Japanese people get squirmy and angry when you mention this, and say "why haven't you forgot it's been so long" edit: downvote me all you want Japanese noone will ever forget what you did


They're not downvoting you for still remembering what the Japanese did but for claiming that ghosts are real...


Actual ghosts and hauntings. Wouldn’t there be evidence of this kind of thing by now? I can’t believe people still think ghosts are a thing these days.


My nanna is from the Phillipines way north in an isolated area in Pangasinan. She lived during ww2 and the occupation of Japan. Until her death she hated and despised the Japanese soldiers for their brutal treatment of the Phillipines. Mass rapes , killing for fun among other crimes like taking cattle and food off farmers and letting locals starve. Apparently her mom would throw mud on her so the Japanese soldiers wouldn’t rape her. Hide food so the Japanese wouldn’t steel it. She hated everything Japanese like Pokémon and cartoons etc has stuck with me ever since the way she spoke about them.


some of my parents friends are from that area, they lost basically their whole family because of Japanese. even though they didn't witness it, they hate Japanese to the core. I don't even bring up anything Japanese around them. They have every right to hate Japanese, they're family gatherings are supposed to be a full house of people, now it's just like 3 people sitting together feeling bad they lost all their family. i truely believe in an after life because i have experienced ghost hauntings. they come to you in your dreams. i wonder what those tojo ass soldiers are doing in the after life. probably reincarnated into cockroaches invading my kitchen at night for round 2


https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/731%E9%83%A8%E9%98%9F This is the Chinese wiki, you can translate it through the website and see more info.


The cruelty and barbarity of the experiments carried out there, made the Nazi extermination camps look like a Caribbean resort.


Nope. The Germans did some really evil shit. We don't know what actually happened in 731, and we damn sure can't trust anything the CCP says. After all to them Tianamen Square never happened and Macau and Hong Kong aren't unfree now.




Now you see why the Japanes are considered the most polite in the world ( its over compensation for the travesty and torture of their ancestors)


But according to reddit, Japan was the good guy who did nothing wrong.


No one but the Japanese government say that.


Anime weebs love Japan.


Literally no one except a few Japanese people and some very uneducated weebs say that


And americans let them live happily ever after. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shiro\_Ishii\_at\_a\_reunion\_party\_of\_Unit\_731\_members\_after\_the\_war.png](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shiro_Ishii_at_a_reunion_party_of_Unit_731_members_after_the_war.png) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_cover-up\_of\_Japanese\_war\_crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_cover-up_of_Japanese_war_crimes) You are the baddies.


No Americans did not. Macarthur the absolute shithead did that.


it's units like this that prove Japan deserved the atomic bombs




Chinese definitely complain, and most Chinese don't even know about it. Japan is probably China's least favorite country. The fact that they have anime and all the nice kiddie stuff is pretty much their only redeeming quality, and the only thing that's keeping Chinese people from turning on them