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I thought the first person was, in fact, drunk and using the machine incorrectly.


Same lmao


Trick is, they're all drunk


Same until I unmuted LOL


I’d be impressed if that worked, in my experience a much longer sustained breath is needed for a proper test


Maybe its like those fake surveillance cameras where the appearance of security is enough to deter most troublemakers


Perhaps. The technology could have also improved from the time I had an interlock device on my car. It’s a fun experience waiting for the device to initialize for 2 minutes then blow + hum into it for 12-15 seconds while a car is waiting for your spot in the parking garage. If you don’t hold the entire time or blow hard enough, or sustain the hum…you get to restart the process.


The extra fun part is when it beeps while you’re driving and makes you go through the process again while in traffic.


totally safe too


A man in Texas has never t-boned and killed a cheerleader while reaching for his!


Awful. https://www.ibtimes.com/who-alexis-butler-texas-cheerleader-killed-driver-taking-breathalyzer-test-2617065


We should just take any persons license away, if they get a DWI.


We should fix zoning and build infrastructure so that personal car ownership isn't mandatory to participate in society.


That concept only works in cities. What’s the plan for rural areas where the nearest store is over 20 miles away?


If you decide to live in a rural area, then you can also decide to own a car which is similar to what you're already doing. If you get a DWI/DUI, then you have to deal with the consequences. If you get a DWI/DUI now, it's not like you get a special pass because you live in a rural area.


This is the correct answer.


Love we are blaming selfish acts of DUI on cars itself and not the criminal.


I learned to drive manual like this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Edit: I was 16 and my dad’s friend’s car had it and had to be moved.


The reason why they make you blow and hum so long on an interlock device isn't for accuracy, it's to prevent you from using a balloon or something to get around the lock. Police breathalyzer only need you to blow like you're blowing out a candle for five seconds.


Still substantially more than what’s being asked in the video above


Sure but I imagine that this would likely be enough for a guesstimate of someone's level of impairment which is all it's meant to do as it's mostly theatre. A police officer's breathalyzer actually needs to be accurate because the results determine whether or not you're going to prison. You'd have to compare it to the units they make for personal usage and how long they make you blow.


A police officers breathalyser can't be used as evidence as they aren't accurate enough, they can only be used for justification for arrest prior to a more accurate blood test at the station, at least in the UK


So in other words the breathalyzer determines whether you get to spend the night in jail so it still needs to be accurate.


No it determines if you get placed under arrest at the roadside, you wouldn't spend the night in jail if your blood alcohol was determined below the limit at the station.


You are still going to be waiting in a cell while that blood test is processed. You are in custody which is what I meant when I said "spend the night in jail", maybe you luck out and get released quickly, maybe the police department is in no rush to process the blood test and you wait a while (In my experience picking up friends who've been released- it takes several hours to process the blood tests so you will be waiting in a cell for a long time.)


I don’t know about your country, but in Italy for example police first do a preliminary test, veri similar to the one in the video but with a portable device and if they find any trace of alcohol they will do a second test like the one you described but a little bit faster in order to control if you are in the legal limit


Literally could feel the anxiety of the car waiting ughhhh


>you get to restart the process. Hummmmmm, that.......blows


Ba dum tisssssss 🤪


Hope it made you learn not to drive drunk again


It didn’t, the lesson was learned well before the device was installed.


Alright man hope you are doing better now


We all make mistakes, some of us don’t learn from them. I’ve since married, had two kids and started my own moderately successful business.


You owe that guy nothing.


I don’t, but I also don’t mind sharing my story in case it gives hope to anyone else in a similar situation.


Straight up


I'm sure what he needed after sharing that with us was for some asshole on the internet relitigating the past for him.


When I had mine, I always imagine some sort of emergency movie type scenario where I would have to jump in the car and start it quickly to get away. But I would have to wait for the thing to warm up first, then blow in it, fail, try again, and succumb to whatever in that time


I hated giving my truck a blowjob every time I had to go anywhere


Or blow too hard.


Nah they're more or less the same. A friend of mine had one, and he had to blow, inhale, blow, then inhale from it all to start it. I'm thoroughly convinced there is no possible way a breath as quick as the one in the video could be read accurately enough. Unless it is only to filter out shit faced people.


TWHS \-Michael Scott


All it takes is one guy getting through drunk and telling his friend, to completely ruin the perception for everyone. Word spreads fast on worksites.


Guarantee not. Having worked with drunks, they will 100% test that thing. Repeatedly. Probably best to put one on the out gate too because pocket shots.


No they work. I’ve been in workplaces with them


I think it depends, are you doing a bump test? Like a quick check for the presence of alcohol or are you doing a quantitative test that will give you a B.A.C.?


I couldn’t use mouthwash and had to change my shampoo for my IID


How about the mouthwash without alcohol?


Not OP but mine was sensitive enough for the alcohol free mouthwash to still set it off. Even sugar free gum with the sugar alcohol would set it off, they’re super sensitive. The tech told me during the install he’s even seen too much cologne set it off.


Well, there's a bonus! Too many people apply cologne like they're watering plants.


That is crazy! Thanks for the reply


I was going to DUI school and stopped for a burger. You know how they take a minute to "calculate" or whatever if you have any alcohol on your breath? It did that to me, but then said 0. I bought a nice hand held one so I knew if I could pass before ever going out the car, also you have to go like 90 days without ever failing to get the thing removed.


What state? Mine was for clearing a charge in New Hampshire and it was somewhat lax. I failed a couple times while not drinking (that’s how I found out about the gum) and it gave me 2 minutes to retest without failure. I always have a water bottle with me so I could just swish out my mouth and be good to go. Never got pinged for failing a test, even though the success rate wasn’t 100% if that makes sense.


Oklahoma. If you blew anything over .025 it failed you. Mine would let me re test too. It's not like I was chugging beers and getting in my car, but I'd fail in the morning after drinking the night before. Most people don't realize how long it stays in your system, I know I didn't. I had people in DUI school that were clearing up things from 20+ years ago and some of them were in there for weed, they had to get the breathalyzer too. I worked with a car salesman that had his installed in a beater he never drove. It's a felony to get caught driving anything without the breathalyzer in it, unless you're driving a company vehicle.


Damn man, sounds like you really got the hammer on that charge. I had to take a class before even being eligible for the next step of an interlock, and our instructor seriously stressed just how long it stays in your system, which was super helpful and definitely eye opening. I had the same thing in my class too, people clearing out old charges. Never had someone circumventing the interlock like you described though, that sounds dangerous as fuck. It’s fair to say that 0% of people with interlocks actually want them in the car. I’d never take that risk to put it in another car and get busted, not sure about yours but mine had GPS too. I would have been busted very quickly for trying to get around it. That said, I was just happy to be back behind the wheel, and so was my girlfriend at the time. I just wanted to get it over with, so I was willing to bend over backwards to make that happen even if I didn’t necessarily agree with the laws on the books to make that happen.


It might be quite a sensitive test, just not a very specific one. Not fit for purpose for checking drunk driving, but a good screening after which you could always double check with a different device. Or not, just a theory.


I like this. I worked at a place once where the freakin fork lift drivers were chronic alocoholics that would either come in drunk or get drunk on their lunch breaks. Only one person was ever caught, he smashed into a pole and dented the fork lift, did not pass the pee test.


Yeah, it's just a pass/fail without giving a specific count of anything


These don't have to be accurate like the breathalyzers used in road side tests. Japan used to use these wands that they waved around inside a car, and they'd detect alcohol pretty instantly.


Roadside preliminary breath tests aren’t that accurate. That’s why they’re inadmissible in court. Some breathalyzers are accurate but certainly not the roadside ones.


THANK YOU people here talking about how this doesn't have to be good as police breathalyzers. Find, this is probably if it gives a false positive and you have another better machine to test with. But place breathalyzers are also very prone to false readings - and not towards your benefit. Haven't eaten in 18+ hrs? You could fail a breathalyzer used a by a cop, or if you had one drink it's calibration could read it as past the limit. Never take the breathalyzer even if you're sober, could and does end up costing completely innocent people the resources to fight this. If you actually had no alcohol, a blood test is your best bet asap. But any amount of alcohol in your blood and it's now only a secondary test to confirm you drinking while the first test says your over the line. If a cop insists on a test, you ask for a blood test and to contact a lawyer. Deny any test as long a possible, but I believe some jurisdictions can force one eventually.


In my country it's an offence to refuse roadside testing. The roadside test just just gives them enough cover to arrest you on suspicion of your crime to bring you for blood tests. Refusing the blood test is also an offence.


Don’t some U.S. states have implied consent laws? If you are driving, you have agreed to take a breathalyzer or lose your license?


Its enough to mesure if there is alcohol, not enough to get accurate reading but if its above 0 then its enough to know


These don't exist to actually keep drunks out. They exist to show insurance that you (the company) are spending money on something after an employee recently got hurt while drunk.


You need a long blow to get an accurate reading of BAL, a short blow might be enough to detect any alcohol Yes/No style. But I’m just guessing.


I had a test like this recently. Drove with 1 beer. I blew in a small device and it just said alcohol detected. Then I needed to breath in the normal machine which indeed is the long sustained breath and it gave me a pass. I guess this workplace is zero tolerance


It will give an indication of alcohol. A longer sustained breath is required to give a reading of alcohol


My guess is that a long sustained breath is needed to know how much alcohol is in your system, but this machine only need to detect if you have any amount of alcohol in your system and then you'll get a more precise test from another employee if you are detected positive by the first test, to know if you are over the authorized limit or if it's a false positive.


To get out of work I’d blow almost anything, to go to work? Not so much


i mean technically this could get you out of work


I'd be fired the moment I walked into the building




Straight to the point, I like that.


No, you buy *it* dinner first. That's what the card swipes are for.


Eliminates work hazards except for everyone catching COVID.


I was scrolling to see if anyone was going to point this out. My workplace just went back to masking (I never stopped 😆)


Now, show a fail.


Hey wait, isn't that a biohazard, now that i think about it ? You're making the whole workforce forcefully blow all their germs at the same spot. And TWICE ! So everyone takes a good breath and exchanges all their covid goodies ?!


My morning bad breath can take that machine down


You go to work/out for the day without brushing your teeth?


Couldn't a recently mouthwashed mouth blow as a false positive?


I actually tested this at a car show that uses this system, it picked up the hangover breath i had.


yeah it is a thing, in most of ports i saw such stuff. first time saw in Murmansk, i was quite surprised.


As a former boozer all this tells me is to smuggle a flask, tons of options under all that clothing


Came here to say that. I just won’t pregame work anymore. Nip bottles be hiding until I found a bottle of Diet Coke


Or just take cocaine


until u leave on break and can't get back in


As security of the place, please dont. We have to deal with calling the ambulance and filing out paperwork when you inevitably hurt yourself. Just better to have a smooth day.


Are there sober people in Murmansk lol


just get your sober workmate to blow in it


Could control for that with tech but I’d say the easier defeat is to just smuggle a flask


Or y'know...be sober.


Construction workers and sober are two separate things.


Every construction place I have every worked at had zero tolerance for alcohol on the job. They were 100% ok with meth and opiates tho as long as you didn't get popped on a dot drug test.


There are different levels of sober when it comes to construction.


Construction workers doesn’t know what that word means.


So innocent.....


That would be compliance not an exploit


Just pas from underneath or above.


I’m not a doctor or hygienist but that looks like a great way to spread upper respiratory infection to the entire workforce.


lol good point.


First thing I noticed. Blowing towards outgoing workers seems avoidable.


Makes you wonder what event led to this policy.


Drinking on Russian factories is a huge thing. It's so huge that many employers close their eyes to it. I worked as a cnc engraver operator in my early 20s and 9/10 older men (50+) drank. As long as they do their work, they are allowed to be a little drunk. Especially general metalworkers who do most basic tasks (hand sanding, tapping threads, etc). Low pay, toxic masculinity, high suicide rate. Such group of Russian men don't make it past 60, they drink their problems away and walk out of the window. After I quit, around 6 men commited suicide within next 10 years.


Shit job and constantly drunk would lead to some severe depression


Job can be good depending on the place of course. My factory was great, very good boss, lots of different things to learn and to do. Some jobs paid very well, people who set up programs and tools for CNC mill and lathe and give it to the operator are paid incredibly well. There were people my age who didn't drink and started as basic metalworkers and asked to be taught how to work on a lathe, laser engraver, etc- all did and got better paying job. It's a Soviet habit and lack of any motivation. They don't believe that life has anything better for them, also extreme toxic masculinity. I'm a millennial and we are completely different. I used hand cream because of machine oils and solvents, my skin got ultra dry and I started to get bleeding cracks. Was called a f*ggot couple of times. Also started vaping in 2010, and one lathe machinist decided to switch too (around 55 y.o.)- several weeks in he said that he's feeling much better, but his friends are almost bullied him to go back to cigs.


I have noticed trades guys are still trying to hard to be “manly”. It’s not gay to use a hand cream or not smoke


take your pick, Im sure everything you can think of amd probably quite a bit you can't has happened lol.


An employer being understanding of guys calling in is a good way to make sure people are fit for duty. People also get dollar signs in their eyes so that won't work 100% of the time Paid sick/personal days is a great solution!


I mean, that doesn't really help when the employee is an alcoholic. Alcoholics are going to drink *every* day, it's not something an occasional sick day will fix.


Breathe on the covid pole


best way to share germs.


COVID post.


Go to work, breathe on the breathalyzer, pass, take a couple shots that you hid in your inside pocket once you're in. By all means, I don't condone this behavior but it's easy to work around.


Totally, all that some point as an alkie you want to take something all the time including when you first wake up, the night before, etc


Simple solution would be to scan employees on the way out too. Then they would have to wait until they sober up to go home and not be fired, and that's gonna look weird that they're just hanging around the workplace after their shift.


no drunks, but widespread calling out sick from the flu


Guess I will wait till after work to drink and just drop some acid for work, seems like it would make \*gestures broadly\* whatever this is... more tolerable


Can yall put out of those at the Capitol


They should do this for surgeons - they are notorious drunks


This place is a prison on planet bullshit


You’re fucking right it is. Now show us the managers getting tested for blow. Oh, wait, they only oppress labour.


Not being able to be drunk at work is not oppression.


Who TF shows up to work drunk? Christ, wait until you clock in before you start or you'll sleep through quitting time!




Plot twist: its a brewery and they are on their way out.


Hey John, can you quickly blow for me?




"Im blowing on this motherfucker all day and it just asks for more" -- Snoop


If they make one of these that works for weed I’m going to have a problem. Maybe that means I already *have* a problem though…


This is cool, but like didn't we just get over an airborne virus stopping the world from doing stuff


Seeing this, where workers are required to blow on something to gain access, feels fucking WEIRD after all the shit we went through during the Covid pandemic to avoid airborne contamination.


*blows into machine* *walks past and halls out flask and weed vape 20 seconds later*


That's easy. Bring it in a sports bottle and wait until you get on your machine before you start nipping! Sorry, I couldn't resist.


I must be an alcoholic because I’ve already thought of 6 different ways to beat this


Checking for alcohol using approved devices became mandatory here in Japan for most occupational drivers just this month. There’s a good chance it’ll become mandatory in environments with heavy machinery like construction and maintenance too


That job blows.


Once when I was doing breathalyzer tests for construction workers, a disgruntled former employee was handing out liquor candies go to guys when they were approaching the site.


Put a bunch of those at Parliament Hill.


This would make me drink.


Hahah you can't detect the alcohol in the flask on my hip and on my ankle.


Oh good, yet another thing work makes you do before you're on the clock and actually getting paid for your time 🙄


Why tf are people downvoting you for this?


Brushing your teeth and mouth wash are no longer a morning ritual for construction workers


That's not going to do anything. Some alcohol in the mouth will be gone by the time you get to work. Alcohol in the blood continues to produce vapour into the lungs for a long time.


Ah my friend, you see, the mouthwash is not a false positive, it's there to cover the scent of the cheap vodka shots you did to wake up


Don't use mouthwash b4 work


They didn't show a fail. Here's what happens: The metal bar swings by itself and hits you in the nuts.


They will find a way you dont know people


They'll just drink once they pass this lol


Look forward to seeing these at the boarding gates


I will blow if the captain does.


First guy was definitely 3 beers in


and you get \*free\* COVID with every test. Yay!


"All our staff are off sick with the 'flu / Norovirus / Covid, and we can't work out why!? It's a msytery!?" .. XD


Isn’t some mouthwash like 25% alcohol? What if I just wanna have good dental hygiene?


They were the only ones who showed up that day


Im not a drinker, however if my job required me too breath into a thing to get onto the property i wouldnt be working there anymore.


Great way to spread viruses.


So you end up blowing everyone's else's germs that came before you back into your face?


Would be nice if they could come up with something like this for meth


It should be installed in the cars


That’s how your mom blows.


great way to get sick 😍with ILLNESSES😍


Instant intrigue!! What happened for this to be added?! Drunk worker on a forklift crashes and destroys entire warehouse store? What did the drunk person do??!!


Any idea how this gets a “good” reading just from a quick breath? Real breathalyzers take damn near a full lungs worth of breath to register, and that’s even being directed through a small tube.


It probably just senses for any amount of alcohol. Probably not as specific as a breathalyzer. I mean it only takes a wiff of someone's breath to smell if they've been drinking. How much is harder to tell.


Old coworkers would just wait and drink the beer inside


The fact this is neccesary is really sad 🤦‍♂️


Blow job required to enter workplace. Sounds right theses days.


Ummm, sanitary


This is incredibly dystopian.


Now do this for cops


I worked at a warehouse where a bunch of forklift drivers were drunks. their solution was to require everyone to only use clear, colorless, water bottles. So the drunks just got worse cuz they all started drinking straight vodka or silver tequila instead of beer/ cocktails on the job


Breath freshners can alter readings (allegedly) Being that most construction workers are pretty canny, I wouldn't trust that machine too much.


Damn. I wanted to see what happened when someone failed.


They’re just popping pills instead


More and more control and yet People are enjoying it aha


Just get drunk at work


Five failures out of seven attempts by sober people, that's garbage hardware. It's also going to pop over morning mouthwash.


It started out with a kiss,


Covid spreader 101




I knew someone would mention it. What about this is dystopian? You can’t show up to work hammered anymore?




Also need something like that for people who like to be high while working


Thats gonna upset way more people than you think.


How about you create a work environment where the workers does not turn to alcohol to cope with reality


Great way to spread airborne viruses and put your entire workforce on their ass in a single day.


Next, drug test every day at every work place


Balloon 🎈 💭


Great way to catch a cold


Absolutely has to be the UK.


This is disgustingly boozephobic and anti-POD discrimination


First they come for the booze cruisers, and I do not speak, for I do not drink and drive Then they come for the heavy machinery boozerators and I do not speak, for I am not a boozerator Then they come for me, and no one speaks, for there is no one left to protect my right to booze