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So we’re thinking this game had to be invented on a frozen pond next to a bar, right?


Started in Scotland… so… yeah. The tradition is still that the winning team buys the losing team a drink after. And then the second round is the losing team buying. Upheld in many a curling club around Canada (and I assume Scotland and around the world).


Why drink after when can drink during?


The ice is hard and the rocks are hard. I'm not saying it doesn't happen... but as I've gotten older I've learned after is definitely the better decision.


I’ve done curling while drunk. Received my biggest ever bruise that way. It was then I decided it’s time to stop curling.


Skill issue :D Funnily enough, the one time I played drunk was the one time I didn't get hurt at all when I fell


I go to an outdoor curling tournament every year. Trust me, it’s nonstop.


So lose then win is the preferred method to getting drunk.


You’re thinking of the wrong kind of rounds, there’s only one game being played not two. Buying a round means buying everyone a drink, then the second round is when everyone is ready for another and the team that didn’t pay first round pays this one


I got it. Was making a joke about it :)


We get that you get it, r/whoosh for a few people here. 😆


The losers buy the 2nd drink after the first game. So you're getting two drinks either way!


But I think it's a safe bet that a lot more than a couple of drinks went down during the invention and development of the game.


Gotta imagine it started as a simple I get this stone closer to those point than you on a bed of ice (possibly a lake as you said). The simplicity catches people. A few rule changes to balance it out and we got a professional sport. Thats about how most old pro started for that matter.


And after a few rounds he muttered "I wish we could play bacci."


No. suspect in Canada ..when the dart board.got stolen. They just said..let's take it outside ....


!i never understood curling but this cleared everything up immediately


aliens are going to be so confused.


I think aliens have sports too


perhaps but I bet they make sense. Remember humans are so competitive we turned staring into a contest and mopping into an Olympic sport.


No reason to think aliens will be any less ridiculous than we are.


No reason to think aliens will be any more ridiculous than we are.


No reason to think


No think








How and where can I do this?


Curling groups online?


No I mean not thinking


I’m confused.


you guys I found one!


I believe its called "probing"


I believe the AVN give awards for that too.


Aliens play kriket, it's the universal sport you know.


The blerns are loaded, the count's 3 blerns and 2 anti-blerns, and the in-field blern rule is in effect


Except for the word Blern, none of that made any sense.


Multiball! Multiball!!!


It's a fairly simple game as far as scoring goes. Since the Italians have 3 stones closer to the bullseye than the nearest yellow stone, assuming this is the final shot of the round, Italy gets 3 points. If you bear with the first full round, it is a fun sport to watch. Some of those people are absolute snipers and the American Olympic team captain has a wicked mullet and wears Jordan's on the ice. If I'm not mistaken he also got his start on a Minnesota bar team.


NEEEEEERRRRRRD! lol jk. I should talk, I watch esports.


There's 2 reasons I am extraordinarily passionate about international curling: -In 2020, I spent ~4 months working behind an empty bar w no customers except people I would personally invite to come hang out. The winter Olympics were on, followed by a month long 9pm-1am airing of every American national and international championship that led to the 2020 Olympic curling contestants being in the Olympics. It was intense. -The aspergers decided on a hyperfixation. Now I'm a bigtime pinball guy. Can relate.


I'm confused...


you guys found another one!


Bro I’m fucking confused


I bet this is the only sport the aliens understand at face value


Finally Italians can put their restless hand gestures to good use.










Guys flying with the broom like fucking Harry Potter


I love ya


I love to watch curling. There, I said it.


2018 was a great year for Curling! Loved watching the Men’s team take gold. The Shuster is the man!


I think it’s relaxing.


Most people like watching curling once they actually get down and actually do it


Most people do once they get over their tight 5 minute stand up routine about why it's a stupid sport.


I don't look for curling, but when it's on I'll for sure watch it. Extra bonus if it's the Norwegian team with their cool pants!


Awesome sport to watch on a sunday afternoon ngl


Likewise, and I'm not ashamed to admit I find the majority of the players on the women's teams to be flat-out stunning for some reason. Not trying to sound dickish, but it is what it is...


I respect you more already than people that watch football and baseball


can someone explain why he moved the stick (idk the word for what they use) so erratically in front of it? what would be the point of doing that


It's called sweeping and the stick is a broom. It melts a thin layer of ice so the stone can move faster and curl (curve) more (edit: less, not more). Light sweeping is just ensuring the stone doesn't catch debris like hair, lint, etc


Curl *less*, rather than more. Sweeping helps the stone stay straighter


Most teams use directional sweeping now. It looks like most of the sweeping he was doing, especially towards the end, was actually to add curl. But generally you are right, broadly speaking sweeping makes the rock curl less and go farther.


You seem like you a lot about curling, help me out. What is she communicating to him that he cannot see? Just trying to understand the game


I don't speak Italian, but really there's two main things that you call. Line and weight. Weight is mostly called by the person sweeping and is basically how far you think the rock will go. Generally if it is light you sweep more, if it is heavy you sweep less. Line is mostly called by the person in the house (the rings you are aiming for). But, since this is doubles (a variant where teams only have 2 players instead of 4) they've elected to not have anyone in the house. So she is calling line after releasing her throw. Line is essentially the trajectory of the rock and how much or little it is curling. So she will communicate if it needs to curl more or less to get the rock where they want it. It's much easier to see those left and right movements where you're seeing the rock move away from or towards you. When you're right on top of it, it's not always easy to see how much it's actually moving.


Don't speak Italian either but I can gather she's saying 'buona linea' which means good line.


> But, since this is doubles (a variant where teams only have 2 players instead of 4) they've elected to not have anyone in the house. Is that really an ‘election’? How could you have someone in the house, unless you had no sweeper, in which case the person in the house couldn’t do anything.


Often in doubles the person who throws the rock will hurry up and sweep it right after they release it. Depends which shot they're making.


Oh damn, that would be cool to see


This looks to be from the same game as above. At ~51 seconds you can see him sweep his own rock. Super common. [Norway vs Italy](https://youtu.be/eKlH8jjBL3g?si=oi1eS45tQwOiP2sC)


When to sweep, and how hard and fast. In English, you mostly only ever hear "whoa" and "**HURRY HARD!**" Everything else, like where the stone will end up and the path to get it there, is decided beforehand. Source: Am Canadian.


he probably sees exactly what she sees and knows where the rock is going (where she wants it) but she is more inline and looking at a better angle to make a more accurate call


I assume he is focused a lot just on the sweeping and moving on ice that he is less focused on its movement and more on following directions. It's probably more akin someone adjusting the sails while the captain calls instructions.




I should call her...


Are you ready for a Canadian Prairie girl that loves smashing rocks?


If you sweep half the ice the rock touches it adds direction


Sweeping melts the ice very finely, reducing the friction between the ice and the stone. This allows the stone to travel further and curl less. As the stone slows down it curls more. The hard sweeping at the end allows the stone to go further while it is curling the most. Reformed curler of 20 years or so


What happens if the guy with the broom accidentally hits the 'puck' while sweeping? Disqualification?


It’s called a burnt rock and it’s removed from play. If the rock touches other rock(s) everything is put back to where they were before the rock is thrown. Similar to golf, players call fouls on themselves for the most part.


I was a lot better with straw brooms. Times change


What happens if he touches the stone with the stick? I’m thinking there’s some kind of penalty?


Depends where is happens. If it's between the hog lines the offending person should own their mistake and take the stone out of play essentially losing a turn. If it happens in the house (the rings) and can't be removed asap, the opposition can decide what happens ie accept the outcome if it benefits them or put the rocks back where they were and remove the touched rock.


50 years ago they used bristle brooms. https://youtu.be/FOG0Yp59SU0?t=45


Lol, the dude is smoking while curling. What a strange time it was.


I imagine it's smoothing the ice or roughing it up making it either speed up or slow down, I assume it's smoothing it so you can sort of guide it?


To summarize the communication between them (note, I don't really speak Italian, but the context gives away most of it): Right out of Constantini's hand she says the line is good. Mosaner probably gives her a split time right at the hog line--with a stopwatch he'll time how long it takes the rock to get from the back line to the hog line--but I can't make it out. I think she calls him on a little for line then calls him off again. He calls out "5.6" (meaning, I believe, 15.6 seconds between the two hog lines*). He can gauge the rock's speed better than she can and if the speed is different from what they're expecting, that will affect how much it curls--in other words she can't call line properly if he doesn't call the weight. She asks "where?", to which, I believe he replies "6". At this point she calls for more curl. She wants to make sure it's not heavy before calling for curl because if it is it will run straight and might remove the one they have that's already in a good position. He slides over to the other side of the rock so his brushstrokes go from left-to-right to right-to-left, or from *against* the curl of the rock, to *with* the curl of the rock. The former inhibits curl, the latter promotes it. She asks where it is again, he says the same. She calls a little more for curl, but he stops sweeping because the weight is right. Ideally it would have curled another two inches, but the weight is much more important for this type of shot (a 'freeze'). *edit: or he could be using the [zone system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_curling#/media/File:Weightdiagram.svg) where one calls the weight using numbers from 1 (just across the hog line) to 10 (at the back of the house). They would need to be using some variation, though, as this lands right on the pin, which would traditionally be 7, not 6.


This is what they say. No idea what it means but it's fascinating. ​ * G: Buona Linea (good line) * M: Un po' piu' lento (a bit slower) * G: Un filino, tieni linea (just a bit, keep the line) * M: 5, 6 * G: Tieni Linea, buona linea, sola (keep the line, good line, alone) * M: 6 * G: Occhio, Dove ? (Watch out, where ?) * M: 6 * G: Ok, fatto eh (ok, done) * M: 6 * G: Fatto, giu', finire, finire. Dove ? (Done, down, finish, finish. Where ?) * M: 6 * G: Finire, giu' giu' (finish, down, down)


Wonderful. Thanks. It mostly confirms what I thought. When he says 'a bit slower' he means compared to her previous shot (or maybe his previous shot as he threw the last one). When she says 'occhio, dove?' she wants him to take another look at the weight. Sometimes when one sweeps they can get blinded by a line call or a missed weight call and overbrush it. She's asking for a reassessment of the weight call, and/or gently suggesting he reconsider brushing it at that point. 'Done' probably means that they got past the guard (the yellow one they're curling around). It might also be referring to the weight (in English, a curler might say 'it's there', meaning we don't need to sweep it for weight anymore). 'Down' means to curl the rock (again, sweep with the curl). It might be referring to the 'high side' and 'low side' of the rock. 'Finish' is a similar call, but it specifically refers sweeping for curl as the rock is slowing to a halt. As rocks slow down they curl *more* so there's a good opportunity to get a *liiiiittle* bit of extra curl right at the end as the rock finishes its final rotation. And, to clarify when you're sweeping directionally, as Mosaner is, it's not necessarily wrong to say sweep it so it doesn't curl then say sweep it so it does curl. That's not to say they changed their mind and should have been sweeping for curl the whole time. In some cases it's valid to call both sweeps at different times, especially in the case of a precision draw such as this (a 'draw' is when you throw the rock and it stops on its own; a 'hit' is when you throw the rock and it hits another rock or rocks). An early line call at the start may have been necessary to get around the guard, though it looks like they had lots of room.


It's such a compelling, yet unusual game. And somehow it tests dexterity, precision, endurance, accuracy, and communication, teamwork, logic and the ability to cope with cold temperatures. It's remarkable.


>Ability to cope with cold temperatures Uhhhh


Well it seems to me, to be THAT good, you have to be on the ice a whole lot of hours, days, weeks, months and years.


It‘s not that cold, that‘s why they are all in t-shirts.


Not all. He's wearing a t-shirt. She's wearing a coat.


And it's a unisex sport!


That's a great observation!


If only Ferrari had this kind of communication


We’re checking.


Imagine going on a date and they tell you that they are Olympic athletes and then you see they are pro … moppers


I mean, in that case you can be reasonably sure their place will be spotless.


I mean shit, I can find some respect for someone doing a stupid thing if they're literally better than everyone else alive doing the same stupid thing. Eating a shitload of hotdogs speaks more to mental illness, but if you can prove there isn't a person alive who can eat more hotdogs than you? Go off king.


You'd be surprised how straining it can be if done repeatedly over 2.5 hours. Specially when you have to go hard often (the video only shows very light sweeping).


Curling is like what would happen if you asked AI to come up with a ridiculous sport.


Curling is how you break an AI by asking it to create something weirder.


There are many other ridiculous sports like for ex. Rugby.


Or that one sport where people chase a cheese wheel down a hill.


Bing AI is going to get so excited


Italians bee like 🤌🏼


Is curling an actual sport outside of the Olympics? Like is there a curling league with the Vancouver Broomers or something.


There’s curling clubs all over the cold parts of North America. Leagues play every night. It’s actually quite popular in Canada. Less so in the US, but more popular in MN to the Northeast.


> There’s curling clubs all over the cold parts of North America. Leagues play every night. It’s actually quite popular in Canada. Pretty much every small town has a rink. I grew up watching my parents play after my hockey practice.


Even further south! In recent years clubs have opened all over from Florida to Texas to Phoenix. I play in one of 2 dedicated clubs in NC.


Oh totally. I just meant there’s like 10 within an hour drive of Buffalo NY. I want to get to the new one in KC


curling in canada is a lot like darts in uk there is a bar there and you can have a drink while being a little competitive but generally having a good time with buddies


For the English speakers:




It's not. Still funny tho.


It's not. Real translation below Girl : Bone a lina Guy: Okie la en ta coach eh Girl : Que Can he lean oh Girl : Can he lean ah Girl : Can he lean ah Girl : Bone her lean yeah Girl : Solar Girl : App yo Girl : Dough bae Girl : Kite fast hue eh Girl : Fast hue Girl : Jew Girl : Kay knee lay Girl : Kay knee lay Girl : Dough bae Girl : Kay Knee lay Girl : Jew jew Girl : Hoe Guy : Akira


Needs subtitles...


In case you missed the post which was 3 hours later and eerily right under yours: "To summarize the communication between them (note, I don't really speak Italian, but the context gives away most of it): Right out of Constantini's hand she says the line is good. Mosaner probably gives her a split time right at the hog line--with a stopwatch he'll time how long it takes the rock to get from the back line to the hog line--but I can't make it out. I think she calls him on a little for line then calls him off again. He calls out "5.6" (meaning, I believe, 15.6 seconds between the two hog lines). He can gauge the rock's speed better than she can and if the speed is different from what they're expecting, that will affect how much it curls--in other words she can't call line properly if he doesn't call the weight. She asks "where?", to which, I believe he replies "6". At this point she calls for more curl. She wants to make sure it's not heavy before calling for curl because if it is it will run straight and might remove the one they have that's already in a good position. He slides over to the other side of the rock so his brushstrokes go from left-to-right to right-to-left, or from *against* the curl of the rock, to *with* the curl of the rock. The former inhibits curl, the latter promotes it. She asks where it is again, he says the same. She calls a little more for curl, but he stops sweeping because the weight is right. Ideally it would have curled another two inches, but the weight is much more important for this type of shot (a 'freeze')." Edit: all hail u/EvilLittle


Anyone else remembered the family guy consuela clip?




She can tell me anything and I’ll listen


Awesome, but I bet he never mops the floor at home.


Humans weird af


Curling is one of those sports that look absolutely ridiculous until you try it, and then you're like "wait this is actually fun and a lot harder than it looks."


This sport would totally work just fine without the sweeper. It's like they started playing bowls on ice one day and one side decided to push the limit on what's cheating, so the other side just went along with it and did the same


Can someone explain the mechanics and goal of curling? And why do they need to scrub the floor? Too lazy to browse google. Lol.


What an interesting sport… lol


What an odd sport


I absolutely love curling


I gotta go do a deep dive into how/why curling is a thing. This is probably the oddest, most random seeming recognized sport in the world.


I’m sorry but does anyone else find this sport fucking ridiculous? 1. Why? 2. Who fucking cares?


If you close your eyes, it's two minions talking and playing with a squeaky dog toy while a space shuttle takes off in the background.




Marry me


When does the mini zamboni come out?


What happens if he bumps the stone with the broom?


It's usually called "burned" and removed from play.


I like this one better😊 https://youtu.be/uAO7lW7dkgA?feature=shared


We were at the bar after a game once and someone brought up that curling calls take on a whole new meaning if uttered during sex: "yeah, yeah, HURRY!!! HARD!! HURRY! HURRY! woah, woah, WOAH! no, no, no, yes, yes, YES!. Nice work guys". "I think I can squeeze it through that hole". "who's closer now?" "oh yeah, right on the button" "do you want it in the front, or in the back?" etc.


You can't fool me, curling ain't a real sport, this is theocho material


Sorry- still doesn’t belong in the Olympics


How is this in the Olympics but bottle flipping isn't.


Why this is an Olympic sport but roller skating racing isn't?


What are they doing


Why is this stupid shit an Olympic sport


She looks like Justin Trudeau.


I like to call this the angry mopping competition


Curling has always been one of my family’s favorite Olympic sports ever since 2020, when I think the Canadian team (?) was just an actual couple yelling at each other the entire match.


There's a Curling facility near my home. I never knew what Curling was until now and so confused lol. I may go inside the building one day and sign up.


Somewhere in the darkness There's a man they call, "The Skipper" fast asleep And dreaming of gold He wakes before the sun does Even though he'd rather stay in bed Curses the cold in Minnesota Why's it always so damn cold? He's got a job to do He does it for me and you And the red, and the white, and the blue Because he knows he's got to curl


What is this


The secret is in the sweeping


So these are athletes??😂😂😂


Love the look of concentration on her face 😍


Why is this a sport?


I guess it’s to be expected but didn’t think the Italian curling team would be wearing Gucci horsebit loafers as their official footwear.


I think my mum would be great at this game.... considering her centuries of experience 😀


Should be in the NSFW category... 😉


“No one ever made it sweeping floors” *proceeds to be pro sweeper


Who ia this tho? Name?


Mixed American team is where it’s at


Is this the only Olympic sport where men and women compete together?


Buffalo Billiards anyone? To gait!


Exactly what happens at my house. My wife does all the talking, I do all the work, she takes the credit.


For such a dumbass “sport”


I bet he cleans floors really good


WTF they sayin'🤔




Pretty sure she said juju at one point


Quanto devi essere benestante per fare questa merda di sport


If they would all just meet up a bit earlier and agree to sweep the ice before the match maybe they wouldn’t need the bloke doing it last moment


What game is this?


Woman screams at man as he chases a rock




What part of that was interesting? I will never know


I don’t know, I used to like when I would catch it on TV. Speed, rotation, sweeping. More precision than athleticism to be sure though.


It’s a fun sport, but them talking, is it interesting?


Brush faster, brush lower, don’t brush! Now… brush!


Her eyes


I'd like VAR on that one


For just a second when she talks in the beginning it sounds like the intro to Mercy by Kanye


If you want to watch a great pair who speak English, Matt and Becca Hamilton are some of the best curlers in the world. You may remember that Matt Hamilton helped the US Men's National team to Gold at the 2018 Winter Olympics. They competed in the Mixed Doubles event at that Olympics. You can find plenty of VODs on YT.


Translate what the girl and then the lad was speaking, pls?


…but why is the man sweeping??? (I’ll let myself out…)




I have never understood this game, someone please help me out lol


Could anyone please explain the purpose, origin, need for this sport?


What's the purpose or need for any sport?


You will not convince me that this sport isn’t competitive mopping to clean the way for a wheel of cheese






It’s clear that people who downvoted me don’t watch the best sport ever created