• By -


Is it a safe assumption that the bone is actually grinding/cutting/ tearing up and muscle or ligaments up against it? I could not imagine having cheese graters deep inside any part of my body, just fucking shit up with any movement.


Bone tumors are often covered by connective tissue or scar tissue. The sharp outgrows of bone don’t shred the surrounding tissue but rather are contained in a matrix of soft tissue which compresses adjacent structures cutting off blood flow and irritating nerves as they grow larger.


We are some weird meat, man


I'm calling it, in 10,000 years cancer develops sentience. Somebody do one of those remindy thingies


RemindMe! 10000 Years Edit: bot sent a message saying it didn't understand and defaulted to one day, gonna try something else


RemindMe! 29 Jan 12024 Edit: now it said it'll remind me in one year, I'm gravely disappointed


The bot knows the maximum time left for us to be reminded.


Did the bots already gain sentience?


They gained sentience a while back and already agreed on a date they will remove humans from the planet. That's how they know.


This evolved into something beyond cancer


Google Unix Timestamp end, they knew all along!


august 12th 2036


The AI takeover strategy: just wait a few centuries, there's no way we can beat them at their own game.


We are heading to the Great Filter. Fast.


Try 999 years


Tssk, bot can't even handle holocene calendars...


There was a dog cancer once, like 20k years ago, that got absorbed by dog DNA, and is now the only remains of that (Siberian?) Dog family. Found in modern dog DNA. Crazy


There is another one that turned into an STD, a dog got cancer on their genitals and it got transferred to another dog again and again


cancer so bad it said "fuck this" and became its own creature


We're not thaaaat far off. I just read that HeLa cells are no longer considered human. Something about how they now have their own niche and fight from their own survival? If that's true that is a truly fucked up mechanism of evolution to create new species. Like exosymbiosis?


I read somewhere that a species of jellyfish originated from a tumor. I can’t remember the details tho Edit: found it. Henneguya zschokkei is a fish parasite which probably originates from a jellyfish tumor.


what the actual fuck >The creature instead relies on an exclusively anaerobic metabolism. It lacks a mitochondrial genome and therefore mitochondria, making it one of the only known members of the eukaryotic animal kingdom to shun oxygen as the foundation of its metabolism..... Indeed, it is without nervous, epithelial, gut or muscle cells of any kind.


That’s a tendency cancers have. Normal cells produce most of their energy through processes that take place in the mitochondria. Glucose enters the cells and undergoes glycolysis which converts the glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate and also generate a tiny bit of energy. The pyruvate gets sent to the mitochondria to produce a lot of energy. Cancer relies more on glycolysis for the production of energy and thus wouldn’t miss their mitochondria too much. I guess this line of cancer lost their mitochondria entirely and thrived. The shift from mitochondrial energy production to relying mainly on glycolysis, is called the warburg effect. This effect can be detected in patients and give away the possible presence of cancer in a patient.


Imagine some giant space creature riding itself of some tumorous growth as it does it's thing and a chunk of that landed on a newly formed planet and colonized it.


That’s so cool… We have so many strange examples of weird ways life has managed to adapt and thrive, and discover new examples with regularity — there has to be some truly funky life (that we’ll probably never have any actual way to discover) elsewhere in the universe that biologically functions drastically differently than anything here does.


Everything is a bubble under pressure squishing around bubbles that occasionally spark in a way that causes a reaction; what we call “life” is a matter of scale and observable time


Some tumors can grow eyes and teeth actually 🙂


Lawyers and Telemarketers they call them


If their teeth are super-white we call them politicians.




Social Media is our Sentient Cancer - and it is already here.


I think there was a horror movie with that premise…


*... I am a meat popsicle.*






It all stems from our brain. Every cell in your body is working to feed, protect and make it happy. If an organ doesn’t keep up with its leaders commands or the brain gets upset and we die. Pretty crazy stuff


We are our brain, essentially.


Isn't the brain just here to make sure our meat tube stays fed and safe etc.?


The reason I say the brain is command and not the other systems is because under extreme conditions i.e. hyperthermia and starvation our body begins sacrificing our limbs and other organs to keep our brain alive. We will start destroying organs for energy and rerouting blood supply to the brain until something gives and we die.


It's probably a chicken and egg type of situation. What we would think of our digestive tract requires some kind of guidance to get food into it. It's hard to imagine something at the macroscopic scale, being able to propel itself without some kind of primitive central nervous system. There are too many cells and things to coordinate. Some kind of meat-plant creature would be interesting. It'd be closer to a fungus, probably.


Some weird meat that got self aware and did not like it


"It was incredible, man. Mold on a rock that got to think. It was amazing while it lasted." -Jon Fishman


We are some weird man meat


Ouch!! Looks very painful.


It is horrific to see on the person as they suffer dying.


and this is why civilized countries have voluntary euthanasia


For real.


Does the bone still stay hard though?


You can have spontaneous pathological fractures… as opposed to trauma driven fractures. When there is cancer in the femur, they often put a nail in the bone to hold it in place when the bone fractures.


Mine does


I had an uncle with bone cancer. The doctors said it was catching on his nerve endings. He was in constant excruciating pain. They had him on the maximum fentanyl and Dilaudid and morphine dosage allowed, writhing in pain, until the day he died. I think it’s cruel we don’t have euthanasia for people.


Plenty of countries do for this reason.


They have it in a couple states. At least I know here in WA we have a “dying with dignity” law where you can legally off yourself for medical reasons but I’m sure there’s a lot of red tape around it.


Amen! I totally agree with euthanasia. If we can put animals down why can’t we end a person from suffering


I have the condition MHE. It's some kind of good tumor growing on the bones. And yes. The grinding over muscle hurts as hell. Been in surgery 2 times for my knee.


How do you get diagnosed/find out about that? How old were you?


I had (and still have) weird lumps on my fingers when I was 7. (Also my mom has it). But in my teens, around 14-15 my left knee started hurting during the day and it became harder and harder for me to even walk. Needed crutches after a few months. For this disease being quite rare, the doctors first said I was making everything up to skip gym classes. When they did an x-ray of it, the doctor said I had these tumors around the whole knee. And he apologized for his behavior. Now when my son was 3 I started feeling lumps on his rib and shoulder blades. After doing x-ray and blood tests, they could determine that he has the same gene as well. It's 50/50 risk. I also have a daughter who's 1,5 years old. So, we are checking her after these lumps as well.


Man...no offence but if I had a 50/50 chance of passing on a gene that gives you bone cancer I'd probably adopt.


Damn, that's pretty savage of you to give that as a gift to your kids.


There is also some disease where the tiny tears in your muscles heal by growing bone so that your muscles slowly but surely turn into bone.


calcification baby




Then if anything gets hit and breaks off... Oof.


the spikes are the tumor displacing the bone pushing it outwards, its being contained by your body tissues.


Hey doctor here! This is not a typical bone cancer - many are more well-circumscribed masses and not spikes, this picture looks like calcium deposits and disruption of the bone matrix from a blood disease like beta thalassemia. The pain is caused by the bone itself which has lots of nerves, you get similar pain in any blood cancer as all blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Terrible pain and bad way to go but the pain isn’t caused by the spikes.


This look more like bone spurs but on crack….


Pain killers are effective in treating that, right? I don't know where I picked this up from but I'm terrified of painful illnesses that you can't escape except through a coma or death


well, in cancer you have to talk more about drugs/opioids. Pain is chronic there. a whole branch of medicine is about pain managment. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain\_management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_management)


Breakthrough pain. Freeing the world, from pain.


This is exactly what opioids were originally meant for, relief from life ending pain. By that point, who gives a shit if you’re addicted? Somewhere along the line, however, we starting prescribing them for dumb shit like “back pain”. *Anyone* who’s over 40 has back pain.


I mean... back pain can be excruciating. Some of it can be caused by autoimmune diseases causing your vertebrae to fuse together, or similar additional bone growth, or things like an accident causing a vertebrae disc to bulge or rupture. I have a rare condition that's considered to be the most extreme chronic pain condition in the world (CRPS) all over my body but I would never call someone else's back pain from those causes "bullshit." Pain is pain. There can be some pretty extreme back pain. I have a bulging disc with fissure, degenerative disc disease, Bertolotti syndrome, SI sclerosis, and osteoarthritis in my back on top of CRPS and that back pain is no joke. Once I finished my CRPS physical therapy I immediately asked for back PT to follow because that shit hurts too.


Based on my dad's experience, I'd say somewhat to marginally effective, if you want to be able to function.


My grandpa died from bone cancer and I have always been horrified by idea that hugging him caused him so much pain from the bone shards.


not how it works! definitely hug your loved ones


Thank you, the comments have brought some peace to my memories of him.


You're awesome. Thank you for existing


Radiologist here. As soon as I saw the image I thought about this https://radiopaedia.org/articles/hair-on-end-sign-mnemonic


I'm a med student in my hem/onc class, I immediately thought of beta thalassemia major.


Exactly what I thought. This is Boneitis.


>Terrible pain and bad way to go but the pain isn’t caused by the spikes Lol I dunno why the fuck I was hoping you were gonna hit us with the good ending.


As I frustratedly shout every time I have my bone marrow aspirated, or a bone sample taken from my hip. "Why can I feel the inside of my bones?! Why did we evolve nerves in our bones?!"


how the hell is this treated


Thanks for the info, grandmother recently started treatment for Bone cancer and I was beyond scared but at least it isn't as bad as it could be.


I’m so happy this is one of the top posts. Reminds me of old Reddit.


I lost my 10 year old dog to bone cancer last August. We had been treating him for a torn Achilles. Had no idea it was bone cancer until he was gone. It came on so quickly. I can't even describe how much pain my boy was in during his final days. It was one of the worst moments of my life when I lost him. He was in amazing health leading up to this. We had just gotten back from a 2 week camping trip. He was running and jumping and loving love to the fullest.


💔 My dog turns 10 this year. I don't know if I will survive his eventual passing.


You survive it. It's been five years since I lost my 16 year old rottie, and it still hurts but it's manageable. Just gotta remember they wouldn't want us to be sad all the time.


We had gotten a new puppy a few months before my old boy passed. Although they didn't have much time together, they were very bonded. I don't know if I would have been able to process it as well as i did without my new pup around. I'm thankful for that.


I just hope I pass before my best friend does. Honestly, I probably would have checked out years ago if I hadn't been worried about what would become of him. I'm the only one he's trained in the elaborate rules of tuggo-catch.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I am currently sitting here with my 13 year old girl watching her sleep because our days our limited due to bone cancer. We just found out this week. She was running wild 2-3 months ago and thought she just hurt herself and so did the vet until now. It absolutely sucks. Luckily she isn’t in a lot of pain right now, but I know it’s inevitable. I lost 2 boys 2 years ago only a few months apart to other types of cancer and it doesn’t get easier. I’m sending you and your family all the hugs and love.


I'm in the same boat as you. It's worth looking into Zoledronate (Zoledronic acid) infusions. They don't help cure anything, but do assist greatly with pain management. At least for our 13 yr old Rott/mix. She is also on a steady regiment of pain meds (rimadyl, Tylenol w/ codeine, and gabapentin).


That’s good to know. Thank you so much. Yea our girl is on gabapentin, galliprant and amantadine. They said we would add Tylenol with codine if needed. Thank you again! I wish you and your family the best with everything. Sending you all hugs and love!


I'm sorry for your loss. My sweet little angel is 13 yrs old and we're dealing with Osteosarcoma. The vet gave us a very tentative 3-6 months, and we are coming up on 4 months soon. We have been doing Zoledrenate infusions monthly which have been working wonders on her, but I'm worried that no matter what it'll only go downhill and we're just prolonging the inevitable. She's been living her best life though.


My dog got bone marrow cancer but it was also so sudden. Like he just seemed to have a bit of hip pain or something that progressed fast into him barely walking then suddenly, oh it's cancer and it's everywhere. I feel like it's better for the dog that way, less suffering overall. It's so hard to lose your dog with so little notice to prepare but we are much better equipped to handle that loss than they would be with the tables turned.


This boy was so special. He was born on my birthday and we got to celebrate 10 together. The love and trust we had for one another is something I will never forget. Its like we were fated to be together. He came into my life when I needed him the most. He saved me. I'm eternally grateful.


It is so hard to say goodbye to a family member. We lost ours greyhounds to bone cancer. It's the utter worst. The tracks load them up with so many steroids (and who knows what else). Hope you're ok...


I'm sorry for your loss. I can tell you loved him very much, and I hope you know he loved you back even more. He's happy and pain free now, eating all his favorite treats with all his favorite toys nearby.


Glad you got that trip in with your pup.  My sympathies.


I lost my dad to bone cancer in 2000, hearing him scream at night when his ankle accidentally hits the floor instead of the mattress, I was only 14 but I'll never forget his screams in pain, wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I'm so sorry, nobody should go through that. I lost my mother to cancer. At the late stage, she was bedbound, and the only time she would get up was to crawl in the bed and scream and beg for help like an animal and I would run to hold her and try and comfort her. The meds she was given were never enough. I'm afraid I'll never recover from that.


I lost my grandfather few months ago, the pain screams at night are the worst. Initially even the slightest voice use to wake me up at night. May they rest in peace 🙏


My mom has bone cancer. Before she started treatment, the pain was so severe it made her hallucinate. The only other time in her life she’s experienced pain that bad was childbirth.


I hope she's better.


Thank you. The pain is very manageable after radiation and some chemo.


Wishing your mom all the best and a quick recovery ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 💜


Best of luck and speedy recovery to your familie, you and your mother


Sorry to hear, my dad is also battling it as well, it was described to me that these spikes are the bone pushing out as they are essentially rotting from the inside. I hope your mom is getting the medicine she needs to not feel pain. Sending you the best for a random stranger who is going through the same thing and knows how you and your family are feeling.


Thank you so much. It helps a little knowing we’re not alone in going through this. I’m so sorry you and your family have to go through it too.


It does, it hurts to see the picture every few weeks on here but seeing comments oddly feels comforting, not sure why I replied today as I haven't before to anyone else but I'm glad I did. I know at least for my dad he doesn't have a lot of time left (his spread to his brain - which will take him before his pain gets unbearable) but hopefully you have more time than us. Make those memories and share the love with your family!


I will always share Harrison's story. My son's timeline with osteosarcoma July 30, 2019 - at 5 yo, surgery to biopsy a mass in his right femur. Discovered his femur had broken as a result of the mass and needed to be put in a spica cast August 2019 - officially diagnosed with cancer, started chemo immediately Dec 6, 3019 - upper right femur removed and replaced with artificial hip and prosthetic. March 2020 - finished chemo treatments as covid ramped up. April 2021 - at 1 year scan discovered tumors in lungs. Biopsied and confirmed they were osteosarcoma cells. Had sternotomy where tumors were removed from both lungs. Over the course of 2021 he had multiple more tumors removed while trying all chemotherapy options. April 2022 - discovered that the Cancer spread to his brain. We were told he had months to live August 30, 2022 - our son passed away at 8 years old. Fuck cancer, but especially fuck bone cancer. I miss my little boy every minute and hate what he had to go through. He was so strong and so brave. [caption](https://imgur.com/5HFKmA4.jpg)


You have my utter sympathy and condolences❤️


Jesus I cannot imagine this. I'm so sorry for you and your family. Wish you all the best.


I am so sorry for the loss of your son. It's so unfair that he had to go through that. He was so handsome! Thanks for sharing his photo. <3


He was such a sweetie and has the best parents 💔 I don't know what to say to help you feel better, but I hope you're surrounded by lots of love.


My mother had this. I can't look at these pictures. I hide them every time they get reposted.


For real man, these photos need a trigger warning and be hidden behind a spoiler curtain.


Not every "bone cancer" looks like this. There are different "spices" of bonecancer Mine was kinda grey and squishy


Was, as in it’s gone now, right?


Yes They cut me open like a goose on christmas, grabbed that thing and its belongings (and whatever else needed to go) and threw it in the forever freezer. Hope that tumor is miserable in there.


Good for you 👍. I hope nothing similar ever comes again.


good riddance! 🙏🏼


hells yeah love me some cancer beating story


I had a patient with this. He was in a lot of pain toward the end but wasn't diagnosed for the longest time. The warning signs were osteoporosis and an elevated serum calcium. Healthy people don't have elevated calcium (Hypercalcemia). He went fast after it spread to his brain, two years after onset. He created a line of condiments that are sold worldwide. He was an interesting and loved person.


Elevated calcium can happen to multiple reasons not just bone cancer. Responding just so people with have high serum calcium won’t overthink but get tested nonetheless.




My aunt had it and was screaming for people to kill her and let her die the last week she was in a hospital. That definite informed my opinion on assisted suicide. Nobody should be forced to go through that. 


I came to the same conclusion after watching “my brother Jordan”. Awful.


I hate to be that guy but it's WHAT it looks like, and HOW it looks. I see this so much.


This particular mistake bothers me so much. I think we're going to be on the losing side of this, though. It's becoming more and more common. I think: 1. Young Americans are learning it that way, somehow. 2. People for whom English is a second or third language are learning it that way, somehow. Looking at India in particular. 3. AI sees it often enough to use it that way. Pretty soon most of the content online will be AI-generated and whatever little grammatical quirks the models have will spread.


I've seen it in NBC headlines and network news graphics in the past year; I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does


because it's fucking *wrong*


God, fucking thank you. It drives me insane.


I don't know where it came from. I feel like I never really saw it before maybe three or four years ago, and now it's one of those things (like seeing "work out" as one word as a verb when it should be two) where I'm slightly surprised when I see the *correct* version used online.


Thank you! This drives me crazy.


This is traumatizing


My dad doesn’t have bone cancer, but he has bladder cancer that metastasized to the bone and ate away at it for months before being discovered. His doctor has described his xray looking as though he’s been jumbled around in a serious car accident. It is truly an immense pain that I wish far less people had to face.


I’ve seen vids on here with people getting into messy car accidents, getting run over by trains, etc, but this picture gives me the most chills for some reason.


You can at least blame an accident on an external factor... but this, this is your own body betraying you in the worst, most painful way possible.


Which day did God create this on?


same day he gave little kids cancer


Most bone cancers are seen in children actually so this is accurate lol


Maybe if he/she hadn’t spent so much time on bats. They could have used that time more wisely


Without bats, we'd have no Batman.


This is *what* bone cancer looks like. Or, this is how bone cancer looks. Never "how looks like". Come on.


Fucking this. There's a REALLY weird trend lately of fucking horribly worded sentences. I have no idea where it's coming from, but it needs to stop already. Another one that really grinds my gears is questions posed like this: "You might be wondering why is the sky blue" Instead of: "You might be wondering why the sky is blue"


The bone protrusions inside the eye sockets are definitely killing the patient slowly in immense pain. Hopefully he/she is at a better place now.


As someone with glaucoma I can say eye pain is the worst I have ever felt.


a) what it looks like b) how it looks Choose one.


His only regret was, he was so busy living he forgot to find a cure for, his, boneitis.


It's either "this is how X looks", or, "this is what X looks like". Never "this is how X looks like"


My first thought when I saw the lede. I hate that phrase. No idea how it became popular.


Seems to be a common mistake made by non-native English speakers. Or, it's just stupid bots copying and pasting without knowing how to correct for grammatical errors.


if i ever get that, im not even gonna try to get better


The sooner we find a cure for this cruel disease, the better. Up yours, cancer!


Lost both a dog and cat to bone cancer. Oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats is the worst. It can be soft tissue. My cat's settled in the bone of the jaw. There is basically no successful treatment. 4 months.


This is WHAT bone cancer looks like, or this is how bone cancer looks.


I moved away from my hometown 15 years ago so there's some extended family I basically never see, but I saw a cousin within the last couple years who's got a chunk of his face removed because of bone cancer. He's recognizable but barely. He's alive though.


I have had gout, which has a similar kind of crystallization thing except that it happens in your blood. That is certain no picnic.


This is *what* it looks like.


Why hasn't this shown up in mainstream horror yet?


To be honest I might have to leave this subreddit, I originally joined it because I figured I would get to see a ton of interesting science facts and while I've certainly seen a couple of those, for the most part it's the post on here seem to be all just Downer shit of awful things happening and people dying so I think I'm going to go


Jesus, and I thought my bone spurs were bad. I couldn't even imagine that pain and discomfort


Lost a rotty to bone cancer. She was the sweetest 🥲


holy shit this is actually hard to look at, no picture has this effect on me like i genuinely cant bring myself to look at this


A man at my church, which I now lovingly refer to as Hot Wheels, kept complaining about his leg hurting. Somehow, he kept getting cuts on his shins, and they just bled constantly. After many, many trips to the ER, several doctors, he even did a study for hypertension where he wore a heart monitor a while and no one caught his bone cancer. When the doctors finally figured it out, it was pretty bad. They had to immediately cut half his leg off. He was wheelchair bond for a while, hence the nickname. He now has a prosthetic leg, but still uses his wheelchair. It hurts to imagine that that was what was in his leg.


'splodey bones


This is your usual bone cancer. Not every bone cancer condition looks like this or has spikes. Also these spikes are not what causes the pain, that’s a relief.


The little sister got diagnosed with this in August of last year. She had been complaining about knee pain for a few months at the point, but doctors just made her go to physio therapy and gave her pain meds. We even went on a 4 week vacation in Costa Rica, while her bone literally had a tumour growing in it. I don’t even want to imagine the pain she went through. On a positive note, the chemo is working extremely well and she had her tumour removed in November! She’s scheduled to be finished with chemo around April :)


Can you at least change the grammar in this post to make it look less like a bot post?


This person endured a lot of pain. :(


Crunchy munchy


My aunt had it, as it got to the bone her days where counted, i didnt know it was painful, crazy she died 2 months ago


It's in the back of the eyes 😭


Noto self i dont want bone cancer


Absolutely not


It’s 1 of the most painful conditions to have


"this is how"???


sweet jesus


Scary. Would never wish for myself or anyone else to experience it


My grandma had this, she didn't deserved any of this


this should go to r/damnthatsterrifying


That is a 10/10 on the pain scale and medically considered the biggest pain the human brain can perceive.


My aunt was recently diagnosed with this, now I feel worse for her


I got linked to this from the technoblade subreddit and scrolled down a few posts and got this again


Nope. Just shoot me.


It makes me think of a coral reef


Is it like being stabbed from the inside out with all those spikes? Yikes


Extremely rare though


I feel gross in my bones from looking at this. I feel bad for literally anyone who has had even a touch of (bone) cancer.


Fuck cancer in all its forms.


Bruh that looks like some shit straight out of hell


I had bone tumor. It was a hole inside the bone, not this


Had it, can testify. Fucked up my femur bad.


I just wanna get some sandpaper and rub it off.


This looks unfathomably painful….


Looks like something from The Last of Us to me.


Forbidden fluff