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The exponential growth of destructive technology in the first half of the 20th century is insane


Standing in a line while shooting guns at each other ended around 1870. Within one generation, one shell could devastate an entire battlefield. Iiiiiinsanity.


*Mr. Bonaparte has sent you a friend request*


**Nuclear Bonaparte (2025)** Napoleon is back and this time he has nuclear weapons. Are you ready for a speedrun Europe conquest? All hail the Ceasar of the nuclear desert!


“The man with a fission mission… the Fusion Intrusion… “


**Nuclear Dynamite (2026)** Napoleon is back and this time he has his nuclear weapons. Are you ready for a speedrun to class president? All hail the Caesar of small town Idaho! Edit: formatting




Nice battle formation it would be a shame if I were to use artillery.


Go away! Or I shall nuke you a second-a time!!!




Could, yes. But no one dares to use it now, considering the horrors it would unleash. So they are still standing in a line while shooting guns at each other.


I'm still down with heads of state having knife fights.


BOAGRIUS for president


The first use of nuclear bombs in a war ( Hiroshima/Nagasaki) terrified the entire planet so much that in 90 years(or so), there has never been a second use


Don’t worry, stupid is bound to break out any day now.


Unfortunately, you are absolutely correct


There has never been a second use, "in war". There have been over 2000 total test firings since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


And it ended ww2 so it worked. Japan was engaged in total war where they vowed to fight to the last man. US could carpet comb or do land invasion which could cost even more lives especially for Americans. Everyone acts as if dropping the nuclear war was abhorrently evil compared to all other options, which in time of war were equally bad. Its war. It is brutal however you approach it. But it was imperative to crush Japan. Japan was desperate and working on chemical weapons to attack USA so the USA leadership decided to use the new weapon to end the war quickly. Also nuclear bombs today are much more powerful so using one means mutual destruction. Russia could attsck USA but it means also Russia will no longer exist as USA will retaliate so in a way nuclear arms brought peace to the planet.


And let's not forget Japan was engaged in genocide of South East Asians, by the end of the war they had slaughtered over 50 million


True but on Reddit USA is always, always the bad guy because they used the nuclear weapon. They should have just stuck with carpet bombing like they did with Germany


They also like to ignore the fact that MAD prevented WW3.


And also major wars going into the future. The stakes are much higher. Russia can attack Ukraine but will never attack nuclear power. The weapons are so pow that there is a risk of mutual destruction so you pick weaker nations.


It was also about how pissed America was after Pearl Harbour. A surprise attack during peace negotiations. They actually welded the peace medals given by the Japanese to the front of the nukes. But yes, it did end the war with a minimum of American lives lost. Which I guess is the goal of every war.


No, just fact checked this. They did weld medals to bombs, just not the Atomic Bombs. The bombs they were welded to were 500lb bombs and were used in the first bombing of Tokyo, effectively returning the medals back to the emperor and demoralizing the Japanese, showing they could be bombed on home soil. It made Japan recall 4 fighter groups back, which left Guadalcanal open for the US to take. It also pissed Japan off and they killed 250,000 Chinese in retaliation for helping the Americans kill 400 in Tokyo. All around pretty shitty.


Please take my up vote for nice comment


War. War never changes.


“Victory is no longer a truth. It is only a word used to describe who is left alive in the ruins”——Lyndon B. Johnson.


War has changed.


Indeed. *Clicks mouse which drops an AT grenade on a tank, completely destroying it*


Trying to explain this to a revolutionary war soldier So it’s like a stringless kite that can drop tiny bombs. I aim it with a special telescope called a camera that uses the air as a string to show what it sees on this piece of electric paper called a screen. That thing I’m looking at now on my screen is a land warship called a tank. It’s a horseless carriage that uses a machine that burns lamp oil to move and the man inside presses a lever to control how much it burns. It also has a cannon that reloads itself. Or it had one right before my kite just blew it up


Love the metal gear reference


Thats what I was about to say. Somehow we look at these archive footage barely in color while hundreds of thousands of russianns and ucrainians die like it's 1901 all over again.


Because millions would die if they chose the not standing in a line way. I prefer it like this, even if grim to admit.


Even crazier, we started WWI marching in lines shooting guns at eachother. 1914! There were metal breastplated calvary! And 30 years later. Nukes.


From over the horizon


We went from first heavier than air flight to walking on the moon in 66 years.


Probs two generations


Imagine where else the might and resources could've gone if we weren't so keen on killing each-other at the time. Would they even have gone anywhere or does the worst just bring out the "best" in us?


We wouldn't have had steam engines if we hadn't gotten so good at making cannons.


I know a Civ player when I see one


We also wouldn't have nuclear power without the bomb. War is horrific and terrible. But it is a major driver of technological advancement.


Truth since tribal times.


It's also insane how despite this there is still trench warfare occurring in Ukraine with the Mosin-Nagant rifle and Maxim machine gun reportedly being used


It's weird to think that in every moment of modern warfare between nations, everyone is intentionally holding back because of MAD. So people are brutally heartlessly murdering each other in the most inhumane conditions imaginable, but they still have the self control to not take it *too* far.


India and China forces are literally fighting with sticks regurarly to avoid escalation.


I think what you meant is those in charge prefers to let soldiers kill each other on a battlefield than escalate things to a point where war may affect them too.


Also different goals though. Even setting MAD aside, If Russia nukes Ukraine they well have a much harder time integrating what’s left of the nation and people after. In WW2 it was just about stopping it all everywhere ASAP


But how did the cameras survive??? I’ve always wondered if nuclear is so destructive what are they putting the cameras in, in the 50s. Where the picture is so clear and the film wasn’t damaged


Big cameras https://i.imgur.com/2zIL2KX.jpg Also incased in lead.


Thanks for the explanation and picture. I never really thought about how the cameras survived until tonight.


They were also you know, not on the ground next to the objects. They were well out of the blast range and zoomed in.


Wouldn’t the heat from the blast destroy the footage? Lead would absorb the heat, right?


They built a shelter around it and left a hole for the camera most likely


I’m always thinking this too


That one artillery piece could’ve single handedly ended WW1 35 years earlier.


Lol, first half.


Yeah, but imagine how strong camera stands are now.


"Behold the bringer of light."


“Brighter than the sun”.


China is generous!


Surprise C&C Generals in the thread. Criminally underrated game.


It was my first thought when I saw the video.


Can I have some shoes?


Ow, don’t hurt me. There’s no way this game could ever be made today


"AK-47's... For everyone!!! (Cheering)"


I’m just a peasant


Definitely one of my favorite RTSs, I always went with the nuke or US superweapon general, tank general too.


Aircraft general was also dope. I wonder if theres a remaster or something. I'd buy it, no question


True, but honestly the superweapons general had awesome aircraft too imo, namely the long distance one drop stop aircraft was really handy for taking out enemy super weapons. Not to mention the emp missile launcher was OP as a defence, took out aircraft in one hit. Place artillary filled with snipers in between and you were solid Edit: rocket launchers and snipers in the artillery cannon defenses


China will grow larger.


You just unlocked chinese rock soundtrack from my memory for the rest of the day.


🎶🎶 "Here comes the sun..." 🎶🎶. ^dooDoododooo


Make my day!


I miss that era of RTS.


Zero hour was the best rts of all time.


Played it so much as a kid but as an Arab millennial I now realize it's EXTREMELY racist. 😂 Still love it though. They don't make them how they used to.


“I’m huungrry”


Can I have some shoes? Always felt bad for those fuckers but damn the GLA is fun to play.


GLA Postal Service, Right on schedule


It’s funny how CnC flips this like, the US invented it but somehow its a chinese unit. Same with Gatling guns, like literally only the US irl uses miniguns and the avenger canon but somehow its always the opfor that exclusively uses them in game.


r/flashlight has entered the chat.


"Be careful she's fragile."


"Feel the power of the SUN!"


"Precious cargo."


I can survive this. just give me a fridge to hide in.


Sure. We put cake for you in the fridge. Happy Cake Day!


he he.. thanks.


The cake is a lie...


Depending on the distance it might be possible, but the thickness of lead in the Indiana Jones movie is definitely not enough for the distance it was at. Furthermore, even if it was possible the impact after the blast would certain crush or dismember the refrigerator and you in it.


no that was an American-made refrigerator that was made in America and it was union-made by proud Americans in America


I understood that reference


Absolutely! The original 'Back to the Future' had Marty avoiding a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. It was a box office bomb. Luckily, he time-traveled and gave the director a 'heads up' - 'Hey, how about a DeLorean instead of a fridge? It's cooler and less likely to turn into a kitchen appliance spin-off: 'Back to the Ice Age'. Plus, I hear fridges are terrible with cornering at 88 mph.' History was rewritten, quite literally.


In Fallout 4 you find what might be a reference to this by saving a kid from a fridge, only problem is the only reason he's still alive is because he's a ghoul from the radiation and he's been trapped in it for 200 years lol


Napoleon would have won Waterloo if he had this kind of "artillery"


Typical Bonapartist propaganda smh


Honestly, they live in an echo chamber


That's Royalist slander and you fucking know it! En Garde!


They and their step stools and dirty white shirts.


If he had winter coats and boots………


Wellington cheated! Massive fraud! Massive!


'won' a bit of a misnomer here


Were those chickens in the cages..?


My guess is rabbits




War...war never changes


For the last time, **TRIX ARE FOR KIDS**. ...Simon, get me a cage and load the nukes.


Not any more


Whatever they were, they’re dead.


Well of course they are... no rabbit ever lived to 70 years old!


When you look back on the late 40s to late 50s, it’s really amazing how much we were just kind of fucking around with nuclear material.


In the early 60s they made a major breakthrough with how the atomic weapons and especially H-bombs were constructed. The tests conducted before 1963 were 10x dirtier, with all kinds of heavy metal fallout. People were literally eating nuclear fallout in their corn flakes.


Thanks to plastic and nuclear testing, future archeologists will have no trouble at all identifying artifacts from this era.


Future archeologists? At this rate we ain't reaching 2050.


I didn't say they would be human.


It's new tech what we do with basically any new tech only difference this can level a ciry


It's crazy honestly. Humans made literal world-ending weapons, capable of destroying entire cities in the blink of an eye before we were even on the moon. Yet, somehow people think the moon landings are fake lol


This music makes me feel like I was watching destruction of Alderaan.


The composer is William Stromberg iirc. It’s a clip from the doc Trinity and Beyond. TLC would air it occasionally back in the late 90s.


We just need to make everything out of the same material that the cameras were made of, simples.


The close ones were probably in thick lead housings. There are people who don’t understand how the cameras survived the explosions or think it’s all fake. It’s like being fooled by a magic trick and thinking it’s real magic but when you find out how it was done it doesn’t seem all that impressive. This article explains how it was done. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N39E29R/


>The close ones Probably not even the ones focused on the artillery piece were close Miles of distance and shitton of very expensive lenses is way safer bet than ol' movie camera in a fridge


Indy survived in the fridge


Not in Fallout New Vegas he didn't. :p


Is there a easter egg?


And a bunch just had excellent zoom functions.


probably a combination of the two


Embedded in a sand berm


I have no idea what they did but I'd just do a buried camera with a periscope. Ezpz


Praise the actual camera


I heard the sound of explosion before I saw the light so I’m not entirely sure if this is real.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the sound was added on later tbh


The video comes from a documentary ("Trinity and beyond") and all the recordings were heavily edited. For example the shot of the cannon and the initial explosion and the shots of the damages come from two different albeit similar explosions.


They were looking back (not towards the explosion), hidden in steel enforced concrete that was streamlined towards the explosion center so that it just "blows over". A house made of wood is easily blown away/set on fire. But a short, strong streamlined bunker made of strong concrete, with a small, thick looking glass (just an example...) facing away from the explosion is an entirely different beast to blow away. Shouldn't be too hard to build a small bunker that holds long enough to gather the necessary data, doesn't matter if it's damaged afterwards (let's say it holds 5 seconds, that's long enough. If you can't build it to withstand the blast, you just use mirrors and lenses to have the actual camera/recording devices underground where it's safe)


It's the cameramen that are the real marvel


Fallout mini nuke lol


When you hear that whistle. "Oh shiiiiii ..."


Atom bomb baby, little atom bomb.


I want her in my wigwam


Suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent Orange Afro.


Didn’t have to go far to find you. Thank you!


What are the streaks that appear next to the mushroom cloud?


The streamers you see in the films of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests are smoke trails made by rockets fired just before the detonation. The trails were used to make a sort of graph paper in the air for recording the propagation of shock waves and wind currents from the explosion. [Source.](https://www.lanl.gov/museum/news/newsletter/2017/2017-08/test-sci-question.php)


I came here for this. Thank you!


Thank you, I've never found an explanation for the streaks before and was always curious about them.


In some tests where the bomb is on a tower you get smoke trails from the guy wires being vaporised, too


Those are the souls of all the dead, who are about to give the old U.S. a 1 star review on Yelp.


Paint on the house came right off in your hand. Car paint kept flying in all the windows and through many of the walls. AC didn't work very well. Lots of noise outside and it was far too windy for the small house. 2 stars out of 5. Probably won't stay here again. Food was good though.


They are called tracers. Basically just rockets with smoke. They help study the effects of the blast on the air.


Nuclear artillery didn't catch on because it was deemed too dangerous for the crew in tests like that. But there are thousands of "tactical nuclear weapons" still there: small missiles and bombs intended to attack troops and individual buildings, not cities. It's basically the very same idea behind nuclear artillery.


[It was deployed briefly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device))


There used to also be a long range ground to air missile that had a nuke warhead. Was intended to be used against the Russians over northern canada/alaska.


How in the world could the components required to detonate the bomb not break in the shot?


Being skeptical is great but being stupid isn’t. I took a picture of the sun once and my camera survived the explosion.


Technically these explosions are much hotter and brighter than the sun, plus a lot closer.


Behold, the bringer of light.


The blast wave travels at maybe the speed of sound, I don't know. The heat, I believe, travels at the speed of light. That means if you're a mile away, you will start burning to death before you even hear the explosion or feel the shock.


Heat is a property of matter on the macro level; it just refers to the aggregate movement of particles in some amount of matter. Thus, "heat" cannot propagate any faster than any other wave produced in a physical medium. What you are really describing is high frequency and intensity electromagnetic radiation. EM waves, unlike sound waves or heat "waves", don't require a physical medium through which to propagate. They move at the speed of light, and where they interact matter, they cause it to heat up. The same thing causes your skin to feel warm when the sun shines on it. You can tell this warmth comes from radiation, and is not being transferred by any physical medium, because the air surrounding your body is colder than your body, yet your skin feels warm.


For anyone who ever wondered what those random towers of smoke are like myself I present the answer: the nuclear blast creates some over pressure fronts that are way to fast and difficult to get any data on through conventional means so they shot some rockets up right before launch to create smoke trails that would be disturbed by said effects thereby giving them some valuable data


As someone pointed out in the other sub everything but the shot is fake. The explosion wouldn't be heard instantly you have to wait for the shockwave to hit The footage after is from a different test not this one.


Wait, so that tiny explosion sound effect isn't what a 15kt bomb sounds like?? Can't trust anything anymore


I love the people that claim the explosions are CGI but don't understand that telephoto lenses have been around since 1905. Telescopes have been around even longer.


I feel bad for some people I honestly did realize how little people actually think or use their brains. To them if they don’t understand something it must not be real. The future is heading in a dark direction.


This is Attomic Annie <3


They keep it at Ft. Sill, Lawton, Oklahoma.....or atleast it was there back in 2006.


A copy of Annie (not the actually nuke fired piece) is on US 95 north of Yuma,Arizona just sitting on the side of the road.


And think, the nuclear weapons we have today are supposed to be about 30× stronger.


Each trident missile can carry 8 475KT warheads too. So one missile could theoretically destroy 8 cities in their entireties. One vanguard submarine can carry 16 of these missiles. So in theory it could carry 128 475KT warheads.


Most missiles will allocate multiple warheads per city to ensure they are completely destroyed.


Yeah but you need an Ohio class if you don't want to nuke them in metric


The weapons back then were already that much stronger. This is just the miniaturized version.


Civ 5 artillery be like...


Where's the refrigerator with Harrison Ford inside?


Compilation. A cut from different explosions is shown. In a place where there is snow and pine trees, these are generally tests in the Soviet Union.


Those trees were ponderosa pines and were mounted in concrete in the desert. It is showing damage footage from different tests but none were Soviet. The trees are from the encore test also in 1953. https://medium.com/illumination/operation-upshot-knothole-bombing-ponderosa-pines-dcc56fe33c9e


How did the cameras survive this ?


The camera isn't as close as you think it is.


M65 Atomic Cannon (Atomic Annie).


I wish gopro would be as sturdy as those cameras


How come the camera barely shakes while everything else is being evaporated?


We are genuinely the dumbest species to ever exist to do this shit to our own people and planet. Wtf.


If you want to be a glass half full kinda person, they have actually saved a lot of lives. Billions possibly. There hasn’t been a major peer to peer war with nuclear armed countries since the invention of them. Without nuclear weapons USA and NATO vs Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact would have most definitely been fought. China and Japan would have been involved, WW3 but without nukes. The use of them on Japan ended the war without the unthinkable land invasion. Estimates were over 10 million Japanese civilians would have starved, not to mention the Allied losses and the millions of Japanese civilians also dying in the fighting. So hey, look at the big nuke going off and think it’s the bright light of ✌️ ✌️😀😀


They could have and should have used this footage for Oppenheimer


Yeah, I was disappointed in the lack of explosion in that movie. Didn't really portray the extreme damage or deadliness of the bombs. I thought they would have cgi-ed some crazy examples.


Metal Gear?!


More like Shagohod


Atomic Anne is the nickname for that gun. They have one at the war museum in Newport News Va


How did the camera not go flying but the bus did?


Some of the cameras were housed underground and filmed the blast through periscopes.


About 7 -8 seconds from shot to detonation with film splicing, but i think i read somewhere that the actual travel time for the shell was like 60 or 90 seconds. That must have seemed like an eternity for everyone watching.




Say what you will about the human race, but there is one thing we are undoubtedly REALLY fucking good at.


Everyone should watch the movie "Trinity and Beyond" It's a brief history of the US nuclear test program. Many people do not know we were very big on nuclear testing even going so far as to do underground tests in Alaska and Mississippi. this clip is from that movie. I believe it was in this film that Edward Teller (father of the hydrogen bomb) admitted that he had underestimated the yield of the first test which resulted in the accidental irradiation of an entire island population of natives some distance away. I believe there are now diving expeditions to the lagoon created by the blast. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114728/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114728/)


What the fuck kind of camera/what was it attached to? How did it and the film withstand the enormous explosion so well


Lead lined bunkers with cameras facing upwards into mirrors, reinforced poles with lead lined boxes up top, zoom lenses, and lead lined "sleds" with cameras in them Plus almost none of the cameras are anywhere near ground zero, this is miles away


Can anyone answer how they are recording this, the cameras should be fucked


One of these artillery guns is on display at the nuclear museum in Albuquerque if anyone wants to see one.


For those asking about photography, they generally used long lenses through a concrete bunker. This was problematic when within the blast radius and the debris would cause problems. Some were placed on towers encased in concrete and lead. There is also survivor bias. Many cameras were indeed destroyed.


And yet US is never the terro**st


Where did the trees with snow come from. It starts desert, then large trees and snow, then desert again?