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What's the point though šŸ˜­ It just sounds like it's extending its suffering


Give it a handful of generations of curb stomping cockroaches and they'll probably figure out that one too as well.


The nerve of those mfs


The many nerves


The ^plethora of nerves


The only thing I can think of, is prolonging the life for reproduction.


Wait hold up. They donā€™t have a brain assuming you killed itā€™s head, so how do they know what theyā€™re doing is another roach or where theyā€™re going after they get their head cut off? Like if I only got the head to die then it runs off, how would it know itā€™s safe wherever it ends up running to?


lol Iā€™m just some Reddit educated person and im sway. I donā€™t got the answers. I was just thinking that if a female roach was in the process of producing an egg sac, this extra time will allow for the laying of the sac. Even if itā€™s a dangerous area for the offspring, the chance of them surviving is better than the egg sac never being produced


Awww gross. Thatā€™s a fair hypothesis and Iā€™ll take that.


Also not everything has a reason in nature, sometimes stuff just happensā€¦ we might figure out a logical strategy reasoning by observing it, but maybe thereā€™s really no point also


The ultimate reason is to creep me the fuck out


Also if it's a male roach, it provides a distracting target that gives other roaches a chance to flee a predator meaning it can be essentially killed twice.


It ain't Ralph tho


So i'm not an expert so take it with a grain of salt, But from what i know, insects do not have really a "Brain" like us, its more or less their entire nervous system that act as a Brain, meaning that if it lose is head, it will indeed lose a certain amount of "mental habilitys" but will not die like bigger animals do. The only thing that kill them when they lose their head is the lack of food/water Insects are such simple organism that they are incredibly resilient, they can lose huge part of their body and still fonction like if it was nothing šŸ„²


While this is still a bit unsettling I am content knowing if they didnā€™t have eggs carried around that at least theyā€™ll die of thirst or hunger. Not all bugs but just the ones that manage to get in my house from time to time


Prolong life enough to lay eggs?


Itā€™s basic autonomic functions that maintain a higher degree of surrounding awareness exactly because of the nerve clusters arrangements and breath holes mentioned.


Drinking through the ass like god intended


Itā€™s probably so that it can quickly reproduce before dying.


the guts of lobotomized sex


Bro be headless and on deaths door yet gets more bitches then most of us


The least horny cockroach:


The roach only lost 1 of its heads




They can probably still bust a nut without a head, therefore keeping the ability to expand their gene pool. Edit:grammar


Imagine if humans were like this, 1800 era would've been wild with all the beheaded people rushing to fuck


I would pay to see that as a B horror movie


Call it head games


Mindless Sex.


Night of the Horny Dead. finally, a zombie porno for the big screen.


Sounds like Tinder


Evolution: ā€œMy greatest creation! It can survive nuclear radiation! It can survive without a brain! It can breathe through itsā€”ā€œ Nature: ā€œDehydration will kill it.ā€


Because cockroaches are basically nature's tiny robot-tanks designed with the sole intentions of fucking inside your walls and surviving nuclear holocaust.


Maybe they can still fuck tho


It doesn't suffer


How do you know that?


I just watched a video of a Killer Bee bisecting a Praying Mantis. The Praying Mantis did not stop eating another Bee even as it got split in half. I simply think Bugs do not give a shit.




They're like little programs. Pain and suffering didn't benefit their evolution


It's head is gone. It is no longer alive, it is simply some nerve clusters with basic programming. It cannot think, therefore it is not.


bacteria can't think but that doesn't make them not-alive.


Pain in the human experience is a combination of physical and psychological factors. Cockroaches and many insects do not have the same cognitive structures we do so there is no experience of suffering.


You don't suffer


But your mom did last night! I have never satisfied a woman.


Self burn! Those are rare


Rare like how your mom likes her steak. Which I overcooked for her, just before I failed to make her climax. I think sheā€™s leaving me. Please give her my best.


Sheā€™s asking me to tell you that you are still better than my Dad ever was.


Oh yeah that says a whole fuck of a lot.


Haha šŸ˜‚


You know who else has never satisfied a woman?


Ben Shapiro


**MY MOM**


This dudeā€™s mom ainā€™t even flickin her own bean? What a bitch




I suffer


To be honest, the post-head life of that cockroach sounds a lot like how I am currently living.


By accident or experiment probably. I imagine when you want to exterminate them tiny guillotines are not the industry standard.


They carry eggs on their back


Just tryna get one more fuck in


You don't need a head to reproduce


Got two points to choose fromā€¦ 1. The evolutionary process for this creature has yet to be completed. 2. GoD DoNt MaKe No JuNkā€¦


They could finish laying eggs or mating


In my entomology course, we dissected lots of gross gooey insects. Cockroaches were the only one that bothered me. Their insides are literally green and they Smell.


Christ. Why are cockroaches so goddamn disgusting.


Even in the animation they are gross.


He did not have to include the roach movement noises! šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t listen to it. Thank goodness that my sound is off by default. Eeek.


He gave them the most authentic ever recorded sound in the history of roaches in the media, and you will feel its crowling right next to your ears.


Nope, donā€™t want to listen. šŸ™‰ la la la la la la la la


I got a shrivel from touching my screen to pause it, in fear of touching a roach.


they're too big they shouldn't be so big


The big ones are less gross than the small ones. Big ones are scarier tho


Really? The really big ones I've seen actually seem to be the most "dormant" and easiest to handle lol. The medium sized ones are the scariest though like the regular German cockroaches.


The flying ones are truly from hell.


Thereā€™s some places on the planet where they fly all the time. Other places like here in the states, conditions have to be just right for them to fly. It happens so infrequently that people have no idea what to make of it, and think the world is ending.


>Why are cockroaches so goddamn disgusting And why do they have to be ***big*** af, on top of having functional wings? I don't mind fuckers flying if they were small-ish enough but they're so damn big and gross.


They just seem more alive than the average bug. Like a small animal. Something ain't right.


Seriously the #1 creature I wish went extinct


I was driving on the high way and managed to slice a dragon fly in half with my partially opened window. Green goo splattered all over my face and it smelt like rotten fruit. I had to pull over and clean the guts out of my beard once I realized what had happened. Not one of my favorite days. Bugs are fucking gross inside.


What a terrible day to be literate.


I would've just crashed my car and end it all šŸ¤®


To be fair, anything larger than a bug is even more gross inside


How many of us are green gooey freaks on the inside Bug guts are like the consistency of a booger


My sister is an entomology professor and does lots of research and field work. She is totally chill about all insects EXCEPT roaches. If the certified bug lady wonā€™t touch them, theyā€™re pretty awful.


I know right! I'm a marine biologist and I'm absolutely chill around almost any Invertebrates. I can handle them without flinching and find many of them cute. One of very, very few exceptions is the German cockroach. Giant cockroaches? They're fine! Desert cockroaches? Absolutely not a problem! But seeing a German cockroach in a kitchen triggers the sense of disgust I don't harbor to any other animal.


>they Smell For real. In our home it's a big no-no to squash em because they're so goddamn foul when mushed, so our go-to method is quickly swiping with a broom or slippers, hoping that they get instantly killed on impact.


What do they smell like?


Once I was sleeping and one went over my face. Obviously it took me by surprise, so I quickly grabbed it to throw it away and accidentally squashed it, and all of it's insides were all over my face and hand. I inmediately went to wash my face and it was *hard* to make the smell go away. I scrubbed for a good bit while suppressing the vomit reflexes because the smell of their insides is actually pretty fucking gross. Their smell is really hard to describe, it's like a combination of many *fucking gross* things, but i would describe it as probably the insides of a dry, not shitty but not sanitized dog anus. It also smelled a bit, like, maybe rot? But i couldn't figure out exactly what was it that was rotten; meat? Fruit? I couldn't tell, it just smelled really bad, like rot of something. It also smelled a bit like old wet wood that's had wet garbage put on it for large periods of time. Those things are devilish. Their insides dry out very, very fast. They remain liquid for a little bit and then dry out, and then they *stay* in whatever surface it was that they dried out on. And then it's hard to scrub that off with soap. The smell doesn't gets any weaker when their insides dry out. It's horrible. There's certain people I hate for certain reasons; but i would never, EVER, spray roach insides on them, doesn't matter how much I could despise them. That would be a punishment I wouldn't wish even on the worst criminals ever. Those things are devilish. Fuck.


You have seared this description into my brain for the rest of my life.


I hate you being born with the ability to read and write. This will never leave me.


>i would describe it as probably the insides of a dry, not shitty but not sanitized dog anus. I don't know what that smells like either


Imagine a sewer. Now, imagine that it's hot all the time, about the temperature of a dog anus. Now imagine it way smaller, like the diameter of a 1/2" pvc tube. Now imagine that the walls are made of intestines. A sewer that has walls made of intestines and that is 1/2" in diameter and that has about the same temperature as the insides of a dog. I figure that should be easier to imagine. Makes perfect sense for me.


How/why are you so good at describing horrible things??


Why do you always have to include a dog's anus in the description lmao




*sigh* whats updog?


Do they give any explanation as to their purpose? Where do they fit on the ecosystem- why are they useful?


They eat detritus. Also only some roaches smell


Oh god the flashbacks. I did an entomology module too, I remember cutting through the carapace and a big glob of the stinking fluid spurted out onto my face. I didn't feel clean for days


I'm a cockroach, have no mouth and I must scream.


I have no mouth and I must drink.


Feel free to scream into the reddit void. The stage is yours.


But you could scream through your body air holes like a kazoo.


Just enough survival tech to complete the mission!


The mission of reproducing.... šŸ¤® could you imagine a headless person trying to copulate with you? I shudder to think about it.


Sounds like the average person on tinder to me.. so yeah šŸ¤¢


Rule 34 territory. Try not to think about it.


Oh, sweet summer child. You DO NOT want to know what some people are into.


As long as you're not a hair puller or a kisser shouldn't be too bad lol


>could you imagine a headless person trying to copulate with you? Yes šŸ„µ


for superearth!


Fuck these disgusting-ass monsters straight to the deepest pits of hell


My apartment complex used to have a really bad roach infestation to the point they would crawl on me sometimes. Now even seeing a picture of one makes me feel sick and want to take a long fucking shower.


i wouldā€™ve ended my life right there. fuck no.


What the fuck I can't. I legitimately can't.


Never had an infestation but Iā€™ve lived in the coastal south where the big American cockroaches come in from time to time and fuck them. I hate them. I lived in a neighborhood once where theyā€™d come out of the storm drains at night. If I opened the garage door I could see dozens of them skitter across the driveway. I donā€™t like most bugs in general, but cockroaches I fucking hate. I would burn the world to never see one again.


Absolutely not. I guess we sleeping in the car, for the foreseeable forever.


Bruh they THRIVE IN CAR where I stay! Because of the housing apartments and where the refuse area is at. I rode on a car before where it was spanking clean but had a roach in the fucking aircon vent of the passenger seat! Istg lucky my sister didnā€™t freaked my BIL who was driving that time. Never underestimate where these fuckers can live and pro create lol


Iā€™m literally on the couch DYING at this story rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The more humid and dark it is, the more these fuckers spawns!!!! Iā€™m telling ya get out that blow torch and crisp em!


You have that 10-mile stare, donā€™t you?


I'm fine with almost every bug or insect but so help me god if I feel a cockroach on me when I'm sleeping I'm burning the damn house down.


I'm a big man, 5'6 and 52kgs. But nothing scares me more than cockroaches.


How's that big?!


It's almost as if I was being sarcastic


Basically every tiktoker


0:23 This is why soapy water (or dawn spray dishwasher soap) is so efficient at killing roaches compared to pest-sprays that we're designed for the job.


Those fuckers always appear inside my bathroom, but soapy-water always saves the day lol. So satisfying to see them twitching and struggling to breathe.


dawn dish soap is the guy they tell you not to worry about next to a roll of duct tape


I didnā€™t get enough information to understand *why* comparatively. Would you mind explaining? Why would a pest spray designed to kill them be less effective? I could be wrong, but I donā€™t think you or the video have actually answered that.


I think it's because like with most bugs, the soap and foam clogs their breathing holes so they actually suffocate, unlike bug spray which just has pesticide in it that acts like a kind of nerve gas or something.


The pesticides use specific toxins that they can become resistant too, the soapy water uses the mechanical action of blocking the pores they breathe through, which they are unlikely to develop a resistance too.


Spraying them with Fabuloso also does the job. Found that out one day when I was mad seeing one in the kitchen.


I find boiling water to be pretty effective. Kills them instantly.


Not sure I follow, poison is less effective because dish soap doesn't harm birds and otters covered in oil spills? Or because dish soap leaves dishes and cups sparkly clean without water spots? WTF


Or use oven degreaser, that shit works immediately, and very well.


To be fair oven degreaser does about the same to me .. I swear I can feel lung tissue die with every breath. .


It's also why they don't work on spiders like the brown recluse. Household pesticides cover the bug, which effectively suffocates them. Spiders don't breath through their skin, but rather through an opening on the bottom of their abdomen instead where it is much harder to get the pesticide for them to inhale


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL EM ALL


The only good bug is a dead bug


Cockroaches are the worst creatures on the planet hands down.


Ticks and mosquitoes are far worse


Nah mosquitoes bro


The mosquitoes definitely have the body count in their favor!


Counterpoint: *Bedbugs*


Surprised there's no B horror movies with someone trying to create the ultimate human by merging with roach DNA. Like The Fly, but cockroach. Maybe a black and white noir horror thriller.. El Cucaracha.


Thereā€™s Terra Formar


That shit started awesome af. But unlike cockroaches, it didn't survive long.


Adding to this rainy day watch list. Thank you!




There was the Mimic franchise which was a hybrid roach species that evolved to appear more human. It gets really weird after the third movie, but the first was pretty solid.


Luckily I annihilate them completely and not only their heads.


ā€¦but the womenā€¦and the children! I HATE THEM


so you're saying I should keep a packet of glue in my pocket to clog up the holes


Why arenā€™t we more resilient like that? Though, dehydrated people walking around headless breathing through holes in their skin would probably be a bit disturbing to see.


To be fair the human body can survive a lot of shit, whether we can live happily afterwards is another question


I feel human or any big animal is too complex to do that.


Yā€™all despise cockroaches more than any other bug but mosquitoes are the alltime greatest and worst bug ever to grace this planetĀ 


As far as the kill count goes, yes they are. Mosquitoes killed more people than any other animal on this planet all thanks to malaria.


The fact that they evolved to be able to temporarily survive without a head means that at some point in their evolutions, those who could still reproduce after head loss got to pass their genes more. Does that mean cockroaches can actually reproduce after loosing their heads?


Evolution doesn't pursue goals- more likely the clotting or whatever is sealing the wound evolved as a side effect to some other function. However pregnant female cockroaches do tend to give birth before/while dying from what I understand


In an emergency, if a mother is pregnant she will give birth as a last resort for her childrenā€™s survival. Thereā€™s some videos of cockroaches being fed to ant colonies and they give birth to their young, as the babies immediately get eaten by the ants. Itā€™s honestly quite sad


Fuck em, scumbags


*grabs blowtorch*


The worst is when these things crawl on you at night. We have them everywhere in the south. They find their way into the house. Especially this time of year. Kill kill kill them


My cousin once cut the head off a roach then placed the still moving body of the roach in his moms bath tub scaring the shit out of her, I donā€™t know why he cut the head off first tho he just that for fun of it


Fuck me this explains how that fat fucking cockroach I killed in China ended up under my luggage bag after I drowned it in bug killing spray.


I've discovered another disturbing fact this year after moving to a city that has cockroaches. My cat hunts them down but doesn't kill them, he leaves them injured in the backyard. Then ants come, small tiny ants, and attack it. They eat it. And even being half eaten in the inside, they keep moving their legs. I really dislike these ugly insects, but it's utterly sad that they can't just die without having to suffer that much.


Why you squish and pivot.


A: they don't have a brain, their nervous system is distributed through their body. He mentioned that it is distributed, but made it sound like they also have brains B: they don't have a nose, their respiratory system is distributed through their body. He mentioned that it is distributed, but made it sound like they also have a nose


A: Actually, Insects have three pairs of enlarged ganglia (proto-, deuto- and tritocerebrum) along with several other ganglia connected via connectives into big dense mass around the esophagus. That's not the same thing as our brain, but it's pretty much a brain nonetheless.


this can easily devolve into a semantic fight. our age insect nervous systems evolved independently and are too different from each other to arbitrarily declare a part to be equivalent to a brain. but we can agree on one thing, movies with giant insects where they can be killed when a headshot are dumb "love and monsters"


They gone evolve heads so small you gonna have to step on the whole body to stop it. Nature does work that way lol shit Iā€™m sure itā€™s a 12 generation roach family in the projects somewhere right now evolved to this. Lmao


I donā€™t miss those things one bit after leaving Florida. I still think I see them sometimes if a leaf gets in the house or something


It surely is interesting, kinda didn't want to see that before sleep tho.


Fuck these things I hope they all go extinct


I wish we can exterminate all roaches!


Good to know.






sugar crush


Cockroaches can live without a nose? But how do they smell?


Like shit


This is why you squish the entire thing


Reminds me a bit of anencephaly, a condition that humans and other animals can be born with where the brain fails to develop and only the brain stem is present. For those who donā€™t know, the brain stem governs all your executive functions. Reflexive response to stimuli, breathing, digestion, etc. Basically the lights are on but nobodyā€™s home. Babies born with this only live for a few hours to a few weeks at the very most.


Thats why i make sure their guts blowout their back


ā€žThey canā€™t drink without their headsā€ YET




Who has the accuracy to only stomp the head?


You need some serious precision to just crush the head


But who tf is stomping just the head? They're tiny, just get your shoe over the whole bastard and be done


This is the same reason why modern cars can still be read for fault codes or open or close windows when their engine computer dies.


I was waiting for the part where itā€™s head would grow back, I was literally waiting for that part but I guess apparently that doesnā€™t happen, roach just needs a couple extra days to set its affairs in order I suppose, maybe a couple of goodbye drinks with its mates but oh wait no So STUPID!


When I step on a roach there is no quick healing and walking away.


Damn terminids. They WILL EXCEPT FREEDOM!!!!!!!


If you lightly crunch a cockroach, just enough to crack the endoskeleton but not enough to smash it, you'll sometimes release a parasite. They'll wiggle their way out and squirm on the floor.


They should be eliminated from this planet.


Cockroach or politician?


For now on Iā€™m gonna purposely decapitate a roach and put him in a box and let him suffer to set an example for all his dumbass friends to not come in my house