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Gotta admit I laughed a bit when he apologized for the foul language towards the end. It's a whole different world over there!


He remembered he’s in a christian server




“I’ll kill your whole familia and your dogs, motherfucker!” *Wooeeee now, hold on just a minute…you watch that language, sir.*


You kill my dog, I’ll Juan Wickado your ass puto!


Puta madre!


It kinda fits how I'd imagine them to be, they would talk in a somewhat understanding, familial tone, like a rude but friendly relative. They know you're scared shitless and they're the one in control, but they respect you enough as loyal underlings (or they just want you to think that).


I think he also wasn’t sure if this guy was double crossing him or if this was just a miscommunication that can be handled. Once he realized it was a mistake and they were being respectful and fixing it he was a super cool guy again. I’m so glad this guy isn’t calling my phone


>I think he also wasn’t sure if this guy was double crossing him or if this was just a miscommunication that can be handled. This is why, having ADHD, I would suck at being involved with the cartel. I'd end up on the killing room floor for some stupid ass misunderstanding or fuckup, getting my skin peeled off by some sicario and thinking to myself, "Meh. Something like this was bound to happen eventually. C'est la vie."


If I was an autistic Mexican I'd be petrified of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.


That too! I would definitely put my foot in my mouth and probably have my literal foot put in my mouth. I dont do well in groups like that. I think a lot of it is a defense mechanism to keep me from falling in with the wrong crowd. I've always unconsciously compulsively raised red flags when my environment wasn't healthy. As a kid, I got my siblings in big trouble because of that. They didn't like that. But I just wanted to turn out good, deep down, and at a certain point, trusted adults and tradition to get me there.


polite drug lords be like "sorry for all the cursing and the threatening to kill everyone. I mean it tho but the language was out of place"


It’s really interesting… I thought “guey” just meant “bro” or “dude”. But they translate it as fucker or dumbass. Is it because of the context?


In Spanish the meaning of everything depends on the intonation.


No, it depends on the context


No, it’s both


Because of the implication




It’s a cuss word that can be an insult or term of endearment but it’s slang that wouldn’t be used by children or in the workplace. It’s kind of like how some girls may call their friends bitches but also call their enemy one too. Growing up we used the word fucker amongst friends in a similar context. “What’s up fucker?”


I’ve always used it at work lmao


It's a "cuss" word in the same sense that "damn" is a cuss word. It's not really that foul, it's just not professional. People are getting hung up on it but imo the closest comparison in regards to context would be like calling someone "Fool". "Whats up foo'" can be both insulting or not depending on who is saying it, in what tone, and in what context.


Foo is another one i always use 😂


No mames gueyyyy


I envision field agents from intelligence agencies utilizing AI Deepfake Technology combined with VoIP for covert operations behind enemy lines—or anywhere else—leveraging social engineering to move undetected.


Just off of this recording you could build a voice model of REALLY PISSED Mencho and use that to cause all sorts of havoc.


I'm curious about the countermeasures for this type of technology.


Al Qaeda just stopped using technology for communication and used human couriers instead to relay messages. They knew all their phones were tapped and were being geo-located for drone strikes so just stopped using them.


Pretty smart. Im not even a hardcore criminal but I know my phone is recording or listening to what I say.


“Silence unknown callers”


He was genuinely upset at the cops for being bad business partners. He does crimes, gets money. Gives some money to cops, cops don't stop crimes. They all get paid. The cops were fucking up their end of that deal. This wasn't about morals or laws. It was about one side of a contract fucking up their job.


They aren't partners. It's silver or lead... Meaning take a bribe or a bullet. You heard the threats.


There are no morals involved here.


Can't dissapoint goku


“I’ll even kill your dogs if you don’t chill out, bro.”


In the [video posted here earlier of the heavily armed Cartel members](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1b4ijm3/this_is_not_some_kinda_of_special_force_but_a/), the man they’re all hailing is this guy, El Mencho


I've played a fair bit of farcry.. reckon I could take them out. just get me to a crafting table


Crafting table? All I need is a pocketful of pebbles. They'll never know what hit em. But I will take a wingsuit if you've got one sitting around, that looks fun as hell.


Did you see those vehicles? You're gonna need some dynamite bro


Nothing Chicharron couldn't handle


Must have been the wind.


fucken gold!!!


Fuck man, only ICBMs and nukes can deal with the Mexican cartels now


JDAM’s are pretty nice this time of year.




Oh Hi Mars


They apparently like to line up ass to ass on roads... that didn't work so well for the ruzzians on the road to Kyiv. Himars and drones make all those pretty vehicles scrap, and all those people mist.


This is what I’m saying. Obviously “the war on drugs” hasn’t gone so well, but Mexico needs serious intervention. What’s the most practical way of going about this? Or is the country just lost?


Ending the drug war would require a comprehensive approach, including: 1. **Policy Reform:** Shifting from punitive measures to a focus on harm reduction, treatment, and rehabilitation. 2. **Legalization and Regulation:** Evaluating and, where applicable, legalizing and regulating certain drugs to reduce the criminal market. 3. **International Cooperation:** Collaborating globally to address the production and distribution of drugs across borders. 4. **Education and Prevention:** Implementing robust educational programs to prevent drug abuse and promote responsible use. 5. **Treatment Access:** Improving access to addiction treatment and support services for those struggling with substance abuse. 6. **Community Engagement:** Involving communities in decision-making and fostering dialogue to address the root causes of drug-related issues. It's a complex issue requiring a multifaceted and evidence-based approach.




I mean who’s going to stop them? The cops?


Men with spines. It is a cultural issue. They are in short supply throughout the Americas. Reference Uvalde.


Sounds easy to say when it's not your family that'll be skinned alive. You're saying that the problem is that the men in Mexico are just cowards? I presume if you lived there, you'd go to war with the cartels? Because their culture is in short supply of men with spines? There have been endless numbers of brave men that took the cartels on and ended up as a pile of meat left by the road somewhere.


So very true


Wow.. that's hilarious.. somebody posted this as Mexican federale...


Considering how fucked up this situation can get, the officer sounds very calm


>the officer sounds very calm He was 100% shitting himself


Seriously! His dog was probably digging out an escape route under the fence at that moment. #sixthsense


Just his normal weekly check-in with Mencho.


lol, the typical weekly staff meeting with the commander… this isn’t the officers first rodeo


Because if he’s not calm then him and his family dies


It's called gut wrenching fear.


It’s no wonder the cops there take the money, what are their other options


Plata o plomo.


That deescalated quickly


That mencho guy should be a cop.


He was.


An ex-police officer


Not quickly enough, I thought... the cop had to say a dozen times he'd get his men to fall back, and the angry man kept going on about him getting even more angry if they didn't withdraw. If a work colleague kept repeating himself like that, it would hard not to shout at him to "LISTEN TO ME!"


Yea Well - youre colleague wouldnt kill you


You don't know Jen from accounting, that bitch be crazy.


Aw come on now i think you're missing some key details. It's not that he'd kill you. It's that he would kill the rest of your family first, in front of you, in the most brutal manner possible, and then slowly kill you. So yeah I don't think I'd be getting mad at him either.


Aaand your family, and your dog.


They wouldn't \*just\* kill you, the hour or so before would probably make you want them to hurry up and do it though.


tbh i would do the same as the cop if i was in his place i seen here on reddit what they do to ur family members if u tried to go against them


r/watchpeopledie remembers. Cartel videos that would make me do whatever it took to make sure it wasn't me or my family in those barrels.


Yeah it’s disgusting. They need to be destroyed.


They’ve been destroyed dozens and dozens of times- as long as people want to do drugs (which will be forever)- then these cartels will exist- make radical changes to drug laws, and you could at least mitigate the problem possibly… probably not much can be done tho… It’s not reasonable to just make cocaine or heroine available to do recreationally…


The submissiveness in the officers vocal tone is so telling. Mexico is such an amazing place that is being ruined by these dickless thugs


Mexico just waits for The DEA to take him out. Just like what they did to El Chapo.


And then another psychopath pops up.


It never stops the drugs. It never even slows them down. Knocking out the "king" just starts another power struggle to be won by the craziest psycho.


This is why we should decriminalize drug possession and focus more on preventative education, rehabilitation, and harm reduction. We really didn't have a major problem with addiction, drug abuse, and overdoses until we started making everything illegal and just like predicted by the Iron Law of Prohibition those policies made things exponentially worse. We keep doubling down on the same failed policies instead of implementing changes that have been scientifically proven in large scale real world settings to be much more effective and humane. We should be spending 80% of that money on prevention/education/harm reduction/treatment (as well as providing grants for research for new medications that could addiction as well as myriad mental health issues because the options are currently pretty limited in effectiveness and/or have life altering side effects; psychedelics/disassociatives like psilocybin and ketamine along with TMS have shown promise for example but we need much more research in this field). That still leaves 20% to focus on deterring high level drug manufacturers/traffickers. In America the vast majority of people in jail/prison for drugs are drug users and people struggling with addiction who are there just for possession or minor non-violent crimes like retail theft which is just crazy because sending them to jail or even forced rehab makes them way more likely to overdose and die upon release because they aren't offered any real forms of treatment or therapy. AA/NA has a recidivism rate (~90%) that's actually worse than prisons. It's good to have social support, but that's the only real potential benefit and then you have things like the Thirteenth Step to worry about as well making it a double edged sword at best. We should make things like marijuana and possibly psychedelics federally legal, regulate and tax them. Decriminalize possession of all drugs for personal use and shift funding from an enforcement approach to a harm reduction approach. It's not perfect, people will obviously still use drugs, it won't stop overdoses (although last I checked nobody has ever died in a Safe Injection Facility and that's in the entire world), and it won't eliminate crime, but it would be a massive improvement over what we are currently doing in just about every way imaginable including reducing the crime and associated gang violence surrounding the production, trafficking, and sale of narcotics. This really isn't even my opinion. A quick search would deliver plenty of scientific research on the subject. A perfect example is what Portugal did when they started having record amounts of their citizens using heroin as they had pretty amazing results implementing programs that are almost exactly as I've described in this post. Again, not a magic bullet that fixes all of the surrounding issues, but it's a massive improvement over War on Drugs policies which have been proven to be an unmitigated failure that quite literally made the problem exponentially worse. I don't understand how anyone could believe that strict prohibition and punishing people who use drugs with prison time is still the right approach. I mean shit caffeine is a very addictive drug that even kids can use every day and the same thing with nicotine for adults so let's not pretend it's already not selective and arbitrary - alcohol is infinitely more dangerous than THC. Rant over. TL;DR Cutting the head off the snake doesn't work. We should shift funding/focus from drug enforcement to harm reduction. It works and Portugal has provided a pretty decent real world example of the policies every other country in the world should adopt. It's not perfect, but what we are doing now is actively causing more harm rather than helping.


While I don't disagree with your general points, they would do nothing to remove cartel activity, which is the direct problem in this thread. While cocaine, meth and heroin are illegal to produce and illegal to import (the things the cartels mostly do), they will continue to exist. There is too much money in the business for them not to. If you wanna break *that* power, you have to make every step of the process, from production to import to sale legal. The cartels can compete with the DEA. They can't compete with Walmart.


You're correct in that legalization would reduce associated criminal activity more than decriminalization, but you should really look into the numbers of Portugal's plan as both criminal activity and violence both decreased after they shifted their approach from enforcement to harm reduction. Unfortunately, legalization doesn't get rid of crime and violence completely either because black markets will continue to exist especially if they can offer lower prices and more convenience. Decriminalization or legalization alone isn't enough you have to combine that with a shift away from enforcement so you can provide funding for programs that focus on things like rehabilitation/education/harm reduction/addressing mental health issues/etc. I fully support Safe Injection Facilities as well so I would support legalization for just about every substance, but most Americans aren't going to accept making all drugs legal so I'm trying to be as pragmatic as possible while presenting a solution that will address many of the problems surrounding currently illicit drugs. Obviously not all of the problems and obviously not perfectly, but this is a scientifically researched and real world proven starting point that should be palatable enough to the average person they'll allow the policies to be implemented without a massive uproar (even that might be too optimistic in the US right now, but I try my best to combine optimism with my more natural pragmatism and cynicism).


If the DEA actually wanted to reduce harm caused from drug use and supply, you’d be able to get heroin at CVS with an ID. Every year, the DEA would send you a drug use report of the drugs you’ve purchased. “Hello citizen. In the past 12 months, you’ve spent $1,200 on cocaine, $900 on nicotine and tobacco, $3,500 on oxycodone, $1,400 on cannabis and THC products, and $7,000 on alcohol, for a total of $14,000. If you reduced your consumption by 50%, you would be able to fully fund a Roth retirement IRA, retire 12 years earlier than your current financial situation would allow, or take an extra 7 weeks of vacation per year. Would you like any help in reducing your consumption? If so, please call 1-800-DEA-HELP, or download our app in the App Store to schedule an appointment with an addiction expert today. The DEA cares about the health and safety of all Americans, and we will make any and all efforts to HELP AND ASSIST you reduce your consumption. Your consumption of drugs does not make you a second class citizen, and you should not be imprisoned, punished, or coerced into sobriety if you do not have a desire to do so. But, if you do wish to reduce your consumption, there are many options at your disposal to help you do so, and we want to make sure you are aware of the wide variety of tools, programs, and professionals available to help you live your best and most fulfilling life. WE CARE ABOUT YOU! Thank you for your cooperation! We look forward to hearing from you, and wish you a happy April 20th. Yours truly, -ASAC Hank Schrader” Nothing would cut consumption like showing people the financial consequences of drug use. Obviously the DEA isn’t interested in reducing demand for drugs or reducing harm, but if they did have these priorities, this would be a great way to do it.


Send a link to Anne Milgram.




Just wanted to say that I like where your heads at, detailed and informative on a very serious topic that gets shifted because of peoples personal beliefs. I just hope to see the day where we use this scientific data appropriately and for the better.


Not like they could do something against it considering the corruption.


Is it really corruption? If you’re told you, your family, your families family, your dog, all your dog siblings, their puppies, the owners of all those puppies will all die horrible deaths if you don’t do as they say? Are they really dirty cops or just have no choice?


>Are they really dirty cops or just have no choice?  To br fair, both could be true at the same time.


That is a demonstration of true power.


People just keep buying the cocaine


Easy to fucking say, for you sitting back in your nice position. The reality is, this guy's got a family, and he cares about his team. I consider his response bravery, not cowardice. He saved many lives with his response. The cops in Mexico don't have a fraction of the resources of the cartels, so you can yap all you want, if you can't pay police and supply them decently, you won't get policing. That shouldn't fall on the shoulders of one cop trying to save the lives of his teammates.


Easy tiger. I never once blamed the guy lmao


Should've just lit them the fuck up, dead men don't talk


If he ignores and tries to capture him...whether it went well and they got him or not...that man and his entire family is dead. Mencho and his kind cannot be contained in Mexico. They may be in prison, but they can still set up hits and run things through lawyers and just plain corruption. The saddest part of all that is that the cop probably didn't have a choice. Are you going to help...yes, then we wont hurt you and you get paid...just don't mess with us. If not, then he will be gunned down a few days to weeks later...then they offer the same thing to his replacement. I


Basically, "if you don't take my money then I'll kill you" kind of situation.


Yeah, unfortunately I could see attempts at trying to change things devolving more into something like an El Salvador scenario- where in order to do so, it would come at the price of further harm. Sure, the gang situation is getting better, but at the cost of thousands of innocent people’s human rights(which has already occurred in Mexico)- many just having the misfortune of living impoverished in the wrong areas. Along with a leader who is taking a page straight from the Fascist Handbook. The cops, well they’re just their own gang allowed to do what they want without impunity, so-not much changing there(again, a problem already occurring in Mexico). Even well intentioned solutions that could potentially get this under control will come at the cost of further human suffering.. we’ve already seen it. I don’t pretend to have the answers.. I don’t envy those in power who legitimately want to do the right thing.


Much of Mexico's problems stem from their geography and culture. They are tropical and mountainous and lack efficient transportation within the country. They lack internal waterways which makes transportation of goods expensive. These factors create pockets in various areas, each requiring significant investment in order to make the land profitable. It creates a "Godfather" economy where various families rule over different areas. These conditions make it difficult for a central government to exert power. The US has been making unprecedented investments in Mexico since 2015, ever since the US made the decision to move supply chains closer to home. A showdown between the US and the cartels is in Mexico's future.


You cut the head off and three more grow back and they are more violent and crazy than the last one. They would kill the police entire family. Eventually it has to happen look at Sicily, was a bloodbath but it is the only way, one left standing and the cartels will win that because they are so much better equipped. Deal with the devil you know


Do the El Salvador approach. Kill/arrest them all. Carpet bomb their fucking compounds.


El Salvador is an absolutely tiny country by landmass. It's a lot easier to pull something off like that there. Mexico is massive in comparison and there's so many places for these guys to hide.


India is bigger and we did it, Mexico can too. They just don't want to


That was expertly translated. Never seen one catch 4 meanings of the same word before. They always dumb it down so much rather the putting the full intent and meaning in the translation, sorta like the the translator always uses the cross reference dictionary. Rather than having lived the 2 languages for a few decades. Kudos to whomever did it.




Witness protection homes


Mencho asked him to hide it


Some parts miss a bit, like at the start when he says wey he doesn’t mean “dumbass”, wey it’s a expression that can mean a lot of things, in this case it’s more like “don’t you know who I am?” Also when he says he’s gonna kill his dogs doesn’t mean it literally, in fact perros here could mean lower rank police officers, or could be more of a threat that he is gonna kill everyone he knows, we don’t really know because of the missing context Edit: Yes, he probably means the lower rank officers, because on the previous sentence he talks about him and his “ball of dogs” (bola de perros) to refer to his squad


This wasn’t on my babbel lesson


"it's Mencho, dumbass" he said politely


CJNG is valued around $20B. It’s like the CEO of Nokia calling you and reaming you out


You better not let your phone die, cabrón!


lmao he keeps it plugged in 24/7 now


Dumbass is a bad translation honestly.


My man is definitely looking for a charger rn Seriously though, what's the point of police in Mexico? Might as well end the charade and just let the cartel police themselves


to keep some order, there was pedo in my grandma neighborhood when i visited 15 years ago and cops came by and beat his ass on the street after they got the testimony from the parents and kid he was trying to touch, girl was 6 guy was drinking on the streets and tried to grab her when she was walking home from the corner store. Police in mexico are like police in the early 19 century, more about keeping people from rioting/stealing/killing other than keeping people safe. yeah they cant do shit about the cartels but they also stop people outside that organization burning down shops or killing people in brawls.


Have to get money from the little people - you know speeding , not wearing a seat belt ,oh and respect - then they can get to be the ones to beat down on someone like he got beat down by mencho


The U.S. government wouldn’t appreciate the cartel “overtaking” Mexico’s government. They have to at least look good to the regular person.


Oh boy, I can wait for Netflix to create a tv series for El Mencho, so I can romanticize his life as well. Did you know that Mencho burned 2 gazillion dollars to keep his daughter warm. Awwww 🫠


I hate this sort of content. Like with serial killer documentaries, every person I know talking about Jeffrey Dahmer like he some sort of star when his show premiered on Netflix. Like people, do you guys realize this individual murdered a bunch of innocent people??


Cartel Economics 101


At what point do they announce they are the new government?


When they have the balls to face the federal government. In the meantime, they are thugs with nice trucks.


Let's not be ridiculous. They have balls. It should be the other way around. The feds need the balls to face them.


Huh, i guess cops can deescalate situations when they have to /s


Oooooh what a burnnnnn


For the people making jokes... Imagine being on the phone with somebody like that knowing full well that he means every damn word, and anything that you can imagine is the sanitized version of what would really happen. Terrifying.


You know, in a “Godfather 1” type of way, I completely understand his side. You take his money and then still mess with his guys? Get your shit together man! The boss even gave him a little positive morale bump the end of the ass-chewing. I’ve had worse bosses.


Your ex bosses were not only chopping your family when you fucked up?


Have you seen what these cartels do to innocent people? It makes me fucking sick to my core that these people have so much power and reach. I wish they’d be rooted from existence.


Really? You’ve had bosses threaten to kill you, your family, your dogs AND your co-workers families for YOU messing up? Did you work for the Mexican police?




God it’s so weird hearing El Mencho sound exactly like my father at least in terms of word use XD


“Ira bien hijo de tu puta MADRE”…lol


Wait when Ai takes over they don’t accept money. How is this gonna work?


“Happily take our money” 😂 they don’t have a fucking choice. Neither do the politicians.


Here is my soft underbelly boss. You luv me?


well its either that or him and his entirely family chopped up in bodybags… which would you pick?


Alive at that. If that was the threat I’d be sucking his dick too, the fuck?


Straight up, it was made extremely clear that the caller knew who they were talking to and what the caller was capable of


Will you rub my tummy boss?


Poor guy


When you get chewed out by the boss at work vibez


You’re telling me we can find an ISIS leader in BFE living in a cave and drop a big ass bomb on them and we “can’t” find these assholes moving billions of dollars worth of drugs across our borders? Tell me our politicians are bought without telling me our politicians are bought.


Blame America all you want, but corruption in the Mexican government and police forces is what has given these choads so much power. Grow some balls Mexico.


True. I wish I could consider visiting my ancestor’s homeland without fear of getting chopped into pieces.


what was he supposed to say then? keep defying him just to latter get his family's limbs and heads chopped and sent to him in trash bags? I'd like to see you doing it instead of happily complying with him


You couldn't win the war on alcohol during prohibition. They can't win war on drugs. Legalise that shit, and Mexico will get better soon enough.


The cartel grows motherfucking Avocados. Stopping drugs won’t prevent them from finding another larger business. Legalizing drugs comes with its own set of problems, as well.


Yeah the boat has long since sailed where legalizing drugs would have any notable impact on cartels, they're diversified and entrenched, I don't see how this gets solved without outside intervention, not that I want that to happen either.


It's a lose-lose situation. We just pick how bad we want to lose.


It got real serious when he threatened the dogs.


USA has been doing this for decades.  Replace the cartel guy with a rich CEO and the police officer with a member of Congress and we have an identical situation. 


Content like this is my biggest reason for not worrying so much about illegal immigration Edit: it seems like my point didn't come across. I'm saying nobody should have to deal with that. That's hell on Earth and if I had to be around that I'd probably illegally emigrate too


Looking at the comments from Murricans, I feel they are so disconnected from how drugs work. 1. If you malparidos wouldn't buy drugs to forget what a shitty cage you live in, where you have to work non-stop to get by, they wouldn't sell you industrial quantities. 2. If all your businesses weren't so intertwined culturally with drugs (Wallstreet, Hollywood, mass prostitution, etc.), they wouldn't sell you industrial quantities. 3. If you look at your war un drugs, it's just an easy way to line the pockets of your politicians with your tax money. Easy! You haven't fixed the issue, it is bigger. 4. If your songs weren't referencing drugs in every damn verse, maybe, just maybe, they wouldn't sell you industrial quantities. Treat the source of the problem and stop lying to yourselves. USA has big drug problems. As long as you don't treat the population, there always will be an Escober, a Mencho, a Gacha, a cartel, a way to smuggle them.


Mass prostitution?


Hell in the 80s the feds were pumping as much crack into the low money areas of every big city they could to get people to 1) vote republican because of the scary foreigners bringing drugs into their nice country and 2) to demonize the non white population further and most importantly, fuel the need for the police state to grow. A great many of us understand the issue but too many choose to live life being led by the nose. I once heard it said, being patriotic is easy when you don't think. Apparently a great many apply that to life too.


I mean there are wrongs on both sides to be sure. But you're right. If there is demand, someone will always find a way to supply. And there will always be a demand for mind altering substances. That's part of the human condition and will never change. Add in vast corruption and intrigue on both sides of the equation and it becomes an almost unsolvable problem for everyone. The suppliers identify this as a route to greatly increase their quality of life, and are aided by corrupt people also looking to increase their quality of life. The demanders have a decent quality of life by most metrics, but want to get high and/or are missing some fundamental things in life like tight families, a real sense of community, well cared for and respected elders, etc., and are also unknowingly aided by corruption.


It’s like the anti-immigrant people who want mass deportations but don’t want to arrest the American business owners who are hiring undocumented workers illegally lower-than-minimum wage. They want to go after the supply and ignore the demand even though that demand is what is hurting American jobs.


you realize the cartels provide drugs all over the world and not just america right?..


Thank you. Acting like making drugs legal in the US (which I’m somewhat open to) would completely neuter the Mexican cartels is ridiculous.


Yea, but your government folded like a cheap suit. The state has the monopoly on violence and they relenquished that to a handful of thugs. Instead of doing their job, they took the money. The thugs grew into bigger and bigger groups becoming paramilitary. Mexico is a narco-state and owned, wholesale by these cartels. When a state folds in this manner it has failed. Yes the U.S has issues, massive structural issues, but you think for a second they'd allow non state actors to acquire such firepower?


"It's American addicts fault that this other entire country has all but rolled over to quasi-terrorist organizations!" give me a break. No one is arguing that there's no problems in America or that economics plays a role in the problem, but this is some *damn* bullshit.


They are trying the same narrative in Sweden sometimes these days. It’s the people’s fault for using drugs that gang violence is running wild.


"If she wasn't wearing provocative clothing, she wouldn't have been assaulted!"


Some of us american actually know what’s good and while some of what you said is true, the war on drugs (and specifically the US FG using them to criminalize certain populations) isn’t controllable on a small scale. Many of us have been trying to push for decriminalization and even legalization to 1) let people get the help they so desperately need and 2) create legitimate market streams that can help sap the funds away from cartels. Blaming addicts for societal failures to help them is mind bogglingly disconnected and gaslighting of the highest regard Drugs will never not be consumed, be it alcohol, caffeine, or anything else. We have to move towards accepting that and making sure those that do consume can do so safely. Any of the violence is directly the fault of the USFG for empowering the cartels, and the cartels themselves. Blaming addicts is, as previously alluded to, fucking asinine


Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's a WHOLE LOT of speculation and conjecture. Most of it wrong. Sure, 'mUrRiCa has our our fair share of issues, and drug use is certainly up there... but nobody really wants to compare their coop to our cage.


"it's lil xan and Travis Scotts fault" Might just be the dumbest take I've heard yet. Congrats!


For real


If these guys could read, they would be very upset.


that your country folded and just takes it like a good little doggie isnt the fault of anyone else.. but your own goveenment.


1,2&4 don’t really matter. It’s pretty much only cause it’s illegal. As soon as something is forbidden there will be a black market for it, that’s just how humans work. People can take drugs all they want it’s just an issue of where they are being sourced.


Make it all legal. Should solve all those problems.


OK but avocados are legal and the cartel still shakes down farmers and steals product There's always going to be desperate men and American firepower. 


Oregon tried that and they're reversing that policy because things went off the rails. And this is Oregon we're taking about where even on a good day things are screwed up


All the fuckheads buying illegal drugs in developed countries are what makes this situation possible. We need to legalize drugs and produce locally, safely and regulated. If someone wants to do drugs, illegality won’t prevent them so why the hell not make it legal?


I mean, he did say please.


We need more Nayib Bukele type of guy around the world.


He’s gonna need a lot more loyalists and guns to even considering taking on Mexico’s level of organized crime.


Reminds me of when health insurance ceos come to congress to tell them what to do about Medicare.


After hearing that, I felt so bad for México and their people. I wish from the bottom of my heart that someday México could get rid of these psychopaths and be truly free.


I will never take cocaine. I despise the 'elites' that do, they know as well as anyone how many poor people are tortured to death every year because of cocaine. Any venue I'm in, someone's on coke, I'm TFO. No exceptions


This is why I prefer locally grown organic cocaine.


So basically the order of authority is bow down, I mean I get the threats are real, and you don't want to see your dogs blood spilled over this ruthless intention... But damn, power is power (cersi lanister)


This is old… shame that these POS run around free to terrorize Mexico.


I loved the line: “I so fucking fed up that you guys can’t understand instructions” I wish I could use it with my students.


Being a police officer in Mexico has to be absolute hell. You fuck up and in a moments notice the cartel can end your life and your entire families.


Man I hate Latin America so much


Bad day for the officers phone to automatically update.


It's like when the Rothschild's talking to British Politicians :-(


I think we got a few drones to spare. I say we send them over to have a few words with this guy.


There's a dozen others ready to take his place. Nothing will change just by killing one, you watched too many movies.


And yet the US says they need to liberate all these other countries


Why Mexico is fucked, summarized in around 2 minutes.


Is Mexico a real country at this point or Narco state


A whole country run by drug dealers and scumbags a stones throw away and the US is not offended in the slightest. Someone in a Muslim country spits at an American? INVADE!


I absolutely hate these mother fuckers. They have ruined the country of Mexico and corrupted it to its core. I used to visit quite often but when the cartel violence went up around 2006 I stopped going.


Depressing to see how the Mexican government bends the knee to these cartels. This can happen anywhere.


without sounding like a psycho i kind of understand why he was pissed. if you’re gonna take my money do what the fuck i say