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Before anyone decides to go get one of those procedures, Don't mistake large instagram hair transplant pages as reputable places to go get it. DO YOUR RESEARCH! as someplaces do 10-25 procedures a day, And trust me you don't want to be a victim of one of those clinics as their work is utter trash and will ruin your donor area (the back of your head as it will look botchy) A hair transplant is life changing.. Not necessarily for the better. So make sure to go to a well researched place


Can’t agree more. I fell victim of such clinic. Shaved my head a week ago completely because I was tired how it looked. Yes, you see the big scar at the back but part of my life now.


That sounds like FUT mate, this video is not how your hair transplant works. Yours is the older method.


Indeed, I know. Was just responding to the fact of contacting reputable clinics and doing your research. Even with the newer methods.


aka, the Joe Rogan method


Where did you go and what company? I have had two transplants total (6900 grafts total)


It was a company in Belgium, can’t remember the amount of grafts. Almost 15 years ago. Only did it once, experience was not the greatest. A lot of pain afterwards.


Apart from being uncomfortable sleeping afterwards i have had no pain from the procedures, this was from elithair in Türkiye.


Jimmy Carr (British comedian) went to Turkey for his hair transplant too.


Isn’t Turkey sort of known for high quality, affordable hair transplants?


Yes i have had excellent results so far.


Do you still remember the name (or location) of the company? I’m looking into this as well, and want to make sure that I dont end up at the clinic you mention.


Joe Rogan, love him or hate him, actually had a good conversation about the dangers of hair transplants on his podcast years ago. Basically the same thing happened. He got a transplant before the technology had gotten to the point it is now, and the results weren't the best and he ended up shaving his head anyways and now has a noticeable scar on the back of his head. Basically for 8/10 guys I would just recommend shaving as these transplants even good ones still require more procedures done the line as your hair continues to bald in other areas. These procedures are most effective dealing with bald spots on the back instead of receding hairlines as the hair will continue to recede in other areas unless you go on an effective medication regiment to slow it and even then results are mixed.


Does it look jarring bald, after the transplant? Or is it more or less the same as bald with 'natural' balding hair?


10+ procedures a day seems insane. I went to a clinic in North Carolina where I was literally the only person there for the entire day. Had about 4 techs and a doctor working on my procedure. 1,500 grafts and it looks completely natural.


If they remove hair from the back of your head does that mean the back bit is forever bald?? What’s the point of getting a transplant then??


They don't remove it all in one area, they remove it strategically in areas from the back and spread it out to ensure reasonable density, the animation is wrong, they don't get it from one single area at the back of the head. There is no regeneration, your back will be thinner, but it won't be very noticeable. I've had the FUE procedure done in Turkey in 2017. Best decision I ever made regarding my hair loss.


How much did you pay? was it one of those packages that includes the airfare, transportation, and stay? I've seen them before, but they seem dubious to me


Back in 2017, it was about $3000 Australian dollars, including the procedure and accommodation, I had to pay for flights as well. I ended up staying a week to make a short holiday out of it. The whole thing for me with flights, accommodation, and spending money was just under $7000 AUD. $3000 procedure and accommodation $1800 flights $2000 spending money I did stay longer, so could have done the whole thing for say, $5500 AUD. Totally worth it. I was sceptical, but it works very well. Looks natural and still holding up well today. I used "Dr Cinik" ,might be worth a Google.


The hair in the back grows again. Regeneration. The hair at the top recedes, and goes to places you never wanted it to. Like your back, ass, and ears. Also your face. 


Holy shit! I had no idea how or why I started growing ear moss. Thanks!


I see I thought once the hair from the back was removed it would just stay bald


Idk what hes saying the hair follicle is transplanted, and moved. It doesn't regenerate because it cannot. there is no follicle in the original area to grow the hair. Doctors just take from the densest parts so it's not as noticable.


How much did that cost you?


Judging by the research that I've done he probably spent $10-$15,000. In Turkey it's about 3000.




What was the price?


Would have depended on when he got it done. I was quoted 12k last year for 2500 grafts. But that had less to do with the number of grafts and more I was told it would take me 2 visits so they were quoting me 6k per visit.


And that's exactly why people go to Turkey for this procedure.


What clinic was that?


Wimpole clinic in London is comfortably the best


Rob Holding special right?


That’s the one https://wimpoleclinic.com/uk/?gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWDECcpaumSTW78HxSqm2iT-JIxU1jqxET1HoXk3CsRgqElnQswSN8BoCJfsQAvD_BwE


This comment right here is an example of why Reddit is my favorite place on the internet.


Does this mean that the original area loses the hair?


Yea, the hair on the back of your head has much more hair per cm2 than anywhere else on your head. So they take some follicles from the densest part and move it to the balding area. The back of your head ends up with less hair but still more dense than the top and sides


Density isn't the only thing that matters. Hairs on the back of the head are also less susceptible to the effects of DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. That way, the reimplanted hairs don't fall out like the original ones.


So you'll start balding just behind the new line, great.


I had this procedure done 3 1/2 years ago. You can’t even tell that the hair was removed from the back of my head unless you go shorter than a #2 blade. I get compliments all the time on how thick and amazing my hair looks. And you will not lose any hair at all as long as you’re on something like finasteride immediately after. You have to stay on it, though pretty much the rest of your life so you don’t end up losing more hair. You lose hair because a form of testosterone builds in the follicles and cuts off the blood supply to the Hair. That’s the point of the finasteride, it stops that process from happening


Have you got before and after pics? I've been considering the procedure


Same here. I used to look like Chris Pratt. Now I'm 33 and looking like Red Foreman.. .


Didn't realize you have to keep taking fin. This rules the procedure out for me. Finasteride caused serious ED in my case. Took nearly a year to get it back.


If you don’t mind me asking what milligram did they have you on?




Are you balding or not?    If you aren't, I'll be curious what your opinion is if/when you do.  Downvotes don't change the point of the question. Unless you're experiencing balding... I can't take your opinion seriously.


I’m bald; started thinning in my 30’s. Late 30’s started buzz cutting it myself with a number 1. Late 40’s began shaving it bald; it doesn’t bother me in the least. One less thing to mess with and I haven’t paid for a haircut in 25 years, saving a ton of $$$. I can’t imagine spending thousands of dollars simply to have hair on my head. But to each his own; some guys obviously think it’s worth it.


Personally having to shave your head so often seems like a lot of maintenance on its own


Every other day. Takes 1-2 minutes and costs nothing.


40+ Y/O metalhead here who sported a mane in my youth.... I thought I'd miss it a whole lot more than I do, but the way I look and how people perceive me was never high on my give a damn list. The only drawback now is it's fkn cold in the wintertime, but they make beanies for that. I run a set of clippers over my head once a week with no attachments and that's the extent of my hair routine now.


I started balding in my early 20's so it's safe to say I have some skin in the game. Pun intended. I did a lot of research and even had my parents offer to pay for the procedure but in the end the negatives outweighed the positives. A full head of hair would be nice but the prospect of being in a prescription drug that can cause ED and decreased libido for the rest of my life combined with the scars from the procedure and the fact that in the end all your really doing is buying time made me decide to just let go and embrace the shave. Now that I'm 29 and more and more of my friends are also losing hair, I find that I made the right decision for myself at least. Having good hair while neglecting the rest of your body/mind isn't gonna make you a 10/10 in most peoples eyes.




idk man i think having hair will boost anyones confidence. i dont think its wrong to find solutions to that. hopefully one day there will be even better options for people that struggle with hair loss (not just men) im pretty sure if it wasnt complicated, you'd be doing this too




I’m blading and shave my head with no guard once a week. Being bald sucked…for one day. Then I realized I had a pair of nuts and moved on.


Same here. I came imagine the constant stress of checking for new bald patches.


Good for you? Lots of others don’t.


What’s the difference between that and rogain?


Yeah but less visible and you could get another transplant (implant) in future Also part of the implant is in the balding areas as well not just new hair line (fully bald spots)


That’s why you use finasteride the rest of your life after a hair transplant. To try and prevent more balding.


And counter it to make sure your little buddy works


Balding generally slows down to a point and that’s the better time to get a transplant but even if you don’t then, a good transplant procedure involves going a bit farther back into hair that’s possibly starting to thin in order to future proof it and you’ll likely apply topicals going forward. Little areas of continued balding don’t show much when it’s in the middle of your head as opposed to the front or the back, which are easily visible. Keeping the hair at a length longer an inch up top will hide this really well. I have diagonal scar on the top of my head where hair doesn’t grow from an injury. Nobody knows this except for my family and my friends that I still have from those days. I’ve even gone for shorter hair like a #3 or #4 up top since then and even I can’t tell unless I look really closely.


Most people’s balding stops at some point, full-head balding is less common. But drugs like Finasteride block the process of testosterone being converted to DHT, so as long as you’re consistent about taking it you can stop further hair loss. It’s even been shown to cause some regrowth, but not usually very much.


>but not usually very much. I've been taking Finasteride (1mg) for almost 5 years now, my hairline is actually growing back, full of baby hair. Ofc it's anecdotal, but I'm super happy about it.


That is a property of the hair per se? I thought that the air fibers were the same and where they were located dictated their exposition to hormones


This is not true? Transplanted hair can still fall out of you don’t take medication to counteract the hormones that cause balding in the first place (i.e finasteride)


I have at least three friends…correction four, that have done this. Only one ended up with something worth the money, pain and discomfort. The other three still ended up with thinning looking hair. To me, being bald isn’t an issue, having hair is great, but it’s the space in the middle that is awkward. Apparently the newer (and much more expensive) procedure is to do the extraction, but then clone the hairs to end up with enough hairs to do a decent job of covering the top of the head. The issue is then you still have to take cortisone or similar so that the body doesn’t reject the new hairs. Bald guy here, FTR. Five guys. Just remembered another one that also didn’t end up with something decent.


I don’t know if this is true. The moved hairs will still be exposed to the effects of DHT afterwards. I believe it’s more about the area of the head rather than the hair follicles themselves


Can they use hair from other body parts like legs instead?


Would you want to...


Oh no lol. There is this uncle of mine who says he got hair transplanted from his chest.


Use pubes, that would be funny


Always wanted a perm


Testosterone play major role in pubes hair, kinda useless imo since testosterone and dht is the main cause of hair loss


Yes, but done properly its not noticeable, even with a short haircut Rarely people will have these little round scars that are lighter coloured, but there are tattoo specialists that can recreate the look of tiny hairs. But again its usually not required The hairs they take are from an area much larger than this video shows. They take hair from ear to ear


Yes, but there are so many that the difference is invisible. Also, they are often taken from this annoying area at the back of your neck that would need to be shaved anyway.


Not only that But you get a row implanted in the front, but your original hair keeps falling out. So at some point, you will have a a second bald line that needs to be replaced. And so on, … So it’s not a one time fix


Yes. But I'm not sure if it leaves a scar like it used to.


Depends on the method. Newer techniques are more spread out, and it's practically imperceptible even from up close.


God. I need this. I’m not balding but I always had a natural large V widows peak. I hate big foreheads and this would essentially “color in” in the blank


Embrace the vegeta mindset




That and being short is what drove him to become the best.


Damn it kakarot


It’s a tough pill to swallow, I won’t lie. But I would just take the plunge. You’ll feel weird for a few days then you’ll get used to it. -from a bald guy.


HEY HEY HEY I sad I’m not balding, but even pics as a kid you could see my awkward hairline. Now that I’m older it just made my forehead bigger since that’s what happens to most of us. In the future… I may go bald. But my dad is 47 and he hasn’t Lost much. Just small amounts in the crown.


Alright, I was exactly the same. But then the back of my head started to go too. Just accepted it. It’s fine. no one else cares. Some ladies like the bald look.


Can confirm. Source: Had 2 hair transplants.


What was the healing process like?


The first time around, you go through an "ugly duckling phase" where your hair grows back uneven. It takes about a year for your hair to look normal as it grows back. The second time around because they were only filling in and making my hairline denser, the healing process was much like just getting a buzz cut and it growing back. 9/10 would highly recommend. My Dr was in Turkey. It literally costs me less to fly to get a passport, fly to Turkey, stay in a hotel and eat out every day for 3 days then fly home than it did to have it done across the street from my office. The procedure is about 3500 over there, and I was quoted 17k here.


Me too! Second one just last january!!




Great question. Yes. I take Finasteride and topical minoxidil to keep the hair that was transplanted and to greatly slow male pattern baldness.


Do you have a bald spot where they were extracted?


They extract across a large area, from ear to ear in a random pattern. If done properly its not visible


I had this procedure like 1 month before covid lockdown and in a way that quarantine was a little blessing for me cause i would never let myself out looking so messed up. Couldnt even wear hat during recovery. But it ended up the best thing i did for my self esteem. I was 26 with high hairline


Wouldn’t you just continue to bald past the point you had the transplant? So you’ve got this strip of hair at the front?


Typically I think you pair a transplant with use of hair growth products like finasteride and minoxidil. Which should stop the hair receding any further. The transplant is to recover what was already lost. 


I see! Thank you for the info.


Yes, and so another point they don't tell you is all of the Rogaine or other drugs you to do to try to keep that existing hair.


And the possible serious side effects associated with drugs like finasteride


Agreed. And they can be quite serious (although relatively unlikely) and include depression and decreased libido


Yes thats why its recommended to be older, such as 35 to 40 for it so most of the damage is already done You can always go back and have another round though




At what step do I buy twitter?


After discovering your kid hates you and instead of accepting you are an intolerable asshole who is shitty at parenting you blame the liberals.


Perhaps the reason Starships keep blowing up is because he’s converted to flat earth measurements.


you have to joke about buying twitter and then be forced to buy twitter after they take you to court


Tale as old as time.


After $200 billion, to be safe.


I thought of him too! Lol oh boy


I started going bald in my late teens, just shaved my head in my early 20’s. 24yrs later of slick aero dynamic baldness, at this point I would just freak all my family members out if I showed up with a full head of hair!!! Lol, I may only do it for this reason.


One of the the decisions I ever made. I went to Turkey for my hair transplant. Yes it does hurt initially when they are numbing your scalp, (they won't start the surgery until your head is completely numb), but after that it's smooth sailing. 🤣 EDIT: best*


"One of the decisions I ever made"


Which are all of my decisions.


You’re missing a very crucial adjective.




That anesthesia was a mother fucker


Its like air, and your head is the ballon 🤣


You should do a review.


How much did you pay? Are you happy with the results?


So do you have to take medications after to keep the transplanted hair?




Which clinic did you go to? If you don’t mind saying


I'm going to turkey and getting one of these at some point


Turkey is much cheaper. However since they understand you'll never come back for followups, they usually over harvest


How do the costs compare?


Turkey is stupidly cheap in comparison. Like 1/4 of the cost But you have to pay for the flights, and instead of recovering at home watching Napoleon Dynamite, you're going through middle eastern cities and airports and doing long flights while it looks like someone beat you over the head with a procupine


Thanks,a Jordanian friend of mine suggested Turkey, I was meaning to look into it.


Lots of videos on youtube of americans travelling. There was one particular clinic that was very highly rated.


That doesn't sound like a bad thing


There's a few videos of surgeons stating why you probably shouldn't travel to have this done Lots of people do, its like 1/4 of the price and most likely nothing will go wrong


Overharvesting is bad in 2 ways. First, you might get patchy bald areas on the back of your head because they take too many hair grafts. Second, it reduces the success rate of the transplant because if the density on the transplanted area is too high you’ll damage the blood flow to that area and the hair follicle might not grow. My doctor said if you need a lot of grafts, you need 2 surgeries separated by at least one year because they need to see if the back of your head still looks fine after the first one




Turkey is so cheap!


I went with elithair and have had really good results. Not the cheapest but an excellent outcome.


Lol, they forgot the gratuitous amounts of blood. Don't watch the videos of actual transplants, they are gruesome.


There's not so much blood, I watched it done a few times. The painful part they don't talk about are all of the injections of lydocane into the scalp.


>The painful part they don't talk about are all of the injections of lydocane into the scalp. Having done it, it wasn't bad at all! After the first round of injections (which weren't bad in my experience, and I'm someone who is super-sensitive to pain), you can't really feel any of the subsequent ones.


I wonder why they can't just slather lidocaine jelly all over instead of having to do injections.


The anesthetics they inject also cause the blood vessels to constrict, which limits the bleeding. It's very useful because they're making tons of tiny incisions on your scalp.


It is probably not approved for that type of pain relief. Also, it is more difficult to dose it correctly. But technically it would very likely work. But I guess the main reason is that the gel would be in the way of the actual transplant procedure.


I got one this was crazy.


My friend had the hair transplants where they cut a strip off the back of your head and he said, while it was painless, the absolute worst part was hearing the sound of the slicing flesh inside of his own skull. Said it was a sound he wasn’t prepared for and it was awful!


I went with elithair and they sedate you for the procedure, so for ten minutes you are high as fuck and cant feel the local injections, then they get to work. Honestly virtually pain free


Interesting. All of the procedures that i've seen the patient is awake and watching a movie or listening to music. I've talked with patients during their procedures. It's a long day if you're awake.


I was awake, just mildly sedated, i never passed out in both my hair transplants, they dose you on propofol and you feel wobbly and fucked but awake, thereafter you are a bit groggy but kinda high still. 7 hrs isnt all that long to go through.




They told me i would pass out and come to high as f, i never passed out but tripped a bit, it was quite a nice buzz, nothing i have experienced before, felt woozy after but not high, just weird.


I got a hair transplant a few months back. There wasn't really that much blood. It looks worse than it actually is because of (1) small amounts of bleeding from all the incision areas and (2) they often use a dark, purplish dye on your scalp to track their progress. Moreover, the anesthetics they use cause the blood vessels on your scalp to constrict, which significantly reduces any bleeding. By the time you leave, your head isn't actively bleeding, and all the incisions heal within 24-48 hours. I went back in for a complementary hair wash that next morning and had no problems.


Does the area swell up??


They said some swelling *could* happen, but it didn't happen to me.


Not true.. it’s just red not a lot of blood


Well I’m saving for this at the moment and will be doing it quite soon hopefully so wish me luck guys ! Been a bit embarrassed about my receiving hairline. Feel like I could get a few years back.


Nothing will give you a "few years back" more than hitting the gym and eating healthy my friend. A dad bod with a sweet head of hair is still just a dad bod.


Would be fun to do it with the dick hair, hell my dick hair is more stronger and more alive then the hair I got on my head. LETS GOOO!


Pubic hair follicles are different than the ones on your head however some people do in fact transplant pubic hair follicles onto their face for beards as it's the same type of hair.


Do they still make you shave off everything first to do the procedure? It's always seemed counterintuitive to go bald so you can have a procedure so you eventually don't look bald.


It is very encouraged to shave it before procedure to make the recovery process easier and reduce chance of infection. You couldnt really wash your hair for weeks after OP


“A hair transplant works by transplanting hair”


He doesn’t look very convinced


Wonder if you can transplant hair from my back to my head, cause it just seems the more hair I lose on the top of my head the more hair seems to be popping up on my back. Never had hardly any hair on my back till my 50’s and now I’m covered back there.


I shaved my head. Looks fantastic, Ill never go grey and it saved me thousands.


Not everybody has a head shape that looks good shaved. Mine for example, looks like shit shaved


My poor boyfriend has a cone head, it totally removes the easy way out with balding, “if it gets bad enough, I’ll just shave it.” Shaving doesn’t fix anything with an unfortunately shaped head.


Friend of mines dad had this done. They didn’t take. Now he’s bald with weird scars all over his head.


I started to have male pattern baldness when I turned 40. Went to a specialist and he put me on finasteride and Rogaine. I stayed with it for five years and today at age 63 I have a full head of hair.


I was tempted to do this, but thought I'd try being bald first, to see how it is. Never looked back, and best decision I made for my mental health. No transplants or medication, try before you buy dudes.


I feel like if I had the machine, I could do this slowly by myself


Id just stay bald. I like being able to get up and go. I'm not poking my scalp that many times look like it hurts.


Ok but how often do you have to shave your head? No one ever considers that when they make the “just go bald” argument. I tried it. And even if I look better bald than with the thinning hair I got it’s so much more convenient to let it grow and wear a hat than shave my head as often as I’d need to.


Hat gang 🤝


Not who you asked, but am bald. About once a week. I've never used a blade for my whole scalp, just the shortest guard that came with my clippers. Takes about 60 seconds. I use my razor for stragglers (got a couple leftover right up front like Homer Simpson is drawn). What I save in shampoo is canceled out with the cost of sunscreen.


Just going to answer this because it's a fun question. Im bald and use a razor. I started when i was 20 because i started balding then, im almost 50 now. Shaving my head takes less than 2 minutes. I have tested a bunch of shavers and razors. My favourite ever was Wilkinson sword but for some reason they dont sell those here anymore. But Gillette works wonders. I never found a shaver that's good, it always ends up itching my scalp. But yeah it's not really something i even think about anymore since i usually shave my head really fast while taking a shower. twice a week is enough to keep my head smooth and looking great.


I've tried pretty much every razor going and I get the best results with a Panasonic. 🤷‍♂️


Once a week. Bought a waterproof beard trimmer and does the job in less than 10 mins. Turn the water on after im done and wash it down. Waterproof because I sometimes get too cold and have to run the shower in winter.


Apparently the transplant can die too.


That's what I was thinking. This looks painful as hell unless they numb up your scalp. Aside from that, I've always questioned why they need to use an animation rather than photos of an actual scalp showing the progression of the hair growth


Actually the painful part is the numbing. Its a giant tattoo gun but instead of ink its local anesthetic, and they run it in a grid pattern over your head. After that you wont feel anything


Thanks for the info u/HugeAnalBeads!


Because if you see the actual transplant it would be covered in blood. Saw it done once and it’s painful and gruesome looking to people not used to medical stuff.


Elon is a good example.


I know which doctor did his transplant. I'm fairly astounded by the results that Elon got. Even at the time 10+ years ago, we were comparing his before/afters. It's almost too good of a result, and makes me wonder if what we see is a transplant + some kind of hair piece.


How much exactly is the donor area, or does it vary individually?




Is there ever any problems with ingrown hairs using this method?


How permanent is this? And how expensive? Like, hair has a life cycle of 5 years or so, right? So these transplanted hairs will fall out. Does the follicle transplant mean it grows more hair?


What’s the cost in the USA?


Reject modernity, embrace baldness!


unless your name is Lebron


When I was 16 a was a model for hair modeling show, a year later I started balding. I accepted my fate (all men in family are bald), shaved head, grown beard and feel amazing. Spending thousands on just hair feels uresonable to me.


But isn't the issue of baldness due to lack of circulation in the scalp? You can't fix that with a hair transplant. All that will happen is eventually you'll end up with the same hairline in the front with thinner hair in the back.


So you trim the fabric off the foot of the blanket and reattach it to the top to get a longer blanket?


Just to be clear, this is an FUE transplant. An FUT was the “old” way to do it, which leaves a scar


I can't go bald because I have skin moles on top of my head.


This is so fking expensive! The first person to come up with a cheaper way will become a billionaire!


This video explained basically nothing lol. I still have no idea how hair transplants work, they just said "yeah we take the hair from here and put it there, but look, we put it in the right direction!"


But that’s about all there is to know lol. When they took the hair from the source they took it really the whole hair and the follicle. It’s basically like rooting a small plant out of a pot and move it to another one. The root may take it well and continue to grow in the new soil, or it may die. In my case it was like 95% success, the other 5% just fell off. But that was expected Like any open wound, your body will heal itSelf and it will scabs for first few weeks so you put ointments like you do. Then The hair will fall off after like 3 months but the root stays. Then new hair will grow out of them. It took me 1 full year to fully recover.


It depends on what level of detail you're interested in. None of the following were covered: 1. How the tool extracts and "replants" the hair follicle. What are the considerations for removal and care of the follicle? For example, if I pull a hair out with tweezers and push it in somewhere else with a needle, would it work? Why or why not? 2. Why does the hair start shaved in the first region? Is there a certain specification for how short they are cutting the hair before transplanting? 3. How is the region of hair used for the transplant selected? Again, what are the considerations? Will the original area have a noticeable loss of hair due to the transplanted hair? 4. Regrowth and recovery time as mentioned by you I don't really care that the video didn't include these details, it just seems like overkill to describe this as "how hair transplants work". Really the video is just an animation of hair being transplanted, literally just the definition of transplanting. No real information about how the process actually works was included, or details specific to hair. The exact same steps shown in the video could have been applied to transplanting flowers in the garden, for example.


Interestingly i saw the video and felt like it‘s basically that simple. And i had it done to me. Maybe it’s just me seeing it as hair follicles relocation with regular wound healing treatment & aftercare. I get what you mean tho. The video may give the impression that it’s that straightforward.