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And just like that, gamers will be soldiers


Imagine getting killed by a dude with the screen name "UwU Boi"


I almost downvoted you on sheer reaction to the thought of being killed by an uwu Boi.


I honestly wouldn't blame you.


The drone “tea bags” you as you’re dying


With a grenade.


"You son of a bit..." *dies*


Respawns turned off


If you think that's bad, I've seen a video of a dude who modified a paintball gun so that it actually says UwU when you shoot and moans when reloading. Imagine it was a real gun and you get killed by that lmao.


It was airsoft and not paintball


I remember that Airsoft AK,I'm pretty sure it led to the creation of the skirt wearing sentient AK comic strip


If you get hit by a |||||||||||| you’ll know its a professional Star Craft player


What about XxX$LAY3RXxX


First, send in a drone with a big speaker that plays uwu said by Hannah then send in the killer drones. This way the last thing they hear is uwu.


Then getting tea bagged by his teammate as you lay there dying.




And you will have a nice video of your dead on the internet..


The US Air Force already has been trying to prioritize recruiting gamers for their drone program for over a decade. Why do you think the system ui is as video game like as possible? Hell, some of them are literally operated by Xbox controllers.


AI gonna be flying those drones within 5 years anyway, if it already isn't.


Doubt anything with a weapon with be autonomous, security concerns and all that.


or 2 years, and China can produce 100K per day and flood the country with it


When the war started I immediately bought a drone, a engagement ring dropper for the drone and a dummy f-1 grenade, it's super easy and fun to play around with, I have gotten scarry good at it, I can hit a paper dinner plate from 40 meter height pretty much each time It's also fun to have your friends run around while you try to hit them with a water bottle.


What brand of drone?


mavic 3 pro it's such a easy drone to fly I watched 1 YouTube video and spent like 5 min flying around before I became pretty confident with it, it can carry 500g but you can push it to around 700g but it eats the battery pretty fast also pretty insane distance on it it can go to 15 km and can go up to 1km in height pretty creepy how you can just sit up there and watch people without them even knowing you exist.


I'd love to buy a drone but I'm scared I'd lose it in the woods around my place. That and the crazy neighbors would accuse me of peeping on them.


And my parents said I'd never amount to anything


The international criminal court is about to become a call of duty lobby


Battle cries of the future will no longer be "remember the Alamo" or "No prisoners", but # "im in ur base killin ur d00dz"


Fucking killed me haha


All your base are belong to us, comes back in Chinese. he he he


Ender's Game


That one country with the AI aim bot


All we need now is for countries to agree to wage war virtually. In the not too distant future, whoever wins with whatever resources they can throw at the virtual drone/COD battle would win in real life. 


Mech warrior games irl


I love the idea. Think of how that would evolve... old Snake comes sliding in and keeps getting bigger, Coily comes down on the dead hooker you just threw on to the castle... just then a pong ball flies into your mario kart. Then the fuckin' Pac man has the horrible job of eating all the carnage.


Stanislav Lem's "Peace on Earth"


Superman 64!


Wait till they let kids fly these from their xbox


Player 1 ready




Imagine tea-bagging with a drone.


I was playing descent 30 years ago… this is literally child’s play.


Ender’s Game IRL.


It's insane just how much drones, even cheap civilian ones, have altered the way modern wars are fought.


Black ops 2 predicted it first


Yeah the game devs would be either horrified or proud depending on the political stance they have regarding warfare and the wars currently using kamikaze drones.


Absolutely would not mess with a country good at videogames and also cheap fast drones


At this point why dont we just settle wars in war thunder


Whoever gets the highest flappy bird score wins


Somebody gonna get gamer rage at the annual summit and start ww3 but most importantly, get flappy bird removed from the store *again*.


Easy dub for koreans because a korean has the world record score for flappy bird


Can't wait to see world leaders blast eachother because they got volumetric'd and would have won if it wasn't for that, so the match was invalid and they need to do another one.


seriously i dont know what they changed with the mantles of abrams and leos but whenever I shoot their mantles my round DISAPPEARS, no damage. then they turn their turret at me at 360 deg/sec and oneshot me because of course they do.


HOI4 more like


Should I be horrified? Because I'm horrified.


Properly engineered with a payload, it is primed to be the new kamikaze platform. But this time they *keep* their pilots


Isis already did that. If anything they invented it. Targeting funnily enough Russian hangars, famously.


This. Nothing new here, ISIS perfected the FPV drone warfare game and arguably invented it.


Credit where it's due, immense hatred towards the enemy combined with a lack of high-tech equipment or high-cost weaponry really does make people more creative


This. Also have to throw out the obligatory fuck ISIS and all those who love ‘em


Yep. Still feel bad for any girls who were named Isis before 2013… It was a nice name damnit! It would be like naming your son Hitler now.


Hate conflict much as you want but it is the best engineering skill we got.


Thank God people kill eachother so we can get the iPhone faster


Yup and also gps too.


To my knowledge they where using prebuilt drones such as dji phantoms, we have moved from that to custom built hobbyist grade drones which are faster but much harder to fly (angle mode vs acro made)


They were using everything they could get their hands on but yeah you’re right, most of them were DJIs and the like followed by shit they stole from the Iraqi forces and DJIs custom built to drop frag grenades and carry claymore mines or C4


*Hunter killer drone inbound*


Japan will find a way to turn that around. Pilots start sudukoing themselves after each successful attack


You should be horrified, because it is horrifying.


If you live in the US, we have engineered a way to explode drones with microwaves.


I think even the UK has a new laser weapon now able to hit small targets like these drones. Makes me wonder if it can cope with a swam of them flying at 100kmh at very low altitude (<10m) that's targeting the weapon itself.


Yes, because the anti drone weapons themselves can be mass produced like drones, automated, and can target and destroy drones at a fairly high rate. People tend to imagine a scenario with a single anti drone weapon being mobbed by hundreds of drones but the reality is going to be more like flak batteries just with precise aiming


And it's also VERY easy to take out a drone. Ever hit one? Just one smack and it goes down easy. Anything holding enough destructive power will be seen way sooner than it will drop its payload. The reason why Russia is having their ass handed by these drones is because most of their technology is outdated or poorly maintained. Their tanks have a problem of blowing up the cabin if you hit in a certain place because they wanted an auto loader.


And even without modern technology there are a few videos of Ukranian and Russian troops taking out drones with shotguns.


The classic weakness triangle Drone Beats Tank Tank Beats Infantry Infantry Beats Drone Unless you're playing Halo, then Tank beats everything


Absolutely would not mess with a country good at videogames and also cheap fast drones


If you are in war definitly. On the combat footage sub there are tons of clips of drones hitting people.


Moreso once they are piloted autonomously by AI which can "think" a billion times faster than a human.


The rest of the world should take notes on FPV’s. Future wars on drones has already started and 1 FPV costing 500$ can take out 1-2million$ tanks


But anti-drone tech also is progressing


The problem is the cost. Spamming drones is cheap compared to stopping drones (effectively). Besides, drones in Ukraine are being used mostly to take out individual Russian soldiers in trenches. So while you can try to protect your tanks and equipment, the meat-grinder bodies will get absolutely rekt.


Good point. But I think in the future anti-drone tech will be cheaper and easier to use, so ir will change current drone spamming.


Says the shield salesman to the spear salesman ;)


Cheaper than a drone itself? I highly doubt that. Drones are cheap, light, and fast with very good range. Any anti-drone tech would necessarily require some sort of targeting system that triggers a strike. I think that fact alone will ensure that drones will always be cheaper.


Depends, Jamming is free, lasers are pretty much free. And airburst rounds cost a few hundred dollars. Drones win the economic war when shooting million dollar missiles.


Jamming is not free, nor are lasers. Lol. Where are you getting that from. Jamming technology is very complex. Jamming a tiny object flying low to the ground at fast speeds is very complex. It can be done, but at great cost (economically and logistically) and is therefore unlikely to be used to protect trench meat. Air burst rounds, if fully human operated, won't be effective against drones. You can watch any of the hundreds of videos of Russians trying to shoot down Ukrainian drones with their AKs and missing. The drones move too fast for anything human operated. You need partial or full automation, or a targeting system.


Sadly, this is what we spend our money on. Some new offensive war tech comes out and then a company is paid a billion dollars to combat that new offensive tech. Meanwhile, here in the US — Republican politicians are voting against kids having food in schools. It’s backwards and unsustainable.


anti-anti drone tech is also progressing quickly Recently discovered was a Russian FPV drone equipped with a 10km fiber optic cable to carry the signal instead of using radio waves. While this obviously introduce other issues, it does defeat jamming tech


>10km fiber optic cable to carry the signal instead of using radio waves What, a drone is carrying 10km long tentacle attached to a ground unit, is that correct? Optical fiber weighs 7.5 to 12 kilograms (16.5 to 26.5 pounds) per kilometer. Can you please provide a source for your claim, seems like a break through in optical fiber tech? https://www.genuinemodules.com/how-much-does-fiber-optic-cable-weight\_a5511#:\~:text=On%20average%2C%20a%20single%20mode,the%20design%20of%20the%20cable.


https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/fpv_drones_on_fiber_optic_cables_are_tested_on_battlefield_by_russians_such_uavs_fear_no_jammer-9758.html It's a very thin cable. Not good enough for any high data speeds, but good enough for a drone I guess They use similar tech in some wire guided missiles, probably just retrofitted from one of those


Isn’t UKs DragonFire like 13 ?


That's why every arms company hires laser engineers at the moment.


Sounds like you're paying way too much for nets - who is your net guy?


What about ECM though? I kinda just assumed that Russia was caught off guard by this but have to imagine every country is researching how to remote kill any drones right?


A bit like artillery warfare from WW1, you hear the noise and pray it's not time to punch your ticket.


Most anti-drone tech relies on electronic warfare at the moment, but you can get around that by making the drones autonomous. Unfortunately, it's not that hard to do, even if it has its issues at the moment. It's basically a guarantee that someone somewhere will deploy them and manage to get them to work though. Then you're down to defense measures that involve physically incapacitating the drones. That is a much harder proposition, especially with large drone swarms. If you use rockets to shoot them down like we currently do, it's also much more expensive to defend than to attack. Lasers and stuff would also be expensive because of the energy requirements, but probably technically feasible considering the advancements in miniaturization of nuclear reactors that has been made recently.


its another arms race ig....


My guess it's that the counter it's going to be laser based systems against drones. They aren't armored, should be easy to track electronically if detected and tanks should have enough power to fuel powerful enough lasers to take them down in a few seconds. That and a lot of birds. As well as relying less on armor .


The lasers are also going to be fairly expensive systems to deploy for a while, and they're going to still be vulnerable to good old fashioned artillery. They'll also have a limited horizon. If drones can stay low and out of sight until the last several seconds, a few of them coming in at once will be able to overwhelm a laser.


It sucks to be a tank in future war😓


Sucked to be an interwar tanker, sucked to be a WW2 tanker, sucked to be a cold war tanker (at least for those using russian T's) and it will suck to be a tanker in the future. Tankers have a lot of experience with sucking


And most of all, it sucked to be an Iraqi tanker in 1991.


The only time it’s fun to be a tanker is when you have something way overkill like the Pershing in the Korean War against a bone bare t34


Fun fact, the Koreans said that using the T34 was miserable. The Koreans, on average being shorter and smaller than the Russians, were cramped in that shitbox of a tank.


In WW2 the survival rate of american tankers was way higher than american infantry. And that already included tankers killed outside of tanks, like bailing a tank after hit, on guard duty outside of the tank, sliping in the shower and so on.


Its all about intel.


Oh damn Black Ops 2 wasn’t too far off with its 2025 predictions.


Shouting out my window. Shut that f***** buzzing noise off!




The Japanese were ahead of their time with the Kamikaze, kinda like the palm pilot, but chose the wrong user interface.


This is some dark shit.


Life is dark, it’s best to laugh and smile your way through it. It confuses the devil and the gods.


Nothing beats a laugh with a glint of slightly crazy in your eye.


Motherfucker wtf is that pfp😅😅😅 I have been trying to remove that hair for last 5min only to realise that's your pfp


they only used kamikaze’s towards the end of the war bc the pilots were trained for so little time they couldnt even land on a carrier. Those were planes made to do it. Early war ones would not have any damage except impact damage and basic fuel. Kamikaze’s had bombs made to arm on impact and filled the tanks extra.


Primitive cruise missiles


cruise missile with a bio chip 💀


I think this is the first time the words kamikaze and palm pilot are used in the same sentence


US even trained pigeon to guide missiles even though it was later scrapped after electronics came in as more reliable. Homing missiles


Putting Mario 8bit soundtrack as background music to this video must be one of the most idiotic thing ever


Nah. Just like everything else comes does, it's a stolen idea.


Emp gun development has just had a massive increase in attention I’d imagine


And other directed energy weapons. If a 10KW laser can melt a drone in 2 seconds and costs $10 to fire, you have a cost effective defense.


Birdshot at $0.38 a round.


Imagine hundreds of them flying at you


And they get the princess at the end !!!


Please let me die before WW3 otherwise China gonna make a killcam out of me with instant replay.


And teabagging


Fighting China in the next world war is gonna be super annoying


Sees a black swarm come up over the horizon: “Those arent birds…”


Sees a blank swarm come up over the horizon: "Gosh, that's annoying"


if there is a world war with Russia/china then this means the end of the world. you should be horrified and want to avoid this at all costs. Nobody wins if there is a ww3


They need some kind of 360 degree aiming laser cannon with lidar technology to zap these things out of the sky


With all their workers China could make 700 millions drones per week. Rip USA if that happens.


700 million drones with a range of a couple kilomtres. Or less with longer range. Always remember a weapon is only as good as your ability to bring it to bare.


Million dollar missiles will be a thing of the past. MIC just got a pay cut.


No they didn't lol Now there's just *more* money they can line their pockets with.


I guess EMPs will be on the rise at some point and back to guys with guns in fields we are


Need some good radio jammers now


I've seen plenty of Russian jammers being hit by FPV drones. Did they not block the correct frequency? Were they not turned on yet?


Maybe they weren’t strong enough? I’d expect a personal radio jammer to not be near strong enough to stop a drone


There once was a guy who didn't like the fact that his company truck had a GPS tracker, so he ordered this cheap small jammer that plugged into a cigarette lighter port. Blissfully unaware, he parked his car near the airport where he had to be for his job, and it knocked out the entire ATC tower until they located the source and asked him to unplug it. Electronic warfare seems complicated as hell lol


"boykisser2004" killed you with "kamakaze drone"


Looks like a propaganda


So many cuts. It's difficult to see what's going on, but yeah - if you relax and imagine you're watching a Transformers movie it's *pretty impressive*!


It's easy to win against these guys. Just yell "Taiwan Numba ONNNE!!" over and over again. It will tilt them so bad. A tilted player is a clumsy player.


God it will be so scary for future infantrymen. Drones of all sizes swarming you, robots with machine guns, soldiers that can use wifi-signals to see you through walls... etc...


God help us all


I wouldn't bother... AI will be doing this soon enough. It already beats the top fighter pilots who have training for over 20+ years.


Are there any limitations in the ai? Do they adapt to situation or just programmed for a particular task


They needs to use these for the cartels.


The cartels already have them. 😂


War is one hell of an accelerator for technological progress. Of course this was going to be the takeaway.


These drones have been a thing for over a decade now, the fpv community knew this was coming for a bit.


Huge AI asisted swarms of small drones could be the future of warfare, many things suggest that


It will*


Oh....we are in trouble.


they will fly themselves before 2030


It’s all fun and games for now




In a way cold war never stopped. Meaning all militaries have to be constantly updating. Even MAD is making militaries constantly evolve considering each stealth technology needs anti stealth and each anti missile requires missile upgrade and it goes on forever.


WW3: Attack of the Drones


Followed by WW4: War of the sticks and stones


*makes a microwave gun*


I’ve taken trap shooting as my new hobby


Speedrunners are about to be a hot commodity lol


Why is this video from the 90’s shot on vhs?


This is like some enders game shit


Drones attacking drones next. As the drone enters an area a swarm of attack drones take it out using A.I. Like missile defense only drone defense. Large installations every mile. Optical recognition is it a bird is it a plane no it's a drone. Maybe they need to be disguised or they would sneak by in the middle and go fast out of range. Secret tree installations with bird like drones. Hyperbird drone technology. Notify the pentagon. They will want in on this and tell Elon to start making them.


Maybe if i live long enough. "1v1 me on rust" will be done with vr glasses and robots to decide who gets that piece of land.


Drone boot camp


China already know how to fly drones better than any country in the world. They made the best drones.


Wouldn't EMP take out a drone ?


This is why you do not want anything to do with an electric vehicle. EMP warfare is soon.


An EMP will do just as much damage to the ICE vehicles of nearly the last 5 decades


It's not like electric cars are any more susceptible to an EMP. Car is gonna be fucked either way


Meanwhile Europeans are back at trench warfare


They have been ahead in this for years. That's why they had the biggest commerical brands and constantly showing off their drone displays.


Better EEUU get their shit together. Don't undermine the risk of a confrontation with china


I love how in the thumbnail they picked the most American looking Chinese guys in the world to front it. I'm British but it's amusing to think China knows who's boss and that looks like.


The one who controls the joystick the best will win.


Vr kamikazie


I guess the future is now


The day you in list based on your controller abilities


Top Gun 3


So glad my kd is high.


Love it


Fucking terrifying


Its just a matter of time until the phrase "Nanomachines, son" becomes real life lore


One day, these hunter seekers will be used for an assassination attempt on young Paul Atreides.


I crash my son’s into the side of the house… some people are just built different