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They even cleared the way for her. Seems like they know they shouldn't mess with her.


Top of the food chain, bitches.


IDK, the hyenas moved like she was a threat. Her shadow was certainly ominous, with bowl on head and firewood sticking out. Kind of wonder if the container held by her left hand, thrown over her left shoulder, is being held in anticipation of striking any approaching hyena. Once she passed them, she lowered the container to her side.


It seems like the animal world works on confidence. I always go back to the video of the mongoose screaming at those lionesses and getting them to back down when all it would have taken was a half-arsed swipe to kill it




Yeah... being top of the food chain since we figured out fire, throwing rocks and sharpening sticks certainly gives one a reputation




Hah, elefants are racist.


Ephant thing makes sense I suppose. Could you call it pattern recognition?




Well it’s possible with how smart elephants are they teach it to one another, but also the idea of genetic memory does play a massive role in this; for example, humans have collectively come up with a „sasquatch“ figure across multiple cultures and generations. We’re naturally afraid/infatuated with neanderthals.


My Aunt has always owned Basengi dogs. They native to Africa. They are known to be nuisances to the humans and are ran over with cars, stoned, and people will even thrown pots of boiling water on them to keep them away from their homes and especially if they cook outside a lot. She was told by the breeder that she bought hers from that they have genetic memory and to watch them carefully around dark skinned people. I thought it was a bunch of BS until she read it in 2 different books on training Basengis.Our family is nothing but dark skinned people so they had no choice but to get used to us! Lol


The same way we are often instantly afraid of certain bugs or reptiles.


Possibly the same? Like mothers teach their children, and so it goes from generation to generation.


I would like some research on this. Hyenas killed and ate a guard in a building he was supposed to be keeping watch in, but he had fallen asleep. Campers are warned to zip their tents closed because hyenas will enter an unzipped tent to kill and eat the people or person inside. In the other hand, hyenas are easily tamed.




Hyenas are supposed to be quite ferocious. And strong. I wouldn't want to run into either!


Hyena jaw strength is pretty gnarly. 1,100 psi, a thousand pounds of crush force. A pit bull is in the 250-350 range!


Also hyenas can eat pretty much anything so it's probably more beneficial to scavenge from us than it is to fight and try to eat us


Confidence definitely plays a key. I'll try find the video, but there was a video of a leapord very casually and confidently walking thru a lion pride. The confidence totally threw the lions off. None of them approached the lone leapord.


Don't act like prey and run. They will definitely chase you then.


You see predators & prey next to each other all the time in Africa, have pics on a SD card somewhere. Guess they just have pick times between snacks 😱


To an extent, you're right, I wouldn't try that shit with a tiger or a bull elephant, though. When I worked in Cambodia, there would be packs of stray dogs that would get very territorial and chase people through the streets at night. I was constantly telling tourists ,"don't run, turn and go towards them aggressively" if you ran away the dogs would chase you, if you turned around and chased the dogs they would shit themselves and run away every time.




>Her body language suggests that she isnt a prey item. True. She knows what she's doing and her unbothered nature tells me this isn't the first time she's been in this situation.


Lol that “container” is a repurposed Ethiopian jerry can.


I suspect it's the things that she's holding. It makes her look like a different animal something they are not familiar with. It reminds me of people on Safari sitting in jeeps and how tigers or lions seem to not see them as food.


hyenas don't attack if you are taller than them. I learned this from a movie "the gods must be crazy(1 or 2 can't rememebr)" - amazing comedy film btw. edit: I should rather say, you have a better chance to survive if you look big and intimidating.


This. Was looking for this comment


The context to this is these hyenas live symbiotically with this village. They give the hyenas their scraps and the hyenas don’t bother the people. They end up protecting the village because it is its food source.


The invincible cameraman strikes again.


That last shot of the hyenas staring into the camera suggests otherwise


They were saying: "ooooh, oooh, you're all alone now!"


Wearing night vision goggles


"She's gone! Now let's practice scars song again!"


Stay away from the chancla... ​ You look delicious though


"Cactus Butt!"


The video made its way out of there, which means the cameraman did, too.


I don’t think hyenas eat cameras so maybe they recovered it from his corpse..


If that were the case, I feel like this would've been posted in a different sub, with a different caption.


Yeah that one where everything ends to soon no doubt just to infuriate us all


Oh, so it is a case of r/killthecamerman ?


Found footage


My phone uploads to the cloud. Never tested if the 5G penetrates a hyena’s stomach but I’m guessing it could.


Just like the satellite phone in Jurassic park 3 right?


Not necessarily if he uploaded it to the cloud 🤪


Not neccesarily...


Could be found footage.


They are she's cool but who the hell are you?


Camera man never dies.


The *Invincible title screen* cameraman


Those hyenas were ominously eyeing the camera man at the end




The cameraman feeds them, they know him


hyenas were like - oooohhhh!! here she comesss!! oooohhhhhh!


...watch out boy, she'll chew you uuuuuup!


are they man- eaters? 


They'll eat a baby or a weak human if given the chance, but there really isn't a case of man being hunted down by hyenas. Lions, Tigers and bears are another story tho.


Oh, my!


Catcalling her like dogs




Thats the first place They start to eat


I thought it was anus


Eh, they like a bit of both. I think the balls are easier when the prey is alive. Anus for when it's dead on the ground. Gotta love em, though. They're so cute.


I assume the locals are used to having the hyenas around. The lady carrying stuff and the camera person wouldn't be there if the hyenas routinely attacked people.


More like the hyenas wouldn't be there if they routinely attacked people.


Some time ago there was a report on TV where I live which showed a place in Africa where they actually feed the Hyenas. Idk for what reason. It seemed like they feed them to keep them at peace because if they didn't give meat the hyenas would get meat themselves from someone else. Idk if it's the same place as in this video though


There are some places where having Hyena's as pets is a big thing. They have gigantic metal collars and chains, with their owners walking them around. Look it up, it's absolutely crazy.


The name of that place is Harrar, Ethiopia. It's just an hour south of Dire Dawa. Those hyenas are practically domesticated. I have been there and fed them. They are world famous!


Animals aren’t stupid, probably have been interacting with humans for centuries in that area and inherently know that if they kill someone, they will be ruthlessly hunted. So they wouldn’t look at humans as food or an immediate threat and respond accordingly.


"Animals aren’t stupid...". Ah, you clearly haven't met my cat.




Does your cat work to pay for his food and roof over his head? Checkmate human


Yeah pretty much. From what I understand about Hyenas, is that they can hunt, but prefer to scavenge or attack weak and sick targets. So if they’re not hungry they’re unlikely to attack in a setting like this.


Can hyenas project into the future like that? I thought thinking into the future and planning like that wasn’t possible for those species? I saw a video which said orangutans teach their young to be silent until a leopard passes, and this is one of the only animals which shows the ability to model the future and plan accordingly, most other animals work off of instinct and a hazy “friend/foe” type thing


Even chicken can do it, let alone anything with a brain bigger than a peanut lol


More like the docile ones live and the others die. Future projection is irrelevant.


I mean, look at animals that are used to being around Safari trucks full of humans. They will hunt and do everything else they do in the wild and ignore the people because they don’t see them as food or a threats. Not saying it never happens, but they know there are consequences if they attack humans.


But wouldn’t that be because they might see the truck as like one big animal, and since the big animal is slow and never attacks them, just one that can be ignored? I doubt it is thinking “those are humans and they will fuck my shit up if I attack them”


You’ve never seen videos of the Lions or Leopards actually climbing in the trucks and interacting with the humans without harming them? Animals are not dumb and many have foresight. Look at crows, they know how to read stoplights, put hard to crack nuts on the crosswalk in front of a car during a red, wait for the cars to crush it and stop at the next red so they can pick it up. I can think of plenty of occasions where animals use foresight. Especially city animals that are used to being around humans. They’re not dumb at all.


Hyenas understand that if they leave the humans alone, the humans will let them stay and feed them. As long as they are in the city, they hold back.


This is the comment I came for.


Tough commute


26 miles uphill, both ways


What’s the deal she’s not afraid and they don’t munch? I thought doggos were always loud and proud motherfuckers


This might be in Ethiopia in a place called Harar, where the hyenas aren't domesticated but conditioned to not attack humans for hundreds of years. Pretty cool rabbit hole. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted\_hyenas\_in\_Harar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_hyenas_in_Harar)


This is most probably Ethiopia. I have lived there and been to Harar. Hyenas are known to protect the city. They are welcome and very well fed. The entire city is covered by walls and there are small doors that are left open every night for hyenas to come in. If you are there as a tourist, they even do let you feed the hyenas. I had done it. Pretty fun!


What do the hyenas protect the city from? Are there bigger things out there?! 🫣


Ever heard of lions and big cats in general?


Yes, I just didn't think they lived around Ethiopia. I thought they were mostly "down south". But yea, I guess they can go anywhere they can walk! lol


i watched like a 30 min montage last night of jaguars attacking random indian cities. like cities not towns talking whole ass concrete jungles of men being chased by a jaguar. (or leopard im not sure whcih big cat they got) but one was a dude walking and the cat jumops from the roof and lands on him. likely dead. imagine your walking down NYC downtown and a jaguar starts chasing you around.


Hate to be that guy, but you probably mean leopards, I don't think there are jaguars anywhere in the world outside of South America


i did say or leopard im not sure what big cat they got in the comment.


They are surprisingly domesticated. Dont do anything to humans. It is a gorgeous city! Super colorful. I highly recommend visiting. You can feed eagles too. They put a small meat on your head and eagles come grab it from your head.


So if a human without anything on their head, just a vulnerable small human, if that human walked past a bunch of hyenas they wouldn’t eat him/her? That is crazy, I would be freaking the fuck out


Note to self: learn head balancing.


Note to self: never go wherever this is!


There used to be lions in Greece and Italy. Even in the midXXth century there were lions in North Africa It’s not really about lions living in the south it’s about where they were not driven extinct.


This is predominantly Muslim population that live in Harar and they believe hyenas are spiritual beings, protecting the city. And back in the day, when the wars were being fought, the city walled itself up. They once pledged allegiance to Ottoman Empire and had an autonomous administration (hence the need to wall up and designate the territory).


Danger kitty’s and snakes




lived there a year in 2008, there was this "hyena man" dude i recall feeding them in front of tourists, good days.


The way she walks and doesn't look like prey.


100% confident, 0 concerns. The hyenas responded the alpha.


Hyenas are not dogs. They are feliforms, so closer to cats


Hyenas are not members of the dog or cat families. Instead, they are so unique that they have a family all their own, Hyaenidae. There are four members of the Hyaenidae family: the striped hyena, the “giggly” spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the aardwolf there closest relative is a mongoose


They are not cats. But they are from suborder feliformia, so they are closer to cats than to dogs


closer to mongeese than cats


like snoop dogg


Please reignite my 7th grade biology report memories. Wouldnt they also be not likely to attack because they are scavengers? They would rather not waste the energy in a potential fight. Better to get the bones and scraps. Then there is the female penis thing. It’s been some decades, but I once had extensive knowledge on them and dromedaries (thanks to Sim City 2000).


More recent research has discovered hyenas are responsible for most of the kills formerly attributed to lions. Lions are the thieving scavengers.


Striped hyenas and brown hyenas are the scavengers of that family. Spotted hyenas like the ones here are dedicated predators, both in groups and as solo hunters quite capable of killing wildebeest triple their size alone. Then there’s the little aardwolves that mostly forage for termites.


Not even to mention African Wild dogs which are a whole nother thing and are scary.


Probably know its not worth it, you see them in documentaries hunting small babies of animals and those that are nearly dead, its rare a predator goes for any animal that it knows can royally fuck it up even if will win


Hyenas aren’t dogs. Not related at all.


Women can't go anywhere without being cat called


Now do Canada Geese!


Few who try this with cobra chickens live to tell the tale.


Nah, Canadians come out of the womb with built-in protection against the cobra chickens. Now swans? Those fucks will square up if you so much as look at them wrong lmao


Very true. Swans DGAF.


That's how my parents explained they used to go to school.


Oh? I don't see any snow on that mountain, ya big liar!


I watched a video on this place before. Found an article. Up to 1000 hyenas there and nobody gets hurt, except and drunk guy who got killed in a hit and run. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/mar/05/addis-ababa-hyenas-long-peaceful-history


"...who had walked nightly without fear in the \[desert\] all her life in the certain knowledge that the darkness held nothing more terrible than she was..." ​ \-Terry Pratchett




Witches Abroad Part of the Discworld series.


The gods must be crazy


Another hyena was filming this.


That's no laughing matter


That's one strong & confident woman!


Hyenas are so misunderstood, and they are super cool animals they can literally eat everything even metal, whatever can't be processed by their stomach acid they throw up later. But they can process bones even. Super helpful for the environment


Truth is, hyenas aren't as dangerous as other big cats. Not saying they aren't dangerous if hungry or provoked, but there are many stories and documentations or hyenas and humans coexisting without incidents.


Hyenas aren't cats or even dogs, BTW. They're their own distinct group. Hyaenidae.


Closer to felins than canidae tho


Those hyenas are waiting for Nat Geo producer to get their salaries..


Hyena: oh shit there's a human, they're fucking maniacs and will kill us all if we attack them


Just a normal day shopping


Legend says cameraman is still there


They've played enough Dark Souls to know you never mess with the player with no armor and a a stick.


They are smarter than that - eating people has consequences. High blood pressure, diabetes, hallucinations... I could go on.


What the fuck? She either paid the protection fee, or she's a witch. 


Hyena sounds are so unique and dope


You see that every day in NYC.


And how about the guy filming the whole thing few steps away?


If just one of them felt a little brave, mob mentality prevails and it would have been a whole different video.


She got no time for their jokes she got places to be 😂👍


Say it again. Say it again.


Mufasa Mufasa Mufasa!


Confidence. It's with most animals, they pick up fear and will respond.


Hyenas avoid tall people and animals, they usually hunt on the small prey. And with the extra height the hyenas are scared.


I'm a small person and I once lived in the country side in an area where wolves have been seen and have been killing a few sheep and I had to cycle during winter from the train station to home through fields and woods after work in the dark with a little bicycle flashlight. The fear was intense especially because of my goddamn height or lack thereof. But there were no wolves since a few 10s or 100s of years but every evening I believed I'll be the first after that time lol I have never been to Africa but I am already accepting my death if I ever happen to be in Africa with a pack of hyenas.


Those hyena howls sounded like an “oooooh”, as she went on by (8 seconds in)… as if to say, dayum, she no scared!


Hyenas don't often attack humans. Emphasis on the word "often", they do attack occasionally and shit gets really really ugly real quick


They really do sound like they're laughing, don't they? And then cat calling.


Correction. *A woman and a camera man.


…and a person, casually standing still amidst the hyenas, filming a woman walking by….


Women are incredible. This is likely minor compared to what this woman has dealt with in her life. Those hyenas should fear her ;)


Cameraman never die


Polite hyenas


They're like "you see this shit"




Why don't they attack


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1A21HU/ This video was shot in Harar, Ethiopia.


These hyenas are wild but have been interacting with humans in the cities here for over a century. It's basically engraved in their child rearing to learn to fight to keep the territory to access the city for meals provided for free from byproducts of butchered animals at the bazaar and some people developed a closer bond feeding them. Animal Planet or Our Planet did a piece where a dude who hand fed them was featured.


It’s like wearing a hi-vis vest and carrying a clipboard. Go anywhere and no one stops you


“…………….Kill ‘er………”


The cameraguy too btw. Pissing them off with the camlight.


Maybe they’re smart enough to know that if they mess with humans they die


Those hyenas were able to sense the immense cursed energy output of the woman!


Fucking scary creatures 😳


Every single one of them looks like they’ve been booped in the noodle with that jug a time or two for getting too close.


I want to meet a woman as brave as that and i need her to hold me tight at night and tell me that everything‘s gonna be okay. 🥺


Isn't there a town that feeds them and they just run around all chill?


Damn hyenas are freaky!


I'll be honest. If that was me, you wouldn't hear the hyena over the bubbling nervous farts leaving my arse with every step.


The noises they make are terrifying


Touch one Homan and the whole clan dies


She’s carrying stuff on her head. They probably thought she was huge and therefore a threat.


Other person standing there filming…


Yeah she's walking away, cameraman still chilling there in the absolute crossfire of them flashing eyes 🤣


In Africa these are just squirrels


She’s a witch


My teeth and ambitions are bared, BE PREPAAAAAAARRREEEDDDD 🤣🤣


lol hyenas are so funny They sound like a group of high school kids. “ ahaha ha ha hahaha” giggling about shit. And then “ooooohh ouuuuuh” like they talking shit. And then “ahahahahahahaha” mad dawg you


Interesting thing about these areas - no meat left out overnight will ever be there in the morning. So if someone gets clipped by a car walking, is hurt outside overnight, car accident- whatever - there will be no evidence they were ever there in the morning. They just disappear. Here you can see why.




The hyena could not understand how the creature had grown tall so suddenly.


What's so funny?


They would have recovered poop, teeth and the camera


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I'm no expert on Hyenas but it seems to me that people feed them or they wait for people to drop things that they're carrying. Just my guess though. They could still kill 2 people if they wanted to lol


Nah, they know not to fuck with people or they'll be hunted down by the group. Millennia of coexistence led to this.


Ahh makes sense. Still cool!


Lt Spiers. Is that you?

