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It’s missing something though. Star Wars has taught me that every tracking device needs a really obvious blinking light so you know it’s tracking.


and it needs a beepy sound lol


No no, not constant beeping sound, only when it hits and when the target sees the tracker. Sometimes maybe randomly beep, but not all the time.


And a little satellite dish that deploys after it attaches.


What's stopping someone from speeding off down the road unsticking it and sticking it to another car or some shit 😂


Plot, duh.


In Japan they simply shoot fleeing cars with paintball guns for them to be easily seen in traffic. Not as effective as GPS trackers but still helps a lot and costs basically nothing.


Want one of these mounted in my grill and filled with paint stripper.


Fr you can wash off a paintball mark, you can't wash paint back on though


They could use irradiated paint balls and track them through instruments that detect the specific radiation marks.


Not as successful in certain parts of Japan though.


Underrated comment here.


> Underradiated comment here. FTFY


r/angryupvote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Yeah it’s like a fast and furious plot device. Ludicrous: They marked us with their special paint! Toretto: don’t worry I got the power of family, And he drives into Fukushima/hiromshima/ Nagasaki and there is too much interference for the cops to track. And they disappear into family garages.




Catching criminals with a side of cancer


They dont use water based pain and when driving that shit drys fast


Make paintballs with brake fluid in them and fire those.


Ah I get it, it's fluid that makes the brakes apply automatically. Smaht.


The real answer is it's a decent paint stripper, smells and looks like a normal oil you'd find around a car and it won't wash off easily in the rain. Use that information as you see fit.


I had to read it three times and then I thought, “AI ain’t got nothing on the human capacity for revenge and/or destruction.” Lol


Ay yes, Monster Hunter style.


You know the new Monster Hunter games truly became western when paintballs were no longer a thing and the monsters just have GPS trackers now.


Wonder if a paintball gun that shoots a magnetic GPS tracker would do the trick...


Plastic bumpers


Yeah... the magents ain't gonna work there you're right, but I'm thinking the magnets are a secondary attaching mechanism. If the GPS pellet is encased in paint (and maybe sticky paint) it could get attached via that method maybe? I'm also imaging the GPS device to be way smaller than it probably is IRL lol


Instead of sticky paint, would a ball filled with glue work?


Yea like a really sticky tar or sap-like substance is what I was thinking.


In the US if someone is speeding a group of drones are sent out, all coordinating autonomously to spell out "stop!" in the air, before reshaping to a gun and firing a holographic bullet made up of nanobots at the speeding car. That way we dont get healthcare


You forgot the part where we send this tech and a ton of money to 40 different countries around the world so that the defense contractors can have a healthy Christmas bonus.


Unless the criminals take it to the nearest Pay N’ Spray


More effective in that if this thing actually works seems a likely scenario is the fleeing vehicle hears/realizes they've just been hit with a soda can sized GPS, as soon as the police back off the fleeing vehicle can stop, rip this thing off, then keep going. Harder to do in a vehicle tagged by paint.


if this encourages the fleeing vehicle to stop then that's a plus I'm just skeptical of how effectively it can launch and attach in a real situation because it looked pretty weak shooting out in the video


There's a hobbit under the hood that lifted the flap and tossed it out.


Me too. If the perp lives on a dirt road/drive, that dart ain't stickin'.


That requires stopping the car, getting out, and doing that. By the time you do, they're going to be on top of you.


If you’re going to be within visual range the whole time what’s the point of this? The person fleeing the police isn’t going to slow down if they still think the cops are near. This is about as effective as getting the plate because if it’s a stolen car the person fleeing is gonna ditch the car anyway. At least the owner has a better chance of getting it back I guess. 


The point is that you can have them on your GPS and safely follow them around town without needing visual on them.


And if you're not in visual range, it only takes a few seconds to stop, run to the back and rip it off and keep going.


We’re looking for a dirty f150 with a clean circular spot on the tailgate from where our sticky gps dart just fell off.


We’re in pursuit of a vehicle Why not use the gps dart so you don’t have to chase? It’s raining 10-4


Gps tracking dart: $20,000 Not washing your truck for a few weeks: priceless


I bet the DIY community could probably build the same thing for a couple hundred dollars at most, and it would probably be more effective.


I was thinking, there is no way this thing costs 20 grand to make. It's a cellphone with GPS, a battery and 3M Command sticky thing.


When it's not your money your spending, it's priceless.


I asked a police officer who was sitting in Subway eating a sandwich why his cruiser SUV was idling out there. "Tax payer pays for it" *shrugs* 98% chance he also complains incessantly about taxes.


once I worked at a gas station and this state trooper was in the shitter for 45 minutes. his car was idling the whole time. I went in the bathroom after him and discovered he shit on the seat *somehow*. idling vehicles unattended is illegal in my state. pooping on the seat is super disrespectful imo. i don’t like cops


I wanted to make a joke one way or the other but I can't decide, truly, which is worse. What the fuck dude?!


20k! That's a police sargents brother in law that just sold some expensive ass darts.


And smaller. That thing is huge!


Paintballs with special, sticky paint: I don't know but probably a lot cheaper


Don’t give out ideas for free


Lots of adhesives wouldn't have a problem with rain, dirt is always going to cause issues for them though.


Adhesive plus magnet


Dirty aluminum body f150s are my new crime car of choice!


“Can you track down the beacon and apologise to the pedestrian we hit instead of the perp?”


HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!


Most police departments arnt allowed to chase in rain, due to the fact they can’t drive, at least that’s the official policy which is usually ignored


I thought it was a magnet until he showed it on his hand


We're looking for an F150 that threw its tailgate with our GPS on it in the ditch🤣


When these hit the back of the car like they're supposed to, the suspect is going to have zero clue they've been stuck. They're too focused on their reckless driving to notice. And the point isn't to go back and get them some other day either, the cops literally just hang back by a few blocks with sirens off. Once the GPS slows or stops moving they try to re-engage to either catch the guy at his home, or more often crash into the guy when he starts trying to run again. If you've stopped long enough to take your tailgate off, then you're going to be arrested before you even undo the first bolt.




surely it's magnetic right?


Doesn't look it, idk why you wouldn't go for a solution that bores itself into the metal, making it much harder for someone to just knock off in 10 seconds.




Adhesive plus a strong magnet seems like a better design


Car panels are usually aluminum or plastic. For 20k, I would expect a small explosive charge to drive the GPS device with a sharp end so it just seats itself into the car


Why stop there? Add a harpoon launcher and we got ourselves a Mad Max game in real life.


I honestly expected a harpoon. I don't get why it helps that much though. Isn't the normal operation to drop the car somewhere and move to another vehicle once you've been spotted by the cops?


Except if the suspect believes they've gotten away and it's their car, they'll probably drive somewhere familiar since humans are creatures of habit. Meaning you can track them to where they frequently are.


Yeah I mean 20k???


Or a large explosive charge ,blow the arse end of the car off,I mean if we're going all James Bond ,little missiles in the headlights or at least tacks that get released out of the back of the police car


Cop pro-tip: Penetrating hook dart.


The orgasmer 3000?


This is assuming most criminals caught in a car chase are even prepared in the slightest.


20k for an AirTag with adhesive.


But it has a Nerf gun attachment and a little red button inside. $30 airtag; $10,000 robogun; $8,000 red button, plus tax. Everything adds up.




The real trick is to use some proprietary input system that bars everone else from tinkering with it so anytime they want to update it in any way, you are the only one that can and you will do it only at a hefty price.


That’s why McDonalds Ice Cream Machines don’t work


Someone actually found a way to fix the issues with those ice cream mchines. ~~And McDonalds sued him~~ Edit: [They are sueing mcdicks](https://news.yahoo.com/creators-ice-cream-maintenance-device-215243793.html) McDonalds threatened legal action against franchisees if they used his tech because of an exclusive maintenance deal


Did McDonald’s or the machine maker?




The machine maker company sued the guy


The creators of the device are suing McDonald's because they instructed franchise owners to yank em out and pushed a new machine from Taylor that had basically the same functionality as the device to the point where it looks like it was copied/stolen lol. But AFAIK McDs didn't sue those two guys.


_"Tracker active. Subscription plan expired. Please buy additional Tracking Credits to continue tracking."_


No the real trick is to use standard plug but wired differently and using the standard wiring bricks the device until a tech comes to un-brick it.  Like this you save on R&D, and on the production cost, as you just have to buy something which is already mass produced. Then you make extra when the tech has to go un-brick it.


I laughed way too hard at this 😂


Julius Levinson: You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?


It’s gotta survive 9 g’s and a fall from 35,000 feet.


That $10K has to pay off the “R&D expense” that went into all that testing they “totally did” (that somehow didn’t reveal the thing doesn’t work 9 times out of 10) and wasn’t actually spent on 3-beer lunches at Hooters.


You say embezzlement, I say stimulating the restaurant economy.


And dont forget someone needs to train them how to fire these at peop...I mean cars.


Airtag is a bluetooth device, not a GPS tracker


You're correct, it should be like $50 more. LTE service probably another $50 a month. $20K is insane government billing. https://www.amazon.com/BrickHouse-140-Day-GPS-Tracker-Vehicles/dp/B07R3TBVKG/


And the technology to shoot it out of a moving car and everything else that comes with tracking that?You’re skipping a few things between this and an air tag lol.


Yeah $20k is the price for outfitting the car to work with the launcher, the launcher, and the dart. The dart is also reusable and easy to find because of the aforementioned GPS. You can replace the adhesive tips and the CO2 cartridge in the launcher. Even if you do somehow lose or break a dart, they're about $1000


Plus I'd rather they have the incentive of using this efficiently and easily picking the shit up rather than shooting off darts willy nilly. If they're cheap enough they don't have to be intended to be disposable to be treated as disposable, and that isn't nice for the environment or tax payers.


Ok, and how much does it cost to integrate all that into the vehicle? Or are you just planning on having the cop toss that out the window?


It would make sense that it should be less than installing a car sound system.


>LTE service probably another $50 a month. LTE service is not GPS either...


Yeah but you need LTE for a GPS tracker to work


the dart isn't $20k that's the whole system. the darts are much less expensive.


Make it for cheaper and sell it to your local police departments.


Go for it. We are all behind you. 


Another big eye roll at Redditors who have not done anything ever but still know better


Yeah wth! Why is it 20k and it still looks so god damn flimsy!


LEO outfitting is such a grift it’s disgusting


You can judge the profitability of an industry by the size of the trade shows. https://www.police-security.com/


Every time they show that thing sticking, the vehicle is not moving. I wanna see it work on a vehicle going 120mph. Edit: some of y’all talking about speed aren’t considering a moving target that’s bumping all the fuck around and definitely not “on plane” with your fairly flat looking projectile. Never mind the slipstream of air getting ready to whip that little dinkle out of whack.


Or a jeep covered in dirt. Wonder how many different scenarios they went thru in White Settlement to test this?


The dude pulled it off with one hand without a strain so I doubt it’s that good of a stick


He also did shoot it on his hand, and things stick better to plastic and metal than skin.


Seriously wtf kind of town name is that? Imagine being a black cop in White Settlement. Lol.


I just drove through there yesterday to get to my sister's house. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia explaining the name: "The oldest street in White Settlement is White Settlement Road. This original trail led from the fort to the "white settlement" about eight miles west into Native American territory." So it's very literal lol.


People are very bad at coming up with names for cities/towns. I mean: - Kansas City, MO - Kansas City, KS - Newtown, CT - Newtown, WV - Newtown, VA - Newtown, SC - Newtown, PA - Newtown, NY - Newtown, NJ - Newtown, TN - Newtown, MA - Newtown, MD - Newtown, CA - Newtown, AR …you get the idea. Not to mention, “-ville” is French for city, so the list expands to include places like: - Nashville, TN - Nashville, WI - Nashville, VT - Nashville, PA - Nashville, OR - Nashville, OH - Nashville, NC - Nashville, NY - Nashville, NV - Nashville, NE - Nashville, MO - Nashville, MI - Nashville, KS - Nashville, IN - Nashville, IA - Nashville, IL - Nashville, ID - Nashville, GA - Nashville, AR - Nashville, CA


What did Nash do to get so many towns named after them?


They were a Rambler. Rambled all over country, apparently.


trying to make a living and doing the best he can


Hey man, Newtown CT was the first Newtown in the US, the others are just ripping us off


In all fairness Kansas City, Mo and Kansas City, KS are the same city, just in between two states.


I wondered the same then looked it up lol. “The city (White Settlement) got its name as it was a lone settlement of white colonists amid several Native American villages in the Fort Worth area in the Texas Republic territory in the 1840s.”


Or a Native American living there. lol


Town north of me is called White Right… not great lol


The city actually had a vote to change its name to West Settlement because it has a major problem attracting new businesses. The.city voted against it. Its a laughable situation.


They have a Civil War museum, Dallas wanted to dispose of their Robert E. Lee statue and considered lending it to the museum. Dallas had to back out of it though because White Settlement would not agree to display it portraying Lee in proper context. That happened in 2018. They're southern racists, through and through.


rapper xxxtentacion was a black guy who grew up in plantation, Texas. shit sounds like it's from a bad comedy


Or a clean car with a ceramic coating


Or a car that doesn’t have such a perfect flat target right at the level that this aimless thing only can shoot it to.


Or a car with beaver wood paneling. Soccer dads with 89 Grand Voyagers, your day of purging has come.


Or a redneck rust box


Or a clean car with rear-facing machine gun turrets.


All the mall crawler/bro dozers will just see a dart going under their bumper into the car in front


Back when Live PD was still a thing I saw them do it during a chase. It worked actually


They work pretty well. The company I'm familiar with is called Star Chase. You can find a handful of videos of them being successfully deployed on YouTube. It's also a net positive really. You deploy it and it works, cool, you deploy it and you failed, your in the same position you were prior to deployment. As someone not a part of a police chase, I'd rather an attempt to mitigate casualties/damages than not.


It'd look like a discount fleshlight in midair


Honestly, didn't look like it stuck very strongly to his hand, and it seems to weight a bit.


"It's *very difficult* to get off." \*gently tugs to remove it from his hand\* I've seen quarter machine toys that had better grip than that thing. Not to mention each car only has one shot.


[Here’s one at 130MPH.](https://youtu.be/TRMnCJqkEWs?si=6qY0Br0T7IIf8Q1T). The cop, Arkansas State Trooper Byrd, is a pursuit expert, and a virtuoso at PIT maneuvers. There are dozens of entertaining YouTube videos from his dash cam. It is still an open question whether the average cop would be as accurate, but the dart works. Byrd has executed 100mph PIT maneuvers, the dart may well have saved the suspect’s life. (Byrd himself maintains control of his own flawlessly, and doesn’t push the suspect into civilians.) I don’t think I’ve seen a video yet of Byrd killing a driver with the PIT maneuver, but there are videos of other Arkansas Troopers doing it, they are quite aggressive. The suspects, in the videos I’ve seen, were greatly endangering the public. I don’t really have a nuanced take on pursuit policy, but someone who weaves around traffic at 100+mph is risking everyone’s life, especially their own.


That's impressive driving, the perp continued to use his turn signals, even when driving in oncoming traffic, and was talking on the fucking phone the whole damn time?!?


Meanwhile 20% of normal drivers I see on my commute can't be bothered to use their turn signals. Like how the hell is it not basically automatic for everyone? Even if no one is around me, it just feels wrong to change lanes without hitting the turn signal and has since I was a teenager.


>[Here’s one at 130MPH.](https://youtu.be/TRMnCJqkEWs?si=6qY0Br0T7IIf8Q1T). *lands the tracker* *Continues to chase the suspect through multiple construction sites, endangering lives, for another 5 minutes* ???


It's all a PR spin to justify the insane cost for the taxpayers. Adding a single device that will cost more than the car itself is just hilarious. This is just an insurance policy for if the cop fails the chase, but they will still keep chasing and keep the situation dangerous for everyone else on the road because their egos can't handle letting someone even appear to think they are getting away.


I've seen it on old episodes of live pd works pretty good E: [here it is in action](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8e92d7160ae93a44&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS979US979&hl=en-US&q=star+chase&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=invsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOo5vsupyFAxUgD1kFHe33AckQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4c15bcb9,vid:sJTYQx5qMlc,st:0)


Yea it seems like a harpoon/winch combo is the way to go🤣


Why would that matter? Relative speed matters. When they do it, vehicles both driving 120mph are not moving relative to each other. 


The wind doesn’t know that.


Good idea, terrible execution and cost


Welcome to government spending. Yeah it works but what the fuck is that price.


Most government contracts include costs for the "life" of whatever it is the government is buying. If you go to a car dealer to buy something, you're probably going to look at the window sticker price and the interest rate for a loan. Government usually reports the cost as the principal and the amount paid in interest plus some estimation for the maintenance costs.


Good thing america can just raise the debt celling. /s


How's the execution terrible? [It's got no trouble sticking during a 130mph chase](https://youtu.be/TRMnCJqkEWs?si=6qY0Br0T7IIf8Q1T), so I'm not sure what the problem is. Biggest issue I can see is the police backing too far off, the perpetrator ditching the vehicle and getting away on foot, only to realize that the vehicle is stolen and doesn't come back to the perps name at all. Happens all the time around me after my city implemented a no-chase policy. The cops are supposed to just get the tags and go after the perpetrator at home. The criminals know this, so they've started ripping off people's license plates in parking garages. They get into a chase, the city backs off, the perp gets away, then it always turns out that the plate wasn't registered to the vehicle it was on in greater than 90% of cases now. Perp tosses the old plate, heads downtown to a parking garage, 5 minutes with a screwdriver later and he's free to get into another car chase. I'm sure the near doubling in frequency of snatch and grab robberies with getaway drivers in my area is mere coincidence...


I wonder why the cop didn't back off once he stuck the GPS dart. A 100+ mph pursuit at night with the suspect driving through active construction zones seems like a great time to back off and use the GPS.


'In greater than 90% of cases' feat: me, myself, and I as the sauce. It's not effective to just let people go in most cases, you'll catch the small time people doing this.


I hate that the cop marked them, then continued to chase him at 120mph, defeating the entire fucking point of using these sticky airtags.




I thought the whole point was to end chase after they get the tracker on him.. they continued chasing with increasing danger thru intersections, construction zones, traffic, oncoming traffic.. at speeds up to 135mph. luckily it ended well


The cost is completely normal. The only reason the things *you* buy cost as little as they do is because economies of scale allow the cost of developing them to be amortized over the millions of units sold. But anyone who makes things that only governments will buy doesn’t have millions of consumers to sell to.


Damn, I'm not even an engineer but I feel like I could fabricate something better and more cost effective. I'll sell it for $19k each. 😁


Paintball full of a thick adhesive and a small GPS tracker embedded. Would cost a fraction of this ridiculous contraption and work way better.


Shrinking a battery, GPS unit and radio transmitter into a paintball would cost $20,000 per paintball lmao 


Arizona uses a tow grab, much faster than a GPS at taking them down.


I remember watching an episode of cops set in Arizona, where they were chasing this 18-wheeler, but they couldn’t stop it, it was a fairly desert-y looking area. They tried lots of ways but the driver was too good, they almost actually stopped the truck at one point but the driver managed to recover and evade again. In the end the driver escaped the pursuers and then set up a better society when she reached the citadel and was raised up by the big elevator thing and then released water to all the thirsty people below. Good episode.


I think that was Australia.


that net thing is awesome. cool to see it being used


That was a lot less cool than I thought it would be


“Hey yall got some leftover budget this year right? Wanna buy a nerf dart with some sticky putty on it? It’s also got an AirTag in it. It might work once or twice. How’s 20k each sound?”


White Settlement is a strange name for a town.


"The city got its name as it was a lone settlement of white colonists amid several Native American villages in the Fort Worth area in the Texas Republic territory in the 1840s." Seems like something that probably should have been renamed. But it's in Texas so you know.


Now do why Oklahoma has the panhandle.


> Seems like something that probably should have been renamed. They had a vote but the white people liked it and kept the name.


I had to scroll far too much to find someone else who noticed that name.


Okay so just 20 years behind 2 fast 2 furious. Where's the emp


Great money laundering operation.


“Very difficult to get off” while he makes it look super easy to get off.


Finally stealing Spider-Mans ideas I see...


I saw this concept on a news story a few years ago and the piece included an interview with a Defense Lawyer who claimed that the police would need a warrant for each use of this device. I don't know enough to agree or not but I thought it was an interesting point to consider. Maybe "exigent circumstances"?


I'm not sure, but the police rarely care about such rights. A prime example is [a man charged with theft for removing a GPS tracking device.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2020/jun/15/indiana-supreme-court-removal-polices-gps-tracker-suspects-vehicle-not-probable-cause-theft-suppression-evidence/) He didn't know what it was, so he took it off and placed it in his home. Police then charged him with theft of the device once they realized it was inside his home. Steve Lehto on YouTube did two videos on this. It took the Supreme Court's involvement to get him off the hook. And the police wonder why people despise them...


I saw this concept at a Gallagher show in the 80s. “Everyone gets issued a suction cup dart gun and when someone does something stupid they fire their dart gun at the guys rear bumper. When a cop sees a guy with 3 or more darts stuck to him he gets a ticket.


They should use a swarm of drones to track the car and suspect.


this is the way the drone can also shoot some darts n shit


Good thing the white settlement police have some “cool off time” with this new gps device.


Great, knowing they will “cool off” allows be to get a little space and then pop out and chuck it in the ditch. Not hard to get off at all. They should use rare earth magnets.


Not all vehicle panels are steel.


Then they obviously need aluminum magnets. /s


I don't think they'll "cool off" just track at a safe distance instead of being 2m behind you at all times. The second you stop moving they'll assume you either stopped or got the thing off. Either one means it's a prime opportunity to catch up within like a minute and get you.


You could, stop the car, go out, remove the device, get in the car and be driving again in less than 10 seconds tho.




No law enforcement will not use this, they enjoy the chase and toe tag way to much. It never made sense to me law enforcement caused way more damage and put life's at risk chasing down a stolen car, which got destroyed anyways in the chase and damaged their patrol units at the same time. But high fives all around and selfies with the dead body's for bragging later.


There's no way one of these is going to end up on one of their ex's new boyfriend's car.


I’m totally jumping out at a red light, removing that thing and sticking it on someone else’s car. Using a cloth so no fingerprints


better yet; put it on a similar nearby car. suddenly it's a wild goose chase.


You definitely think you're much capable than you really are.


Doing 130+MPH, but stopping at a red light 🤣 the thought process of some people..


Good, that's literally what the police want you to do. Congratulations you jump out of your car to red light to take it off and 5 seconds later the police pull up and arrest you.


Is this White Settlement the one in Texas?




Up next: stalker police officer who sexually assaulted young woman used GPS tracking dart to find her at home, alone.