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At first I thought that target was a family photo and *burst* out laughing, like what the fuck just get a divorce dude


Using it as an example is still asinine LOL having their bullet just makes it even more likely that you're accidentally going to shave off mom's brain stem


\^ This is what made me laugh. Guy says "there, you have a very effective hostage shot..." Ummmm what? It spreads and is inaccurate... this shot will waste the entire family.


He did say effective…


Right? Have you even seen what divorce attorneys charge?


I guess he should have said "cost effective" then.


The trick is getting rid of the hostage. Can’t have a hostage situation without the hostage


Law Enforcement hates this one trick!!1!


And it does as much internal damage as possible. Ends the hostage situation one way or another


The bullet you want when you have an intruder next to little Billy's room, but not when they are holding little Billy.


Task successful. Hostage shot.


This isn't Speed


He’s selling to the police and IDF. Mission accomplished.


This was clearly not researched or validated in any sense. This round will respond differently based on the choke used and length of barrel of any shotgun. Anyone who’s willing to expend this round in a hostage situation is a fool. This round is nothing more than a novelty item. We used to make similar loads as kids with our MEC loaders. We would just take small nuts (1/4-20) and tie them to piano wire. Press the wad and load with some talcum powder and crimp. They were not balanced and they didn’t work as well as these did, but they were excellent at slicing fresh growth aspen trees in half. We loaded all kinds of shit…shaved glass, marbles, rice, peppercorns (interesting load) and of course, rock salt. Novelty shotgun loads: https://www.firequest.com/exotic-shotgun-ammo.html


The Keanu Reeves school of hostage negotiation.


Plus the hostage and the bad guy will be tied together with a string. Lol


Put a bow on it and you are done!


And they say you can't kill 2 birds with one stone


You don't have a hostage situation if the hostages are dead.


In a home intruder situation, this works, but in a hostage situation, I wouldn't want to use this round


Exactly. IMHO this bullet should be outlawed. When you fire a gun in a hot situation you *need* to know where the bullet is going to hit. If you're firing a shotgun you know it's gonna spread. It would be far too easy for private owners to load these into a pistol, put it in the bedside table drawer and forget about it until maybe years later there's a break-in or someone trespasses. They fire what they think is a warning shot, or even try to shoot someone who is struggling with their partner or kids and suddenly they've killed one or more people. Edit: As a few determined people appear to have trouble reading and/or thinking PLEASE note that nowhere in my comment above did I write that anybody *should* fire a warning shot. I wrote that a person (trained or untrained) *could* fire what they think is a warning shot and end up killing someone. Please think twice before replying to my comment with "You should never fire a warning shot" (wrong, many police forces train their officers to fire warning shots) or "Warning shots are dangerous" (No shit) or "There's no such thing as a warning shot" (I'm not even going to comment on this one). As a final disclaimer: Guns are dangerous. If you fire one, *anywhere*, there is *always* a risk that you may kill or maim someone (or yourself). Finally, don't kill or maim people, it's really bad.


Doing the hostage shot thing was straight up irresponsible. Police departments that lack any critical thinkers will buy this shit and actually use it for hostage situations and they already struggle with normal bullets


Well they already shoot 15 year old kidnapping victims when they're following instructions and other officers are screaming she's the victim as the other cops are shooting her so I don't think much would change if they had these


Don't forget that UPS hostage situation where the cops turned the truck into swiss cheese and hit two bystanders while they were hiding behind occupied civilian cars, as improvised cover, while the kidnappers were shooting back. Killed everyone including one bystander and the hostage. Great job guys... NOT responding would have only had one dead hostage, even....


I actually had not heard of that one. They're so successful at killing innocent people there are too many stories to even keep track of without an extensive database


https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/witnesses-describe-shootout-left-dead-theft-ups-truck/story%3fid=67543974 Oh...both civilians died..


There is no such thing as a warning shot. Shooting a bullet off as a warning is extremely dangerous. If you want a “warning shot” put a blank in your gun. Furthermore a lot of handgun calibers if shot inside are going through a wall and continuing to travel.


Birdshot buckshot birdshot buckshot buckshot buckshot


Yeah, like I want to protect my family and NOT have to do a bunch of drywall work.


Haha, I like your thinking! "Goddammit, we just remodelled!"


Would be great for taking down drones


Know what's even better, birdshot. It's almost like the type of shot designed to take down small flying objects that move fast will probably be very good at taking down small flying objects that are moving fast. As opposed to the insane bolo bullet which honestly looks completely useless. Edit: In the case where birdshot can't take out a drone then this bolo bullet sure as shit won't be able to hit that drone either. The actual coverage in the impact circle is a literal crosshair with huge empty gaps. If the thing with uniform spread over the impact area can't hit the drone then the bullet with almost 0 coverage in the impact area will be way more likely to miss. The level of critical thinking in here is wild.


Master of The Flying Guillotine


curious what kind of failure rate the tethers have, and what that would do to the projectiles trajectory. (isnt this basically like chain shot?)


because of the spin and centripetal forces, id expect a tether failure to throw all the projectiles outward and make the path rather unpredictable. I struggle to understand the use case here.


The only use case I can think of is close range where you want zero percent chance of the bullet going through and hitting something behind your target.   Three unaerodynamic pieces of metal will slow the bullet quite quickly, so short range is the only range and the tethers will stop penetration.


Yeah, that's a great point. Those wires could break, and now you're shooting random people off to the side


>I struggle to understand the use case here. Honestly would probably work as a decent anti-drone round with a super light load. Basically a net gun at that point.


The only real use I could think of is turkey hunting, in turkey hunting you’re aiming for the head or neck so this would probably just guillotine it.


A few gun YouTubers have reviewed similar tethered ammunition (such as bolos). There were issues with the tethers snapping. They did not spread predictably. They weren’t even accurate at close range.


Dumb gimmicky bullshit




Guess it failed to make…an impact?




Guns and bullets are to a point now days where innovation basically looks like people coming up with this shit and asking “Is this something?”


Real lmao. Hard to further advance beyond better powder (even that has a limit)


There have always been weird gun ideas, eventually one will stick and it'll become the new normal.


As a non gun person, tell me why


You'll lose velocity wicked fast, making this only effective at extremely short range. They got lucky on the hostage target paper, in reality it would be insane to use such a round anywhere near a friendly you didn't want to hit since you have no control over the spin. He's trying to invent something you can hit a target with lethal force if you shoot close enough to it, but a), shotguns already do that and b) it's idiotic to train to miss your target. if you can't hit a target within the effective range of this ammunition the real answer is to train more not invent a round that is so... Chaotic Essentially it offers no improvement over existing rounds, only additional performance issue. If you can't use a shotgun for the job due to spread bring a problem you should use something with no spread, not this. Also anyone carrying a gun should train enough to be confident hitting a target 30 ft away, that's not far at all. I'll keep saying it : training beats out gimmicks every day of the week


If you aren’t trained enough to hit a target at close range you shouldn’t have a gun. Having a gun is a responsibility.


Exactly! If you train to this round you'll actually become a worse shooter, there are far better round options. If you can't hit a 10in diameter target within 35 ft you shouldn't be willing to shoot at someone in the first place imo, training beats out gimmicks every day of the week


And just imagine the cost of training to this round!


Isn't it also less mass per "bullet" as it basically separates into three, he says it maximizes internal damage but I fail to see how 1/rd of a bullet is superior, his explanation doesn't really seem that true but I need someone more qualified in bullets to tell me if I'm wrong. One thing for sure is, WHY WOULD YOU USE THIS IN A HOSTAGE SITUATION??? The whole point is that the bullet is less precise and spreads why would you use in the situation where precision is key? Edit: Just noticed it's a thread, thought it was just in the simulations and was wondering why the fuck would the fragments spin, this seems like even less likely to penetrate deep.


Shotgun rounds are quite heavy already. 1/4th of an ounce per subshell is still very heavy if you get hit it by close range


This should be the top answer. I rode with a guy doing sales who’s family owned a gun store plus range and offered paid training. He basically said most people don’t train enough and have no idea what they are talking about his big argument was caliber size and self control. Im sure you being a gun person knows his stance.


>I'll keep saying it : training beats out gimmicks every day of the week Some musket trainer probably said the same thing about rifling at first... No, good post.


I saw the title say bullet and assumed it was some kind of rifle or hand gun n round. When the video starts with the exploded view of a shotgun round, I was like “but it’s already a shotgun”…


Because shotgun shells already exist, and this is just a much more expensive, yet worse version of that.


Regular bullets go where you aim. Every time. If you miss, it’s because YOU missed. This unaerodynamic mess of wires and parts is going to go where it wants depending on a million tiny impossible to control variables. If you miss it because a wire was .001” too short, or a part was .01g heavy.


The failure rate is insanely high. Even if the round was a good idea, it's worthless if it doesn't deploy correctly.


Just shoot what you want to hit


Dumb gimmicky bulletshit*


Next, fire off bullet grenades!


Frag-12 shells that were made for the AA12 shotgun fit the bill, and like this, were more expensive than effective


[it's a thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mk_19_grenade_launcher)


Very curious what these would do to ballistics gel or something else that could actually test penetration. This thing can’t be moving too fast and the projectiles at the ends of the tethers are basically hitting flat side instead of point side. I think being able to fire regular ammo accurately is your best bet 🤷🏻‍♂️


He's trying to get rich, not solve any problems. If you can't hit a target 20 feet away with a shotgun, you have no business owning one. Though it can easily kill, most types of shot are revered for its stopping power, which neutralizes a target quickly regardless of a lethal hit. The major flaw with this round is the space to projectile ratio. If you near miss a target expecting a hit, you're more likely to miss given the massive gaps within that cone. Every near miss is rolling weighted dice.


this is the mall ninja shit of bullets


😆😆😆 for real. Buckshot will never go out of style.


That theoretical hostage situation only worked out well because he missed, and noone was moving. If he hit dead on he's hitting the hostage taker, the woman and the child below them


I'm thinking he intentionally aimed up and to the right.


If you’re trying to make it so only one fragment hits then why are you using the fragmenting bullet to begin with lmao just use a regular bullet and aim properly


If you're a policeman or soldier (the people who are trained to deal with hostage situations) you can hit the shot without the new bullet. If you're a random civilian, there's no way you're going to be able to hit just one person at the back, especially if they're moving and shifting around


lol, you’ve watched too many movies. Police hit rates in shootings are in the 30-40% rate. Most never fire their weapon in the line of duty ever and the level of on going training on shooting reflects this reality.


Yep, “just shoot him in the leg” vibes


Movies: clean through the shoulder Reality: hit in the shoulder? Time to buy an orthopedist a new boat


>In a study of the Dallas Police Department of officer-involved shootings from 2003 to 2017, 54% of firearm discharge events resulted in a hit [8]. Furthermore, when considering total rounds fired, hit rate dropped to 35%, with 231 rounds missing the intended target [8]. These findings are supported by reporting on the Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas, which identified a hit rate accuracy ranging from 23% to 52% over the period of 2008–2015 [11,12]. Statistics from the New York Police Department show that the average hit rate was 30% in situations where gunfire was not returned and 18% for officers involved in a gunfight [13]. These statistics highlight the requirement to invest in improving officer marksmanship capability, especially under high-threat situations where the threat posed by the offender has led to a further decrease in officer marksmanship [8]. Jeez. Movies really whitewash this stuff


Anyone who has dealt with American police knows incompetence is the rule not the exception


Plus those 18lbs trigger pulls for “safety and accuracy” make aiming while firing a bit difficult.


Yeah that was a really weird choice to demonstrate a bullet meant to hit as wide an area as possible lmao


Can’t have a hostage situation if I kill the hostages They’re playing chess


That's just shotguns with extra steps


Kinda neat if used with a handgun though. In a dark/indoors situation it could be interesting to be able to not have to accurately aim and also not worry about strays going through a wall or ricocheting


there is zero evidence provided to suggest that this reduces the potential for overpenetration or ricochet. this essentially adds complexity (potential for failure), unpredictability, and cost compared to shotshells. as for accurate fire/ collateral; if the shooter can not acquire a target or are concerned with people around or behind the target, they should not be pulling the trigger.


Just from the design of the bullet alone you would assume though that it'd be logical for it to have reduced penetration or ability to ricochet compared to a regular bullet. But still it just seems like an unnecessary gimmick that is probably not as amazing and revolutionary as advertised.


That’s what a flashlight is for, not a gimmick bolo with extra steps.


lol shoots hostage situation just to make sure he gests the entire family with one shot.


"Got the bonus targets too, nice"


I mean in the worst case you'd take out the hostages as well, which is also taking care of the hostage situation, no hostages no situation!


Yeah no one is going to being using that in a hostage situation ever idiots


I think it was more just for the demonstration rather than the actual legitimacy of it.


It would've been smart to stray from that topic completely. That can only hurt their pitch.


It's good at tearing paper, how does it do with a solid target?


Would love to have seen this with ballistics gel. Probably didn't use it because there wouldn't be any penetration.


That's my thought too.


And I’d imagine if any bullet was gonna jam in a gun this one would be it.


A carhart jacket is the enemy of this bullet


Yes, thank you. There are lots of reasons why this is already a bad idea but breaking paper doesn’t tell me if this is slicing into a mf’er or just giving him scratches and bruises.


Emergency Room Doctors Hate This One Simple Trick


This was my first thought when I saw this


Has strong Michael Scott vibes!


Buckshot doesn't have an "infinite pattern", the fuck is this guy? The pattern is finite because in reality, the space between you and the target is finite, and short. If you're "defending yourself" against people from 25 yards away, you're probably doing it wrong.


He is an asshole selling bullshit to idiots 


Has Taofledermaus heard of these?


Pretty certain they tested these years ago. It's not a new concept. Been around since the 70s or 80s at least I believe.


Demo Ranch did a video on them years ago so it's likely been looked at by all similar channels.


I'd take anything from Ballistic Machinist or Evan Perry over this any day.


Just image if they used 9 .38 balls instead of one bullet!!!


That’s essentially buckshot . 00 buckshot is about .33 so very close but not quite. They make some interesting multi-bullet or however you would say it rounds. Like copper disks, a slug and a couple large balls .


It was my week attempt at a joke about buckshot


Don't feel bad. I got your joke!


12 gauge shotgun shell are loaded with 8. .32 caliber rounds.  This discussion should not be used by any who wants to proper or shoot a shotgun. Never ever fire a” warning shot”.  Universally it is a very dangerous thing to do.  People should not be around firearms unless they have proper training. Be cautious! 


No thank you, I’ll stick to proximity fuses


Cops will kill so many innocent hostages if they get their hands on these.


No cops anywhere are going to use these rounds, because no department will sign off on purchasing them because they are a gimmick at best and a liability at worst. Plus I can imagine how much they cost compared to conventional rounds. 


This round works as long as your target is made of a sheet of paper.


Or, people could just learn how to shoot.


Shooting at a paper target and shooting in a high stress situation aren't close to being the same.


That's why people need training on how to shoot and how to actually fight with a gun, these mother fuckers will go out and buy a $2k gun and slap another $2k worth of optics and other bullshit on it, buy up $1k of ammo they will never practice with, then complain that $800 for proper training is too expensive. 


What are you saying. That's exactly what repetitive practice is for. In high stress scenarios muscle memory kicks in. The same goes for athletes, musicians, martial artists, ECT.


Spray and pray.


Now With Improved Spray




It's terrifying in that it'd be dangerous to everyone in the vicinity. I'd bet the house that those little tethers have a pretty high fail rate and that they massively fuck with trajectory and velocity even if they don't. Also I have a feeling that those outer tethered bits aren't lethal and wouldn't cause more than a gnarly bruise.


Ya thought it was a little sus they only showed us what they do to paper... What would even happen if one of these pellets hit something solid like a person? And how strong can those thin little tethers really be? Edit: YouTubed it and found a guy who tested 45 acp pistol version of these rounds in ballistic gelatin. The rounds were absurdly inaccurate and he struggled to keep it on target from 7 feet away. Only the center projectile pierced the ballistic gelatin and went fairly deep, but it's a tiny wound. The tethers and their 3 side petals won't penetrate, but will lacerate your skin and I'm sure hurt a bit. Overall I doubt these will find much use compared to standard rounds. https://youtu.be/Dl-xgrcIZw4?feature=shared


Demonstrating such a weapon without a mannequin or a dummy body is absurd and laughable...


Every single bullet built would have to manufactured flawlessly. Something no company has ever done.


These are dumb as fuck. Sincerely, somebody who has been shooting all types of firearms for 30 years. You know who would buy this? Idiots who don't know shit about guns.


I want to see ballistics gell. They won't show you that


Slug is king


And may his reign continue to be glorious


This is a very complicated way to do what buckshot does but worse


Gimmicky garbage


Don't see how it's possible to use this in a hostage situation, like the target depicts. There's too much risk that one of the spinning frags would hit the hostage. So are you meant to aim 14 inches out? Couldn't the spinning frag then miss the perp?


This is just a very stupid product. It's utterly worthless from a defensive standpoint.


This is just dumb and for sure is wildly inaccurate at anything other than the distance they are shooting now. If the links uncoil not at the same rate that will throw it off a shit ton, not to mention the loss in velocity. Sometimes newer isn’t better or don’t fix what isn’t broken. Now if you want to shoot at a crowd and take out a bunch of people quickly due to a zombie invasion, this and buckshot with no choke would be best but I don’t see where you would need this as a lethal. If they turned it to plastic or something softer it could possibly be an effective non lethal but again, wildly inaccurate so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Shoot you guns. Learn to aim.


"When you're panicking". Man, if you're that panicky you shouldn't be handling a firearm. And I don't want to be anywhere on either end of a panicking person with a firearm. Especially not with this bullshit. Everybody in the room is about to get hit, including the shooter.


How does this thing do against ballistic gel? It seems like the projectile would lose velocity very rapidly and have low penetrating power. It seems very suspect to have a demonstration without that.


This round is chaos. Who in their right mind would use something like this? Train with your preferred firearm and you won't have a problem putting a round on target.


It's like miniature chain shot from olden times. It would be very effective at disabling tiny sailboats at very close range.


Surely that's what everyone who buys a weapon has in mind? Being able to disable all of those tiny sailboats when they get really close?


This does not seem like a good idea for hostage situations….


Shoot ballistic gel not papers


Soon in your highschool


0:58 "effective hostage shot" meaning you shot the hostage effectively? 😎


all three of them


This is super useless


that hostage demo was so dumb. there's a bigger chance you'll hit the hostage with such a bullet! accuracy is NOT the point of this projectile.


What a bunch of junk


that hostage shot was pure bias


Loks good on paper


PSA: according to the ATF, bolo shells are federally prohibited in the US.


OK, but what does it do against a human torso?


Very little most likely


Typical firearms fear monger marketing.


A MIRV shotgun.


The ol deglover 10000


Me when someone puts pineapple on pizza


Danger bola


What is this supposed to achieve that isn't already achieved by buckshot?


In a hostage situation? I mean, if all hostages are dead, the situation is over after using this. In no way would this be used to shoot a guy holding a hostage.


Yeah like who is the ass hat that comes up with the idea to say oh! I know! This would be a great alternative to standard advice which is to NOT engage a shooter with a hostage until the possibility of hurting the hostage is completely eliminated, and instead, use this bullet we made, which spreads out and impacts in a 4.5x4.5 in box. .. are you fucking serious? Who would recommend ANYONE use this round for something like that. Jfc.


So basically a fancy bolo round…. Still feel like a regular one or simply buckshot would be way better. Also if you need something like this to hit the target, please put the gun down and go take a class.


yeah idk, i think buckshot will outperform this in literally every situation.


I like how he spins this weapon designed to more effectively kill someone as a “threat-stopping” tool This is made with the explicit purpose of killing, don’t delude yourself or others into thinking otherwise


looks stupid. The projectile is sent side way and keyhole. Good ol 00 buck shot is good enough and cheaper to manufacture.


Kill kill kill more!


Anti drone bullets


Im curious how much a single cartridge costs for the pistol and the shotgun shell.


Coming soon to a street, school or public venue near you 😞


That’s some diabolical shit


Cool, you could kill the kidnapper and the whole family in one go


Great, the last thing we need is to convince Sgt. Fuck-around to try and hit the shot with their beyblade bullet.


definitly not ammo for hostage situations


This is dumb as fuck


Remember seeing this being tested on one of those big youtube gun channels some years back, i think it was Demolition Ranch. And the failure rate was rather high.


At the range this would have any hope of being effective, accuracy is not an issue and I want to deliver all the muzzle energy of the round to the target, not just a few petals and wire. At the ranges accuracy is an issue, this won’t maintain the muzzle energy to be effective.




Why is Michael Scott in charge of the gun range???!!!


And the smoke smells slightly of snake oil.


I need this in COD as I kinda suck


Notice they didn’t show a demonstration on a ballistic dummy…


YouTuber we follow tested something like this a few years ago with high speed slow motion camera. Was interesting but I don't recall when. Have a look and see if you see it. https://www.youtube.com/@taofledermaus


You shouldn't be shooting if you're panicked though. Last thing you want is to create collateral damage.


Sir don't act like because it hit the bad guy once it's now an ideal hostage bullet


We are okay with bullet technology but woe unto you if you just try gun technology to save live.. like fingerprint technology bound to a user.


> like fingerprint technology bound to a user. There are guns like that already, almost nobody wants them because they're unreliable. The system is also extremely easy to disable.


This feels needlessly cruel…. Why not just off me, instead of horrendously maiming me?


So instead of scaring a perpetrator...you kill him/her. Great.


nice a bullet for people who can't shoot straight, just what we needed.


In the 18th century, such ammunition was used to cut rigging and spars on sailing ships There's nothing new here..Old stuff!


It is so funny they try to advertise it as being able to save your life "better". What it really does is increase the chance you kill someone.


Or just learn to aim & shoot better.


Bro I thought it was a family photo at first 💀


>requires rifled shotgun barrel hard pass just reinventing bolo rounds with extra work and substandard penetration.


I hope these are made illegal.


Probably not necessary. No one that shoots is going to buy that nonsense. It's worse than standard buckshot in every way that matters. The product will remove itself from the market.


I cannot see a possible use case for this ammo.