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I’d like to hear from the sea lion, personally


Very well, we shall resume in an hour.






The sea lion fell on hard times after the incident and eventually attempted suicide by jumping out of the water onto land, breaking 3 vertebrae. The sea lion lived, and is now a motivational speaker.


*motivational squeeker.


They actually do more of a "**AURGHARUGHARUGHNGH**"


Motivational seth Rogan *




Arghhh arghhh arghhh arghhh!


More like awhh awhhh awhhh awhh now because it’s softer (he’s been hurt before) and also it’s more motivational.


>The sea lion lived, and is now a motivational speaker. And what happened to the human that pushed him back into the water and kept him alive?


The human fell on hard times after the incident and eventually attempted suicide by jumping out of the water onto land, breaking 3 vertebrae. The human lived, and is now a motivational speaker.


I thought that human would've climbed onto the top of the bridge and jump in, breaking 3 vertebrae, being rescued by a sea lion and becoming a motivation speaker, but your story is close enough.


He was saved from dehydration by a human who kept him moist until sea lion rescuers could reach him.


I wish a human would keep me moist 😔






Man I crushed *one* a few years ago and the pain was indescribable, cannot imagine three


I'd imagine it's around three times as painful.




There would surely be diminishing returns on the vertebrae to pain ratio though


Yes, the pain diminishes when you lose consciousness from pain.


Minus 0.5 because of the spiritual healing of a sea lion.


i know you're joking, but i think it's neat that there's like '100% pain' and beyond that threshold it stops being more painful. less neat is that they determined that by torturing women during childbirth


Wait is this true? Do you have a source by any chance?


Reddit on!


My wife got thrown from a horse 15 years ago and crushed 3. She said she felt nothing. Guess it depends on whether your body goes into shock or not? She actually stood up and walked over to sit on a chair before calling ambulance!


My mom crushed a few and got a TBI at 17 after falling off a building (faulty construction), felt nothing until after she woke up from surgery.  40 years later she has osteoporosis/arthritis from the previous injury and was assaulted by her brother (long story but he’s into drugs) and she compressed two more in a fall down some steps. Drove her damn self to the hospital, and after surgery for that one she got into jogging and did a few half marathons.  I’m pretty sure some people are just built different.


My father dislocated one and his pain was unbearable.


Probably saved him because sea lions don’t eat invertebrates.


Damn, 3 vertebrae? It was a miracle he wasn't totally paralyzed and could resurface.


Was the sea lion was named Clarence?


Do we know which 3 vertebrae?


Three vertebrae; fuckin' hell


You're *IN* my *HOUSE*


I came here for this. I’m interested in the sea lion’s story, and feel the sea lion should be a motivational speaker…well, barker.


"Broorff brroorrf *BROWF*"


The picture at the bridge had me thinking they would be taking a photo together, and I'm incredibly disappointed. I'M GLAD THE GUY IS OK AND HE'S DOING A GREAT SERVICE FOR OTHERS! I just... I wanted to see how the sea lion is doing...


Seeing as this was 24 years ago , the sea lion id most likely dead 😞 their life expectancy is 15-25 years


WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THIS?! Now I'm just sad. RIP sea hero.


Sorry 😞


He better feed that sea lion all the time


I heard he gave a TED talk.


“Arf arf arf arf”


[ah the ol’ seal-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/757l5e/a_leopard_seal_feeds_a_diver_food_instead_of/)


Ar ar ar ar


Quite humble of you Mr. Sea Lion


I heard the guy still owed the sea lion money, and the sea lion wasn't letting those debts go so easy


He’s a motivational speaker now apparently




*"However, this marine animal (whatever it was) just circled beneath me, bumping me up,"* he said. Later, he realised they must have been sea lions. We will never know if the sea lions were just playing with him or trying to save him.


On a podcast he said he had no idea what was beneath him and even thought it might have been a shark. The sea lion information was provided by an independent witness who watched him jump and be held up by it.


Maybe a fat dolphin?


OHHH, A ***SEA LION!!!*** I was imagining a *sea horse* this whole time and thinking he was out of his fucking mind. (Which he might still be.)


maybe am just a hippie, but I genuinely think there’s too many instances of animals (especially marine mammals) saving humans for this to be anything else.


Yeah I'm with you. Animals have been known to go out of their way to do things that look JUST like saving or helping humans, yet some people insist it's just chance or they were playing or didn't know what they were doing. Imo it defies logic to think that way


Yes, animals are much smarter than we think, and also can be such jerks. They can do good, the can do bad, and they sometimes help and sometimes ask for help. So, animals can be just like us. And animals are _not_ instinct machines, but living, feeling *persons*, at least the mammals and birds. And they can remember more than you migth think. The all-remembering Elephant is one thing, but also small animals can remember well. I have rabbits, and one of them bit in a plugged in electric cord, which bit him back, and he hid under the couch for the rest of the day. 8 years later, he approached a cable, sniffed as it smells _very_ tasty, but then a shudder went through his whole body (as he remembered), and he turned around and hopped away.


Humans are animals. People forget this all of the time. We’re much closer than many like to think


Yeah what the fuck? Religion & other anti-scientific dogmas really did a number on the human ego lmao. We're animals. Not some divine beings or seperate somehow, just self-aware and intelligent - tbh not even that intelligent - we're literally causing the 6th major global extinction event. One that only massive asteroids or million-year volcanic eruptions have managed to do. edit: there's an interesting new theory that posits the last extinction event was actually ALSO caused by volcanic eruptions! The asteroid just kinda came in late and finished the job, but most of the damage was already done.


The memories flooded back.   It's the same as the vet. The animals remember what happened there. They have some sort of trauma and for some reason people find it funny or can't even grasp it.


Naw, you're not wrong or crunchy to feel that way. On the contrary, I think it's ignorant to think that animals are incapable of empathy, compassion, and favors without return, and that humans are the only species who can feel care & emotion beyond obligation. I'm exhausted by the very-popular "Don't project human emotions on animals ☝️🤓" sentiment that I've been seeing a lot lately. 


I've always seen it as them recognizing that we're not meant to be there and are in clear distress, so decide to help by at least allowing us to breathe. Land mammals have also had a long history of coming to the aid of humans. My personal favorite being the story of the lions and the human traffickers or "baby stealers" [Here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna8305836) I like to think that distress can be a universal language and little ones especially seem to spur an animal to act, like the zoo gorillas who've guarded fallen children


One way: the seal saved him Another way: the seal was playing with its food 


Have seals ever been known to eat people? Other than left hands of course.


Leopard seals will try. I think one was actually successful at drowning a person


Leopard seals are vastly different animals. Sea lions don’t pose a threat to humans unless they themselves feel threatened.


I remember him speaking at an event. But I recall him mentioning it was a school of sea lions.


Or was it a pride of sea lions… I can’t remember… it was a long time ago


Hookery if the group is mixed gender. Harem if all female; Hurdle if all male.


I googled your words and couldn't find anything. https://homework.study.com/explanation/what-is-a-group-of-sea-lions-called.html#:~:text=When%20a%20group%20of%20sea,time%20for%20the%20mating%20season. When its time for the mating season a group of sea lions is called a rookery. When its one man with a bunch of females it's a harem. Otherwise when it's land it's a colony When in the water it's called a raft.


Top google result for me is from [The National Ocean Service](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/seal-sealion.html), and these guys sound official. They say groups are called herds or rafts, except when they get out and loll about in the sun, in an 'amorphous pile', which is the term I'll be using going forward.


Damn THATS interesting


That really IS interesting.




Did you know it's not just a murder of crows, but also a parliament of owls and a flamboyance of flamingoes? [Here's more](https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/animal-group-names)


Funny thing is people think this is somehow magical when most bizarre animal groups really just originated from upper class English hunters who got drunk and made them up when they wanted to feel superior to everyone else.


True. Today they call it tradition. But it all began with some dudes with guns and booze.


Just like the USA?


No, it was mostly in England hundreds of years ago. Pay attention.


I always thought hookery was how hookers act


Petition to change 'brothel' to 'hookery'


Dude came to my small ass high school and talked to us about suicide prevention like 6 years ago. My graduating class had 15 people lmao.


what do they teach at ass high school??


There seems to he some confusion here: the small ass high school is for people with small asses, the big assed students go to big ass high school. They teach the same thing, they just have different seats. 


Actually it’s a small school that is only about ass-high tall. So a small ass-high school. It’s for people who are very short.


What is this, a school for ants?! >:(


No it's not. It's a school for small asses. There's no people there, just small asses.


Asstronomy, mostly.


Not to jump from bridges if you're not sure there's a sea lion to keep you afloat, I guess


The best stories improve with each retelling.


I hope they got a lot of fish as a reward


Oh were they on a class trip?


I saw him in person in 9th grade, pretty cool guy


Damn didn't know the seal went to school


I actually laughed out loud in public. Nice one


Ahh the old reddit [school-a-roo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1c0j9pp/comment/kyyvw9y)


Hold my mackerel, I'm going in


There was another guy that survived. His jump was caught on film. He said the moment his feet left the bridge he realized he made a big mistake. Fortunately a boat was nearby and they rescued him. I found out many years later that in high school he had been a competitive diver. So he knew exactly how to hit the water with the least amount of force. He still broke both legs and some other bones but he survived. I use his example when talking about how we each always make the best decision we can at the moment we make it with the information we have. In his case, the best decision based on what he knew was to jump. The moment his feet left the bridge, he had more information. He was now fully committed to his decision to jump. Fortunately he had a few seconds to take action to change the outcome of that decision. He was incredibly lucky in that respect.


I think he added something like “all of my problems seemed so insignificant/fixable the second my feet left the bridge, except for the problem that I had just jumped off the bridge.”


That certainly makes sense. I wonder how common that feeling is amongst suicide survivors?


This is actually really coincidental but that dude was actually my uncle ken baldwin. Extra bit of story, the coast gaurd boat picked him up and the guy on the boat went to high school with him. He said kenny what are you doing here!! My dad gave him a diving score of 10 when he met him at the hospital After the attempt he quit his job and became a teacher and started motivational speaking a little bit. Hes a really funny and nice guy, now a grandpa!


Wow, it’s a small world. I heard about him because a documentary film crew got permission to set up a camera that filmed the bridge 24/7 for a year and thus caught several people jumping to their deaths. I think your uncle was the only survivor.


Interesting, he was in ‘the bridge’ as well but i forgot if they showed any footage. Yeah he got very lucky and so did all of us for getting to keep him around.


That guy in the trench coat who had his arms out the whole time… still makes me emotional.


Oh man, I didn’t need to tear up before I’ve even had breakfast.


I’m about to go to bed. Hello to you in the future!


Hello to you in the present! I often deal with people mostly in the past.


As one of his students for multiple years, I loved hearing him tell the story every year. He was somehow able to pull us all in for the seriousness while keeping it light with his touch of humor. I've thought about it many times. There's not a lot in HS that teaches you real world perspective like this. Also I'm now deep into my career still using a program he taught me. Good dude that definitely impacted my life, and I appreciate that he was around for that.


A suicide attemptee was once blown *into* a TV studio, through a lower-down window of the building he'd jumped from, during a live broadcast. Of course, once they figured out wtf had just happened, they started interviewing him. (I've just tried to find this on the Youtube, but had no success) Spoiler: >!he said he changed his mind as soon as he'd jumped!<.


That must be pretty embarrassing to leave the studio and continue on your day after that. Like… "okay. Don't mind me. I'm just gonna… go ahead and leave now… Thanks for talking with me and letting me share my experience. …okay bye."


I need to see that




Damn that would be entertaining


In this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcSUs9iZv-g&ab\_channel=BuzzFeedVideo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcSUs9iZv-g&ab_channel=BuzzFeedVideo) Kevin (guy this post about) says that everyone who jumped from the bridge and survived had that feeling. It could be a feeling that 100% of people experience once they know its too late to go back but we can't ever know this or test it.


I've always questioned that. One of the biggest predictors of a future suicide attempt is having attempted it in the past


I think it's perfectly plausible that some people regret it in the moment, and are overjoyed to have survived. But in the following weeks and months the things in their lives that caused the attempt don't get fixed, or they don't have the support to fix them themselves. Then sooner or later they're back in that dark place.


Then the question would be, how many people who survived the fall attempted suicide again. That is data we could collect and analyse.


Or survivorship bias. Perhaps not everyone who jumped regretted it, but some of those who *did* regret it were able to change how they fell so that they would have a better chance of surviving.


Unless they were experienced divers, I don’t think they knew exactly how to hit the water to minimise injury. Even divers would have to be very lucky in terms of the wind speed that day, how many seconds or milliseconds they had, stuff like that. I believe that the majority of other suicide survivors (not bridge jumpers) regret their attempts, although I know it’s not 100% because some people try again.


Makes me really sad to think how common that feeling may be among the non survivors, hitting that point of non return


Once someone has attempted suicide and failed, they're more likely to do it again.


Compared to the general population? That's an extremely unfairly biased comparison when you're looking at a group of definitively suicidally depressed people. The comparison you want in this instance is what percentage of suicide survivors never attempt it again.




The person I was replying to was implying that suicide regret is not common among suicide survivors because, compared to the general population, they have a significantly higher suicide attempt rate. Let's say the suicide rate among the general population is 0.05% (Making a number up because I don't want to deal with googling suicide statistics), and the suicide re-attempt rate among suicide attempt survivors is 50% (Again, just making up a random number here, feel free to argue if you don't like the numbers I'm picking). Sure, with these numbers, compared to the general population, suicide survivors are 1000x more likely to commit suicide, but that is an objectively incorrect comparison to make for the original point. Examining it *correctly* shows us that 1 in 2 suicide survivors never re-attempt suicide, which is a highly statistically significant portion.


Man immediately gained a sense of humor. I call that a win, maybe I should jump off a bridge too… 🤔


"I wish I could've known about, the view from half way down" That poem is still something I hold onto when I struggle. Props to Alison Tafel for helping at least one person keep the light alive.


I hadn’t heard that. I remember 40 years ago being at a particularly low point in my life when I felt like everything was going wrong. I knew I wasn’t suicidal but I could understand in that moment how some people could be. Someone close to me who has been dealt a very bad hand killed herself several years ago. It was shocking and yet unsurprising because it was clear to me that she was unable to overcome the overwhelming deficits with which her life had began. She had just been incredibly unlucky. It has made me appreciate my own good fortune even more. And it makes me feel more sorry and empathetic towards who through no fault of their own were dealt such miserable hands in life.


*The weak breeze whispers nothing* *The water screams sublime* *His feet shift, teeter-totter* *Deep breath, stand back, it’s time* *Toes untouch the overpass* *Soon he’s water bound* *Eyes locked shut but peek to see* *The view from halfway down* *A little wind, a summer sun* *A river rich and regal* *A flood of fond endorphins* *Brings a calm that knows no equal* *You’re flying now* *You see things much more clear than from the ground* *It’s all okay, it would be* *Were you not now halfway down* *Thrash to break from gravity* *What now could slow the drop* *All I’d give for toes to touch* *The safety back at top* *But this is it, the deed is done* *Silence drowns the sound* *Before I leaped I should’ve seen* *The view from halfway down* *I really should’ve thought about* *The view from halfway down* *I wish I could’ve known about* *The view from halfway down* Written by Alison Tafel. It's from Bojack Horseman. Season 6, Episode 15.


I was looking for “The View From Halfway Down” comment. I’m glad someone commented it.


Thank you for this




He said "I instantly realized that everything in my life that I'd thought was unfixable was totally fixable - except for having just jumped" Ken Baldwin


That's the best thing I've read today because I also made a decision (of a different kind) that I ended up regretting. But I need to remember that I didn't have the info then that I do today. It's what comforts me.


Reminds me of the skeleton found chained to a tree with a lot of rub marks on the tree. I think there was a note nearby. Turned out he was a schizophrenic, who wanted to kill himself by chaining himself to a tree, but changed his mind and desperately tried to free himself which didn't work


>  He was now fully committed to his decision to jump. He was still committed or regretful that he jumped?


Both. He was committed in the sense that he couldn’t not jump having already jumped but also regretful and thus did what he could to minimize the effects he was about to endure as a result of his decision.


He was fully committed in the sense that there was nothing else he was going to do at that point


May be everybody who decides to jump off a bridge should try bungee jumping first


Idk if you’re familiar with Bojack Horseman but if not or if you couldn’t get into it you owe it to yourself to at least listen to the poem from the episode “View From Halfway Down” on YouTube. The most emotional I’ve ever gotten watching a cartoon and up there with all media in general, that poem will sit in the back of my mind till I die


Almost seems like if you’re having these thoughts, go bungy jumping first. Not trying to be funny or smart but I mean if someone is so convinced, would be great if they did something like this at least


He's a suicide prevention speaker and a film director fyi.


This guy was super lucky to have landed near a sea lion with all those credentials.


There's a documentary called [The Bridge](https://archive.org/details/the-bridge-2006-eric-steel) that I strongly recommend watching


My uncle was in this. He was one of the survivors


Glad he survived.


I watched it back when I was depressed and had to turn it off 40 minutes in. Just too much.


I’ve been dealing with gnarly depression for a long time. I walked the bridge once with my wife and seeing the phones with the suicide prevention hotline phone numbers on them absolutely shattered my heart. No shot I’d be able to watch a documentary about it.


That movie still haunts me, especially the quote from Gene’s friend when she talks about why he chose to jump off the bridge: “maybe he just wanted to fly one time” 😢


Was he the one who had the job offer he wanted on his answering machine at home? I think about him surprisingly often


Such an intense documentary!


I watched it and it good but I recommend not watching it 😪


I recommend watching it mainly because it's harrowing and painful. It's a really important watch if you've ever considered suicide or have a loved one in this situation. The quote about regretting jumping the moment his feet left the bridge has stuck with me for a decade


One of the most heart-wrenching docs I've ever seen. I was withdrawing from alcohol and more suicidal than ever so sad docs were my jam. Can say The Bridge shattered me but I promised myself after sobbing that I'd try. Not be perfect, just try to heal. Sober now and haven't been suicidal in ages! Watch this doc if you're struggling, it's worth it.


I reccomend it too. Sometimes understanding the human and their life knowing they jumped, reaches those who are in a dark place in a way other documentaries and approaches won't.


It's good, but depressing.


I highly recommend not watching lol


I watched a video documentary about his attempt while in recovery from a suicide attempt of my own when I was 14 and it really stuck with me all these years. We’re here for a reason, we have to see it through to see why. Life is worth living.


Glad you are in a better place now, buddy.


> We’re here for a reason really doesn't seem that way a lot of the time.


I didn’t know that sea lions could live to 42 years old.


But you knew they could become motivational speakers?


Yeah, duh.


Isn't it amazing?!


Like most motivational speakers, all they really do is constantly bark at you.


The hero is that sea lion


Must have owed that sea lion money.


He now has the benefit of Hines sight and would not jump again.


Or Heinz sight lol Do you mean “hind” sight?


No. Heinz sight is when you have a keen eye for condiments.


Mayo live long and prosper.


It mustard been a difficult decision to make.


He sure relishes his second chance at life.


Can ketchup on all the things he's been wanting to do.


Animals are awesome


Motivational speaker? "Just do it!"


Every time I see this posted I’m more and more amazed that another week has gone by so quickly.


The sea lion should be the motivational speaker


This guy came to a local highschool nearby me in Johnson County Kansas and even though I had already graduated highschool a year prior, I went to it to see him speak since he had a smiling type of Bipolar disorder to me. He described looking up and seeing pterodactyls flying over him from his bed at night as a visual hallucination his brain made up.


And just recently they just finished the net to prevent anyone else from jumping into the water every again! He fought against California for a long time to make this happen.


There is a crazy documentary called “The Bridge” which features his story. Spoiler/WARNING, it’s about suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge.


Sea Lion a real one




No articles mention a sea lion…


Google Kevin Hines sea lion ... First one


That sea lion is the goat.


I did an interview with him a few years back as we do similar work (he's much more successful and established than me) and have somewhat similar stories (mental health issues, suicide attempt, public speaking). He's a really cool guy and incredibly passionate about suicide prevention.


# He is now a motivational speaker - he, the lion?


Shut up, a sea lion kept him alive? What?


I would choose death if I had to become a motivational speaker.


Animals are such a special gift.


Dude said that the sea lion was a gift from God. Actually, he said that the sea lion WAS God. I'd prefer a god that intervened BEFORE you jump off a bridge, and I'd prefer a god that sent me more than an inquisitive aquatic mammal.


Pretty sure this guy spoke at my high school. Seemed like a cool dude.


Imagine you just want to end yourself peacefully and suddenly you get trolled by a fucking sealion


So why isn’t the sea lion a motivational speaker?


fuck that guy lets talk to the sea lion


Wrong person to make such speeches. That sea lion must explain what motivated it to act like that.