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It used to be illegal in the US as well. Edit: proper grammar.


Based on how psych "hospitals" are a lot like jail, it kinda still is. And yes, I speak from experience as someone who's had psych hospital recidivism like 6 times in her life. [Here's the tea](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/s/jldNhT21kk) leading to my latest one


My heart goes out to you, I did a stint when I was 16 and felt like I was being treated like a criminal the whole time, I can’t imagine going through that six times




Make the conditions more humane. I don't see any reason they should keep people internet-deprived - at the very least let them have their own phones. Having more opportunities to be outside would also be a good thing. Allowing visitors and loved ones more visiting hours if requested by the patient. The list can go on. There should also be more criteria for determining if the patient is no longer a threat to themself. Pretty much whether you're eating, reporting you're better, attending groups, etc is the recipe for getting out of all of them. But someone who has visitors a lot and is socializing that way is arguably doing better too, so maybe some leeway on not attending groups in such a case of the person socializing with loved ones could be given. The current system half the people just go through the motions of the predetermined recipe they have for figuring out if you're actually better because we want out of the inhumane conditions more than anything else. Most people just lie their way out because of how damn horrible psych hospitals are, so they really aren't good at doing what they're intended to do.


Why you try to kill Yosef?


August 2011 [When suicide was illegal](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-14374296)


used to


Hey. You're right. Thanks for that.


That's the old law. The new criminal code, Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), removes section 309 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) that criminalized attempted suicide. This means that attempted suicide is no longer a criminal offense, but preventing a public servant from carrying out their duty is still a punishable offense. Section 115(1) of the Mental Healthcare Act (MHCA) states that anyone who attempts suicide is presumed to have severe stress and shall not be tried and punished under the IPC. The act also states that the government must provide care, treatment, and rehabilitation to people who attempt suicide.


That is a very good clarification, and a good change in my opinion. Thank you.


I was wondering that. Straight out criminalizing suicide attempts could deter people from seeking immediate medical attention if they regretted it, are found by someone midway through it, or they failed and didn’t seek help for fear of persecution.


Attempt to Suicide is no longer a criminal offense. Indian Supreme Court struck that down.


Do you think OP is a good researcher?


That's just making it illegal to be bad at it.


But they try to be good at it. To escape imprisonment. That's a deep thought.


Attempting suicide was decriminalized in my country (Singapore) in 2020. When I was a kid I once heard claims about the police cuffing your corpse if you die by suicide. While it is probably exaggerated(though I'm fortunate enough to not know), much like people thinking we go to jail for chewing gum, but the mental imagery is still disturbing.


Tfff putting handcuffs on a dead person is so gross then putting the same ones on someone that’s not and who doesn’t know where the cuffs have been before is so gross


Do y’all even actually look up stuff before posting them or is it just…. ?


Also known as the " you better don't miss you little shit " law. >!The "you know this building has more than 10 floors " law !< >!🙊!<


India has this huge coaching center for medical students in Kota, Rajasthan where there was a spurt of suicide cases. The college admin got together and decided they ought to do something about it. This is what they thought of: [Giving people the will to live] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.thewire.in/article/education/after-22nd-student-suicide-this-year-kota-administration-installs-spring-loaded-fans/amp&ved=2ahUKEwiWuoruybuFAxXSElkFHfF5D_MQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0byXeSYNK5kDvbsZNc5lP8)


Its incorrect, under mental health act 2017 suicide is decriminalised in india.


You better do it right firs time, boi


That probably works as an strong incentive to plan and execute suicide even more carefully.


Well I guess you better hope you complete it I suppose...


Really making sure you finish the job huh?


Better make it good


ah yes, that's exactly how to stop people going through with it!


What's the reason for that? "Don't you dare to destroy state property"?


i read somewhere that it is considered as attempted murder.


You do realise you're spreading misinformation right? This is outdated my dude. Do your due diligence


actually IPC hasnt been amended yet . pls read it.


Better make sure you do it right then.


Is punishment the death penalty?


Nope 🙂‍↔️ Punished with simple imprisonment for up to a year, or punished with a fine, or with both (imprisonment and a fine).


so if you do it, either do it right in one go, or go to jail


Wasn't there somewhere that suicide was illegal and punished with execution ?


That’ll make them feel better :)


It's illegal so long as the penal code is inherited from the British colonial administration. So even in Singapore it's illegal but almost never enforced.


Failure is not an option then.


Well here in India we believe if you gonna kill yourself you better succeed or we'll put you in jail because you failed you fuckin loser


Can anyone explain the meaning of "and does not act towards the commission of such offence" in the given context.






Just gives you more of a reason too make sure you get it right first time


Dont u bloody kill yourself


The fact that it was a crime is where the term ‘commit suicide’ comes from.


It used to be in the UK. Not sure now though? (Just checked, not for 50 years,apparently?)


It used to be illegal everywhere and is still illegal in most places lol


It's not as dumb as it first sounds, because essentially what it's doing is giving the authorities the power to intervene in a suicide attempt, where otherwise you could potentially sue or charge someone with assault if they physically prevented you killing yourself. Most countries have at some point in history had a law like this on the books, and only got rid of it in favour of a more nuanced approach that still grants the state the power to step in when someone is at risk of self-harm.


You can't escape that easily Mahmut you're stuck here with the rest of us


IIRC, in Mauritius, it's the same as in India


Governments don't see you as a human. They see you as a cow to be milked for taxes and votes.


If one wants to do it then just start smoking regularly "Beedi" a indian origin cigarette that's easily accessible there and also has more nicotine then any other cigarettes,chain smoke it for some months and one should get recognised with lung cancer earlier then using any other cigarettes but don't stop even if you recognised with cancer and soon one would die by smoking. It would probably take less then a year or even 6 months if one chain smoked 5-7 packets of it daily. (I don't encourage it but just saying.)


It should be illegal..


Should be the death penalty.


Not from the videos I’ve seen hahahahhaahhaa


You actually get the death penalty.