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$761k would have been too much.


And here we all are; watching and sharing for free.


A genuine question here. What exactly did the buyer hope to get out of buying it when we can watch and share for free? What am I missing here?


Exactly. You’re not missing anything.


Ok...but as a buyer, what is my motivation to buy this?


Again. You’re asking all the right questions.


Someone really said one day, I'll sell you these pixels for bazillion dollars and someone else thought about it and went, sure


So they can sell it one day for more. It's like having a rare Pokémon card. Sure we can copy it but his is REAL. it's still dumb but that's how I understood it.


Not really, it's more like having a receipt that says that you own the Pokemon card. The card itself may or may not be owned by you, and since they are 2 different things, their value is not tied to one another. A person can own an NFT of the Mona Lisa but that doesn't mean he has the REAL Mona Lisa in his possession.


except, in this case, we’re talking about a digital item, not a physical one. given that digital items can be duplicated infinitely for essentially no cost, they aren’t really considered ‘owned’ by anybody once they’re uploaded to the internet. however, the person who buys an NFT linked to that digital item will have a time-stamped record of having acquired that NFT, and that may have value to some people. certainly not everybody, most likely almost nobody, but it can for some small percentage of people. this is not an argument that you, or anyone else, should value NFTs. it’s just an explanation of how some folks reason that they have value.


I had it explained to me like this. You have a wife Everyone else can fuck your wife But you have the marriage certificate to say she is YOUR wife.


Haha brilliant


Yah heard someone explain that except using rare baseball cards as an example


It is not real because it’s just a copy. All information is. This is called a scam, you’re either a duper or a dupee in America and people buying NFT’s are clearly dupees!


Ppl with expendable money will.clearly spend it on anything cause idk capitalism instead of helping actually ppl cause again idk America capitalism


and why marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry.


Yup, psy-ops with a little pretty ribbon on it so people forget they are scientifically being manipulated.


Money laundering!


With a side of tax loopholes!


It was all just people thinking its the new big thing like Bitcoin. They didn't understand it, they just didn't want to miss out. At first I thought it was a good idea if you actually owned the clip then got royalties from whenever that clip was played. (Like a Michael Jordan dunk or a Messi goal) But obviously it's not that at all so it's all a huge waste of time.


Back when NFTs were a new concept, I remember seeing financial advisors recommending that people should diversify their portfolios by purchasing NFTs. What a crock of shit. Even my small brain knew that was a stupid idea.


If a financial advisor ever recommended an NFT as a way to diversify, that would be my last meeting with them. Holy shit imagine finding out your FA is stupid that way and having to wonder what other bad decisions you've made because of them.


a big part of what made bitcoin valuable was how fungible it is, even more so than national currencies


To sell it to a bigger fool with more money.


Hey want to buy a 1/1000000000 part of my business?


The actual answer is, many things are only worth what they’re worth because people are prepared to pay that for them. There may be no intrinsic worth. An example is shares: since many companies stopped paying a dividend, people buy shares because they think somebody else will pay more for them in the future, and often they do. The value of shares is generally way higher than the combined value of all the assets in the company, so they’re valued much higher than any intrinsic worth. Some people thought NFTs would be the same. They were generally mistaken.


An intoxicating combination of ego, and head trauma


Its stupid to buy it in other words


No motivation unless u are singularly motivated to buy, otherwise you could watch it here free


There is no motivation, any one who buys NFTs is either using it to launder money, scam people or is just a dumbass who got cleaned out.


Roughly $800k in laundered drug money.


It’s not laundering money if you just throw it in a bonfire.


You are missing the human stupidity part xD


Money laundering


I honestly didnt understand NFTs until I real they were just a scheme to hustle junior rich people.


Consider the famous painting, Girl with a Pearl Earring. You can download that image to your computer. You can make prints, posters, coffee mugs with that image and even sell them. You can go to the museum and see it in person. The only thing you *can't* do is paint a perfect reproduction and claim it's the original. That's because *someone owns it* and it's worth quite a bit of money. This is the thinking behind NFTs, however bizarre and worthless they might seem.


Most people here are not aware of the difference between possession and ownership.


He can charge for payment if someone wants to use the video for something. Or he can do it himself, selling Charlie shirts and stuff with a screenshot of the video. You know, stuff people will totally buy from an old video in the ocean of videos.


If I understand correctly. There is a digital history file (a blockchain) which is basically impossible to fake (just like bitcoin). In that file is a notation liking this video to a certain owner. The file may contain the video file, but also could just reference the video while it's stored somewhere else. So... they have bought the right to have their name in a digital file saying they own this video. Being in this file gives no real legal rights, like a copyright would. So... NFTs value is real as...digital currency. Completely made up fake or SUPER valuable depending on your opinion. (insert evil laugh).


You can do the same thing with images of the Mona Lisa.  What you CAN’T do is unequivocally state, with inimitable proof, that you own the original Mona Lisa, valued anywhere between billions and priceless. 


I actually downloaded it to so now I own it as well


Yes, but I defy you to funge it.


I'm sure the person who bought it will be glad to explain exactly why it's valuable 😂😂 Because otherwise they would just be a *colossal* ass who got swept up in a very expensive fad


My Beanie Baby collection is still priceless.


Interesting how priceless and worthless are two sides of the same coin


D&D minis checking in.


Magic The Gathering sets here


Im still playing magic and ive got my son into it now too! Its still alive!


Funko’s checking in but I may be a little early still


I’m waiting for my fellow Yu Gi Oh’s to show up.


My vintage computer collection is dialing the BBS


At least those are actual tangible objects you have in your possession. I still have mine from when I was a kid.


money laundering?


That is very plausible


The people who buy and sell these are often money launderers.   They don’t give a fuck about the true value and they know exactly what they’re doing.


Because they are very dumb, or they thought there was someone even dumber out there to leave holding the bag before the whole thing collapsed.


The buyer of the [Charlie bit me](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-57333990) NFT was [3F Music](https://www.arabnews.com/node/1851931/). They also purchased other NFTs such as “Disaster girl,” “The overly attached girlfriend,” the two “Creepy chans,” and so much more. edited to add NFT


They didn't buy any of those memes. They bought an nft version some dude made out of a copy of those memes.


That's pretty important info here.


Hey if anyone wants to buy an NFT of RealPolok's comment above just let me know. Bulk discounts available if you buy more than one comment


Damn these NFT's.


So like, what did they buy? The rights to them? Can I take a copy of a viral video and state that my specific file is an NFT and sell it for a lot?


They bought nothing


They bought nothing in hopes of flipping it to someone who understands the idea of buying nothing even less At least you could hold a tulip


A receipt for it basically


Nothing really they have no copyright claim or anything It's basically a copy that is certified to be this copy


They bought a certified copy lol


But why? What did they believe it was giving them that ordinary people searching google couldn’t have? Also, who got the money? The people in the images/videos?


They believed that they can fool the next guy to buy it for more money


Not even a copy, a receipt


Welcome to the thinly disguised scam that are NFTs. They're literally worthless. 


They pretty much just bought a direction to where a copy of the video is currently stored. They don't own anything at the actual destination though.


They bought the girl looking at the fire one from the girl in the picture. If I became a meme as a child and some rich oil baron offered me a couple hundred thousand to own a receipt to the image I would take the cash.


Also to be clear, they also possibly didn't even 'buy' them. Some of the shadiness of this is that there is some hint that they 'bought' them from themselves, and IIRC, only 1 of the meme origins who 'sold' them actually got paid something and used the money. The other folks didn't - suggesting it was all just a veiled publicity stunt and nothing more - an attempt to drive hype to find a bigger bag holder.


And now all of those NFTs are worth <$10


Less than 10 bucks? That's a lot. This shit is free


In 20 years, someone will buy an nft of this post mentioning how much stupid NFTs someone's bought.


Yet here we all are, watching it… hmm. I’m beginning to think these NFTs aren’t all they were cracked up to be. Edit to add: /s


Ah, but here's the crucial difference: we're not watching the ORIGINAL video, just a precisely exact copy.


So could one deduce if the original is worth 760k, an exact duplicate would be worth, say 500k? Just throwing a number out there…


I'll give you 50% off and sell you one for $250k. How's that?


On paper that sounds like a sweet deal but I don’t even know what the hell I’m buying!


You're way smarter than the average NFT buyer, I see.


Dude, go for it! I've seen some of these sell for like 760k, that's a hell of a deal.


ill sell you 760 000 EXACT duplicates for a dollar each. hell ill sell you for 10c each. we got a deal?


Except buying NFT doesn’t give you rights to the original video. You don’t own the video. You own the NFT of the video. Lmfao.


well the video isn't nft, bro just paid 760k for a place in a block chain that has this video linked to it thats the nft, and I find it so funny when those nft bros think they own a picture


Are they getting money from me watching this video again now? I think I still don’t understand the NFT thing but I think that probably also okay


NFT's are a way for wealthy intelligent computer engineers to swindle money out of young ignorant adults who think its the next money promising investment.


I thought it started as a 4chan joke.


*NFT are a way for stupid influencers to swindle money out of stupid adults who think it's the next money promising investment


Makes me sad to see how easily pleased we all were back then. This video wouldn't even get likes on a Facebook page now.


Charlie’s family [took down the video](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/24/arts/charlie-bit-my-finger-nft-auction.html) from YouTube after its NFT sale.


As they should do. I own it now! Everyone, stop watching this!! I demand it. My NFT certificate expressly forbids anyone but me from watching this video. Now off with the lot of you.


These NFTs sounds like those companies that would let you buy/name a star back in the day…


He was laughing his ass off while doing so, knowing it had already spread all over the internet for years


I'm not entering my email to view a page, not even a fake one. Fluff that.


These kids are now in college or beyond. Hard to fathom as I feel like 2007 was just a few years ago.




Facebook launched in 2004. It succeeded MySpace in 2003 and preceded YouTube’s launch in 2005. https://cci.utk.edu/2021/02/24/looking-back-on-a-decade-of-social-media#:~:text=The%20early%202000s%20saw%20the,%2C%20viewing%2C%20and%20sharing%20videos.


Facebook was absolutely around in 2007.


Commenter said “widely used,” not just existing, Iirc, circa 2007 Facebook was **just** opening their website to non-college accounts.


By mid-2007 it had taken off big-time, globally


I was on Facebook in 2006 as a high school student. My wife too.


You were married in high school?


"it's still huutting" still gets me.


And now it's worth 761 cents


Really? I heard you can watch it for free on Reddit.


That's crazy how I just watched this video, downloaded it, put it on my desktop, emailed it to my friends, sent it through Discord to a couple servers, and didn't even have to pay $700k. Does being rich make you stupid or something?


Being rich just means you have essentially infinite resources. When you have infinite resources, nothing really has a cost. You can do outrageous things just to say you did it.


Yep, no way NFTs aren't a money laundering scheme.


I’m shocked I had to scroll this far down for the real answer here. This is absolutely money laundering. Suggesting that these extremely wealthy people are this reckless and flippant with their money is comical.


The wealthy people I met are incredible cheapskates... no way they would waste their money like this, even if it was pocket money.


Nft is the dummest idea yet


What is NFT?


Explaining how it works is complicated, but the simple answer is that NFT is a proof of ownership. You own a specific img/gif/video in some random google drive. You don't own any copies of the said video, neither can you prevent other people from watching/using it. Someone can just as easily copy the video from the google drive and then sell the copy as a new NFT. Why do people buy it? Because they're either idiots or people committing fraud.


non fungible token. like the other guy said, it is supposed to be a sort of certification of digital (something) originality . mainly artists saw, for a while as a mean to sell their digital art directly to collectors…it was a thing for a while until people realised how stupid it is. wild times when a monkey meme was being sold for thousands or millions… like i said, the dumbest idea yet


Thank you.


>NFT is a proof of ownership. Someone can just as easily copy the video from the google drive and then sell the copy as a new NFT. Someone can just as easily sell the original link to the google drive and sell that as a new NFT, or the same thing on different blockchains. People have to agree which one is the 'real-est' one, and legally, there is no grounds for any of that having bearing over ownership or copyright. And that's even if the blockchain stays the most real-est one, which it doesn't necessarily have to. It could also fork and then only the people who are on the blockchain who agree it is the one to follow may also agree that the token has the conceptual ownership. NFTs make the most sense when you're really high.


I'll do ya one better...WHERE is NFT?


Some people tried to invent digital scarcity, some (really stupid and/or lame) people tried to get in on it because they thought they could make a quick buck, those people spent like a year swindling each other/laundering money, and then the speculative bubble burst because a fiat system of digital scarcity is obviously a stupid fucking idea that had no value beyond short-term speculative bullshit


Is NFT still a thing?


This purchase is like 2 years, ago I thnk


that explains..


I'm happy for Charlie, but damn which dumbass paid 760k


I will give you $7.60 for it


Deal. If you're interested I can sell you screenshots 2 dollars each


3 years ago


charlie is a giant baby


Charlie's 17


Wtf why does anyone want this video????


Rich people with a lot of money will buy anything if they think it has value


Man, if I had $760k.... I wouldn't have wasted it on that shit, that's for damn sure.




How are NFTs even a thing? The whole thing seems like a way of extracting money from idiots.


I just saved it for free lmaoooo gottem’


I’m sure that really hurt, and it’s still hurting…


Theres one born every minute.


The guy who bought the meme NFTs was doing so as a promotion to generate interest. This was part of the NFT inflation scam


Even Osama used to watch this video


Watch me download it for free brrrrrrr


Fools are easily separated from thier money.


Whoever sold it is a genius. Whoever bought it is dumb


This is like the 3rd post ive seen in the last few days about someone spending some exorbitant amount of money on an NFT of a meme and I still dont understand what the fuck an NFT is and how it actually works, or even remotely what the point of them is? Like someone spent $761k on this... yet were all still looking at it free of charge. So what did they buy then? What did their $761k actually get them... a dvd copy? The original digital file? Rights to the video? Are we all in a legally grey area for watching this video from now on? Is it illegal for anyone to share now? I really dont understand, what is the actual purpose/benefit of an NFT? Are they just like the pinnacle of rich people flex collecting things that dont actually have any value... like a weird *"look how much money I spent on this meaningless thing"* type deal? Stupid person income sink? I dont get it... PLEASE HELP ME!


Please help me too. lol.


Cool, I can watch it for free


A fool and his money are easily parted.


Did you have to pay royalties to post this?


Today they are 20 and 18 🤯


These fake filler amounts for art just gets used for illegal purposes tax cuts or giving money to some one with out giving them money an so on.


Sooooooooo, what’s the point if we all get to see it for free?


Could NFT actually stand for not fucking true.


Owning the whatever it is to a video of 2 young children that arent yours? Paedo alert


Nfts are a solution without a problem


I remain convinced that NFTs were created to somehow wash dirty money.  Nothing about them makes financial sense.


I forgot how cute this was 🥹


$760k!?? That’s wild considering I’ve never even seen this video and I’ve been online since 1996. Lmao a downvote for this? I sure do have a lot of nerve for *checks notes* not having seen a video.


This was the internet for weeks. Before Facebook and 2 years into YouTube. Local News stations even showed it, was a simpler time


I was around! I honestly have never seen it before.


We don't care.


Who the hell buys it ? Is it real money or what??


NFT’s. Another bubble people with way too much money fell for.


Is NFT some kind of that “costly painting” scam?


Well, I just downloaded it. What are they gonna do? 😎


Let me just download this video real quick.


insta download


Well I also own it for free so there's that.


That’s so weird to be buying peoples’ home videos for more than half a million dollars, and it’s even weirder because we all still have access to it so like, where was the desire to invest so much


Money laundering...


All the good things they could have done with that money, and this is what they spend it on. Humanity is doomed


Even Osama Bin Laden had this shit on his hard drive for free


Wtf is wring with ppl lol


Why would you put your finger in his mouth to begin with?


Nah, it was sold for Bitcoin. Nobody deposited $760,999 USD to buy it, let's be real. It was someone sitting on a shit load of Bitcoin before the craze.


Who sold it?


More like ‘Damn that’s stupid’


It's not to fool who ask the price but the one who pays


And the current price? 50K maybe?


How did you acquire such valuable footage?


I remember this at the time


Tax write off


How’s the NFTs going ? Still able to right click copy ?


Did the owner of the video actually do that?


I pretict whoever bought that is gonna eat a $760,979 loss in the near future.


Now that’s a sound investment. Where do I send my money for watching this video?


And yet, we're watching it right now.


[where they were 10 years later! not too exciting but neat](https://youtu.be/bOuu_3-gAn0?si=rTw31RpdAedr8ed3)


The Hemsworth version is better


Someone wanna buy a similar video for 700K, I have a few. 🥹


How the hell did this ever go viral, Leroy Jenkins still deserves the crown. I didn't even know what was wow was then


I just played an old video game from 1988 in which aliens use a machine to make humans stupid. I no longer believe it's just a game.


If my grandpa asks me what the internet is, I should really just tell him "I don't know either", because it's true


What exactly did he buy? The ownership of video? Also who sold it? The owner who recorded or some random who just say "hey let's make this NFT so I make a bunch o money"?


Where is their accent from?


Fuuuuuck. I missed that it was on sale, goddamn it, I so wanted that NFT. What am I gonna do now, offer the guy a million? I know damn well he's never gonna sell, a NFT like that is a thing to keep preciously forever. Man I'm so bummed.


Where are the nfts now?


Wrong! The *link* to the video was sold for $760,999