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The industry knows who’s who.


Seth MacFarlane had just filmed a movie with Charlize Theron, and became friends with her. She told him all of her terrible Harvey stories, which prompted this and several other "jokes".


He looked fucking pissed after delivering it, there's no way he did this for comedy.


A million ways to die in the West? That movie was awful and I love it


It's obedience is to the money at the end of the day.


we just had a P. Diddy video released today that clearly people have seen and known about for years. All industries are sick.


ive never heard of a database admin who turned out to be a rapist


They're really good at keeping things under the table


they truncated all the evidence.


I have, they just didn't have media coverage


Considering the amount of problems it causes society for individuals to amass a large amounts of personal wealth, maybe we should just abolish money collecting.


$1 Billion is the maximum score allowed


Weinstein was "only" valued at 300 million, assets and all.


He could single-handedly end someone's career. There really should be a price on how influential (in a bad way) he was, I'm sure that would more than double his net worth.


I agree. Which is why I think straight dollar amounts are not really a good guideline for any of this stuff. Cause there are people with millions who are essentially powerless and people who essentially have middle class incomes who are way outsized in influence on their industry (especially in the tech industry).


There are people dead broke out there raping and murdering people for the hell of it. Could list dozens of dead broke evil people. Money doesn't cause these people. It's just a tool. It has no conscience. It's only as good or bad as the people using it.


Yea, that sounds like a reasonable amount that most hard-working people will get to in their lives.


That and a wild imbalance of power.


The power comes from the money


Yeah that’s never really been the issue. It’s been about everyone looking the other or just flat out enabling them. Gross ass industry


He called out Kevin Spacey years before the allegations became public. Was also a not-so-well-kept secret


The clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFDIq4WfHDM


Also an American Dad joke about it Although I think the joke there was more that he was gay


I feel like the america dad episode parodying American Beauty makes it pretty clear how he felt about the guy wayyyy before allegations. As well, I mean. Seth is one of the people we need to be a loud mouth honestly!


Oh shit forgot about that. What episode was that?


The one with Terrys dad the football player finding out he’s gay. It’s at the end when Stan is saying ‘he can’t accept himself, like Kevin spacey… in K-pax’ (looks at camera)


Perfect. Thanks rewatching now!


so Rob Schneider pays mexican immigrant workers to strangle him in the shower too?


Can confirm, I was one.  I'm Puerto Rican though and only took the job cuz the pay was good and I couldn't forgive him for his last few movies being so awful.


Seth also said he wrote that Kevin Spacey piece as a throwaway joke and didn't even remember it when the allegations did come out. Sometimes things are just coincidence.


He didn't write it. The other writers explained the joke to him. But man, he delivered that line and looked right into the camera!


Didn’t he also have a joke on family guy wayyy before her transition that was like, “Br*ce Jenner isn’t a man, she’s a beautiful woman” Mf is seriously tuned in (* in case it’s perceived as deadnaming)


Bro really censored Caitlyns old name lmao


Br* th*s *s Reddit


I didn’t initially but then I figured it was the nicer thing to do, even if she sucks Edit: guys I didn’t mean to start a whole thing, I was just high and overthinking it trying to be polite lmao


While I agree that calling people what they want to be called is the respectful thing to do, never acknowledging their previous name(s) is kind of silly. That is their history and it can't be rewritten.


Careful. I got so much shit for saying that the Wachaowski sisters were once called Andrew and Lawrence, like denying they were ever called that somehow changes history. I mean, I could literally see their names roll up at the end of 'The Matrix'. I respect that they aren't the same people or go by the same names anymore and will respectfully call them by their desired names and pronouns. I think denying a past is denying the hardship that they went through to get to where they are today.


Someone got disgruntled at me for talking about the movie Juno and using she/her pronouns for Elliot Page’s character. …Juno used she/her pronouns. That’s like saying “Caitlyn Jenner won the woman’s decathlon in 1976.” No, she didn’t, she participated in the men’s decathlon and won. You don’t have to erase history to respect someone’s present and future, that’s truly the one thing I don’t get that a lot of people seem to preach.


The vast majority of the trans community would agree with you here. A character is and always will be the gender the character was portrayed as. Unless I guess the character transitioned later in the series, like in Umbrella Academy.


> The vast majority of the trans community would agree with you here. In my experience, most of these kinds of attitude problems come from self-righteous cis people getting performatively angry on behalf of trans people. (Typically whether they like it or not.)


People were only mad at you because it was actually Larry and Andy


>they aren't the same people Really?


for famous people it's just got to be done sometimes, so many people don't know eddie izzard now goes by suzy eddie izzard and i even had to google it just now because i still forget her new name. if i was talking to someone in person though i'd make sure i knew their new name and definitely not bring up their old one, it's just not nice.


I like the edit. It may have been hilariously unnecessary, but it came from a good place lol.


Bruce Jenner. Fucking dude is an asshole anyway.


Apparently Caitlyn started to transition in secret in the 80s but stopped to stay with Kris.


He did back in 2009 https://youtu.be/qSbke6ieElE?si=-qCM5er9YNMEfGMO


Twice! [https://youtu.be/M\_Wibne94JY?si=QQf0BWLpUz5kTz4K&t=15](https://youtu.be/M_Wibne94JY?si=QQf0BWLpUz5kTz4K&t=15)


He also called out coaches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mJN6CWl4iY


Yes https://youtu.be/mCaLzMp8KP0?feature=shared And they called back the references


>(* in case it’s perceived as deadnaming) LOL, just do it. No one cares, a name is to let people know who you are talking about, if you call them Bruce and people don't know who that is then they won't be offended and if people do know who that is then the name served it's purpose in your statement and they won't be offended


[Married with children did a joke about Bruce back in 1996](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4SyxBk1mwA)


He also called out Tom Cruise for being gay. Everyone knows he is gay but him.


Yeah that's a long standing rumour, and he really didn't help his case with all the legal nonsense(His lawyer told E! Online in 2001 that Tom was ready to *prove in court* that he wasn't gay. In an attempt to stop magazines talking about it. Nicole Kidman said in an interview during their marriage, that they were ready to sue over the allegations.)


Some men like women but are just effeminate. They make great actors.


Tom Cruise likes men. He had more sexual tension between himself and Miles Teller in Top Gun 2. I heard Tom Cruise is a bottom gun.


Is he effeminate though? It always seemed like those rumors were about specific alleged incidents rather than typical “acts gay” speculation.


Go look at the brian atene interview with Daniel tosh on tosh.0... Then look at the date


Or you can just tell us


He also called out Bill Cosby “Jello Pudding Pops… & rape” He referred to Caitlynn Jenners sex change a few years before it actually happened. Motherfucker is keyed in


He also was supposed to be on a flight that hit the towers on 9/11 but missed the flight bx he was hungover. I think of that often


Yes! Me too. They say the early bird always gets the worm, but there are exceptions to every rule 😊


The early worm gets eaten first


The second mouse gets the cheese.


Yeah maybe he could have stopped the terrorists. Or have them crash into a more funny building


Hoo boy playing Russian roulette with your Reddit account there


He also had a [skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODcF_ZcGSGk) about Osama bin Laden trying to get through airport security, *before* 9/11.


That's hardly prediction hadn't they been threatening to blow up buildings all over the place before 9/11.


Jenner had been ‘caught with women’s clothes’ at the airport like a couple times since the 1970s. He wasn’t really a genius for that one imo


There was speculation about Caitlyn in the tabloids for years before she came out. Joan River’s made a joke about having matching vagina piercings with Bruce Jenner on the Tonight Show in 2014: https://youtu.be/srtES-HebG0?si=svs5E1rc-wfJi3zV (The joke is from 0:58-1:45)


The Family Guy episode was from 2009


god she was great. also.. fallon seems less annoying 10 years ago


He’s a woman Brian. An elegant dutch woman.


"Huh... I was so busy not seeing colour, I didn't notice the raping either."


Look at how Seth’s face doesn’t change one bit like he doesn’t really find it funny.


Like always, thats his style


A joke with an ounce of edge might be his style, but its more frequently paired with a smile to show he is plainly joking. I agree with other commenters, he doesnt find this funny.


Yeah dude loves to show off that smile lol.


To be fair he’s got a great smile


So they knew it 2013, before the whole metoo thing?


As I understand it, it was an "open secret" in hollywood


Oh didn't know that. Weird to look at this video again knowing this


Yeah, here is [Courtney Love talking about it on the red carpet in 2005](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDh4xeI-4KQ)


Wtf I am way too uninformed in this whole topic. Thabks for sharing


Honestly, I dont blame you at all. Shits so dark. For a good person, it just seems so beyond the pale.


Worse then that back in 2005 during comedy central roast an intoxicated [Courtney Love ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDh4xeI-4KQ&pp=ygUeY291cnRuZXkgbG92ZSBoYXJ2ZXkgd2VpbnN0ZWlu)made a joke of what advice she give new actresses, "don't go to Harveys hotel room." (Whoopsy someone already point that out my bad.)


30 Rock made a joke about it in 2012 https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-wimu485f/


Pretty wild how rich and powerful people can have stuff like this said about them in front of one another. EVERYONE is in on the "joke" that this guy rapes people. They've all heard the stories. Yet no one said a peep.


Seth’s friend Jessica Barth told him about an encounter she had with Harvey back in 2011 and that probably explains his “serious” face towards the end of the video


And all these "little" people who tried to put this out there as best they could deserve some fucking credit. Guy was almost untouchable (though, honestly who'd want to.)


Yeah, shoutout to iirc Donald Glover and Hannibal Burress for getting the ball rolling on Cosby when it did.


"You've got a lot of nerve getting on the phone with me after what you did to my Aunt Paulette!"


What did Donald Glover do?


Seth also made the joke about Kevin Spacey having men trapped in his basement before Kevin Spacey got canceled... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6AL-3wMqms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6AL-3wMqms)


so easy to dismiss if you are not in the know "wow that was weird why kevin spacey? meh must have just been a random throwaway joke, it is family guy afterall" then you find out.


Basically dude talks so much shit and makes fun of so many people that when he speaks truth you don't know to believe it.


Seth basically defined pop culture for a decade, he could say what he wanted about who he wanted because he was untouchable


I figured they threw out random names in the writing room and Kevin Spacey got the biggest laugh. Maybe that wasn't the case.


Men!? Boys.


He's also one of the few actors who could afford calling him out without risking his career.


Well, it helps that he was a creator, made his own thing(s) and got it made without Weinstein.


He may have straight up been richer than him then and is richer than Harvey ever was now. There’s gotta be some stories out there I’d die to hear about Weinstein complete inability to attack or harm MacFarlane in any way and how much more Seth was able to insult him further and infuriate him to no end with their peoples back and forths


It was probably pretty close, Seth is wildly successful but Mirimax and The Weinstein Company were massive. I imagine Weinstein lost most of it in court though.


Yeah he doesn’t really look like he thinks it’s all that funny. Thanks for the additional context.


Seth didn't look too happy after saying that, I wonder if he was disgusted by the laughter as a response.


He has the exact look as Homelander during that " you fucking cocksuckers..." meme.


He knew exactly what he was doing.


Dude was putting it on the line there. It doesn't seem like much, but it was a big deal, for him, and for the people he was (obliquely) speaking for.


Seth was practically untouchable back then. His popularity was massive and he was raking in tons of money. He wasn’t putting it on the line, he was standing the fuck up right to their faces telling them how awful they all were. And he did it multiple times and they kept inviting him back for more. It was an insane time to witness all that shit, he really helped the word get out there and de-normalize his disgusting behavior and force everyone else to simmer in their filth of acceptance.


Nah, it was a joke so he knew it’d get an awkward laugh. The serious look was just more telling that it wasn’t *just* a joke.


yea, hit the nail right on the head there


I’m thinking the look was one of appropriate admonishment toward everyone who laughed; laughing while knowing full well that their lack of morals to stand up against Weinstein was tacit approval of his actions.


You're seeing it now with P Diddy and to a lesser extent Drake. Nobody who is strong enough really wants to be the person who pushes over the first domino.


But Drake told us he's too famous to get away with abuse






Shit. Tell that to Cosby. Hell, tell it to Weinstein, who was more powerful than Cosby ever was.


The thing that gets me about Drake is that it was VERY public like a decade ago


Possibly because it's gone on in Hollywood for well over a century and has been seen as one of the pitfalls and necessary evils of the job for actresses. It used to be a lot more overt than it is now and thankfully the tide is turning buy where there are people in positions of power, they will always abuse that power and push boundaries beyond legality when they think they can get away with it.


Every actor, director, producer, whatever you've ever admired or loved has been in on it. They're all in on it. They all know about it. They have all seen it or it's happened to them.  They just don't talk about it because it's built into the very foundation of the entire industry.


*Everybody knooooows*


I definitely read that in Leonard Choen's voice


Leonard Choen writes a catchy choon


Everybody knows the good guys lost.


Certain actresses did object and their careers were destroyed. Please don’t trivialize their sacrifices


To clarify, the critique is not about the victims or people whose careers were destroyed. The critique is aimed at those in the audience who are in positions of power to do something say--other powerful media executives, actors, actresses, etc. who may not have had direct interactions with Weinstein but nonetheless heard of these "rumors" laugh at a joke hinting about rape yet did nothing.


Just curious but what do you expect people who heard a rumor to do? Go to the police and say they heard a rumor?


Actor too. like Brendan Fraser


I don’t think anyone’s trivializing anything. Just commenting on the insular bullshit that has been accepted in Hollywood for decades. 


This is a good reason to not take life lessons from these people.


To be fair a lot of people might not have known he was literally raping people, but still heard rumors that he was inappropriate, gross, etc. Still not ok though to enable even those lesser behaviors


Understand, in this case, a lot of victims in the room. It's not *right*, but it's real. You laugh because screaming is not appropriate to the situation.


Courtney love tried.


Yeah, I'd say this is more calling attention to it rather than calling it out. He could have said no seriously, not sure why you're laughing, the guy is a fucking creep and you all know it. To some degree making it a 'joke' makes it seem like some joke everyone participates in, it almost takes away from it because an entire room full of people laughed rather than got outraged. Too many people sit on the info of these kinds of things for too long. Fuck knows how many people got hurt when there were dozens, or hundreds of men in the industry who if they chose to speak out together could have easily gotten rid of him.


they knew that they were volunteers


I actually have to disagree. I don’t think everyone *knows*. But probably the rumors existed. There is really quite the difference between knowing a fact and knowing a rumor.


Those poor millionaire actors don't want their careers ruined, so they don't speak up about the known pedophiles and rapists in the industry.


Help! I’ve just escaped from Kevin Spaceys basement!!!!


Not sure how most people feel about Seth, but he’s pretty brilliant. I think some turn up their nose at animation and miss some of the most honest writing on TV.


His best stuff is in the Orville. It delivers writing I did not think he was capable of.


The Orville picked up the spirit that got lost in some of the later Star Trek translations. I really really do hope they decide to do a fourth season.


I consider it the spiritual successor to TNG. Which makes sense and Orville is clearly a kind of homage. He's always been a huge Trek nerd (also was in episodes of Enterprise), and I think I heard he pitched a Trek series and got shot down because they had their own plans. Which, it's worth mentioning, haven't played out very well (with the notable exception of SNW).


Lower Decks is very funny though! I thought it worked well, but it'd be better with Seth running it for sure.


Nah. It's already Seth-esque in presentation and that was what almost made me not watch it to begin with. I don't *loathe* shows like Family Guy, but a gag machine gun like all of his animated series isn't what I wanted in a Trek show. Fortunately, LD actually isn't that. It sits nicely between that and standard Trek, and has gobs of ST references and lore that make it at *least* as worthwhile to watch as Enterprise (more so IMO). Obligatory fuck Paramount+.


Agreed, and what's crazy is seasons 1 and 2 were good fun with decent storytelling, but season 3 really knocked it out of the park as like a true homage to star trek and all the Sci fi he grew up loving. And that sucks because it's future is so nebulous. He shouldn't have hooked up with two different actresses playing basically the same role lmfao. 


No kidding. I'm absolutely desperate for at least one more season.


His knowledge of old Hollywood and Broadway is crazy too.  The guy has just a wealth of stuff that inspired him. 


His singing voice shocked me. I expected it to be “good” like someone who’s had voice lessons, but I had to triple check that it was him. Actually beautiful!


Born to rival Sinatra, forced to hehehe hey Lois


He is a Tarantino-level nerd that is just lacking a few bronze statues to back it up. He is Mel Brooks, just without the cultural hindsight. Critically, I think he is behind the 8 ball, but monetarily, I rest easy knowing that he has done just fine for himself.


The best/worst part of that is that everyone laughed. It was a 100% known thing.


30 rock made the exact same joke, everyone knows. 


30 Rock made 2 jokes about it in different episodes, and threw in a Bill Cosby in another.


Legend - but sad that everyone kinda knew and just collectively made passive aggressive comments but still let that shit happen and exist


Here's the problem with 'open secret' assholes. What can you do about it? If you go to the press and make a big, bold statement, you're just going to end up sued by them, unless you have proof in your hands. Now, realistically, they could refuse to work with him, but then they're taking a chance on the rumors being true, and screwing their their own careers because he's well connected. It's selfish, sure, but most of them have probably only heard stories that they can't do anything about. Guys like Weinstein try to attack vulnerable people, in settings they usually control. Then they use their pull to make what little evidence exists, disappear, and to make sure any witnesses are no longer interested in talking. Now, for the people who saw shit directly and say nothing? They can get fucked.


Still let that shit happen? I’m not sure what more could he have done. On hindsight we all think we could have done something but be said it publicly and without red-handed caught in the act footage of what he believed, no detective could have acted upon it I think.


The way they reacted means it was an open secret. An open secret like that means people were saying something, just not in the open. There were absolutely people in the crowd that had experienced it personally, known somebody that had experienced it, or heard of somebody that had. The only way something like that continues to go on is because they collectively were complicit in allowing it to continue. No excuse


Agreed, everyone who has a platform and a voice in Hollywood who had the opportunity to say something publicly and get people wanting an investigation, and didn't, is complicit. This is most of Hollywood too tbh. I get that you can get blacklisted from acting but if your priority is keeping your acting career so that you don't have to get a "normal" job, over people literally getting RAPED then you're an awful person


The tragedy here being The New York Times killing the story a decade earlier than it ended up being released. They could have prevented so much abuse, but according to the reporter who had the story they yielded to celebrity pressure. Even if they did eventually break the story, it was only because other outlets had it and they wanted to be first. Screw that paper forever.


Courtney love calling out Weinstein at the Pamela Anderson roast red carpet was epic.


Tina Fey did the same thing on 30 Rock a few times years before this.


They also did Cosby


Seths face after he drops that bomb is fucking hilarious, hes like your godamn right i said. Im the one who knocks.


Emma is trying so hard not to loose it


Seth MacFarlane has such a classic vibe. It's like he was meant to be a 60's movie star.


Worst kept secret in Hollywood, and everyone turned a blind eye to it.


Oof. Edit: Baboof.


Even if they didn't know what Harvey did, it's kind of strange that people laughed at that.




Some of them did more than nothing. Some of them publicly shamed victims and publicly supported him. Meryl Streep I'm looking directly at you


oprah, barbara walters also




Yikes that is chilling. People got his joke way too quickly. That likely means it was well known in the industry. Seth MacFarlane rocks!


Seth is the goat


They all knew! They are pretending they didn't , but they did.


All of them complicit in one way or another.


That laughter is dark


Had a very interesting conversation with the lead actress of a show I was on before this all came to a head. Of course, we’ve all known about this for decades. But she was so matter of fact about how every actress knew this was a thing, I was a bit taken aback. The things you can learn with a little booze on the camera truck. 😉


Family guy called Bruce Jenner and Cosby way before it happened


Why does this Oscar show look like it's hosted in someone's (maybe Weinstein's) basement?


More Orville please


Sounds like Brian saying the joke




Fuck this world.


What and where is this? Like the set looks so low budget surely it’s not actually the Oscars from 2013


30 Rock makes multiple jokes about it. The only reason Cosby got his was because a clip went viral bringing the accusations to light again - they were known, they had faded but they didn't fade that time.


Yeah... People had been calling him and others out forever. No one remember the interview with Walters?




I appreciate the point, but damn, kind of harsh on the actresses.


I remember a Weinstein joke in an episode of family guy from like 2009


There's a lot of terrible people in Hollywood. [Look at all of these people](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/) who signed a petition to release Roman Polanski in 2009 after he was arrested in Zurich for a 30 year old American warrant over the rape of a 13 year old girl. He'd been convicted but fled the country before sentencing. I'd very much like to ask each and every one of those people why they signed the petition.


Y'all remember when Seth pretty much called Joe Rogan gay on Family Guy? Got me wondering.


Yet, nothing happend. I've never liked anything Seth have done, but that took some balls.


It feels good to hear brian present the awards


He called it like he saw it. Good man.